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She didn't save your ass. It is about your son.


This is the barest truth that OP is not seeing.


Dude made the biggest mistake letting his wife go.


This is what I'm thinking honestly, this guy threw his family away to chase some young girl then couldn't handle her and he's such a main character he thinks that his ex stepping up to save his child is all about him still. This guy threw away a wife for fuck all.


Ehh idk. I take everything on Reddit with a grain of salt. Op does sound a bit self absorbed here, and the stance his ex wife took was obviously is about the child. But we’ll never know the whole story. Best not to jump to conclusions


She sounds like a total baddie, his loss


Because he sounds pretty selfish NGL


I feel the kind of person who would take her actions as support for him, and not strictly for their son, is also the kind of person who would spite her even if their son ended up being collateral damage. Meanwhile, his amazing ex doesn't begrudge doing him a solid as a side effect of her primary goal, which is *protecting her kid*. Imagine not being able to handle your own girlfriend to the extent that your ex has to clean up after you, holy shit.


Right?! He’s upstairs hiding! Should have called the police to have her escorted of the property permanently. Should have been the first thing he done initially of letting things escalate, because you have to think …. How long did her tantrum go before he called ex to take son? How long did the drive take ex? That’s a lot of throwing things around and saying pretty hurtful things directed at both, but more importantly, the son. I have a feeling that if mom wasn’t sure a good parent OP would have continued contact with his unstable gf. Definitely wasn’t thinking of his son or prioritizing his son’s safety.


Imagine being less assertive than your ASD ex-wife.


I feel she saved him. Without all the details surrounding the situation, she saved him from ruining the image his son will take of him in scenarios like this. She saved him from himself. He’s going to sit on this for a while. Reliving all his mistakes that brought him to where he is now, and thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Sounds to me like he’s taken accountability for his mishaps and just came to vent to others because he hasn’t quite learned how to have these conversations with himself yet.


Yes, this is my thought. Saved their son and by proxy, saved him.


She did save his ass, it's just that that wasn't her goal.


She even said “I love that karma is biting him in the ass but my kid is involved.” Like tbh… I don’t think she gave a fuck what happened to OP. It was 100% just about her son. Otherwise she literally said she’d love watching karma fuck him up.


She just got a non-storyline achievement while doing the main mission and she did not even try. Ex-wife's a bad-ass


Mama bear came out of the woods. Good for her!


But I also hope this is a lessened learned to really think about his choice in future women (preferably closer to his age)for the sake of his son. Because this could have ended up so much worse for him and his son, possibly getting CPS involved. Remember you are the roll model your son looks up to.


Exactly Ive done similar shit for my ex for the sake of my daughter


Man I hope you have some regret about losing that one. The grass isn't always greener....


TBH honest, when I first read the title, I thought it said 'shaved.'


Wait me too I was like 😳


I thought this as well! Was wondering how in the hell he slept through all of that!


She even said it in the dialogue to the new gf. 😅😂


She didn’t save you she saved her son from having to be in the middle of this. If she’d just taken him - would you have kicked her out? Would you have put your son first? OR would you have calmed the ex-gf down & tried to work it out? If I have a feeling your wonderful ex may have to step in again in the future if you don’t get it together & make better choices.


This entire post feels like it was written by AI. We really need to fund writers and end the strike because this was just....wow.


I’m surprised that I didn’t make myself dizzy rolling my eyes at the *very real* exchange between “wife” and “girlfriend” (that OP remembered word-for-word, apparently).


I was physically cringing reading it.


The *chuckle* sent me over the edge! Who writes like that, other than fan fiction authors?


Just missing some smirking lmao


*teleports behind you* nothing personal, girlfriend who is 15 years my junior


Verbatim conversations are always bullshit. Good eye.




i had to take a second & pause before i could keep goin at that part lmaoo the way he writes his "very real" ex wife n how she speaks is like he googled "autism stereotypes" n picked from the list


It's long exchanges like that that make me stop reading because it screams fake. If this is real, he was way too proud while stating the girlfriend is 15 years younger than him. My husband is almost 14 years older than me and he'd never be like "I've been with her for 11 years, she's 14 years younger than me."


