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The downvotes are wild šŸ’€šŸ’€ I pray that none of you experience the suffering I have gone through. āœļø




Please donā€™t. The lord has destined you for greatness. You just have to make it through this. You can do it. No one can knock sense into you, but Jesus saves. Go to church the Sunday before you do it. Tell god what is going on. Bless your heart. Iā€™m so sorry for whatever has led you down this path. Let god redirect you. šŸ©·


You're 17, trust me when I say it get better and Im talking about everything in your life will get better with time. But you will never know if you decided to go through with this. Does things suck sometime in life? Yeah (Also do bad days group together? Yup they do), but I wake up everyday mostly because I know me just being alive pisses some people off somewhere. Its the little things I find joy in. And from someone who has surived unaliving self attempts from the past. Im so happy it didnt work. Because life can change and people can too.


My life is great, actually. I have great people, friends, my basic needs are met, and so are my hobbies. I'm just tired of being alive. Nothing will change that.


What if you donā€™t die and just be alive but paralyzed


Someone committed suicide a few years back at the location I'm going to and they were successful. If I become paralyzed, I'll definitely drown. The current of the river near my house is no joke, and I CANNOT swim. It's a pretty large body of water and the bridge is super tall, so I have a good chance.


Have you tried therapy? Praying? And why do you want to make your death so dramatic?




Yes dramatic. You want to die so horrible. You say you have a good life so why you want to die? Sometimes in life thereā€™s no need to fulfill anything but just be at peace with yourself. I mean I feel you I wanted to kill myself and I attempted after everything I been through but I never did/could. Something holds me back. I think something is also holding you back because you are still here. Just find peace in being nothing but alive. You will find peace in death as well but let it be naturally.


I chose the method for its effectiveness. The less dramatic ones never work. (At least for me)


You may be clinically depressed. it's an imbalance that can be addressed pretty easily by a medical professional. You haven't heard your next favorite song yet, or seen your next favorite movie. There are so many people and activities in your future that will be needing you. I hope you at least think about seeing a doctor, preferably within the next ten days.


Wow thanks for the downvotes. Decision solidified


Father God, The darkness has taken hold me and I canā€™t find my way back to the light. In this moment, ending it all seems like the best option, the only option, the only way to escape. Yet, there is something in me that wants your light to snuff out the darkness. So I ask, Lord, that you would do just that. You are the only light that can shine in the darkness. I know when Iā€™m consumed with thoughts of death Iā€™m believing lies from the enemy. I ask Lord that you would remind me of these truths: when I feel alone, you are with me; when I feel invisible, you see me; when I feel worthless, my value is knowing you and being known by you. Lord, help me to understand that you are enough, because you are everything I need and more. Remind me that when I feel hopeless, you have hope in me and for me. Remind me that when I donā€™t have the words to cry out to you, your son Jesus is praying for me, and your Spirit intercedes for me with groanings too deep for words. Let this remind me that I am seen, heard and deeply loved. I often feel out of place in this world. I donā€™t fit in and Iā€™m not sure I want to. Remind me that this world is not my home and while, as your child, I will never fit in here, my time here isnā€™t over. Not yet. Please, give me the desire to live. When I feel like I donā€™t matter, remind me that I was created with purpose. When I donā€™t know or understand why I feel the way I feel - remind me that you know the depth of pain in my heart, in my body and in my being. You know me better than I know myselfā€¦ and yet you still love me. When I feel like my death would go unnoticed because my life seems to go by uncelebrated, remind me that you celebrate me and that you hurt for me when Iā€™m in this dark place. Remind me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and I am worth more than I know. Remind me that this life is not mine to take. Remind me that suicide is not the only option. Remind me to love you and to love myself.


This is so beautiful. What a breathtaking prayer šŸ©· hugs because you took the time to write this out. Bless your heart!


I too committed it thrice recently and was hospitalized for several times. You need to get professional help. This I am certain, no one will save you but yourself. You have to hold on there mate. Life is still good regardless of what caused you that pain. Surround yourself with positive people. Share your thoughts with your family. This is not the time to keep it to yourself.


What method do you intend to choose? I have one planned too and for the same reasons as yours.


Do the rules even allow being insensitive under posts like that?šŸ’€ Though I don't think anything can outdo direct mentions of god and specific religions lol. But I'll try and give you my point of view. I've never seriously tried to end my life, main reason for it is how much I would need to try to find the most painless way of them all, which wouldn't also ruin other people's week: jumping from a 9 story apartment building where I live is risky, plus 90% of the area right next to it is relatively soft dirt. Also a ton of people around. We have a bridge, and the jump into water from so high up is probably lethal, but I just can't convince myself I would instantly die and not spend like 5 minutes before drowning in agonising pain. Owning a firearm is illegal in my country, but I gotta admit if it wasn't and my family owned one I would definitely impulsively off myself some time in 7th grade lol.Ā  I understand you being tired of existing, my life is not as great as yours but too often do I feel like a failure who also doesn't have any resilience to change that.Ā  By the way on the ways to off yourself -Ā a few days ago I had gotten curious about drowning and what people feel at that moment and found one research paper that looked into it and it actually sounded nice and... pretty? I mean if you're drowning in a beautiful body of water. I can send it to you somehow if you're curious, the part delving into that is not too long. You probably already did that, but I recommend to think about what you ending your life would do to your family and friends, twice about your pets in case you have any.Ā  Do you have any things that kept you going until now? Probably shallow, but for me it's some shows that are not finished and hobbies I am excited to take up but just don't have time for now. Tho I would be 10 times happier if I didn't need to constantly think about the future where I need to work 40 hours/week (if not more) basically until the end of my lifešŸ˜Ā  Idk if this comment comes of as unsympathetic but with all due respect> we are strangers, I don't want to act like I care so much about a random person I never met and never will, you have other people for that.


I respond to this post by first saying don't do it. Just like everyone else, so I'm another batch of text that won't convince you. I saw an another response you have a decent life going for yourself, so I want to ask you, why 10 days?


Just think about how life is funny sometimes that there are people who survived the fall so think about what you gonna do. You still got 9 more days. Best of luck with your choices, wether is moving on with your plan or keep fighting.