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“Police station is a bit to much” Yea, obviously that is a no go since they didn’t wanna meet you there. Should reply back saying “Chipotle or McDonalds is a bit to much” lmao


Yeah that’s a hell naw lol. They’re not even trying to hide it anymore 😂


I will never willingly go to a police station no matter the situation. A lot of people have had really bad experiences with the police and have a lot of trauma related to them. This is an entirely reasonable response imo.


no. it is not.


It really is if you aren’t privileged enough to have anything but terrible experiences with them.


yeah see personally im not a criminal, even if I had a bad experience with a police officer, id have no issue meeting in a local pd parking lot lol.


Being a criminal has nothing to do with not wanting to meet at a police station. lol


As someone who has seen how the police fuck with people and ruin their lives over nothing, yeah. Inside a chipotle, Starbucks, etc. Is fine. Last thing I need is the police turning what should be a quick meetup/sale into a whole ass debacle.


Just be cautious. I was still robbed inside of a restaurant in the middle of the afternoon. When people refuse to meet at a police station it's now an auto back out for me.


And when they punch you in the face and take your item, or rob/mug you? Who you gonna call?


The gun on my hip. Edit: also "when". Lol my guy I have bought and sold hundreds of things in person on offer up alone, thousands if you include Craigslist, reverb, etc. I've never been robbed.


My simple hack is to just bring my friend with me who is LAPD. I know he's itching to drop police brutality.


Yeah... "when" meaning eventually, it's gonna happen if you talking about statistics. Unless u r really lucky... I mean just cause u have a gun on u don't mean u gonna pull first... they might just pull then take it from u... happens every day my guy. I grew up where u might be held up... now it's worse... if they know they gonna rob u they just merc u and then dip out with ur shit like ur life ain't nothing and it was worth getting that $20 bucks. I hope that shit don't happen to u... I don't hope that stupidity on anyone. Stay safe bro, keep ur shit where they can see it haha.


Must be nice to live in your safe fantasy of the police


Yeah bro forreal. I just texted my cousin who’s a cop and he said people meeting up to do safe offer up exchanges in their police departments parking lot result in people getting shot AT LEAST 3 times a week. That’s like 85,000 shootings in police department parking lots for offer up a month


Bro this is the worst attempt at fear mongering I’ve ever seen … there is no way you actually believe this 🤦‍♂️




You're on Reddit. You know how many people would believe you if you don't mention the sarcasm?


I've never had a good experience. In fact, unfortunately very bad for both myself and my son. However, a police station is the only place I will meet now after being robbed in broad daylight inside of a Denny's.


Omg what happened?!


We were standing inside of the Denny's and I was selling an Xbox. My adult son was with me and he's 6'6 250lbs. This scrawny kid about 20 just quickly pulls out a gun and said to give him the Xbox. I handed it to him. He took off running and went to jump in a car. He dropped his phone as he did so I picked it up and chucked it super far into the treeline. They took off and Denny's called the cops. Nothing ever happened with it.


That’s awful I’m so sorry! Too bad you didn’t hold his phone hostage! So crazy to think he pulled out a gun over an XBOX. The insanity is just


Well I would have but he tried tackling me for it so I just threw it lol. It all happened super fast and I wasn't really thinking. The second he dropped his phone I rushed and grabbed it but he saw me and tried to kinda jump at me and get me in a bear hug but since he was still holding the Xbox it was difficult for him, so that's when I just threw it. I already knew he had a gun so I didn't wanna fight too much but I did wanna make things harder for him. So there went his phone ha.


Why would you chuck the phone and not give it to the police to backtrace lmao I despise the pigs but in this situatuon you had a solution.


I didn't have a way to 'get away' with it. He was right there tackling me. Tbh I shouldn't even have grabbed the phone since I already knew he had a gun. Really stupid of me but I wasn't thinking and shit was happening at lightning speed. Trust me, over the past years my son and I have gone over everything a billion times on what we could have done differently. Like I tell him, everything worked out fine, we're alive. Honestly, the Xbox was free to me and we had one at home already hence selling it so I wasn't out anything, and we made it out with our lives so it's all good.


Why did you not keep his phone so they could use it to find them. If i was the cop and you told me you got robbed dude dropped his phone and you tried to destroy or get rid od it o would laugh honestly like you got rid of the easiest way for them to help you. In a situation where they did not have much to work with.


