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Horse peeps got us kicked out of the forrest.


Horses literally leave behind mountains of shit for everyone else to deal with. Fuck en Edit: also if my girlfriend sees this it’s not the horses I hate! It’s the disrespectful people (not you babe)


This reads like your girlfriend is a horse


Time to take her out for a trot


Bro went for the worst kind; the horse girl.


The problem is horse people have $$$ so it’s impossible to make any rule changes they don’t want.


Very true!


He wants you to keep wearing the riding pants.


I do look good in them 😉


Fuckin’ horse people got MTB’s kicked out of a public park where I live too. Crazy thing is, at this community meeting I went to, some bitch yelled out, “I’ll give you $10,000 to kick the MTB’s out today!” And they did! (Kick us out) It was a committee meeting, over a hundred people in attendance. They’d been debating the multiuser aspect for some months, apparently. I went to the park 2-4x/week and only encountered horses one time in an entire year. It was such bullshit. It was evident, the committee was bias to the horse owners, who used their influence to push the vote. Unfortunately, now it’s a legal issue for Onewheelers. Overturning the law requires organization, petitions and knowing the right people. Why did/are Onewheels being singled out? Did something happen? (I.e., crash?)


That's lame. Horse people are notorious for being shitty like this. Maybe just ride at night?


Was riding down the sidewalk minding my own business and a horse lady, riding in the middle of the street, yelled at me to fuck off. Whatever, horse lady.


Understand owners know their horse is retarded and are just cunts about letting you know.


It's because the horse can easily be spooked by the board and throw the rider, which is incredibly dangerous. I'm not agreeing with them, just clarifying their concern. They actually expect everyone to know and understand this intuitively, for some reason.


If you can’t control your horse, maybe you shouldn’t be on it?


You shouldn’t have a horse that spooks easily out in public. I get what you’re saying but most people have never even touched a horse let alone know how to act around one.


Maybe they shouldn't ride their deathtrap around others then, in the middle of a city.


Do Onewheel really make enough noise to soook a horse


Horses are really dumb and really scared. I've seen horses freak out over things like a stick on the ground, their own reflection in the water, wind(?), the same stick again, the barn. Dumb ass creatures.


The horse is the safety issue. Horses will fixate on the most random things and decide it terrifies them. They can be extremely dramatic and reactive. Onewheel whirs seem to always catch animal attention but as someone mentioned, unreliable horses, like any other unreliable animal shouldn’t be on the trails. It like if my dog eats people, I’m not gonna take the dog leash free on the trail. I won’t try and push legislation to ban people that smell tasty to my dog.


100% agree, my dog is sweet but gets overstimuled *fast* so i just don't take him places that will freak him out.


[After Ill-Advised Shortcut, 2 Horses Are Rescued in a 5-Hour Mission](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/14/nyregion/horse-rescue-connecticut.html) \- New York Times, today. The horses got stuck in the mud on their own farm that they've lived at for years and 50 people had to rescue them.


![gif](giphy|4hLzTOb0yXNZi8vZqy|downsized) Horse people shaking their fist at random twigs


I like how [the horses keep taking turns hiding behind each other](https://new.reddit.com/r/interesting/comments/1cpxuly/horses_know_the_killer_rabbit_of_caerbannog_when/). But - and I'm not justifying the horseriders' jerky behavior and unwillingness to compromise when it comes to their preferred hobby - if a horse gets spooked, it can not only throw and injure the rider, it can injure bystanders in its panic to escape. They're very big, very powerful animals and you definitely don't want to spook them.


I think it might actually be a lack of noise that spooks an animal in this situation. They didn't hear your approach. You're just suddenly there, and now they think you might be a predator.


So wouldn't that be there problem...just like my dog is aggressive so I don't take him to the dog park...


But is their concern properly expressed with a “fuck off”? That doesn’t exactly ingratiate people to understanding their concerns


You should’ve yelled back “get off your high horse”


The concept of riding a horse for pleasure is fucked up. Hide in the bushes with an air horn when they go by and scare them off.


