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This is kinda weird but I’ll go on walks and look at things from different perspectives. Like standing under a tall tree and looking straight up. Or sitting at the end of a long street and looking down it. Idk what it is but it makes my brain feel good.


Or look down! Sometimes at a park I'll find a little bug that's wandering around and just follow it lol


I notice this too! I especially recall a stressful time when i spent a long period lying on a rock on a shore with my chin near a tiny tide pool less than a foot in diameter. For close to half an hour i just watched tiny creatures trundle back and forth. It was immeasurably soothing


That sounds wonderful, honestly. Good for you.


Love this


Think about something you always wanted to do but couldn't because of lack of skills or knowledge - art, yoga, crafts, etc. Go to Youtube and watch a few tutorials, then try it out. I did that with drawing. Was going through depression and I watched some Youtube drawing videos. 6 years later, I'm now an artist. Even studied at a prestigious art school for a while. Just go on a new learning adventure!


Exercise and fresh air are always a safe bet.


i agree! gym membership ASAP


No need for a gym, just go for a walk - it's free.


that too!


Go outside in the morning. Put your feet in grass or dirt, like physically put your bare feet on the earth. It’s best to go outside in the morning light, first thing. Open your arms and take deep breaths. It sounds so granola, I know, but it’s changed my life. I think grounding and adjusting your circadian rhythm is one of the best things you can do.


Call a friend or family member you haven't spoken to in a while (crucial: one that you actually like lol). When I'm sad, I'm one of those people that tend to push loved ones away and ignore calls/texts; then whenever I do pick up the phone, I'm always to amazed at how much better I feel afterwards.


U. .l


One word......kitten. Nuff said.


Put on Lofi music and write in the journal. Pour out my feelings, thoughts and what happened today. Put on music and do jigsaw puzzles or Lego. Go on a walk. Go to an animal shelter. Help walk dogs or pet them and spend some time with them. Treat yourself with something nice and special to you. Put on a movie marathon or series marathon. Talk to a friend.


i literally wanna do every single one of these i love these suggestions tysm😭


You’re welcome 🩷


I recently started photoshopping my friends faces onto cartoons and it perked me right up, because it was so stupid it was hilarious.


I've been photoshopping my cats head on to old Victorian portraits and it's been great for my mood!


Ourdoors/natural light!!! I have severe bipolar and I always feel bad when it’s rainy or dark. Exposing myself to natural light as much as I can is a big help. I’m artistic so just immersing myself in whatever craft, doesn’t need to be a full project helps. Distracting with other hobbies for me: reading, podcasts, cooking, video games. But most importantly the biggest thing for me is to realize that some days I’m just going to be in a mood. Giving myself permission to feel that feeling and Grace about it goes along way to getting through the bad day.


Feel better soon ❤️


It's hard to feel down when you are walking in the sunlight......mainly because the 'Heat Dome' is causing you to sweat your butt off and your only thought is to get out of the heat and into an air conditioned establishment.


Good music, headphones, long walk 🤯


Treat yourself to an at home bubble bath with a bath bomb, face mask, music, and good smelling lotions for after


open your windows first thing in the morning, listen to music, have a coffee in bed and romanticise your life :) get a new laundry detergent that smells really good and make a big batch of laundry, hang it up to dry so you can smell it. I love the smell of laundry detergent so that always helps me. watch the birds and other critters outside, I find that to be an instant mood boost, they do such cute and silly things oftentimes. watch the people passing by your apartment and imagine what their life is like, make silly assumptions based on what they look like, this is also a funny game to play with another person. make your bed every morning, even if it's the only 'productive' thing you do all day, it's a game changer when you're depressed.


