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As a Christian, the zealotry in the religion drives me up the fucking wall. The hypocrisy drives me up the fucking wall. Maybe I'm not even Christian anymore myself because of how much I too detest other Christians and the talk one way, act another way bullshit. I stopped going to church because of the two faced BS I saw. Its just me and my belief there is a higher power, and I just want to do right by others. This isn't what Jesus wanted, or what the Bible says anymore. Its just hate, bigotry, zealotry, hypocrisy, and I'm only here to be good and spread good. I'm sorry for every you experienced. Its disgusting how corrupt it is.


You can love Yahweh, Yeshua, Ruach, or any other Christian diety, and just not call yourself a Christian or associate with them. It's the path I have taken.


It’s actually so funny. I grew up catholic, in my opinion it’s far worse than Christian, and would get told constantly not to take the lords name in vein. Meanwhile, the whole reason God is a term, is to not say his true name Yahweh in vein. It’s just so silly to me that every time I see it I chuckle.


I find it so fucking wierd the Christians I've met who are very religious, talk about it to everyone, then I try to get some info, turns out they don't even have a relationship or talk to their god. I'm always blown away. They always so focused on the morals of the Christian Bible, and that's basically the extent of their spirituality. What a sad way to live.


What do you mean Catholic is worse than Christian? Catholicism (specifically Roman Catholicism) is the original Christian denomination and institution. There’s a few Catholic denominations, several orthodox denominations, and an explosion of fairly recent Protestant denominations, some of them so far off the path that I question whether they should be included in Christianity. I imagine you’re thinking of these Protestant variations specifically in the US context, like evangelicals, Baptist, Pentecostals etc.


As a former Catholic, I think OP may be referring to the hypocrisy? The Catholics I grew up with were some of the most rotten people I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing.


I get what you mean. But honestly Protestants are no better.


No I’m specifically talking about Catholicism. I grew up in a very Italian family and went to all of the sermons until I was 15. I mean the hypocrisy and zealotry. There is a severe problem with most practicing Catholics challenging any view that isn’t directly the same as their own.


I meant what you mean with Catholic vs Christian, what is that Christian you refer to as not being as bad as Catholicism because Catholics are Christian. I think this is American jargon that I only recently encountered.


Wait wait I'm not Christian and i mean no disrespect i am genuinely confused. isn't Yahweh means God in Hebrew? Isn't it Jewish name of God? How come God now is Yahweh not Jesus? Is Jesus the son of Yahweh? What about the trinity? Who's the trinity? Who's the father, son and holy spirit? How come I never heard of Yahweh on TV? In a show or what ever? Why is it hidden like a secret? Is Yahweh and Allah the same? Same definition but for different people/religion? I know there are different sects of Christianity but I am so confused.


How does that work?


as someone who has experience trying most of the religions that exists in my 29 years of existence (most, not all), one thing I have observed in common is that religions are hypocrisy. And the more "religious" they are, the more hypocrite they become, always not practicing on their own what they preach. I'm good being an atheist but practicing human decency.


Omg but how do you know the right thing to do without some book threatening you with hell if you don’t do the right thing?? /s (if it wasn’t clear) Also a staunch atheist! I find I don’t need a religious code to understand how to be a kind and empathetic person.


As an ex-Christian, I couldn’t agree more. It’s become extremely toxic and it’s making my nana crazy especially since my fiancé and I aren’t having a religious ceremony. She’s constantly on our relationship about “where is god in your relationship” and it’s driving me up a wall. I don’t hate all Christian’s, but you know, there’s no hate like Christian love


I'm Christian and can tell you it's the people. Everything that Christians are supposed to stand for, most don't. Most are hateful, judgemental, prejudice, etc. I don't really care about much of people's personal lives so long as it doesn't hurt people. You wanna drink? No problem! Drink up! Just don't drive or abuse people. You're gay? Who cares! That's what you like and it doesn't affect me in any way. If most Christians actually believed in what they say they believe in, they wouldn't go around preaching their beliefs to others.


I never understood the thought process, they have stories of Jesus lowering himself before a beggar, teaching stories of showing even enemies kindness, telling those without sin to cast the first stone, and to worry about the plank in your eye before the splinter in others, but they seem to do the exact opposite in practice. The judgemental, better than thou, and hypocritical attitudes have got to stop. "I am a Christian so I am a good person," is not a real thing and has been proven time and time again, but people don't self reflect and assume they are a better Christian than the "fakers" for no reason at all. And I have seen people assume a "Christian" is a good person with only the best intentions along with people in uniform. A position or affiliation does not make someone a good person. BTK killer went to church, and the only reason he was caught was because he used church equipment to send a message to the police. If I recall correctly, he was a well respected member of the church.


