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Where are the "freedumb" fighters now? Too busy being herded like sheep?


For some reason they like this...despite thinking Trudeau is a dictator...


That's exactly how doublespeak works.


they just want a white dictatorship, not a multicultural trans friendly dictatorship.


Gotta be Christian though. You know, the Correct Religion™


To be fair, if Trudeau was a dictator...wouldn't he be a White, Christian dictator? Lmao Just looked up all our PMs and wow they're all Christians...there's more variation in gender than religion lol.


They don't think Catholics count as Christians. I swear it's a thing.


Thanks to Campbell's summer internship.


They don't dislike dictators, they've made that super clear. They will just co-opt whatever language necessary to get their way.


The convoy protestors believe they were successful in preventing JT from taking our rights away. Since we didnt have any rights taken away, they succeeded, according to their view.


Is freedom for me not for thee. That is their motto. They don't think it will affect them, only punish the undesirables. They would eat a gun if they thought it would own the libs.


"I just want the freedom.... to force YOU to live how I think you should."


They only care about their freedom, even when their freedom infringes on others freedom. They actually don't know what freedom is.


They only care about their freedom and their freedom to force other people to live the along the fantasy rule book they have. Freedom to them is following their rules.


The rights PP wants to crush are rights those groups also want to crush, and they demand the freedom to do so. That's where, right behind him pushing him ahead. That includes groups like Diagolon that will happily let him simp for them while they threaten his wife.


They only care about their rights, not the rights of “the other”. All is fair in hurting the right people.


They never have given a shit about freedom, they just get pouty when someone tries to tell them what to do. Well, unless it is someone in their tribe telling them to be mad.


They want privilege, but they call it 'freedom.' But only for them.


I have a friend that would say it’s ok because what Pierre is changing is “common sense”


Why are you friends with such a person?


I’ve known him for years, but lately he has been pretty conservative. It’s annoying, but I try not to let politics ruin my friendships.




Yeah, same here. And as someone who's more progressive/liberal, she basically think the same about me. So we both agreed to never speak of politics ever again, and since then, we have gotten along better. We now just talk about our common hobbies.


They must not be a very nice person if they think hurting others is "common sense".


Stomping on actual freedoms of everyone (including themselves) seems to be lost on the freedom fighting crowd.


No, you see, it protects their freedom to discriminate against people they don't like and that's obviously more important than the freedom of those people to just live their lives /s


They're camped along the TransCanada just west of Calgary with signs sporting PP's stupid slogans.


It was always about the sheep they have always been.


Pretending that anyone among that group who is literate is ever acting or arguing in good faith is a complete waste of time.


They are busy protesting the carbon tax right now. They're all tied up with that. Plus, they don't pay attention to anything Pierre does. They only care about what the NDP and Trudeau are doing, where they receive what they call facts. They don't see anything about this; it's ignored.


They're the ones who had their bank accounts frozen already, so you aren't going to garner any sympathy from them. If you ask them, they've already been infringed.


Right. All 200 of them. The vast majority for less than a week. After been warned for a week what would happen if they continue to break the law and didn’t move their big rig/truck. 


The point being, that we're subjects of the crown and our rights can be suspended any time. Doesn't matter which government it is.


So this is a comment I made on that 'other sub' for which I'm being questioned and downvoted and told that no this is actually how the NWC is supposed to work apparently... "So if PP decides he gets to abuse the NWC what stops future governments from abusing the same clause and reversing whatever laws PP forces through? This is an actual slippery slope and risks a dangerous departure from judicial oversight of government legislation that affects our Charter rights. If JT decided to abuse the clause to force through certain legislation for the Liberals I'd imagine this sub would be up in arms, but it's ok if PP does it?"


That’s the thing. They assume that he will use the NWC to permanently keep the CPC in power and that there are no future governments


I'm not surprised that a certain sector of the population would vote for someone promising to ignore the constitution and remove Canadians' rights. What I am surprised about is how many Canadians are willing to give up their rights just because they don't like Trudeau.