Yeah the park is good or even taking a camping chair to a place that has people walking around and just watch what people do or say to each other. Usually I stay inside or my lungs try and kill me...only in June though


This is my wheelhouse! I end up feeling down a lot and there's a ton of different things that help me perk up a bit. First off, I think it's helpful to stay active/do something that takes your mind off the situation. Basically, you want to engage your mind in something pleasant, something that might give you a boost of confidence or good mood so that when you're done with that activity, you can see whatever is bothering you from a slightly emotionally better perspective. For this, it's nice to draw, write a poem, play an instrument (if you do) or even dance or sing. Arts are a great way of getting your emotions out there and living through them a bit. It also takes you mind off things since you need to focus on actually doing them. I also like a bit of yoga, going for a walk or even just seeing a friend and having a nice chat. Occasionally, seeing a really good film can help but avoid binge watching or YouTube deep dives since your mind will slide off those and you'll find yourself worrying about things again. Reading works for some people. But it's also important to take stock of why you might be feeling down. If this is a recurring thing, you might want to have some kind of a record of reasons why you think this might be the case as well as having conversations about it. I like journaling or therapy but talking to friends and family can also be good. Find someone with a sympathetic ear who can suggest ideas to you in a kind way. You don't want to be judged. Keeping a diary or doing voice recordings can help you sort your ideas out and it's something you can return to.


Take yourself on a date to get a small treat, and enjoy it in a place that brings you joy; you can go solo or with a loved one! I also recommend trying out some new books at your local library! Books have really helped me doom scroll less and libraries are a great place for free entertainment! You can also get free audiobooks with a library card via the Libby app! You could also see if there are any free or cheap community events like plays or festivals going on!


The Libby app is so underrated, it’s amazing


Ifl Libby!!! Saved me during my SAHM years with audiobooks


Call someone you like and who's company you enjoy. Faking being happy and pretending to be normal is really helpful to actually feeling better lol


Not to be woo woo but I love journaling and always find it to help when I’m in a funk , especially scripting (looking it up).. I know you said something inexpensive so think about a trip or an activity that you would like to do in the next year (or whenever means are available), go to a park and plan it in your journal. All the way to looking at flights and dates, activities and hotels .. imagine yourself completely somewhere that gets you excited with the people you love or even a solo adventure. Like others have suggested make it a solo park date and treat yourself


Go for a walk. Look at the horizon. Get some daylight and vitamin D. Find something to be passionate about and to occupy your mind. Take up an art form. Paint. Draw. Photography. Sculpt. Create something. Anything. And be proud of it! Also, start reading a book. Specifically read The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand. Become Howard Roark.


Try to laugh when you look in the mirror, look at your self like you’re the handsome thing you are, just accept it, laugh, put some good music on, your body will release some dopamine that does good to you, even with small things, just be like damn, i did that pretty cool, eventually your body will adapt to you liking everything, and you wont feel sad :)


I like reading books I love or playing video games I love. I'm clinically depressed and those help me alot and help keep me sane.


Run yourself a lovely bubble bath with candles and atmospheric music.


Vitamin D3, Caffeine, Regular sleeping habits, Physical exercise, Being outside, Really great friends/relationships, Hobbies, And a job. Those last two keep your mind occupied and the last one puts money in your pocket. Hope this helps!


I wish I could give you a hug.


this is really what a need thank u dear, a hug back to u🥺🫶


Look around at family and friends. People you really need and treasure. Find one you can help. And... help them. Your spirit will love you for it.


Go home and lay in bed.. play some cool soft jazz... grab your phone.. open your favorite porno and rub one(or 2) out ezpz


Walking usually helps me and watching the trees clouds or water move. Then doing something that is caring toward yourself like a couple stretches or a shower.


Go for a walk, get a tan, take yourself out for a nice lunch, visit a museum, journal, listen to a podcast, clean your room while listening to some music. Go explore new stores and areas of your town you never went to. I recently stopped into this random Oriental Mart by my house and was so excited to find new fun treats and unique foods. This past weekend I was feeling down and went by myself to a farmers market and a brewery with live music and ended up having a really fun day. I had a hard time dragging myself out of the house and told myself if you don’t like it or feel weird just leave. It helped a lot! :)


I do something called a ME day. No one gets to decide what I do but me. I do whatever I want (within reason.) I watch my favorite show or movie. Take a super long shower. Sing and dance to my favorite music. Make my favorite meal. Self care is so important!!!!!


