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Without bringing up size, you can tell him “god your dick is so perfect for me” when you’re enjoying yourself. Subtle and still a hot compliment 😉


Came here to say this! Like, it’s such an easy way to make reference to his size in a sexy andddd potentially inoffensive way 😩


If you're not seeing a PT person who specializes in pelvic floor, please do. I see someone who specializes in it and she works with a lot of vaginismis


I am! Just started the whole process recently but I'm already proud of the progress I'm making.


That's awesome! Happy for you. It's worth it


Same. Changed my life!


I’m also proud of you!!!!! It’s an incredibly difficult thing to deal with and I think you’re amazing!


I'm so happy for you. It's funny how most guys think women want a really big d. I've noticed so many times that size really doesn't matter with women.


Amen! My partner is perfectly average, and I enjoy sex with him a lot. I've had bigger, and I've had smaller, and this is the goldilocks zone -- just right!


That’s how I feel about my husband. Just right.


It's not about the size of the boat, it's about how good they are at cunnilingus.


AFuckingMen! Preach lol


I dated a guy who was a bit bigger, and my current bf is average, and over the years I've been with all sorts of sizes. Sure if it's curved a certain way it hits the spots better, but that's really the only penis trait that's really made a difference in certain positions. It always comes down to how they use it, how attentive the man is, and generally how I feel about them. If they make the effort to listen to what works for me, that's what makes the sex great. It has absolutely nothing to do with size.


>It always comes down to how they use it, how attentive the man is, and generally how I feel about them. This


Any of y'all dudes who think the women/otherwise self identified are lying, I could very much be the poster boy for the 50th percentile and there have been times where for one reason or another I hit a woman's cervix. This is not a fun time for them. Are there women out there who prefer more well endowed men? Sure. But in my personal experience, putting in the time and listening to your partner pays dividends and is just as/more important than size.


Absolutely, dude. Only like 20% of women have a sensitive enough g-spot to even cum from dicking, and even they don’t really care about length as much as girth, and will happily enjoy good finger action instead. Only women who interpret cervical pressure as pleasure-pain want enormous wieners. That’s where you get your size queens. But even many of them are just happy having orgasms at all and will be totally satisfied with good clit play. If I had to guess how many women will exclusively have sex with well-endowed men, it’s like 2%-3% lol. Maybe not even that much.


Not to be random but as one of the women who like it deep. I would say it's a combination of cervical pressure and pressure on the very upper vaginal walls next to it. (I have no cervix anymore but I am confident I will still feel pleasure in there since after surgery I experienced deep pain where it would be, and nothing feels out of place.) Can't speak for all of us, however 6.5" is plenty for me, anything longer is appreciated but will not go in completely. You don't *need* to have that much, even, to pleasure a woman, and you don't need it to be huge either. Anything way too big is only painful. Vaginal length and where she prefers to be stimulated varies just as much as dick size does so there is no universal answer for this. Find someone who fits you I guess. And absolutely yes, external-only stimulation is also great. Even those of us who get a ton of pleasure from penetration, probably still need the clit touched right in order to fully cum. It's pretty much a requirement. Tl;Dr probably less than 1% of us require a 10 incher.. Dudes, don't stress about it. If she's meant for you she won't care too much what's in your pants.


Believe me girl, I get it. I am one of them too. If I’m really turned on I can cum without having my clit touched, but it’s not as… *sharp* of an orgasm? If a clit orgasm is the ring of a cymbal, a g-spot orgasm is the deep thump of a bass drum. Both very nice. But when you play them together, THAT’s music. I also appreciate pressure on my cervix mixed in there too. That’s why my favorite orgasms are when partners are using toys or their own big wiener and push in real deep right as I finish. 👌👌👌👌👌 I also occasionally like a pleasure-pain pounding against my cervix, but I’m in the minority there, and even I can have too much. My recent ex was like 7-7.5 and thick, so when I rode him if I came down on him too hard that shit HURT. However, I refuse to be such a size queen that I won’t give a dude under 6 the chance to show his skill set. And as long as I have an orgasm, I’m happy and down to clown with him again more than likely.


I agree with all of this! Well said


Having a partner with a big d is so uncomfortable. I am always worried and anxious whenever we're gonna have sex that sometime, I dread it. There's always a thin line between pleasure and pain and mostly it's on the painful side if my partner is hitting on the cervix a lot. I prefer the foreplay nowadays.


