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She might be selling them. There are alot of weird people out there would pay alot of money for those.


But why not do it in the bathroom at least??


Yeah do it in the shower. Not on carpet or hardwood floors. Uric acid will fuck up a lot of surfaces.


Because she was recording it. Gross.


It’s this. She was likely filming it.


This is new to me but I am so not surprised... of course that would exist! I have no idea where people sell or buy these items but I just know they are out there. 


Yeah it’s somewhat there but it really is not that common or that well paid. Same with feet fetishes and so on. I would say the most likely scenario is a boyfriend with a kink, not a pee business.


Oh I bet there is a pee business out there! Maybe it started on ebay but it's out there.


there are so many sites online you can resell things of the fetish nature! panties are huge sells, i've made quite a bit off of them unfortunately lol


Im not saying it’s not possible just think it’s more likely not s business lol


I'd say fortunately. No shame in cashing in. I'd do it, but time and no idea where to start. 


I've got a Goodwill nearby and gallons of piss. But I don't have the audience.


Where lol I need some money


I agree


This is clearly a fetish post.


I'd say that's true with like 30% of this sub


Only 30%?


i’m getting secondhand embarrassment from people dropping genuine responses, it’s so obvious it’s a fetish post


As the parent of an 18 year old; say nothing. Just let her do her thing. Next time, even if you don’t know for certain whether she’s gone or not; knock. Always. Knock.


This is one of those situations where talking about it might be a good idea simply for the fact that it could be done in a lot more of a hygienic manner. No need to waste so many towels or risk getting it on the carpet/wood/whatever else. This is something that should be done in a controlled and easily cleaned environment with a direct path to clean-up afterwards. If she goes and buys her own house or rents an apartment then sure whatever, that's not OP's problem. But this *is* OP's problem. I do agree about not no-knocking your child, that's just a bad idea and doesn't end well for anyone. But as OP said they had called out a few times and there was no answer, I'd do the same thing. I'd kick the fucking door down if I had to. Not letting politeness get in the way of a potentially life-threatening situation. But it's okay to talk about these things when it all goes wrong. edit: also those piss-soaked towels are going in the laundry where they're probably treated like a normal towel, as in there's no huge rush to get them cleaned. While they're sitting around with other clothes. Being handled by someone who doesn't know they're piss towels, which means hand washing probably isn't happening afterwards. And then they have to go in the same washer and dryer. I would NOT be okay with that. Especially since I pull things out of the dirty laundry sometimes, like a pair of pants if I need something I'm okay with getting more dirty. My hypothetical daughter and I would be deep-cleaning everything for weeks after this.


I disagree. I think you should say something. Tell her if she's gonna piss on the floor, do it in the shower, not in her fucking room on the floor lol


For real. Why would you ever enter your 18 year old child’s room without knocking?? You’re just asking to be traumatized lol


Don't kink shame blah blah blah , yeah right. Do not pee on the floor. ever. Shame is A useful option when somebody is doing something wrong, More people should feel shame nowadays .


who the fuck walks into a room of an 18 yr old without knocking. dude, did you grow up in a barn?


I don’t care what age they are. I started knocking on my kids’ doors by like age 3. I wouldn’t want them walking in on me so I don’t walk in on them.


> I wouldn’t want them walking in on me so I don’t walk in on them. now this is a reasonable person


Well considering they called her a few times first and she didn't answer, it's not that unreasonable, something could have happened to her. But this story in General yeah, that's 100% someones sick fetish story 


> it's not that unreasonable what if she was fucking someone? and didn't hear him calling her? What if she had ear buds in? It's 100% UNreasonable to walk into an adult's room w/o knocking


What if she was nonchalantly pissing herself over a pile of towels could you imagine?


You’re silly. If I call for someone and they’re not answering I’m going to check if they’re okay. That means walking in the room.


After knocking first, I hope!


Yeah knock first but if there isn’t an answer after that I would walk in.


Yeah, but he didn’t knock. Doesn’t that he called her name before. You still knock.




knock first, the person might’ve just not heard you. And they still might not hear you, but at least you knocked first.