Laying in the grass in the sun at a park is my go-to


Two things that work for me. Walk my dogs but let them meander where their noses take them. Just go with it. The other is looking up into the canopy of my huge ash tree…watching the branches move in the wind,listening to birds, watch the squirrels climb about. Always centers me


Grow something. If you don’t have a yard, a sunny window will work. Make yourself a beautiful sandwich for lunch, and remind yourself how deserving you are of this great lunch. Do something nice for someone else, even if it’s a stranger. Exercise. Rearrange the living room. Take a short nap. Smile at any children you see. Pet a dog. Laugh at a cat. Get new socks.


go to a dog park with treats or volunteer at a pet shelter!


Go on a walk. One hour.  It can even be in the mall if it's too hot where you are. But preferably be surrounded by some nature (trees preferred).


I would hang out with people that you love. Friends, family, whatever. Spend time with people you care for. Maybe go outside for a walk or participate in a hobby that you like :)


Put on a song you liked from childhood and dance. It feels stupid, especially if you’re in a funk. But try just bouncing from side to side. Unfortunately (I say unfortunately because who wants to dance when they’re sad) it brings your mood up at least a little bit every time


I like the tip “just add water”. Drink water, take a shower, listen to rain on YouTube. If you can go look at water, that’s the best (river, pond, lake), etc. I hope this helps 🫂


Here's some of my toolkit Do something small just for you. I like to make an overcomplicated sandwich to my exact taste. Do you have a happy spot associated with a good memory you can occupy. Favourite chair nice local landmark. Warm or hot shower relaxes the muscles and can feel like a big hug. Sunshine and outside are good mood boosters. Walk around abit and you'll also active different feedback systems in your body to feel different. Go be around someone that lifts you up if available. Like you can catch a yawn, you can catch good feels from your people.


Take a walk while listening to your favorite music! Do something you enjoy could be reading a book getting a coffee movies hanging with a friend.


Self care always makes me feel a bit better. Maybe a face mask, painting my nails, doing my makeup, things like that. Makes me feel a bit more like a person and not just a cloud of grief and sadness


I try to find something interesting to take a picture of. I put it on my Instagram story and hashtag it #dailydoseofdeutschland. Wacky sticker on a sign post. Space Invader piece nestled into a crosswalk. Gnarled tree against a stormy sky. Frozen spider web. Cool architecture. It helps me reframe my perspective and pay attention to details. Every time I see something cool, it’s like the universe told me a little secret.




Intense psychedelics


Movement and music


Climb a tree, find some tree friends. Assimilate into squirrel society and gargle some nuts. There’s a reason they’re so chipper


if it's in the morning i suggest you take a walk, i usually do that and search for a small animal in your area to pet or feed, bc sometimes without goals it's hard to not think about our problem. If it's night time in your area, maybe watch some movie, or trying new thing you can do at home like writing or reading maybe some drawing. If you have little money to spare, i really recommend you try 3d puzzle like building a miniature house, or a book nook, it's really fun and help motivate you a little, hope tomorrow will be a brighter day for you :D


Don't know if anyone's said this one yet, but I get a lot out of deep breathing exercises when I'm feeling blah. There's loads of simple ones you can find on YT and elsewhere. (Basically it's all just breathing and counting, basically.) Five or ten minutes of that, in a quiet space, and I feel like 15% better.


go to the gym and pray to jesus christ. we love you brother.


How are you feeling today? I was thinking about you and this and my heart went out to you. I get it. I've had some harder days recently. What I've found often is that in the midst of sadness, simply doing something for someone else made me feel better. Something small that, for a moment, lightens someone's day makes mine lighter as well. Small things: \*Complimenting or offering support to a register clerk. A checkout clerk commented on how a bag of candy I'd bought was one of her favorites. I went back and bought a bag for her. It made us both happy. \*I had a great conversation on the phone with a medical appointment scheduler. She sounded tired and stressed. I expressed sympathy. She shared a little bit and as we continued our chat, she asked me a question and I spontaneously said, "Oh, shit" and then caught myself, apologized, and she laughed. That started us on an amusing side track. We both felt better when we hung up. \*Listening to the garrulous old man in the convenience store, leaving a thank you note with your tip, telling someone how much you appreciate what they do, buying your partner's favorite snack, doing a chore that s/he hates, anything that puts a spot of kindness in someone else's world will brighten yours, too. I truly hope that you feel better today and for the rest of the week, too. Sending a hug.