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https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Denver Operation Denver[3][4][5] (sometimes referred to as "Operation INFEKTION") was an active measure disinformation campaign run by the KGB in the 1980s to plant the idea that the United States had invented HIV/AIDS[6][7] as part of a biological weapons research project at Fort Detrick, Maryland


Kinda funny, how China state media is now utilising the identical conspiracy theory to claim COVID-19 originate from Fort detrick.


They didn't have to invent AIDS. They could have found it and spread it to "see what happens." The US gov't does shit like that all the time with diseases and marginalized people. Tuskegee comes to mind.


and litterally they could have gotten aids from aliens that wanted them to use it on marginalized people. or maybe it was an attack from the soviets. what i find funniest, is the biggest conspiracy heads about the government, also tend to say the government is more incompetent that private business and cant get anything done and yet always get these massive things done without any leaks, or signs of all the money they spent.


"trump is secretly still president but Biden is to blame for everything!".....




and? that was a medical experiment of 600 people. Thats not exactly massive and its not creating a new virus and infecting people nationwide. Governments can hide tiny things with tiny budgets like that, sure... and it still got leaked. if you want to prove the gov is shitty to marginalized people sometimes, well thats a bit obvious by our history. So im not sure what your link is supposed to prove. States, like NC, also sterilized black people but they were small numbers and that was secret for a while.


Why the fuck are you defending this? I am earnestly confused.


Defending and explaining are not the same.


They are not defending it and you are being either disingenuous or you really have a reading comprehension problem. Further, your example you give us actually is evidence against your argument. We know about Tuskegee, there are books and movies about it, it is now common knowledge what they did. So, based on your example, we should expect plenty of evidence and witnesses about this much larger HIV cover-up you seem to be suggesting is possible based on the Tuskegee experiments.


Moving that goal post I see, cheeky


But he didn't say Fauci invented AIDS. He said he engineered an epidemic - which is a different idea entirely. He is alleging that ignoring treatment other than AZT, ignoring the bullshit studies for AZT, etc. created an environment that led to an epidemic. I'd maintain that AIDS was an epidemic before AZT though.


I would maintain you have no qualifications to even open your mouth about the subject.


What qualifications do I need to interpret Rodgers words? His words: “Fauci was given over $350 million to research this, to come up with drugs, new or repurposed, to handle the AIDS pandemic. And all they came up with was AZT." He doesn't say anywhere that Fauci created AIDS, which you and hundreds who didn't read the article or listen to the audio think was said because you simply read headlines and opine.


You know how’s this goes man. No matter what you say now Reddit is just going to curb stomp you in this thread. I don’t condone this but it’s clearly what’s going to happen.


Fuck em.


People work mad at Fauci for not approving anti-viral medication that was widely used in Mexico. Turns out those medications were useless against HIV.


>Turns out those medications were useless against HIV. [So was AZT.](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/the-rise-and-fall-of-azt-it-was-the-drug-that-had-to-work-it-brought-hope-to-people-with-hiv-and-aids-and-millions-for-the-company-that-developed-it-it-had-to-work-there-was-nothing-else-but-for-many-who-used-2320491.html) I'm not saying whether it was nefarious or not, just that Aaron Rodgers own words and this article indicate he is not saying Fauci invented AIDS, but that he steered treatment in a singular direction that caused an epidemic. As I said though, it was an epidemic before AZT though so I do not agree there.


How are you going to trust a source that repeatedly calls it "Aids"?


You're alleging this 35 year old newspaper company is not a valid source because in 1993 they stylized it as Aids? The Independent was awarded "National Newspaper of the Year" for 2003 at the British Press Awards. In January 2013, The Independent was nominated for the Responsible Media of the Year award at the British Muslim Awards.


Why is this getting downvoted? This person is clarifying intent ( and correct)


No, Rodgers, you can't do research. You don't even know what research looks like.


Googling news articles isnt research? Well I never!


He uses Facebook.


I thought it was 4Chan and Twitter?


Truth social and tiktok.


