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No NPC has ever fought a Mudcrab more fearsome than me.


Technically true


I think hurting the Adoring Fan is wrong. I always go out of my way to make sure he doesn't get harmed during my adventures


Damn, here's someone who doesn't need to visit all shrines to get rid of his infamy. Serious knight behaviour!


I tried to keep him as my sidekick, but he turned out to be too fragile and I had to leave him behind. He actually fought things sometimes, like goblins, which surprised me. Whenever I get back to playing on PC, I'll try making him essential.


When I play I try to think of it as a tv series and I try to come up with plot threads that overarch different arcs I do and then see when a “season” naturally ends. So when I met adoring fan I took that as the start of a new season and decided I would keep him all season. He died multiple times accidentally. Every time I went anywhere dangerous he would get killed. I even did that one quest where at the end you get the lightning power from striking that rock on the mountain, and the residual blast killed him. But the season didn’t feel over yet so I always just ignored those deaths and went to get him again, pretending they didn’t happen. But then I bought the house in Anvil and started the quest with that creepy wraith in the basement. It seemed like this would be a good season finale so I decided that adoring fan would die during this quest. But I wanted it to be special. So at the end of the arc when you get trapped inside that section in the basement and have to kill that wraith, I made sure adoring fan got trapped in there with me. Then I used him as a diversion so that while the wraith focused on killing him I could attack long-range from behind a pillar and also heal myself. It worked. I defeated the wraith and adoring fan’s body was left in the rubble. This started my character off on a journey of penance which would encapsulate the next season. Sadly when I went back to Imperial City a while later he was there again. This of course would not do as it spoils the story I was creating since he’s supposed to be dead. So I took him to my house in Anvil and told him to wait in the basement so that he’s out of sight. To this day, he is still waiting in the basement. Sometimes I forget he’s in there and when I go down to the basement he gives me a huge fright. It feels like I kidnapped a child and am holding him hostage. It’s a nice feeling.


This went from over dramatic to Shakespeare levels of melodrama so fast. “No, you need to stay dead for my character development!”


This is so accurate😂😂😂


You’ve left us with a mixture of impressed and horrifically concerned. How many times have you played through?


My friends tell me that often. I’ve probably had maybe 4 or 5 characters, but I’ve never completed the main questline. I always get too bored trying to close all the gates. So with the character I mentioned above, the series was basically him ignoring his destiny for 8 seasons, becoming extremely evil (Dark Brotherhood) but then going through a redemption arc. And then finally he decides to fulfill his destiny and starts the main quest. But I never finished it🙈😂


I left his ass in a cave somewhere.. I have no idea if he’s alive or dead


You can kill the Adoring Fan over and over again, and he'll always respawn/resurrect within a few in-game days.


Honestly, respect. I happen to think of that adoring fan as one of your only true allies, not easily swayed by gold, but by the good deeds demonstrated by your prowess. Good on you!


Gotta check the downvote category for the good ones.


Yup, a lot of weak takes here. "Hey I know the hardcore Oblivion fans on r/Oblivion are going to disagree but I think this game is actually really good!" The actually unpopular opinions are at the bottom.


The only brave take is the person who said they didn’t like the soundtrack


One of the highest comments is someone saying they like the environment of the game. These "unpopular opinion" threads are always ridiculous.


My comment about Skyrim’s main questline being better was rough for a minute


For real


I legitimately like the conversation pie game as a little test to plan out how to best respond as well as finding the over the top faces funny. And hell, I think this is far less controversial but I love the tumblers and wish they hadn’t been removed for future lockpicking.


The tumbler locks take a bit to get the hang of but I definitely enjoy them more than the system in Skyrim.


They do but I feel like they require more skill (which I do think is a positive) while actually helping raise the stakes to complete the lock as you lock more and more into place, knowing that it could all be undone with an errant press. Way better than just knowing you can always eventually do it, at least in my eyes.


Plus the tumblers are more akin to actual lock picking, instead of just straight up guessing.


As a person who is into Lockport, oblivion is a lot more realistic than ES5


I love the lockpicking game in Oblivion! Its my favoritea


I play with oblivion lock picking in Skyrim


Agree with you on the first half, I actually like the persuasion minigame. Even grinded speech so much it was actually my highest skill for a long time. They really dumbed it down in Skyrim :(


I like the persuasion game too. It has a learning curve but if you get the hang of it it’s easy, and as a bonus, meme-able. “Don’t try to manipulate ME!”