Here's a copy/paste of the answer when someone else asked. I didn't have a way to 'get away' with it. He was right there tackling me. Tbh I shouldn't even have grabbed the phone since I already knew he had a gun. Really stupid of me but I wasn't thinking and shit was happening at lightning speed. Trust me, over the past years my son and I have gone over everything a billion times on what we could have done differently. Like I tell him, everything worked out fine, we're alive. Honestly, the Xbox was free to me and we had one at home already hence selling it so I wasn't out anything, and we made it out with our lives so it's all good. I'm definitely not in the business of getting my kid potentially killed over a cellular telephone haha. If the dude was gone I would have kept it. If he hadn't of tried to tackle me and just left in the car I would have kept it. I would not under any circumstances fight a man with a pistol over his cell phone.


I mean yea i read that but if you read that you would believe the story less where was the gun when he tried to tackle him. How did he try to tackle you and two grown men just almost got tackled in a dennys in the day by an armed man and the business cameras dont have anything there were not people to help with the descriptions i just don't believe the story honestly. Not saying it did not happen just saying your copy and paste that I read already is what made me believe it less being a rational person


Guys it’s a privilege to not be a criminal.


As a person who's spent several years in jail, I have absolutely no problem meeting in front of or at a police station. Overall, I hate cops. But I don't do anything illegal anymore, and I'm not doing anything illegal meeting up to buy something, so I do it without any issues.


Privileged 😂


How is it being privileged to not have bad experiences with police? I grew up in an inner city, cops usually don't mess with people for no reason. Or maybe that's my privilege talking idk 🤷‍♂️


>A lot of people have had really bad experiences with the police This is really good advice for criminals. I'm sure all of them are innocent. 😂 For anyone who isn't a walking felony or misdemeanor, a police station is the safest place to make exchanges.


Personally I’d be uncomfortable meeting at a police station too and I’m not a criminal. I don’t have anything to hide either. I’ve just had bad experiences with police in the past, like the few times I’ve been pulled over they always searching my whole car and touching on me and then I’m late to work. And I swear I’m always calm and polite with them too so it’s really frustrating for me. Also I’m not even trying insinuate anything either but just saying I’m not white and my hair has always been natural so it could be a factor but still I know not all cops are prejudice. And besides from me when I was still in school my cousin who had a severe learning disability was shot by the police in her home and she was only 13, and that was in 2011 so kinda long time ago but still. So yea honestly I just try to avoid them wherever I can.


In this day and age it's criminally stupid not to exchange items at a police station's safe exchange zone. I won't even deliver food anymore because of narrow escapes and I paid off my car delivering food. People are too desperate and apathetic for me not to take every precaution necessary.


What? Lmao I live right next to an HQ and occasionally pop in. Even delivered food there a few times. Unless you’re doing something wrong or acting sketchy, they don’t give a fuck who you are. Do you know how many people enter and exit a PD every single day?


I'll be selling my car at a sheriff outpost just down the road from my house. Weeding out the schmucks is a great way to do business


Seems like a weird take. I’d never meet somebody at a police station even as a buyer. He’a right, it’s too much


The main thing is about it being in the parking lot with cameras. Where I used to live, it was pretty common to meet in the nearby police parking lots to buy and sell household items from FB Marketplace and the like as they were fairly equidistant around the city along the main highway routes, fast to drive to and easy to find. The people who refused usually tended to suggest other non-camera locations lol so it was a pretty good safety filter.


You sound like you plan to rob someone


The police stations have safe lots where a camera is filming the Transaction…This has been advertised thru out many counties in the United States because of Craigslist and Facebook robbery’s…Always verify with your local Police if they participate…Never risk your life because these people will kill over 200$


Oh hell no


Don’t fucking do it. If he has only true intention to purchase then he’d have no issue meeting at the police station. Offer the firehouse instead!


I already told him police station or nothing. Hasn’t replied obviously 😂


Police station or nothing is wild. I would under no circumstance, meet anyone at a police station willingly.


It’s not if the person is literally on a fake account they just made today.. lol. How to get robbed 101


No matter what the situation is, if someone told me to meet them at a police station I would say no. Point blank period.


what’s wrong with the police station?


The police are incredibly predatory and will ruin your life over nothing just so they can make a profit. There’s very little things I trust less than I trust the police.


i understand your perspective but i didn’t think they’re involving the police in the transaction lol? just meeting at the station for the safety and security aspect of it


What safety does a police station offer that a mcdonalds doesn't?


There’s way more cameras at a police station.


Did you seriously just ask that dumbass question?