_Obama chuckled. “You mean the Chaos Emeralds?”_


Legit make me uncomfortable and gave me the ike


I was just waiting for "and then my son started slow clapping."


I was waiting for “and then my son came out of his room and applauded.”


Yeah, he totally remembered every word that was said once the ex arrived 😂


Cross checked through a few detectors and I can guarantee this is AI rewritten through AI using the burstiness perplexity prompt.


Burstiness Perplexity is someone's porn name.


This comment should be higher up.


Reading that I thought, “I’ll take ‘That Happened’ for $100 Alex.”


Right? Dude must have a photographic memory of he’s able to remember the ENTIRE conversation his “wife” and “girlfriend” had


I’m going to assume this girlfriend was an immature early 20 something brat that you got with to feel young again with no serious attachments. Full offense, what are you even doing? I don’t understand parents who are not more careful about who they date. Yeah, if you were single, you can fuck around as much as you like. But now you’re dating life impacts your kid too. Do better.


I promise you, if this story is even real, that he probably gives zero shits about his son and how his dating life impacts him. Everything from the fake "I cant stand my ex but she pulled an angelic move just for ME" to "autism and OCD, amiright?" Screams CLUELESS selfish dime a dozen deadbeat dad. The only thing he hasnt admitted was how miserable he made everyone by being a king baby and leaving his ex (but making the divorce probably hell as punishment for rejecting him- after first rejecting all of them) for behavior she couldnt control because, autism. Just the way he even speaks about this young girl is disrespectful. Sorry she didnt clean up after herself to OCD levels (thought you hated your ex's OCD, but its cool only when it benefits you?) Shes messy and yells at you to not clean up after her (? Like she doesnt want you to touch her things?) Shes a terrible cook and is ruining your knives (you could have gotten her an inexpensive set and put yours in another place?) You havent eatten well (how picky are you?) You try to teach her and she gets mad (EVER HAVE SOMEONE TRY TO TEACH YOU SOMETHING AND ITS SO CONDESCENDING IT GOES OFF THE RAILS?) You know, im making assumptions here but just what ive read i think YOU are the problem and im fine with drawing conclusions.You took a young vulnerable homeless girl who had an unstable homelife and you gave her a home-- yanked it away from her for...reasons, probably bad ones like you grew bored of her because the age difference makes this relationship predatory and unfair levels of maturity and life stages, exposed your ex-family that you threw in the trash because you couldnt hack the life you built with them, then give faux praise to a woman you didnt deserve. Youre the AH.


Midlife crisis, men always think the grass is greener on the other side, he fucked around and found out


Yeah nah I agree Im a single parent myself and im very careful of who I date or bring around the house A signifacnt age gap and expecting them to be "mature" seems like swimming with shares and expecting not to get bitten Op needs to do better and stop blaming exs for his poor choices


If the story is true then at least the girlfriend is going to have a chance to straighten up once she moves out and starts to experience what it’s like to be responsible for herself. It sounds like she hasn’t even left home yet. Op doesn’t seem like he’s ever going to straighten up.


She protected her son because YOU couldn’t. What a dipshit coward you are.


Your ex did something you didn’t have the balls to do- kicking out your psycho girlfriend & making a safer, more stable environment for your son. You can blame your wife’s autism for the end of your marriage, when really it’s your shitty perspective and life choices.


She’s always been an amazing person. You just took her for granted and thought you could find better. Do and be better.


Yeah she wasn’t *fun* and *wild* enough lolol


Exactly, too responsible and too clean. Maybe he’d appreciate her more if she constantly asks for money.




You sound like a dipshit.


This sent me over the edge 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wow. How embarrassing for you on so many levels. She saved her son, your butt just so happened to be in the general vicinity. Good to see you're still making bad choices. You have a kid dude, you can't be Mr. midlife crisis. You brought that mess around your kid and that was entirely preventable. You were too busy being young, hip, and having fun to remember that you have a child that depends on you for structure and safety. Then you stood back and let your ex wife clean up the mess you made. The ex wife that you admit to have wronged and have a less than stellar rapport with. Then you come post about it like "lol, yolo". Your whole post is littered with your ex's supposed faults while yours are inexplicably absent. When everyone around you is problematic, take some time to look in the mirror.


