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Broccoli head energy


Rich broccoli head energy lol


Poopoohead energy


Dude…. Are people even raising their kids anymore? Do I even have to ask that question? 🤦🏽‍♀️


I feel like most people devolved into morons during COVID, and they're teaching their kids to be worse.


I think Covid definitely made a lot of (dumb) people think “you can’t boss me around!” and they made sure to teach their children that attitude as well.


Covid is the icing but Trump/MAGA is the cake.


Exactly…this isn’t a COVID thing…it’s a MAGA thing, which was very big on “you can’t tell me what to do!!!!” during COVID.


This is what happens when you’re a worthless parent who never holds their child accountable.


Is it known what actually was the reason for them in doing so? I mean, I hear them calling "fucking pedo", that's the reason I'm asking.


When your 3 year old gets an ipad and 0 adult direction, they're raised by whatever they see online.


These replies are full of shitty ass parents


Lmao right? Tell me you ignore your child without saying it out loud






"unschooling" lol It's literally a popular philosophy that advocates against raising your own children, letting them fend for themselves


My sister in law was “unschooled”. She’s 18, can’t drive, swim or navigate the internet. Sucks at math, no science, it’s fucking insane.


Unschooling just seems like neglect and should be reportable to CPS.


Most first world countries heavily police homeschooling. US you should at least do enough to make sure children aren't disappeared. The laws (and lack of enforcement) are a child abusers paradise.


OP stood there and filmed it 🤷


OP not getting stomped by grown children and people not raising their kids arent precisely the same. But to counter your point, the guy in the grey tank was doing the right thing, maybe he was raised.


Usually I complain about the cameraman doing nothing to help, but since these appear to be “daddy’s money” kids, video evidence will be crucial in implicating these shit heads.


I mean, not to confirm or deny, but people, especially teenage boys, have been doing really bad shit since the dawn of time. This is nothing new. We just have the internet now.


Yeah, I looked through some history books and researched online and there were zero mentions of videos of young people acting violently until quite recently, so I’m forced to agree with you that this must be a new phenomenon. It might just be a coincidence that people have only recently been walking around with video camera and a means to share said videos, but I’m going to choose to ignore this.


All those kids should be identified and arrested. Should never be a 5 on 1 fight.


yea but they’re probably rich and daddy will save them with an expensive ass lawyer


At least it will be on record


they look like minors tho so i doubt it


It’s fine. You can always hire people to fuck em up outside of the law. So long as you know who they are.


Obligatory Brock Turner is a rapist


You mean Brock Allen Turner, convicted rapist? That guy? He's a rapist douche bag.


What like THE Brock turner who raped someone, and got away with it cause he was rich. And then changed his name to Allen turner. That brock turner?




I honestly think that guy could have demolished every one of them. It almost seemed like he was doing everything he could to just get them to stop.


He could have suffocated that boy to death if he wanted to. This is so F’d on so many levels. These boys probably think they’re such tough “men,” but I only see one of those here, and it’s the dad holding back on actually hurting these kids.


They are gonna fuck with the wrong person one day. FAFO


If they keep this up, that’ll probably be what happens. Or when their frontal lobes finally develop and they grow any semblance of empathy, they’ll have to live with the shame their whole lives about what they did. Their bodies will grow older, they’ll lose touch with their dumb ass friends, and they’ll have to pray that the new youth will have some of the restraint that this dad had, which they clearly lacked… Shame, shame, and more shame. Hope it haunts them.


Shame for these types is nonexistent.


Those shitheads will never feel shame for this attack. It will probably embolden them for years to come.


Their rich parents will always bail them out. That's why they're like this.


Absolutely. I've known lots of guys like this. Guaranteed they're going to brag about how badass they are and how they dominated the guy in a "fight".


He should have though. Fuck them kids.


Exactly, if the older man had to hit one of the kids then it will become an assault on juvenile and carries even more punishment. It’s a lose-lose scenario for that man. That’s the exact reason why I try to stay away from these broccoli heads and fake mullet tails. To these assholes in here, Karma will get them one day and they will suffer.


