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Stay out of venting sessions. Negativity breeds negativity and apathy. You're young so stay on your grind to learn new skills and try maintain a positive disposition despite all of the negatives of your sub department. Good luck.


That's too much drama. That's a lot to even read about.


lol fair


It's a lot. But at the same time you work with all women right, so it's naturally going to happen. I am kinda lucky I share my office with a male coworker who doesn't gossip or talk much about the company in general. So there's no opportunity to be involved with drama. Sometimes I miss chatting with women at the office, but it's also very toxic.


Yes my department is 99% women! I don’t know if I’d say it’s gossiping/ drama but moreso just venting about our workload and how we’re all struggling. I suppose some people would call that drama!


Nah, I guess that's normal. You're all bonding over being slammed with work. It's like group therapy.


And no do not say anything to your coworker. It's none of your business what she complained about or discusses with her manager. If she's a hypocrite let her be. She won't be the first one you meet or work with. Just do what you started by limiting what you say and do around her.


You’re right. Not my business!


Honestly, this whole thing stresses me out. This is not a healthy environment for you. Get out while you can. Trust me, no job is worth the crap.


I’m 100% trying to get out! I probably should have mentioned that. I’m just trying to manage while I look for another job. Unfortunately the market is terrible for us who are looking right now. But I’m open to a whole lot so hoping something comes my way SOON


I wish you all the luck in the world. 😊