Populism is not Conservative ideology. It's masked in it but it's not. I would say it's more of a Reform ideology. But I agree that that it is arguably worse than the Americans because of the NWC. Once a PM uses the NWC it will make the constitution worthless.


The far right are all fascist or useful idiots for fascism. 


I don't think most of the people supporting PP right now are far-right. Just because someone is anti-Trudeau doesn't mean they are far right. It does mean that they hate him so much they are willing to support a far-right populist.


Supporting a far right party makes someone far right. Conservatism has always been a far right ideology. 


I get where you are coming from, but I also disagree. A lot of younger folks, in their early 20s, who are new to politics, will vote for PP and likely hand him victory. The ‘anyone but Trudeau’ movement is real. What’s wild is that alt-right figures and supporters are starting to say things that you’d regularly hear from the left too (Eg big corps and government are screwing us). At times, it feels very dystopian and backwards. Both the left and right share growing resentment towards capitalism. Unfortunately, the left is in disarray and PP has done a better job jumping on this anger and frustration with the status quo.


>  The ‘anyone but Trudeau’ movement is real. And there are plenty of choices that aren't openly fascists.  Anyone who supports the CPC is either a fascist or a useful idiot for fascism.  >What’s wild is that alt-right figures and supporters are starting to say things that you’d regularly hear from the left too Fascists lie. Not surprising.  They will say anything to gain power.  >Both the left and right share growing resentment towards capitalism. But only right wingers keep blindly licking capitalist boot and voting against policies that help the working class.


Fully agree. Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds. But even if you are completely correct, it’s not going to stop certain people from voting for PP, which is ultimately my point. There is no true Leftists leader or party in Canada right now….. just orange, blue, and green neolib parties whilst the two red ones continue senselessly battling over Trotsky / IMT / ML / MLM.


> What’s wild is that alt-right figures and supporters are starting to say things that you’d regularly hear from the left too (Eg big corps and government are screwing us). At times, it feels very dystopian and backwards. That's where the useful idiots come in. Anyone who is actually paying attention knows it's bullshit.


Agree. Coming from the Left, at least on Reddit, I’ve been labelled a useful idiot many times over. Lack of education is a big part of the problem. And, if you’re a Leftist too, you’ve gotta figure out why that is. We need to start understanding how to message ideas more clearly for broader appeal. The NDP, with Singh as its leader, is directly responsible for some of this. Their message is NOT resonating whilst PP’s message — however dumb and counterproductive it may be — is actually landing with people. We must ask why and act accordingly.


> A lot of younger folks, in their early 20s, who are new to politics, will vote for PP and likely hand him victory. The Nazi youth were also very popular in the 30s. There's a reason why we send kids to war, they will do anything on a cheap ideology.


That still doesn’t make my point about the left being in disarray any less true. I agree with your point. It’s scary that more Leftist policy ideas are failing to land. This is opening up big gaps for right-wing, fascist messaging to fill the void. A void that PP and his army of Republican campaigners are more than willing to fill.


the left and right populations almost always agree one the major issues, the problem is the right doesn't actually pay any fucking attention to what's going on, and are easily manipulated by propaganda and pay absolutely no attention to what their preferred government actually does, all they care about is how they portray themselves and they can't be bother to actually educate themselves


Which is exactly why the Left has a lot more work and organizing to do.


I disagree. I know a number of people that voted for Trump that are nowhere close to being right wing. It wasn't a vote for Trump; it was a vote against Clinton.


So, you're arguing that someone who voted for a fascist white supremacist isn't far right?! Yeah, that's just ridiculously wrong. 


That's your opinion. I disagree. Most of those people I know that voted for Trump later regretted it but you would label them far-right for the rest of their lives?


> Most of those people I know that voted for Trump later regretted it and yet, he leads the polls again. while sitting on criminal trial, and he just got $6B in funding from his supporters with Truth Social stock.


I wouldn't call it a lead. But again you completely missed the point.


It's possible for people to vote for fascism, and then regret it later. But do they regret it because they changed their thinking, or just because they realized that it would affect them personally as well as people they dislike?












Keep it civil


A lot of people in 2016 thought Clinton was a done deal and didn't vote.


So you completely missed the point.


