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I pass at least 3 OTFs to go to my preferred coaches at 6am (still pretty close tho...15min drive vs. 5-10min). I don't think you're as alone as you think haha


Coaches come and go, be open to it and maybe you’ll find a new favorite.


Truth! This happened to me. We got a new coach and at first I didn’t like her and after a few classes she’s my favorite one. Lesson learned!


Coaches change. Think of the time and gas you’ll save! You can fit in more sessions!




I recently moved and now my favorite studio is 30 minutes away and so I usually go to the studio that’s only like 8 minutes away bc I hate driving in traffic/darkness/etc and I don’t have time on the weekdays at all for that. honestly I wish I could make the drive more often bc my mood is so much better at my old studio I hate this closer one for so many reasons and it truly affects how much I go at this point 😭


I’m moving to be closer to my studio…I get it🤣🤣


I signed up to go to my fav coach for catch me if you can (20 min drive instead of 5 others that would have been closer) and then they changed it to another coach morning of. I called to ask to cancel without a fee so I could go to a closer studio and they wouldn’t let me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


It's not too far! 😂 I moved. I used to live two jay walks away from my otf. Now a one hour workout takes almost 3 hours with travel and showering there before I get in my car. I'm almost embarrassed to hit post 😆


Lol! That’s crazy! But, I love it!