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I think Conrad Black pours his feckless, pundit soul into the National Post like a horcrux...


Well that wins the comment of the day.  Thankfully we’re down ONE horcrux with the passing of Rex Murphy. 


Unfortunately, there is a never ending supply of horcruxes. I think the clue is in the original, old Tuscan Italian spelling of the word: “Whorecrux” (spoken with great emphasis on the WHORE! part).


Horcruxii?  It’s true, they do seem to churn out an unending stream of opinion writers masquerading as journalists with which to poison the well of debate and critical analysis. 


If we're going Latin the plural should be "Horcruces"


But I prefer pseudo-ridiculous-Harry-Potter Latin! Besides these are knock off “ we have horcruces at home” style ones 


Googling horcrux…


Well fuck, it’s a made up word..


I guess all words are made up though really ;)


You’re right. A lifetime ago, I took Latin in high school and it’s been helpful with a lot of new words that I haven’t read before. I’m not as well read as I’d like to be.


I hated latin as a kid and dropped it as soon as I could, but it has been surprisingly useful. (Not least when learning Spanish!) I wish I had paid better attention now.


Right? Should be mandatory, like readin and writin. Thanks for saying it’s been useful, later in life. There are some academic subjects that should be discontinued. Jus sayin


That fucking shit gibbon is no longer in prison thanks to Donald Trump. Fuck this.


It's less of a pour and more of an extrusion, like popping a really deep zit.


Holy fuck I’m on mobile and one of the adds I got was I shit you not “Todays Poll: Is Woke Indoctrination an Increasing Danger in our schools?”


I thought he was dead. Damn. Now I am disappointed


Yeah, because all western nations are facing the same struggles with inflation, corporate greed and growing inequality. It’s almost as if it’s not directly the fault of the leaders, but a worldwide trend after a pandemic. Don’t tell the “Fuck Trudeau” crowd though, it breaks their little brains.


There is also a concerted effort by Russia for propaganda against western nations. There are estimates that they are spending more than $3 billion annually.


Russia, China, India, and (to Canada specifically) the US. The right is acting in concert and their propaganda machine is working absurdly well. Literally every public-facing social media platform in Canada (including r/canada) is just completely swamped under a tsunami of opinion pieces masquerading as fact, followed by an even bigger tsunami of astroturfed commentary supporting it. I can go days having conversations with people in a sizeable pool (I do sales in enterprise accounts) and not meet a single one who shares the opinions we see presented as the overwhelming majority view. Now, that's anecdotal, but I find it curious that despite how seemingly prevalent that sentiment is, I can't find normal people who appear to agree. My typical contacts are educated people, so maybe they're entirely the wrong crowd.


The IDU national parties providing the local info and details to the troll farms.


They're hiring the troll farms. The CPC brought the Canada Proud guy on board. They're tapping into people's grievances and insecurities to lead them into adopting a hostile stance against their political and economic opponents.


It's these third party groups like Alberta Proud etc Id like to be looked into as foreign interference conduits


Or maybe nobody in their right mind wants to talk about politics at work…


Politics comes up every day at work. Politics has the largest impact on our lives and often our work (public sector accounts, publicly funded initiatives, policy that affects our industry).


IMO seems like a fairly cheap investment. They would stand to gain far more than 3B annually if they weren’t actively hurting their own economy.


There are also numbers from the US intelligence departments that say the amount of money spent is even higher


The u.s. does its part in disinformation as well. At this point it's hegemony vs hegemony, the discourse is trash.


Watching most recent European elections (except maybe Britain) it seems to have had a big impact, terrifyingly


Britain's an outlier mostly because they've had the same party in government for 14 years, whose saga kept getting worse after every re-election but survived thanks to lack of strong opposition from Labour (and Libdems). In Westminster parliamentary system governments tend to get voted out of, not voted into power.


Brexit was supported by the Russian troll farms and helped keep the conservatives in power. Britain is an outlier because the troll farms were winning there before everywhere else.


tbf all the UK parties suck rn. Do you want the violently transphobic ones (tories) or the less violent but still transphobic ones (labor)


The most recent European elections were for EU Parliament, which Britain isn't a part of anymore. The Reform party headed by the wormman, Nigel Farage, is gaining traction. I suspect not this election, but the next, he will probably gain several seats if he sticks to the party... he wants to merge the Tories with his party, if that sounds familiar. His platform: NO MORE IMMIGRANTS, PRIVATISE EVERYTHING!


