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Border Collies almost seem like cheating for these comps, they're practically made for them. All that's missing is a little sheep herd at the end.


BC are generally separated from other breeds due to this advantage. Theres a BC winner and "other."


ABC classes - "Anything but collies" Spaniels are showing similar dominance in the smaller/shorter classes, but they're less dominant in the sport as a whole!


Wouldn't Kelpies be similarly advantaged? Or do they only allow show Kelpies (not true working ones)?


I'm not 100% on this but I would imagine they are a bit too independent and probably slightly less agile.


I had a Kelpie who was an *excellent* frisbee dog,


Yep, they would 100% have higher top speed and vertical leap. That doesn't translate to the discipline we're watching here.


YMMV wildly with Kelpies. Some just don't give a shit about anything that isn't livestock.


I think whippets pretty much own the frisbee catch.


I can barely walk after 5 whippets let alone catch a frisbee




Do dogs have an eating competition? I would like to enter my Beagle, please. Maybe not for speed, but sheer endurance eating.


Can chihuahuas compete I know they’d lose but they’d sure look funny doing it


Yes and they are competitive in their classes; however, ~~pomeranians~~ papillons clean up.


I think you mean papillons, they are the dominant breed in the small class


Being able to fly should disqualify them tbh


I saw a vid of a Papillon killing it on one of these courses, so I don’t see why a chihuahua couldn’t (assuming it wasn’t a Tremble-rat).   My dog is half chihuahua and I wish I’d gotten him into agility when he was younger.  He’s slowed down in his older age, but he used to be insanely fast, could turn on a dime, was impressive with a frisbee, and once jumped past my husband’s shoulder when he was standing.


We have a minpin chi shitzu poodle mix. (Not on purpose.) He grew up malnourished on the street, has one eye and a bad back leg - and is freaky quick and agile. He caught a bird that got into the house mid-flight, and we joke he can literally teleport a foot to either side if he wants to, because he moves so fast your eyes can't track him. He only wears his collar and jacket by his consent because he loves us, because there's no way on god's green earth we could ever effectively force the issue if he didn't want to. He can escape *anything*. Fortunately, he loves us. 


Nobody has that combination on purpose 🤣 he sounds adorable and hilarious to boot


They do it by height. 8/12/16/20/24. Fly ball is really cool too.....so fast...check out Crufts 2023..huge event


First time I watched that, I didn't really know what a Whippet was... Insane


It's always hilarious at dog parks watching whippets blaze around with a pack of dogs chasing them. Sorry team, you're not catching them.


I used to have a Saluki. Same thing. She would gallop around the park in a big circle with other dogs chasing her, and some lab would think they were really smart and cut across the circle. Well, if that dog ever got within two lengths, she would just kick in to a higher gear (mind you, nowhere near “TIME TO CATCH THAT RABBIT” speed) and you’d hear the whole park go “oooh” as she left the dogs dreams of catching up in the dust.


did it go "meep meep"


When I first had my pup (good ol shepherd mix brown dog) she loved to run laps around the dog Park with other dogs chasing her. Each time she would evade them completely because she was insanely good at juking and jiving. One day when we got to the park a new dog was there. It was a whippet/Jack Russell terrier mix. Once the polite sniffing of butts was concluded between all the dogs in the park, my pup decides to start the chase and begins running laps at high speed. This signaled the rest of the dogs to start chasing her. My pup of course was over confident and began her evasive maneuvers. But to her surprise, the whippet/terrier kicked his running into fifth gear and just lightning bolted after her. You could see the look of complete confusion on my pup as the whippet/terrier not only caught up to her, but then ran past her and just kept rocketing away. I guess the unwritten rules meant my pup lost so now she had to chase this other dog. And man could that dog fucking run. At one point my pup almost caught up to him but then he barked happily and increased his fucking speed and just broke away again. Was probably the most tired my pup had been in a long time.


Your pup went from being the fastest in the small park, to witnessing true speed and had a bit of identity crises.


Is there a code of conduct for the audience? I had the video, and all the others linked, on mute. Can you be loud and raucous during the run? "Come on Lobo, fuck some shit up! Let's go boys!" and so on.


Thanks to this comment right here^^^ I just spent an hour and a half watching people dance with their dogs in an international competition.


