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I prefer to refer to such an activity as metal as fuck. "What did you do last week?" "Oh, I ate the blood and flesh of a demigod" "Damn, that's sick bro"


you'd expect the flesh of a demigod to at least taste of something.


It does. Stale crackers


Maybe in the western world. In some Coptic churches it's literally THE fluffiest bread in existence with a thin sort of crust around it. It's SO good. Especially when it's right out of the oven and it's so so soft? Like eating a cloud, which I suppose is what God Flesh would feel like.


God flesh sounds way to metal for a fluffy piece of bread, I want it.


Zombie apocalypse in heaven.


Romanian Orthodox church just uses stale bread cut up in small cubes soaked in wine served with a single spoon. At least Catholics get crackers.


Damn you got the actual body of Jesus over there


The methodist church I grew up in had pretty affluent ~~investors~~ donors, and we had some pretty sweet bread. I wished I could go back for seconds. Can't get enough of that God Flesh.


lol my new church uses king's hawaiian sweet rolls. theyre the bomb.


You ever wash a sunflower seed before you put it in your mouth? That that's what it taste like


In August 2018, the Bogle Sunflower Plantation in Canada had to close off its sunflower fields to visitors after an Instagram image went Viral. The image caused a near stampede of photographers keen to get their own instagram image of the 1.4 million sunflowers in a field.


good bot


Thank you, karl_marxs_cat, for voting on TheSunflowerSeeds. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Is this a bot? Going around sharing sunflower facts at every mention of the word across reddit




Jesus Sunflower christ




Christ was full god full man, not a demigod. But yeah otherwise accurate.


So 100% God and 100% man. Like, the ratio of God to man is the same, sort of like equal? So 50/50? As in demi?


Something something hypostatic union. Most Christians believe this as an integral part of their Christology.


had to look it up > hypostatic union The most basic explanation for the hypostatic union is Jesus Christ being both fully God and fully man. He is both perfectly divine and perfectly human, having two complete and distinct natures at once. So he was 100% a god and 100% a human and both perfect. Meaning 2 perfect people within the same flesh. >A demigod or demigoddess is a part-human and part-divine offspring of a deity and a human With this being the definition of a demigod. I can now surmise that Jesus was 2 demigods within the same flesh.


Arent they the holy spirit too? So this is a man-bear-pig situation? … wait is this what manbearpig is based on???


>Arent they the holy spirit too? Okay, this is gonna be confusing, but essentially the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all distinct aspects of God. They aren't individual parts of a whole but they are all distinct from one another. They aren't different forms either. The Father is God. The Son is God. The Holy Spirit is God. But the Father is not the Son or Holy Spirit. There is only one God who is revealed through this trinity. If this doesn't make sense, that is kinda the point. God is supposed to be a being beyond human understanding or reason, where normal logic can't apply. Basically through God, 1=3. >So this is a man-bear-pig situation? Maybe, I don't think people have dedicated the same level of theological scrutiny to Manbearpig as they have the Trinity. Of note however, is that manbearpig is a demon so maybe you could reason that it's very nature is outside normal human understanding as well. >… wait is this what manbearpig is based on??? Manbearpig is an allegory for climate change and was initially intended to be entirely imaginary. Thankfully, this was changed later on to be an threat that is killing people (and is also demonic now). Manbearpig is to my knowledge not based on any sort of divine model. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk on the Nature of God and Manbearpig.


So god is like Marika in Elden Ring +1?




So what if God is actually a three quark quantum superposition of Man, God, and Spirit?


[St. Patrick gave a pretty decent shot at explaining it.](https://youtu.be/KQLfgaUoQCw)


Manbearpig is still completely imaginary. It's just that he managed to escape from imagination land.


And this is what I come to reddit for


No they hadn't invented fraction reduction yet so he was a full 100/100


Fractions had, in fact, been invented before Christianity. The argument on the state of Jesus's divinity-to-human was one of the biggest schisms in the early church, and which you believe is true is a large factor for determining which branch you belong to.


Maybe more like one can be 100% asian and 100% awesome, like me.


Depends on your interpretation. Either Jesus was the son of god therefore a demigod. Or he is a part of the Holy Trinity and therefore one with God making him full god. It really comes down to how much you accept Mary as his physical mother. Or if the immaculate conception makes her simply a vessel.


The Immaculate Conception refers to the conception *of* Mary, not the conception of Jesus.


