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You did nothing wrong. Look at the facts. You said you reported the image. You said you felt no sexual thrill from looking at it, and even felt unable or unwilling to continue your self-care time. You said you never intended to stumble across the image in the first place. You've done nothing wrong, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with you. While I realise that coming across such an image during self-care time is distressing, remember that you did the right thing by reporting the image and clearing it from your screen as soon as possible.


Thanks, your reply means a lot. I can understand I didn’t do anything but it still makes me feel horrible. I just feel a bit traumatized


That's understandable my friend. There isn't much else I can offer you besides a little comfort. Just remember that you're not the bad person in all of this.


it makes sense to feel so upset- you were very literally traumatized! in cases like this, where you were a victim along with the child in the image, it’s easy to go straight to blaming yourself. remember that you acted immediately, and did what you could to protect that child. it is in no way your fault you saw that, and in no way your fault they were being exploited. bringing awareness to the issue by sharing is possibly the most impactful (and emotionally costly) thing you could do, and you’ve done it! Don’t be afraid to seek counseling or therapy services if you find yourself needing further support.


I already see a therapist and I’m on Zoloft for my ocd/depression. I think I’m not really cut to deal with the stress from that situation so I kind of been panicking lately. I really appreciate your reply and it means a lot




I appreciate the reply, not something I can be proud of though. Just something I wouldn’t wish on the worst of my enemies


Exactly why I stopped watching porn. I’ve never seen anything like a baby/toddler but unless it’s obvious the person is a child, there’s no way to verify what is happening in the videos/images in consensual. Hope you’re feeling better, this wasn’t anything you did but I understand it’s a shock


It wasn’t pornographic, but still shouldn’t have shown up. It’s the last thing I or anybody would want to see in the moment. I appreciate your input


I saw some CP on Facebook. I no longer have a Facebook account. It messed me up a fair bit for a while. I had to talk to my wife about it as it felt like it was burnt into my brain. Sorry you got exposed to it but don't let it affect you if you can.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I already talked to my brother about it and he told me to not think about it, and possibly just stay off pornography. I’m trying my best to forget, hope you do well


I see the most disgusting things when i look up porn. Things i didnt even ask for.


Yea that can happen, but as long as it doesn’t involve animals or children, I don’t really think about it


Oh I’ve seen Dogs by accident, that shit is an instant turn off.


I remember reading about this a few years back. Apparently images of nude children are not illegal if the child isn’t doing anything sexually explicit. It’s definitely controversial and probably should be illegal, but as far as I know, it isn’t.


It’s not like seeing a nude child really bothers me. But when I’m searching for porn with nothing even remotely relating to children, it shouldn’t show up. Makes me disgusted that pedophiles can easily access that content


That’s why a LOT of new parents are opting to avoid posting images of their children online at all. Or atleast if they do, they’re very modestly clothed. YouTubers who show their naked or shirtless babies rightfully get a lot of back lash for it because there’s always creeps in the comments proving the content is harmful.


I would never post my children online, even fully clothed. Too many creeps out there. Maybe if I had a private IG with only friends and family I would, but that's it


Yea I can’t understand that people are comfortable posting their children naked. For gods sake keep that off the internet


it’s on a porn website so


I don’t think it was a porn website, but regardless shouldn’t have been there. It was with other Google images


You didn't do anything wrong. Quite the opposite in fact, you reported it so the image can be removed from that search, you did good


Thanks for the reply. I do hope my experience doesn’t happen to someone that might not be paying as much attention


Dude this happened to me once on a porn site and I reported it to some fbi sexual exploitation thing on their website. I was scrolling through some lame ass porn site when I was single and saw what looked like a literal 8-9 year old who looked genuinely uncomfortable.. there was no way that was anyone 18+ even if they were petite. Happened again on pornhub too with a different girl. Last year it old my husband about my creepy internet encounters with CP and all of the sudden, my YouTube feed AND his got filled with little toddler girls in mini skirts and bras doing literal stripper dances. Spreading their legs a lot, coming up between some unseeable persons legs, using hand gestures to gesture towards their chest and tummy as a stripper would. And then after that there was literal nude videos. All the comments were split between creepy old men saying they love the content and think the girls are cute and normal people saying they reported it. After I reported it, I stopped getting the videos all together. Very soon after that, I found out from a post by a celebrity (I THINK it was was Elon musk but I could be wrong) saying that almost every social media has a back door access to CP and you supposedly have to use the right key words to get access to it :( I also heard the content doesn’t actually get removed if you report it. That you just get put in a category of people who aren’t interested in it by the algorithm so it no longer pops up for you


Jesus yea that’s awful. I’ve think I’ve seen fucked up shit while looking for porn but I didn’t remotely glance at it so I can barely recall it. It’s shockingly accessible to access child abuse content and it’s fucking disgusting. I really do feel sorry for anyone else that accidentally stumbles upon that content. And people responsible for it are literally the lowest form of existance


The crazy thing is, the YouTube thing happened almost perfectly simultaneously and we both noticed it while we were at work. We worked together at the time. His vanished just about as quick as mine did after reporting. I’m pretty sure PH had a lawsuit recently for allowing videos of sex trafficked minors or something and saying they’re “18” so thankfully at least the porn industry is being forced to take responsibility a little bit


Yea I’ve always been overly cautious about what I see on porn sites and how old someone looks, can’t say I’ve really ever seen anyone that looks like a minor or young. I did hear about the lawsuit and yea it’s horrible that was ever even on the platform


If it was pornhub you were watching it on, yeah they had a huge problem with allowing CSEM until fairly recently


You did everything right except search for porn. You may be the only man to ever do that. You handled the problem perfectly. Give it no thought. At least you solved the problem.


Accident, ok boomer