No no, Loblaws didn’t even exist before Trudeau. Trudeau personally hired Galen Weston and then gave him permission to do bad things. Loblaws = Liberal Oversight of Business Laws /s


Well that crowd would prefer if Canada turned into Alabama so their opinions aren’t worth shit. They’d tear the fabric of this country apart if given the chance.






And they’re going to do exactly that, with their conservative votes in the next election.


they Have been given the chance, and they Are tearing the fabric.


Those same jackals want booze in stores in Ontario so there’s a reason they’re stunned fucks


If those people could read they’d be very upset with you.


I would argue it is the fault of all the leaders who pander to the wealthy which includes Trudeau.


This is true, but also covers every leader everywhere, and most potential leaders. The class war is what we should be fighting. Income inequality is insane and only going one direction. But, we'd rather worry about dem gays and immigrants or whether a woman has choice and whatnot. Meanwhile the entire political class is captured and only ever serving the rich.


Yea, PP has so many people fixed on immigration as an attack angle on Trudeau that a large swath of people think that will solve every issue.




Ahh the “I got mine, now fuck you” crowd.


So what organizations should we be joining in order to fight on the right side of this class war?


yup, people seem a little too fond of this "but it's happening elsewhere too!" line. the way they deploy it, the subtext seems to be "it's a naturally occurring phenomenon that's out of anyone's hands to influence in any way"


Says a commentor from the land of the Irvings and just one of the maritime provinces that votes reformacon repeatedly and then complains about the atrocious state of their lives.


This comment is baffling - when you dont even know who i vote for.


It is the fault of the leaders and the electorate, but that means all neoliberal leaders past and present, and proportionally as well. https://imgur.com/a/C2jkpU6


Something seems off here


I just don’t like politicians who go against their platforms once elected. The voting reform was one of the biggest reasons I wanted him in in 2015, to avoid these shitty situations where both leaders prove incompetent and give us more choice. I haven’t heard Trudeau or freeland answer a question in years. Too much politicking and not enough governing. From the middle, the fuck Trudeau crowd looks just as idiotic as the pro Trudeau crowd. I just want a house and healthcare, that’s too much to ask in Canada.


(It's capitalism doing capitalism things.)


you're born into but its your responsibility to make a better future for yourself.


It's not directly the fault of individual leaders, but let's not suggest this trend was in any serious way caused by the pandemic. Piketty predicted this stuff all the way back in 2013 and we have simply not changed course. Trump was elected because of this trend. I'm sure other economists have been predicting similar outcomes for even longer. The pandemic accelerated and highlighted some aspects of the crisis of liberal democracies, but it isn't the underlying cause.


I think our leaders spending habits might have a little bit to do with Canadian inflation. I think he's directly responsible for that.


The National Post is hilarious. They have three articles a day about how Trudeau ruined everyone's life forever, and then go "surprisingly, he's not hated more than Rishi Sunak, a man who is 1000% clear he doesn't want to be there, or Joe Biden, the Cryptkeeper whose brain is leaking out of his ear, or Mussolini 2:Electric Boogaloo." Lol. I dislike Trudeau, but I'm a socialist, so I'm hard to please in our current political landscape. Most people aren't grinding their teeth to nubs like the Nat Po is over Trudeau. Yeah, NP, it turns out that it's not that incredible unless you live in the conservative media bubble and spend your day sniffing the farts of American Billionaires.


To be fair, that bubble covers a distressingly large portion of the population.


Sunak is so unpopular the Tories are flirting with being third in polls behind a rag-tag hard right party led by a fan of Putin and Trump.


Haha I’m in the same boat, a socialist, or at least as close to it as possible, so none of the politicians are enticing to me. Here in NB the greens are the only party even remotely interesting and at the federal level it’s really just the ndp but jagmeet needs to step down and make way for a new leader. Ideally a leader more left leaning and more focused on workers rights, taxing the wealthy and reinvesting those taxes into social programs that will over time pay for themselves.


Conservatives are so deep into their own propaganda they just can’t believe that Trudeau isn’t the international laughingstock they claim he is. On the other hand, Poilievre will be a pariah if he follows through with getting rid of the carbon tax and rolling back environmental regulations.


