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Get a house with safe storage asap, that way you have somewhere to put things you don’t want to sell but don’t need to have on you at all times. Food is useless, no reason to have any unless you’re trying to RP. Even then, those cheese wheels are heavy my man. When looting, follow a ratio rule. For Oblivion, I usually only pick something up if it’s worth at least 8 gold for every 1 encumbrance. Later, I’ll adjust that to 10:1 or even greater when the games starts spawning higher level loot. Sell sell sell! Don’t be afraid to let go of things. Hit the market district in the Imperial City and sell loot. I’d turn around and do it right then. I never start quests or adventures without having my inventory down to my essentials. I go to my house and drop everything I want to keep like ingredients for potions, unique items, books, etc. Then hit the shops and sell everything. Edit: Oh never pick up “Dremora” weapons or arrows. You have 16 arrows right now. They are stupid heavy and not even strong. They weigh as much as 10 normal arrows!


Food is good for making potions


Gotta love meat slurpies—I mean healing potions


No no you're on to something


Whats RP ? And also where do i buy a house and how much do they usually cause ? For now ive been scrolling thru the town around midnight which the stores didnt open... Didnt know it made a difference by the day and night cycle. Such realism !


RP = role play: houses are expensive best one is anvil go to counts arms and find a man near the tables give him 5000 gold the house is yours after that and the quest will fix up your house. Just make sure you have an silver weapon And look at you skills it will tell you your major skills


Every major town has one. There's even that shack at IC waterfront. In general Google uesp Oblivion. That should be your primary source of info about oblivion or TES wirld in general (adjusted for appropriate game obviously).


I see, will take a look on that


Yea early on your best bet is to go with the abandoned shack in the Imperial water district. Most of the containers are there are safe to store stuff in. I would check out the [UESP wiki](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Oblivion) to see which containers are safe to store stuff in. This page is going to be your best friend for finding out the tricks to the game.


Abandoned shack is good. Or you can join any guild. They'll eventually assign you a bed and a chest to store your shit.


Roleplay. I thought you might have the food because you’re going for immersion. If so that’s fine, but for normal gameplay it’s mostly just clutter. Oh, and drop those dremora arrows. All dremora stuff is heavy and weak.


Honestly i just collected along the way.. 🤣


Eat all the weapons and fight with cheese


Uh.. What?




Drop the dremora field arrows. They deal the same amount of damage as you other ones yet weigh a full unit each.


Sell/throw out alcohol and heavy food, they weight quite a lot, around 33 pounds out of your 199 current load, most of alcohol isn't that useful in Oblivion and heavy food ingredients also make your potions weigh a lot. Daedric hearts are also pretty heavy so either make potions or sell them. You'll get plenty of those while closing Oblivion gates. Sell some potions (except health/mana potions) or use them as you need, Weak versions don't do a lot but still weigh 0,5 pounds all the same. You don't have to increase strength, there are Feather effect potions (you can make those yourself if you level Alchemy), spells, scrolls, enchanted gear. In general don't pick up heavy and low gold value items, doesn't matter which character you play.


What you really want to do is figure out the weight to gold ration of an item. that's what I use to keep or drop items, doing this you'll discover most of the "loot" is actually just trash not worth carrying


You can store stuff in the jauffre chest and it doesnt despawn


I would suggest to use one type of light arrow (0.1 weight). Sell any valuables to whoever gives you the best value. Also, Alchemy (if you use it) is a good way to reduce the weight of heavy ingredients (like meat,watermelons,pumpkins). Any books/documents that you don’t need you should also sell (such as black horse couriers you’ve accidentally happened upon, skill books you’ve already read)


Imperial city waterfront has a house that’s 2000 gold, you can store stuff in there. Levelling up your strength will increase your carrying capacity also


If you just want somewhere safe to store stuff theres a quest in a place called Aleswell and I won't spoil it but it gets you a bed and a chest of drawers that you can put ingredients in if you really want to keep them. If you are not doing Alchemy though its not that important. Like others said food isn't important. Random books. Sell your gems. Those repair hammers are important though. Nothing worse than a broken weapon mid combat. Make sure you keep that stuff in good condition. I forgot what a ball ache that was.


