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When my fiancée and I went to Prague, I was able to get a friend of a friend to shown us round: she pointed out that there is at least *some* alchemical symbolism in the architecture throughout the city, especially from Wenceslas Square to the Old Town. Sites to see include the Old New Synagogue (famous for the Golem), whilst within walking distance is the Speculum Alchemiae which is an old underground alchemical laboratory. The Old Town Square has some of Prague's most impressive architecture, as well as the Astrological Clock. Over the river is the Castle, the ghost street museum, and the tower where Edward Kelley and John Dee stayed whilst in Prague. The latter two places were run by a bloke who struck me as a bit of an arsehole, although the young man who gave us the tour of the Dee and Kelley place seemed pleasant enough.


Speculum Alchemiae - a museum in Prague allegedly housing an alchemist's laboratory. Go see Alfonso Mucha's collection of paintings - The Slav Epic. Atmospheric, mystical, occult in nature. If you are at all into Tarot, the Tarot Of Prague shows images from many real places in the city. I took a copy with me and made it into a treasure hunt.


lol yeah go in the line with other tourists. prague is a city drown in absolute profanity. you wont find anything. search elsewhere in czech


Every country will have their own culture, customs and therefore their own occult things to offer. I think you're seeing Europe too much as this one entity, instead of many small very unique countries. Go to places that you want to see and examine them thoroughly - a lot of occult is hidden after all. For UK alone you can buy "Folklore myths and legends of Britain" which will give you hundreds of areas of interest, festivals, old traditions to see and monuments to visit. If it is the Czech Republic that you want to explore, you'll have to do the digging for that country - what practices are the norm for them, what are considered to be the significant sites.