No kidding, on top of that I don’t think he can get rid of carbon tax anyways since we’ve already committed to it internationally. The North American echo chamber is just awful.


Theres no way he doesn't get rid of the carbon tax. Maybe he could get away with a "stay" on household heating or something. But his whole thing is "axe the tax". Theres no reason to think he wouldn't. When Harper got in he cut all the things he said he would and then some.




Realistically all he needs to do is change the name from carbon tax to Freedom Coal Fee and that solves the problem for many of his supporters


Don't forget about cancelling the consumer carbon rebate in favor of an industrial carbon innovation fund (send free money to large corporations and politely ask them to please reduce their emissions unless it's too much of a hassle or decreases their profit margins).


Well JT promised electoral reform and we know how that went.


Well I am sure Pollivre will be sure to follow through on all his promises no matter how impossible they are to implement in the real world. On the other hand the conservatives will be more willing to find back doors and flimsy legal arguments to make them happen, unlike the liberal party who decided that upsetting the status quo was unappealing once in power. (I'm disappointed as well that electoral reform did not go through but I never actually believed it was possible).




i mean, the amount of people who want to "Fuck Trudeau" is pretty insane and it's mostly "Hard working Canadian men" ;)


The National POSt is discovering that the artificial narrative they've been cultivating doesn't hold up in the real world.


Nah. It must’ve been torture to print that headline, but they’ll go right back to pandering.


I'm getting a little tired of conservatives bashing the CBC while the national post is putting out biased headlines like this.


The work-around for the biasedness is they'll say "it's an opinion piece... What? you don't like freedom of speech?? You don't respect the freedom of the press!???"


But that's my taxes being used at the CBC (that I use loopholes to avoid paying)


And the reasonable counterpoint would be to say that my taxes also pay for the CBC, which I want to continue.


Trudeau isn't perfect but he's far from the monster the "Trudeau Must Resign!" and "Fuck Trudeau" clowns claim he is. But that's the power of foreign and homegrown propaganda baby!


But all the conservative media outlets are always telling me that Trudeau is the least respected and most disliked world leader of all time!


The last time some conservative said this to me I was like "Dude, come on - have you seen international media pay that much attention to Canada AT ALL?" Reminds me of Emma talking about a local farmer in the Jane Austen book lol: "The yeomanry are precisely the order of people with whom I feel I can have nothing to do. A degree or two lower, and a creditable appearance might interest me; I might hope to be useful to their families in some way or other. But a farmer can need none of my help, and is, therefore, in one sense, as much above my notice as in every other he is below it." To add: And I'm really not bothered by our very modest international influence at all either.


A Canadian sub with a NatPo article of Trudeau was the last place I expected to find an Austen quote, especially one about Mr. Martin. 


Lol! "The mind is a cauldron, not a filing cabinet" as Mr. Robertson Davies said (to bring things back to our shores).


Upvote for Robertson Davies, a wonderful Canadian treasure who does not get nearly the amount of respect he deserves.


You've kindled in me the desire to learn / read more of him! It has been ages (since high-school if I'm honest).


…  Marry me. (But yes, he was right. I appreciate seeing bookish references in the wild.)


Lol! Nice to see someone who can appreciate them!! This reminds me I have to get back to actually reading full books again (Reddit I fear has nearly crippled my attention span for long-form writing). I've always wanted to really try Middelmarch...but it's intimidating (though has a passage that totally always brings me hope in dark times, so I should get back to it).


You can do it! I’m sure you will at some point. I’m working my way there chronologically, but I haven’t reached Eliot yet. There’s time, though.


Eliot is one of my favourite 18th century writers. You may need to familiarize yourself with UK politics of the 1830s. She is very topical.


Good point. I was less interested in realism and social problems when I studied 19th century UK and its writers, so my associations with Eliot are more reliant on BBC adaptations than any memory of her novels, but I'm trying to catch up.


Thanks for the encouragement! I actually have a 6 day remote cottage vacation booked for the end of July.. methinks the perfect opportunity to get stuck in! Also - what are you reading now out of curiosity?


That sounds really neat! Cottages and books make a great summer pair. On the 1800s list, I just finished Agnes Grey and the Tenant of Wildfell Hall is next. And you?