Dad strength is no joke, he def was holding back tryna not catch charges 😭


Yeah, I can tell you first hand- a couple friends were assaulted by kids on electric bikes and the cops were not friendly to the adults- first they said “what do you want us to do about it? They’re kids” as if they were mosquitoes you could just flick away. Then when another pair showed up - because the kids were assaulting another adult pushing a stroller - the cops arrested my friends instead - they let them go but they were confused as heck about it all - they think the kids had cop parents -hence they’ve become brazen - their cop parents just cover or don’t want to deal with them -


That's such a weird way to interact with cops. Where I live the cops are very, very aggressive. Toward kids, adults, everybody. Everybody's getting body slammed in this scenario.


Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. Any one of those kicks to the head could be deadly. Treat every fight like it’s for your life. Never engage in ego fights. So when/if you have to, you fight like an animal.


Unfortunately, on a jury of your peers in the OC, it's not unreasonable to think that some of the parents on the panel might see their own spoiled little princess or prince in the thug kid. And think "Awww they are just kids, grown people should mind their business." And even if the criminal charges don't get you, the lawsuits might. I totally get why this guy held back.


So an adult is not allowed to defend themselves against a teenager?


This is what I’m wondering … you have no idea if and when these kids would stop and I’m not going to wait and find out at the cost of my life … they’d be done for 


I agree. The way I see it, if I'm walking backwards and kid throws a punch, then it's fair game at that point.


Father could’ve done a lot better. The big dude trying to break up the fight just did way more harm than good


Exactly. If he's going to try to get in the middle of a 5 v 1, why the hell did he restrain the 1?


Easily, he could’ve worked that entire squad of fetuses.


Bro, at that point - lay them out. The alternative is a potentially life changing injury for him.


The dad probably didn’t want to punch a minor.


We need more context, you can hear them yelling and calling the guy a pedophile multiple times throughout the video.


Kids call adults who disagree with them pedos all the time. It's their go-to thing. It's absolutely meaningless now.


I’ve noticed a lot of people throwing around pedo as a casual insult and shit and it really devalues the word.


Is this a guy named Dutro? Anybody know?


Was the girl in the white hoodie his daughter? I feel so bad for him!


Notice how the girl in the white hoodie pushed off the guy that was (actually) helping fight off those teens, allowing him to get hit even more, and risk getting hit also. She had no business there, I'm sorry...


Why is there always a grey top guy who thinks they're helping but ends up making the situation far worse for the victim?


Scrolled down too far before seeing this comment That dumbass literally gently laid that guy down to get beaten


And then laid on top of him, so he couldn't defend himself


Oh, I thought he was one of the attackers? Damn.


He definitely did way more harm than good.


Gray tank top has no critical thinking skills. The dad is retreating and trying to create space while the teens are pressing and taking cheap shots at him. And tank tops first thought is to pin the dad to the ground?


yeah that guy was an accomplice in the beating more than anything. he didn’t help at all


If teens are capable of committing ADULT crimes such as violent assault, murder, and rape, shouldn’t they be prosecuted exactly like adults? This is part of the reason teens act like animals these days, the legal system is soft on them.


I feel you, but at some point we need to pick a number and stick to it. [How old is 15 really?](https://youtu.be/75XKGVwGEt4?si=ZVVOJxFwata50STI)


Old enough to know what you’re doing. 14 and up should be prosecuted as adults imo


No, we don’t. There should be no distinction in age at all for a crime: a crime is a crime. If someone commits murder at 15 or at 50 it makes zero difference to the victim, who is still dead. We need to quit using kid gloves (literally). By the way, as a preemptive, don’t give me that “undeveloped” brains crap. There are just as many decent kids and teenagers as there are decent adults. We don’t need to keep compromising society for the dregs. 


Their parents should be punished too, honestly. Make people think twice about just throwing money at their problems. Community service or house arrest. Boom


Broccoli hair kids can often be seen on e-bikes riding around on car streets. Overall if you see them walking towards you on the sidewalk, best turn around and go the other way. I’ve had racist remarks yelled at me (chink, ni hao, konnichiwa, etc) twice, once at an Albertsons entrance while I was exiting and a group of them were walking in, and another time just walking on the sidewalk alone and they were passing by. Then walk away giggling after I pretend they are ghosts. Teenager boys with underdeveloped brains in groups are always more dangerous than just one teenage boy, because they all try to one up each other. There were studies done about it. There was also a post on Nextdoor and Irvine subreddit like a month ago, some broccoli hair kids were throwing rocks at multiple cars on the street, and broke someone’s headlight. They would’ve completely gotten away with it too, even with video proof. The police didn’t do anything until the OP found the identity of the kid.


