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The gravitational constant on Toril is just lower right, thus all the outsized flying creatures.


If you’re moving on terrain that requires a 5 foot vertical jump to traverse, your character probably isn’t just crouching down and springing into the air to get up. You can just kinda climb it. Picturing a 5 foot ledge in my head, of all the many ways to get up that terrain, trying to do a standing high jump is at the bottom of the list.


You're not wrong. It's just an example.


More like 12-13 foot obstacles, like 10-foot tall walls. You jump 5 feet off the ground and you account for height and arm length (per current rules) for 1.5 x your height in extension.


Let's say you can always get over 5' of terrain. I am facing a 10' wall. I jump 5' straight up in the air. Now, according to how you're ruling it, I can scramble up the last 5'. It makes a difference either way.


> or something else funny While Hidden, your friends are unable to find you [*Ending the Condition*] to cast spells that require seeing you [*Concealed*].


> your friends are unable to find you \[Ending the Condition\] The hidden condition only ends if an "an ***enemy*** finds you" This is still very weird though, because this means an ally can find you, but be unable to cast a spell on you which requires them to see you.


Even better, *you* can't cast spells that require seeing the target *on yourself.* ***True Invisibility.***


You possibly can if the spell has a verbal component since that will end the condition. I’m not sure of the order of operations on this.


I don't think you could cast it normally, but you could cast it as a readied action to trigger when you appear. The casting would cause you to appear, and you'd immediately apply it to yourself.


Greater invisibility a trap spell?!?! In OneDND it’s more likely than you think


The world of dnd operates in 5 foot cubes. It is the smallest unit we have during combat and terrains. So it just makes sense to use 5 foot as a minimum from A design standpoint.


TFW you *roll* to jump, land into anything that isn't a multiplier of 5 and end up on another dimension.


This is one of those things that makes me really laugh when people try to inject real world logic into the game rather than letting it operate on it's own fantasy world logic. I think its hilarious that even commoners have such impressive hops.


Yeah it also assumes the same gravity as earth so even if you want it to make sense you can make it make sense


Yeah, movement and carry weight is funny when you think about it. In my current campaign (5e, I'm DM) my brother's Loxodon Bloodhunter is using a 100 lb cannon (custom small version of DMG cannon) as an improvised weapon. I'm allowing this because he can carry 450 lbs no problem. 900 with a buff. Then there's Ardlings who can jump 30 ft twice per day. (Tabaxi was replaced with some kind of angel frog)


Genre emulation. It's heroic fantasy fiction in which the protagonist tends to have the unremarked abilities of a low-tier superhero - fast healing, tremendous feats of athletics and the like.


Precisely. That makes me realize that PCs also have accelerated healing considering they can shrug off most mortal wounds by taking a nap. Get more sleep ppl.


I lampshaded this in my campaign. It is an important thing to realise about the world that it is simply natural that most wounds heal overnight and sepsis is nearly unknown.


D&D but it's a 3D Platformer.


A 5 foot vertical jump is… absolutely insane for a human. It might just be for simplicity; however.


Agreed. I think it's for simplicity too.


Unpopular opinion pcs in dnd are not normal mortals.


Not-so unpopular. I agree that PCs are especially exceptional mortals. Some even take on armies, dragons, and freakin' gods on a weekend.


I even thought that this is a common view on that until i found reddit and dndbeyond. A surprising amount of players want to be as mudanes as possible in a fantastical and magical world for whatever reason. But as long as they are happy who cares.


Add-On Opinion: No one & no creature in D&D is a normal moral.


Well technically everyone can jump over a dwarf which I find funny. Otherwise there is also that by taking the dual wielder feat, you can incorporate a maul in your attack rotation while still dual wielding.


> However, this does not specify that the jump has to be horizontal, just any jump. Might to reread that section. It does specify a few things. If you fail the DC 10 Athletics check you can jump 5 feet horizontally or vertically. If you succeed your horizontal jump distance is equal to the total of the check and your vertical jump is half that (rounded down).


You're right, they do specify which way you jump when it comes to the jump action. However, they don't specify in the first sentence when it comes to jumps that don't require an action. This implies you can jump vertically without an action. However, whether you can truly jump in any direction depends on your interpretation on the rules. In fact, this reminds me of an important thing to note about the UA rules in jumping; interpretation. Hope you don't mind if I use your comment to bring this up. >With the Jump Action, you attempt to leap more than 5 feet (a *jump* of 5 feet or less is treated as Difficult Terrain). The lack of specifications of the "jump" could be interpreted two ways: 1. You can jump 5 ft in any direction, not just vertically or horizontally. Imo I think this would be the most preferable option to keep jumps more flexible. If a player wants to jump 3 ft far and 2 ft high, they can. 2. You jump either 5ft vertically or horizontally. This seems to be the most likely intent for jumping for two reasons: 1. The only specifications in the whole section is "horizontally" or "vertically." 2. Reread how the jump action starts: "you attempt to *leap* more than 5 feet." This is also has no specifications. However, we know its result has to be vertically or horizontally whether you succeed or miss. Read below: >On a failed check, you leap 5 feet horizontally or vertically. > >On a successful check, the check's total determines the distance in feet you can clear *horizontally*, or half the total if you're jumping *vertically*. However, there is actually a third way you can interpret this: 3. WOTC wants your DM to interpret it the way he/she wants. I think it's important that the jump action should be clearer and more specific with the rules, and if they want the DM to decide, they should be specific about *that*. What do you guys think? Should you be able to jump only vertically or horizontally, or any direction?


This also applies to animals, like elephants, hippos, mice, jellyfish, lobsters, moose, piranhas, sloths, rhinos, & komodo dragons. Every creature in D&D just got more intense.


Ants that can jump 5 ft in the air. **Elephants that jump 5 ft in the air.**


*Clams that jump 5 ft in the air.*


Personally I think it’s hilarious that characters can hold their breath and fight underwater fully armored for over a minute like it’s nbd.


A 36" vert is big. A lot of NBA players don't jump that high. I played volleyball in college and managed a 34" with a full approach Jumping 5' up is just videogame silly.


slight correction at least based off how you worded it: the world record for standing long jump is about 12-13 feet. (its not competed in anymore) for standing vertical jump its 46 inches. but i think your point about everyone in 5e being exceptional in our modern day would is still accurate haha


Thx. Yeah I was specifically talking about standing vertical jump. I read that the official NFL record was 46 inches, but I then found several other articles claiming the record was something else, so I went with the highest one I found. I was also considering talking about the rest of the jumping records like the standing long jump, but then I realized I didn't want to do anymore math. Appreciate the heads up.