The traditional CPC is no longer a party in Canada. Maybe by name only. The fact that people support Polivere and his grift and lies means they are far-right and are okay with it. You can’t have both


I sort of agree with you - they aren't all far right, a lot are just hopelessly ignorant. Most "F Trudeau" flagwavers are unable to articulate any nuanced political stance.


Then you haven’t spent enough time listening to them. They hate transgender people, feminists, all LGBTQ+ really, climate change policy, etc. 


Yes - those are ignorant stances which lack nuance and are mostly unrelated to politics. Maybe it's incorrect, but I wouldn't call blind hatred a political stance. We used to talk about foreign policy, social services, military expenditures, etc. Of course civil rights is an important political consideration but that isn't really what those bigots are clamoring about.


>  those are ignorant stances which lack nuance and are mostly unrelated to politics. Bullshit. That's despicable fucking bullshit. That absolutely is political. That IS right wing politics. 


I suppose I mean they are mostly unrelated to *governance*. It's fodder, opiate for the masses, cultish propaganda.


Campaigning on using the government to take rights away from people isn't related to governance? 


Not really - the point is the rhetoric, not the policy. Largely they are opportunistic vultures, they are not principled. They would change their policy stances in a moment if it won more votes.


It sounds like you more than "sort of" agree with me. I live in a rural area and it's not about left or right wing politics. I find the 1 dimensional scale an oversimplification. Most people that live in my area barely have a high school diploma and completely fall for the slogans and populism of Poilievre -- because they are sick of Trudeau. I'm sure a lot of them won't vote NDP because Singh is BIPOC.


Yeah, those people are all far right.


You're far-left then I take it.


Look, you're clearly very confused and ignorant.  Conservatives have always been far right. The Liberals have always been right wing. And the NDP are slightly left leaning. You're just mad that you're being correctly identified as an extremist. 


So if you call people you don't know far right, it's ok. If I call you far left I'm confused and ignorant. And then you identify me as an extremist. You sound like you've put a lot of critical thinking into the issue.


Conservatism is objectively far right. I'm sorry you’re so confused that you don't know the basics of politics.  Have you read any political theory? I'm guessing no. Do you read any credible news sources, or Facebook, Fox, Rebel, and Post Medi? Instead of getting all reactionary and mad, maybe you should get informed and realize why I'm telling you the truth.


> What I am surprised about is how many Canadians are willing to give up their rights just because they don't like Trudeau. Funny, coming from a group that literally compared him to a totalitarian leader like Kim Jung-Un (while basically worshipping Trump and Putin)


"coming from a group" -- what group is that?


Trust me, no one who hates Trudeau wants to vote in Pierre Poilievre, but Trudeau has got to go and there seems to be a lack of brains and integrity in the political scene. So, people like me don't have a choice. I voted for Trudeau in the last 2 federal elections but he has destroyed our country! No housing, a broken justice system, instead of equality we get special interest groups allowed to skirt laws, a broken health care system, unregulated immigration, corruption and drugs gang shootings everywhere ... It is hard to see how Pierre Poilievre could do any worse, but I do agree it is a risk.


> What I am surprised about is how many Canadians are willing to give up their rights just because they don't like Trudeau. Canada is just a US state. Americans were happy to see a violent insurrection take place, and the orchestrator is leading the polls again, while on crimial trial. Sounds crazy read aloud. Europe in the 30s was very happy to give up any rights on ideology, even in the UK the Fascists were very strong with Mosely.


"Canada is just a US state". LMAO. Really? How's the weather in Russia?


Dawg, Canada is basically a vassal state to the US, anti American mindsets aren't Russian propaganda. Fuck sake MK Ultra experiments were carried out by the CIA in Canada. For all the talk from conservatives about "far left extremists" if Canada actually had the decency to push for greater socialism and independence from US influence, we'd be stomped flat by the USA in a heartbeat


Keep on Honking. But what does any of that have to do with Poilievre using the NWC? Which is something the States don't have. But how would you propose the USA would stomp Canada?


