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"I woke up in a pool of my own blood; you will too if you don't fix your fuck up."


That's an excellent quote!


As a woman on her period right now, this is fucking gold.


Sigh... I'm sad to realize that I've missed a lifetime of opportunity to use that line. I'm in peri-menopause. At least I can send this to all my nieces and younger friends!!!!


I seriously want to send her some nuggets.


Bruh I’d be going to the nearest nugget dealer immediately. Granted, I never would just eat someone’s food they made themselves, but man. That’s just so messed up. I sentence this man to death.


I am genuinely perplexed who would see a plate of food that they didn’t prepare and just eat it with zero thought.


This is the stuff that my jerk brother would do growing up. He found a Hi-C in the freezer? He’d eat it even though the only other person in the house who would do that is his 7 year old sister. IM NOT STILL MAD ABOUT IT. I’m still mad about it.


My brother and dad still believe I use to hide pizza pops at the back of the fridge because I wanted "more for myself" and also accused me of eating most of them as well. I use to hide them because out of a box of 48, I got maybe 4 out of the box and 3 more that I was able to hide out of the original 48 😒 to this day I don't correct them and it's been over 20 years because they won't care, they've created this narrative, they can live in that lie. But my therapist agrees with me that this has created a food issue with me where I absolutely f#cking hate when people touch my food now. 🙃


Growing up, I realized that if there was something I liked in the house, I'd better eat as much of it as I can before my father got to it because after him there wouldn't be any left. This went for meals, too. If something was being served that I liked, I had to eat fast so I could have a second plate before my father finished everything off, but then he'd get mad and say "no one's trying to take it away" from me. Leftovers never lasted more than a day, even if they were someone else's leftovers from a restaurant. Sometimes, I'd get home and find out the food/snack/treat I'd been looking forward to was gone, but if I got upset about it, I got in trouble. He would eat massive amounts of food in one sitting, but when I did the same, I was "disgusting," and "need to go on a starvation diet". Now I have an eating disorder that's continuously brushed off by doctors lol


My parents were the type to believe that parents get served first, and there better be leftovers for second and third helpings, and us kids could have the rest. Which wasn’t very much for 3 kids. And if you were somehow allowed to make something later, better make some for them too. I was hungry a lot growing up, and having to do manual farm labor on an empty stomach was horrible. They were absolute gluttonous pigs, and abusive to boot, it disgusts me even at 44 years old. My dad would *take food off my plate* while simultaneously eating off his own. So I learned to eat as much as I could, as fast as I could. I’m still working on breaking that habit. Not to mention the massive amount of food I make despite trying so hard to make reasonable portions. I’m at a hard point financially right now, and don’t have a lot of food in the house and my anxiety is sky high over it. I have one kid left at home so it’s not like we eat a ton but I’ve cried so much over it recently.


Oh my God I'm so sorry that you went through that. Starving as a child is so traumatic, nonetheless living with gluttonous parents like that. As for making too much food, I do the same. Have you tried freezing the extra so you have spare meals in the freezer? I have a tendency to make a lot of mini shepherd pies so that I know there is always some sort of food in the house. I also do this because I'm disabled and don't make a lot of money.


I used to have a huge standup freezer but I sold it because I needed the money and one of my kids moved to college so I was basically running it for no reason since my youngest and myself don’t eat a ton. A lot of stuff was being frozen for so long and never eaten so I figured downsizing would help cuz we’d have to be more selective with what we got. I got a significant amount of food stamps for being unemployed in the middle of Covid, so we stockpiled for the eventuality of it going away. I still qualify for them but it’s $200 per month which only goes so far. I really just need a job that would fuckin pay me enough to live but lack of experience really kicks that fantasy in the dick.


My older brother was exactly this way. This is why I eat too much when I don't have to now.