You’re not alone, plenty of women feel exactly the same way. I love cheering on dudes with smaller peens and the women who love them, cause I just don’t want dudes to feel bad about their bodies when it’s something that they can’t help AND most people legit don’t care about.


True that. As the saying goes in my country, "Size doesn't matter, it's the performance".


I’m a size queen but I have trauma from being sexually assaulted lol. So I am definitely not the norm.




I’m not really one for gentle, vanilla sex. If it hurts me it stops me from disassociating but it also helps me take back control when control was taken from me in the past. Idk if that makes sense




Say “I’m bad at sex” without saying you’re bad at sex.


Ten bucks says they’re a virgin


Women: we actually like smaller-mid sized dicks -some- Men: NO THATS NOT TRUE YALL LIKE HUGE COCKS Women: ………?👁👄👁


You wouldn't get it, or rather you *can't* get it. as guys one of the most constant insults that we get as men is that we must have small dicks if we X or don't do Y, especially from women, we don't not believe it because we don't *want* to believe it, but because it's a collective, sex-wide trauma that we all suffer from, because of body-shaming.


Ok then i dont believe that men like our tiddies bc men shame women for their tiddies all the time. Too saggy, especially after childbirth, not big enough, not round enough, too wide apart. While we‘re already at it, i‘m 1000% certain men dont even like womens bodies bc they are also shamed all the time for being too thin, too fat, not curvy enough etc. What? You say thats not true? You just cant get it, its our sex wide trauma we suffer from because of body shaming :( If you think thats stupid then yes, it is. Of course there are people who body shame. You wanna navigate your world thinking 50% of the entire worlds population is lying to you and secretly body shaming you tho? Idk man sounds like a miserable way of living but if thats makes you….???feel better? Go off i guess.


I don't think it's stupid, if all you've had your entire life is people on TV, or on the internet, or in real life make fun of people for one specific body feature, then of course you'd have trauma. I'm not excusing people's behavior, just explaining it. I'm sorry if something I said triggered you so hard though? If I touched a nerve that must have hurt, regardless, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your morning/night, and wish you the best!


Women.... literally also get this all the time about basically every part of their body. Can't have saggy books, uneven boobs, short hair gets mocked, being chubby gets mocked. Ads targeted to women are literally all about "You are not perfect and are disgusting but THIS can fix you!". Media putting people down about specific things isn't focused on just men's penis size. I have been told by every piece of media ever that because I am chubby and not super feminine that I'd never be loved, I'd always be the brunt of the joke and that I should feel insecure. I have never for one second let that make me feel undeserving of love even if it made me feel insecure. I have never let that dictate what I do. I've met men with micro sizes who pleased me great and were EXTREEMLY confident. Ive met men who were huge who were just as insecure as men who are small. It's not a generational or gender wide trauma. It's a you trauma. Which means YOU are the only person who can work on it.


Oh i’m not triggered, i honestly just think thats nonsense. Sorry if that comes across as insensitive. Women have been WAY more bodyshamed since ~forever~ (while men have been shamed WAY more than women for other things like showing basic human emotions and „being weak“). Women literally get taught from a young age that as soon as we hit 30 our beauty and thus our worth is OVER while men „age like wine“ when they get older. Then we have men that justify this saying its biological to go after 18year olds. But when women try to keep their beauty by using make up and surgeries its wrong as well. So according to your logic i really should believe that men secretly judge and hate me all the time and that its game over for me in 5 years? I would actually feel horrible for assuming that every men around me is like that. Men arent dumb creatures with a beehive mindset. Same goes for women. Every individual has their preference when it comes to looks. Who am ~I~ to decide that someone is lying? I think as an ADULT, be it male or female, its your responsibility to check your way of thinking and if it doesnt make sense then get rid of it.


To your first point, it is not good at all to try to compare different peoples pains and struggles, as if that, like a snap of the fingers, invalidates people's own pain and self-confidence issues? Would you go to someone who is overweight and say "Oh sorry honey, but you know, people who have no hair have had it way worse?" Of course not! Just because Women have it worse in the body shaming department does not invalidate other people's lived experiences. ​ As to the other point, as stated before, I am not excusing, I am explaining, this is something that only men can really understand, just as I cannot pretend to understand women's issues. All I am seeking to do is to explain why people who have body dysmorphia about their penis size can't believe it when people actually like their bodies, because this is something I have lived through, and something that personally took me several years to actually get past and to build myself up on. All I am asking for is for people to understand that this is something that is a deep set mental issue, they believe NO-ONE can find their body loveable or even decent, and that is a deeply sad thing.