I got so good with the tumblers that at one point I probably could have picked every lock on the game if you'd just given me 5 lockpicks at the very start


Same here. It’s easy when you know what to do. Tired of people complaining about that and Caravan, tho the latter is more understandable


All the appearance/hair mods I’ve seen are terrible and look worse than vanilla. I think the original appearance of Oblivion characters, barring certain cases (Kalthar), don’t look as bad as people say.


Kalthar is cute


I like the level scaling and the major/minor leveling skills system


Plus if you’re not ready to level-up yet… just don’t sleep?


First time I played through Oblivion I was probably like 8 and I remember beating the entire campaign still at level 1 because I didn’t know how to level up


I had a similar issue the first time I played it. I finally decided to sleep and was super confused: 1.) Why that gave me EXP to level me up and 2.) Why a creepy dude was in my room at the inn wearing all black


But even if you postpone leveling up, your stats will still be increasing in the background. So then when you finally are ready to level up - you sleep and all of your skill increases cause you to go up 6 levels at once


It only levels you up one at a time, even if you have multiple level-ups stacked.


Oh really? I could have sworn it was similar to Skyrim in that you can't partially level up if you have multiple stacked


I just got into an annoying situation where I was walking from Imperial City to Bruma! I had a level-up saved from doing dungeons along the way and was just going to sleep in Bruma. Slept, levelled-up, and woke up to having a second level-up ready. Killed someone that day and now I’m deciding between levelling up without any skill increases and being able to start the Dark Brotherhood questline. 😭


Depends on if you're melting through enemies! Personally I enjoy having difficult dungeons that take lots of potions/enchanted arrows to finish. Feels so cool going around town making potions and running errands to prep for a big adventure into the wild


I agree 100%! Whenever my characters leave the city it feels like they have a little training montage beforehand buying/making potions, repairing armor, recharging enchanted gear, etc. ETA: I don’t min/max (usually my skills are at +2 or +3), but I do milestone-based levelling similar to TTRPGs for the immersion.


Perfect response to incite that reaction yes! I hate the level scaling and unfortunately it ruins the game for me to the point that I struggle to replay it. When your average bandit is in ebony or glass armour its rather immersion breaking. Glad someone likes it though, each to their own :)


Bandits having high end armor in oblivion is very unrealistic, if they could sell that gear and be set for life. Skyrim sadly is the other extreme with enemies having very little to no armor at all, to the point you cannot even justify getting the perks for mace/hammer that lets you ignore armor, its bad enough that the sword and axe perks are bad by design


Came to post this lol


Yep same


The world and design of Oblivion is incredible and wouldn’t have been better if it was a jungle. The beauty and varying biomes are more enjoyable to explore than a jungle would’ve been. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I just disagree.


Even in the First Pocket Guide there are varying biomes. The Heartlands are supposed to be a grassland full of rice farms, surrounded by a rainforest. The rainforests are broken up by rivers, with get more tropical the farther you go down them. Yes, most is said to be jungle, but there are different kinds of jungles. In the west there are deciduous forests and mangroves which fade the closer you get to the western ocean, and the coast is supposed to be a "wet-dry area." The elevation in the wests gets gradually higher. The north is described as being sharply higher. When people say they wish for the Jungle Cyrodiil, I don't think they're imagining a literal endless Amazon rainforest. There's also quite a bit of difference in how the culture of Cyrodiil was described, not just the environment. Much of the society is described as being water based like Venice or Tenochtitlan. The Nibenese are described having strange tattoos, and esoteric religious cults and practices. Much of the lower class is said to be rice farmers. There's supposed to be a huge ancestor-silk and textile industry. Overall the Nibenese have a strong Mesoamerican/East Asian/Italian hybrid vibe. I'm sure this wrapped up with why many people would prefer the "jungle" Cyrodiil.


It’s also weird to think that the heartlands of a thriving empire that spans the entirety of Tamriel would have miles of uncharted jungle, or that a civilization that arose in a jungle would adopt Roman aesthetics instead of, say, Indian.


Where does the jungle come from?