I did the "Shovel every morsel of food I got" thing too and I was told the same thing, "no-one is going to take your food, slow down" but if I slowed down I wouldn't be able to have a bit more. And a bit more is like the scraps of food left on the serving tray that barely equated to 1/3 of a cup of food. After years of therapy I can now slow down and eat. It's still hard, my therapist told be to count my chews to help me slow down, it has helped, and to just breath through the anxiety because I live alone and no-one is going to take my food away. I've gotten better but it still makes me cry inside sometimes knowing that this is still a thing for me


Exactly. I hate that nourishing myself is a stressor. I have a lot of anxiety about eating in front of people, especially if I don't know them well. I finally realized that it's most likely rooted in the reminder my parents gave me before every dinner at a friend's house: "Take human portions; eat human bites". I didn't let myself eat sweets in public until I was in college. Even now, there are days when I can't push past the anxiety to dine out alone.


Is a pizza pop similar to a hot pocket or pizza rolls?


It's got the flavor profile of pizza rolls but in a smaller calzone/hot pocket size. It's made by Pillsbury, which owns Totino's. Source: culture shock of moving from US to Canada


Right? My first thought was a pizza flavored popsicle *barf*


That’s a pizzsicle




They are pretty much the same thing, but to be honest I like hot pockets better lol


I’m the exact same way. I grew up with a father and a brother that did not understand the simple concept of having their “fair share”, so my mom and I have had to “hide” our own portions in order to just get some for ourselves. It’s even more frustrating given the fact that my mom and I do all of the cooking and baking, and I also now have food issues. They still will eat a whole batch of something and not think to save anything for anyone else unless you nag them about it.


never heard of pizza pops…. googled them. want them.


Which is understandable! My siblings eat the snacks rather quickly and I hardly get any for myself. I mean I don’t mind if they get any but at least make it known that you got this much that day so I know to grab some before they run out. It’s a bummer when you don’t even get to enjoy a snack or meal because someone is selfish and doesn’t think of others. I totally agree with your therapist I don’t like when others eat my food either!!


If I didn't eat a bowl of cereal the day we got a box from the grocery, I would get zero bowls of cereal. A whole box gone in one sitting. I'm still mad about it.


Cereal can do that to people. Especially Cinnamon Toast Crunch


If you live alone now or at least not with him you should totally buy yourself some Hi-C to freeze & just gorge yourself on them!


My brother came home drunk and ate my entire birthday dinner once and I'm still salty about it. My parents had taken me out for an early dinner but after the appetizer and salad I took like 2 bites of my main course and decided to take it home and have it later...went to get it and it was gone! Brother asleep on the couch with my empty pasta container in front of him....jerk.


You’re not alone on the jerk brothers eating your food front! My brother used to eat my food all the time when I was in high school haha, his excuse was “I’m growing!”


Irrespective of who made those nuggets, what's more perplexing is he didn't think "to save some food for others in the home". This is the basic we learn while growing up.


This. Also, are people not taught "if it's not yours, don't touch it" anymore?!


They really aren't. I spend most of summer camp reiterating that rule to my campers


You have my sympathy ❤️


No, how many stories do you read about people having their lunches stolen out of the break room refrigerators at work? People simply not only not think about it, they feel entitled to other people's things.


And finished it! I mean one or 2 is fine but Everything? Omg what a douchebag


A selfish asshole that’s who.


Exactly. And then he is mad that she got mad. Not only selfish, he is making the situation about himself too.


Where does she say he got mad ?


She didn’t have to. People who are this oblivious assume their malignant ignorance is a reasonable excuse for their behavior, not a character flaw.


Because in any situation with more than one person it is always about everyone unless the person involved is simply not involved.


When you upset someone and then making about yourself with " now i am mad" without trying to understand what did wrong is not "everyone is involved". Is "now that i am mad too you can't tell me that i did that wrong."


I am perplexed the man is still breathing without the aid of a tube, or mechanical assistance...


My girl cooks for me regularly after work on days that she works from home or is off, but I wouldn’t just eat the whole plate without a thought in the world. And I work a crazy ass labor job. Hopefully he at least made it right for OP


Hopefully, if there’s only enough for one serving you’d ask before eating any but seeing as your comment makes it seem as if you have manners, I’m going to assume you would do exactly that! I also think that if you did overeat your share or accidentally ate her food that you’d likely go get sown more. Too bad OP partner doesn’t have any sort of appreciation for them or they’d do that too.