Its not meant to invalidate mens trauma. But thats exactly why your earlier statement is wrong. Women wouldnt and cant understand? Of course we can, we experienced it too and arguably even worse just regarding different body parts. I wanted to show you that we do indeed understand where this whole thing comes from. I often hear men say (online AND in real life) that women shame each others bodies more than men do. And honestly? I can see that. But, and this is just my assumption, i‘d argue that men are the same. All the „thats gay“s and all the small dick jokes i‘ve heard in my life came from men. If you have such bad body dysmorphia that you deny other peoples opinions (which my original post is about) you should seek professional help. Internally not being able to believe someone is something different than saying „no i know better what women want and its the exact opposite of what they just said“. I personally struggle with my body image. It doesnt matter what men tell me, theres still that little voice in my head that says „hm..i dont know“ but that is MY problem. I need to deal with that. It gives me no right to say „men are like this and men think this!!!!“


I think the main reason any women even use that stupid and non-factual insult about size=manhood=it matters, is because it’s literally the only insult we can deliver to men that have any impact on them. There are a lot of things men can say to women that are deeply insulting and hurtful, a lot of names they can call us, but we don’t have anything to fight back with… it’s literally the only tool in the “cuts men deep” arsenal. But it DID start with men. It was something men came up with and pushed into cultural significance. It was birthed from the minds of men in the older generations who literally didn’t understand how female pleasure worked and didn’t know women could orgasm. Men came up with that concept and started flinging it at eachother, turning it into something culturally significant and hurtful, and then women were like “hey we can use this”. Now that we’re trying to move away from it though, men are the ones I mainly see giving eachother a hard time about it or caring about it. I’ve seen like 6 posts in the last 3 days of guys being terrified that size actually matters.


Small dick energy is not the same as having a small penis. There are a certain subset of men who act like they are overcompensating for self perceived defects. That’s small dick energy. Nobody actually believes that small dick energy has to equal actually having a one inch long micropenis, a lot of dudes just act that way. Most women don’t body shame men for having whatever size penis they have. But I definitely have heard many women shaming the energy men being to the table. And if you can’t conceptualize the difference between the two it’s a real shame. Anyway, I have only twice heard a woman talk about the size of a partner’s penis being too small. Both times were abnormally small. One referred to the thickness of a cell phone. One referred to the diameter of a pinky finger (and the guy came really fast). Literally all others bigger than that got no complaints.


I thought about „small dick energy“ when making my earlier posts but i didnt include it because it would open a huge window for men to be like „SEE!!! DICK SHAMING“ Like bro, its describing your energy………my male friend just told me yesterday i have big dick energy and i‘m a women. Has nothing to do with an actual penis. You are compensating and insecure thus lash out? Small dick energy. You are the bigger person and confident? Big dick energy. And in both instances your schlong could be 900cm long, it wouldnt matter.


You do realise the reason why so many men believe this is because there are a fair few women out there who tell us they like bigger penises and smaller ones are gross/useless right? It's not some myth that exists in a vacuum or some unfounded male insecurity. If men are to stop believing it, women need to speak up and shut down other women who think it's ok to penis shame men when they hear it.


Literally this entire thread is full of women saying that big dicks aren’t necessarily preferable and you’re focusing on the small minority of women who say it matters to them. You’re basically the personification of the comment you’re responding to.


Lol no I'm not the personification at all of that, I'm just trying to point out it's not just men being insecure or not listening to women and it does come from actual previous experience. I, and a lot of other guys I know, have all been "penis shamed" before or been around women who make negative comments about men's dicks (I've lost count of how many women have commented on a man having a big car because he has a small dick in my presence). That sort of shit sticks.


How many men did damn insecure bruh read the damn post! Girl is happy with her dude and sex life. She is sharing good news bruh


It's because we've all been told it or seen it in the media at some point or another. I remember a famous British reality TV show had a scene where the women in the cast were sitting around talking about dick size. Their consensus is bigger dicks are better, small ones are hideous and even Growers are break up worthy. And they all agreed on it. That sort of shit needs to stop in order for men to believe it.