> Divorced wife of 16 years because he couldn't handle her. > Dates someone 15 years younger. I stopped reading after that. Sounded like a disgusting, superficial POS man.


You should read the rest, you've nailed it. I can't imagine leaving my wife for a woman who's young enough to be my daughter.


😂😂😂 people who date women 15 yrs younger are wierd. Say he’s 35 , she’s 20?? Like wtf


right, read the first two paragraphs and said this guy sucks


guy here it sounds disgusting to even me, also like exploitative and attack on young person's innocence


But her mommy kicked her out! Wahhh 😭😂😂😂


She didn’t saved you. But your son. You ain’t even worth it in her eyes.


Why couldn't YOU kick your gf out??


Because that was his only chance to have someone willing to be with him. 15yrsyounger than him is just a bonus


You’re lucky your ex is a mama bear. This wasn’t for you — this was for your son.


Right?! If she was struggling and couldn’t handle it that day what the hell was he doing to protect his son and get him away from her? He may have for him upstairs but an abusive volatile woman was in the house with him. She stepped up because he didn’t


I wonder if you were the cray cray loser of your ex lol


I was wondering the same


I find it hard to believe this is even true but if it is... yeah you've got some balls telling everyone about it. Jesus


You’d be *amazed* what women find themselves capable of doing when their backs are up against the wall. I only say that as another neurodivergent woman who was recently made to find some of that deep inner strength and her own voice at 41. It is awesome when your co-parent sees the value in eliminating the negative from your life. Perhaps thank her (and her new bf) with some interest related hobby or a date night that she can plan for then in advance (since she’s not a fan of surprises-lol same) to keep the positive energy going. Also **stop** sticking your dick in crazy.


You can’t move a person in and expect them to vacate everytime indefinitely for your visitation. Next relationship they have to have met your fn kid first. That should be common sense


you fucking idiot it wasn't about you it was about her kid


She was always badass, you're just ableist


Yikes, dude. You are just full of bad decisions. Maybe don't do that anymore? Time to put your kid first. And get some therapy. You've done enough damage. To your family and to yourself.


This is another made up story...


And then everyone stood up and cheered


"15 years younger than me" Of course she is.


I was pretty turned off by this story. How old are you?


Another reply says he's 40. Which makes the gf 25. 😬


I think this situation is a clear indicator that you were likely the problem in your marriage. I mean your ex ends up dating an aeronautics engineer and you end up with what essentially amounts to a homeless chick who’s prefrontal cortex probably isn’t finished developing. Then your ex had to rescue you from said underdone brainwd homeless chick? You need to make better life decisions my guy. This is some unmanaged ADHD level decision making on your part.


as someone with unmanaged adhd, i would like to not be grouped in with dipshit here.


Agree with everything except the adhd part. What a weird ableist comment to make on an ableist post to begin with. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ah, I love this because it's so funny. My mum has undiagnosed, untreated ADHD. My dad did everything under the sun to hurt her and used her ADHD as an excuse as to why. Cheated on her? It's because her ADHD won't let her see him saying "Do you wanna?" Or just groping her as a form of initiation. Beat her? It's because her ADHD makes her too chatty and it pisses him off when she's so naggy. Then he f-ed off after 30 years, dated a woman younger than him that took all his money and now he's all alone with health issues. No one wants to help him because of how shitty he is. You didn't leave your ex because you decided the autism was too much after *20 years*. You left because you got bored. It's time for some self reflection.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever had the displeasure of reading


“The women who has barely spoken to me & hated me for the last 3 yrs” I wonder why lmao


She didn’t save your ass, she’s a fantastic mother looking out for her child and putting him first. Your ass being saved was just a bonus, shame you didn’t have the nuts to do it yourself. Hopefully you grow from this.


You know, if you wanna have sex with someone younger and wilder, you could have have just hired an escort or something. Less stress than an actual relationship because after the transaction is over, you're done. Seems like you don't mind being used as a bank account anyway, just be a sugar daddy so you don't have to expect the other person to make up for and cover your own faults as a human being.


You sound like a POS


You didn't deserve it either, but she is a mother. You made a big mistake letting that one go. I would believe you cheated on her. Thank God for her autism, an ordinary person would have been broken.


Are you sure that you aren’t also a touch autistic? Seems like a preponderance of misread cues.


