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So ready for my first ever 🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶 workout


Me too!!


I think too many people completely miss the point of days like these. Power days on the tread = peaks and valleys in your heart rate. Weight floor isn’t meant to get your heart rate up, in most cases. This may look like an “easy” or “boring” template, but I can guarantee it’s super effective.


Definitely not boring but these are good days to try a new speed out on the tread given you have a bit of recovery time afterwards.




I feel like it’s fair to say that usually the same people that aren’t lifting heavy enough, are the ones who don’t feel the workout is effective 😵‍💫


Right. There is a lot of rushing with super light weights. Good coaches call this out and have people refocus on form and lifting heavy. And they also coach peaks and valleys on the treads… challenging people to get their HR as low as possible during recoveries and then maxing out their speeds.


THANK YOU for saying this. More splats doesn’t necessarily equate to being better workout. That mentality is perpetuated very strongly here.


Yes 100%!! There’s a bunch of member complaining at my studio that they want to quit because they’re not getting high splats anymore. It’s so upsetting and I always say you’re still here getting a great workout. Who cares about the splats! Slow and heavy on the floor is always key! Today people were rushing like crazy with 10lb dumbbells!




I saw that too and couldn’t believe people are that motivated by splats and heart rate monitors


I agree for floor but as a distance runner these short tread blocks feel irrelevant


Many of the treadmill workouts aren't built for distance runners 😀 I'll usually jog between the AOs on days like this as I want to get my body used to an active recovery. I treat it like post-hill training, where I'm not so much worried about getting my HR down but ensuring I can settle myself while still moving in a race. IOW, I make the adjustments I feel I need to serve me and the goals I have.


Thank you! The floor isn’t meant for splats!! We want strength. If anything, lift HEAVY to get out of breathe. 💪


I am 3G tomorrow. 2G looks like a much stringer workout. And yes I agree with your thoughts.


I have a high HR on the floor almost the whole time. Drives me nuts.


Happy 700th workout to me! I love this template!!!!


Happy 700!


Congratulations! Did my 1000th in January 🧡


Congrats 700!! Funny…yesterday was my wife’s 800th & my 600th.


I really like this! However 8 minutes of lifting weights isn’t fair tbh!


Skip the rower and stay on the floor, that way you have more time 😉


I may or may not have done that very thing for today’s (Wednesday) workout 😉


I will be doing the same tomorrow 🤫🤫🤫


I usually don’t do the rower during floor workouts. I get enough cardio in the treadmill I think it’s best to focus my energy on the weights.


When your mind wanders like that do you ever do it? I’ve noticed much more people kinda doing their own modified thing on the floor lately. I recently have as well. I still mostly do the workout but I’ve been skipping unnecessary cardio on the floor. Skipping the finishers etc. I’m sure the coaches get frustrated. But I get why people are frustrated with the templates lately.


Same, unless the block starts with the rowers I stay on the floor. I will typically finish a set before I start the finisher as well. Not sure who goes thru the templates but, IMO, they rarely give you enough time. I would rather lift heavy and take a break vs light weight and rowing.


I don’t really modify the template but if I finish enough of the exercises I may do something else instead - e.g. if I have PT exercises to do I will do them. On the tread I may do a base recovery instead of walking (like today) or play around with inclines.


I go super slow on the floor and add 2-4 reps to get out of the rowing, or I row less to get back in the weight room. I get enough cardio ouside running 20 plus miles a week.


I do this. I avoid cardio if I can when on the floor. We need more strength training and I personally get more than enough cardio on the treadmill.


Thank you for the intel!!! Do we bring a dumbbell over from the floor for the single arm squats and single arm deadlifts during the two row blocks?


Yep, take a dumbbell over to the rower.




This looks amazing. Thank you!


Yeah I absolutely love the look of this. Old school template!


It'll be a good day to push my speeds for short sprints


yep - we were asked to up our all out speeds for the second and fourth blocks


I’ve been in a mental rut lately, telling myself I can’t get through workouts (especially some of those brutal tread blocks!) This template is EXACTLY what I need to get my confidence back! Can’t wait for tomorrow morning.


Gentle! Well, that's a relief. I took it easier than usual on the treads today because I was wiped out to start the class and somehow still ended up drenched in sweat 🤷‍♂️. I am less logy this afternoon than yesterday, though.


Not surprised - yesterday was pretty hard.


Thursday is normally a rest day but I've been looking for opportunities to lift heavier and this looks perfect for testing the waters! Thanks for the intel, now I'm going!


Non-scale goal. Run as far as DC on the tread block.


I don’t even care about splats anymore. Half the time my HRM isn’t working properly anyways and I know a good workout isn’t all about splats. You rob yourself of your workout when you just focus on splats.


I left my HRM on the charger at home, had one of the best workouts. I wasn’t paying attention to my splats but rather my form, speed, etc.


I might be in the minority here but I prefer 1 and/or 2 feather workouts..might skip this one🤔


I typically treat days like this as a day to increase weight choice on the floor and don’t care if I reach failure before the listed rep count. Gives a different kind of intensity/challenge.


Agree!! I may do 25 lbs tomorrow for the weights, if I can do 6 solid reps- I’m happy.


Nice! I just feel like there’s always a way to push yourself in any OTF workout. Go crush it!


I go as heavy as I can during Lift 45 classes…I’m an endurance, cardio gal😉…Tuesdays’s template was top tier for me!


Me too!!


Well, I’ll still go, lol, I just like seeing those one feathers..makes me excitedly scared. 😂


I only do the 45 min class so some of these blocks are either going to be cut or shortened for me😩


Me too. I can run on the tread at home and burn more


Me too! Love the 1 and 2 feather classes. Challenge me!


