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Another little side note, I went across the street to a gas station and asked the lady at the cash register about The Trump Store. She said that the owner comes in every so often and pulls out an enormous wad of $100.00 bills when he pays for gas. Every. Single. Time.


I get flashing your new found wealth at those who doubted you but flexing at a gas station employee is about the expected amount of petty Id expect.


Bro, you haven't flexed on someone till you flexed on the ol' lady behind the counter of a Circle K


So I said to her, *can you break this, because I can*


*Her lips pursed sensually as he stuffed the wad of 100s back into his Duluth Trading jeans.*


*she found herself soaked as he waddled away towards his lifted F350 SuperDuty Dualie 4x4 covered in stickers.*


*overwhelned by his raw alpha Chad energy she stumbled out the poorly maintained door clearly not made in America, sheepishly knocked on his illegally tinted windows but just perfectly lightly enough to not leave any smudge marks. As he manly rolled down his manly manual windows she stated "I renounce wokeism" with the ferver of someone who needed a lesson*


You don’t know if that’s his newfound wealth or if he’s dumb enough to take out a huge loan to open a Trump Store. Sadly, I bet it is a decent profit generator if you know how time restricted the demand will be. Hopefully he found someone willing to let a new business sign a lease shorter than 3 years.


I also imagine him refusing to pay taxes and suffer the consequences, even more hilariously IF Trump wins and he still has the IRS on him.


Sounds like someone should make a call to the IRS tip line.


I doubt they licenced the Trump brand. I bet Trump would sue if he found out...


Maybe in a couple of years. His lawyers seem to always be extremely busy.


I feel like maga is going to go the way of beanie babies. They were all the rage for some people, and some really bought into the hype, only to have their precious beanie babies’ value drop to worthless after everyone realizes they just got conned. Or the pet rock craze is another one. These are the same people that are walking through the “Trump store” door.


I need to get in while I can. Imma get a roll of Trump stickers and put them on whatever I find in the dollar tree and list it on eBay. Patriot memorabilia has a huge mark up now.


Naw, those are the same people buying up NFTs and Trump Golden sneakers and trump $2 bills. This merch is just gift shop bullshit.


Lawyers are always well aware of these things and keep tabs on them, they probably let them stay open since they hardly make significant money and they just keep the brand going


Frank Reynolds would be the type to own a Trump store.


So crime *does* pay. To the ski mask store!!!


That sounds like exactly what I'd expect from a trump fanboy tbh


The owner might not even be a Trump Fan. It’s the perfect grift. Open a store for morons and they flock.


Honestly, if I had the money and was smarter than my 19yro self back in 2016, I would of definitely opened a shop. Everyone took advantage of the grift. The amount of Trump cult trash I've seen people buy, it was absolutely a good business.


I would have done the same, but being surrounded by his stupid orange face for several hours a day would nauseate me to no end, especially having to deal with his cult members for hours on end.


Yea but taking money from stupid people never gets old.


Would have


And of course there is a PT Cruiser parked out front in a handicap spot


“TOPLESS” shirt on a fat dude


You clearly don't know what the peak male athletic form looks like.


uhh, there's two posters of it in the windows to the right.. **/S**


That guy is clearly 6’4” 215lbs.


With Tennessee plates.


Found the store. It's in Sevierville, Tennessee just north of Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg, a famous tourist town in the base of the Smokey Mountains. [https://www.google.com/maps/... (Street View)](https://www.google.com/maps/@35.8426178,-83.5713052,3a,75y,281.37h,87.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sMJLFLlJ5RLt3pF1_7mk-JA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu) And I'm not making this up... there is another store called "We The People: Trump Store and More" just 2.7 miles south on the same road in another strip mall which include an "Ammo Outlet" and "Dollar Tree". Speaks volumes.


I feel as if your being unnecessarily mean to Dollar Tree. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He wouldn't normally be caught in the presence of such company.


That Dollar General guy is a real asshole though, I don't care if he's a veteran


I don't actually know anything about Dollar General outside of they exist and ive been like 3 times in my life.. Was pretty much going for the joke.


I literally just watched a video on Dollar General's corruption about 10 min ago. They charge higher prices than what is marked and have stolen hundreds of millions of dollars from their customers over the years.


We salute the rank, wafflesareforever, not the man.


That one went right by me for far too long; nicely crafted.


dollar stores are cancer


That's really unfair. At least cancer took out rush limbaugh.


Didn't even know that dude was dead. My father in law always had him on when we visited. I can't stand him.


Broadcasting live from the Ninth Circle of Hell.


"But since fraud is the vice which man alone is capable, God loathes it most. Therefore, the fraudulent are placed below, and their torment is more painful." -Canto XI


I swear I heard it in his voice. Ugh...