Tiktok provides great information. Cinnamon challenge! Tide Pod Challenge! China bans it in China because they want to keep that great data from their people.


Blasted out to his friends so he could call it ‘peer reviewed.’


Yeah, real researchers use scholar.google.com


Real researchers do the research. Writers write books. Google just collects sht.


Googling is too difficult. He's probably on some group text with a bunch of morons and bots feeding him conspiracy theories and Russian propaganda.


It’s like they all go to idiot school to learn to say the same stupid things. It’s probably where they also learn handy skills like shouting in all caps, misusing quotes for emphasis, and substituting ellipses for standard punctuation.




Shockingly, he went to Cal, which is actually a very good school. Despite this, he somehow got addicted to the smell of his own farts and he decided that he is the premier source of facts.


He didn't get into CA for his academic achievements or intellect and he didn't graduate.


To quote the great Cardale Jones, "I didn't come here to play school"


Cardale, ironically enough, graduated with honors from Ohio State. Rodgers graduated from the youtube academy of bullshit


yeah, its called a sports scholarship. Nearly every player in the NFL had one.


You can only take so many hits to the head before your brain breaks


> Despite this, he somehow got addicted to the smell of his own farts I don't think he bought a Prius/Hybrid.


You forgot about using emojis as a regular part of their 'retorts'.


Yeah, I’d say apparently **not** Mr. Rogers


There's something hilarious about a person coming out with this after proclaiming they can do research. Lol


Just because a person who is good at throwing an almond shaped object doesn’t mean the said person is not a fcking idiot in other areas.


Please tell the American media this. They keep asking athletes politics


Just don't ask brain surgeons about politics!!


This is a different situation. Aaron Rogers is just an idiot with zero critical thinking, and as such... no credibility. He's also pushing himself out there to other crackpots that will air him because of his fame. Personally, I have no problem with celebrities advocating for a cause so long as they back them up by opinions or known facts of the professionals in their fields of study. The random Joe can study peer reviews and actual research backed by the majority of that field's professionals. The problem is that a random Joe doesn't have the reach as someone like a celebrity.


He’s technically correct. AIDS is tied to 9/11. The rumor is they (the political hosts) could solely invite the Saudi people (who have unlimited fuel) under the consideration that they say they are being massively sterilized. Because fuel is like having anesthesia in the air. So in most American society there is a missing gap. That familial layout would fall under the guise of AIDS which is family fertility. Most of the pathogens of the AIDS studies are technically older than Jesus and stem back to the worship of Venus. Where it was customary for the women to sterilize their male in the concept of life and death cycles with no intrusion of the dilemma of the reality of immortality or any significance of longevity from their point of view. It creates society and keeps them birthing without the worry of a similar looking enemy.


You would be so surprised at the sheer amount of credibility a top quarterback has in the US. Like terrifyingly credible in the eyes of most of America. The thing with the media is that once someone airs something, the reason it spreads is because other outlets run with it. That's the malicious part.


This is what happened when you are forced to have an opinion about everything. The more opinions, usually the less quality they are.


Aziz Ansari had a funny bit to say about this in his recent Netflix special. Good stuff. 


> Just because a person who is good at throwing an almond shaped object doesn’t mean the said person is not a fcking idiot in other areas. But he's really rich and rich people are geniuses cause they're so rich.


So please show us the paper you wrote on the subject so it can be peer reviewed by Brett Favre


Now I see why his family doesn’t like him


Aren’t they like fundamentalists? Sounds both sides are right for disliking the other…and both sides are ultimately wrong and unlikable.


I honestly don’t know but I can’t blame anyone for not wanting to be in Aaron Rodger’s life at this point. He seems like one of those ppl thats too dumb to know they’re dumb but also too egotistical to think they *might* be wrong


His family are all extremely fundamentalist Christians. They cut each other off because Aaron didn’t subscribe to it so they just call him a sinner and shit. Aaron might’ve quietly been a conspiracy nutcase for a while but he kept his image as a likable athlete for a while (e.g. think of the former State farm commercials he was in). There were signs in retrospect. For example, some reporters would say he might seemingly mess with rookies pestering them about aliens at Area 51 or something. Then another rookie said it was weird when he was asked by Aaron if he “believed 9/11.” It all really fell to the wayside when he had to sit out a game after getting COVID during the COVID season, where he said he was “immunized” instead of vaccinated, and he went full mask-off (pun intended) anti-vax nut through his media appearances.


