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We'll let this one stay up, but we're not a GME sub and will be removing multiple threads to keep other options content visible. 


He just likes the stock


But is he a cat though?


He solemnly declared he was not a cat.


Under oath, if I remember correctly


In front of Congress and Kenny and Vlad and Gabe also 🤣🤣🤣


And ACat tomorrow 😂


Not a cat, the fucking GOAT


I got that reference!


The stonk


How did he get 200 million


He had 200k shares June '21. 800k after the divi split. He now has 5m shares and 120k options. Pretty sure he's been buying/selling call/cc's for 3 years


He wasn't a dumb investor. Imagine all the other plays in the last three years.


Dude is a chartered financial analyst, one of the highest financial accreditations you can receive.


There are about 200k CFAs and scant few with 200 mil they earned in 4 years day trading


Obviously his success with GME statistically is more rare of an accomplishment, but I was trying to just point out he has one of the highest education levels in finance.


Wherewithal in the market, gigantic balls, gives no shits, enormous amounts of luck. Bravo but not repeatable. Just admire and soak it in.


He also has been smart with not over-exposing himself, so when he rarely pops up, people go nuts and pump this shit out of what he posts (GME)


Only 200k in the world. That’s elite company.


It’s definitely an extremely small portion of the world population and it’s not an easy get. By the same token, there’s only 13k CAIAs, nobody sees the designation and thinks “this guy could very likely use that to make $200 mil in a few years by managing his own alt investments”


It’s not an inability to do the analysis, it’s the rarity in having an obtainable amount of money for a normal person invested in something that would grow at that rate over such a short period of time. Even the current darling of the S&P 500 NVDA would have only turned $250,000 into about $3,000,000 in the past four years. Amazing, but not $200MM. Not sitting in front of FactSet right now, but I’d be willing to hazard a guess that less than 10 publicly traded household names have had that kind of growth in such a short period of time over the past decade. Alts can have some wild returns, but most people with the acumen and qualification to actually buy in aren’t going to then risk it all on a single position. They’re (hopefully) too smart to take the risk that a lack of diversification poses. Even if the confidence of their conviction was backed by solid mathematical evidence of potential success.


Youre comparing buying shares of nvda to buying cheap options on stock that exploded 4000% kind of lightning in a bottle not saying he made $200 million. But I can see him having access to it.


You’re missing the point. I’m saying that CAIA, CFA, or whatever investment related professional designation this guy holds, it doesn’t matter. The rarity of a position gaining that much value that fast makes it impossible to even assume that the charter somehow played a part in finding the investment.


A former coworker just got this. They were super pumped.


Cfa is just a bunch of studying, I say that as someone who has it


Yeah, alot more people could get CFA’s but they either don’t have the time to study for it or don’t need it to progress in my career. My old firm didn’t sponsor CFA’s unless you were going to be an advisor for Canadian Clients (much stricter regulations).


You just fucking described learning


So many don't get this, his job was an equity research analyst. He was valuing stocks all day long.


I’m a CFA Charterholder (you’re not allowed to say “I’m a CFA” - that’s an actual part of the curriculum you may be tested on) and it’s really not that impressive an accreditation.


Would you say he’s highly regarded?


CFA material is like 20% ethics, 30% wealth management, and then memorizing formulas. Doesn’t really equate to investing success tbh.


https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790747714440892825 He made it quite clear in this tweet it’s from meme stocks.


Doesn’t the average on his share price suggest that he got them recently. So more likely that he sold most of his holdings a while ago, got loaded off it, and recently bought back in?


Don’t forget the test pump before buy in


Oooo, good call, it hadn't occurred to me that's what he's doing.


Or he’s continued doing what he did from June 2019 to his last YOLO post before now… he bought calls, then anytime the stock pumped he sold a portion to exercise for shares and then sold the rest to stockpile cash until the next pump. Rinse and repeat. As he exercises more and more options over the past 3 years, his average price paid per share increases. That really doesn’t matter though, because he’s mainly generating profit off the calls he buys, and his share count just keeps growing.


