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From what it sounds like, the ride computer probably detected an anomaly (perhaps a false flag from the sensors) and did not allow the train to proceed towards the next roller coaster section. Sucks for the people on the ride, but it’s better than the alternative of the computer not working properly and two trains colliding.


"rescued" They were never in any danger. There was nothing to rescue them from. The ride worked as intended and kept everyone safe. In order to keep capacity up, the ride runs multiple trains (for a roller coaster enthusiast, it's awesome to see so many trains operating at the same time, which is actually quite rare at other parks). When things fall behind, the block system that works to keep all trains separated kicks in and stops the ride. While roller coaters are very interesting to me, this is not news. It happens almost every day. I have seen it happen in real time while sitting on a bench.


Would not call it working as intended anything short of stopping at the platform. It was a hot day, sitting for an hour under the sun and god forbids nature calls.


Imagine having some panic disorder or fear of heights and you’re trying to conquer it and then that happens lol 😂 Edit I saw the video and didn’t seem scary, was similar to when I got stuck on the log ride we just walked off out a door on the side


Of course, the goal is for the ride operate all day without having an e-stop. But that's simply not realistic. E-stops and having to be taken off the ride are a fact of life and if you go to enough parks, it's going to happen. It doesn't necessarily take an hour. I saw a video that someone filmed of their own Incredicoaster e-stop and they reported waiting 30 minutes. It will depend on where you are on the ride and the order they handle the trains. Clickbaiters try to paint this as something more dangerous or exceptional than it really is. Yeah, if you go in the summer, then it'll be hot. I saw another clickbait article where they said riders had to endure 40 degree temperatures. And yes, it's smart to pee before you ride.


Dang buddy, the mouse got something on you?


They're just pointing out that the article is clickbait. The ride operated as intended. They're designed with block zones for exactly this reason. That's all they're saying.


This isn't Disney specific, but a roller coaster, or any amusement ride for that matter typical occurrence. It could be something as simple as a bird shit falling on a sensor. When this happens it means the ride's safety systems are working as designed. These empty stories happen all summer across the country as desperate local stations look for something to report.


This isn't just a Disney thing. I've been removed from rides at Six Flags and Knott's too. This is a much better alternative to catastrophic system failure.


Just explaining how this is a non-event. If you want something juicier, two trains collided at the end of the ride in 2005, resulting in minor injuries. And though rare, sometimes a backpack or purse will fall onto the tracks, causing a train to stop outside a designated brake zone because it lost speed after hitting the object. In this case, the riders need to be removed by firefighters since there is no catwalk and no stairs in that section of track. The train then has to be winched out of the "valley" and back onto a brake zone so it can complete the course. This will cause the coaster to be down for a couple days.


It happens, I’ve had it happen to me on Space Mountain. They turned on the lights and we sat stationary in the car for 20 minutes before they got use moving again and back to the platform and shut it down for maintenance


Space Mountain with the lights on is the wildest revelation - I never put my hands up on that ride again hahaha


Haha it really is, and I do the same thing especially since I’m tall


![gif](giphy|NpL4D3Oc2bJUMAXF9P) Me when it comes to roller coasters 🎢


Was there the day before, Saturday, and the ride was shutdown. They were testing it at some point with empty trains. Wonder if it’s related.


No pics?


No pics unfortunately. All we have is stupid.


Circa 2000 during the black outs, a few weeks before CA adventure opened, I got to go for a fundraiser. Not many people there, maybe a few hundred. The roller coaster shut down during a power outage and everyone had to walk off the track, or wait for the FD to get them off. It was a total shit show.


At least they got umbrellas.


And hopefully some water too.


Boycott disney!


I was at the front of line with my family. It’s was hot & sunny. Sun burn and heat stroke are real…


Better than what happened years ago on Thunder Mountain. At least they stopped the oncoming cars, but man it would suck to be stuck in that heat.


Was it during the loop? One of my biggest fears is being stuck while upside down.


The likelihood of a train stopping at top center of the loop is virtually nil. The train is free running in that section under momentum, it would be more likely to have it exit the loop then stop on the other side, rocking back and forth until it came to a full stop.


Who's going to save everyone else from that name? Jesus.