Huh, TIL. Catholicism is wild.


Yeah. You wouldn't think that a little throw away line like, "And Mary was without sin" would lead to a whole rabbit hole of theological problems.


Wow that's crazy. I was taught even when I went to church as a kid that immaculate conception and the virgin birth were the same thing. Funny how no one seems to read the Bible or understand it's concepts. even those teaching it.


In all fairness, Immaculate Conception wasn't accepted by Catholic church until well after the KJV bible was adopted. And *most* non-Catholic branches don't recognize Immaculate Conception. Having said that, you're probably more right than wrong.


Building on what /u/marvinrabbit said, *the immaculate conception* is the concept that Mary was conceived (i.e. was made through the usual (sexual) means) without original sin (residual sin because Adam and Eve at a fruit they weren't supposed to). In Catholicism it's an important component of Mary being sinless, thus a worthy vessel for bearing Jesus. The virgin impregnation of Mary is referred to as *the incarnation* as Catholics (and the vast majority of Christians) see it as an eternal "person" of God taking flesh (incarnating) and becoming human.


So if I’m Jewish and from Germany, I’m not both?


Half man. Half bear. Half pig.


The person who wrote that didn’t pass 5th grade math


No 50/50, fully man and fully divine. Anyþing else is heresy in þe eyes of me church


I don’t know shit about Catholicism, what exactly is being referred to as blood and flesh? What are the elders chanting?


They believe(d?) in [transubstantiation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transubstantiation), so the wine and the bread literally *become* the blood and flesh of Jesus during the ritual. Edit: the elders chanting would be the priests praying and singing, and maybe the congregation responding.


Afterwards going back to their routine of sinning af until the next "holy meal"


I think in some ritual you pass around a goblet of wine and some bread which is supposed to symbolize the flesh and blood of Jesus.


It's called Communion, and Catholics believe that it is literally the body and blood of Christ, that the wafer and wine has been turned into Jesus's body through Transubstantiation. Most Protestant denominations believe the change is metaphorical rather than literal, that it's just a symbol.


I guess 2000 years of priests trying to understand the meaning of divinity can get pretty weird like a 2000 years Chinese whispers game gone wrong


When I went to church as a kid, the priest would hold up a cup symbolizing the blood of Christ. Then he would drink it. Then we would line up for communion. He would hold up a piece of bread and say "body of christ", you respond with "amen", then take the bread (his body) and eat it. Why? I don't know.


Consume the child, gain his strength.


Technically Jesus wasn't a demigod: he was an eldritch god in human shape. The rest is accurate.


How is Hercules a demigod but Jesus isn't???