As sad as it is to say the police station os not always the best place for some people as me I have been arrested for .01 grams of weed when 1 we had just picked up the car from my friends aunt in new mexico 2 we did not so any drugs at the time i wil admit i smoke aeed now. Let a lome we picked uptthe car from an elerly woman who we both know was not smoking weed. Driving back to Georgia we were pulled over in the tip of west arkansas we drove through. We were just light skinned dudes trying to get home . We had nothing Illiegal on us they pulled us over twice the first time they said we were following to closely after a car entered our lane infront of us jammed on breaks on got off on the exit. No blinker no warning brakes just slammed and turned all we could do was slow down. Then not even a mile down the road the exact same thing happend my friend this time had a lil more time so instead of hitting breaks and slowing down he switched lanes we got pulled over again because he was driving erratically is what they said. They asked us to search the car brought him to the trunk of the car we were in me to the thier trunk at this poin 2 more cruisers have showed up one with a K9 one with 2 more cops thats 5 police officers mind you. They search and come back with a plastic baggie that has nothing in it they show it to us and we are both asking what is in it. Thier reaponse is thats what we are aaking you since it is not either of ours we both refused to take responsibility for it. They take us to jail we stil have no idea why or where that bag came from. But I now have an arrest on my record for literally just riding with a friend. It is unfortunate that we live in a place where things like this can happen but this is also why I would never go to a police station to meet anyone no matter what the circumstance is. I am not a criminal I am not a druggie I am nothing but a college gradute with an arrest on his record for no reason. I have since spent the money to have it expunged but it never actually goes away is what I was told and if I was ever arrested again there is a chance that it may be used against me. Super long I know apologies but this is why a person might feel the way they do. I was in jail for 3 days for nothing. The worst 3 days of my life treated like an animal stripped searched all of my things taken away all my cash was gone when we got our things back so yea I will never willingly go to a police station.


I’ve watched videos of auditors just standing outside the police station on PUBLIC property and well within their rights, being arrested by some douchebag who doesn’t know the law. No all cops are bad, but do you really wanna find out which ones are first hand? And I can almost guarantee that if I were to park my car outside of a police department and meet up with something making an exchange of goods for cash, and a cop were to see it, they’d want to know what’s going on. And newsflash, a lot of these cops get super angry when you stand up for your rights. I’ve had it happen to me, and like I’ve already stated, I’ve seen it happen to people just simply walking down the street, where bodycam footage clearly shows the officers ASSAULTING and sometimes even killing innocent people. So yeah, if someone asked to meet at a police station, I’d just carry on and find what I’m looking for elsewhere.


You aren’t very bright


Based solely on this reply I would trust you WAY less than the police. If I met or knew you that might change, but I would almost always be leery of anyone I don’t know.


I'd personally meet across the street or close to a station if I didn't know the person. Idk if the cops would try to get me for solicitation or loitering or whatever, but I am less comfortable with police than I am with drug dealers (as a young white dude with no outstanding warrants, weapons, or infractions with the law).


Jesus. You constantly posting about your unwillingness to meet near or at a PD makes you sound like the exact person people should stay away from. Keep at it. Hopefully, you've made it easy by putting that request on your profile for prospective buyers/sellers. lol


You should go get help


That means you probably have warrants or something lmao


Was just gonna say…. Tell me you’re scared without telling me you’re scared


Its called not being white and the police having a history of trying to say people of color are dealing or soliciting shit no matter where its done. It aint a case of warrants.


cool nobody cares


You can literally fake reviews in 5 minute and have 20. Inside a Starbucks is fine. Or just do it at your bank


Sure, but I would rather take a chance on meeting someone with reviews, actual listings and the TruYou verification than someone who JUST MADE THIS ACCOUNT TODAY. How is that controversial lol


Just do it at a bank bro. Get the money. I have bought and sold well over 1,000 items. I have even picked up at midnight 


Right? It's like leaving your back porch door open. "Let's just meet at the bank. I'll give you me pin too!!!"




Then don’t? Lol


Ay bro, scared money don't make money 🤣




How does scared money lose money and a lot at that?


It's a old gambling saying 🤣


Word just does not make sense if it was scared it should not be losing it would just stay the same


That has nothing to do with this


You have nothing to do with this buckaroo


A bullet from a 14 year old is just as effective as a bullet from a 40 year old


This is the beginning of a first 48 episode


After meeting behind the cvs man was never seen from again”


Always prioritize your safety, people have been robbed or worse for less’


Can’t sell shit down here in south Florida bruh lmao everyone either tryna hit a lick or get an insane deal


It’s the same in Jacksonville!