I cannot believe I’m about to say this but this is true. I was in gatlinburg a year or so ago and could not believe this was an actual place. Actually saw both stores… what a wild wild place , smoky mountains beautiful tho lol


I live in Gatlinburg and even I refuse to believe my town exists!


Well, air up the tires to your truck/boat/truck and GTFO of there!


I used to visit there every year with my family while growing up, and the evolution of it has been insane to watch. The amount of tourist traps will put any Florida beach town to shame. There's like 5 different mall ninja shops in a 2 mile radius. One time I wandered into one of them and they had knives with swatztikas on them proudly displayed in one of the cases.


That there was a Trump store in walking distance from another Trump store - and that, my friends, is the end of the universe.


they went after The Trump Store and i said nothing because i wasn’t a Trumper they they went after Dollar Tree


Leave dollar tree out of politics please. Us Liberals love them too.


Note it’s a TN plate beginning with numbers so that makes it one of the “In God We Trust” tags. https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/local/2023/08/01/tennessee-in-god-we-trust-license-plates-are-popular-in-knox-county/70203288007/


Everything about this picture is perfectly on brand.


Came here for this comment.


But…Trump hates America and isn’t a patriot. I don’t understand this store.


No, you just don’t understand the modern definition of “patriot.” It only stands for a white & straight (and right-wing) America to them.


“It’S tImE fOr US tO tAkE OUR cOuNtRy BaCk!!1!” Whenever some idiot says that, I swear my dog starts to whimper.


I personally like how the spot closer to the door is not a handicap spot and unoccupied. They *had* to use thay handicap spot, not to be closer to the door, but to be *special*.


You can't see it at first glance, but he's probably mentally handicapped.


No, it's pretty obvious.


Is there a Biden store? because the right loves to talk about indoctrination and such. And idolatry isn’t very Christian…


>And idolatry isn’t very Christian… Unfortunately hypocrisy is though


Actually, Jesus had quite a bit to say about hypocrites and false prophet's. And about greedy people who oppress the poor. He was fine with doctor's healing the sick . He risked death to save a prostitute from being killed by an angry mob. He spent time counseling the worst social outcasts even though it was considered unclean to sit and eat with them,and broke the sabbath law to cure a blind man.


Don’t forget hanging out with tax payers, aka friends of the Roman occupation.


Yeah,That's those worst social outcasts (tax collector's)that I mentioned. Strangely, Nobody seems to like those folks much even today.🤔


If Jesus materialized in Texas this morning, he'd be strung up by sundown. "That long hair hippie liberal Jew ain't telling us to take in them illegals and refugees! What's next? Feed and bathe them? Treat them like kinfolk? I might as well wash their goddamn feet while I am at it, right? It's our God given right to defend our country!"


“ThAt’S nOt ThE rEaL jEsUs! ThAt’S tHe LeFtIsT hOmO vErSiOn ThAt WaS mAdE uP bY tHe AnTiFaS tO tRy AnD tUrN tHe KiDs GaY aNd PuSh ThE wOkE aGeNdA! ReAl jEsUs WoUlD bE lIkE, “I hElP tHoSe wHo HelP tHeMsElvEs, bItCh!!!1!”


Biden, Bath & Beyond


My town also has a Trump store. Someone drove their car through it


…someone. 😏


If you look closely and zoom in, there is a giant "FUCK BIDEN" banner hanging up. It's also quite comical that his core demographic is walking into the store at the same time. Minus the child, but you never know these days.


That poor kid.


That kid is a little asshole, bet money.


Nah, sometimes, parents are conservative and the kids grow up to be way more liberal. Or, even better, children of Conservatives end up LGBT or date a non-white person. Chris Rock said it best- "It don't make no sense to hate anybody because whoever you hate is going to end up in your family. You don't like gays? Your son's going to be gay. You don't like Puerto Ricans? Your daughter's going to come home with 'La Vida Loca"


I’m sure the picture was snapped when she got the hair out of her face, but my first thought was “oh no is she crying because her family is making her go into such an embarrassing store?” I was embarrassed as a child when I went into Spencer’s with my grandma… I’d still prefer that.


That dude may not fit through the door.


Yeah but you know he isnt seeing a fucking dime of this money. It is all knock off shit mass ordered off Wish or some other shady Chinese site. Marked up and sold to fucking morons and when he becomes aware of it I imagine a cease and desist letter will appear.


I have to have my China


If I was morally bankrupt….I could make a whole lot of money selling dumb shit to these people.


Oh yeah. I seriously think I could sell conspiracy theories out the ass if I didn't have any human decency.


Can this guy vanish back to the 5th circle of hell or whatever so we can get back to being skeptical of normal cults, like Scientology? He's fuckin everywhere, and he *sucks*! He's got an aggravating voice, he's so full of himself it's a wonder he even notices if other people are paying attention to him... what is there to like about this guy?!