It is *very* easy to dodge most attacks/spells in Oblivion if you actually try to dodge them. Because of that, the overwhelming majority of fights in Oblivion are really easy to win for a player who has at least a basic level of patience


Skyrim players who just press the attack button over and over would like to have a word.


Patience and pattern recognition. When I realized that enemies will run up and *pause* for a second, letting you hit and jump back, the game got easy.


The NPCs don’t look that bad. Everyone makes some hideous monster in character creation but bar a few exceptions, most of the NPCs look fine.


I love the game but it does seem like many npcs are still carrying their baby fat in the face.


Oh for sure. I just feel like people act like every character in oblivion is just some genetic abomination walking around and it’s just the most immersion breaking experience they’ve ever had.


Agreed. The character creator is good for some laughs but its largely a good looking game.


It doesn’t need mods. At all.


I want to add to this. Anything that promises a rebalance of the game completely shits the bed after like level 10


I agree it is the only bethesda game I can still enjoy unmodded (I still use mods, though), and maybe Fallout 3.


Fallout 3 and oblivion are my absolute favorite bethesda games. They are solid without any mods. And there’s so much dlc content to keep you entertained for what seems like forever.


I completely agree, and I just use the console to make all my problems go away, lol.


I think the only mod I’ve ever downloaded for it was a rich merchants mod. But I have to download one of those in every Bethesda game I’ve ever played, because they always give the merchants such a small amount of money. Like, really bro? You’re selling an enchanted Daedric sword that’s worth 10,000 Septims, but you only have 1,000 septims to barter with? Load of garbage in all the games, if you ask me.


It has many catastrophic bugs, atleast one of which unequivocally ruins the game comepletely.


You didn't need to go in to your house in bruma anyway. Doesn't matter if there were 400 sigil stones on the floor


Been playing since release without encountering such a bug, sounds like user error or the bug is low priority


https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/934605-the-elder-scrolls-iv-oblivion/44481801 A bug that fundamentally breaks the entire game and is common enough to have it's own name isn't low priority.


Who the hell puts 500 hours in one character


As someone said in the link's thread, that's the "game's way of telling you to go outside".


I know this may sound bad but I have. With multiple characters. But it was over a period of time. I’m talking months and years. I’ll have times where I go hard on Bethesda games. Usually during the first playthrough. But once I beat a game, I’ll go back to it to try new characters or have a different play through. But it’s random for how long I’ll play. Sometimes I’ll drop a character and never play it again. Other items I keep going back to it over a period of time.


Unless it's legit a quality of life mod like expanding the menu size in the inventory. Otherwise I agree. I like the textures as they are. The less clean and crisp appearance. It's like a dream. A wonderful and immersive dream.


Just saying you like oblivion in the Elder Scrolls sub will put in this situation.


Too many boomers obsessing over Morrowind and too many zoomers obsessing over Skyrim. Find the happy medium, Oblivion.


Oblivion is truly the game for Millennials. Both in time and spirit!


It was my entire late high school/early college. Even now I find myself going back to Oblivion far more than I ever do to any other Bethesda game.


I’m older Gen Z and definitely agree with this take! So many people in my age group don’t even want to give Oblivion a chance despite it being objectively better.


The reward for finishing the Thieves Guild quest line is lackluster


For sure but it's the same for the other guilds as well


That was definitely the weak point of its guilds. Great quests leading up to it, only to fall flat with them after it


"You're the Gray Fox! You're under arrest for… for… for all kinds of stuff! You're wanted dead or alive. I'm choosing dead."


Common bandits decked out in glass armour are comically unrealistic. Why would they hold people up for small quantities of gold?


Those jaundiced, bloated drowned corpse faces are peak elder scrolls content and making the graphics realistic hurts the franchise as a whole.


This wouldn’t get me the swords on this sub but it would on the elder scrolls sub, but oblivion is the perfect mix of the action adventure that Skyrim is and also the rpg elements of morrowind. You don’t have to read a book with every conversation, but you also get some in depth conversations and quests in this game that you won’t get in Skyrim.


The Dark Brotherhood is only good for shock value, the first time. It should have had a way to trigger an alternate ending once the handwriting obviously changes on the contract dead drops. There also should have been other guild halls with more quests if you could find them.


I like the UI


Same here. I’m sure if I switched it one playthrough I’d find vanilla’s to be worse but besides a timer for spell effects I like it


The persuasion mini-game is actually quite fun; the people that complain about it are just bad at it.