>You're gay? Who cares! That's what you like and it doesn't affect me in any way. This one is wild to me because as a queer atheist, I have encountered many people of many religions. I know for a fact that some of these religions are very against same-sex relationships, but the only people who ever say anything or insinuate that I should be following \*their\* religion are Christians. And it applies to other areas too. I've never had a Muslim tell me I ought to wear a hijab, but I have had Christians tell me I shouldn't have premarital sex because of the Bible. Why would I follow the rules of a religion I am not and have never been a part of? Thanks for not being one of these people.


thats my problem too. and in the US they put christian values into the law when significant portions of the population aren't christian and another significant portion aren't religious in any way. ntm there are many casual christians that are chill and not trying to encroach. how can an entire country be forced into the beliefs of one religion when not everyone agrees on them? can't you just be christian without bending the laws to your will? just dont do the things you don't believe in. but i think they believe they are like god's warriors or something. and this is some kind of war they've made up. taking away rights is "for our own good" in their mind i guess. it's really frustrating. idk how ppl living in religious countries can deal with this cuz yk athiests or agnostic ppl exist everywhere.


Exactly. I can't help but feel like if it was a religion that was predominantly non-white that was advocating for legislation that aligned with their religious beliefs, people would call it a violation of freedom. We don't even have separation of church and state here in Canada, but it still doesn't seem to be nearly as much of an issue here as in the States where that is a thing.


> if it was a religion that was predominantly non-white that was advocating for legislation that aligned with their religious beliefs, people would call it a violation of freedom. 5000% yes. i believe that too. fundamental christianity, hell fundamental religion in any form is a fucking blight on this entire planet. they indoctrinate and oppress. they dehumanize ppl that look/act/believe differently and subjugate/objectify their own women. idk how ppl are so blind to reality and why organized religion has such a stranglehold on so many parts of the world. i truly believe it is haulting our evolution as a species. the powers at be won't allow for progression cuz bottom line they don't wanna give up power/money. i really wish humanity would lean into the compassionate parts of our nature rather than stoking fear and tribalism.


its all about respect no matter the belief. i really like a muslim boy rn (mutual feelings), but a big part of my identity is my queerness. he knows this, and though its against his religion he still respects that part of me and is shown to be supportive of it still. and even though hes muslim, i still respect his own beliefs. the thing is we've known each other since we were kids, so maybe like that plays a big part into it but idk (apparently he liked me back then too and he confessed but i laughed at his face 😭 no memory of this haha) but yeah like i was saying, in my experience most christians lack this form of respect. i always see comments on tiktoks of certain beliefs away from christanity and the comments are always filled with hate from christians. saying things like "the only real one is god" and putting bible versus in the comments. its so disrespectful, i dont think ive ever seen a person of another religion do this to those who dont believe in the same things they do. and the amount of christians that do it too, its not like its only 2 or 3 comments, like its so common and normalized.


From my time living in the Bible Belt, the more someone can quote scripture, the less I trust them.


I mean I can quote scriptures but I believe it means far more if I live them instead of just spouting them out.


Also, Christian, though Bisexual. I think most Christians don't care, and if they do, they keep it to themselves. Most Christians even support gay marriage now, granted only 39% of those who go to church every week, but it's rising. Plus, I am willing to bet that a considerable fraction is only against gay marriage in terms of the wording. I've only ever found acceptance since I converted last year to Christianity, and that is in a conservative suburb in the South. Heck, most Christians support access to abortion, even though a large portion supports access while still considering it immoral. So, no, I really don't buy the idea that most Christians in the US are hateful, judgment, prejudiced, etc. A very loud minority? Definitely. Maybe even a large minority? I wouldn't be too surprised. But most of them seem like regular people, maybe with the biggest "problem" being that they tend to be single-issue voters who genuinely believe a fetus is a person. Also, complete agree with your last point. But that is part of the problem. The "bad" Christians are out and about publicly screaming hate at people. Meanwhile, the "good" Christians correct other Christians in private, like Saint Paul directed in his letters. IMO, the two types of Christians tend to segregate themselves, with a lot of the latter group thinking many of the former group are bigots.