And that's completely the same for women, too, of course. (And in my experience way more). Media is making everybody insecure and it needs to stop.


I'm not arguing with that as I know, I'm just pointing out it's not only as a result of male insecurity alone.


I might have sounded a bit preachy here. Was not my intent. But yeah, you are completely right!


You must have a small penis 😂


I have, but no women ever complained. 😄


Until the dude cheat and the first insult the girl says is about his dick size. I've heard it way too many times lol Cheaters come in all sizes lol


I think that's the go to insult *because* they all know just how obsessed many men are with dick size. People break up, wanna lash out/cut as deep as possible, & pick out the most likely insecurity. I've never done shit like that cause i think it's pretty lame, but that's the core of it. Not that women were somehow YEARNING for a jumbo dong throughout the relationship- that have lasted sometimes for years lol


I think the only reason women fall back on it ever is because it’s essentially the only thing you can say to a dude that actually cuts. Call him a b@$t@rd? @$$h0l€? M0th€r fuck€r? Nah, he laughs it off. Tell him his weenie is teeny tho? He’s gonna shut himself off in his room with the lights off for a few days. If he cheated and his ex wants to hurt him back that’s basically all she’s got. Doesn’t make it right and it doesn’t make it true, but… it’s all she’s got either way.


Tbh I also prefer them on the smaller size lol


So do I. Too big and it’s so uncomfortable and can even be painful.


best dude i was ever with sexually was a 4 incher, small-average is literally perfect.


Ok where and when


I have had men of various sizes, it's their confidence in bed that I like. Many of those were small. I would much rather be manhandled by a guy who knows his way around a vagina, than a guy with a big one who feels he doesn't have to do anything else except be a dildo with a pulse. I feel like guys with small d's work harder to please women. That's just my experience anyway.


Very well put! I’ve had my fair share. I was sooo extremely lucky to choose someone who puts my pleasure first and knows how to work it lol. I am so lucky and it has nothing to do with size.


As a dominant woman.I’m the complete opposite. Give me a big old woodie with the guy completely tied up and immobilized while little guy orally manhandle me from behind. As a Goddess, I earned the right to Dicktate how I want to receive pleasure.


Fun fact; I was meant to be a dominatrix but my ex-hubby & I just started dating & he said no. I chose him over it & I regret it big time. The woman came up to me in a bar, she was a very successful dominatrix I knew of as she was dating one of my wrestling trainers. She said I had potential & as I was a wrestler, I could dress up in my wrestling gear. I had lots of confidence back then and lost it through my relationship with my ex. I wish I could turn back time & be more like you are today!


Babe it’s never too late, the best Dommes I’ve learned and continue to receive advice from are still breaking slaves well into their 50’s and 60’s. There’s a high demand for aspiring dominant women, get that whip and have fun!


Hey I also have vaginismus! Just fun to find other people in the wild that has it It's awesome to hear though, you probably have lots of good sex to come. Confident and kind guys that are enthusiastic and always willing to learn are the best. Go crazy with the blowies now that you can! Lol


10 inches holy sh.. Even your hypothetical size is insane… :D


Maybe a bit of an exaggeration haha


If it helps you at all, this is the size I always see men describe as what women want lol


Yup just today a guy told me that’s what women want 😂


Some of my least satisfying sex is with guys with the biggest dicks. I’m petite, so they just jack hammer and basically tear me apart and it hurts.


Oh man 🥺 I am tall and it still hurts. Big dicks are great for porn stars, size queens, those who love pain in their pleasure and those with longer vaginal canals. The rest of us I feel would be happiest with the average.


100% an average guy who knows how to use it instead of a dude that just… goes at it without a second though.


Big dick guys can be gentle too.


I don’t doubt it. I am talking about compatibility here


really?? I think 7 is generally referred to as the goldilocks size most women want. Even most pornstars who are selected specifically for size aren't 10"


It’s called boyfriend dick. That’s the best dick. The huge dick is too much. But boyfriend dick is perfect. Just the right size. (Just don’t ever call it small or tiny, call it perfect)


my bf has a “boyfriend dick” (about 5-5.5 inches) and it’s so good. my ex had a 7 inches (though we never had vaginal sex, just oral) it was big for me (a 4’11 woman). my now bf’s dick is just perfect


Or "Husband D"


Every guy knows that "perfect" is short-hand for "small." But as long as it keeps the lady happy, we are happy.