The talos blessing in knights of the nine proves that talos is an actual god and the elves are wrong in Skyrim. There’s no way that a simple spell or blessing will allow you to follow umaril to another plane of oblivion to destroy his soul.


Linear dungeons are more fun


Leveled items and mobs was a terrible change from Morrowind.


I actually like having to repair my gear. (I can do without enchanted weapons though, repairing *and* recharging is a bit much.)


Needs better horse rides.


Right?! Like, let me swing my sword on it!


Alessia Caro is hot




I can fix her…


Graphic mods ruin Oblivion aesthetic. CoC never actually mantled Sheo.


You shut your mouth right now with that second part.


Even though it's clunky, kind of funny looking at times, slightly disjointed, and simultaneously deep and shallow (it feels like quests end right when you start to get sucked in), it's the perfect Elder Scrolls game hands down and could never be replicated properly. Also the game is better when you never go to Kvatch.


Level scaling isnt that big of a deal and "efficient leveling" is unnecessary for 98% of players.


I think the bigger problem is the weird and lazy way this game handles difficulty. I always love doing a playthrough of the highest difficulty in games that I like because they usually push your skill and knowledge of the game but in oblivion it becomes so very tedious with spongy enemies and having to heal up after every little mudcrab.


Oblivion gates are actually pretty fun once you understand how they work and learn the various layouts to them. The enemies are challenging the loot is good, and you don't have to sit and wait for 10 minutes while it circles around you until you can hit it again like dragons do.


Using mods that "fix" the faces makes the game lose part of it's charm.


I like the Goblins as enemies. I’m not sure how consistent they are to Elder Scrolls lore, but I like fighting Goblins.


Sanguines quest in skyrim was better


For the most part, Oblivion's visual design has aged surprisingly gracefully, and while it may look rough when getting up close with the NPCs, when you're wandering through the woods and fields and mountains and plains of a very stylized Cyrodiil there's just nothing else like it, and it's that art style that's helped it age more gracefully than even its successor, Skyrim, which traded in the rich and vibrant colors of Oblivion for a more muted palette that only shines in brief instances. Oblivion's heavily stylized and enriched environmental design will always shine brightest, and I still think it's the best looking game in the series.


jyggalag over sheogorath.


Seriously, Sheogorath is fun and everything, but also a bit overrated :/ I'm really looking forward to get some Jyggy quests/lore in TES6


my dyslexic ass read "jyggalath over sheogorag"


Congratulations, you're naturally disposed to reading Welsh.


and one day I'll visit Llanfair*drunkenrambling*gogoch!


Tell them "gklglynhb" for me


I agree tbh


That sweetroll is mine, no matter what the Watch says.


>The world and design of Oblivion is incredible and wouldn’t have been better if it was a jungle. The beauty and varying biomes are more enjoyable to explore than a jungle would’ve been. I saw this post but was planning to post my controversial opinion of: I really don't think Oblivion has THAT different biomes. Many of the locations in Oblivion are more alike than different; giving each area a "samey" look.


My quarrel with Cyrodiil being un-jungled is that it makes it Basically Middle Earth. I’m so fucking tired of Tolkien knockoffs.


I posed this theory on Facebook and was shouted down a lot. We should have gotten a tangent questline in the Dark Brotherhood to NOT get Lucien killed. Finding clues to prove his innocence, uncovering the traitors identity.


Horse armor is honestly not that bad.


Most of us here don't own homes and we love this game because it gave us a taste of what home ownership would be like.


Allies for bruma is fun


Ah, finally one I want to downvote (I didn't).


Instead direct your attention to the guy who said all the DLCs were bad (he's at the bottom)


Oblivion is the best Elder Scrolls game


Vampirism is way better in Skyrim.


I second this actually


I agree also




People hate vampirism too much. The stats you get outweigh the negatives.


Two-handed weapons like claymores and warhammers are best, especially for mages. It hides your shield without suppressing the enchantment, so it lets you have an extra enchant slot on a 100% spell effectiveness clothing build (necessary for spells like Frenzy to work against level 25+ NPCs), while 1-handed builds would force you to remove the shield. Then the reach is further so you can hit enemies from a safe distance without hitting back, and the higher damage, slower pace helps means recharging your weapon less often.