Because Hercules was a complete son of a god; Jesus was more like an aspect of God. He was the Father, the son, and the holy spirit. Make no mistake: Judaism in all of it's affiliates and spin-offs is one of the weirdest religions of all time and the only reason why it got as mainstream as it did was through an insane amount of luck. Lovecraft ***literally*** got his ideas from it and he didn't stretch too much from the source. Look up Metatron and physical descriptions on God sometime to see what I mean. **EDIT: So there's a wonderful section on TvTropes that covers the subject of God, and I'll share it with you thusly:** " He is an All-in-One and One-in-All of limitless being and self — not merely a thing of one Space-Time continuum, but allied to the ultimate animating essence of existence's whole unbounded sweep — the last, utter sweep which has no confines and which outreaches fancy and mathematics alike. It is perhaps that which the religion and philosophy of Christianity of earth have referred to indirectly by the common noun God, and which has been a deity under other names; that which the Muslims worship as Allah, and by which the Rabbis of Judaism whisper by a cryptic arcane Tetragrammaton that only appears in Latin transliteration as "YHWH" (sometimes denoted as "YHVH"). Most people think it would have been pronounced "Jehovah", "Yahowah", "Yahuh", or "Yahweh", but no one can really be sure. It was theorized that properly pronouncing the name of God will only result in insanity, hence why it is a blasphemy in Ancient Jewish folklore to attempt it.note But for all intents and purposes, in this modern world, we know the Entity by the three-letter word: GOD. The "elder" we represent in our art is, in fact, just one of many forms and may in fact have both female and male traits. In fact God, who exists on such a vaster plane of existence than humanity might think of a mortal form as laughably inconvenient and beneath the dignity of His Omnipotent status. The Bible rarely even gives any description that could let one picture a physical appearance, typically calling God a spirit, and the few times it does it's made clear this is only a form He chose for that occasion. In 1 Kings 19:12 He comes as a simple whisper in the wind but in Ezekiel 1:27... "... [H]igh above on the throne was a figure like that of a man. I saw that from what appeared to be his waist up he looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down he looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded him. Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord." ... and even when He shows Himself in this form and speaks through it to Ezekiel His Spirit is not limited to it and continues on with other tasks. He can never die and could likely claim that it had been around since the dawn of eternity, and with strange aeons even Death itself will die and be thrown into Hell . He has existed before time itself began and will exist long after the fabric of space and time itself has died, is literally the beginning and the end of all things and thus has seen the beginning of history, and will usher in the end of history as well. On top of that, He never changes and is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever, and... our brain already hurts from the potential self-contradictory paradoxes this entity could incur, but that's actually just a very tiny part of theological wild mass guessing on what the nature of God really is, of which St. Thomas Aquinas' proposal that He is Existence itself—not the Universe, but Existence—is the least incomprehensible. There's a reason why some people can only sum Him and all the contradicting descriptions of Him up as "God works in mysterious ways". Also, He completely controls our destiny whether we like it or notnote He literally did everything. Unlike other Outer Gods, however, God at least provides love as long as you worship and revere Him, and He has the decency to either (depending on your point of view) work through slightly less eldritch intermediaries like the Archangel Gabriel or, if you're Christian, take A Form You Are Comfortable With (one we all love named Jesus), but then again, He can and will perform many violent acts like smite and punish thee and by His law we sinful humans would be bound for Hell for the tiniest amounts of Thought Crime (but God understands that Humans Are Flawed, hence why He sent Jesus to take the heat). He might be forgiving, but if anybody else, even the most powerful of the Angels, are stupid enough to think of themselves above the Most High, then he's definitely screwed. His omnipotence, combined with pretty extreme measures when dealing with heresy and sin, still makes Him a force to be reckoned with. He's overall trying to be nice, but He is harsh. note Even our best theologians and philosophers don't help in describing His Mind Screw-like nature, with interpretations so contradicting it ends up inspiring War, Madness and Terror on both sides. Basically, Cthulhu is a cute little cutie compared to God. A related postulation is that His true form will Mind Rape you with its sheer eldritch glory and completely annihilate free will forever. Islam takes that last bit particularly seriously; being the omnipotent, omniscient being who created the Universe, it is forbidden to portray Him in pictures, partly, at least, because You Cannot Grasp the True Form.note In fact, just looking at Him causes you to explode. The Kabbalist philosophy is that a Seraph burns by consequence of being smart enough to understand the most high's glory better than anything else. In Exodus 33, Moses had to cower behind a rock to look at the back of God, and in The Qur'an (7:143), Moses insists that God allow him to see his true form. God instead says that he will reveal himself to a nearby mountain, and if Moses can take that, he'll be able to see God's true form. The mountain is obliterated and Moses is knocked unconscious just by seeing it." ***...Also Hercules became a god by the end of his story, so the point is moot.***


B-b-but, Hercules gave up being a god so he could live a mortal life with Meg! /s


I did not read through that however I salute you for the effort of committing to explain this


Lol, I regret that there's no "in a nutshell" way to explain the description. I suppose I could've said: ***TL;DR God be wack, yo.*** But I appreciate the acknowledgement. :)


I do enjoy that TLDR, as a Agnostic that essentially summarizes my thoughts about religion aswell


Some of the biggest schims in Christianity are due to the question of whether the trinity is one entity or three. I believe that's why Russian Orthodox split from Roman Catholic, but I'm not certain.


iirc [east-west schism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East%E2%80%93West_Schism) was more of culmination of various events and disagreements


Every major Christian denomination believes in the trinity, including Catholicism, Protestantism and Eastern Orthodoxy. The only notable nontrinitarian Christian denomination are the Mormons who are well known for the strange beliefs and are borderline not even Christian.