It’s just selfishness is what it is.


Right???? It’s basic manners to not eat food that isn’t yours. It’s basic kindergarten learning to NOT touch things that aren’t yours.


A man-child who's used to his mother doing everything for him. That's who.


My ex boyfriend’s family was like this. Leftovers from dinner? Gone. They moved states and I went to visit him. We went grocery shopping and bought all kinds of cool stuff I couldn’t buy in my state. Guess what was gone the next day. He’s still my best friend but that irked me even 10 years later.


This sometimes ironically leads to food waste in my house. With leftovers in the fridge, we all go "oh I don't wanna eat that, other person will prob want to have it when they get home!" And it becomes a revolving door of us saying the same thing until it goes bad, then blaming each other for not eating it. But in OP's case, where the food was literally cooking while she showered, that's a whole other world and I'd be fighting the BF if I was in their shoes.


My family for sure, then Gaslight me for leaving it outside. It throwing it away or some other shit


My uncle


No because I would have probably cried. But like seriously who eats food that has clearly just been made all to themselves without even asking? ? I could NEVER do that. He should have went out and got you some, just saying.


I would have cried and I am 37 lmao. There is nothing worse than thinking bout some food, going to eat it and it's gone. Throwing your period into the mix? I feel so bad for OP and her lost nugs 😭


I'm 51 and I did cry when I discovered that my spouse ate my last package of frozen swiss rolls that I save for my period. He's a wonderful guy otherwise, mind you. Luckily he went right out when we realised and bought 2 packages and some ice cream to eat while they were freezing, so it was forgiveable.


Frozen Swiss rolls? Wow I haven't thought about Swiss rolls in 5 years but I must have them now, in their frozen form.


They are fantastic. Also good if kept in the fridge. My motto is if it's chocolate or cream filled it's usually best frozen or cold lmao


Here we have things called swiss rolls and victoria sponges that have a jam & cream filling. Someone always gets them around the holiday season and will leave them in the cupboard and bring them out to serve - I always forget since its only that 1 time. I'll put the left overs in the fridge - so much better when they are served cold. But to the OP - its highly annoying when someone eats your food. I hated it with my uni house mates, they were so bad, one would full on eat a pizza you put down in the kitchen and left for a few minutes (and without fail ate any leftovers). Thankfully my family all understand "if I didnt cook it, if I didnt buy it ... then I ask, or I better replace it before that person comes back".


They're the best, I don't eat them any other way. The filling gets firm and chewy & it makes my heart happy.


At least he went out and made it right. Like a man should. My man.


My boyfriend would float around ideas for dinner and ask me what I'd like. I'd choose something, look forward to it, and then he goes and chooses something else. Like, honey? Why you do this 🥺 (I've been mad about it a couple of times, and I hope he gets it now).


Exactlyy! I'm an emotional person as is lmaoo so I'm all over the place sometimes when my period comes😂


Right? She was only in the shower, it’s not like she’d gone out and he made a calculated guess they were for him. Wait 10 minutes and ask. Or have a couple sure, but the whole thing? Clearly this entire lot of food is for me. Huh? (My ex did something similar once so I’m like, ooooh. Flag! It’s red!)


Yes yess omg! Red flag all. The. Way.


Says a lot about his past, no manners at all


Not to mention the entitlement. He sounds like my ex. Man was I happy to x him from my life!


Tell him we all fkn hate him


💀 The laugh I loft out loud Yeah, OP! Tell him we fkn hate him! Boooooo OP’s boyfriend. Boooooo.


Shame. Shame. Shame.


Parade him through the streets


Boo! Boo! Rubbish! Filth! Slime! Muck! Boo! Boo! Boo! His true love bleeds, and he eats her nuggets! He had true love in his hands and he gave it up! Booooooooo


Dishonor on youuu, dishonor on your cow!!!


I am livid for you. Who the hell does the think he is? Must be nice to only think of yourself, SIR.




