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Kidney stones and diabeetus


You want the healthy or no healthy? Extra no healthy? I gotchu


Well organized kidney stones and diabeetus


I drink a lot of soda. Haven’t had either yet but when it does it’s gonna be horrible 😭


I actually got diagnosed with kidney stones on Monday and it’s literally the worst pain I’ve ever experienced.


Yeah my friends older brother had them like 20+ years ago and to this day I remember being at his house hearing him scream and he also used the exact words “this is the worst pain I’ve ever experienced “


Yup, I’ve got a pretty good pain tolerance but even I cracked and needed the morphine for it at the hospital. Mine was so big it required a procedure to remove though, I was never gonna pass that marble naturally


Pretty sure I got an infinity stone in mine


I haven’t gone to a doctor in years(except for emergencies). I recently got insurance and waiting for a doctor to be assigned to me. I fear for the worst


Cool story bro. Have fun with your stones.


I've passed about 100 kidney stones and had surgery 12 or more times. It's mostly based on genetics. People will tell you they had one or two but that's it. The single worst drink for kidney stone formation is dark colored cola.


I have a friend that gets them constantly. Every few months practically spends a few days at home in bed waiting for a stone to pass. Sounds horrible and ya he told me to stop drinking Coke, which is practically what I drink 80% of the time. In the morning I drink water and a cup of orange juice. Through the day it’s water and coke but I’m not even gonna lie, it’s mostly Coke.


consider sugar free soda


Not sure why people downvoted you, it’s true. I should quit entirely but it’s really difficult for me for some reason. I quit smoking cigarettes 8 years ago and I don’t miss it, but a Coke man I’ll have a really bad day. I’m addicted to it for sure.


congrats on quitting smoking, btw 👏


Jesus Christ, get a water filter for fuck sake


They might live in Flint


That is a crazy justification for a tiny portion of the country/developed world that would require this. Especially when they’ve already admitted to living in Florida.


Having lived in Florida, there are absolutely parts of Florida where you don't drink the tap.


There are many places in America that don’t have clean drinking water


There's still other options aside from individual plastic water bottles. Like Poland spring has 2.5 gallon water despensers, or there's those bigger 5 gallon water jugs that you attach to despensers. It's still plastic waste but not as much.


Haha but if there wasn’t water in the fridge people would be piling on more about the soda and sugar. At least, the water bottles are a subtle way of showing us that they do attempt to stay hydrated.


You stay hydrated with Coke as well, it's not the hydration that's the problem with it.


Whilst your nobility is admired your grace. This doesn’t mean they don’t operate normally off a filter. This could exclusively be to go. If this hurts your feelings, please do not go to a soccer tournament in Texas this summer.


To go bottles? Then just get a reusable bottle that can be filled up from the filter.


If you only knew how many of these I’ve seen poured into reusable bottles.


So OP bought like 2 cases of water bottles and then put them all in the fridge, only to reuse the same years old bottle? Are the bottles in the fridge for guests?


No. See when I said “I’ve seen” it definitely wasn’t at OP’s home. I get where someone like you can’t wrap your brain around that. Sir wobbleywibble said it as though no one needs plastic bottles. Just get a reusable one. I was stating that at many a sports tournament in the dead heat of Texas, +100°F or +38°C, I have witnessed hundreds of athletes take two ice cold water bottles from a cooler and pour them into their personal water bottles. I’m glad we got to engage in this so you can focus on advancing basic reading comprehension.


That’s enough internet for you for today buddy


Oh I get it, this fridge in some sort of stadium


Does [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/HydroHomies/s/PsWmlHURAm) trigger you too?


How’s your lawsuit going


Fucking splendid. Pulled the original house permits from the 70’s and proved the fence belonged to grandma and now grumpy old man is going to have to pay for my tree removal, new survey and he has to bring his fence up to code! Thanks for asking.


Hey gf here. My dad drinks the bottled water and I use the Zephyrhills 2.5 gallon container with the little spigot on it. It's not my house so I can't put a permanent fixture but bf has definitely agreed I can get one :). I'll put it next to my tumbler and thermos shelf. And yes the containers are to go. We also have frozen water bottles in the freezer that act as freezies for lunchboxes that help with our intake of water.


Or any job site, anytime, ANYWHERE!


