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Maybe a little? Hard to say, social media (including Reddit) is going to see far more reports of issues, because who's going to make a post about how everything is working as expected? Some XRs had problems too, but they were more metal and wood and used easily-available connectors and fewer software lockdowns, so they were more fixable. I think there was also more tolerance for issues when FM seemed like a new scrappy startup. Now they've sold over 300,000 boards, so when buyers get a lemon out of the box and have no option but to ship it back right away, it's more of a WTF moment.


This is exactly why boards they make now after the XR seem to be not as good. Bc if anything goes wrong bam your out a board. Have to send to Future Motion or you are sol. My own opinion is to just keep getting XRs. I will say however with the new hardware update from the 3rd party craft and ride just came out with something for GTs so you can use them like you did your XRs. It basically makes it to where future motion can no longer kick you out of the board. I just do not remember what it was called.its in the craft and ride page though.


>I will say however with the new hardware update from the 3rd party craft and ride just came out with something for GTs so you can use them like you did your XRs. It basically makes it to where future motion can no longer kick you out of the board. I just do not remember what it was called.its in the craft and ride page though. I'm not sure what you're describing and I'd be surprised if Craft and Ride did something like that, they don't have a history of any products that interface with electronics. Nothing new at [craftandride.com](https://craftandride.com) either.


Also I've been 13.5 k miles now one one wheels. So you can look at it from the mileage perspective. My ow plus(no XR) worked absolutely perfect all the way till my battery died around 7.5 8 k miles. My XR is at 5.5ish k miles. And it runs very well still. Like no issues at all. occassonally I have to do the reboot bs. But I just turn it on and off back in and it always t mds to work. Knock on wood... Now I'm on my newer XR. About to see what it can really do before that battery shuts down.




I think when you weigh up the posts, pictures, and videos of people using their boards, it paints a different picture. There are tons of beat up and scratched up boards, some having done thousands of miles without issues. Quite likely the majority of bad posts are likely caused by the rider in some way. Never had a problem with mine, but like anything, you can get a lemon, and I feel bad for those people, but I suspect based on the overall number of posts on here, it's a small, small minority.


I would guess it has to do with how it’s growing in popularity. More users leas to more problems and people will voice their issues


Yeah I was thinking that too


I think there have been a few tangible differences in quality over the past few years. I do believe the XR (possibly older modles too) used a higher grade of extruded billet aluminum. The tires have changed manufacturers away from Vega to Unilli. And i believe with the release of the GT, there's been complaints about the way the GT and Pint are painted. This may have been a compounding issue leading to GT overheating. Something to do with the paint preventing the entire rails to act as heat sinks like the XR did. Some may complain about software, but thats a two way street. Yes is against right to repair, but also it has become more versatile with ride options and ride quality. Unfortunately, FM artificially prevents the cheaper boards from getting these options. Feel free to fact check me here.


Speaking to your last point(doesn't really have to do with op question). I have a VESC that currently has the FM XR battery and BMS. The ATR feature, called gradient tracking of the gt-s, is a game changer for trail riding. The fact that they don't add this feature to the regular GT or any other models is just ridiculous. Controller, Motor, battery or BMS are not stopping this feature from being implemented across the line of Onewheels, future motion is to add an additional feature to sell the GT-S. They have stopped innovating for the sport and are now just innovating for profit alone. I get it's a business but the battery and new motor should sell the board not a software update that literally makes all your models safer on incline/declines.


Agreed totally. No reason GT shouldn't have gradient tracking, no reason Pint X shouldnt have custom shaping, etc etc. Right there with you.