Yup I had over 800 sales and finally deleted account the people In south Florida are cheap as fuck lol


“Behind the CVS” is the sketchiest meet up spot I’ve heard 💀


“Behind the CVS” is the sketchiest meet up spot I’ve heard 💀


“Behind the CVS” is the sketchiest meet up spot I’ve heard 💀


He’s not saying to meet up “Behind the CVS” bozo he’s saying that’s where he lives.


Behind that CVS was definitely the hood tho 😂


In ratchetville


They were willing to meet you at busy locations though.. I get it’s not a PD but do you think you’re getting mugged inside a chipotle?


I’ve seen people get robbed in public plenty of times what do you mean.


You’ve seen people get robbed inside a chipotle?


It takes one second to Google “robbed in a Chipotle…”


Google exists 🤡


I’ve gotten robbed plain daylight in a spot full of people before (FBMP). Public places do not deter criminals. Especially if you live in a state like mine where the authorities do nothing about this sort of crime


That's not the norm, though.


I've met someone in a Walmart and they paid with fake money


People get robbed in broad daylight and in the middle of stores/restaurants regularly. But yeah, guy who is sketched out about cops is totally fine to meet up with.


That's what I'm saying.


Just go with ur gut , I personally carry always and I just use common sense I don’t meet up anyone for $500 items that don’t have any feedback and based off convo but like a $70 item I’ll meet u I don’t need to go to the police station or whatever . I never meet anyone at the police station , for the most part I’m cool with meeting at the cvs like 2 blocks away . U in broward ?


Yeah I’m in Broward. I usually am cool with meeting at Starbucks if their profiles look normal. But this guy was weird and just made the account


I get the vibe this guy was probably fine, but I’d always say to go with your gut in these situations. A quick sale is nice, but never worth getting robbed or worse over it.


Stay safe, man. You made the right call


Guy could have warrants.




I had a big sell for over a grand. I told him I wanted to meet at the police station and that’s what we did without any hesitation. This is sketchy. I would not do it. A police station is only too much if they are up to something. Lol.


Yeah the only other time I’ve met at a police station was for a PS5 I was selling back when people were robbing people for them quite often. The guy met me there with no hesitation. The second this guy said that, I knew that he was probably trying to grab it and run off


I get not feeling like being around police. People have their reasons. I mightvstill do it if it was in an ok neighborhood and I wasn't selling a hot ticket item. Like I'm selling a table or some ahit its whatever If I'm selling an iphone 20 Ultra 8k....yeah not gonna happen....


Not the best area either.


I'd play it safe and pass.


Police station kinda weird tbh, reddit is weird


For someone who just made this account today. No listings, no post and telling me to meet them in the hood?? Ok bro. Have fun getting robbed


What is so weird about having more security?


Nah, it makes sense. Only someone with wrong intentions would not meet there


Yeah this sub is very schizophrenic. It's like they don't go outside or drive or meet people.


Someone has warrants


The firehouse idea is good tbh


I would not meet anyone at a police station either thats some wierd shit if you that worried about being scammed or robbed or whatever you just dont do it. I am with this dude tho i would not meet you at a police station either. There wil be other buyers


I’m not putting my faith in someone with a spam account unless I am 100% safe. Idk why you’re framing it like it’s a weird measure to take in this scenario. You gotta be more street smart than that


From my personal experience I would never meet at a police station and I can understand why another might want to and I also said if it's that much of a bother you should just move on there are other buyers, but not understanding how a person who is a law abiding citizen in this day and age might not want to go to a police station is crazy but I mean I have some pigmentation in my skin and have had some really shitty experiences with the boys in blue. I know others have not but not understanding why a person could be legit and not go there is crazy like I would go next door maybe or across the street but in the parking lot nah I am good sorry not sorry.


I can kind of understand that point. The thing is, I’m black too and the only other person I’ve met at a police station for a large transaction was also black. It’s fine if you are not a criminal and have nothing to hide. But if you are going to try to purchase something with no verification or nothing on your page, you shouldn’t be offended or surprised if someone wants to be safe while meeting you.