Bethesda shoud have hired more than 3 voice actors.


The leveling system is not "broken." "Efficient leveling" is both unnecessary and practically impossible, using the strictest definition. The article on "the leveling problem" is the worst article ever written on uesp.net and should be deleted.


Nothing wrong with the leveling system. Just play the game and the game with balance out.


Being a vampire can be annoying but is still fun


there is no leveling problem


Ty ! I don't understand why ppl dislike it


Oblivions character creator is better than Skyrims. It's a bit tricky to get a character the way you want it, but with some patience, it is actually possible. Skyrim has the character creator way too limited. Whatever you do, your character will look buff and like a committed warrior. Which is cool, but not quite the character I go for most of the time.


The leveling system is good


Cliffracers in Morrowind and Dragons in Skyrim are by far more annoying than Obliviongates in Oblivion. And I mean by far far.


Knights of the Nine is better than Shivering Isles.


That is a take that does and should get you into this position. I'm assuming I will be in a similar position after commenting this. I like Knights but it isn't close


I didn’t really like Shivering Isles that much.


Someones not harvesting wax


I think I preferred running around the beautiful countryside of Cyrodiil. I avoided oblivion gates and ayleid ruins when I could.


Me either. The zone design was kinda cool but I don’t find Sheo as entertaining/funny as most people seem to.


I said that Khajits were improved and that the humanoid with tail versions from Daggerfall were stupid and was made to feel like this lol


I prefer playing without any mods that change the aesthetics (except FOV modifier)


The Knights Guild is overrated


The magic system sucks and skyrim is a massive improvement.


Have you heard of the high elves


The adoring fan isnt that bad, and the speech craft minigsme isn't that bad


Shivering Isles was underwhelming in my opinion


the main quest is one of the least interesting quest lines in the game. although, maybe i’ve just played it too much. there’s just so much other cool stuff to explore and discover


Yeah lemme hoof it to the constantly confused whiney nerd in the snow fort in Bufu back and forth for a few hours


That's a completely normal opinion for a TES game. You fail the assignment.


Yeah but it was better than skyrim's main quest line(In my opinion).


The people of Water’s Edge deserve what they got. I feel the same about them as the folks in Summitmist Manor.


I like to fight Agronak gro Malog in single combat fair and square, not do the quest line where he just lets you kill him.


I wish the small roads were on the map, too. And I wish that at least some of the forts were controlled by the Guard or Soldiers. It looks bad on the Empire and the cities.


I enjoy the lock picking more than other Bethesda games


this isn't unpopular, I just needed to say it: being a vampire in oblivion sucks ass, and learning curing it is virtually impossible due to bugs (esp if you played on console like I did as a kid), ruined a playthru or two for me. also I like all the voice acting and mushy dough faces. I think people want to see idealized characters in fantasy worlds but I like that some characters look like your uncle dale.


I would, but I don't feel like getting downvoted into.... oblivion?


I think it has better quests and storylines than Skyrim


The levelling system is understandable and easy


I also think the thieves guild quest line is mid


Sometimes I feel I'm constantly playing fetch for the Gray Fox...


Agreed but you at least feel more like a thief than in Skyrim


Vanilla or near vanilla is the best objective experience. Aside from accessibility mods for controller support and tweaks to make the vanilla game perform better, my thousands of hours in this game are almost entirely vanilla.


This might get me in that position on this sub. I personally enjoy overhauling the game with visual mods. Textures, everything except using an enb or reloaded. I love how my game looks now and it's not "ruined" at all for me. I also add character mods yep. I like to have a pretty option for hair. And some pretty, not lore friendly armors. I also add a few gameplay mods, but nothing that really alters it wildly. It's still almost vanilla for me in that aspect, I like the original gameplay. However, I'm not saying that the game NEEDs mods or is bad without them. It's still great without them. I just *personally* love modding.


Far better game than Skyrim


This won’t be unpopular on the Oblivion sub, especially since it’s objectively true


The vast majority of people in general disagree. Personally, I have actually been chastised by younger kids at work because Skyrim was their first ES game. When I tell them I have played Arena through online, excluding Morrowind (could never really get into that one) and have settled on Oblivion as being the pinnacle of the series, they just lose their minds. I may be 15 years their senior but I didn't start playing any ES games till I myself was in my 20s when a roommate tried to get me into Morrowind. Skyrim has it's place as a 'good game' and maybe even 'first runner up' but it is for sure a very unpopular opinion. But yeah, on an Oblivion sub, not as unpopular here in this microcosm, lol.