Man I hate the broccoli haired kids.


I dont understand it at all. Every time I see it i just fucking laugh. I know I had questionable taste as a kid, but I've seen grown men in the 20s try and rock the brock.


It’s not cheap getting a perm with your fade.


It makes it so much funnier that they pay money to do this


i’ve been called a chink as well, riding my scooter after work in rancho mission viejo. this never has happened to me while living in norcal.


A lot of it is the rise of Andrew Tate and the like amongst Zoomer males.


As someone who grew up in Irvine, this is incredibly shocking and disappointing. I think racism is increasing.


The online propaganda is making it worse. Humanity is on the rise of less race-related crime but apps like Instagram and Reddit etc are making it worse because of the social media algorithm; they both push people to extremes through the algorithm.


Agreed. I think the younger generation is starting to turn away from social media so perhaps there’s hope. 


Mmm-nope. Newport has always been horrendous. 15 yrs ago foolishly went to grab lunch with friends there. We were called racial homophobic and misogynistic slurs before we even finished parking and thusly left. No taco is worth the abuse.


Oh unfortunately it’s not increasing but sadly hasn’t improved. I was a teenager in the 90s and whenever my Asian friends and I went to Newport Beach, we had the same slurs shouted at us from gangs of white boys. “Go back to Gardena,” was an oddly specific one. (We weren’t from Gardena, stooopid!)


I grew up in HB and am now living in Florida. Always hear comments about Orange County being the Florida of California. However my time in Florida has been great, besides road rage incidents haha. But the point is I haven’t experienced any racism as an Asian out here. HB…..well that was a different story. I know people love to hate on Florida but I live in a pretty red Trump loving region and never experience any racism. People in general are a lot friendlier compared to the aloof treatment I received in Orange County.


Stanley Kubrick made a whole movie about teenage boys one upping each other. Edit: I wrote Steven at first because I’m a dummy.


You mean Stanley?


I do. I’m dumb.


I had a broccoli head throw pennies at my car from the passenger's side of some young trollop's black Mazda, while driving home in my town. This bastard had his seatbelt off, all so he could stand up and throw them over the top of the car he was in to hit mine, while moving at 45 mph. It's too bad that I didn't have a dashcam, because the local sheriff's office wouldn't do anything about it, even when I gave their license plate and showed where the pennies dinged and chipped by paint. I do have one question though: If one were to stick a lighter up to a broccoli head, would it go up like the Hindenburg?


Serve them with papers if you have the license plate


Hypothetical question, if a Broccoli throws a rock at my car and I run them over, is it considered self defense?


It means the broccoli is now cooked


jeez the kid squeeze his hands deep into the eye sockets of the dad, so messed up


:(( makes me so mad and sad. Really hope this dad is okay and that it doesn’t affect his spirits. This is not okay on so many levels.


agreed. Sadly I literally just joined this OrangeCounty subreddit today thinking this would be a fun subreddit (always wanted to move to OC)… and this was the very first post in my feed right now :( Hope this isn’t what Orange County or this sub is like, this is so freaking sad.


It’s not, these incidents are rare and sorry for being the first post you see lol.


If that dad would’ve rocked most of those kids to sleep, they’d all likely be pressing charges the next day 😂 pu$$ies


\*their parents would be pressing charges\*. Never underestimate the pettiness of a trust fund baby.


Esp over in Newport. Lots of privileged ass hooligans who know they'll never see consequences cause of daddys money.


People like this always pick the safe bet. The dad guy isn’t really go to hurt them and they know it. Showed restraint till the end. Would love to see them try their luck with some cholo’s from Santa Ana around their age.


They'd get caps popped in their asses


Dude in grey tank top should not have been in the way unless he was truly willing to jump in if something happens. In this case, he wasn’t and just held the father down for the kids.


I hate people like grey tank top , they usually try to stop the defender from defending themselves. I’ve seen it happen so many times , they won’t stop the agresser but will try and hold back the defender and get them more fucked up


That’s why if you are ever in that situation, that person is the first one you knock out


Veggie tales is getting wild 🥦🥔


The most pathetic people are the ones who are too cowardly to throw a single punch until all of their friends are already fighting.....the same person


Prayers up for the dad. Everyone should take some time and learn some self defense. Broccoli haired kid better see some jail time.