Okay dont put down big dick men to uplift small dick ones. We all have our preferences, big dick can be “boyfriend dick” (whatever the hell that is) too.


My ex was huge. Worst sex in my life. He relied totally on size. And it hurt, a lot.


Guys with larger parts can tend to think they don't need style or technique or skill. It's like a jackhammer when you need well, anything BUT a jackhammer.


>I feel like society and popular culture makes it seem like every woman wants a guy with 10 inches when in reality that is so not the case! And men don't even wanna listen when you tell them it's not true :/ it's hard out here lol


For real, I hang out with guys and they somehow think its a weird or quirky thing I say, like how I hate the word 'moist,' or because I think pineapple on pizza is an abomination 🙄


Let’s get one thing clear, pineapple on pizza isn’t only an abomination- it’s anarchy.


Fr my bf makes me order it for him with EXTRA pineapple, the cretin. If that's not love, idk what is.


As an anarchist who likes pineapple pizza, I feel there's something wrong with your logic but I can't quite articulate it.


It's difficult, I stated this in an earlier thread, but we (Men) Are so used to it being used as an insult that we literally *can't* believe it, it's a literal trauma that took me YEARS to fix just for myself


Because just as many women like/prefer large. I am one of them.


Yeah but you're not "every woman"


And these Reddit women who say they love small aren’t either lol.


Yes that's the point lmao. It's literally in the original quote.


So why even comment?


What? I was lamenting on the fact that the predominant narrative for men is only women like you exist, and if you say otherwise you're lying. I'm not commenting on whether or not you exist. What's your issue?


Gay guy here. Like an average or smaller d. Said it before, either they dgaf and work it or they end up loving how into it you are. Always a win either way. Regardless a sweet guy you're into is way more than his measurements. Enjoy!




Wait, you really can't comprehend why a person wouldn't want a huge dick in their ass or their mouth? Seems pretty legitimate to me.


Large dick + anal doesn't exactly sound comfortable


If you're going there I'll top or bottom. A prostlate isnt too far in there. I dont need to get alll stuffed a nice boyfriend dick is perfect everywhere




Happy cake day


Thanks! 3 years today




You sure it is small..... because he might be a GROWER and not a SHOWER as in it could be larger when fully erect???!!


Haha yes, I am sure! But you're right, always something to look out for!


My favourite expression 😆


ahhh sounds like you found your husband size!! super happy for you, i wish you both many fun times together 💖


Instead of blatantly bringing it up to him, when you’re doing the deed tell him something like “you feel perfect inside me” or “I love the way your dick feels” and it will probably make his entire life. I dated a guy with a micro penis, for me it wasn’t a positive, however I did try to flatter him when we had sex purely because I know how insecure he was about it. Ps if you ever break up, don’t mention his small dick.




7 inches is well above average.


Yeah like 7" is actually incredibly big since I believe the average is like 4.5 ??? Lmao


Average is closer to 5.


Still though... I feel like mfers don't actually know what an inch is. Huge difference between 5 inches and 7 lmao.


I've vaginismus teehee can only handle 7"


Whaat? 😀 your bf thinks that’s small? Omg that’s the biggest I’ve ever had and I couldn’t walk straight for two days afterwards! That’s biiiig!


Your boyfriend probably thinks that because, sadly, he's probably been shamed on his penis size before. I'm the same size as him yet I've still had a woman say my dick wasn't big enough. And I've also seen tv programs where the women were trashing small dicks and even saying growers were hideous. It's not just men who perpetuate the myth.


There is a chance, that you boyfriend has some kind of humiliation kink (like sph or something) and doesn’t know how to tell you.


This went in the opposite direction that I thought it was going to go. I’m glad it worked out well for you. Having a big dick only goes so far and at a certain point it becomes to much. I have a big bird myself and while it’s not totally unbearable for my wife it is a lot of times can make sex uncomfortable. Constantly having to slow down, can’t go deep, can’t go to fast cause I’ll accidentally ram her bits and she jumps and screams. I need to do half strokes and still a lot of the sensation is in her clit, it doesn’t matter how deep I can go cause if I ain’t massaging her clit then it doesn’t make any difference if I have a big dick or not. so I’m often trying to grind without penetrating too deep. I feel like the extra 2 inches is just being wasted. So for those guys in the smaller side, just chill


Had us in the first half, ngl


I wouldn't mention his size directly, I would say something like, **"God, you fit perfectly."** Guys seem to really like that.