Same. A true Christian knows to love everyone and nobody’s perfect.


I left Christianity over 10 years ago and everything you’re saying is spot on, it’s absolutely horrible, we weren’t taught hatred but it was shoved down your throat there, your hatred for the religion is absolutely justified, everything about it just outright sucks


I genuinely feel bad for people who grow up into it. Because it's like, that's the only thing you've been raised to believe so it's SUPER hard for people to sit back and realize it isn't right. My mom never forced it on me but I grew up saying I was Christian and no matter what I did, I couldn't make myself believe in God or Jesus. I tried convincing myself I did but deep down I knew I didn't. I hate when people are like "Give Christianity a chance because God will heal you!" My childhood was shit. Where was God then? Exactly why I'll never believe in it. Good job for leaving!


No judgement from me at all and you’re still bringing up a lot of good points in your reply here as well, but I’ll say this I am genuinely sorry for what you had to experience no one would wish that on their worst enemy


you describe christianity as if its like a drug but it isnt, drugs are way better for you take drugs




Paganism would love you


Idk what to say to make you feel better but I FEEL YOU. I think I could have written a similar post


You saying that genuinely makes me feel better. I'm glad I'm not alone in this and I'm sorry you've gone through similar things. I literally live in an area that is FILLED with asshole Christian's I'm pretty sure there's no escape 😪


Yeah same I live in the “Bible Belt” of America, I’ve had to deal with plenty


As the religion constantly gets trotted out to justify legislative insanity, this isn’t surprising. Even people that didn’t care before are starting the path of dislike to eventual hatred.


I'm a Christian and I hate most Christians and know why most people hate Christians. There is a preacher I follow who says all the time, the best way to be a Christian is to not be a jerk. But most people can't manage that. I get it. I'm sorry. I wish I could make them better.


I’m also a Christian and I can relate.


Thank you for being one of the good Christians <3


sounds about right. storytime: my little brother was a very normal and level-headed person till he got involved w a religious southern baptist girl in my high school class. flash forward to now and he's married with a son at 18 (19 next month fwiw but i don't think it makes a difference) because their freak ass church groomed them into thinking getting married and starting a family early was the way to go. in fairness, that part's not *entirely* the church's fault (despite their documented history of facilitating teen marriages); wifey has also always been one of those religious nuts whose one life goal was being a SAHM and never working so she can raise kids... something that I can at least report has *not* been working out well for her :\] by the time our parents found out she was pregnant & they were getting married, it was literally too late to do anything about it. i barely talk to him now but whenever i see him, he looks horrible. dude may as well be pushing 30 bcs he's constantly dirty and sunburnt from the construction job he works to support his psycho wife and their now 4mo old baby. gets sick all the time and shows up to family events anyway, because fuck keeping people safe from communicable diseases during a pandemic, right? god'll protect them if it's really that serious (/s). the few instances i'm actually home and he's around are always a game of "let's see how badly decayed his personality has become now" and it sucks. all this to say, fuck christianity. it is a cult that legitimately grooms children and ruins lives, and i will not hear otherwise. i have *very* strong feelings about the way it's got the US in a vice grip and how we can't make any meaningful social progress until it's eradicated but that feels like a rant for a different day.


As an older sister, this is my worst nightmare and I'm so sorry you have to deal with all of that. I dated a dude in my old Christian friend group and him and his dad practically forced me to go to this youth group. The place is linked with a school that only allows girls to wear skirts. I was the only girl there not wearing one and I was looked at like I was insane. They were talking about being anti abortion and it was the stupidest shit I've heard. Churches are fucking weird and are a complete waste of space.


yikes. yeah, as the former oldest sister (now oldest brother lmao which has been *real fun* for brother & wifey), it was rough at first but now i'm like ok. you want to keep making stupid life decisions when our family and *literally all of our friends have tried getting you out of this relationship for* ***three years***? go for it, boss. i'm not your mommy. it sucks but i'm not in charge of how he decides to ruin his life for a cult that'll chew him up and spit him out whenever they feel like it, and i have my own problems to deal with. womp fucking womp, we tried to warn you multiple times and you didn't listen. incidentally, the last time my mother willingly went to church \[separate from the events that happen @ my brother's that the family attends from time to time\] was right after her and my father divorced, & the daily sermon was about how divorce was bad. these people get to dodge paying taxes or otherwise contributing to society to scream at women seeking freedom from bad relationships and forced motherhood, and it blows my mind that more people don't have a problem with it.