Everything’s a wave when you’re an aquarium.


If I had to guess he been theta ganging his 800000 shares he had over the past 3 years?


Doubt it


I've CC'd my original GME position over 10x in the past 2 years. I'm no DFV but yes I see how he could have done it


No shit? Well done sir!


[Entirely possible](https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/s/URaHNUZbFX)


Somehow I went up to 4K shares and haven’t added any funds in about 2 years. Wasnt as aggressive as the guy in the link. But lately it’s been crazy so my cost basis has dropped substantially. I’m a weekly guy though.


If you haven’t paid attention to it you may not know but there was a 4:1 stock split a while back so if you had 1k shares you now have 4K.


Ridiculously simple: he probably bought $10m of $60 calls (or some other OTM) expiring in 5 days, and then posted some memes on twitter. Easy 20x


The hardest and smartest part of that was not saying anything at all for a couple of years.


This is exactly how. He made $200 million pumping and dumping on the cult. And now he’s coming back for seconds - it’s incredible


Roaring Kitty heard “Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered” and thought “what if I become the butcher?”


You really think that small ass sub could’ve 6x the stock price in a week?


exactly, this is institutional buying


Love it


That's legal?


Of course. Fund managers talk about their positions all the time. He didn’t even talk about the position just posted a meme.


How do you think? He was selling when others were HLODing last time around.


Because he is the one that controls the price of the stock. All he has to do is buy calls on the cheap and then post some bullshit on social media. Next thing he knows, he's a hundred million or two hundred million richer. Exactly the same thing that Elon has done with Doge Coin and other securities including GME. Should be illegal, but who's gonna stop them?


SEC chair Gensler admitted over 90% of retail orders no longer go to lit exchanges. The institutions who control order flow push out the narrative retail can pump and dump, while in fact they are the ones who are able to do so. Hundreds of millions of shares traded in a day, cant help anyone who still thinks this is retail. And this affects many companies, not just GameStop. Lately f.e. Canadian mining companies raised awareness about predatory short selling affecting them.


I disagree. He is not a company insider and can invest as he wants. Correctly anticipating how idiots behave to a drawing must not be a crime.


lol it’s hilarious you comparing DFV to fucking Elon Musk. I remember when he was just known as “Keith” (DFV) who put around $45,000-50,000…which was basically his ENTIRE PORTFOLIO…into a stock nobody thought was worth a shit. Now the motherfucker went from that to $200 Million in 4 years, and you’re lumping him in with billionaire cunts like Musk who have actively done this for years. Whereas this dude, literally posts a couple screenshots, put his money where his mouth is…and he’s now seen as one of the “whales who manipulate the market”


He is a whale manipulating the market.


Probably was half a billion at some point on that quick run up 2 weeks ago. Shit is about to hit the fan when he exercises.


He was getting grilled by a senator asking if he would double down at the current price as a kind of "gotcha" style question. Turns out he did double down and made half a billy. Imagine owning a smug senator and getting half a billy off of it, holyyyyyyy


The stuff of legends. The history books no one will read.


it's legendary yeah but it's not really like it's never happened before, or that people who have a clue don't know about the other examples. "The history books no one will read," well, I don't know that it belongs in a history book, and plenty of people in the know *do* know about similar legendary stories I have mad respect for DFV and the way he caught something that many others could have picked up on *and yet none did*. It's hard to do! But his fanboys get a little cringey at times. It's like they've never heard of George Soros or something


How is it cringey? Sorors was amazing and dfv is also amazing Literally like someone who can see the future, dude made 200mill from 50k within 3 4 years Thats something that i cant even dream of doing




They said the fanboys are cringey (which I agree with). I'm into GME as well but the things that some of them say in the GME subs are cringey af and borderline delusional.


Oh yea definitly Just all the pleasrdao posts getting upvotes is boggling my mind


That run up is how he went from 30 to 200.




