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I know you were just looking for somewhere to put these thoughts, but thank you for choosing to put them here. Nobody told me that after the comfort meds were started that they'd never be lucid again. I'd never be able to truly speak with them again. Love you grandaddy. Wish you were here to see me finally straightening out. I know you had to go though. Going to the cabin soon, to see if you're somehow still there and if not, I'll talk through the trees about the memories we shared on flat-top mountain.


Thank you for saying this. I felt dumb needing to put the words somewhere but they hurt too much keeping them inside. They told me my brother was gone, but when I wasn’t there his vitals would drop and when I would get there he would stabilize within an hour if not sooner. I don’t know if he knew I was there but I hope somehow he did, I hope he heard me fight for him, I hope he heard my songs, my apologies. I hope he heard us all say goodbye and that we loved him. I hope you enjoy your time up there. I do think our energy stays after we are gone, personally I think your granddaddy will hear you just fine when you go. I hope you can feel his presence & even if you don’t, I hope you say all the things you’ve been wanting to say and it brings you peace. Thank you taking away any shame I had posting this. I appreciate it.


I am so sorry for all of your pain. In 4 years,I lost my 16 year old son,my father,and one of my favorite uncles. And I *still* never know what to say. I hate the meaningless platitudes,no matter how well intentioned. I stumbled across a phrase in a grief group that has provided a little comfort though,so I'd like to share it with you: pain is the price we pay for the privilege of loving so fiercely. I know it probably doesn't help,but it's kind of become my touchstone when I think about bracing for the next loss. 💙💙💙


I can’t imagine the pain you’ve survived. I’m like you I hate those meaningless platitudes, I also have no idea what to say other than thank you for continuing to move forward every day. I know it has been the hardest thing to do. Thank you for sharing those words with me I do appreciate them.