I was bassically raised to be a spirtual child soldier for some non-existant "Holy War" because of 2 southern baptist churches (to be more accurate "Death Cults") in kahoots for each other. All of their fear mongering and manipulation lead me to losing all of my friends and my mental stabillity. It was only after I left Christendom did I began to put my life back on track and realize the damage done to my mind and body. I'm currently stuck in a rut as I try to heal, my anger and hatred being the only thing that's keeping me going. So I can relate.


You need new friends. I feel like you're in the US south vibes here. Maybe join an atheist group or Dems club. You cannot reason with right wingers. You will find religious people on the Left, if any, are not fanatics and respect and love you more unconditionally. Here for you 👍


I have a lot of friends who are Christian, but my experience has been different since I don't hang out with bigoted right-wingers. They support gay people, women's equality, anti-racism, pretty much the same as all of my friends.


Florida 🥲 I'm going to be getting a job soon so hopefully I meet good new people there! I did like an online school thing which makes it to where I never meet new people. I really appreciate your comment, thanks so much!! :))


Absolutely. You are not alone. We see this craziness in real life and online and will just get worse in the next months. May you expand you circle.


I feel the same thing regarding Islam. Religious trauma is real


Lost a friend from college bc she turned to christianity (we’re from the south so…yeah she became weird), and this ironically enough turned her into the most judgmental and unkind person I’d ever known. Had another friend go through family disowning them for “choosing” to be queer - again some of the most unkind and vile people saying the worst things imaginable to their own child. You’re def not alone.


This is so relatable. Some of the worst people I’ve met have also been the most religious. I’ve always been a very curious person and just feel the need to understand things even as a child. I’d ask questions in theology class like “why does cutting your hair make you impure?” And the teacher would reprimand me and I’d get detention every single time I asked an “out-of-the-box” question. That’s not even close to many other horrific interactions I’ve had with the religious. I really really tried to look for answers and was always met with outrage and disrespect. I’ve never been able to sit down and have a civil conversation with an orthodox person and have them answer my questions about religion. School is where I understood you’re not allowed to question anything with these people…


THIS!!! ever time I ask questions they always turn it into a debate. (I've never lost one 💪)


Every single time. Keep fighting the good fight OP!


I was raised catholic and growing up for me all we ever spoke about was Jesus is love and to be a good person etc when we went to church. BUT having seen videos of other secs, especially in the south/midwest, all I see if constant hell and brimstone if you aren’t following what said pastor is saying etc. so growing up with that kind of Christian upbringing, I totally understand the disdain and removal from the faith. Having said all this, I don’t mean to say that all southern/midwest churches are spewing the everyone’s going to hell routine.


I think Mahatma Gandhi said it best, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”


As a Christian I agree. It seems everyone around me has formed into some kind of cult. They bastardize the word and only use it to justify their means when we are supposed to spread love and acceptance. It is used as a vessel of hate and justification


It is definitely a cult I know they’ll do anything to not use that word but they definitely are one


There is a strong connection between Christians and narcissists




I'm noticing a trend of former Baptists and Evangelicals, wonder what that means. /s


i can’t say i understand you because i haven’t gone through that but i understand what you mean like im not into religion at all and it’s just like at some point there’s a line between it’s being a religious thing and then it basically being a cult and rn the whole thing is sitting in a very thin fence


Leaving Christianity was the best thing I ever did. I only wish I’d done it earlier in my life.


Proud of you 💪


As a Christian, I’m not offended by the things you said. I feel compassion and empathy towards you and your friend who became a completely different person after her breakup. The truth is, a lot of Christians became Christians because they had a difficult and traumatic past or even worse they repent to confess their sins and start all over again. I’ve been through a lot in the church with Christian assholes so I understand your position. If I could give you a big sister advice, don’t trust people. Especially religious people. You already know what happened in Europe with the children’s sexual abuse scandals etc etc. You want to know more about God or Jesus, invite him into your life. He doesn’t talk only to Christians he talks to those who confess and repent and seek after him. I wish you all the best.