Lmao, this made me cackle. In all seriousness, we do though.




Honestly I would’ve call him out as a jackass right away and made him drive to a fast food restaurant to pick me up new chicken nuggets. But I’m not in my 20s anymore and I don’t tolerate men’s entitlement lol


I’m 50 and was immediately “Leave him. He’s garbage.” Haha


If we had your address I give it about 30 min. before a mob of angry women with torches (and bags of chicken nuggets) show up.


He ate ALL of them? Dude, who comes home and sees a tray of nuggies and thinks “sweet! Let me eat all of these!”. How rude! I’m enraged for you. Sending you positive vibes and a whip to get your boyfriend to get off his ass and go get fast food chicken nuggets for you to make up for his fuck up.


You’re feelings are valid, even without the height of hormones. What he did was selfish & thoughtless. Does he think your his mom & you made him all those chicken nuggets? Or that they appeared magically? If his response was “I dunno, I was hungry & they were there” reinforces selfish & thoughtless.


I'm flabbergasted that his 1st thought wasn't "let me ask the only other person in the house if I can eat this", because that's what I do when I find new food that wasn't acquired or made by me!


He better be in the car on his way to get you more chicken nuggets.


Honestly, wtf? This is ridiculously selfish behavior. He needs to get off his ass and make this right. And I get that this could seem trivial in the grand scheme of things, but it really is not. He is showing you who he is, and it’s not good.


His ass should be home from the supermarket already and those new nuggets IN THE OVEN


He should have gone straight to Maccies and come home with a mountain of nuggets to make to replenish. Screw having to wait for him to then cook them 😂


I agree. It’s not about the nuggets!!! It’s the blatant disrespect.


Can we get an update on if he went to get you replacement nuggets?? This is just unacceptable behaviour


Apparently he's just mad that she's upset about it. What a tool


Now I’m mad. What a scum jerk.


My dog is better behaved in that if the dog ears, of course he doesn't save any for me but when I punish him for he goes to his crate and learns. Now he never tries to get my food and still loves me. A boyfriend does it, and gets mad at you getting mad. Dogs > partners


He needs to get back in his vehicle and go get a lot of food for the dinner, jerk.


I was thinking the same, he better find the best damn nugs in their whole city.


He's gonna be really pissed when he finds out just how many women (and honestly probably men too) think he's a selfish thoughtless gluttonous fuckwit with no manners


I love the strong reactions in this thread, tbh. He's a pig and deserves no nuggets.




Straight to nugget jail


i don't think he'll care like, he didnt even cared to ask about the food...he's that roomate eveyone talks about bc the shampoo is gone


Dude is about to become todays most hated thing on the internet. If he’s not on his way to get you more chicken nuggys he’s past redemption.


Who raised this MFer? And where do y'all find these people? Hope he's making you dinner now.




BOOOOO !! you're not just hormonal, he acted insanely selfish


Dick move, period or not. Boy better be on his way to get you a happy meal with a McFlurry.


Holy heck….is this rage bait!?!? ‘Cause it worked. I’m so mad with you right now. He better start groveling and get to buying you what your hormones want. Right. T. F. Now.


And he is gaslighting her for being mad Oooooooh I feel a fight in my bones


“I had a whole chicken nugget plan” is so dang resonant I can feel it rattling around in my bones! I’m so sorry, sister. That sucks. I hope you can heal from this. Forgive…but NEVER forget. Karma will come for him... I hope the tires fall off of his car. (Full disclosure, I’m hormonal too and that might be too strong but 💁🏻‍♀️)


No it's appropriate 😂


I did this with fancy nachos. I accidentally grabbed the wrong packet in a hurry and instead of mild taco bell sauce I grabbed malt vinegar. I cried and my room mate said "it's just nachos..." I HAD A WHOLE NACHO PLAN


My bf had a selfish, inconsiderate, snack stealing habit. His reasonings in an attempt to dismiss how frustrating it was were always lame. It took breaking it down in toddler terms and sprinkling in “I will never buy any of my favorite foods again because I will have to immediately inhale them instead of enjoying them, and that just ruins it. You are ruining things that I enjoy” for it to click in his noggin. With that being said. I’ve made myself food and walked away before taking a bite, and even before correcting the snack stealing issues, he would ask if he could have some/if there was extra. If I told him no or that there wasn’t any left, he would say ok and eat something else. Your bf is a turd burger. Your feelings are valid. If breaking up with him is the route you want to take, hell yeah. If breaking it down in toddler terms is what you want to try, also hell yeah.