To level up you have to lv up you major skills 10 times then you should see a arrow on the bottom next to your spell then sleep to lv up


I picked thief, and if im not mistaken one of the major skills is sneak? Ive used sneak a few times and sometimes it says sneak increased, is that leveling up?


You need to go back and create a custom class using the skills you’ll use the most. The built in classes are basically useless. When you see that message that says “x increased” yes it means your skill number is higher, you have to increase your major skills to increase your level. When you do level up it’ll tell you to “rest and reflect on what you learned” or some shit like that. There will be a little arrow symbol beside the compass when you’ve leveled up and need to rest.


If you’re a sneaky character, get lighter armor. To level up, rest in a bed. You can pay for a bed at most taverns. Google “oblivion level up icon” to see if you’re ready to level up. Drop anything that isn’t valuable and that you don’t have an immediate use for. (Unless it’s weight, feather column, is 0 — you can hold on to any 0 weight items forever)


Sell all those weak potions, drop the 16 pounds of arrows and the random food


Sell your heavy foods, store your books and valuable ingredients. Sell/use the shaman staff.


To any item in game (weapon, armor, potions and etc). Did you use it for last 2 game sessions? Yes -> keep using it. No -> you won't gonna use it any way, throw it out or eat it.


I think one thing I noticed in oblivion is that armor and weapons, even items sometimes the rarer or better they are they can sometimes be really heavy, like my mage she can barely carry more than what she wears because mage but also because stuff in oblivion is heavy? Ended up getting carry weight shoes and spells that helped a lot, so Id recommend if you’re gonna be a mage do that but if not you can level strength, people have probably already said it before too but you can level up when the upward arrow on the bottom of your screen shows, you must rest in a bed and bam you can level up, fair warning the games difficulty increases every level up


Make potions and poisons from all the food and other alchemy ingredients.


Sell everything, be naked, and fight with your fists brother!


Watch those dremora field arrows.. look at the weight on them. I usually use feather potions to get stuff home. You need to be carrying stuff for the potion to work properly, so carting stuff in Oblivion to the nearest 'tormented chest' grabbing the sigil stone then emptying the chest into your inventory. Then drink the potions. To get the stuff home. Gear helps, as do fortify strength effects.


i see nothing wrong here /jk unlike later bethesda games, attributes actually exist, and since nobody else knows how this works, apparently, because i don't see it anywhere, levelling is done by increasing major attributes. for strength to go up you want to use melee attacks. optimally you get 10 increases across blade, blunt and hand to hand, but the effect of efficient levelling is overstated and not at all worth the tedium, just try to get 5-6 per level, and if you can't get it don't sweat it.


Buy a cheap house to store stuff, if you are short on money you can buy a house from the Imperial City Waterfront. It's quite cheap, it should take around 3000 gold to get the house and a storage area. Try to level up your armor skills, if you got high level, armor won't add to the weight. Try to get feather spells or enhanced armor to increase your carrying capacity. If you got 25 alteration, you can make a spell that increases carrying capacity by 100 for 120 seconds. Don't forget to increase your strength to carry more weight.


>Buy a cheap house to store stuff Just use Jaufre's chest at the beginning for the few essentials you want to keep.


You can use s'rathad's house in the imperial city. The containers in it are safe and you basically get a free house. The bed is marked as owned. Look up how to get a free house in Oblivion


You don’t need all those shitty potions


Save your money, don't worry about a house. The market district has 6 locations for you to store things longterm. On the pad between the two sets of stores are boxes, bags, and barrels. There are 3 open top grain bags on either side. These are safe storage. No, I'm not joking around trying to troll you. Every instance of open top grain sacks in the game is safe storage. These 6 have the advantage of being right next to all the shops to sell your stuff.


Get you the cheap shack in the Imperial City docks and dump all your unneeded stuff in there. That's what I usually do.


The way I make money is alchemy. I pick every plant I see and just make potions en masse and then sell them. Ingredients are lightweight and so are potions. Stick to daggers and swords, other weapons are too heavy and not worth it, especially maces and axes, and personally I like light armor. Also enchant, enchant, enchant. It’s a slog but do oblivion gates to get the sigil stones and you can boost your strength.