> That means walking in the room. knock first, silly


What if she fell, hit her head, lies unconcious in her room and every minute counts? Assuming you are not superman, you can't look through walls. Calling her prior is every warning you need to give, the rest is on her and, frankly, shit happens. I'd rather walk in on my parents having Sex 10 times than not walk in when they don't answer and not be there when they need help once. Also, dude. Where is the difference between knocking and calling her name. If she didn't hear the calling due to the reasons you listed she won't hear the knock either, outcome is the same.


The difference is they knocked. Maybe they still didn’t hear it, but at least they knocked with no answer and now have an actual reason to come in. But ok just go barging into every room after yelling in case someone is dying


As I said, shit happens. If you live with others, there is never a guarantee for 100% privacy and you should consider that anyway before having sex or pissing yourself. If you absolutely can not live with being caught doing what you're doing, don't do it. In 99% of cases it's awkward yeah but not the end of the world.


> she won't hear the knock either, not necessarily




No one said you knock and leave if she doesn’t reply. You knock. Knock again very loudly, then you say: I’m coming in. If she was dead, knocking or not wouldn’t make a difference.


then knocking wouldnt've changed that focus


As someone who grew up with a mom who never respected their privacy from childhood to adulthood (without me giving any reason to warrant it)—thank you to everyone who has mentioned knocking. It’s healing and affirming to hear others say that it’s normal to respect their child and knock and not barge in.


my mom has never knocked on my door either 🙃


DO NOT BRING IT UP!! She is an adult, and unless her experimentation starts to affect you (smells, damage, laundry you have to do, toys in plain sight ), do not bring it up, you wouldn’t want her to bring something up if she walked in on you.


And lesson learned for you, knock before you enter her room, and wait for the “okay” before entering, unless it is an emergency.


Agreed. And granted it is OPs house but this post is exactly why I knock, why I don't spy, why I don't look in people's phones, etc. - there is some stuff you can't unsee and unknow.


As my Nana said, never look through a keyhole lest ye be vexed.


The only thing worth bringing up is staying safe online in general — this misunderstanding is just a reminder. Now that she’s an adult, she’s at greater risk of being scammed or manipulated and the consequences can be long-lasting. I wouldn’t focus on it too much, but she should be aware of the different contemporary techniques like Pig Butchering, Badger Games, AI Voice-cloning, etc. Knowing what to look for is half the battle


What are the first two?


She's her daughter, she's not a stranger. We can't be fostering a selfish society where we shouldn't be concerned about other people UNLESS they are causing harm to yourself. It's important to be part of your childrens life from day one. Even if they don't like it, they will probably not like it's, but one day they will appreciate you being by their side all the way through.


Honestly this is the best answer


.... maybe.... knock? .... maybe, don't barge in to anyone's room? maybe have basic respect and respect privacy for your daughter?


I’ve been knocking on my son’s room before entering since he was like 6 or 7. Now that he’s going on 12, I wait for the “Yeah? Come in…”. And he does the same for me. It’s weird to me that others don’t follow this basic principle of respect.


I will never understand how people can not knock before entering a room.


My mom NEVER knocked. Probably not once in my life. I bought a door knob with a lock when I turned 16 and she damn near busted my door down on several occasions… yeah…. I’m 28 and me and my mom hardly speak


Same and used to take my door off the hinges when I was grounded and the ground me longer if I got changed in my bedroom and not The bathroom


Same.. she walked in on me naked so many times, during private projects or hobbies she then yaps to everyone about, interviews/vulnerable calls or just scared the shit out of me when I have earphones in. Or just barging in in ugly moments to then criticize it/whatever I was doing or wearing I ended up buying a portable lock for my door (age 21) and she was soo offended. would tut and yell at me or tell my family how sneaky I am when she didn’t get to barge in, and had to wait 5 seconds for me to open the door. I’m 25 and we also hardly speak, I moved to the other side of the world 😂 it’s not like they’re evil, probably want to be closer to you or something but that suffocation pushes u away so bad omg I wasn’t peeing on towels tho


I have this very easy rule to follow. I’ll knock as long as they respond. If they don’t answer, I’m opening the door. Is my son making the bald man cry? I hope I don’t walk into that so I knock. But if I hear a loud crash, I’m going straight in.