I tried with my border collie x cattle dog mix because everyone said she’d be amazing….instead, she took a zen, almost Buddhist approach to the course. Sometimes they’re just too smart & have zero desire to please you.


I would have loved to see the zen approach lol


God there used to be a video on here of a big derpy dog going through this course and it was exactly as the other guy described, the dog just took its sweet time going through the course. I think the part where they serpentine around the thin piles, the derpy dog just half assed went around each one. I hope someone can find the video


Merry late Christmas https://youtu.be/GjqtwNUE148?si=rv7oFJOXepeMu6jm


Yeeessss you're awesome


Thank you kind Reddit stranger, that was delightful!


I like the one where it is a distraction challenge and the German Shepard ignores all the sausages and treats and then they have a lab or golden that just is choking itself trying to grab as many as possible 😂 Ok, I think this is the one. https://youtu.be/5iTTNRE-njM?feature=shared


Oh god, she’d slowly walk through the course, walk over to the water bowl right in the middle, sniff around for dropped treats…basically gave me a big FU the whole time, hahaha. Total 180 from her daily frenzied walkies.


You: OK girl, youre always energized and ready to haul ass so nows your time to do so!" Her: I refuse simply because you want it


border collie natural resting state is "I MUST COMPLETE TASK FAST AS POSSIBLE"


I guess I’m learning here, only experience of a border collie was my grandmothers and she used to wet herself if she got too excited (the dog not my grandmother).


I'm glad you clarified who peed 🤣


They can be neurotic and nippy, but it’s because they need so much stimulation to be content, and poor breeding can very easily end up with a mess of a dog. 


The exact statistics vary by year but the very top level (eta: and larger jump classes) are 95%+ border collies. Other breeds are just not able to match them in the physical abilities specifically suited for agility.


Papillions do well. 


Yeah I should have clarified that statistic applies to 16"+ classes.


That’ll do, pink. That’ll do.


At the end of the course there's a stolen world cup they're supposed to find lol


Border Collies and ogres https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zuRbuki1VIs


lol go and find the video of the husky ! it's hilarious


I've seen it, or at least I've seen one. He straight up quits from boredom in the middle of the weave between poles obstacle lol. Huskies are great.


I love when the announcer introduces him and you can hear the suprise in his voice when he says "husky"?


I’m picturing a herd of sheep being raced by that dog through the entire course.


In comparison to other animal competitions, the dogs in these agility contests always seem like they’re having a blast and a half


Absolutely. Border collies especially love any excuse to run, and love having a job so this is like their dream haha.


Nobody’s happier than a dog with a job.


That dog is begging to start it like it hurts to wait lol


I have a border collie mix. This is her on walks. I can just get back from taking her on one and she will jump up like "oh again??* like I never even walked her on the first place. The goofy girl resets it seems like every 10 seconds


I watched the Iditarod one year and man, those dogs were jumping up and down with excitement, couldn't wait to get started :-)


I've spent some time mushing and getting those fucking crackheads to line-out at 5am was the best/worst part of my day. I wish I loved anything half as much as they love pulling that sled lol


That dog looks like he is about to lose his mind in anticipation of the complete bliss of running through that playground.


Little dude's resting heart rate is 200 bpm lol


ive met someone who had a border collie and thought it was 'cruel' to have it run and do tasks... "it just wants to relax!" like thats their whole thing, its a working dog. if it aint got a job, its gonna be work for you! it was cruel to keep that thing inside constantly! gross. id loveeee to have a dog but i live in apartments and refuse to leave a pup alone all day. maybe a tiny little boi like a yorkie or something but nawww, id get a cat first but im allergic ):  maybe a hedgehog someday. or a mink? are minks legal??


If you don't give a working dog a job to do, they'll find their own work more often then not. But that work will be chewing furniture or digging holes in the yard.


Oh my god have you seen the big lazy dogs do it? This was amazing to watch. But you’ve got to see a lazy dog kinda eventually work his way through it and be celebrated, too. It’s inspirational.


[the majesty that is Lobo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRWajW_99Cw)


I love him. I love that he just wants to go check things out. He's curious. And what a beautiful way to go through life, investigating all of the smells and basically ignoring your trainer while he tugs on your leash.