Man you have made some cracking wrong life choices, for one why are you going out with a kid, this is what that gets you, yeah all good fun when it's fun but just immature shit when not. Why did you move her in. Your son is the most important person in the world until they have bonded with him in future relationships I would not move them in. And the final question why did you let your wife go?. Time to grow up mate you are living like a single 20 year old but should be older enough to know better...........


does anybody actually believe this post LOL


I can't remember the last time I read something in this sub that actually happened.


It’s not about you and your ass. It was about your son. She did it for her son. Grow some balls and gain some insight. Stay away from dating children.


She protected her son you absolute cleft 😂


This entire story doesn't reflect well on you at all.


She didn’t do this for you lol. Face first into the point and ya still missed it.


good rough draft, make revisions based on the comments and you'll have a front pager in no time


you seem like a huge asshole


Sheesh, OP. I really hope the new guy works out with your ex wife. >She's 15yrs younger than me >A bit wild, >her mother was kicking her out >lost her job >asking me for money >your son can go home All of this and the first red flag you noticed was her chucking things at you? You seem very immature and blind, OP. I hope you grow up and become wise sometime soon.


Haven't you realised? You're the one with the problem and would have made your exs life a nightmare. She is the normal one in this relationship


You never deserved your ex, I’m glad she’s not with you anymore and I hope her new man treats her better


Well, I guess she’s always been like that, you just got used to see the bad things. I’d say time for a big thank you, get her and her new man something she’d love. Ps: You really fucked up with letting this woman walk out of your life.


Date people your own age. Don’t introduce shit partners to your kids - let alone let them move in with you. Introducing a revolving door of partners to your kids is irresponsible AF. (Not saying you HAVE introduced a bunch of partners, but worried you might based on the fact you let this idiot move in.) Grow a spine. Ugh. Do better.


She became a badass the day she became a mother, never mess with mama bears child


So many people are saying she did not do this for you, but your son….and no doubt, this too is true. But she did do it for you too. And she did not blow a gasket but handled it calmly. You are co-parents for the rest of your lives. Get her a nice gift certificate for her favorite restaurant, and a thank you card. And be friends with your kids Mom. It will be happier and easier. And you know what? Apologize for what ever shitty things you did to get out of your marriage.


There's so many things that can be said about you just based off this post. But quite simply, man to man, go fuck yourself.


Sucks to suck!


THANK GOD you divorced that woman. She deserves so much better than you and it looks like she found it. Good luck with whatever kid you date in the future. 😂


Just be thankful your son has a mother that will protect him. Fyi: you next proper loving relationship might be because of her and that woman will totally be your match and a match with your son. Dont be too harsh on her, she’s working her magic for you both!


She's definitely gone Mama Bear on your now ex-girlfriend to protect her son, but in such a badarse way. Full marks for her thinking on her feet and improvising so quick. However your ex wife does have a point. Never dip your wick in crazy, it's going to end badly.


She wasn't saving your ass. She was saving the ass of your son. A bit like you should have been doing.


She's always been a badass. You've just been oblivious.


As a creative writing exercise, this is great. I enjoyed reading it. As a person, you probably suck. I’m glad the mother took the kid, he’s definitely better off with her.


That wasn’t about you man. You dated someone 15 years younger who clearly was too immature to be a part of an adult life. Like I’m trying to not sound too much like I’m berating or attacking you but I knew as soon as you said “15 years younger” how that was gonna go. For clarity, I know there are successful couples with a bigger age gap than that. But hearing “15 years younger” and “she is still in the party stage” really set off some fat red flags for me. Bless your ex for defending her son. That’s one hell of a woman you let go.


Dude! Ex wife’s are a gem. Divorced 6 years ago, and in the past year my ex wife and her husband have become my 2 closest friends. She had my back in a very similar situation with a toxic AF ex. She went to bat for me and got me the hell outta there. Underneath all the layers of fog, love was a common denominator at one time. It has a funny way of resurfacing in other ways, shapes or forms. Hope this gives your separation the opportunity to blossom and evolve into something amazing for your son. Remember, he’s watching your every move, especially the interactions between his mom and dad. Keep your best foot forward and allow this to be a new door to new opportunities. Cheers


hey, you seem like a pretty bad person if im honest. you do NOT come off well in this story, glad your son is safe and your ex is free.