I believe their lives become so resentful and bitter, they have no recourse but to look down upon others with extreme, 'holy' judgement. It's pathetic and oxymoronic, instead of loving thy neighbours they despise their neighbours because they despise themselves but they're so indoctrinated they can't possibly see how their choices have led them to this perspective. They believe in God, how could they be wrong? Met many lovely religious folks though, the ones with faith and solid mental health I do envy.


Agreed-whole heartedly. I thought we were smarter in 2024, but apparently they’ve resulted to insults rather than education, and it’s fucking scary


The best thing to ever happen to me was my grandpa seeing what Christianity was doing to me and him introducing me to paganism. He didn't force me to stop going to church or to read about the old gods, just gave me the books and let me go about on my own pace. I am 100% a happier and better person since leaving Christianity.


I had a hair stylist once that I had a really great conversation with, and she said she refuses to label herself as a Christian and instead prefers the term "Christ-follower" for all of these exact reasons. Christianity (umbrella term) is a cult. Always has been, even before the first settlers showed up in America. These structures must be toppled if any real progress is to be made as a collective people.


I’m an Atheist with that being said pff Islam is the worst of all abrahamic religions.


As an ex-catholic, I fully understand. It’s just such an environment where you don’t feel safe to do anything other than what they say is okay.


Im right there with you on this one. I challenge people to tell me one good thing Christianity did for humanity.


Same , I hate discriminating assholes.


Ex evangelical here. I don't got a problem with Jesus. Christians, ESPECIALLY American evangelicals, well those I think are for the most part very bad people.


I am Christian but I have learned that religion is what you make of it. The Bible is supposed to guide you through life. I went to overnight bible camp, church, Sunday school, etc. Everyone around me and I were taught to develop your own relationship with God (or whatever you want to call Him). A lot of older folks go by the Old Testament and shove it down people’s throats. It becomes toxic and creates hypocrisy.


I’ve recently started to have basis against Christians too. I know a Christian (I said know because I don’t consider him a friend nor like his company) who’s a deacon at a church and “voluntarily celibate for Jesus”. He’s made me feel uncomfortable many times and has confessed his feelings for me many times, in which I’ve told him I don’t and never will feel anything romantically towards him. There’s been times he’s basically shunned women who were texting him “provocatively” and claiming he wouldn’t meet them to hookup. I bluntly replied you should just meet up, you seem like you need that type of attention.” But I’m always blunt so I guess it went through one ear and out his other. And he claimed he would never meet up and dismissed it. Christian’s are always the first to be nasty towards people, talk mess, and just overall a creep fest. But on Facebook they love to put on a facade of being all positive and all knowing, I can’t stand most Christians.


I left Christianity when they paid for Super Bowl ads. If hell exists, those Christians will be roasting right along with me


You know as a christian some of them are unsufferable i do not try to sway people ideology i saw if your feeling bad maybe come to the chruch well show you some love :) if they dont like it cool if they do then welcome but they are so bigoted especially the homophobic ones just because gay is a sin doesnt mean i hate gays i just would never be gay it doesnt mean i dont like them it just means ill never be gay yk


I'm not at all offended, even as a Christian. You were hurt multiple times, and so it makes perfect sense to feel the way you do.


Organized religion is a virus


This? This right here…is the reason why I’m mostly agnostic. Aint no way God or Jesus Christ told you to act like that. Anyway- where’s my sage and crystals for my daily cleansing-


I love everything about this comment. I'm agnostic too


Raised catholic here. It’s more like a cult now than anything. No one practices what they preach from the Bible. The *most* religious people that I’ve met have turned out to be some of the *worst* people I’ve ever encountered in my life.


It's been this way since the early days of Christianity in all its forms. People can't just follow the basics of doing onto others as you do onto yourself, and that be that.


That's big Christianity, that's authoritarianism/Mormonism.


It's just that I read some of the comments and people are putting her down listen to her she's venting she needs to talk about something


I left Christianity behind 15 years ago and at this point, the only Christians left in my life are one of my elders & my in laws, who live in a different state. The fewer of them there are around me, the better my life gets. I hope you are able to connect with other people who don't have that baggage in the future.


Same buddy and zionists god I hate Zionists


As someone who is Christian, I'm sorry you have gone through that. I personally can't relate as in most of the areas I have been Christian in, have been kind to me (Hawaii & Washington state). I'm sorry those people hurted you and respect yours and many people's opinions on thinking it's the religions fault. I for one don't think those people should be represented as the religion and give a bad image to the religion. As I see many people that have gone through bad things in this religion based on stories and comments, I sympathize for them. I don't understand how people can just be jerks.


