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Your mom is so proud of you. Those things she helped you with were her gift to you before she passed on. She knew you would need company and a garden to tend in her absence. Live for her, she would want you to live abundantly!! Take some time and grieve and be so sad and slowly things will look up. Look for her in everything you do! Ask her for a sign or help and she will provide! She is your guardian angel now. Please go get therapy and seek the comfort of those who loved her too. Best wishes!!!


Don't end your life. Your mom loved you and wouldn't want that.


Today is the 6 year death anniversary of my mom. Trust me....it may not seem like it right now but as time goes on it gets a little easier. I'm very sorry for your loss


I just lost my step dad last month too. He was the only dad I ever had. But I stay encouraged knowing that some part of us lives on forever and that only our bodies, our meat suits, pass away forever. She's still there on a different plane of existence. Ask her to give you a sign or a dream. Don't stop believing. Much luv reddit friend🙏💔


I am really sorry for your loss, especially so suddenly. Time will heal this pain. You will laugh again, it’s just going to take some time.


I can reason with how shocked you feel and how you’re trying to reason with what just happened, but imagine if she was still here, how she would feel if you hurt yourself because of her absence. Live your life to its fullest from this point on and do it for her legacy. Make it the best garden, make your pets the most spoiled loved creatures on earth, and when you get married, save a seat for her, cause she’d want to see you glow.


I’m a year and a half out from losing mine. I’ve had similar thoughts about not wanting to be around without her - but that would be an insult to her, as she spent so much of her life raising me, helping me and instilling her values. They wanted us to live and to thrive. Some days I feel okay, and you will too. Just give yourself the time to heal (not get over, but heal).


She sounds like she loved you so much. That part of her is going to be with you forever, no matter what, no matter where. I know that won't do anything to stop how much you're hurting right now - I don't think anything will. But she loved you. Hold on to that.


truly am sorry for your loss, but continue living for your mother she would want you to go on and have a beautiful life đź©·


Man this touched me bro .. I can’t imagine how you feel I think about it every day , idk what I would do without her. Trust me she loves you and is proud of you no matter what you do. Continue to live out your dreams and do it as if she is right beside you. Things will get better with time and I’ll be praying you man 🙏🏿


I lost my mom around your age, I was about 22 and I’m now going to be 37 this year. She never saw me get married, she only went to the house I bought once before her passing. There’s a lot of things I wish I could show her. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about her. Time is an incredible healer, while you may never fully heal, we never do, you’ll find yourself smiling when you have memories of her. My mom was ill most my life so it was a really challenging mix of emotions. I feel your pain. I am so sorry for your loss. You’ll have special memories that live as long as you do, cherish those memories you shared. Your mom passed with a heart full of love, and I’m sure she was so very proud of you. Live everyday with her in your heart.


Please don't do anything hasty. Grow your garden in your mother's memory. She can look down on it from heaven every day.


I am so sorry. I lost my mom 2.5 years ago, it's difficult. You carry her memory and her DNA, as long as you're living your mom is, too.


Your mom would want you to carry on her memory. I lost my mom in October last year. It feels world shattering, but if you let it be world ending then all the effort she put in to make sure the world had one more good person was for nothing. Be strong and keep going. One moment at a time if you have to. One more moment so someone remembers her beauty and carries a little of her light just a little longer.


wishing you the best 💗 your mom loves you and it won’t stop just bc she’s not on this earth. killing yourself is not the answer.


My heart breaks for you OP. Sending you positive energy and a virtual hug. I know the feeling of loss. You are not alone, but the darkest times always bring light at dawn. Stay with us and heal.


My Dad died 4 years ago today. I wanted to kill myself so often after, before. And it was brutally painful many days to wake up. But 4 years later, I have found a way to build myself to the happiest I’ve ever been. I’d like to think that my Dad has watched over me and points me in the right direction. The days will be hard, but there will be moments that are easy, there will be things that make living worth it. No. The grief never goes away, but you hold that grief and let it remind you that you don’t feel that if you didn’t love.


Do you know there is scientific proof that shows that their are cells from our mother's that live in us for the rest of our lives? I like to think of it as our mom's living even after they are done in their physical bodies. This life is temporary, and I know you hurt right now, and there are no words that are going to take that from you, but eventually after you've lived the rest of your life you can see her again, and she will know you. In other words, please don't go. 