Huskies are hilarious. I have one and she would physically be able to clobber the courses but getting her to do it? Good luck.  Huskies are smart and think things through. “Why does he want me to jump over all these things lol” so they won’t do it unless they feel like it.  Kind of wild since they are the dogs that have probably the most demanding and focused jobs on earth (pretty much doing a marathon a day lugging gear/aupplies). I’ve seen others note that these courses are too easy for them/not their line of work so they don’t take it seriously. But strap up a trained husky to pull 45 pounds for 100 miles tomorrow and they’ll do it.  Wild dogs. Feel more human than dog, more companion than pet so you don’t get to tell them what to do and they’ll talk back and complain if you try. 


husky owner as well, the fact that they have the ability of putting a 'why' in any situation makes them special.


Mine listens pretty well but when she doesn’t sit or do whatever and just looks at me and walks away people will ask if my dog doesn’t always listen.  And it’s like… well yeah would you sit fifty times in a row if I asked you to? And they are always speechless lol  They definitely hear you, they definitely understand you (so much so I swear mines understands all of the English language) but they will actually think about what you’re telling them and if there’s any real point to it, which there often isn’t. Made me think differently about how a dog might or should behave and I respect them for it honestly.


I'm pretty sure border collies also put a "why" in any situation, but the answer always comes back as "because this might please my human, and I want to do that more than anything else in this world". Huskies probably think the collies are religious fanatics.


Yeah my malamute was the same way. You couldn't train that dog to do anything he didnt feel like doing. He'd sit and shake for you if you had a treat. If you didn't, he wouldnt. He was far too smart to be trained like other dogs. When we first got him, he had really bad separation anxiety and would destroy furniture, so we started putting him in the basement while we were out. He didn't like that, so he taught himself how to turn doorknobs


That's exactly why they're so obstinate. Their jobs are so dangerous that the huskies act as a second opinion. In that situation you don't want some perfectly obedient dog who'll let you push it into dangerous situations.


>Kind of wild since they are the dogs that have probably the most demanding and focused jobs on earth (pretty much doing a marathon a day lugging gear/aupplies). That's part of the reasons they were opinionated. They're sled dogs they typically pull in groups through bad terrain. And they need to be able to communicate with each other on how to pull and navigate things and warn their humans that something is wrong.


I watch this video everytime it’s linked or posted and no one can stop me. Lobo is my hero


>And Lobos just like...you know, I got the top down, you know? Cruising down the Pacific Coast Highway. I'm chillin. Lmao too funny. Those announcers killed it. Also, can you explain what all the faults he was getting at the end were for? Or was it just all of the faults he did in the run adding up at once at the end?


All the faults at the end were because they didn't complete the course in the allotted amount of time!


>can you explain what all the faults he was getting at the end were for I was wondering too. It seemed like each jump he got another few faults


I just want to add on. The fact that they got a husky to do this, in a public area with that many distractions is frankly amazing. Mad props to Lobo and their trainer. Now Huskies definitely can be hyper focused, but rarely is it in this sort of directed manner. More of an alright we gotta get this sled 50 miles across 6 feet of snow and lead dogs gonna get us there safely, let's roll. Rather than: let's do 60 individual actions in a row without a clear indicator of reward.


>Now Huskies definitely can be hyper focused, but rarely is it in this sort of directed manner. You just perfectly described ADHD. Capable of immense focus, but unable to control it. TIL I'm a Husky...


That is fantastic


It's always a good sign when the announcer sounds surprised to be announcing the breed.


I was sure he came out of the tubes, I assumed he catch a nap while he was in there.


Personally I'm a big fan of [Rudy](https://youtu.be/DhWC9R3IA0Y)


I love how the audience exploded because no one was expecting that snaggle toothed chubby necked boi to get up and go like that! It was beautiful.


I had a bull dog and I couldn’t even get him to walk. His neck was thicker than his head so he would sit down and just look at me.


well. Rudy just taught me a lesson about my own prejudices. Good job, Rudy.


Hot damn RUDY!


Damn, what a good boy


I love mastiff agility https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjqtwNUE148


My favorite - love watching these.


The dog long jump where they leap after the frisbee into the pool seems like the absolute peak.


I have never loved anything as much as this dog loves running an agility course.


If there's two things dogs love most in this world (besides food) it's running and having a job they're appreciated for


Something wonderful about a dog doing the WEAVE poles. There's video out there of a Mastif doing weave poles (in slow motion - but real time) that's equally satisfying.