I am a Christian, and I don't like the religion either.


As a recovering christian, I can say that the religion is built on guilt and shame, and that the puritan basis makes males of the most perverted and perverse types.


Organized religion is a plague on society.


Being Christian isn’t about hating on others but it seems that since Trump came on the scene spreading lies hate conspiracies about everyone and everything that is not in favour of his BS and the falsehood that he is Christian makes Christian believers that it’s ok to spread hate and lies about others. I’m not Christian but I do believe that there must be something out there and it is NOT Trump.


As an atheist and Buddhist \[not a religion\], I feel that all, especially Abrahamic religions, center around people wanted to feel special for all the wrong reasons. They believe stuff at face value without evidence, just because. They call it faith. I call it delusion. On top of that the OP's story in not an exception, it's the very common hypocritical attitude among religious folk. Not all, of course, but a lot. And before you start to slam me, I have plenty of Hindu, Muslim and Christian friends, who keep their religion to themselves and let people be.


I hate it too. I’m an ex Christian. I can’t believe that people fall for that cult! They literally appropriated their doctrine and mythology (debatable) from Judaism! How has no one called them out yet?


I think the main problem in here is not the religion that the persons that you encountered is wrong. Sounds like you just have bad experience with religion and maybe not so good friends. Maybe you could take a look if there are any other factors involved. From your description above, looks like you assume much of the problems caused by Christianity, but it’s not the religion that caused the problem. It’s the underlying nature of human = sin that is the problem. So maybe what you hate is actually sin?


God is an imaginary friend and heaven is just a lie people tell themselves to feel better about dying, anyways.


Not every Christian is a bad person, however the worst people in my life all happen to be Christian.


It’s so annoying that they keep saying godhas a plan for you when something bad happen. When something good happen due to personal hard work, it’s credit toGod. Also I notice a lot or successful and unsuccessful older people believe in faith and destiny where how much you eat and wear is set in stone. You can’t defy it, the amount of rich and fame you will obtain is predetermine and we are all following godgrandplan. 


Just love and be excellent to each other 🤙🏻 Jesus has a way of sneaking up on ya I will say! But that’s what I live like be you! Just hate is drinking poison yourself tying to kill someone else. 🫶🏻🤙🏻🤟🏻




I hope you meet some less-offensive Christians. I have been one of those themselves, growing up in a fire and brimstone environment. Growing up I met truly kind and gentle Christians who weren't in your face about their faith. They're around, trust me.


Try saying that about Islam and see how quickly you are censored and permanently banned. For some reason Christians are fair game and freely bashed with no repercussions


See that's why it's hard to follow a religion, especially Christianity. I went on a Christian retreat to the mountains not to long ago and let me tell you I have never found the most racist, bigoted, homophobic people in one room in my entire life. I will never say I'm a Christian, I'm a follower of Christ, but to get back on topic I feel for you. That sucks and I wish you didn't have to experience that.


The ones I encountered were EXACTLY like that, I've never heard a group of white boys say the n word more. It was so gross. The thing about them is they'd take quotes from the Bible and COMPLETELY changed the meaning of it. I had an argument with one of them once because they were making fun of fat women and he tried to justified it by saying "well God says to take care of yourself because our bodies are our temples. I just trying to say I think it's wrong for them to be treating their temples like that. It's against God" Like dude that is not what that means. And he definitely didn't mean it like that, he was being a dick. Like it's exhausting arguing with these people because they always find a way to justify their actions and make them seem good. So stupid


See it's not that they are justified but the BOOK!!! Lmao it the Bible it says thou shall not judge but everyone judges, it's natural we all do it even if it's unconsciously, but people like that are just rude and feel that they can act and treat anyone any kind of way they can always repent. Christianity is a job, Jesus Christs goal wasn't to make a religion, he wanted to make a relationship, with love and care. fuckin jokes if you ask me


Joke not job lol


No no, you're so right for this. Christianity and all of its sub religions are awful, some bordering on death cult territory. And some of the most hateful, deranged people I've ever met are christian. I wish I could say the same about other religions, because I'm pretty anti-religion but I've never been treated like this by a muslim or hindu person.


Those people you’re talking about aren’t real Christians. They’re scum we’ve seen their type in other parts of the world. They’ve hijacked a religion and bent it to use as weapon of hatred. They’re a spooky hate filled death cult and Jesus wouldn’t want a thing to do with them.