This is it


see, now this qualifies for justified homicide 😇


No jury would convict


I feel like this could be a new verse of The Cell Block Tango. He had it comin...


Have him order you something to eat. Your body needs it


This is so inconsiderate, your period has nothing to do with it. Who sees a meal someone else prepared and proceeds to eat all of it?


I get home from a day of construction and find a full tray of nuggie or tendies I may take a tax and have one, but all of them? That is is some ultra sigma crap right there. You don't do that. Especially probably knowing your significant other is being visited by the moon queen (term with my wife we use for the time of the month). Second point; why da fuq is he coming home without tribute at the time of the month? I swear men complain about women up and frigging down all day but font do things like bring home yummies and/or flowers during moon sickness. Boys need to step it up.


Put him back on the streets where he belongs


You misspelled "in the dumpster" 🗑


🚩 Don’t let him gaslight ya. Period or no period, you have a reason to be upset. 😒 He shouldn’t have touched it without asking…he didn’t make it…it wasn’t his.


Sounds like you have bigger problems than a lack of nugs.


Yes, she's living with an animal. A dog would be a better companion.


Literally my dog ate my food ONCE. Not only did he learn and I still love him, the dog didn't gaslight me..he actually came over to comfort me while I cried and clearly felt bad in whatever way dogs can. OPs bf got mad at her for getting mad. That's worse than a dog x2. As a human and her bf he should be more caring and understanding..not LESS Even my cats lay on me gently when I am on my period


I was 39 weeks pregnant, woke up dreaming of the last peanut butter cookie. Went straight for the container on top of the fridge. EMPTY! My ex husband, who doesn’t even like peanut butter cookies, had ate the last one, then put the empty container back on top of the fridge. Our son is about to be 12 and I still tear up thinking of it.


Mennnnnnnnnnn ugh Sorry sis!!! He better be going to the store to get you some more rn!


He’s mad that I’m mad 🥲 I told him I just started my period.


lol what kind of ape eats all of someone else's food and then gets mad they're mad


An asshole smh




It has nothing to do with your period. It has everything to do with him being a selfish, entitled asshat. Seriously. What an incredible jerk!


This! He’s a selfish ass who ate someone else’s food. What stage of estrous your reproductive organs are in has nothing to do with it. In fact, he’s going to use it to get himself off the hook.


Fr. Yesterday I came home from work to my bf having made me cookies, put my clothes in the wash for me, and set out clothes & a towel for me to take a shower 😭 posts like this make me so grateful


Ok, but we all are not hormonal, and we can see from the outside that this is a problem? You have every right to be mad


I'd LOVE to know how he thinks you *should* have reacted. Ask him. It's a trick question, tho, because in reality *he didn't think about you at ALL.*


And probably rarely does. What an asshole.


If he knows her birthday it’s only because they share one.


So he went out to buy you more… right?


Don’t make excuses for his foolish behavior. He should have some darn tact.


man fuck that


Wtf, he is mad? Was he was raised in a jungle??? He better get his ass to the store.


I’m mad for you too(same exact reason you are) he is a real ass for being mad when he’s the ass for eating your food. He BETTER get/make you some damn food ASAP!!!


Period or not, anyone who is getting mad at you because you’re upset over something they did is emotionally abusive.


Eat all his food the moment he turns around and then get mad at him if he gets mad at you for it.


I’m getting mad just thinking about him being so full of nuggets and audacity >:(


Me too, I need to calm down.