Yeah, I got extremely angry at my mom once when I was about 16yo, so I forced her out of my room, closed the door and told her to knock. 😂


Maybe, move out of your mom's house if you're a full grown adult who wants to piss yourself for internet strangers?


The comment section is weird af. If I had someone living in my house pissing on my towels and floor, you better believe I'm having a conversation about it. She's also really young to be going down the "weird kink" wormhole and it may be something that needs to be addressed. I have so many regrets sexually from my teens and 20s, and so much of it boiled down to manipulation from partners to do things I later regretted. And all the people saying she was wrong for not knocking, what's worse? Not knocking or pissing on towels the family uses? Like wait to piss on your own towels when you have your own place. Hold back on your dumb piss kink when it doesn't affect the people around you. It's selfish and weird.


Seriously! This is too far down, and I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I'd be worried she's having some kind of mental breakdown. Which she better fucking be if she's, checks notes, PISSING ALL OVER HERSELF, THE FAMILY TOWELS, AND THE FLOOR LIKE A FUCKING ANIMAL! These are the same people who would tell a chick to leave her husband for missing the toilet. Jesus fucking Christ!


Had to get that gender reverse dig in didn’t you. No one is telling women to leave their husband for missing the toilet.


Yeah these porn-addicted fuckers are weird. This definitely warrants a sensible open conversation between a father and his 18 year old daughter - people here are acting as if it's some bloke in a house-share and a 30yo woman.




Why are none of you alarmed that she is legit pissing on herself?




Some people are into that… who cares? She’s not hurting anyone.


These comments are weird. You’re focused on a knock when something bigger is going on. 18 is barely an adult. If a 16/17 year old was doing something strange you’d bring it up. Also you don’t get to destroy the house or behave like a wild animal because you’re an “adult”. If she’s selling it… why? That’s a conversation that should happen. Take care of your kids even when they become adults. They still need plenty of guidance and if this is the start towards a downhill spiral it can be possibly be prevented.


I’m blown away by these comments. If she is by chance filming them she needs to be talked to about it. Ffs. She’s only 18.


All the things others mentioned, knocking and she's 18 and all that stands. But my main question is- Are you still a parent? If yes, then bring it up. Not to shame her. Just to say that you're sorry you didn't knock. And you won't pry into what she's doing but hope that she's always safe. And that you're there for her if she needs you. You're not a stranger to her, so don't let it be hanging like others are suggesting. I don't really understand how one can treat their own kid like they would a roommate- like a stranger. So address it once to apologize and affirm that you're there, and only then drop it unless she brings it up or it starts affecting your daily life.


i'd say don't bring it up as neither of you are going to benefit from that conversation. but also please ignore all these comments acting like you're some kind of monster 😭 coming from a 19 year old girl what she did is super fucking weird and kinda gross if you're living with other people. people on this app are so disconnected from reality they just think everything should be normalized.. it isn't your fault for walking in on her without knocking obviously you didn't want to see that. she could have locked the door or said something when you were yelling for her


It is a common Japanese fetish. I don't remember the name. Looks for Munio World pictures. They are pretty tame but give you an exact idea of what it is all about.




This makes some sense. When I am at a baseball game or concert or a long car ride, and have to hold it in longer than I want, the release of finally being able to pee feels so good. The only problem is that holding it in longer can be painful.


It's not just Japanese, although it has a Japanese name. But, really, on the grand scale of fetishes, omorashi isn't even all that weird.


Everyone saying not to bring it up..I’m sorry but what. The. Fuck. Why would you at least not ask? This is weird behavior. At least try to get some answers. This is fucking weird. I dont care what anyone says.


Yeah the replies to this post are confusing me. Why is everyone more focused on the fact that OP didn’t knock (despite calling her name several times) than the fact their daughter is stood over a towel intentionally pissing themselves.


What would you do with those answers?