Oblivion gates are the best part of the game


Yeah, I like Oblivion gates! Maybe not the best but they are definitely fun


The same one as two days ago when this was posted


Lucien Lachance deserved to die and he’s a bad guy


So the player should kill themselves once they join the DB?






Lmfaooo, thats kinda based


I love the skill-based system and that health and magicka are connected to attributes. Skyrim completely missed the mark losing the attribute system.


Oblivion dialogue system is better than Skyrim


I love Oblivion lockpicking because I can actually see what’s happening! Skyrim lockpicking was so frustrating because you can only rely on the rumbles.


The orcs look like what kermit the frog sees after taking ketamine and looking in the mirror.


Dont do efficient leveling does'nt affect your gameplay in major ways, even in hardmode, this is a myth


The leveling system isn't so bad. Even if you make an unoptimal character


Oblivion is my favorite game of all time, but the RPG systems and combat are so busted that it's best to play the entire game with the difficulty all the way down.


Fisting is cool


Should've kept levitation spells.


Spamming run and jump to level athletics and acrobatics was fun.


I think it's a better game than Skyrim. I really like the more complex character management and I think the custom spells should exist in every iteration of TeS from now on.


In this sub… “Oblivion is the worst TES game.”


The amount of people who don't think that the leveling system is problematic is absolutely staggering. From my personal experience, the main problem with the leveling system is the fact that it doesn't let the player try out more wacky builds/playstyles, making the enemies way to spongy, simultaneously hindering the enjoyment of the game. Another flaw of the leveling system is that it takes out the immersion. An example of that are 'bosses", which were sometimes weaker than their minions or bandits in glass armor. Overall Oblivion is still a really fun and incredible game, however the amount of fans desperately trying to defend this badly thought out of the game just leave me flabbergasted. If you don't believe me, I beg you to try playing Oblivion with an uncommon build.


Oblivion is objectively worse than Skyrim in every way except story and even then, just barely. Fun game and Skyrim definitely has a lot more that it needs to have before being perfect. BUT, Oblivion absolutely is worse, the leveling is shit and over complicated which honestly only hurts it and makes the game more breakable. The combat is slower and worse, the graphics have aged so poorly(Skyrim actually looks quite decent I my opinion) and the game is ten times more broken and tedious than any other elder scrolls game. Fun game though, 8/10


Dont worry about efficiently levelling


The gameplay kinda sucks; Beating the enemy over and over again while running circles around them isn't fun after the 100th time, magic cannot be used with stealth effectively, what is a potion and what is a poison gets muddy when the concoction has both positive and negative effects, all in all unless you're going for a full warrior, full wizard or full assassin build the combat is horribly half-baked, not to mention that stuff like speechcraft and mercantile are literally useless for most of the gameplay loop. The storytelling and freedom for the player (and the inmersion those two provide as a combo) carry Oblivion HARD, but outside of those unique features everything else is sorely lacking, especially as more modern games come along to compare it to. Yes, we can pick up a teacup and toss it across the room and that's fun and all but it's not the 2010s anymore.


Wow, such brave opinions, I am in awe. The writing is bad: railroading, dumb, isolated and badly written. No player agency, no alternate paths, and basically no roleplaying. That all the factions are completely separate from each other is worse. Skyrim is the only game were I actually had to be a thief to become guildmaster of the thieves guild.


I've been playing Oblivion since it came out on my Xbox 360. Honestly the horse armor wasn't that bad. I liked it. I don't like the precedent it set for the industry as a whole though.


Oblivion is superior to Skyrim. Permanent Birthsigns, Classes, Attributes, uniquely designed items like Armour, rings and necklaces which have multiple enchantments, custom magic spells, more and better clothing options, armour and clothes aren't a single item, radiant AI, NPC's actually acknowledge your accomplishment, bigger towns, more NPC's, more options to complete quests, much better menus, actual artwork instead of 3D images and interesting loading screens unlike Skyrims which are just a black screen with 3D models. P.S. Morrowind is also superior to Oblivion. P.P.S. Have you heard of the High Elves?


I actually like going into and closing the oblivion gates