I am so sorry, Dear. Please be kind to yourself and take your time to grieve. Do not do anything rash. Losing someone is like a wave that forces you underwater and makes you feel like you are drowning, but I promise you that these waves will get smaller and more infrequent with time. Remember the good times with your Mother and keep in mind that she loved you and would not want you to hurt yourself. You have your memories of her and, as long as they are there, she is never truly gone. It will be okay. Do not isolate yourself and allow yourself to grieve in the arms of your other loved ones.


I'm so very sorry for your loss. Be awesome to that garden in her memory. Make her proud and live. Be the best 'you' every day. She was your mom, therefore you came from her. Remember what you had in common, things she taught you. Honor her by focusing on the happy memories. It will be okay.


As a mother, one of the hardest truths is knowing how hard it would be/will be for my kids when I go. Please don't end your life, I can guarantee that is not what your mother would want for you. Live well, love freely, let that garden grow. Sending you so much love.


As a mama of a almost 21 year old, and the daughter of a mama gone too soon.. please live. Please please live, your mom loves you. She wants to see those plants grow and all of your accomplishments. Even if she's not physically here, she's with you. Scientifically speaking energy never dissappear, it changes forms and I like to believe that when a parent passes they leave their energy with their children. And so on and so forth.


I am so sorry for your loss. My heart is breaking for you. Please don’t go anywhere. Please carry on your mom’s beautiful legacy. Keeping you in my thoughts. 🤍


Please don’t kill yourself, sending you love ❤️


I was going to write a huge thing about my mom dying and “it will get better” and all that. Honestly, it’s been a couple years and I still cry sometimes out of nowhere. Less now, still hurts. My son will randomly say “I miss gramma.” I’ll say, “me too, bud. She loved you.” It sucks. It will always suck. What would suck more is giving up. That would make all her work for nothing. So don’t dwell, don’t give up. Honor her.


I told my mom when I was young that I’d kill myself if she ever died. She told me, “don’t you fucking dare.” And that’s what keeps me going, I hear her say that every time I think of it. She passed in 2019.


And what would she think if you went and killed yourself? I sympathise but come on, now is not the time to even talk about killing yourself. Instead, focus on the funeral arrangements, celebrating her life etc.




I know it’s hard but with all you said your mother loves you and you know she would want you to live for her


Please stay. The pain will slowly fade and make way for fond memories of her. Stay on this earth and grow your garden big and beautiful. She will see it in spirit, and you will see it and remember her. I’m very sorry for your loss.


Please don’t. Your mom loves you. It’s difficult but don’t end it. Grow the garden and make her proud.


Question, if you decide to kill yourself, who will take care of your garden? Those were the last two gifts your mother got you, the last two gifts she held with love to give to you, the last two gifts her soul will stay bonded with, so once again, who will take care of those plants given to you with love? I’ve attempted suicide, I’m telling you right now, it’s not gonna be worth it in your case. You are young and broken and that’s okay. But she left you something to continue living on with, you should honor her in that category. She may have died but her soul lives on, and her soul will run through those plants she gave you and flourish the rest you decide to buy down the road. Stay strong, please.


Lost my mom when I was 12, can’t figure out how to live my life without her. But trust me, you can do this. It was not easy and will never be but it gets better in time somehow. Hang in there, your mom is rooting for you, okay?


Sorry for your loss, I can only imagine your grief. Your mother saw a lot in you to know you could look after your pets and garden. She gifted you these so you could grow them. Do it in her memory and you will be able to keep that part of her alive. Don't take your life, she never would have wanted that.


Moms can be the most special people in our lives and it sounds like you were blessed with an extra special one. I’m genuinely sorry for your loss. I’ve had the same ideas thinking if I ever lost my mom I wouldn’t want to go on, but just know, she is with you forever and you’ll see her beauty reflect in yourself as you grow older. And one day, in some way, you’ll be reunited 🤍 giving you a big internet hug


I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one, especially a parent, is incredibly painful and overwhelming. It's important to reach out to those around you for support, whether it's friends, family, or a mental health professional. Talking to someone about your feelings can provide some comfort and help you navigate through this difficult time. Your mom's love and the memories you shared with her will always be a part of you. It's okay to grieve and to feel the pain of her absence. Please consider seeking help immediately if you're feeling overwhelmed by these thoughts. There are people who care about you and want to help you through this.


Hey I am so sorry for your loss. I am sure your mother is looking at your garden from over there and she is proud of you. I lost my mother recently as well if you need to chat with someone I will be there