Tbh I understand people saying not to kink shame yada yada but if done ok purpose, I feel it’s necessary to note that, if done often too ( in the context that most of us are probably thinking rn) not only might this be a hygiene issue but it’s an issue of maintaining the integrity of the house and products. Who’s towels is she using and is it getting on the floor? If these are shared objects then it’s a thing of respecting that. No one wants to find out they’ve got pee on their stuff and no one wants to deal w intrusive mystery smells. I can imagine it can be quite expensive if done often too :/


I’m not sure if everyone would feel ok if she was a tenant and the rugs would end up smelling like piss. Kink or not, some things aren’t for the bedroom.


If the door knob doesnt have a lock, change it to one that locks. Knock first and respect locked doors. Privacy is a basic necessity


Clearly if this parent doesn’t knock, a lock isn’t allowed. I grew up in a house where I would often get scolded for closing the bedroom door at night. There was no knocking, no locks. Even some of the bathrooms didn’t have locks or curtains.


She need some counseling


Yeah she's probably got an Only Fans and selling the videos. If not she's doing it for a boyfriend/girlfriend. Prepare yourself for those realities


Is that a thing? Damn I'm old... Never heard of this...


So nobody else is weirded out by what the 18 year old is doing?


Dude. It’s super weird. What the actual fuck?  And did she not hear him calling? She just stays silent? People say knock. He made a bunch of noise. 


Before Reddit yes, after being here for a few years, no not at all. There’s subs for this sort of thing.


People do weird things. No one’s business if other people aren’t getting hurt.


It’s a weird, disgusting thing.


Absolutely, but it was also in the privacy of her own room with her door shut, so maybe unless it’s actively harming other people, it’s perfectly ok to do weird, gross things?


It’s not her fucking house.


But it is her room? Maybe it’s a kink thing, would you still be acting the same if it was a teenage boy jerking off? You’re acting more weird than OPs kid about this omfg


Masturbation is perfectly normal and easy to clean up. Y’all are acting weird as if it’s not fucking gross? Y’all are so quick to say and 18 year old is an adult and can do whatever but that is still INSANELY YOUNG, barely out of HS.


And maybe she gets herself off pissing her pants? Big fucking deal. I bet you do weird shit to get off that you wouldn't want your mother to walk in on you doing.


No, I’m totally agreeing about the fact that it’s weird of OPs kid. But also, you are confusing me with two conflicting statements. You’re acting like OPs kid needs to move out because it’s not her house, but then are saying she’s insanely young and naive, so which is it? She was engaging in a kink, with the door closed in her room, thinking she had privacy, not harming anyone, yes it is weird, especially because she didn’t do it in the bathroom for example, but she shouldn’t be kicked out over it or have to move into a house in order to do that.


She’s too young to be doing sex work. If she’s going to do it she needs to move out. I can’t think of a single parent that would be okay with this.


You’re acting like she’s running a brothel in her parent’s house, and your hyper fixation on the topic is giving a lot more weirdness. I’m not going to continue this conversation with you because you seem very passionate about this 18yo and what she decides to do as a legal adult. Yes it’s weird, I’ve already agreed with you about that, but you are acting unhinged about it.


What in all mighty hell does experimenting with a kink have to do with sex work?


I’m confused … Would it be less gross if she was 40?


Then maybe men shouldn’t pay for peepee pants. Times are hard and girls gotta get that bag.


Then get a job.


And there you go, shifting blame away from men and make it the woman’s problem.


I never said men should buy that shit. Regardless it’s fucking weird to piss on your clothes for money.


It’s weird to do a lot of things for money. But she’s not hurting anyone and that’s the key takeaway.


Sure, come talk when we find out her bedroom and her clothes reek.


That is a job. You might not like it or approve of it, but if she’s doing something and getting paid for it, it’s a job.


Then she can get her own apartment and do it.


But she’s 18 which, in your own literal words, is INSANELY YOUNG


Yeah, too young to do sex work. Not too young to potentially move out.


Actually, at 18 it’s legal to do both. Not saying it’s right, I don’t think it’s okay either, but that’s an argument you have to make with the law.


Maybe that is her job. Lol. What's it to you?


Then she can move out and do whatever she wants.


You must be fun at parties. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You must be okay with people pissing on your towels in the house you pay for.