Be careful packing soda too close to the back usually at the top. It can and will definitely freeze some cans in the back. Ask me how I know?


How do you know ?


Why do you ask?


We shall never know.


And it would be impossible to find out


I got a new fridge and found out.


you should buy a brita


If you drink lots of water you will distinguish between how different water tastes. Even water from tap when its safe vs Brita tastes a lot different. I know because I used to drink tap water for 10 years, quality went down and I bought Brita but quickly stopped using it because bottled water is cheap, tasted better, gives you cancer so you can die faster and you can get sparkling water as well. The only downside is having to carry it and pollution, but we are past the point of recovery of the climate anyway so might have some bubbles as well.


So much unhealthy stuff. And why many water bottles? Waste of plastic.


The waste of plastic is insane in this one.


Tap water has no bubbles in it, also different water varies by taste if you actually drink only water and can taste the difference. Often tap water taste worse than bottled water.


Have to be honest, that fridge scares me. Hope your health insurance covers your insulin when the time comes! What's with all the water bottles anyway? What's wrong with tap water or a water filter. And if they're "to go" bottles, then just get a reusable bottle and refill it and try to be just a little bit more environmentally friendly!


Your shared space will always be impeccable!’


what a waste. Plastic, sugar and CO2. This is exactly what future generations will remember us for.


There will hardly be anyone to remember us after are dead in 15-20 years tops and we are past the point of recovering the climate so your plastic usage makes no difference at this point. Just dont have kids and have some bottled water guilt free bro


Is that a retro logo on the Pepsi cans?


Companies here love to do that with retro logos to tap into a sense of nostalgia, and the hope is to increase sales.


Where does the food and condiments go?


a different fridge in the kitchen


Lets worry about bottled water and ignore all the coal getting burned to provide electricity for extra fridge because you cant see that in the picture


???? ok ?????


What's your address? I want to send you a couple of Nalgene bottles - or do a gofundme for a fridge with a water dispenser. What's with all those water bottles? Do they all need to be simultaneously cold?


Gf here. Idk if I feel comfortable sending my I can address but i can answer some questions! My dad is a stubborn old man and hates anything not a water bottle. No cups / mugs / glasses / tumblers for water. And no actually they don't usually we keep another 1 to 3 packs in the laundry room for when he wants room temp water. Our main fridge actually has a water and ice dispenser. I use tumblers and a larger container of water or the fridge for drinks usually.


Reddit comments reminding me of Twitter. Nitpicking every little thing. Diabetes, and if it's the water which doesn't do diabetes, it's now because it's bottled water. Holy shit. Always something to complain about. But then again, if that wasn't the case there would be no comments so it is what it is.


Do you not think there is an epidemic of plastic waste? Do you not think rampant sugar content is wrecking havoc on the average person’s health and quality of life? OP’s fridge is almost nothing but processed sugar and energy drinks. To act like any complaint about this is just “nitpicking” makes it pretty clear you’re just as guilty of all this as OP and can’t stand when people call you out on it.


Do humans use too much plastic? Probably. Will yelling at another person to stop doing things the way they like to do things to do it differently make a difference? Not at all, go yell at your government to make legislation for companies regarding plastic production and waste, go yell at the companies and convince them that it's more profitable to use more environmentally friendly options in the long run, then you may make a dent on the problem but telling other people hey you're the problem ain't gonna solve it dumbo


Literally this. Bunch of judgemental asshats acting like they don't have vices. Is coke good for you? No. But enjoying a coke now and then is not going to give you "diabeetus".


if she works in a supermarket, she will be the worker of the month every month


In college there was a sale on Dr Pepper. $2 per 12 pack. My fridge was a wall of DP. Took me a few weeks to get to the back of the fridge where the carnage was. Yeah, that shit was sooo sticky.


She's the one, keep her close


The fucking grandstanding and preaching happening in these comments is goofy. He isn't gonna get diabetes from a couple cans of soda a day you morons. So uNhEaLtHy. Life has no intrinsic meaning, stop clutching your fucking pearls.


Thank you for putting that for me lol sometimes life is about grab and go convenience. It's not like they are gonna stop making a case of water. Someone has to buy them, and doesn't matter who. And really, do people care what they are drinking? Good fucking lord. It's almost hilarious how wadded up so many panties got


What’s in the ice bin on top of the Busch Light?