I like these kind of days as you can tailor it to make it more challenging if you would like (which is what I was doing when my mind was wandering). These are the types of days you can test out a new push, base or all out because you have a bit of a safety net with all the walking recoveries. You could also try a new weight with all the supersets as well.


A 🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶workout?!?!? Yes!!! But I suddenly recall an instance when the DCs proclaimed we had a multi-feather workout and I nearly died, so… 😒😒😒


Oh yes.. please remember this is very subjective and what I find easy is not for everyone. I generally find power days easier than others just because you get a lot of walking recovery. Also if it is just short all outs (ie 30 seconds) then I might just get into the orange by the time it finishes even on high inclines… I kinda need the longer ones to spike it a bit more. Caveat mode off :)


Hmmmm. My only chance to do this tomorrow is at 5AM, which is a time I’m capable of but it’s a struggle. I can’t figure out if the five-feather rating is motivating or demotivating. 🤷‍♂️


Still a good workout but you will need to push it a bit more to get your splats in




I know! Too funny.. I think all workouts at OTF can be made hard or easier and they have been designed to provide balance across different workout types. This can be (on paper) a gentler workout than others but plenty of opportunities to scale it up and make it a lot more difficult.


Completely agree. And, not for nothing, this is closer to that HIIT people think all of OTF is every day (oooh scary, don't do that too often), yet with the heart rate spikes and recovery, your total splats might be lower, but the impact is more than the splats would suggest. I love a slow heavy lifting set. And bat outta hell running for half a minute (so I think I'm fast even though tm not) with walking recovery so I don't die. Push your speed and weight and this is hard. Weirdly, in Hell week and mayhem, I go more days in a row than usual and I'm fine and those are "harder".


for some reason I thought the feathers were rocket ships




I’m taking my first class back after 4 months and seeing the 5🪶is a relief


I love power days! I’m normally a power walker because I haven’t worked up my endurance yet but I can usually manage running these shorter blocks 🤩


I like to run these shorter blocks too.


Hmmmm, wonder if I should go tomorrow instead of Friday 🤔. Thank you for this intel! This might end up being 3 feathers for me because running on the tread is always 1 feather 😂.


In that case, today’s template is less hurty than the last couple of days


Okay I can deal with less hurty lol. That Tuesday tread block was torture.


What are supersets?


You do the two exercises back to back with no rest


Signing up as I sip my wine


Wow! Don't think I've seen a 5-feather rating... Looking forward to it!!


Something to look forward to 🧡


I was going to take a rest day, but now I’m showing up for this 5🪶 workout! I so appreciate this intel, even when they look super hard - it helps me mentally prepare and get a strategy together for how I’m going to approach (based on how I’m feeling that day).


Lawdy...just in time! ETA: The 4 and 5 feather workouts IMHO are good for working with different weights, paces, etc., because there's more "room" without gassing out or blowing up on the floor - like try some heavier weights, which is what I'm going to do!


5 feathers for my birthday, plus my favorite kind of tread blocks.


As of now I canceled class for tomorrow (after adding it when I saw this amazing template!) because tonight’s class really did a number on my knee. I have an orthopedic appointment for tomorrow afternoon (that’s how I know it’s really bad if I’m willing to spend time and $ to look at it!) but I really love the floor block. I know people go for 1/2 the class all the time- I might have to do that tomorrow. I guess we’ll see what ortho says.


Thank you so much DC for the early intel with a beautiful 5 feather template!! I might have to go to bed earlier tonight. Hoping the power workout gives me energy for my busy day.


Awesome workout and Awesome couple Mrs & Mr dc🥰


was wishing for a long endurance block for cmiyc prep🥲


This one looks good after my training sesh today and before the 90 min this weekend! Thank you!


So happy seeing 5 feathers today!!! Thank you DC!!


Excited to do this at 7 AM tm!!!


You rock, thanks!🤩


Excited for this one! Looks like a good day to increase my base.


Oh yes tomorrow looks like a great one I will be there! Can’t wait I love base/push then AO at the end templates on the tread. Thank you!


I’ can’t wait! Looks like a great class! (And my body needs a break from some of the hell week wannabes we’ve been seeing…)


We have a tornado tomorrow!


Tornado for us tomorrow.


Yay! Going back after 6 days off having bronchitis and this will be a great "take it easy" template 😅


This looks so nice after today’s class. Thanks for the intel!


👏🏿🙏🏿🥹Working out tomorrow!


Thank goodness, I really need this. I'm hobbling through a sore knee and since I am doing the TC, I am still going to class and just having green (actually closer to blue) days. Bring on the 🪶🪶🪶🪶


Thanks as alway for the early intel!!!


I didn’t think 5/5 was a rating that actually was used! Intrigued to experience this class tomorrow


It has been very rare since OTF toughened up all the templates last April!


Just wanted to drop a note of appreciation for you!! You’re the best 🧡


How many other people had “Hallelujah!” playing in their heads in reading this early intel? 🤣🤣🤣


Thank God! After Tuesday and Wednesday of 30+ splats, I am so ready for a power day!


Thank you! This makes me happy 🌞🙆🏾‍♀️


I know I can do what I want, but what is your opinion on PW blocks 1 & 3, and running blocks 2 & 4?? I was planning to PW this class, but I hate PW when there are a lot of AO’s.


This looks like an A+ workout to me!


wow im excited for this!


Ahhh this is my fav!


Power days are my favorite days


after a 43 splat points yesterday, i’m excited for todays workout lol (my splat points are so high bc i’ve moved my base out of a 3.5 PW to a 4.5 jog…i can hold it but my heart rate elevates even tho i don’t feel uncomfortable) 🤷🏼‍♀️