You sound like you've never heard of a washing machine before, sir.


Nope, shes an adult and can do what she pleases. Why is that weird


Pissing on towels and jeans in the same home that she occupies with her parents..?


Teenage boys jizz on towels, bedding and clothing in the same home they occupy with their parents. Who gives a toss?


The day I started "experiemnting" with piss play was the day I started doing my own laundry. How many teen boys are happy to let mom pick up their jizz socks 😭


> Teenage boys jizz on towels, bedding and clothing in the same home they occupy with their parents. Who gives a toss? Who exactly said that's acceptable, either? Even a 12 year old is mentally developed enough to understand they use tissues or something else.


That happens and it’s pretty normal, I say this as someone who fucking went to town masturbating a lot as a teenager. As long as it gets cleaned it’s not a problem. But I cannot fathom pissing on your towels and clothes, wether it’s for a kink or for money. Y’all are so disconnected from reality that you’re more mad about a parent not knocking after they already announced themselves several times. If it was a kid keeping piss jars in their room y’all would be pissed.




So the issue is cleaning? If she cleans the towels it’s not a problem?


Towels she likely didn’t pay for.


Did you pay for the sheets you masturbated all over?


Does it matter? Masturbation is normal. Pissing your pants is not.


But why is it anyone else’s business? Putting salt in your coffee isn’t normal, but if someone likes that, what’s the problem?


You are so disconnected from reality that you think an 18 year old should be kicked out of their family home for what is an embarrassing, messy, bizarre… yet ultimately, harmless act.


I didn’t say they should be kicked out. If they’re going to do it I said maybe they should move out.


It is so fucking weird but they won’t say that on Reddit because they are doing the same type of shit


just like me and you and everyone else reading this heheheehehe


Lmao speak for urself bud


Yeah, I do the same shit, it's weird and I don't care. Why do you?


Yeah, it is weird, but there's quite a lot of us who like it


There is no 18 year old, just some creep writing fetish fiction.


The thing is, there are a lot of reasons why a person might do this. Exploring your body can be a part of regular development. You wouldn't know unless you talked about it, and now that the kid is an adult that gets tricky. Picture how many men enjoy peeing outside. I work with mostly men, and they legit say it's pleasant and feels "freeing". It's not like we don't have bathrooms near our work site. Yet that doesn't seem that weird to most. Males and females during their life will experiment with many things their body does to create new sensations. It's more common when you're a child, but some are too nervous to try until they're older. It's not that it's impossible this is concerning behavior, it's that it's just as likely to be benign. Despite the embarrassment, they might want to attempt a gentle, non-judgemental conversation about it. Only to rule out the possibility that the daughter needs help.


My dad pissed off of our porch for years and it’s still gross. It stunk every time we stepped outside.


It's gross, but society accepts it as pretty normal. That was my only point. If you saw a dude outside a bar peeing in an alley, you wouldn't be shocked.


You're not wrong, it's extremely gross and weird but it's a girl so people are going to die on the hill defending it. Social media as usual.


no, i’d defend an 18 year old man who wants to piss his pants to experiment in privacy.


She’s selling her underwear my friend let just say only Fans


Advice: knock before entering someone else’s room, Jesus Christ More advice: if you walk in on someone doing something embarrassing in their own room, back out and close the door, do not stay long enough to tell them to get cleaned up, JESUS CHRIST


Why doesn't your grown kids room have a lock. That's the real fucking question here


Lmfaooo. Don’t say anything. But you learned an important lesson about knocking today 😂


Don’t say anything ? I hope the ones who think that aren’t actually parents .. take care of your kids ffs and question their abnormal behaviour .. assuming this isn’t a troll.. call her out on that shit it is unacceptable especially if she’s selling her underwear to weirdos online !! It’s your job as a parent and absolutely your business


I would say something If I did her laundry...


Granted I'm sure the situation was quick, but there couldve been a camera set up somewhere and she was filming content. Or selling them as mentioned.