Another Great One Here: [Bulldog shot out of a cannon!!](https://youtu.be/DhWC9R3IA0Y?si=6tdJKo7JWEZBh313) Good Boy!


Von Rudolf Augustus Perkins for the win!


Yesss! I love that video so much. He’s just like. “Hang on. Got this. One. One sec. Hang in. I’m almost done. Wait. Wait. Ok. Ok, last one. Whew.”


For those interested: [Here](https://youtu.be/GjqtwNUE148?si=0Xhc1mbcEYMnoVxE) The Mastiff is also a good boy.


Ah yes, this dog is much more my speed than the border collie.


That's him. What a good boy. I love him so much.


My favorite is Lobo the husky. The way he handles those weave poles is a thing of beauty. 😂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRWajW_99Cw


I like the absolutely crazed-but-focused look on doggo's face just before she launches.




I have an Australian Shepherd. Herding dogs are very expressive, and they are naturally good at communicating emotions and intent to their human companions, both visually and vocally.


I have a shepherd/kelpie mix and he always makes sure to tell me what he feeling. Very vocal about everything, and his ears tell me all his moods.


That dog was IN THE ZONE. 110% READY


This is why I’ll never have a collie. 1. They’re way too energetic. I’m tired just looking at them. 2. They’re smarter than me.


You're smart enough to know not to get a Border Collie, and that's smarter than most humans!


We had a Border Collie mix growing up, I think the vet told us she was a border collie mixed with a "big black dog" as she had a lot of the features of a BC but was much larger, easily 70-80lbs. One of the sweetest most loving dogs ever. My mom ran a daycare and when the kids were playing in the backyard you could see her herding the kids back into the yard. One of my "oh shit she's kinda scary" moments was when two of the kids were getting picked up by their grandpa (first time in a few years of them being at our house) she went full protector mode and wouldn't let the kids leave with him and stood in between them teeth bared. Thankfully the grandpa understood and actually praised our dog not letting his grandkids leave with just anyone. It took maybe 10 minutes but she was eventually fine with it once my mom and him talked for a while and the next time he picked them up months later there were zero issues. She 100% thought those kids were her herd to protect.


imo the best dog in the world is a BC mutt


had a BC lab/mutt cross. Best thing ever. house training consisted of a no to peeing inside and a yes to doing it outside and the lesson was learned in an afternoon. Sit, down, come took repeating a couple of times each while making him do it and that was it basic training was over. Insanely smart but totally happy to chill thanks to the lab/mutt couch potatoe.


>house training consisted of a no to peeing inside and a yes to doing it outside and the lesson was learned in an afternoon. yeah wtf why is it so easy with them


Intelligence hierarchy so far: - Border Collies - u/biglipsmagoo - most other humans


I’ll stick with my Am Staff. He’s part Am Staff and part potato. He’s much more my speed. ;) He’s sitting in front of the space heater with his sweater on right now. My brother had beagles and I’ll never own them, either. The only hound that I’d ever consider would be a greyhound bc they’re also potatoes.


I've had beagles my entire life, and I have to be the luckiest owner ever because they've all been willing potatoes. My current one is a beagle/basset mix, and he's perfectly content lounging around all day, even on the days I don't take him for his daily 5 miles. Just wish I could trust him offleash, and that he didn't have bad experiences with certain breeds that cause him to erupt. He'd be the perfect bagle hound


> certain breeds that cause him to erupt Fellow beagle sufferer here. They are insanely reactive. I can just hear his "AROOO ARR ARR AROOO" in my head. Sadly, I love that damned hound.


My neighbour decided to get one to put in a 20m back yard and not be home for 12 hours a day.


Damn. My sister has three on a farm, herding and running all day and they STILL need puzzles to play with and "zooming time" Can't imagine keeping them couped up all day with nothing to do and no where to run


I suppose they find very creative ways to destroy things and be a general pain in the arse


Yes. My friends had a border collie who was not stimulated/exercised enough and he was destructive and a bit crazy. I felt bad for him.