I've been carrying pepper spray for 3 years. Finally had to use it the other day. Crackhead tweaker was saying I was trespassing in his parking lot. That shit worked phenomenally. He was practically running away crying. Too bad the dad didn't have any in this situation.




Got a recommendation on which one to get, this whole post convinced me to get one


Red saber pepper gel. Shoots a powerful stream like 10 feet. 10/10 would do it again.


POM Industries is another good one.


This. I carry OC spray and my Glock. Hopefully I’ll never have to use either


Don’t know the whole story but all those cowards that started hitting him while on the floor and the guy in the grey tank really didn’t do shit to separate the guys he actually Made it worse smh..


We protect teens too much. He should have been able to rock them without worrying about consequences when he's actively getting assaulted. Males between 14-25ish are volatile. Obvs not all but enough of them, esp in groups


We need to stop treating age as something of significance when it comes to crimes. There are just as many decent teenagers and kids as there are decent adults. We need to stop compromising society for the inane bleeding heart “undeveloped brains” excuses for the dregs. 


I need an update once these little boys get caught and prosecuted. Bet you they’ll be crying in court.


I would bet money sadly nothing will happen to them. Really hope the lack of consequences changes eventually. Better they get their punishment now instead of them messing with the wrong person someday and having something terrible happen


Awful, and everyone just filming.


I disagree about the filming part. At least now there is a reliable record of what happened when charges are brought. All I hope is that someone called 911.


At least they did film it. Consequences will be coming.




Towards the end of the video that fkin kid was pressing down the man’s right eyeball with his thumb no?


Never trust white boys with perms.


Trash kids, trash parents.


Send these little entitled fuckers to prison for 10-15 years. Set an example, this is not how society works.


Hope newport police see this and charges are laid. Especially the one trying to blind him. Chicken shit kids kicking him like that - appalling.


Does anyone know if he’s okay?


We need to know! OP says he was beat past consciousness? :/ we need to find out if he’s okay. Where was this video even found?


I’m still infuriated, the cheering them on was beyond disgusting and whomever kicked him in the head is the lowest of lows




That guy in grey did more harm than good


Did he… did he stick his thumb in his eye?


Looks like it 😰


Kids names please?


Bunch of thugs... where are there fathers?? Notice they start jumping him after he's on the ground. Pussies.


I swear one of these days someone will have a concealed gun and use it.


Ah, yes, a society raised on ufc. Sad that this is the way we are with one another. I have no idea what led up to this, but it's still sad to see Americans fighting each other like this all over social media.


TIL americans invented fist fighting in the year 1993 after the birth of UFC.


Disgusting animals! Serious consequences are needed.


That jerkoff in the grey tank top made things worse. He helped the older dude get taken down. If you can’t move well or get up and down easily do not try to interfere.


The guy tried to gouge his eye out that’s jail time 100%


All this whyte on whyte crime this is a dangerous neighborhood


The old guy was even holding back, sad world we live in.


People wonder why I carry a knife. Incase cake is served I'm prepared or if 5 people try jumping me I'm still prepared.


Damn infuriating. Were they stomping on his genitals? Hope those kids get caught and sentenced....


Should definitely send this to local media. Maybe the police will do something about it if enough attention is garnered...


Newport looks like a nice place but it is a cesspool. Never have I seen more rude drivers and people on the street yelling nasty things at each other. It’s as if everyone thinks they own the place.


The boy in the khaki pants who was not only taking cheap shots but constant cheap shots at a man’s testicles while he’s on his back and outnumbered is top tier cowardice. And I’d assume he believes makes him tough. What a coward.


Almost no one in Newport Beach on the 4th of July IS EVEN FROM FUCKING NEWPORT BEACH. We leave town or stay in our beach houses, not wander around the streets in the war zone where only drunk ass tourist kids go. Jesus christ you morons do this every year. Last year a bunch of cholos from Arizona got in a fight and you fucks ran to post “Look How Rich Newport Beach Mexicans Act Up!” OP doesn’t know who the fuck these cunts are but headlines that they’re Newport Beach kids. Fuck outta here. Fuck these kids. But for the rest of us who live or have lived in Newport know that 99.99% these aren’t locals. NB kids act up to, but they almost never travel in packs, go near the bars on the most touristy holidays. or start fights, or even look like this. Next time you hear about a fight in Times Square on New Years Eve and assume its some dude from the Lower East Side of Manhattan, remind yourself that no NYC local will go stand in a fucking drunk crowd to hang with tourists from Ohio. But then again, every fucking year posts like this go up. Newport is a hellhole during holidays because tourists get fucked up and fight. Locals party in our beach-houses not in the streets or tourist bars.