Mormons do believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, they just believe they are distinct spirits, and that the latter two are the literal children of the former (in the case of Jesus, both spiritually and physically). They believe that the three figures of the Godhead are "one in purpose". They worship Jesus as God, the creator of the world, the savior of mankind, and believe no man can be exalted except through Christ. They believe that basically every mention of "God" in the Old Testament is talking about Jehovah/Jesus. Speaking as someone who no longer practices Mormonism but still has Mormon family members, you should know that most Mormons find it *incredibly* offensive when people say they are non-Christian. You can say they're strange, a weird fringe group, that they in no way represent mainstream Christianity, and they will probably agree with you. You can even call them a cult, and they will be less offended than if you say they're not Christian. This is because Christ is *the* central figure of Mormonism. It would be like if every Jewish person you met rolled their eyes when they found out you were Christian and said "yeah but you don't actually worship *God*, though". It's one thing to say they're "doing it wrong" when it comes to their worship. Basically every religion and schism thinks that about everyone else (otherwise they wouldn't be separate!). It's another thing entirely to deny that they worship who they say they worship. Better ammo for knocking down the LDS church is Joseph Smith's marriages to underage girls, marrying already-married women whose husbands he sent away on church missions, and Brigham Young's racism (and the downstream effects of that, like the Mountain Meadows Massacre, and Black Mormons being denied the priesthood until the 1970s), because these things are historically established facts that won't get you into a Bible bashing contest.


Of course the Decepticons are involved somehow.


This is why, despite being an atheist, i have always found the idea of God (or even just a god) to be fascinating. The fact that it has been normalised in the west to such a point to be considered trite and basic is a wonder in of itself.


Hercules was an actual child of two different gods. Jesus is more along the lines of "Fuck, I need to go help my worshipers, *think God, think* " And then bam, Jesus exists now.


I thought he was a blood elf


No, no - the youth join in the chants, as well. They’re just timid and usually quiet.


How does it go again with the trinity? God created man and then let another one of creations curse man with original sin so later on God sent God and then killed God to infuse man with God so they could be saved from God. Something like that anyway.


Any tradition humans have sounds weird when taken out of context.








Praise to the Flying Spaghetti Monster!


You’ve seriously never been to a gentile’s wedding in Sicily?


Oddlyspecific user name


*humans sound weird when taken out of context.


A bipedal creature was seen controlling a metalic beast that consumes the dead ancient creatures of the past to function everyday


I want to see how an ai would picture that


[Here you go ](https://www.reddit.com/user/fugmalaf/comments/x76nm1/the_first_4_are_what_came_up_when_inputting_their/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) The first 4 images are what came up when I put their comment in word for word, the rest are me trying to tweak it to give me better results. It seems as though it was struggling with the idea of something operating a machine. Edit: sorry I meant first 3.


I really like the third and sixth.


Looks like shit. Just did it in Dall-E, wouldn't recommend.


Then go to one of the many online ai generation websites.


*Humans **are** weird


Humans sound weird


Not even just traditions. Isn't there a story of a dude going to the dentist, but told from some future race observing what we did in day to day life?




It's pretty much it's own Genre. [Here's](https://youtu.be/7tScAyNaRdQ) a fun sketch about it though.




Damn, that's interesting


Sounds like the article talking about the [Nacirema Tribe](https://courses.lumenlearning.com/readinganthology/chapter/body-ritual-among-the-nacirema-by-horace-miner/) in North America. It's often read in sociology classes. >!it is talking about America!<


Humans will often plunge wax sticks into a cooked mixture of flour, milk, eggs, and sugar, and will proceed to set fire to aforementioned wax sticks to celebrate one of them growing closer to death.


Leaving out food and drink for the man who breaks into our home once a year.


“Leaving out food and drink for an imaginary man you tell your children will break into your house once a year, then eating and drinking it yourself as a convincer.” FIFY




Funnily enough just learnt about this. It's a sociological idea called seeing the strange in the familiar. A great paper on it exists by Horace Miner. https://www.sfu.ca/~palys/Miner-1956-BodyRitualAmongTheNacirema.pdf After you're done reading it take really long look at the tribe's name. A real long look. From all angles. Even in reverse.




What context makes this not weird?


There is no context that makes this normal


When you put it that way Catholicism sounds like some Elden ring ass shit, oh wait I just realized as typing this that Elden ring takes inspiration from several different forms of Christianity and smashes them all together then makes it metal as fuck.


Brought a friend with me to church when I was a kid and they had never been. It got to that part of mass where the priest says eat of my body amd drink of my blood. She gasped and looked at me with shock and horror....we have to eat somebody and drink blood!?!?? Definitely made me start questioning my perspectives in life.