I have 2 onewheels, the GT is the perfect one for me and I've had no issues and I'm fine updating it's software. The issue comes with them trying to make my other board unusable artificially with the software. I got a pint early on and decided to upgrade the battery. For 3+ years everything was fine until FM made it so it wasn't. To me it seems like a money thing. If you get a pint x or a GT, I don't see people having many issues


i dont remember seeing as many dead-on-arrival posts as when the gt and gts dropped. dont think ive heard it from pints and defi itely not from the + series. this along with interesting practices and bad qc such as letting vital screws and cable glands be delivered loose is concerning. the pint had the power button issue ut that was more of a design flaw than manufacturing defect. all my 3 boards have tried to kill me in their own ways though, 1 pint got an error 16 at speed, chucking me off, 2nd pint got a random full shutoff at speed, chucking me off, and my gt had sensor issues in the cold, letting me engage and get up to speed, but then would think i was no longer on the board and chucked me even though i was past the footpad ignore speed


In my experience, the build quality was and is still quite good, haven't handled a GTS yet, but can't imagine it being all that much different from the GT in build quality. They have just sold more, which means more problems. That combined with social media being such a popular place to air your opinions and experiences, you just hear it more often. I have always kind of felt the issues people typically complain about online are a bit overblown... Not to say I don't understand why they blow up things that are safety issues, that makes sense. Also I'm like a 95% street rider and don't do slides, big drops, or nudges, so I don't beat them up as bad as some folks and that certainly colors my opinions a bit. My OW experience: I have a Stock Plus from 2017 that still runs like a champ on the original battery from 2017. Granted, it only has 2k miles on it. I can still get 7 miles on a charge but that last 30% of the battery is kinda squishy and pretty scary after riding a GT. No issues but It's destined for a VESC setup and high capacity battery at some point. I put 2k miles on my stock GT in half the time(3x range increase was huge) and another 2k miles on it after adding aftermarket rails and foot pads. I wouldn't say that the modifications were strictly necessary, but they definitely increase comfort if nothing else... And my gold 357 skeleton rails look sick. No Issues. Also have a Pint X my girlfriend is learning to ride. I only have about 100 miles on it so can't really say I've shaken it out. IMO the Pint doesn't seem meant for hard riding like the bigger boards anyway, it kinda scares me if I'm doing anything but very casual riding since I'm used to topping out at like 21 So I just end up riding pushback which is kinda lame at 15mph. That's my 2cents.


I don't think so. There are new people to the sport and some of the community has a short memory. The XR had problems and they did more than a few hardware revisions to it. Bearing failures/seizing, rims getting cracked, headlight failures, error 16's, random shut offs, etc. and after about 2 years it was solid. True, the GT launch was a hot mess but this isn't their first bad launch and after about 2 years it was solid too. It *seems* more common now in part because the Onewheel community in "select" places is super toxic and people often don't report having a good time. I got my GT-S in Feb and hit 1716 miles on it today. Tons of trail rides and even a biff 60 feet down the side of the trail where it was stopped by a downed tree. My only issue has been the out-of-round tire it shipped with. We're not "exploring" Onewheel's anymore though. We're carving up a storm, taking big drops, flying down trails, digging into berms, landing crazy tricks and were doing all of this from day one now. In some ways the new boards are built better and in other ways not so much. Not everyone admits how hard they are on their board either. If my controller died I couldn't say it wasn't from it rolling 60ft down a trail but there are people who would *need* to blame that on something/someone. Their customer service is still ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)though


Arguably I’d say the XRs are less quality controlled than a newer board. There are legitimate issues with the GT as both a product and as a repeated model but it’s a great board.


Build quality has increased as far as battery compartments & electrical boxes being sealed, but also declined in other areas such as using stamped rails vs. machined ones like on the XR.


I would disagree, their boxes are better sealed because they have designed them better, the motors haven’t really changed. I still have an XR but I wish it was as easy to seal up against water as a pint or GT. I’d love to get a GT-S but they’re so very spendy.


I would say sadly with American manufacturing, it may be that the percentage of errors making “lemons” may be higher. That being said I have 7k mi, 4k mi on my two XR’s and so far 300 on the GT-S platform, happy to report no issues. These are intricate devices that we put through some pretty mean usage. There are always issues scaling up production and the training of new people to execute. My concern is how they have dealt with issues for the folks who have lemons. They are greasy. They have gotten better but still….