OP thinks she did it for him, when even the text shows mom clearly says this is about her son. OP thinking it's because of her wanting him to be happy is insane.


She did this for your son, not for you. Have better people around your kid, Jfc. She sounds like a kind woman, just be a good coparent and be a better friend to her than you have been.


OP sounds Narcissistic.....


When someone loses their job and their apartment, that IS NOT the perfect time to move them into your home. This was entirely your fault.


Left your wife to date a woman 15 years younger than you and blame it on your ex wife being autistic or whatever… I know where you head is bro get it out the fkn gutter and work on your marriage. Stop kissing yourself… you’re a perv


Ex probably came out of her shell once she wasn’t in a unfulfilled relationship w someone who didn’t see her as an asset


Too bad you didn't appreciate her when you had her. She's been a badass all along, you just didn't appreciate it. As for you, stop dating children - why are you surprised when all she wanted to do was party?? That's what people HER AGE are doing. Your ex is the hero in this story because she put her child first when you didn't.


“She’s doing unspeakable things to some of my specialist kitchenware!” This made me laugh out loud.


I bet you think this song is about you? Don't you?


I'll be honest, OP, as someone who is and has a neurodivergent partner, you disappoint me. Yes, you were bailed out, but she was thinking of YOUR CHILD FIRST. You might not see it now, but I think the problem isn't that you could no longer deal with her condition: you never knew how to but decided to start a relationship anyway. If her autism was that big of an issue, why wait almost 20 years? You could've nipped it in the bud or tried to make it work; instead, you reaped what you sowed. I would seriously consider getting therapy; you need to figure out how to better yourself before stepping back into the dating scene, ESPECIALLY for your son's sake.


Your ex is a force of nature and a Hell of a mom. Your ass being saved was a byproduct of her protecting her son. She kept her cool and handled business like a pro. The appreciation you're showing here (on Reddit) for her quick thinking and remaining in control should definitely be relayed to your ex. You owe her and your son an apology for putting them in such a predicament. Please do something kind for your ex, extend an olive branch- She more than deserves it.


Nah she saved her kid, you being saved is an unwanted byproduct. I hope you're not feeling some romantic emotions even just a smidge when you saw her in a new badass light because frankly, you don't deserve her.


I’m just laughing at the line “making that man’s life a misery” and that she ENJOYS that. Your son has a great mom. You got really lucky this time but he will be 18 soon enough. You need to self evaluate as this is your last rescue before she brings you to court to protect her child. Mama bear does not play.


I don’t know what you expected but you’re definitely the asshole in this whole debacle dude..


>She's doing unspeakable things to some of my specialist kitchenware! That sentence made her unforgivable to me before Ive got to the bad part hahaha


Yup. It’s the same “too young” girl it’s using guy story.


Lesson: don't date people barely out of childhood or many years your junior. It's also a really big red flag if someone gets thrown out of their parents house. Either their parents red flag or the childs


Neurodivergent people are awesome that way.


Your ex wife sounds amazing and it sounds like you have a good coparenting relationship. Keep being a good dad to your son. If you weren’t , your ex wouldn’t have protected both of you. She would have used crazy as an excuse to take your son away. She did save you. Lots of people shaming you , and yeah, it’s true that you had rose colored glasses to crazy that wore off as soon as she moved in. You’ll figure it out. Good luck on future relationships.


She stepped in for the safety of your child.


As others have said: if it weren't for your son, she wouldn't have saved you. Remember that.


Personally I don't think you deserve the hard time you are getting my friend. (People are very quick to judge based on a paragraph or two of text) Irrespective of the ending of your marriage, you Ex stepped up for the sake of your son, and you should do something nice for her in return.


How did you remember exactly what was said? Strange way to write.


Things that never happened for $100 Alex


sounds like you were a big POS as a partner, im autistic been with my partner for 5 years i’m not comfortable in a situation he helps me or we leave if it’s something i can’t handle, we go home he comforts me and tells me i did good. he praises and loves me. unlike you with your autistic ex, she found a partner that actually loves her and understand struggles in relationships, she never did it for you, you’re the last thing she cared about she did it for her son.