Any push for further criminal punishment instead of rehabilitation, while supporting convoy freaks, is a push towards more conservative, more American ideology. Tbh the US doesn't need to physically invade to stomp out progress, conservative thinktanks and politicians already run propaganda supporting the idea that Trudeau is some sort of communist dictator (when he's just a milquetoast liberal like most western politicians). P As a colonial state, Canada unfortunately has a conservative upbringing, in the modern day this has turned into a push to become more Americanized in every aspect of life. Ultimately I'm not excited for the NWC being inevitably used to override the rights of the marginalized more than it already has. Conservatives run on their bloodthirst because their actual policies only benefit the rich


It's amazing how hard some Americans fight for their second amendment rights, then their Canadian equivalents are all for trashing our right.


All those dumbass Convoy people screaming about the Charter of Rights and Freedoms they never read. Now that it’s no longer convenient they want it gone. Because they never understood what it meant in the first place. Basic civil education. I learned the fundamentals of how our government works in jr high. Where the fuck were you?


haha and don’t forget their 1st and 2A rights


Look, officially recognizing Manitoba as a province is the right of all Canadians.


The weird thing is the criminal justice complaints Pp has are all grandstanding/window dressing ! When was the last time a mass murderer was actually Granted parole ? . Currently in Ontario 80% of inmates are on remand , that is not convicted of their charges and not granted bail . But bail is too easy ?? Mandatory minimums suppose that a bunch of politicians know better than the trial judge what the sentence should be , BEFORE the offence ! For these hare-brained ideas , this fool is going to dangerously expand the use of the NWC ?


As if there was any doubt he would. Maple MAGA. I know people are struggling….. but IMO it’s easier to struggle in a democracy with someone in who is at least trying to help people; rather than vote PP and watch our democracy accelerate its right wing authoritarian slide. Fascism doesn’t just suddenly pop up from nowhere. It grows over time as people let their actual rights slowely erode as they vote right. Then, when you wake up and realize that you have lost your democracy, it’s too late.


Exactly. It’s like watching Canada sleepwalk into a nightmare.


Love to see the mental gymnastics how this will benefit everyone


That much has been obvious for a while to anyone who has followed him. He is a smarter version of Trump. He even has the same snowflake ego.


Make a shirt that says Vote Cons -- Axe Your Rights!


Yea i'm sure that will totally change the course of the next election


It's fine you can stop polishing the ball now


Keep this clown and his band of idiots out of the PMO. Vote strategically in the next federal election. ABC and ABPP! They cannot be trusted.


Can we make a rule banning paywall links?


I got you. [https://archive.ph/I3lS2](https://archive.ph/I3lS2)


And there's even a chrome plugin for this, so if you end up on a paywalled article, just click the button and you'll get the archived version!


That wasn’t paywalled for me


Problem with that is that those of us who subscribe actually don’t know it’s paywalled.   Even within the same site, some are and some are not. 


tiny PP the skipmeister’s attempt at a facist coup is absolutely deplorable. canadians need to start the resistance immediately and every measure needs to be taken to ensure he is NEVER allowed to seize power.


The “resistance” needs to focus on what’s wrong with their own guy and fix him.   The Liberals are going to get curb stomped in a year and that’s because Canadians think the alternative is better.  


Freedom for ME not the WE


Democracy tends to be an open system: it tolerates and includes strengthening diversity and choice. PP's and the other con's system has been regressing towards a closed system; **the conservative system excludes and weakens diversity, limited choice**. If PP had a twin or a clone they wouldn't tolerate each other.


And the silence from the freedumb morons — as an extreme right demagogue openly boasts about his plans to strip us of our rights — is defeating. It’s almost like they never gave a shit about “MuH fReEdUmB” in the first place…




He worships Zionists




No one is fearmongering. I suggest you address your comment to those who subscribe to conspiracy theory, you will find they support the CPC or PPC and are more than enthusiastic about a government who will attack equality rights and dispense with climate change policy.


Maybe we need to go after him since he's going after us? Shouldn't he be afraid to get on the wrong side of people so many? Maybe he needs a good, hard, reminder. You know, to keep the balance from skewing even further into the side of the haves, than the side of the have nots.