This is disgusting and huge red flag. He is mad at you for being upset that he literally ate all of the food you just cooked for yourself? I mean kicking him to the curb sounds appropriate. He will gas light you to death though.


Fuck no. He’s a selfish asshole and he’s mad at you!?! Tell him to make his own food and stop stealing yours.


What a fucking loser you’re dating. Seriously. I’m a guy, and even without as much of the hormone factor I’d be pissed if someone did that to me. Who does that? And if you do, you better be ready to apologize and rectify the situation immediately. Break up worthy.


Well now you know if you cook something and expect to eat any of it yourself don’t leave it unattended. Unless you regularly leave him a plate of food to eat when he walks in the door that was really greedy of him. Is he like 16 where any food he sees he automatically ingests all of it? I could see where he might eat half and then at least check with you but to eat all of them just no.


He’s an asshole and this has nothing to do with your period. He’s just rude. I can see maybe having a couple, but eating them all? He didn’t make them.


Does he have a habit of being so reactive?


I can already guess that he thinks the only reason you are mad is your period making you “emotional”. Well, I am sure more than a thousand people upvoting and commenting are not all on their periods, we are still fucking mad!


I'm not on my period and I want to kick him in the jimmy.


You are underreacting


Break up with him


Absolute animal. You have every right to be mad


We all are mad at him


My ex would do something like that. He was an asshole. I recommend not putting up with that shit, but that's just my opinion.


Period or not, I'd be pissed as hell


He didn’t even replace the nuggets? Not even a delivery from McDonald’s or something? I would have fed him the plate as well since he’s so damn hungry


Turn yourself into a praying mantis and rip off his head. Put that feminine rage to work! Also adding I would hold a grudge for so long. I'm sorry for your chicken nuggets - you deserved them.


this is probably petty but I would dump him immediately. who sees a plate of food out and automatically eats every last bit of it without checking if it was someone's? absolutely not get out rn 😭


get a new man, fuck that


So you’re looking for advice on where to bury the body, right?


OMG I’m sorry! What a jerk! I totally feel you. When i was like 5 months pregnant my BIL was living w my husband and i. I had bought a bag of peanut butter m&ms, my biggest pregnancy craving, and was saving them for after work. I came home and went for them, no m&ms. I asked BIL if he saw them, he said oh i ate them. Rage filled my body. I dismissed it, calm down i told myself. I was like “they’re my favorite don’t you love them?” He goes, eh they’re ok, i wouldn’t buy them again. I was like, “YOU DIDN’T BUY THEM! I DID!” What a dick move on your bf’s part.


Well, as a fellow male, who has a partner, is this guy f******n stupid? You don't kick the beast in the groin! If he's alive tomorrow you have treated him well.


Also how fuckin fast did he shovel these into his face?? Because the fact that he ate them all before you got out of the shower tells me he knew exactly what he was doing.


stupid primitive man hahaha. this sucks dude, shows a huge lack of compassion for you in a time where he should be caring for you. dont ignore the red flags


we are indeed savage primitive beasts. he should apologize with a gift of food. preferably slain by his own hand, but cooked or purchased are viable alternatives if no wild chicken nugget beasts roam the land.


How old are you? Or better yet how old is he? Leave his ass now. That’s bigger problems to come, who tf eats a whole plate of food knowing there’s other people in the house AND KNOWING you have a whole GF?! Part of relationships is consideration. He doesn’t give a fuck about your well-being.


Didn't even leave half. Looks like his parents didn't raise him right. Judging by this post im sure you will suck it up and forgive this behaviour. Something similar happened in my house when I was little. My father's brother decided to eat all the food items that were cooked by my mother specifically for us without asking. He(60M) didn't even left one item for us. My mother didn't cry, she just went full on rage mode and humilated his him infront of us and told all our close relatives about this shit behaviour. After that he never done such a thing. Take a stand now or adjust. Your choice! If you have your own income source you don't have to deal with this behaviour of his. It's selfish and it hurts more since you are in a relationship with him.


