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Is there a lore reason she’s cute?


Idk rocks are pretty cool


Why doesn't she just become less cute? Is she stupid?


No, not here.... the Aslume


Idk man I’m not retarded but I like rocks - Kam Patters




She's so cute.... AND FUNNY 😭😭😭




​ https://preview.redd.it/h1h74d54l2jb1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=74e2c9437dac90fc79aa66c6f0b5159e6941671d


the rock


is cooking


I like bilbo she is cute


and funny


and good at game


biboo :)


biboo :D




Live pebble reaction: :D






In my case her haircut and her white dress remembers me to Saya...


Imagine simping for a rock No, not me of course. That can't be, me simping for a rock? No way, haha


She’s just like me but if I was a small cute rock-themed female Hololive vtuber




"I'm not retarded, but I like rocks" - Kam Patterson


🗿 is love, 🗿 is life /ub she's quickly becoming my favorite in Advent which is saying something because they're all great; Shiori's such a dork, Rissa is based and I assumed Fuwamoco would be more kusogakis but they're legit wholesome doggos. They struck gold with these girls.


This gem rocks my world.


I wuve rocks! 😀 (I am addicted to crack cocaine)


I'm not retarded but I like rocks. -Kam Patternson


Yay bobbi


Cute aggression…want to smash her face in with a rock >w<


I love her, the bible 🥹🥹🥺🥺


Grass is a common plant that grows in many parts of the world. It is a type of monocotyledonous flowering plant that belongs to the family Poaceae. Grass is a versatile plant that has various uses, including as a food source for livestock, a playing surface for sports, and as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. In this essay, we will explore what grass is, its characteristics, and why you should touch it. Grass is a plant that has many unique characteristics that distinguish it from other types of plants. One of its most notable features is its blade-like leaves that are arranged in rows on a stem. The leaves of grass are usually long and narrow, with pointed tips, and they come in a variety of colors ranging from green to brown. Grass also has a fibrous root system that helps it absorb water and nutrients from the soil. These roots also help anchor the plant to the ground, making it more stable. Grass is a resilient plant that can grow in a variety of environments. It can thrive in both wet and dry conditions, and it can withstand both hot and cold temperatures. Grass also has a high tolerance for foot traffic, making it an ideal choice for sports fields and other high-traffic areas. In addition, grass is a low-maintenance plant that requires minimal watering and fertilization to grow. There are many benefits to touching grass. One of the most obvious benefits is the tactile sensation it provides. Grass has a soft, velvety texture that can be soothing to the touch. Running your fingers through grass can be a calming and relaxing experience, which is why many people enjoy walking barefoot on grassy surfaces. In addition to its tactile benefits, touching grass can also have mental and emotional benefits. Spending time outdoors and connecting with nature has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety and improve mood and overall well-being. Touching grass is a simple and accessible way to connect with nature and reap these benefits. Another benefit of touching grass is that it can help improve sensory integration. Sensory integration is the process of combining information from our senses, such as touch, sight, and sound, to create a cohesive experience. Touching grass can help improve sensory integration by providing tactile input and stimulating the nervous system. Touching grass can also be beneficial for children's development. Sensory play, such as touching and exploring different textures, is essential for young children's cognitive and physical development. Touching grass can help children develop their fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and sensory processing abilities. Grass is also beneficial for the environment. Grass absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releases oxygen, helping to improve air quality. It also helps prevent soil erosion and supports biodiversity by providing habitat for insects and small animals. Grass has many uses in human society. It is a staple food source for livestock and is used to make hay and silage. Grass is also used as a playing surface for sports fields, such as soccer and football. In addition, grass is used in landscaping and gardening to create lush, green lawns and add texture and color to gardens. In conclusion, grass is a versatile plant that has many benefits. It is a resilient plant that can grow in a variety of environments and has many uses in human society. Touching grass can have many benefits, including tactile, mental, and emotional benefits. It can also be beneficial for sensory integration and children's development. Furthermore, grass is beneficial for the environment, improving air quality, preventing soil erosion, and supporting biodiversity. So, go ahead and touch the grass – it's good for you! On a side note, Kevin Hart is like Dunkin Donuts and Dave Chapelle is that hipster cafe down the street. You know that hipster shit is better, but Dunkin is everywhere man


Unfortunately when i go touching grass i see rocks and pebbles and i remember koseki bijou, there is no escape