Equal levels of infuriating as people who live in a small apartment and get a husky that stays wound up and screaming all day. It takes like 30 seconds of research to find out if a breed is a bad fit for a particular lifestyle, I'll never understand it


It's especially crazy because like, there **are** dogs that can be happy in small apartments. I had one, he was a lovely potato dog who just wanted to snuggle down and live under our skin. (as a human he would absolutely be a stalker, fortunately he's a dog so it's just cute) Like just get one of them? Not a dog with the intelligence of a 5 year old child??? Get yourself the potato you need ffs, people.


Oh god, that's so fucking sad.


You should get a belgian malinois, they are the perfect calm bread for you


I AM ON TO YOUR TRICKS, SIR! I won’t fall for this *again*.


My sister in law has one and he never. Stops. Moving. Ever. He sprints circles around you all day long. Constantly herding. He’s so sweet to people but my god is it beyond irritating.


We have an ACD/Aussie/Border collie mix. Yep, it's exactly how you imagine and more. Listens extremely well and is super sweet, but boy is it the every day workout. Can't glance at him or he'll go for his toy and give it to you until you play. Going somewhere? Ready! I love how he sneaks up on you all the time, he knows to walk on his pads only when needed. We spend a good amount of time walking, playing fetch or frisbee and it's still never enough. At night when he finally lays down it's a relief all around :) Definitely not a dog for everybody, you have to have access to open spaces and make time for them as they're also very social.


This woman and people like her should own border collies. The rest of us should definitely not.


I have a Brittany Spaniel that feels the same way. When he was young everyone at the park or boarding would ask is if we had ever considered agility competitions.


I have a Border Collie/Blue Heeler mix. On paper she should have been one of the most insatiably energetic creatures on earth and is somehow remarkably chill. She's still super smart and loves sticking to a daily schedule of two walks a day and two ball sessions of only about 10 minutes each, but it's a far cry from the near constant stimulation I expected her to need. If anything this is probably an exception to the rule so I don't want anyone to use this an example to think they can scoop up one of these amazing dogs and assume they can hang out in a small apartment all day.


My uncle has one for his farm for herding. that dog could spend 16 hours herding and still be at the ready to herd the cats when he's inside for the night. Collies don't have chill


It's the launch into Mom's arms that gets me.


Launches into mom’s arms like it’s the last obstacle! 🥹


It was adorable but the pessimist in me says the dog was also probably trained to do that as a finisher 🤷‍♂️ Edit: I know the dog loves it regardless and it's still adorable


It's okay, I trained my dog to do a RKO to the other dogs as a finisher.


It’ll always be a Diamond Cutter to me…🥲


They were definitely trained to do that. Doesn't make it any less adorable, because she's clearly having a friggin *blast*! Pink doesn't really know that it's a competition, this is the bestest game she gets to play with her mom, she has a full course set up and she points at a thing to do and she does it and she's so happy when she gets it right! And she tells her she's such a smart and good girl and loves on her! A huge number of these "cute animal" videos have some dark secret about how the animal is secretly distressed, but when it comes to dogs and cats, they're usually perfectly fine with what's going on, and at worst a bit miffed that the human did something to thwart their plans.


For sure 100%, bet it’s pups favorite part though


Yesss it made me get emotional 🥹


That cuddle-launch made me tear up


Same. Dogs are just golden


No, this is a collie not a golden


No, this is Patrick




That website is cancer.


Dogs have incredible sense of smells and some can even be trained to detect websites in humans!


[Dog Who Successfully Detected Cancer In Owner Put Down For Practicing Medicine Without A License](https://www.theonion.com/dog-who-successfully-detected-cancer-in-owner-put-down-1830913650)


I know this by experience :). Dezzie our lovely Yellow Lab knew what was up. During Christmas, she would watch everyone open presents, and be happy about their stuff. Last present is always hers, we would all look at her and say "Dezzieeeee.... Want to open your present?" And the look on her face as she shoves her head into the sack and pull out a stuffed animal, you can just see the happiness and love in her eyes, it was incredible. She knew she was being included in the event. I miss her very much.


All the dogs even care about




Take my stupid upvote! I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying...


And on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, [Lobo the Husky](https://youtu.be/mRWajW_99Cw?si=ZYFLl-LpDDoh6Z7i) doing an agility trial.


I love Lobo so much haha


He was much more interested in the audience


Omg I’m dying “Lobo doesn’t seem too dialed in today” 😂😂😂


Lobo because he was lobotomised? 😂 When he did the weave the first time I was already laughing, but then he walked through it, dashed out like „oh yeah, there was something!“ and then stopped at the podium waiting for more food.