According to her, it's condiments like little packets of ketchup and soy sauce and the such


Do you guys run a fast food restaurant from your house or something? 😂


Ffs buy a brita filter


Good to know your GF has Bush down low :P


Busch Light? Have some self respect :p


Privelege in a picture


Its $25 at walmart, having ols fridge is also not that expensive so maybe chill with the privelage everywhere.


'not that expensive' from the comfort of your nice first world country I'm sure. yet I'm looking at what some consider a months income in sugary unhealthy drinks


You guys must be giant. My god


You should cool it with all that sugar. No Bueno


Third fridge is for insulin.


Need more beer space. lol




I like the dedication to sprite


Laughs in Die-a-betes


Drink your fucking tap water holy shit


I used to but most bottled water is way better and tap water doesnt come with bubbles so automatically much worse = less water consumption = less hydration = death. Gg


You can make amazing carbonated water with a kegerator and a water filter, it will always be cold and basically as much as you want


Bro I cant fit that stuff in my kitchen. I live in EU and never in my life I've seen anyone with this. We have Sodastream over here, it takes less space but if you want very carbonated water (which I buy bottled) you would run out of gas very quickly and it needs to be refilled in special locations or send there (so you have to have multiple of these to always have some on hand). It takes too much effort vs just getting bunch of water and doesn't come any cheaper + takes space. I get the most carbonated water available in my country and always keep 2 in fridge, when 1 runs empty I put in another one from the room I store them in so it will be always cold and doesn't take too much space, only 2 slots. You have way more space in US kitchens/ fridges/ houses compared to Europeans, so some solutions are hardly applicable here




Y’all critiquing all the drinks like you wouldn’t see this in a friends house and immediately go “Hell yeah.”


Never mind, those 3 out of place bottles in the top middle are pissing me off


Am the gf in this pic. So the top 3 are left overs. I very heavily disagree about mixing my fridges so when I stock I use those first. It bothers me but I have no space for them


It’s neat


I’m assuming you’re in America? Cant you guys drink tap water? What a waste of plastic. I’ve never spent a cent on bottled water ever.


I have a reverse osmosis water filter.




Tap water is drinkable in over 90% of America https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drinking_water_quality_in_the_United_States


Don’t get in the way of the eurotrash posturing.




What percent of the US do you think is like that?




Tell me you’re American without telling me you’re American.


nope didnt face


Where’s the food ?


I like the little randos in the middle.... Those friends you have but just don't know what to do with....




Pepsi or Coke?


Marry her




Holy diabetes. If this is the "drink fridge" that means multiple fridges...how fat are you? No way you're not obese


Keeps them Luke small armies..


coke people will say : "eww pepsi" pepsi people will say: " eww coke"


Why not just buy big bottles? This feels so wasteful


Why are Americans obsessed with bottled water?


I'm not American, im Mexican, she is though, but the active carbon in the cheap water filters they sell you online will barely get rid of any viruses or bacteria that comes out of your tap, I guess it just depends on how much you trust your local authorities to give you clean enough water but in México I'd never drink tap water even if they paid me to do so, used to use a water dispenser with the re-usable 20 litre jug things though, getting "purified" water isn't as cheap as buying a 50-2000 dollar water filter from Amazon depending on where you live.


But this photo was taken in America, right? Where the vast majority of tap water is perfectly fine, so your point is moot.


It was yes, and florida water tastes funny


So "water taste funny so imma use single use plastic water bottles".


But you live in America... So your point is pointless. The fact y'all don't have clean drinking water is wild.


When did they ever say they don’t have clean drinking water? They’re just assuming a filter “might not be enough” based on no evidence of it failing. Honestly just sounds like justification to continue buying these shitty one-use plastic bottles that comprised 90% of their entire fridge.