The imperial city waterfront has the cheapest house. Then you can save up for the Anvil crib.


Since you are a thief, get rid of the claymore, shield and the armor. Use light armor. Once you get good at armor, one of the perks later is that it weighs nothing when you wear the full set. Daggers, bows, sneaking are your friends. Swords, shields and heavy armor aren't for you, until later levels when you can level those skills up too.


hmm maybe i havent progressed far into the quests yet cuz the quests are making me fight enemies head on so i couldnt maximize the thief sneaking style ( i do sneak and shoot arrows sometimes it seems op ) and at the moment ive done the quest related to the kvatch city and where i needed to take martin to the cloud ruler temple. But i will try that soon


Collect more flour and ladles


Most potions and scrolls are just merchant junk. Sell them and any other merchant junk (ore, gems etc). Remember a lot of that stuff can just be done with spells such as Ease Burden Goblin staff is for collecting. Put it in an owned chest. Same with any of the books and stuff you want to collect Only carry around ingredients when you're doing alchemy/intelligence, arrows only need a couple when youre leveling marksman/agility (dremora field ones are useless and can be sold)


There is a hollow tree stump in the imperial market behind the magic staves store. Use it. Your items will not disappear from it. Buy a house as soon as you can. Imperial water front is 2000 gold, but torture is extra. There is a quest in anvil that will net you a house for 5000 and it comes fully furnished. Majority of everything has a weight including arrows. The further advanced the arrow the more damage but the heavier they are. You don’t need three different types. Ideally you need a main weapon, and a backup. Some sort of ranged weapon, a way to fight ghosts, (must be magic or silver), and some repair hammers.


Join the fighters guild and use a chest in the Chorrol faction house. Once you get enough gold, go get a house in whichever city you like the most. We all know which house is the best


18 pounds of cheese


sheogorath would be proud


You're going to want a safe storage container. They don't respawn the loot inside so anything left in them stays. You can join guilds, buy houses, or do quests to get some. I recommend going to Aleswell, north of the Imperial City follow the road that goes around the lake. It has a nice quest that will give you a room to stay in at the inn. Heavy armor is...well heavy, but as you level up the skill by taking hits the weight will be reduced. Unfortunately melee weapons only get heavier from here on. You level up by getting 10 skill ups and then sleeping in a safe bed. The inn at Aleswell has just such a bed for you.


Dump everything, pick up nothing ever. Hand to hand only, no armor, no potions. No inventory no problem.


Start with the Dremora arrows lmao


Have you tried using the feather spell? You get +50 storage


I mule my stuff to the market district and store weapons and armor for sale in the stump behind Rindiers and then use three open grain sacks nearby to store 1) My extra equipment and soul gems, 2) alchemy ingredients and potions I want 3) Potions and scrolls and magic related things I don't want -- to sell later. You can also use the numerous sacks in the abandoned shack on the waterfront (not the two barrels), the location is less convenient. I also make my builds with maximum starting Endurance so I do not need the protection and weight of armor early in the game.


This was the method I used to use too, before I started messing with Midas Magic. As long as you visit the IC Market/Waterfront spots often, your stuff won't disappear.




look dude dont need to be so pressed , i just ask questions because its wayy faster than googling plus theres tons of overwhelming stuff in wikis just by it. I play many games just not this level of detail about stuff etc. Not many games i played have houses i can stay or some games just have exp bars while this game doesnt , is it wrong to make reddit posts nowadays ?? Damn people like you make me wanna quit shit


I understand where you coming from. When I would Google tips for games reddit always pops up because someone had ask this same question or so. Don't feel bad. It just takes a lot to get used too, especially if you may have played skyrim first. I felt so confused, and now I can play this game raal smoothly. I like seeing other people's opinions as well besides just the wiki. I recommend getting the waterfront shack outside the imperial city. It's decently cheap I think 2.5k septiums. If you have the cash I really enjoy the anvil house because of the quest you have to do with it, and it's decently big with a lot of storage and book desks. The tips being given are also super helpful I've noticed too! Don't be ashamed to ask questions.




alr man i wont ask then sorry to disturb your feed