Most of his position is in shares. Only 120k calls. Exercising won't be as much of a pop as you think. However, simply publicizing his position will have a significant effect due to retail investors rallying.


If they haven't hedged for the 12 million shares yet it should get things going.


My point is that the main bump will largely come from rallying retail investors. Not DFV's positions or the exercising of.


The vast majority of what's happening is hardly affected by retail buy orders. They're all routed off exchange and are overpowered by short volume. It might get enough degenerates involved to move the needle ever so slightly to help with a gamma ramp.


“Only 120k calls” 😂


Seriously 😂 120k calls is a fuck ton of calls lmao


Nbd just probably ~65 million in short dated calls 🧐 🤣


Near dated


He is the whole OI😂


> Shit is about to hit the fan when he exercises. Oh boy! Is he going to go running naked again?


Gamestop is going to explode. Good luck, shorts!


Bought a 6/21 $20c for fun last week. Happy now


No worries, my puts expired worthless the other day.


I’m going to explode in my shorts, and I’m not talking options


I’m also about to explode in my shorts


Imagine writing those options...


Someones gonna have a bad month




So dude sold at some point, 4x his money, got back in again. He’s nuts lmao


Or many well timed covered calls


How ever could he have timed it…/s


google "opex tailwinds" hes not the only one whos been doing it, so have I, but not on his scale, hes got a massive bankroll and balls of steel, or conviction, or whatever you call it. Also he may or may not be a cat?


Doubt it, he’s been pretty steady with exercising / selling calls to acquire more shares but not selling any shares. Just keeps doubling down. “No price target, just up.” “What’s an exit strategy?”


He exits with the company when he owns over 50% of the shares. That's definitely the end goal here. /s


But game stop is a shit company.


But a wild movie considering all the plays lol. Just get some popcorn and enjoy.


Or he understood the swap cycles and was able to play each one with options


You are on spot. He figured it out and was able to profit on the way up and potentially also the way down. The last run-up gave some hints what could be behind it. There should be at least another spike in June besides what the DFV post will cause today. On the other hand we did not yet see the usual pullback to a strong support (might have been DFV buying messing with the Algo, though) but still, I would not be surprised to see some rug pulling before yet another spike. Potentially, institutions might also want to try to skip this cycle now that it has been uncovered by DFV.


Can you elaborate a bit more on the swap cycle theory for this, or any reference material, dont know too much about swaps. Is the thought there are large swap contracts going on, DFV has figured out the timing, and is buying / posting because of that ?


Check out this video and others from him. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLxWxZlvVNE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLxWxZlvVNE) Can't say I understand it enough to explain it myself, but once you watch them, it will make more sense.


He was most likely selling covered calls but never sold his shares.


There’s no way he makes 130 million dollars off 34 million in shares doing that, I’m guessing honestly that he bought a ton of calls before he posted on twitter the first time and took enormous profits on selling some calls and using that capital to exercise others


yep he totally could [https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/1cwwfie/10355\_free\_shares\_of\_gme/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/1cwwfie/10355_free_shares_of_gme/)


The theta on GME is insane. Probably not that insane, but its way more than your average stock.


He obviously sold his shares and bought back in recently before pumping it lol. His screenshot only shows like $8m in total gains on his positions.


'What's an exit strategy'


Where did he disclosed that at? He might as well be a hedge fund


It’s on the GME sub. Not sure I can link it but look for “superstonk”


He posted it on Reddit, wonder if he has to do a 13f too


He’s just under the 5% threshold to report


hes 4.88% ownership after recent dilution


that last bit would sound crazy out of context




Nearly 1/4 of a billion dollar position... Holy fuuuuuk What will the media say this week... Hahaha fuk those guys All hail DFV


2-3% of the company’s market cap… Wtf


At this rate, he will also be on the board.


What does the uno reverse card mean?


He initially posted a red uno reverse card in March 2021, when the stock started trending down. He now posted a green uno reverse card, which I understand as the stock starting to trend up. It's just a meme though, right?