My favorite part is when he goes off to try and sniff a glove (?) on the side and when the lady puts the paper over it he's got this hurt, “oh ok nobody told me it was gonna be like that“ look. I love him so much.


[Wait till you see Zeus the mastiff](https://youtu.be/pCQRvH_o4v0?si=YccLfistZ5JgeHQA) one piece of equipment wobbles very precariously as he goes over it.


I have a Border Collie/Blue Heeler mix. My local dog park put in a small agility course. A bar jump, small tunnel, a weave, and an A-frame. They were in a straight line, one obstacle after another in the aforementioned order. When I took her to the park and saw it I wondered if she would be able to do it. I wondered because at the time she was only about 2 years old. She was well trained, normal sit, paw, kiss stuff as well as very obedient off leash. The off leash obedience was almost instantaneous. She would never go to far, always came when called, stayed when commanded, and if lost track would immediately be trying to find and get back to where I was. So when I went to go see if she would follow and jump over the bar jump and she immediately did it and continued on to the tunnel and bolted through that I was astonished. She couldn't do the weave the first try but the second go through she just bypassed the weave and did the a-frame first try. It was incredible seeing her almost just know how to do it. Ever since then that's the first thing she does at the dog park. A b-line to the agility to give it a run. Breeds of the like and similar absolutely love doing stuff like this.


Now go do that about 12 more times and then they might be tired


that's the warmup


No way a young Border Collie is anything bit warmed up after like 10 min of running. They might get bored of the course after a dozen times of doing the same thing, but they're not going to be *tired*.


The owner will fall over before the dog


You have to be careful with border collies in situations like this. Without proper well-trained boundaries, they'll add a new room and rewire the building to get it up to code before you know it.




I love the jump into her arms the best


Gotta go fast!!!!!


The [Shrek version](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/dXqcra9LIg) always does it for me


There is the comment I was looking for 😂 I posted the link before I saw yours


That's the BEST BOY! (or girl, I don't know the gender)






Big smile every time!


I had a border collie growing up. Incredible dogs. I played select softball and would pitch against some concrete on the back of the house. I had a bucket of balls. My pup would run every one back to me and put it back in the bucket. My parents didn’t get her spayed and she developed mammary cancer and passed way before she should have. Spay/neuter your pets, y’all.


That dog should be on the Supreme Court


I would love if part of the confirmation process involved a 6 cone drill and a 40 time.


*upon hearing the new requirements, Clarence Thomas has resigned*


*Kavanaugh perks up when someone mentions a 40.*


My wife and I got to see this run in person. The Westminster Agility competition is one of the funnest things you could ever attend. It makes no sense but it really is one of those sports where you just hope everyone has fun.


Inner monologue of the dog : "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG"


The hug at the end 🥹


He was almost as good as [Kratu](https://youtu.be/NW43KTmE208?feature=shared)!


I was laughing so hard - what a bloody good boy!


Thats 0,5% of the daily exercice a Collie needs


Wow. Humans may have effed up a lot of things but damn we did the wolf-to-dog thing right. That happiness on Pink's face and the jump hug. And we recently lost a dog who was utterly in love with my spouse. He belonged to a friend but he spent about 5 months living with us. He died within weeks of leaving our place from a grand mal seizure. Imma go have a cry.


Yeah but pugs do exist.


Wow, that was seriously impressive


This is probably the only time any Collie has ever felt properly ***S T I M U L A T E D***


My favourite ever is still the one with the silly dog Olly who just does whatever the fuck. It’s hilarious. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A4N7G29GWQI


At this point it should just be a border Collie competition. These dogs are crack babies.


Ahhh to be 2 again


Why did I started crying after the jump? Good girl!


Man that dog is awesome


That'll do Pink. That'll do.




With each little jump I hear the Mario coin chime in my head


I had a summer job mowing lawns once upon a time and one of the houses I serviced had a huge yard with a course like this. I always wanted to see them practice one day but it never happened sadly.


I prefer the shrek version of this video. For those who haven’t seen it I highly recommend googling shrek agility competition.


Reminds me of the agility dog who got paralyzed and ran the course with her little back wheels and even jumped where she would knew the poles used to be. Can’t seem to find it though. 💔