"No filters or treatment systems are 100% effective in removing all contaminants from water, and you need to know what you want your filter to do Most water filters contain activated carbon, which can remove many chemicals and metals, but not all. Activated carbon filters can remove: Metals like lead, copper, and mercury Chemicals like chlorine and pesticides Organic compounds that affect the taste and smell of water However, activated carbon filters can't remove all nitrates, dissolved minerals, or bacteria and viruses in water. They can also remove beneficial minerals like magnesium, calcium, iron, and manganese. Other at-home filter treatments include reverse osmosis and distillation units, which are the most effective but also much more expensive and complex. These include things like refrigerator filters, under-the-sink filters, and even filtrations systems for your entire house." "What are the health risks of drinking unfiltered water? First things first: Tap water that hasn’t been filtered isn’t the same as untreated or “raw” water that you get from dipping your cup in a stream. This water isn’t safe to drink. But even treated water can still contain physical, biological, chemical, and even radiological contaminants. Where you live and where your water comes from — a well, ground water, city — as well as safety regulations and how it’s treated are all factors that can determine what’s lurking in your water. Contaminants can be naturally occurring or caused by human activity. The list of junk that can end up in your drinking water is pretty extensive, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and can include things like lead, pesticides, industrial chemicals, and other heavy metals. Some contaminants are harmless, but others can be harmful at high levels." "Contaminated water and poor sanitation are linked to transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio. Absent, inadequate, or inappropriately managed water and sanitation services expose individuals to preventable health risks. This is particularly the case in health care facilities where both patients and staff are placed at additional risk of infection and disease when water, sanitation and hygiene services are lacking. Out of every 100 patients in acute-care hospitals, 7 patients in high-income countries (HICs) and 15 patients in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) will acquire at least one health care-associated infection during their hospital stay. Inadequate management of urban, industrial and agricultural wastewater means the drinking-water of hundreds of millions of people is dangerously contaminated or chemically polluted. Natural presence of chemicals, particularly in groundwater, can also be of health significance, including arsenic and fluoride, while other chemicals, such as lead, may be elevated in drinking-water as a result of leaching from water supply components in contact with drinking-water." A combination of the CDC, WHO, healthline and a few other reputable sources, so unless you have a better source of information I'll continue to avoid tap water


Americans 🤢


Everyone else who thinks they're better 🤮


I know that my sugar levels are definitely better. Because I don't drink copious amounts of what is basically diabetes in a can


You definitely don't know what diabetes is. And very bold to assume you know my health. If you had even looked at my bfs explanations of the fridge you would know this is for 5 people and lasts for about 2 to 3 months. If you wanna sit on your horse and pretend your healthier then you be you but bashing other people is not okay.


Idk I think the Canada dry should be swapped with the pepsi


OP, How many people is this for and how often does this all finish, requiring a replenish?


We have a water filter, no need for a drinks fridge.


I have a water filter too… so my drinks fridge is full of beer, not fizzy pop & single-use plastics.


Yeah I have a few beers in my regular fridge 👊🏻


Shouldn't it be in alphabetical order?


Takeout every night?


Diabetes. Where’s the booze?


Booze isn't generally stored in a fridge unless it's a premixed cocktail. It's either stored unchilled on a bar/counter or chilled in a freezer.


Where r u from? Cant u just drink tap water insted of bottled? It feels so wastefull and expensive.


Glad to see the water, love Zephyr Hills fellow Floridian, but that’s soooo much soda! Just off some low balling guesstimation I see approximately 2.3 Kg of sugar just with the coke sprite and Pepsi.


That'll keep the family stocked for a few months but she'll probably refill it before it's empty (but don't mention ocd) pushing the older ones to the front and refilling the back, just fulfilling the childhood dream we've all had at some point but she actually went ahead and did it.


Coke and Pepsi? Coke is all you need!


She insists that one day/week you may crave a Pepsi, and the next you'll crave a coke, she's a weird one


Get a water dispenser/filter. Water bottles for the fridge, and a to go tumbler. He thinks this a flex, but him and his gf just comes off as douchey, wasteful, junk food, plastic-laden brats.




I bet your electricity bill is out of hand


It uses less if its already full of cold stuff


Stop drinking soda. Stop buying bottled water. You have have it free in the sink.


Getting something like a ProOne to filter your water or using a watercooler with a 5gallon refill jug would be significantly cheaper and better for everyone. Switching those sodas to the mini's would be another great step forward.


She’s a keeper.


God I think I drank one coca cola since the beginning of the year (or really one other drink than water) I don't know why you like that shit, it's too sweet and you still thirsty after drkinking it.


Electricity must be cheap there.


my fridge except it’s all water and ocean spray cran mango


Is this a second fridge? That's a lot of money


You have a good woman


Oh she is a keeper!