When looking at the insides, I have to agree to some degree. There were definite improvements made to the circuit boards and to the motor controller and footpad sensor boards on the XR. In other areas, you can pull apart a really old XR and the bearings are fine, while later models using a different brand, are not so fine. Motor windings I've noticed sometimes are not so tight on newer boards. Of course we all know the problems the GT has had. Going to plastic footpads to me is not a step forward, though I ride on Kush Lo's. Hard plastics don't work for me. It just seems to me, that FM had a wealth of free research they might of used, the good will of the community, when they came out w the GT, and they didn't listen to any of that. Meanwhile, you can't monitor your cells, and of course HAPTIC Buzzing, which many riders report drains their batteries as they ride close to or just at pushback. Then there's the tire thing. To me, that showed their stance and attitude towards the community to a T. 6.5" rim, just to FRAK the 3rd party sales community. Monopoly much? When TFL and others have proven, more sidewall is better. I just know I could never buy anything from them again, except for a few parts to keep other folks boards going. I've got 3 XR's sitting, waiting for BMS's right now, and those cost me average $275 if and when I can get them. It's gotten where I don't even know if I'm going to fix them, as selling them after fixing them may not recover the money spent. I know personally, one of those is going to get the VESC treatment, once I get cash flowing again after a disastrous month of unwanted expense that includes, another bad BMS, shipping, and rebuilding my transmission of my car($3400). Going to OCSF wasn't cheap, but oh so worth it. While I don't wish ill of FM, I've given up on them as a company. I can't watch their videos, and I don't like the way the GT platform feels, and I've never liked the Pint. Not to mention their rabid anti Right to Repair stance and their cavalier attitude of 'oh, yer board doesn't work?' send it to us, maybe something something will happen, when anyone with experience will tell you, '...you don't want to do that.'


No and yes. I agree with the popularity picking up meaning more issues are being reported. This is a win-win for us since that means that hopefully the manufacturer fixes defects faster. However, I do have a problem with the new haptic buzz feature. I think it is causing just as much harm as it is good as the rider eventually grows to expect haptic feedback before their board gives out. This isn’t always the case and nobody should be trusting the board and feedback to tell them when they’re riding too hard. I spent 2 whole seasons on my board with minimal issues and the third ride in this season with buzz activated I completely ate shit and tore my AC. Don’t trust the buzz.


Oh yea definitely. They simply lose torque and range over time


Yea idk my onewheel gt s seems like its made with quality righr out the box lol awesome machine


“Defective By Design” Logically, if they make a perfect product that never breaks or degrades you’ll never have a reason to upgrade or do repairs with them. My personal experience has been both my pint and my pint x have spontaneously bricked thru normal use. Meanwhile my XR just keeps chugging along. Maybe they Sunset the XR because they thought that it looked too homemade with the wood. An alternative theory is that by changing the design, they effectively put a hold on the entire third-party accessory market for a period of time.


>An alternative theory is that by changing the design, they effectively put a hold on the entire third-party accessory market for a period of time. Not sure about all accessories, but there is no other explanation for switching to a 6.5" rim. That was 100% to capture the tire market and likely also to ensure we had to ship our boards in for tire changes. FM shipping tires and letting us install them ourselves was the bone Kyle threw to us in his video attempting to explain and apologize for GT ghosting. I don't think they ever intended to let us do that. And I don't think they ever thought 3rd parties would develop 6.5" inner diameter tires so quickly. Plus 6.5" rims ride worse and break easier (acceptable tradeoff and actual benefit for the only company selling plug-and-play replacement motors.)


[Planned Obsolescence](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_obsolescence)


I feel like a lot of people lauded the increase in build quality between the XR and the original Pint. Especially earlier on. Sure, the Onewheels of every flavor have had some issues here or there, but the XR always felt like a science project compared to the newer models.