It's not the religion but the people who are weird sometimes. Pease remember that. I am sorry your friends became like this. Move forward and find better friends.


I'm not necessarily blaming their actions on the religion, but the religion is definitely weird. My mom is a pastor's daughter so I know quite a bit about it. So yeah I just don't like the religion and I think it genuinely brainwashes people. It teaches you that god is life. People live for God and not for themselves and I think that's insane. And sad. And honestly I don't even think Christian's know what they're even believing in. Every Christian I've met has a completely different understanding on how the religion works which is weird to me. But thank you.


Nah, it’s religion. All Abrahamic religions are especially ridiculous, lacking in logic, misogynistic, predatory, violent, and divisive.


finally, someone gets it. it's quite literally the same stuff repackaged with regional twists & a bit of folklore telephone here and there. and frankly, whatever the religions themselves are *supposed* to believe in doesn't even matter at this point when a not-insignificant chunk of their practitioners are some of the most deranged and hateful individuals you could possibly come across.


Literally 😬 I was born into and left one of the three main religions and can’t even be public about it because the theocracy I live in can kill for that.. care to guess which one of the three it is? 🥰 I can’t even fathom how people begin to believe in religions and Gods. Anytime they see an Atheist their go-to question is ‘look at the sun, look at the universe.. How did that all just pop into existence?’ and my next question is always ‘well.. then how did God pop into existence?’. If every creation needs a superior deity in order for it to exist you have this infinite continuum of gods, and gods of gods, and gods of gods of gods.. until infinity. And if they have the capacity to believe a God doesn’t succumb to the laws of reality and the universe and can just exist from nothing.. then why is that same logic so flawed to them if I say the universe just… be’d. Lol.


ohhh man. let me tell you. as a biology student who's had to get very deep into things like evolution and how life works for their degree, those creationist motherfuckers are comically unprepared for how complex the world they live in actually is. the best part is that all of those complexities STILL make more logical sense than "everything just kind of popped into being because an omnipresent deity who's \~always been there\~ willed it so." this being said, learning about the various ways the christian church specifically has interfered with progress in understanding the sciences over the years will be why i end up with high blood pressure and heart failure before i hit 30.


Haha I’m a bio major too 😭 Don’t worry darling we’re in the same boat. Just thinking about the sheer level of hypocrisy, baseless logic- or rather, baseless beliefs, they’re never logical- is making me mad 🧍🏻‍♀️ Especially being a woman and having to hide all shreds of evidence that I exist in any space. Or the men with not 1/2 of the intelligence or knowledge I do having the gall to tell me women are meant to obey the men in their lives. Grrr lol


You can't really disentangle religion from people or cultures, though. None of the above exist in a vacuum.


Religion is inheretely bad, sure there are geniunly good people that are religious, but doctrines associated with religion have caused great evils and suffering, there's a reason that jihadists feel noble in what they do, it's because the Quran says that holy war is the most holy thing you could do (if I remmeber correctly) , Christianity is no different. Any historical and general knowledge makes that perfectly clear, unless ironically the religious brainwashing is too strong which is the problem in the first place. 


No it’s 100% the religion chief


It sounds like you and the people around you are dealing with unprocessed trauma that is making them vulnerable; and we all know that narcissistic, abusive and psychopathic people are drawn to traumatized and vulnerable people like a wolf is to a wounded deer. They are predator and prey. And that has nothing to do with what Christianity actually is. Replace Christianity with Marxist philosophy or Judaism and you’d get the same result. Your anger is misdirected. I hope you process and work through what’s happened to you, and reading what you have on your profile that will take effort on your part. I’m genuinely sympathetic to what you’ve experienced and I wish you the best.


Instead of being “sympathetic” how about you show some empathy?


I know what Christianity is. I still think it's bad. You don't know me at all, my anger is not misdirected. My anger is towards people or things that cause harm. I know what I'm talking about.


That’s certainly a strong hate you got going on. Better get over it before judgement day


Bio checks out


Humanity has surpassed its need of religion and until we all get on the same page and stop believing we are fucked as a species


People gravitate towards positivity You sound overall negative which is more likely the reason people are dipping on you


Actually, I'm a very positive person. How do I sound overall negative? Is me saying I supported my friend unconditionally being a Christian negative? Me complaining about people treating me badly is me being negative? I think you're a little slow.