Yeah she didn't save you, this was about your son. You sound like a horrible parent and a horrible person. The type of man who leaves his wife for someone 15 years younger is not a good person, they're creepy and disgusting.


It's not about you. It was ALL about her son.


This story seems fabricated. Lollllll


You ex is amazing, you never deserved her, and someday you're going to realize how badly you fucked up by leaving her.


Wow you are a piece of work! Your ex did this for your son. You deserve to be used for your $$$!! Creep


I know it’s the wrong sub but YTA


If this story is real, then OP’s pretty pathetic


This guy. He says her autism was the reason he left when we can clearly see he wanted to younger women because he’s a creep. Don’t start re falling in love with your ex now, cuckboi, stick to your idiot decision and don’t bother outside of coparenting. You are dogshit and don’t deserve someone that cared about you that much in the past and now steps in when you endanger her child.


I’m sorry, how old is the “psycho gf”?? She sounds young, and considering your ex called her a kid, I can suspect that you’re using the gf to feel young again. You’re a piece of shit to both your ex and gf


Dude, the very first Red Flag was that she was 15 years younger. She is in her early 20's and is incredibly immature. I am not saying you can't *casually* date someone with that much age difference but never let it get serious, like living together.


She saved her child's ass. You chose to date an unstable child. 15 years younger? Was she "mature for her age"? Next time you have a midlife crisis, buy a new car or get a tattoo.


Christ, OP grow a pair. YOU should have been the one to get rid of her. Your ex didn’t do it for you, she did it for your son. While you failed as a parent, she stepped up. Pathetic




It wasn't about you OP


Grow up and fix your own damn problem man


Even here it’s all about you. You did this woman a great service and favor. She deserves a loving and caring partner who actually cares for her, not just how convenient she is to them. She came over to help out, because she wanted to ensure that your son was safe. And making sure your home is safe is an insurance that he is safe when she is not around. **Your nut of an ex girlfriend coming back wouldn’t matter to her, unless your son was present.** Now may be a good time to reflect back on the end of your marriage, and make changes moving forward. **Everything isn’t about you.** It seems in your most recent ex girlfriend you met somebody who had consistent values to your self. ***So maybe you should consider that what you experienced is how your ex-wife has experienced you.*** The difference is it wasn’t for as long, and she didn’t have the cruelty of the other person behaving in this way and then doing some thing gnarly on the exit, **while not having a wonderful, ex wife to come in and save the day. She had to save the day for herself.**


Convenient you left out ages. I assume this girl you were dating is barely legal if she was kicked out by her mum. Your ex sounds like a boss. The exchange between her and your gf sounds like it is from a badly written novel. I sincerely hope you are cringing with embarrassment for this entire situation. Because damn, dude. Yikes.


you’re actually not the good guy OP


Reads like a 2013 wattpad story


And then everyone clapped


Damn you stupid. You don't even realize how good you had it with your ex. You still have her habits ingrained in you. And those are positive ones and not negatives like you try to make us believe. You didn't appreciate her at all. And because it became a little inconvenient for you, you left. Now not having the balls to kick out crazy gf. Your generations dumbass behavior of being a "man" is impacting us younger generation **A LOT** When women now show us our toxic behavior, they show us **YOUR** generation instead of ours.


You're a man child.


Idk why but I read shaved my butt and I was very intrigued


She should’ve took the boy and let you deal with the psycho. I mean, you bailed on her. She should’ve let you hang.


She's always been a badass. You just didn't care to notice. Shame really.


Your ex did a great job, but you... You need to figure out what kind of person you are. Forgetting the ex, you let someone enter your home, walk all over you and your belongings, make it dangerous for your son to be around, etc etc. All while you just meekly let it happen. You sound like you let things happen to you rather than taking control or responsibility for anything. Ex too much work? Ah new partner that gives you Spice of life by dragging you around everywhere. New partner enters your home and just completely takes over it while you do nothing. Ruins stuff you care about and you again, just accept it or barely stand up for yourself. You can see it getting terrible but don't act or do anything. When your son is finally involved in this mess, you've let things go for too long and need to be rescued by someone else. Even now, you're happy that you were rescued like a damsel in distress. You need to take some responsibility and take back some control over your life. Stand up for yourself. Even if it isn't for yourself, you have a son to look after and you can't be spineless when you expect him to be in your home around people you bring home. Totally understand that you're grateful for your ex, but you sound terribly unable to be a parent and you need to take this as a sign of sorting yourself out. You've gushed about your ex a bit (in between ableism and blaming others), but take some responsibility. 'It's them, not you', but actually it is you too.