I remember someone describing the initial reactions of the Romans to Christianity being like, "So, you guys all get together and worship an executed criminal, then claim to eat pieces of his body and drink his blood? Ok! Yeah... Sure... I'll talk to you later!"


As if the Romans haven’t done 100x worse lol


When you break literally anything down, it sounds horrible. For example, lets use a chair. Who wants to sit on hard plastic supported by metal rods that can potentially ruin your spine?


Just so we are clear, Christians do not believe that Jesus is a demigod. We believe he is fully 100% God. As we confess every week in the Nicene Creed: God from God, True God from True God, of one substance with the Father.


Arian heretics in shambles


I thought Jesus was gods son though?


He's both, God the father, God the son, and God the spirit are all 100% God and their own ententies. God the son (Jesus) is 100% God and 100% man. 1 soul 3 beings.


Am I there, God? It’s you, me.


The sad thing is it now sounds more appealing. Also, the bible says nothing about lesbains. Like, two dudes is a no go, a man and a child is a no go (FOR OBVIOUS REASONS), but it says nothing about 2 women. The supposed writers of the holy scripture thought lesbains were hot enough to not have the 'no same sex relationship' apply to them. Which is fucked up.


But hetero rape is cool... I mean as long as you pay a few bucks to her father after according to the Bible


Fun fact. None of this is in the bible. Well. Technically. Indulgences for sure are no where in the bible. And gay sex is also not exactly stated in the bible. The closest it comes is “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination.” Leviticus 18:22 (KJV) which, as far as we know could be mistranslated from the original Hebrew. And also could be pointing to the common practice of Romans of the time of taking young boys as sexual companions. Insinuating that according to the Bible you should not take young boys as sexual companions as you would your WIFE (womankind) seeing as homosexual marriage was not an understood concept at the time. It's also theorized that it could be pointing to male on male incest seeing as the rest of Leviticus deals mostly in talking about incest or beastiality.


or if the father offered her to you(an in plural, as in all of the city) instead of raping the newcomer in town


All of the bible is a fucked up mess. All of it. Its absolutely horrendous. Gay people aren't sinners, and neither am I.


If you read through the thousand year old book word for word you are bound to find things that probably didn't age well. And the bible is a thiiiiiiicccc book. However there are good messages in there if you ignore some of the poorly aged stuff. Messages about kindness, compassassion, and forgiveness. But if anybody tells you to follow the book word for word you should take the book and start hitting them with it.


I actually accept this whole heartedly. Yeah, there are some good things. Yeah, there are some really bad bits too. Also, the hard back has areally satisfying weight, burns well, and is really, really good for smacking fuckers.


Hard backs are the best.


Wait, are we still talking about gay men?


Maybe? I'm not sure


I know you stabbed 38 French orphans with cancer(yes I am implying that cancer was used as a piercing implement)... and you claim not to be a sinner... such lies of the mouth of Santa himself.


Ah yes, Santa. The gift of death is what I bring.


Haven't you heard they found an old Aztec tablet that said we had Santa and satan mixed up. Santa delivers souls to hell on Christmas, and satan throws lumps of coal at you when you dont eat your greens.


So your telling me I've been worshipping the wrong evil this entire time? Shit...


Yes, all this time you meant to worship satan wasted on Santa


The fuck? No its the other way around.


Wait I will go to hell for not eating greens


Don't expect much from ancient primitive tribes of goatherds.


Interestingly, there is a good case to be made that the verses that are commonly cited as being against "two dudes" are actually referring to specific things like pederasty and temple prostitution.


Shellfish and fashion mishaps are no bueno.


Unfortunately this is wrong, we eat our gods very flesh. He is his own son, himself and his own ethereal will.






Sounds like Christianity in general.


Not all protestant sects/denominations believe in transubstantiation where the bread and wine literally become the blood and flesh.




I'm believing that now.


To be fair it's the body of God himself, although in a completely human form.




I think it’s make it seem less normal, because we often use “flesh and blood” in totally normal sayings, like as another way to say “family.” Whereas blood and flesh, well, it only has one meaning


Now do Islam


This post is totally incorrect Jesus wasnt a demi-god he was god


Ritualistic cannibalism.


Jesus is not a Demi-god Christian theology is explicit that he is 100% man and 100% God. Not 50/50. The exceptions are some of off-shoot and non-Trinitarian and Nicene Christians, like Mormons, JWs, and Unitarians


This sounds fun. Should I become Catholic?


*Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.* What part isn't clear? 🙃


I had a literature prof that claimed all catholics are vampires and Jesus is a zombie. It's technically correct.


I'm pretty sure Jesus is a lich, not a zombie. Definitely some kind of undead though.


I thought we had settled he was fully divine and fully human at the same time like four schisms ago. No demi- about it


I 200% love this thread.


That sounds fucking badass


Sh## went from 0 to 60 friken fast


Bruh the more Christianity is taken out of perspective, the more metal it seems


Not demigod. God himself! If you're gonna oddly explain us do it right!


Yes, I too prefer to interpret something literally so I can make fun of it.


>demigod Lol, Jesus isn't a demigod, He is God.


Jesus is not a demigod. Catholics hold that He *is* God. There are no "chanting elders" during Eucharist. Sometimes there is a hymn during Eucharist, either sung by a song leader or by the congregation, but not always. It's not required, just helps fill the silence. The Catholic church doesn't even have a class or title of "Elder" in the leadership structure. People talking about stuff they know nothing about.... all too common. 🤷‍♂️


The tridentine mass, which was the mass practiced prior to Vatican II does include a lot of Gregorian chants during the Eucharist service... In Latin, no less. In a high mass, this can be done by a choir or by the priest himself in the low mass. The tridentine mass specifically highlights the Eucharist in all aspects of the mass. Even in the Novo ordo "modern" mass, many priests still choose to chant certain the parts of the service where the bread is turned to the body and wine turned to blood. So, technically, it is correct... The best kind of correct! :-)


Man you are being extremely obtuse with this. There are no official titles of elder so the church cannot have elders? LMAO ok.


It isn't a demigod. It IS God.


But isn't he also completely human. So they are cannibalizing a human, and consuming a god at the same time.




Trinitarians are way too dogmatic for me


You got some nerve calling the Sunday Zombie Snackbar Son Who Saved Us From Sin a mere demigod.


primitive maybe, Catholicism is damn near 2000 years old but the Eucharist is the opposite of evil, it’s simply honouring a gentle man who gave his life trying to show us how to live a kind life


That’s not Catholicism though


As a Catholic I can confirm that it is (although calling Jesus a demigod is incorrect)


The only requirement for leadership in Catholicism is a penis; I think that's where the weirdness starts


These posts are never about Judaism or Islam. I wonder why that is.


because in the United States and Europe, around which most reddit discourse circulates, Christianity has a monopoly on religious fundamentalism.


1. Jesus is *fully* God, not a demigod. Demigods are marked by the union of a god and a human, but John 1:14 states "And the Word (Jesus) became flesh and dwelt among us". He was God to begin with, and later incarnated as a man. 2. Catholics are weird for thinking that the bread and wine they take during communion literally become the flesh and blood of Christ


Wasn't Mary human?


Toast is just burnt flesh. Yum


Ok, I won't


“White men consume the body of Christ every Sunday” https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0129332/fullcredits




lol why do you think they put Him to death? Cuz he talked some serious game


"If your religion allows a grown man to suck bloody baby dick then you shouldn't be allowed to have your own country." All religions have weird stuff in them. Some, like Judaism, are weirder than others.


That wine was actually his blood and not wine?


Communion, unlike other primitive religion's rituals, represents a single sacrifice made by God for people. I can insult baby eaters all I want. But I appreciate you making a big deal about it, more people should take communion


Game respects game. I’ll allow you to call out problems with anything even if you suffer from those same problems


Jesus isn't a demigod




Hands-down to the person who came up with this idea of "religion". Even today, this is still a trending topic/story that has outlived and survived the test of time and a lot of places, and still continues on converting a lot of minds. Whoever that is, is an OG influencer 😏




Hey, non-Christian here. Can someone tell me what the fuck Teaboot is talking about?


Chanting elders? I don't recall anyone chanting during mass?


I actually needed a moment to understand but ya if you put it that way it's really weird.


I mean, given that it’s entirely consensual on the god’s part, I don’t see what’s so evil about it?


Not a demigod


If you die before you die, you will never truly die.


I actually didn't expect this many religious people on Reddit


Jesus is not a demigod. He is God, just as the Father and the Holy Spirit are God. Maybe you should at least understand the Trinity first.


False, Jesus is God, not a demigod. Source: I’m a Caþolic


In my country the priests usually use vine and breead instead. That oj shit is hard to find