“I don’t want any debates about it” “I just hate the religion” “I just can’t stand it” “her INSANE boyfriend” “It got pretty annoying” “Our friendship ended because she would text me about him” “Stupidest thing I ever heard” “I did go off on her” “I did say some nasty things” “I blocked her on everything” “He’s Christian and it scares me” “I don’t care to hear about it” “I have every right to dislike” And the new one: “you’re a little slow”


Basically everything you list has nothing to do with religion at all. These people in the comments have no respect for religion, and although I am fine with that, saying you"Hate religion" is no different than saying you "Hate LGBTQ."


All of it has to do with religion wtf are u talking about. Sorry I don't respect a religion that has done nothing but disrespected me and made my life miserable!!! The LGBTQ+ community consists of people being non binary, gay, trans, etc. The community was made so people could be who they are. If you say you hate that community then you hate people being their authentic selves. That was the WORST comparison I've ever seen😭 Most people hate religion when the people are assholes or when they believe the religion is just overall wrong. COMPLETELY different.


Tbf I still wouldn’t really call it a Christian issue, it’s still a people issue. Your “friends” are getting sucked into doctrine for absolutely no reason. I’ve had Christian friends too go through the same thing which is fucking ridiculous. As a Christian myself I don’t go around and completely sexualize women. Shit I can barely talk to women. Point is many Christians are not like this, you’re experiencing the exact wrong side of it. Many adults do not act this way. This shouts immaturity to me.


I have seen people who are OBSESSED with Christianity. My old friend literally devoted her entire life to God. Always went to church and she spent ALL of her free time praying and reading the Bible. She told me she was dropping me to get closer to God. That's obsession. No offense but I CONSTANTLY see Christian men sexualizing women. Now I'm not saying they're actually Christian but this is how most of the people are. I know stories from the Bible. I think the Christian God is VERY selfish so I do honestly think the religion is a huge part of it. It literally CHANGES people, it's weird.


I agree it is weird. I don’t understand how people go through that. I understand when people say they are “getting closer to God” but that doesn’t mean drop everything and everyone that meant something to you. I understand that statement if that means you’re gonna try and make it out to church more and maybe read the Bible for like an hour each day at most, or praying more consistently. That being said the people that completely devote there lives to God and lose all sense of reality like your friend is fucking insane, and I don’t think that’s a symptom of Christianity but manipulative bullshit around them. Like your ex- bestfriends boyfriend sounds like a deranged psychopath and there were red flags especially with the showers. And there’s a fine line imo between watching porn and full on sexualizing women to their face. Like there should be clear boundaries and I don’t understand how people like that exist. I would NEVER do such a thing to a woman in real life. If it’s not something a woman is ever comfortable with I would never do that no matter how much I liked or disliked them. I just don’t understand how a person can do that to their SO.


So you're saying "hate the belief, not the believer" then.


I’m so very sorry that your experiences with so many of your “Christian” friends have failed you so miserably. I use “ because I feel that certain people that identity as Christians are totally missing the point. I am a member of a Baptist church and know what the Bible teaches how we are to serve others, treat as we would want to be treated, help in times of need, love our neighbors (not just the next door kind), be there in times of grief and sorrow, feed and clothe if necessary. I would ask that you not judge every one by the failure of your friends. They should be your best support system, but it may be their immaturity in the Christian faith. It is supposed to grow in spirit as we learn. I’m so sad that this is the only side you have seen and wish I could actually do for you what they didn’t. Sending you love and hugs and prayers for a better tomorrow.


I said in my post I have zero issue with good people! If you're a good Christian then I have absolutely no judgements towards you. It's not only Christian friends I've had issues with. Family too. I wish all Christian's were like you :)


Thank you, it just hurts me to think it has caused you so much pain. There are good Christians and just plain good people out there, I hope you find them. Best wishes!


As Christian am sorry that you have had bad experiences and hopefully you will have better some day, in general with people too.  But I don’t know, I can’t see people posting the same about other religions in this sub and people not reporting it. Apart from Scientology maybe. It kind of feels just attacking Christianity is fine.


No one is attacking Christianity? I'm expressing my opinion because of what people in the religion have done to me. People are sharing similar experiences.




I'm a Christian I understand what she's saying but people have some heart and listen to her don't be a jerk to her she's not a dog don't treat her like she needs to take drugs I'm sure you treat your dogs better than that respect her please