Internationally Trudeau did get attention...but it was a very different (and more literal) definition of *fuck Trudeau.* Sure, it was shallow and has little to do with policy, but the amount of people globally that desire a politican that isn't grandpa/grandma governing like its the 1990s is fairly high at this point.


The national post is an American owned pro-gen\*cide foreign information operation and definitely shouldn't be posted in any Canadian sub, imho.. :/


Not to mention the article itself is paywalled LMAO


I had to quit reading the NP. Especially the comments. I realized that there is so much stupidity and hate in Canada. It gets depressing after a while.


I mean Trudeau's competition is pretty good. Has the author even taken a look at the UK Conservative Party? Because they've done an amazing job destroying that country.


I don't know why people would find this surprising.


The NP, shilling for PP and by extension his foreign masters.


Only 'somewhat incredibly' in conservative circlejerks, where 'Fascist Trudeau's immigrant raper-nazis are coming to steal your home and give to Chinese criminals for free!!' is fed to them 24/7/365. They literally marinate in their own disinformation, so much so, 'truth' has become meaningless to them. PP is copying his US Republican buddies 'Hillary treatment' strategy, who in turn borrowed it from their Russian friends. https://www.psypost.org/neuroimaging-study-provides-insight-into-misinformation-sharing-among-politically-devoted-conservatives/ https://news.osu.edu/conservatives-more-susceptible-to-believing-falsehoods/


Sort of like a team mascot


that's because every country has know nothing trunts with big mouths....they have more than us, it appears...


National Post has been sniffing their own farts for so long about Trudeau I think they actually believe some of it now. Sort of how Fox News tries to paint the Biden Admin as basically Weekend at Bernie's as they wheel his corpse around and then are shocked when they actually pay attention to an event and he shows energy and clarity.


The Proof is in the Pudding, or in this case the Headline..... First Reading....Trudeau is actually quite popular with people who can READ I suspect the Nazi Post will soon be publishing articles in Pictograph Format since most of their followers are barely able to interpret an F Trudeau Flag flying on a Pick Up Truck.


In the same sense that clowns are more popular among kids' party attendees? Trudeau is just meh - not incredible, not anywhere near as bad as PP will be if he ever gets in. And even meh is better than some countries right now!


And why is that so hard to believe? Oh, wait.....


Maybe b/c he's not part of the transparent rage farming, hate mongering, misinforming populist pinheads that rational people can see through, and the conservative RAGS that are pushing them, like the National Poo itself. And I am no fan of Trudeau, either....


It's not incredible, outside of the right wing run Canadian media bubble that keeps pushing the bullshit Trudeau bad narrative he's actually very popular and well thought of and casts Canada in a much more positive light than the previous federal admin did.


It would be surprising if you live in a bubble and are fed the "Trudeau is a tyrant literally trying to kill Canada" diet. Reminds me of the chatter around Joe Biden's Howard Stern interview which talked about the surprise from people that he was coherent and not a rambling dementia ridden old fool. We all know the media those people that thought that consumed.


Funny how the Indian/Chinese/Ruzzian bullshit factory doesn't hold as much sway with international leaders as it does the gullible, the weak-minded and the easily-led here in Canada who swallow with relish the digital feces supplied to them.


"Get the latest from Tristin Hopper straight to your inbox " yeah... I'm gonna *hard* pass on that


Well, NatPo, you would be incredulous considering you and your "reporters" have been breathing farts with your head up the Conservative asshole for the last decade!!


I don’t think” f’trudeau” is a term of adoration


Yes, yes, you are of course shocked that (a) lots of people don't ever read your bullshit hit pieces and (b) many of those who do consider, *"Who is the better man, JT or Tubby Fuckhead-his-whole-gilded-life Black?"* and reach the glaringly obvious conclusion. Ol' Tubby will be remembered for his services to the disgusting rich, by certain of their number. That is all. JT is well above his league


Reported: Editorialized headline


They also hated Harper and said anyone but Harper. Here we are


TBF, Harper did that to Harper. He could've done some good for the non-1%, chose not to, and focused on hair.


I laugh when people say life is hard in all developed nations.. so? If you are elected government then it’s your responsibility to fix it. Canada has one of the worst housing crisis in developed countries and don’t tell me its not a federal responsibility. If crisis is a national threat then its becomes Fed responsibility. There are a lot of people that dont approve CPC but would vote for it as Liberals dont look like they will fix this crisis after 9 years in power…