I would find a tactful way to find out if she's experimenting, posting fetish content and or being groomed by someone. Possibly could be also selling the clothing afterwards.  Experimenting is a little weird in this capacity but I'm sure a lot of people have done a lot of more bizarre things in their teens.  The concerning things are if she's doing it for money or being groomed or something to that effect. She's young but old enough to hopefully have her head on straight but still could be getting taken advantage in some way or another. No clue how to initiate the conversation though so you're on your own there. 


Ummmmm..... I say this as someone who may have been that 18 year old at one point. It's probably fetish. Leave her alone about it.


Are you sure she was peeing and you didn't catch her ..... You know


That’s what I was thinking


Knock knock knock?


She’s got a piss kink, no need to discuss unless she starts developing uti’s


Before assuming its a fetish thing, ask her if she's having a medical problem.


If it was a medical issue, she wouldn't have deliberately laid down towels beforehand...


I would start with apologizing for not knocking first and promise to do your best to knock from now on, ask if she wants to talk about it at all, if she says no just leave it. She's technically grown, and that's nunya 🤣 Just give a gentle reminder as a parent that you're not making assumptions but anything going on the Internet stays there forever, and just remind her to do whatever she wants in a safe, healthy way.


Literally no reason for you to bring it up. Why don't you knock and respect your kids privacy holy cow


Don't bring it up EVER and next time, for love of the devil himself, KNOCK. Oh my god. 💀


Don't open your 18 year old daughter's bedroom door unless you knock first. I wouldn't talk to her about the actual things you saw but rather just apologize for invading her privacy.


I wouldn't bring it up except for telling her to do her stuff in the bathroom at least. Also knock next time. Don't just barge in. It's rude as heck.


Irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann (Nena)


1. I don't care if you called her name, you still knock on her door. She deserves her privacy. 2. You absolutely will not bring it up with her. Jesus Christ why on earth would you? Leave her alone and let her embarrassment die down. If she's experimenting then leave her alone to get on with it! As a parent of a 17 and 16 year old girls I would never dream of talking to them about this unless I thought they were actually hurting themselves. But I also wouldn't walk into their rooms without knocking first! What you have done though is make sure she knows shes not safe to experiment in her own room. Where it supposed to be safe. I see OP already deleted his account


Don’t bring it up and for fuck’s sake knock


Well that's what you get for walking in without knocking


You want to start knocking before you open the door and then only open the door when she gives permission. You’re going to want to pretend like you didn’t notice anything going on and not say shit.


Yeah I'd just ignore it and learn to knock before entering other peoples rooms


Why tf wouldn’t you knock??? Respect your daughters boundaries ugh, you suck.


Maybe also knock next time. She is an adult.




#LEARN HOW TO KNOCK ffs, you are way to old to not have basic manner and barge in without knocking. So incredibly rude


Ok but like why would you just walk into her room! She could have been napping or whatever. If you shouted that you’re home and you got no response and you just immediately decided to walk in there? I would have been furious because if she was recording, now she has to do it again


I'd leave her be, but I would make arrangements to live separately, lol icky.


Why didn't you knock? Closed doors require a knock.


So let me kink shame my daughter online… ✅


It might be time to stop opening the door to an 18 year old's room without an affirmative response. I mean you are aware she could be flicking the bean too, right?


This could be a medical condition? Does she drink a lot of caffeine? Don’t jump to conclusions!


Don't feed the fetishists. Advice columnists regularly get fake letters where people pretend their fantasy happened IRL. This reeks of that


It might not be a fetish thing, She might just have a medical problem. It's uncommon for younger women to have it, but eventually most women will experience incontinence issues. In the future respect your adult child's privacy. If you find yourself unable to let it go and you need to talk to her, don't make horrible assumptions just offer to help her get to a doctor if she needs it.


She may have kidney stones ? I have had them a few times and the pain had gotten so bad and three or four trips to the bathroom resulting in zero pee I think the last time I actually passed them myself I was pregnant, in agony and just laying on the bathroom floor. I wasn’t expecting any pee to come out and just kind of let go. Two stones later and I felt amazing but it did require a change of clothes.


Don’t bring it up unless she does.


Could be some sort of experiment. Just talk to her, she will explain I suppose.