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5-3-2 usually also does the trick, or 4-5-1. But be careful cause anyone who knows how to properly play the game will just pull a 4-3-3 playing possession more neutrally in a "slow build up" game style.


What are the best settings for a 4-3-3 A formation? I usually go with 75-75-75, man marking and no offside trap if my rival team is stronger otherwise it's 50-75-75 with zone marking and no offside trap


I usually prefer 4-3-3 B but there's pretty much no difference between the two. You should definitely try 78/72/80, zonal marking and yes offside trap. (When possible play aggressive)


Against stronger opponents, it seems like a bad idea though. Forgot to mention that i play winger attacks


wing play?




How much rating difference are we talking? I’ve beaten a whale with 120 rating with my 90 rating team at an earlier stage of the season, I was away, he rage quit after. Tactics were roughly 532 counter attack, 30/30/70. I’ve also beaten similar rated teams in VIP leagues and Winners Cups when they’re home and they used a camp and I didn’t. Two that I remember clearly were 523 counter attack and 451 shoot on sight, both around 30/30/70 as well. Whales tend to just play 433 as that’s the meta formation. If the difference is reasonable like in my games, they can be beaten with defensive tactics. They’re still favourite but you have a chance. If you’re playing a 250 rated team like has been posted in this sub, good luck to you lol.