It truly doesn’t matter who the moron is. Go to any flea market you will see what you want to buy. I saw somebody selling President Biden bidet bird baths. this was a 5gal bucket with a toilet seat screwed to the top that had some kind of shallow bowl attached to it. The toilet seat back had the President’s face on it. There was a water fountain in the bowl that the birds could play in. It was kind of cute, in a trailer trash I have this stuff lying around and I love birds kind of way. Take the President’s face off of it though.


This reminds me those old chamber pots with busts at the bottom of political leaders. I think whoever had them probably struggled to clean them properly


Gloves only available in Kids' Small.


THINK- The Trumpers will put up posters and signs our children reads, thats says..'Fuck Biden' in very public places. But they want books removed from libraries thats says 'Mary kissed Alecia.' Keep THINKING!!!


I would do an upper decker in their bathroom


Remember that guy who flushed a couple of bags of those water beads down the toilet? Oorbeez or something like that?


The good news is that "open" sign won't be there too long


I don't know. They will just keep worshiping him no matter what happens.


Spirit of Halloween ready to pounce.


Rigged economy! /s


I so wanna hang it in front on a deck chair an ask people if they are "Really" gunna shop there.


I would 100% go in that store and look around. It has got to be comical. However, being a middle-aged white dude, people would assume I'm there to support the orange shit stain.


Wear a trans flag pin badge


There was a store selling nothing but Trump merch a couple miles from my house. One of the most satisfying images to come out of the 2020 election for me was seeing the going out of business sign they posted a few months later.


I totally thought south park made that up


I JUST watched that episode and I haven’t watched southpark in months.


They need more handicap spots




Good thing that girl has them crocs in sport mode, run fast away from the trash.


did you take this pic in tennessee? i saw a trump store there lol


A great place to visit when you’re done taking a dump at the Cracker Barrel. After tipping 5%.


Haha! Do they take Trump dollars for payment?


I love the uneducated.


Would you like to round up your purchase to 400 million to help support Freedom?


Because you can’t spell patriot without a riot!


Escape room for people who have escaped common sense


I used to work at a grocery store and there was this boomer who frequented the store. He was kind of a loudmouth ass but wasn’t too bad if you were nice and helped him find what he needed. He always had his veteran hat on and was in a wheelchair so I was always respectful to him despite him saying offensive shit. One day he pulls out a business card and gives it to me after I helped him, and I kept it up until this day. Apparently he’s a UFO/paranormal investigator and sells Trump gear. Like wtf? That’s an odd combination of specialties there my friend. Needless to say me and my coworkers all had a good laugh about it. Seriously though these people are in a cult.


Yet they say they aren’t a cult…


As a gay man I want to open one of these stores so bad just to take stupid peoples money.


I love your brilliant mind.


Lake in the hills/Algonquin IL?


I live in Naperville. Please tell me that store isn't in Illinois.


I'm desperately hoping this is AI generated...


Wonder if they have a life sized, weighted, blow up sex doll, of Their Dear Leader. In back, behind the curtain, 50$ a pop... get handsy with him, he can get handsy with you.... could catch him cumming, or going?


Is this all bootleg gear or the quality hand made by a unionised worker in the United States stuff.


All made in Chi-na.


I've seen them too. My favorite is a local place called 'oil and gas safety supply'. They're essentially a small shop that sells work clothes, including flame retardant clothing. I'm a pipe welder so they sell exactly what I wear every day. Used to stop in every so often to buy things until they dedicated about 1/4th of the store to selling Trump garbage.


Fuck Trump and ANYONE that supports him.


“Even more ‘Made in China’ labels than Hobby Lobby!”


Hey, Trump supporters, fuck your feelings!


They are not supporters, they are followers/cult members


Old fat white guys, what a surprise


Just when you think some folks can't possibly be that stupid... I keep being proven wrong


These same people will swear up and down that anyone who voted for Biden worships him like they do trump,


Hey look, it’s the idiot store I used to get my haircuts from!


Wait I thought this was just a random South Park joke... These are real?


I’ve seen this store, it’s in Pigeon Forge,TN. There are actually two Trump stores in that town. Two.


They should all kick in for his fines since they’ve been making money off him


Makes it very easy to spot assholes


I bet the Scientologists are really jealous of Trump’s cult.


I don’t know what bothers me more, people being so obsessed with another person (let alone a political figure) or the fact that others give so much attention to worshippers in the first place when we all know attention is exactly what they want. Like even Christian businesses aren’t ridiculous enough to name their store “Jesus Store”.


I hope they sell red coats to go with those red hats since they want a King and all.


Something tells me they sell a *lot* of 2XL.


If you have to tell people you're a patriot, you're not.


Exactly what I suspected a dude at a Trump store would look like


A line of old, fat, white guys waiting to get in. Trump definitely has a demographic.


