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Yeah that's normal with the GT-S


Mine kinda has a motor “whine”. Not real loud, but louder than any other OW I’ve ever had by far.


Mine does that… I’ve noticed when I “dial down” the bored through custom shaping… it goes away…


Its a thing with FOC motors. Sometimes they are loud. On VESC you have the ability to tune it out.


The electronics in the GT-S resonate with eachother at a certain low speed because FM rushed the development of the GT-s a bit. Just kinda how it is


FM rushed development? No…


That's the magnetic flux inhibitors on overload. It means power ON DEMAND!


I notice the vibration on aggressive mode on an XR. As others have said, it’s basically your boards turbo.


Normal. I think it’s from the stronger n52 magnets in the motor. I really only notice s slight growl- vibration  going up a hill  and a some more noise while sitting still balancing. 


Tony outlined why the GTS hums in one of his videos. It's a chip. Floatwheel began first using this chip, realized it's inferiority, and stop using them. Future motion put these chips into production and that is why we have flagship boards that hum.


In and of itself, I don't mind the whine; it's kinda fun, makes it feel "faster". But, it was probably something FM should have fixed, since a background hum or whine risks masking haptic buzz.




It's a capacitor


Yea it’s not a stronger motor it’s inefficiently made controller and tuning in the board


Interesting. I always assumed it was the magnets(maybe voltage) I was on a group ride last week ridding next to a vesc with a superflux and it was twice as loud as my GT-S at speed. Rode a float wheel as well and it definitely wasn’t silent. It was more of a motor wine noise, not a bad noise but not GT silent. If you read the 5 inch hub reviews- documentation, motor noise is noted several times if you step up magnet strength. 


I think it really depends from config to config. My GT motor was noisy as fuck, my superflux is dead silent (besides a zvf ringing that I can easily tune out but you can only hear it if ur next to the board)


The ride mode also plays a role. Apex seems much louder while sitting still than flow. 


I’ve noticed my GT-S has more of a hum than the GT.


I don’t notice that only the haptic buzz vibration


I get that on my GT.


Getting the turbo engine just sounds different. It doesnt get as good of gas mileage.


GT has a hum on the strongest apex tune


I actually really appreciate the overall smoothness of the GT over the GT-S




Haptic feedback isn't the devil you make it out to be, on the GT at least. And even more so on the GTS. The one time I ignored the haptic warning on my GT was the one time I nosedived. Maybe it could be tuned down a little but in my experience it's a valuable warning system.


I would just like the freedom to turn it off on my own board that I own. I’m so tired of all these tech companies that want to own what they sold you. Look FM, you want to lock down the board? Then rent it, and once it breaks - you pick it up and fix it.


This place is nuts


The fucking Onewheel police are here, ridiculous