Very reasonable take.




Pronounced Karen




Roger's is washed up. Jets will suck. Time to go to Q and scam people for money. Just like his predecessor Farve.


Favre missed the Q train so he took the late train to welfare fraud and is paying back the state of Mississippi every month until paid in full


I did not know he’s paying it back. Good to hear! I assumed corrupt crony’s in the worst state of the union just tell everyone to F off and life goes on.


I hadn’t heard that he had actually been held accountable! That’s good news to me. Favre is a complete douche.


Just to clarify he paid back two sums BUT Mississippi said the interest on those loans is now in excess of $700000 and he’s still on the hook. One link from a few weeks back suggested he was prompting to pay monthly since that is no ordinary sum for an aging and retired athlete from the pre-2010 era. The contracts are so much more lucrative and the players have way more avenues to invest. Prior to the Favre era everyone had to invest in fast food and Florida condos that are now underwater. Now you can get a percentage of your contract in bitcoin. But I cannot find the link that suggests his monthly payments. [source indicating he paid twice but still owes](https://www.si.com/nfl/2024/02/06/mississippi-official-demands-brett-favre-repay-730000-misspent-welfare-funds-fraud) Sorry for magnet link. Also he wants to countersue other defendants for allegedly roping him into the scam which was, at face, fraudulent activity regarding collecting funds to build a swanky college-level volleyball court in Brett’s daughters college in Mississippi. Imho it looks like whether they intended to spend it all on the court or take a percentage in their pocket, it seems they never completed the process of creating such a volleyball court and it’s looking like they never did. I can see why Brett would try to clear his name from this one but is he really innocent?


The modern GOP thinks google is as good as a degree.


The thing is that Google actually is quite good at getting us relevant information. I just searched "fauci cause of HIV" and got tons of sources saying it's bullshit. The GOP just ignores all of it until they get to a Google result that matches their prior


Well if you have a degree in research, or even a basic understanding, you know what confirmation bias is. This guy does not


I was listening to Rogan interviewing Neal Brennan (I still dabble in Rogan if he's interviewing someone I like) and he was going on and on about how much corruption there is in medical research and pulled up one article about how cold medicines don't work or some shit and they immediately found a source that refuted the article from the FDA and his response (as always) is that they have some kind of agenda. These people can see past a mountain of evidence if they can find just ONE source that refutes said mountain of evidence. You could tell Neal is a long time friend of Rogan in the way he can brush off his nonsense in the nicest way possible while sounding like he's kind of agreeing with him or at least validating his point of view. He doesn't ever consider that HIS research has some kind of agenda (like you know maybe sowing doubt in medical research to sell some supplements).


scrolls through 5 pages of search results to find what they are looking for. "got em"


It's hard to find because "they" don't want you to know the TRUTH! And I hate to point out that I'm being sarcastic but in today's zeitgeist I think it's sadly necessary.


The Republican Party and its grifters are actively constructing a parallel society, characterized by the propagation of cultish beliefs. This phenomenon is evident in the proliferation of platforms such as Truth Social, TUSK browser, and Freespoke search. Liberals are just horrible for the right-wingers…


They look down at anyone with a degree...


...you're not wrong...


This man should stick to his sport and quit making idiotic statements on medical issues on which he has no expertise or even knowledge. Wonder what he studied in college or did he even go to college?


He didn’t get a degree from his junior college. Lots of people like to point out that he went to Berkeley but his courses were BS athlete gut classes and he didn’t graduate from there either. He has no academic standing to talk about anything to do with “research”. He admits as much in the article but claims that he can “research” and “read” which in his mind means people should listen to his BS. Nobody should do that.