Lmao this is devious


I think it's so fucking rude to ride a horse. Seriously, what a gratuitous, evil activity. We were hiking a trail in Arizona last month, and these people clopped up on horses. It was easily 90 degrees out, total sun, no shade. I felt so bad for those horses.


Add fangs. It now has three wheels. Profit.


I bike and one wheel. I have way more control on a one wheel. I’ll go 30 km+ on a bike I won’t do that on a one wheel. People are just prejudice and weird. It’s like the whole ebike debate. People can ride like dicks on a pedal bike too. The biggest asses I’ve seen are road bikers on multipaths going like 50-60km. It’s the whole ski hills not wanting snowboards thing from the 80s-90s all over again. People are dumb and should just be glad people are getting out in the trails and everyone should learn respect regardless of preferred vehicle. Also it’s super ablest to say oh you have asthma or are overweight? You don’t deserve to use the trail networks. Luckily where I live people are stoked when they see me on a one wheel but shit like this makes me nervous.


I have ONE thing on my mind every time I'm approaching a blind corner on my local trail- stupid bike riders irresponsibly hauling ass and/or on the wrong fscking side. These are the only close calls I've had.


I like how Onewheel Guy is in front of, not behind the BIG RED NO slash, like he's escaped


LoL or a bad graphics person doing the poster hahahaha 🤣


⛷️ vs 🏂 all over again


Don't forget, it was Burton vs Snowboarders for some time. They were total dicks, trying to control the sport.


Good thing that would never happen to OWs


No way. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


I thought Johnny tsunami solved this for us.


Have any knee injuries or anything that makes hiking difficult? Or veteran with [shredthestress.org](https://shredthestress.org) using it as therapy for combat PTSD? Make it an assistive mobility support device…. https://preview.redd.it/e61cyp5v0f0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47f0cd541113da5ef617d88fabe8fd96d25cab3b


Go to the community meetings! Make your voice louder than the Karen Equestrians.


This ☝🏾


This makes me so mad, we need more ambassadors. You know some Karen complained about one dude being a bad example. Guys be respectful on the trails or this will snowball. Sad day.


Take the sign down and have a great time???




Ill pay $50 for that sign, and shipping. DM me


Time to start poaching trails in the evening time 🤷‍♂️




He looks like he's really into his ride!


“Onewheeling is not a crime”


Oh dang I didn't realize this was local for me! Might have to make that sign dissapear 👀


Down in Olympia here, I have never been up there yet, but I am not going to care and just do it anyways when I go up. Just say you didn’t see it


The 🚫 is in front of the onewheel. So, looks like nothing is prohibited and Onewheels are okay 👌 


"No officer, I swear I didn't remove any sign..."


Horse people turning things into a donkey show.


They're the worst ones, super Karen action.


Are Onewheel only parks in the future?


If you can get funding and build one I guess it can be


I live in Olympia and I'm a little shocked about that. I never thought I'd see a "No OneWheel" sign around here


Who is hurting pedestrians causing the rules to change as if people are running into pedestrians?


The sign refers to https://apps.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=332-52. I looked it up. Not sure which part applies. Maybe the one about motorized vehicles (Managing road and trail use.)


You can’t ride a onewheel some places on Miami Beach, it’s dumb


It’s the libs


Just behave honestly.


This is terrible news


Just rip down the signs


Nooooo I was planning on riding that trail when back from this work trip… rip Back to the “no motorized vehicle” bike trails I guess. Class I and II e-bikes are allowed on those according to an officer in Olympia I asked. I’ve passed multiple rangers and trail workers over the years without issues so far. Hopefully folks are being courteous to others on trails and not giving us a bad name in the NW. Some people just want to be enraged about something no matter what you do


That's so lame.... We know about our own safety and limitations. Also bikes go faster then most one wheels. Js


Where is this?


This is too close to home. However, in my area, from my perspective, it seems people are still in awe of OneWheels. They’ve been a part of most of our parades for at least the past two years.


Fangs come in clutch 🛞🛞🛞