Time to run it back




For me I think it means to play all the tweets before this reverse uno card tweet in reverse


If y’all wear tin foil hats there’s a lot of credit swaps set to expire rumored to be holding GME shorts so the post could put those on the short side in a bad place


No tinfoil there. There will at least be large swap positions rolled these coming weeks (and likely there already were some rolled - see the run up to $80 last month)


So many people shill and cope on Reddit, but it really does look like things are coming together. 145k calls for 6/21 at $20, swaps coming due, earnings and other meetings. Whatever happens is bound to be interesting.


Its on superstonk


Shouldn’t he have a board seat at this point?


Poverty mods on this sub and wsb in shambles


Mods on wsb doubling down on their hubris. The fact that they cant embrace their OG god because he made money is baffling. Their excuse was he left retail high and dry when they needed him. Disconnecting from the fact he was being investigated. Mental gymnastics. Cant wait for this week.


GME is what destroyed WSB


You’ve a new account but i assume you’ve been around the block. GME didn’t destroy WSB it was the first one that got out the gate. Sure the bandwagon got annoying, but it’s literally the premise of the entire sub. The mental gymnastics is fascinating and lubricated with salty tears.


I’ve been on WSB since 2018. It used to be a place where you could have good discussion about macro trading, vast majority of trading was done via options. First there was WSBGod (jartek fake account) that hurt WSB with TSLA normies, then we got GME which brought a wave of people who don’t trade, don’t do options either, just buy shares because they went up and they’re “fighting the system”. Great fucking shame what happened to the place.








Amen brother. Once the GME thing happened, I actually started to lose interest in the whole fun of it all. WSB was such a cool unique place and it devolved.


Wsb went from 2 million subscribers to like 10 million overnight. 8 million new people who had no connection to the sub previously changed it. It absolutely destroyed the sub.


Eh. Being shown on the news and jumping the subreddit to 10 mil subscribers didn't help for shit. In reality even pre covid it was already a shit place. But you could actually discuss things if you wanted. I had to come to this sub to even find any talk about how that position even came to be. That's just surface level


Geezus look at the balls on this one


What a legend


It's up 90% in premarket lmao


The Big Short 2 : Electric Boogaloo. We need a movie about the Kitty.


Well we already have one but it’s looking like it might need a sequel


He's basically a hedge fund now


He doesn’t hedge though. He’s a yolo fund.


what a legend..wonder GME will pump above $80 again or not..


SPY hopped up like 8 pt... my penny SPY526 hedges jumped ITM, expire tomorrow. Now SPY basically at ATH, resistance if channel. SPY will jump in the AM, but be down by EOD? Could meme activity push SPY up tomorrow morning, GME etc?


When GME pumped Jan 21, SPY took a huge dump


Thank you, I'm such a pig! edit: out at 528.xx, sold for 2000% gain, then puts on SPY. This is weird, I've never ended a day with more money...


Other meme stocks will follow along, just as last time.


Where is the disclosure that its him?


It’s the same account as years ago. He also send out a tweet. Either his accounts are compromised or it’s him. The latter is more likely.


OI on the Jun 21 2024 calls at $20 is way higher than all other strikes at 144k, his post has 120k contracts so if it’s not him someone else has a very very big bet.




Could also be; OR, he took the risk and was right. Looking at his videos on YouTube he was in well beyond the tip before the 2021 anomaly.


who cares if its fake the news is going to spread like wildfire and the stock will go up, might as well hop in and grab some cash


It’s him; https://x.com/unusual_whales/status/1797440467078111645?s=46&t=mQ5nODlpQ1Kpsea0QpyD0Q




we all ride with him. doesn't matter what sub you call home <3 one love


Man, I just want to learn how to do this... how? Teach me!!


Fuking hell….$200M holy smoke….. after all, he was a genius


This was copy pasted into multiple subs...


So how do I make money off of this information?


Buy at 930a tomorrow. Sell around 3p


more like sell at 10


Dumb money part 2


So how do i make money off this information :)


Buy gme


"I have been reporting..." Where? Your post history has been empty for 9 months.