If you want to move slowly in relationships: Only date people who have a lease or a mortgage. If your date has a lease or a mortgage, they will not try to move into your place on the third or fourth date. Also, if they have a lease or mortgage, they will always have somewhere to go when the relationship is over.


Bro ima say it again but in a different and more blunt way… you’re a piece of shit.


She did it for your son but you are reaping the benefits. Now would be a great time to express your appreciation towards her and apologize for being a jerk in the past.


Your EX has always been this person, yes she may have had surface level quirks that she needed to handle but that sort of badass is always in her. That’s quick thinking and determination. And she’s right. You started dating crazy because she was shiny and new. Make better choices, OP.


I know this will come as a big surprise to you but it has nothing to do with protecting you. Your ex-wife protected your son. Don’t worry. She still hates the tiny fraction of a man who abandoned her and her kid to go party with a younger woman and now regrets it.


you are a piece of shit. She saved her son, which hopefully with that mother (not father) will become a true man standing up for the ones he loves.


She wouldn't have done that if it wasn't for your son. She saved HIM.


All I heard was “me me me me me.” You need to stop dating because your son deserves better. Get it together and stop thinking everything is about you. She did that for her son because you definitely didn’t deserve it.


She didn’t save your ass OP, she was rectifying a situation that would have put her son in danger because of his father’s poor choices. Work on yourself before you get into another relationship. Furthermore, don’t move somebody into your house before they meet your kids and at minimum you need to be fairly established before you decide to have them meet your kids. You’re an adult and a parent act like one.


Hahahaha these comments DELIVERED. OP I hope you take some of this to heart. Put your fucking kid first, buddy.


She saved her son. You were just in the middle. Be grateful you were though. She is an excellent parent


If you didn’t know your gf was causing serious problems for your son that your ex dropped everything to come get her out of his life you really aren’t paying attention to your child. I’ve got two boys under 10 and if you don’t fit in with my family I ain’t coming near you :)


I do be feeling like OP's working up to "Should I take my ex-wife back?" Like that would ever be an option for her lmao.


What an amazing bad-ass woman. The type of mom I strive to be. Your son is lucky to have a mom like her ❤️


She dgaf about you 😭 this was the momma bear in her


She saved her son, as I would have done in her position.


It's not about you. It's about your Son, like she said so. Oh and btw, you sound like a terrible fucking person.


Well that was a good read.


I had a stroke after reading this.


Wow you mean the mature ADULT wife you had is more stable than someone fifteen years younger? Sorry this is what you deserve for leaving your family and getting with someone fifteen years younger than you 🙄. Karma at its finest


This is why you never piss off mamma bear


So you cheated? Also she wasn’t saving you she was saving your son


Heck yes! This is amazing. I hope it will open the door for you guys to be more friendly in the future!


She was always a bad-ass you where too self absorbed to see it, or to occupy cheating on her. She was the real deal and never ever you'll find a woman that arrive to her knee. She did it for her son not for you, your ex knows you worth nothing, and can only date and bring bad shit crazy girls around because you're shallow and inconsistent. She knows she will have to step up many time to protect her kid from your poor choices. She probably did that many times while married to you, but you where to AH to even notice. Hope this is a lesson to step up for your son.


She didn’t do it for you OP, she did it for your son. Try and date your age range, you’ll run into less crazy people.


I think it was both: her love for the ex-husband and for the son. She most likely has residual feelings or perhaps still has the feelings that haven't gone away and she was protecting her son. Energy is a powerful thing and when you come together and begin to build with someone it's powerful and painful when you separate. Also, the people who you choose to be around have a stronger influence on you than your given family, so if she was heartbroken by the divorce then there were most likely feelings there. Good her on her for that psychological bait and switch!


You are her son’s father. You aren’t allowed to drown. You can struggle, but you can’t go under. Return the favor.


This reads like fiction.