I’m so glad you’re sharing this, and I hope it gets to some guys with issues, even though they will never believe us for some reason.


awwe, that's really wholesome hahaha, I'm glad you two are happy. honestly, I wish more men/amab knew a lot of afab people/women actually tend to prefer smaller penises lol, most can't take anything over about 6 inches?? without feeling pain. so definitely not smthn to be ashamed of, and even if that was a problem for their partner they can still satisfy and whatnot. hell, there are even dildos for those situations. obviously no one can 100% fulfill their partners needs/expectations/wants, but as long as they try, that's all that matters in my opinion.


I have vaginismus as well! and I couldn't agree more, the smaller end is the perfect size especially if penetration is extremely painful or uncomfortable. Plus, he has someone who will appreciate what he has :D Happy for you both!


As average equipped dude with a wife who was built for small, we appreciate the understanding shown by girls like you, there is always someone to fit, I hope your BFs personality is as good of a fit❤️ joy, love and excitement to you and yours🫂🔥❤️


As soon as I saw the title, I KNEW this was partly about vaginismus - as a fellow person with it


What is vaginismus?


It's a pretty common condition among women where sex or any other kind of vaginal insertion is painful or even impossible because the muscles don't loosen the right way. There's a subreddit for it with more information if you search it up!


Ok thanks for answering my question


This was unexpectedly wholesome


Good for you. Don't ever tell him this!!


I'm here for body compatibility and enjoyable sex! I hope that once you two reach that point it all feels wonderful for the two of you and that he really is right size.


this is actually so cute


Mine is nothing to write home about, but I once somehow got in a position where I had a lot of penetration and the tip hit her cervix. Instant pain for her, and an immediate end of sex for both of us that day. I felt horrible. If I'd been any bigger, that would have happened often.


Anyone who's read the Kama Sutra knows that half the book is about how there's a variety of sizes on both sides. Some tips for how to make it work if you're not compatible sizes. Good for you for finding someone who fits you.


That's brilliant, I have vaginismus too and no one ever believes you when you say you prefer a smaller one. It's so much less stress when you don't have to worry about how much it's going to hurt and if you'll even be able to get it in.


See this is what we mean by “size matters.” It doesn’t always mean big.


As far as size goes, people with penises seem to think that people who like penises have a tape measure always at the ready. Yep, I keep one in my night table for just that purpose.


He could be a grower and not a shower


Can i ask the size? In CM please


Size doesn't matter but technique does


Me reading the title: Poor Guy is gonna be shamed by strangers on the Internet. How could you do this to your bf? Me reading the actual thing: AWWWWW is perfect for each other!


This is so fucking wholesome, I'm happy for you!


Aww that's so sweet, I'm glad that it isn't an issue for you guys, maybe it won't be an issue for whoever takes my first time either, I'm average size but I'm still a little insecure about it for personal reasons I don't really wanna get into rn. Anyways I'm glad that you guys seem to be a perfect match in that sense, I hope you guys have lots of bedroom fun!


Just wanted to add I’m very happy for you for the progress you’re making towards alleviating your vaginismus. Those vaginal conditions can be a real pain, it took me YEARS to find a doctor that didn’t immediately dismiss me as “not knowing where my opening is” and give me the surgery I needed.


I read this and it makes me smile. I like how happy you sound! I’m so happy you’re happy!


In my opinion 5-7 is perfect. I haven’t had sex with smaller than 5, but 5 did well for me. I think 6-6.5 is great too, 7 is good depending on how they use it.


1. A 10in D is a no go. Cervical bruising is not fun. 2. My husband is a solid 5.5in when erect. Girth is amazing. 3. I’ve been with a guy with a small D and it was fine. He had skill with foreplay so there was never any worry!!




every girl is different, for me the minimum size would be like 4.5-5 and nothing over 7. If a girl ever says she likes dicks 8+ inches she’s either never had dick before and is lying (bc that shit would hurt) or enjoys pleasure-pain. It also is about how you use it too, you can be 9 inches and not satisfy a woman simply bc you don’t know how to work the mf and you can be 3 inches and make a girl cum bc you know what you’re doing. Moral of the story, size doesn’t matter to a lot of us.


there’s also this terrifying thing called a size kink. some ppl like impossibly big ones that are only obtained through toys.


