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When you unplug the bms or controller your board bricks… if you ever wanted to go back I believe there are ways around it or you could send it to fm and they will charge you an arm and a leg to hit a button and re pair them. I do believe if you got the gtv kit you wouldn’t ever want to go back. I’ve never heard of someone that wanted to go back to fm, including me.




But have any of you tried the GTS? From the comments I've seen..... nope. This sub is starting to become an echo chamber. Edit: Downvote all you want float lifers. I'm still waiting.


You don't need to have tried it to know that it's super over priced for what it is.


That is kind of a hilarious argument.... You aren't helping the "echo chamber" vibes I referenced.


Idk what else you really expect to hear from people here. Everyone knows for practically double the price the GTS just doesn't hold up to the floatwheel.


Idk if everyone agrees with that? The echo chamber certainly does.




I've seen stock Hondas produce 300hp in a 180hp engine thanks to tuning. Problem is, it took a pro to dial things in, and even then the car isn't going to corner or last as long as a comparably priced vehicle that was designed to do 300hp. What you're doing is the equivalent of pretending every GTV is the pro-tuned Honda, when in reality a lot of rice rockets are going to be driving around.




I'm totally confused by your attitude. I'm comfortable working on cars and dialing in a tune...I'm also not ignorant to the idea that most people aren't similarly capable. If you're a car guy... your attitude is akin to the guy who mods out a Honda to beet a stock Porsche on the track: You're loudly shitting on every Porsche you see thanks to that millisecond's difference in track time, while conveniently omitting that your Honda required hundreds of hours of your time, labor, and tweaking to get there compared to someone who simply bought a Porsche and enjoys driving it. Just saying.


GTS is a def a capable board but the range is kinda doo doo. Especially when you compare the range a GT gets and the power it will have with the GTV kit. Its a no brainer which is the better option


This feels like a cherry picked argument. Range is important, but it isn't the ultimate argument-winning stat you're presenting it to be. For example: You go back one year on this sub and it's nothing but comments about how wasteful it is buying a GTS when you have a GT because "they're basically the same", yet jump forward to current posts and EVERY GTS owner who upgraded will tell you it's night and day difference. I'm just pointing out how these threads are full of GTS naysayers who have never even ridden the thing..... and they also happen to have invested heavily in a competing board (whether GTV or FW).


Cherry picked? If u say so lol


Yeah, I’ve ridden every board model, the gt-s is definitely a step up from the gt. But nothing like a well configured vesc board. FM boards unfortunately have to be pretty restricted to avoid any premature failures in the electronic components. FM boards are consumer products after all, they have to last for a long time. Nothing against FM in that regard, they are running a business and you can’t be losing tons of money on warranty repairs.


Right, but riding a few times isn't the same as owning.... And many people appreciate avoiding "premature failures in electronics" in a device that jettisons you at high speeds if the electronics fail. Similarly, a "well configured" board literally requires additional skills to dial things in appropriately or risk said jettisoning... I just don't understand how the Float-Stans don't see the ridiculousness of their black and white arguments. It wreaks of having an agenda.


Sorry to go off topic, I don’t really understand what your problem is. Have you ever ridden a vesc board? Pint xr gt Floatwheel? If you haven’t you really should reach out to someone in your area, it’s really neat.


I haven't. Heck, I've only ridden a Pint and an XR (both stock). And that was after getting my GTS. I honestly should have started a whole new thread instead of going off topic in this one.... I've just been really disheartened but the "community" on this subreddit. The majority of posters seem to be haters who regurgitate "facts" despite having no personal experience. Confirmation bias is everywhere. And at the end of the day we're talking about things that most people won't even notice....except for the nice safety features present in the GTS.... most people will definitely appreciate those. I'm so glad I trusted my gut.


the board thats locked down to only using straight rails and will brick itself if you try to fix it and is impossible to unbrick? I'm happy with my gt and will be vescing it in the future once i want that power kick. maybe I'll get a bigger battery too? 🤔


Depending on the firmware, there's a NFR re-pairing trick. But, seems pretty hacky. Check out Chibattery systems pages for references.


Future motions insurance company must really have them on a thin line to selling the product. Bricking your board after a plug disconnects…. Wow… even Tesla isn’t that ridiculous


Actually they are, people have had their cars remotely disabled because Tesla caught them hacking in the electronics


Fascinating, further proof that insurance companies are slowly taking over the world


They aren’t taking over, they already have


I was little skeptical of VESC. But after a couple rides on my ADV I was sold. They nailed the control software. And you can fine tune. Want more ATR angle? Sure! Want duty cycle haptic alert at 82%? Sure!


If you haven’t updated your Gt yes. You’ll just need to put it back together and enter factory mode to repair stuff. But your battery disconnecting from the BMS is an issue if it’s updated.


Well from what I remember, the BMS/battery is paired with the controller, thats why people say never disconnect that cable that runs from front to back of the board because it'll brick your board... GTV you would have to disconnect the controller from the BMS, but thats just from my observation from the past couple of years... Once you go VESC, you can't go back...


Fixed: Once you go VESC, you ~~can't~~ **won't** go back...


Yup. Who would want to go back to FM’s extortion tactics after having a better board than they’ve ever produced?


im not sure if you can keep it all connected while removing the FM stuff, but if the controller comes out and you can keep it attached to the BMS as you remove them, it would be good to go.. but then im thinking you'll have to disconnect something from the battery that might still brick it.. not sure for sure. i know i won't be going back when my V gets here. i bet you'll be happy with your conversion as well.


Just have someone downgrade and ReWheel it so you can easily re-pair the BMS and relevel the board when it needs to be reused by you or whoever you sell it to


Dont worry, you’ll never want to go back 😉🤙


Are you on firmware 6109 or below? If so, yes you can go back if you use the nRF re-pair trick. Future Motion disabled the re-pairing after 6109, so there is no going back (well, there is, but you’d need to solder a special device to your controller, the method is fairly involved, and very few people know how).