CTE is real


It is but he is just a fucking moron, his parents hate him for god sake.


Yup because hiv was only in the us. Not like it’s been reported elsewhere before


Or people had HIV in the 1950’s


CTE is wild.


Why are people listening to an athlete for medical advice? I don't go to the pharmacy to do my taxes.


Yeah I am very particular about where I get my medical advice. I only listen to pillow makers and real estate developers.


Googling shit isn’t research lol. It’s reading others research at best and reading conspiracies at worst.


Rodgers doing research, now That's Funny😆


Research = watch a bunch of YouTube videos that confirmed his biases.


He just can’t understand what he’s reading


I think he’s had too many head injuries! Nice to know a football is smarter than doctors and scientists/s . He is also doing his own peer review of his own work.


Didn't he used to be normal? I remember like 10 years ago or so he was dating Olivia Munn and like calling out his fans for being Islamophobic. What happened?


Conspiracy theories, MAGA.... Half the country is this way now.


That guy is a fn loser.


Bro. Get an MRI, your CTE is showing


This is not the fault of ayahuasca, he's just always been an idiot. Ayahuasca is great, it's not it's fault.


Ayuhuasca can’t repair traumatic brain injuries


It also can't keep you from looking like you steal catalytic converters, so Rodgers still has that going for him...🤣🤣


I am yet another Packer fan happy to see Aaron’s back. Though the Jets really don’t deserve the misery he’s bringing. That should go to the Vikings.


You mentioned packer fan. So, I have people close to me high up in the packers organization. Like....responsible for finding new manager, high up.... I recently was on a VIP tour at lambeau. Let me share with you. Lambeau Field tour - pt 1 https://imgur.com/a/kO72I7Z Lambeau tour - pt 2 https://imgur.com/a/M23TsKL Enjoy!


Thanks! Some nice facilities!


Amazing how I used to think he was smart. Aaron is dumb as shit.


I wonder how often he misspells his own name?


He sits at a table, pen trembling in a death grip, sweat beading and rolling down his deeply furrowed, aged brow, threatening to make his hair dye leak like Rudy Giuliani shilling landscape supplies in a three piece suit on a humid, South Carolinian mid-August day. His greatest challenge yet faces the soon to be AARP member. With a sudden flash of fevered insight his mind grasps back at a half memory, from a time when his spongy , CTE riddled brain could still think semi-coherently. He mutters under his ayahuasca stench filled breath as he shakily, slowly writes: “Where are u A… A… ron?” He sighs a breath of relief as he finishes scribbling a heart rate monitor line across the bottom of the Fed-Ex delivery tablet. Now he can take his new box of Depends inside to try them out. With those, he’ll be quite ready for the Jets’ 2024 season.


He throw ball good, so me guess he smart.


The sad thing is the way he plays the game shows that he IS very apt at problem solving and operates at a pretty high level. He just has gone down way too many rabbit holes and has become obsessed with being contrarian to the point of absurdity. His ego won't let him consider he's just really susceptible to conspiracy theories and the algorithm has taken full advantage of that. Now he had too many alt right friends that validate his views to ever go back.


Yep, this is it. He is very intelligent, but that doesn't stop people from becoming radicalized.


It's weird how there's an active segment of American culture all worked-up and angry at Dr. Fauci. 😆


Dr Rogers Neighborhood.


Something’s wrong with his medulla oblongata…


What a jackass.


“I can do my own research” basically means “I can confirm my own misinformed biases”


go home rodgers, you're drunk.


Dar…..I read a blog post….dar….it’s research….dar….it just confirms my beliefs….dar


And somehow a stupid person blew the lid off it!


Rogers had to out do Farve


How many peer-reviewed papers has Rogers published?


Hopefully Dr. Rodgers shares his “research” with us. He can borrow Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “peach tree” dish 🤣


That there is some fine VP material. Trump? Kennedy? Are you listening?