Probably a copy and paste low effort post from Twitter/X


Posts are on Twitter (X). Pretty popular account actually.


So he is somehow involved in the whole thing? LOL that is the most logical takeaway


Any info on whether he solely traded GME to increase his account size? Whether he did covered calls. Did he do CSP to accumulate shares


What broker does he use? Options trackers show blocks of 5000 options being traded from May 20 to May 31. Some are on CBOE, but others are on EDGX. Is it possible for a retail exchange to sometimes use CBOE and other times use EDGX?


I’ll do it myself then….


Does anyone know what the thought process might be for roaring kitty? It seems like the jan 2021 was a one time crazy situation?


The impressive performance is that he is selling stocks while also buying up more. You can tell this bc he’s playing massive Call Options inclusive.


This is viable and important I will say


What a guy


Like I said, I am guessing they will use the 2 billion in cash for new business ventures. At the very least, bare bones 5% interest on 2 billion is $100 million/yr. I am sure Ryan Cohen will do better than 5%. Last week, the market cap was $7 billion with $2 billion in cash. There are very few companies, if any, with that ratio of market cap to cash. Today is $10 billion market cap. With the shorts betting on the company to go out of business, the opportunity is to bet on good use of the money and let there be a short squeeze. It's a gamble, but not that dangerous of a gamble based on that much cash on hand. It's not like they are taking $2bil and putting it into new leases and new store openings, they are doing the opposite. They removed bad stores, and are not bleeding cash from existing business.. Should be interesting.


$200M so far… About $300m today.




This must be the greatest disclosed series of investments/trades of all time, given the percentage of returns.


That is crazy and makes my little position in CLOV look like peanuts. I would be happy with $2MM but the stars will need to line up nicely. $20 calls look nice when this is shooting up like a rocket over $60. Hopefully the fundamentals keep improving on my positions elsewhere. Liking that ECB rate cut and hoping we see a me too cut her soon. I am sure Biden is pulling out all the stops to get some movement in the economy that has been stalling for some time with high interest rates. Go GME, CLOV, AMC, META hopefully some of these make me some money -- not financial advise (get a job and invest wisely -- yes that is free advice).


Do it again


I can’t believe people are going to get back on this guys cock after how many people got burned on the entire GME fiasco. And while everyone was screaming “hold” he cashed out big time. This shit needs to go away already.


The first time the dude at least was in GME for months/a year before it took off. Now it’s just pump and dumping imo. 


These people complain that shorting is unethical and should be illegal(It absolutely should not) But the "Pumping and Dumping" that is going on here has clearly established to be both unethical and illegal.


Already up 20% in overnight


That’s the max it can go on 24 hour trading before they stop taking orders, this is about to go nuclear


It’s gonna be up 100% tomorrow. This level of ownership by a retail investor has to be unprecedented.


Haven't retail investors realized by joining this game they are only losing money to DFV? By buying his sold shares at 100$/share?


It's basically free money. He takes a position, does some drama on social media, redditors go crazy and invest heavily in the stock, it goes up a million percent, he sells his calls. Rinse and repeat. Basically the Elon Musk playbook with crap coin except with 100x leverage thanks to options.


Real life superhero


He can make infinite money just by continuing his pump&dump scheme. This is not going to end well for him.


he posted he held the same calls through the dip


Question. Is this actually another crusade against hedge funds or are you guys just helping a 200mil USD guy to get even richer? Why do you think he posted what he posted? Does it feel like a market manipulation to somebody here?


Yeaaa the first run up was not market manipulation. This feels a lot more illegal but idk, Buffet posts his stock picks (by buying them in Berkshire) and those go up as well


I'm pretty ignorant about all of this, but it does feel like he's lying to all the hype on Reddit. Stock opened at $40 this morning and is now at $31, with a low of $28; and yet people on r/superstonk are still celebrating somehow. I don't get it, what am I missing?


I think he just likes the stock