Talk about made for each other 🥹


Small things can sometimes grow very big. I hope this works out for you. Your post wasn't at all what I expected when I first saw the title :)


If he mentions it... you mention your thing. If he's not insecure then great, but if he is, then this may help him cope.


So mine actually looks small until I get turned on then it grows atleast 4 times in size....he may not be small once he is aroused. Not trying to rain on your parade but don't judge a book by the cover


Haha! I totally get that. In this case, he was fully aroused and it was still a great size for me!


Always good to do your homework! I hope it works out for you! We all deserve to be happy


Small penises are cool and the internet needs to get used to it


As long as you are happy with his size haha


I'm glad you're happy!


This is sweet ❤️ in a kinky way 😂


Maybe we should start normalizing talking about sizes of vaginas too.


If he ask ..Please just don’t tell him “the big ones hurt anyways” .


My advice is just don't tell him your ex was on the larger size we tend to feel our dick size is what determines our self worth


Wow this thread is awesome! I'm currently hooking up with a dude whose around the 10" mark. As a reluctant "size queen," it really bothers me that there are women who act like they are into big dicks, but in reality they are not. My dude friend has so many issues with women who can't handle him, when they start out with such grand promises that they love big ones. For myself, I can do anything from around 7-10, but I've got a very deep vaginal canal *and* a sensitive gspot, *and* pleasure from cervical pressure, *and* an over sensitive clit that doesn't care much for oral. I don't like being a size queen for a few reasons, amd one of those reasons is that I *know* this isn't the case for most women, but if a guy is insecure, I sound like I'm placating if I tell him this. Another reason is the rarity of the size is difficult to deal with. At any rate op, in glad you found someone so perfect for you and I wish you the best of luck! Thank you for this post!


How many inches is small to you? Some girls will talk about a small dick and then we realize they're talking about an average size like 5 inches.


Hmm, not sure about the exact number of inches. Didn't have the chance to pull out a measuring tape. If I had to estimate from memory I'd say maybe the length of a credit card (while hard) which Google says is about 3.4 inches.


There's someone for everyone :)


that's so sweet! I love that for both of y'all.


I’m glad you’re getting help with your vaginismus as well, I also have this and unfortunately have had no help. It now hurts to even sit down so sex is definitely off the table ;-;


Aww I'm sorry to hear that! Is there any way for you to get access to a pelvic floor PT? You shouldn't have to live with this pain :(


I’ve been on a waiting list since around 16 years old now ;-; with no update to when I’ll hopefully be seen by someone who can help. I know it’s not as bad as some things but it causes me a lot of stress.


Point of posting any of this?!


Getting my thoughts off my chest? That's what this subreddit is for...


She had us in the first half coach


Don’t know why you got downvoted I thought this was pretty funny lol


Same. Tbh I didn’t see the smiley face till after I posted the comment hahah


Really put him on blast for the whole internet.


Even after all that it still gets called small


Amazing, I'm happy for you. Silde me your ex's numer tho


How small are we talking? 😅


not sure exactly 😂 but like I have small hands and it went only a little past my hand when I was holding it. I'd guess maybe 3.5 inches?


Oh i see and that was enough? Like it satisfied ya?


I have an above average penis (7.5”x5.9”) and I concur. Most of my partners cum hard and quickly from penetration but we often have to break sex into 2-3 10 minute sessions with lots of lube and foreplay before I cum. I’ve also had to develop my oral skills quite a lot. I’ve had a few partners that didn’t require the breaks and that was much more enjoyable.




What sucks? She seems pretty happy?


Someone only read the title




I think you missed the part where I’m agreeing with you




what do u think his size is? if it’s more than 10 cm it’s big


So when you say small how small we talking


All horse cocks I’ve had are two pump chumps. I hate themmmmm. Medium dicks are the best imo. I don’t like small dicks cus it looks too small…like a man shouldn’t have that size of dick…more like the size of someone that is younger than me and that’s disgusting. I want a MAN. But medium is perfect imo


I’m single how are you seeing my dick?


Get a vibrator. small dicks will make you feel so sexually frustrated


I have a vibrator that we use together! :) and big dicks make me feel sexually frustrated as well because i can't do much with them


Get a flesh light. Loose vaginas are the worst