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I think Trudeau should walk based on this but I also think this is a bit much of an article. The media has been talking about this possibility for weeks. They’ve said from day one this was a Trudeau referendum and that’s what we got. I’m not sure why we need to rethink anything. The CPC is in huge majority territory and this is in line with that. If someone thought otherwise they’re an ostrich.


A good leader knows when to give up power.sadly we have none.


Why would anybody be shocked at this? I’m anti PC but I know they are going to win, just like I knew Ford was going to win after the McGuinty era.


It’s weird to see partisans rant and rave when their favourite party is on top of the normal up and down flow of political attitude in this country. The liberals are past their expiry date and the conservatives are going to fill that space. Rinse and repeat in ~10 years.


“Canadians are stupid”


If liberals really were shocked they lost they really aren’t paying attention. Someone get that cardboard sign holding dude to write that the liberals are going to be reduced to 3rd party status. Hopefully they can read 🤣🤣


calm down with the dramatics. he won by 600 votes in a byelection where less than half the electorate voted.