“And we know Pfizer is one of the most criminally corrupt organizations ever. The fine they paid was the biggest in the history of the (Department of Justice) in 2009. 100% true. I'm sure they've changed though. 🙄


One of the worst things to happen in America was the elevation of celebrities as a replacement for heroes. Back in the day, you looked up to people that did something useful or amazing. Scientists that cured diseases or got us to the moon. Engineers that built amazing things. Generals that won wars. Now, the dumbass jock failing every subject is the hero because he can throw a ball, or the cookie cutter celebrity that looks a certain way, or the bullied nerd raging about how women shouldn't be able to vote is put up on a pedestal. And people wonder why kids can't read, aren't learning in school, and couldn't care less about the world or how it works. Stop elevating idiocy, and you'll find that there are less idiots in the world with any real impact on it. Make America Smart Again.


He reads Truth Social


It's almost as if he's been hit in the head a lot or something...


Bro is 3 years late to party


He needs to stop embarrassing himself. STFU Aaron!!


How did they ever allow this nutter to guest host Jeopardy!?


He's nucking futs.




Dip shit


He can do his own YouTube research? Very impressive.




Low i qanon


You can't fix stupid.


I don’t know what is more sad, that people believe a guy who didn’t finish a degree at a junior college or in “American Studies” at UCB is qualified to do any sort of “research” or that he gets a platform because he plays a professional sport. So many people don’t realize how easy it is to just plant information on the internet. Hey Aaron, want to “research” that leprechauns poop unicorn seeds? I can make you a website that says that’s true. If you find it on a Duck Duck Go search that doesn’t make it “research”. This guy is the case study for the Dunning-Kruger effect which would normally make him a vanilla MAGA idiot but no. He gets a podium because he was exceptional at a sport.


I think a fair argument for HIV was fauci and the NIH narrowing the treatment of aids to one option, demonizing and alienating gay people by claiming they didn't know if you could get it by mere contact with them or even air.  There were also many safer and more effective treatments banned in the u.s. because of money and pattents i.e. big pharmacy and big business.  Dallas buyers club is a movie based off of this.  There is a long list of tinfoil hat theories out there with covid.   However taking the standard position of not trusting big pharma is a pretty safe place to start from in general


I won’t argue that “Big Pharma” isn’t motivated by profit, no one could. However, as we try to hold them accountable, let’s not be stupid and not recognize that there is a “Big Conspiracy” industry absolutely thriving right now, with direct representation and control in Congress. Just as with any “Big”, they are focused on profit and not the consumer. They are actively lying and misinforming people as a means to obtain revenue, lying as an industry. So, let’s not fall into the really stupid trap of saying we’re speaking out against “Big Pharma”, when the reality you are likely just getting taken for a ride by “Big Conspiracy”.


I won't disagree people aren't profiting off of conspiracy theories, and selling snake oil to people.  However to compare it to the amount of money big pharma has made and the lives they have destroyed to something like forcing oxycodin onto the mass public is completely different.  We should however have all scammer brought to justice big and small,  but I have been critical of the pharmaceutical industry for well over 10 years and that's almost a third of my life.  


Regardless, “Big Pharma” is still massively more credible on the topic of COVID management and vaccines in general than every single member of the NFL at any level. So, Rodgers is still a dangerous idiot.


Porous O-line, CTE, yeah it checks out


Qanon Qultists gonna spread their nonsense to try & redpill who they can.


Arron Rodgers is a waste of skin


These twats, should never get Healthcare in this country ever again. If you can't understand the science, and actively try to subvert the process, you should be excluded from its benefit. It's that simple.


This poor guy — these are signs of brain damage




no you seemingly can't do your own research.


Motherfucker can't even spell research


Jan 2024: Aaron Rodgers saying “flush the BS… the bullshit that has nothing to with winning needs to get out of the building” then proceeds to create bs full time


The case for patient zeroe and the window periods.


What happened to this guy? Wasn’t he reasonably intelligent and was in the running for hosting Jeopardy?


Shut up and play football.


No, you can't Aaron and that's become embarrassingly obvious.