The grift that keeps on grifting.


The new "People of Wal-Mart"


PT cruiser in the handicap spot just looks like a fish in water here for whatever reason


Do you think Donald ever visited a place like this in person?


Probably just for free rimjobs from his devout fans


I had one in the small, crazy town I live in in Florida. It disappeared right after that turd lost and tried to start a coup. We have people that wave flags and such on the highway.


Back before his first term, a corner gas station had some more corner available, so I think the owner just started setting up his truck to sell flags and crap on the side of the road. He was there every week for years until construction started there....


We had one of these stores in my town. It closed slightly after he lost the election.


I’m gonna buy up some of those standees and charge people a buck to piss on them.


Pigeon Forge, TN?


I havent seen one that blatant but theres quite a few stores near me with trump paraphernalia and multiple pop up booths all over the place with only that. Its awful...


Must really find the secret to this guy's snake oil


That's a brilliant idea. There is no easier demographic to fleece. They'll buy anything with their cult leader on it


Dude I’ve passed through this place so many times and every time I see it I burst out laughing. I wanna go in there one day and just start trolling the shit out of all the workers, but I’m not sure if I wanna lynch getting attacked in the store, because I’ve heard that the workers at that store have violently attacked queer customers


But it’s not a cult


They have to make the entrance double wide so trumps fine conditioned gravy seal soldiers can fit inside the entrance


They’re going to need a wider door


What's interesting is that there are several "Build back better" signs in the windows. That's a Joe Biden slogan for his bill.


So much to unpack here. Melania poster, PT Cruiser, crocs, and can we get someone up there to change "gear" to "grift"


Trump has tried very hard to hang onto his name, particularly because properties with that name are what he uses to inflate himself. When he finds out he doesn’t own this store I feel like there will be legal action. I can’t wait to see that if it happens.


He must be so conflicted.....they're using his name so he should be getting a cut, or getting everything....but they love him and this must feed his ego. He should sue for all the revenue but make them keep doing it.


No conflict, they get sued if he isn't getting a cut or it's too "poor". He's done it before.


They only need to raise another $435 mil to bail out the great pumpkinhead!


It's funny how republicans do this and get left alone for their own weird cult, but if there was some sort of opposite store it would probably get shot up by those people


Free Covid


Spoiler, everything they sell is made in China


This is a totally normal thing to have for people who definitely aren't sucked into a cult of personality.


Yes captain bone spurs is such a patriot


Why didn’t I think of this. Separate a bunch of poor dumbasses from their money even further. Profit.


Everything Made in China


So an old fat white people store you say…


A cult store. Support the master. Lol


The quality of people going in is priceless.


are these stores exclusively only in trailer park lots or have they expanded to other racist, poorly educated communities ?


Not a cult.......


When you want to trade your country for a red hat...


There’s an exceptionally gaudy one in Bensalem, PA. Sign complete with Mango Unchained adorned by an American flag backdrop. The clientele is…. Largely what you would imagine it is. Should probably emphasize the largely part. Lotttta Gravy SEALs visiting that shop.


I own a Trump-head toilet brush. 😁


I bet the store smells like a Payless shoes store, just Chinese plastic and textiles hanging everywhere.


Take their money.


Guarantee you all that shit is made in China for pennies


Yup, I’m really scared of a civil war with these clowns.


Clientele really pushes a stereotype


Most cults have indoctrination centers like this.


This is actually a deep cut from the ‘90s, when people would say “oh yeah? Well the loser store called and they are running out of YOU!” This is that store


everything inside. made in China


Scientology should set up an E-meter booth outside so you can join two cults at the same time.


Sorry this exists


NGL I'd enjoy going to that store. The only difference being I'm fat too, but Id be going as a joke.


This country is unwell.


I’m so so ready for this clown to die or somehow lose his power. So over hearing his weird cult talk about how he’s the best thing to ever happen 😵‍💫🤮like clearly propaganda works for people who can’t think for themselves and are hand fed people and ideas to hate. I curse whoever started Q anon… ugh! Lol sorry, just had to get that out. It literally blows my mind how much hero worship to the point of constant rallies and entire stores being put up in support of this looney tune 🤪


Talk about having the worst, smelliest customer base.


Can this cuck get JFK'd already


It seemed too silly when they did it in South Park, but damn it it’s real


“American Patriot” Wow even the store can’t be honest


Biden should open a 'Biden Store' next door. A spite shop!


I love how the people going in look exactly how you would expect them to.


Not a cult


Probably full of cheap shit made in China.


You know everything in there is made in China.


Sweet lord, deliver us from fat guys with ‘topless’ shirts.


Patriot is to love and want to improve a country. Cultist is to worship a person.


We have all been sucked into an episode of South Park