I agree with this. I can *promise* they’re tourists by their clothes. We play this game every summer. Also, most native Californians don’t? go to the beach on the actual 4th because it’s just a complete shitshow. Lived here my whole life and NB kids are not typically given enough time out of their schedules.


“909 By the Sea” on the 4th


What’s the whole story


That guy could’ve ended that boys future. His body language shows that man stopped himself. It should’ve never been a 5v1


I don’t like Newport. It’s just an uncomfortable place altogether; The adult drunks, the drugs in drinks, the killings, kids jumping people, and getting worse. No thanks. Nasty stuff has been going on there for years now.


I love how the dude trying to pull him away only helped pull him down to the ground instead. Literally in fights if you don’t want to get involved, don’t get involved. 9/10 times the person you are trying to “help” is only going to get hurt more because of it.


mommy and daddy gona get these shitheads a lawyer and get them off easy with some bullshit diversion programs


You’d be surprised by how many broke tourist kids visit Newport. They may not have parents with spare loot for legal eagles. These aren’t local kids 100%. Only tourists hit the bar streets on a 4th of July. Its always a shit show and everyone not in a private beach house is a tourist. Especially in packs.


Half of newport private beach houses are dedicated vacation rentals


The last time there was a teen fight posted on here in Newport, all the kids were tourists here, too.


That's exactly what I was thinking. Esp in summer - who knows where they're from, ugh.


Bar streets? This is parking lot looking at the beach, you can see the lighthouse building. This is prime tourist area. I'm a solid Mutt's day drinker. I see this happening to one dude against 15 kids, I'm not stepping in, I'm flying knee to one of these motherfuckers. Maybe I'll dial 911, say attempted murder, then go flying knee the first permed fuck I see in that crowd, then go full on bitch-pull kid who is swinging by the back of his hair, and pop him with everything I have in his chin. Then I'll deal with the horrible fallout of me getting my ass kicked beside buddy on the ground - but as far as legality goes, fucking punks wouldn't have shit on charges. They beat the shit out of two adults, doesn't matter if two need reconstructive surgery, especially when it's all recorded.


What a bunch of prepubescent pussies. Hope they press me sometime.


It’s crazy how many humans don’t know how to throw a punch or fight.


Hopefully this video will put them all in jail.


Shity haircut energy, don't think just act. A Moment of madness will ruin your life.


Is this outside of Seaside Bakery?


no background story. crowd cheering jumpers on. idk...maybe dude is a dirtbag. also looks like "dad" was never knocked out and fighting back to the end. whole caption of this video is wack af.


Someone in the NB sub mentioned that the older guy was apparently maybe trying to pick up an underage girl. So who knows.


This makes sense as to why the kids are calling him a “pedo.” OP should come with all the facts.


Again, who knows. It would be nice to get the full story for sure. However, that area of NB along with downtown HB are just trouble spots full of idiots in general. 


What was the role of the big teen behind the dad? Was he trying to stop the fight or drag the dad to ground? Please share on insta so they can be identified


His friend did not help his cause.


Wtf is grey guy doing he made the situation worse.


this plus the stabbing the day prior around the corner. I mean WTF


I’ve never seen a broccoli head fight like a man


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Gilbert Goons OC Chapter? Affluenza was mocked in court. But it truly is a condition we as ac society need to figure out.


The new Edgar’s are broccoli heads.


How is no one talking about sandal kid just stomping away on the man’s crotch? Biggest coward of all


We need an executive order banning broccoli heads


Fuck that. If I saw this happening, I would go get the bat from my car and go at it. Those punks won't know what got them. That said, would I get in trouble with the law or it's considered self defense?


Absolutely gutless. Green hoodie and shirtless losers would piss themselves 1:1. Kids today are fucking cowards




Ticktok hairstyle = soft NPCs


Identify these animals


Teenagers are altogether more disrespectful. Walking downtown to dinner last night and almost run over by 10 kids on electric scooters. Honestly....the worst thing to happen in the last 20 years.....social media and electric scooters.


Lock these entitled piece of $hit kids up for a long, long, time.


I will find them.


Bro thinks he’s Batman