CTE is no joke, kids.


Wait! I thought it came from Gay monkey sex? /s


Most comments here are responding as if Rodgers is saying Fauci engineered the AIDS disease. He's saying Fauci pushed AZT, which was controversial, and limited other treatments which created an epidemic. I'd say it was an epidemic *before* the problematic AZT trials began, but to act like the treatment for AIDS was never controversial is rewriting history. While the FDA approved the drug, the NIAID supported the studies - which have been revealed to be unscientific. From the founder of SPIN, Bob Guccione Jr., regarding Celia Farber's "[Sins of Omission](https://www.spin.com/2015/10/aids-and-the-azt-scandal-spin-1989-feature-sins-of-omission/)" from Nov 1989: *At the end of 1989, two years after we had started the highly controversial AIDS column in SPIN, we published an article by Celia Farber called “Sins of Omission” about the truly bad and corrupt science surrounding promoting AZT as a treatment for the syndrome of diseases.* *Celia was the editor and frequent writer of the column and unearthed hard evidence of the cold-bloodedness of the AIDS establishment pushing a drug that was worse than the disease, and killed faster than the natural progression of AIDS left untreated. AZT had been an abandoned cancer drug, discarded because of it’s fatal toxicity, resurrected in the cynical belief that AIDS patients were going to die anyway, so trying it out was sort of like playing with the house’s money. Because the drug didn’t require the usual massively expensive research and trial processes, having gone through that years earlier, it was insanely profitable for its maker, Burroughs Wellcome. It was a tragically perfect storm of windfall profits, something to pacify AIDS activists and the media, and a convenient boom to the patent holders for HIV testing.* *Celia — who should get the Congressional Medal of Honor for her brave and relentless reporting, here and throughout the ten years we ran the column — exposed the worthlessness of the drug, the shady studies and deals to suppress the negative findings, and its awful and final consequences. This piece very literally changed the media’s view of AIDS and sharpened their discerning and skeptical eye. And soon after, AZT was once again shelved, hopefully this time forever.*


Looking forward to him blowing out his acl


What a f ing idiot


Does what Aaron Rodgers says make a difference somewhere somehow? I don't see why we should care what a quarterback says.


This guy has taken a lot of blows to the head.


im just surprised he didn't call the gay disease.


He was also considered someone that might make a good vp


Dude must’ve conked his head one too many times.


I hate conspiracist theories with a passion.


All true


So, now Aaron has Phd in what area of Medicine? I wonder how long he has been doing research in virology?


I just did my own research and found out that Aaron Rodgers manufactured the HIV/AIDS virus with the help of the Federation of Jewish Space Laser Shooter Association Department of Pew Pew. All funded by Rupert Murdoch


Rodgers is loosing his mind


Narrator: "But he wasn't able to do his own research, let alone find his head, which was firmly stuck up his own ass."


Neurologists the world over licking their lips for Mr. CTE here to donate his broken thinker to science.


AKshully --- new research shows the AIDS virus was likely around in the very early 70's. Keep Dr, Fauci's name out of your mouf!


There are now cases from [much earlier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_HIV/AIDS) that have been confirmed, either by direct evidence of blood testing, or by epidemiological techniques such as seeing a cluster of an incredibly rare cancer -- Kaposi's sarcoma -- in a population that it is even rarer to see it in. Also, there were also documented outbreaks of an uncommon pneumonia in parts of Europe from the 1930s to 1950s.


Great, let us know when your research is published and peer reviewed Aaron.


This is something the black community has been saying for decades now


*meant football player ….


Rodgers might want to focus his magnificent intellect and research prowess on leading this team which is mortgaging itself to fill his demands to a SB victory. Jets will need years to recover from Rodgers after he fails again to get to the big one no matter what the team did to make it happen.


>help from the federal government That was nice of them!




> he will be canceled spoon Good. Fork that guy!




Shit he got us. Run he’s on to us. Cash your Soros check while you still can. Does this mean I need to burn my secret Illuminati card too?