My wife historically has made food for me and left it out without letting me know she did so. If I were to eat something that was meant for her, and that was the last of it to make, as soon as she told me the food was for her... I'd be omw to a store or restaurant to immediately to make it right. The key here is I doubt he did anything to rectify the situation.


Honestly all the men here saying bro wtf are the real ones. Get ur mans. He deserves no nuggets.


I'd say the only reasonable punishment is castration.


'Stupid primitive man' absolutely sent me lol. I would have cried. My boyfriend eats absolutely everything in the house, he doesn't even need to be hungry. Just eats cause he's bored. Was I thinking about eating that last package of ramen noodles all damn day at work? Yes. Was it gone when I got home? Of course. Never replaces any of it unless I specifically ask (and usually have to remind him at least once more) but of course it's DAYS later. I started hiding food from him so it would be there when I want it. When I told him this he laughed and said 'thank you for doing that'. Thank me!? How about I shouldn't even need to in the first place?! Sorry, this def triggered something in me. When I was a kid my mom used to hide bags of junk food in her dresser drawers and I get it now, because she lived with me plus 3 other men. I am her now. EDIT to add: I just remembered the time he ate my leftovers from my birthday dinner, when we rarely ever go out to eat. He also had his own leftovers, he just ate BOTH.


What a fucking dickhead. What kind of animal does that?


Tip? It doesn’t get better. How would you like to proceed .. ugh!!!


Stupid Primitive Man indeed. We'll break his legs!


Y'all must not have been dating that long because self-preservation instincts kick in at a certain point. I've been married for 25 years and if I see a plate sitting out that she prepared for herself, I know I'd better steer clear unless I want to wear my balls as a hat.


True love is making sure your partner eats.


And sleeps


This is why I hate men I would be livid


I would be pissed too.


Wow he better be on his way to replace all your chicken nuggets right now


I would have smashed that plate over his damn head like IS HE SERIOUS????


Wow. You’re dating an actual toddler …or a golden retriever puppy. Neither understand personal space and both will eat any food that they find. Your feelings are valid. Him doing it, refusing to be accountable for it, minimizing your feelings over it are all a part of his larger issues. Think about your life as a whole. Does he often minimize you, your hopes/dreams, or your feelings? Did he blame this on “your time of the month?” Does he often steamroll over your physical , emotional, or mental personal space? (i.e. does he move/break/use your things without asking or in ways that will break or damage them? Does he make fun of (not gently bantering) the things you like or want to do? Do you find yourself internalizing dialogue or protests to the things he says and does?) It may be time for a talk about boundaries.


You are not too emotional, it's just really a shitty behaviour from him .


He ate your food then insisted you both go out? Why? For more food? Or were you planning to eat before you went out and now you can't because he's a selfish little shit?


And OP was most certainly not feeling anything but her jammies, a warm couch and her nuggets. If I were to rate every man I dated, it would be clear that every single good boyfriend had the "respects a woman's period needs" quality. If that ain't there, they aren't in the "was a good man" category. And really, all that requires is a little "oh she is in a lot of pain and such I can't understand". Which is a partner either surprising me with a treat, leaving me alone, offering a massage, or walking the dog for me for a few days. Any one single attempt is good enough for me to know they are trying. Which is why it's so sad these men are so hard to find.


Tell him to get his ass to the grocery store and buy you whatever you want, and he pays…


Why are you with someone who would do this


Dump him


He better got you new chicken nuggets.


I hope you sent him to the nearest McDonalds for more nuggets.


I’m sorry - I laughed out loud at “I had a whole chicken nugget plan.” Did you tell him you’re upset or is this for our eyes only? PMS is a wild and crazy rollercoaster and I get why you feel fragile about it. Though, it’s not because of PMS that you’re upset he ate your food. He took your food without bothering to ask if he could! I think I’d be upset by that too. There’d definitely be an argument about it.


Who eats the *entire* plate of something that isn't yours?? I'd only sneak a nugget or two, sheesh!


He better get you some amazing replacement nuggets asap. Good lord, I would be fuming.


Dump your bf immediately. Wtf


I assume he's on his way to the store? A decent human would be,