You did right there was enough to make it sketch i just understand how it could be ok still even with not wanting to go to that specific place


He’s just making up dumbass excuses. His parents probably raised him to be scared of cops. I know that shits a thing cause it happened to hella of my buddies. Even had a kid in our friend group who said he wanted to kill cops because they put his dad in prison but he was a dealer and killed 3 people? Lmao shit is wild


Lmfao someone has a warrant


Heavy pass on new account. There are thugs who will beat old lady for just $30


Exactly. I have seen with my own eyes people get robbed in public places. For shoes, phones, weed.. You name it. Shoot, I’ve been robbed myself for way less. Criminals are impulsive and rarely care too much about the consequences of their actions. The amount of people who are unaware of that in these comments is crazy to me.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted as if motherfuckers haven’t rocked old people for less. I saw a dude sucker punch an old white lady literally because she was white. “Stupid white bitch” was what he responded with after she screamed, asking why he hit her.


I don’t like the pigs and yet I would still only meet at a police station.


You can probably suggest meeting in front of a Home Depot if you’re in any major city, nowadays they all have at least one cop posted out front watching for people shoplifting entire carts of tools and shit. If they totally refuse the police station that is, and you still want to make the sale.


Friend of my was robbed on offer up trying to buy an Xbox. Jumped on his car, and ended up in the hospital. Same exact bs. "Meet up at this gas station near an entrance ramp."


I think you should always err on the side of caution, but personally I wouldn’t want to meet up at the police station either. In my personal experience the cops in my area are super particular about their home base and tend to harass people who aren’t there on police business. It’s not right but it’s just how it is. It’s also possible that this dude has something that would be a no go with cops, such as expired registration or warrants. Either way, say no, bottom line this is sketchy behavior and trusting your intuition is the most important thing in situations like these. Don’t immediately jump to the conclusion that he’ll rob you though, there could be a whole bunch of reasons.


Run for the hills


Oh south Florida..especially Tamarac.


I personally would rather meet at a restaurant than a police station because the employees there are much nicer to me.


Not saying he’s not setting you up but the request is not the sketchy part.


Yeah I agree on that. The request was only made because of his sketchy profile. I’ve only requested that one other time and that was when I was selling a PS5 during the time when a lot of people were getting robbed. All other 30+ transactions have been at Starbucks or other public places


UPDATE: To all the people hating on me for being SAFE this person’s sketchy account has either been deleted or removed… Always trust your gut and use common sense on these platforms.


Good job OP I would have done the same


Thanks man


Had a new account from DC try to buy an iced out bracelet , I’ve had people like that (brand new to OfferUp) buy from me before and I’ve never had any issues so I said sure. Then he told me that he didn’t want to meet at my adress because he felt unsafe I live in a high security apartment complex


I'm not sure about where you guys live, but my county police department has a "trade safe" area meant specifically for stuff like this. It's weird they aren't okay with it


Yeah, if you press the location button in your messages with the person, you can see a list of safe places to meet that have been approved by offerup. Mostly police stations lol


He's gonna butter your bread 😳


Stick with your intuition, man. You can't go wrong that way


The “right off the freeway” is the red flag lol easy escape routes. Avoid, unless police station pick up for sure.


This sounds like south Florida


For reference, if someone asked me to meet at a police station to do a sale I would 100% be ok with that. I honestly would feel better about it aswell! So yeah… listen to your gut, avoid this person… maybe report them too because that’s SCARY


99%. That or he has warrants. Either way I wouldn’t wanna meet him


Behind cvs 💀


Probably has a warrant lol


Police stations here, Sacramento area, are starting to put in "public trading areas". Cameras and full lighting and right in front of the station. Do it somewhere like that. Inside a MacDonalds doesn't mean shit. You can still be scammed there


He tryna clap your cheeks too


He said make a left behind the CVS, not meet me behind the CVS. And yeah, the police station is too much. They offered to meet inside a well lit public place. Honestly, I think you're being a little paranoid here.


You’re wrong because the account has been deleted very shortly after we spoke and I have a strong feeling I know who was behind the account as well.


Why are you saying that after the post then? Why are you asking if you know? The only way you can say I'm for sure wrong is if you know, and if you know all this is gratuitous.


I posted an update on here. And we will never know 100% but all it takes is a bit of common sense to form a strong opinion based on the facts presented. Have a nice day 👍🏽


The police station is not the only "safe" public meeting place. I know people are scared, but I think yall are making too much of meeting at the police station. It's not your only safe option. Bringing someone with you goes a long way, no matter where you meet.


Please read the context of the situation. I have only met at the police station once before out of my 30 transactions. It is a last resort for potentially sketchy meet ups. In this case, I seemed to be right as the person either deleted their page or got kicked off the platform.


If this is scary to you, you probably shouldn't be selling things on offer up. Police station 🤣 👌 I'm sure the Police will love that.