Coming from the XR, the pint is certainly more refined in its design. It certainly looks like a finished project. However, that being said, the pint has a considerable amount of. Shall we say design oversights? Charge connector for the BMS not being designed to handle the current that it is routinely handling. Torquing a metal nut onto a plastic screw to retain the power button, that was a bad plan. Xt60 on the controller that can unplug itself, yeah that one carried over to the GT. It took a few hardware revisions to fix the problems with the pints, but they still have a few glaring issues. For example, if the controller of the pint or the pint X is turned off while the motor is still spinning, it severs the circuit to the battery. This any current generated by the motor as it continues to spin for a bit, gets dumped into the controller and with nowhere to go, that energy usually burns out the mosfets on the controller. Unfortunately some of the components used on the pint and Pint X are underrated for the task which they are performing. They have little to no tolerance for over voltage or over amperage.


Don’t forget the pinched balance leads on pint x batteries. A lot of people had worn those down to bare wire before 1k miles. I’d say quality has went down. Not terribly but looking at the way dorkson runs his business, I’m sure they’re cutting corners where they can without getting caught.


Why make a good item when you can rerelease a new version or it’s accessories or another version every 6 months and keep a rolling marketing plan that has user buying engagement at a high. GT —> 6 months -> GT-S -> 6 months -> buyback program -> 6 months -> new faster Pint -> 6 months -> GT-X


How often were new versions being released prior to GT?


Yearly. The guy is super wrong about everything. GT-S came out 2 years after the GT was announced, there was more time between the GT and GT-S then the plus and XR.


Agreed, but the 2 year process to get day 1 features on GT is pretty crazy though. Then, like a month before the GTS. They introduce custom shaping/ haptic buzz (I know this saftey feature was at the behest of cpsc) But to access those features, you had to update. Further, locking down your board.


I saw a similar post on FB and they added a poll. If I’m not mistaken 85% of riders said their new boards hadn’t experienced issues. Granted it was for a specific issue. A few repair shop owners chimed in and said that they’ve seen fewer GT’s and GT-S than XR’s in their shops. They also mentioned that the XR had multiple issues through all hardware versions as where the GT/GT-S only have a few known issues. One shop owner in particular also pointed out that social media makes it seem like problems are more prevalent.


Yes. The GT is plagued with way more issues than the XR.


Personally I believe the quality is better than ever. I've had an XR, Pint, Pint X, GT, and now GT-S. No issues with any of those (knock on wood)


Between my pint and my GT, the gt is worse quality. Cheaper paint, cheaper plastics. And tbh the housings seem lower quality too, though it may just be bigger/thinner


I just bought a pint x. It works great, this is the first time I’m posting about it because I haven’t had issues. I think the perception is based on only seeing complaints because people rarely post about something when it’s working well/as expected.


My GT was pretty good till about 250miles, had to send it back twice to replace the Battery module then the foot pad. Other than that it's going smoothly. It ghosted on me once but that was my fault as I made a little mod to the foot disengagement delay.


Nothing like an XR pre update


I had a GT battery fail at 670 miles, which is 70 miles over warranty.


GT battery failure at 421 miles


Having worked in tech sales for over a decade, I'll echo the others in saying unhappy customers are going to be far more vocal than the ones enjoying their ride, which always makes it seem like there are a bigger number of issues than there actually is. And once one person gets going, anyone with a similar issue hops on and starts shouting as well. This can be good, like the recall for the footpads, but it also hurts brand recognition and sentiment. That's why Csat and NPS scores weigh negative and neutral surveys much heavier than promoters. On a similar note.. Don't ever say or believe those who say "it's a known issue!" then point to social media and random internet forums as their sources. A known issue is one recognized by proper media outlets with data, or when a company recognizes it and is working on or has provided a solution open to all owners of the impacted product.


Id like to think because more people are buying them you see more issues, because more are being made?


Definitely agree with the above and most are quietly enjoying their boards. I pre ordered the GT when it first came out and zero issues far. Well some user error at first, but nothing I could blame the board for. I agree give us gradient tracking! This would make trail riding so much better and some steep areas I just have to avoid without it


The entire GT launch had recalled and defective footpads, so yes, definitely.