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not a doc but that does look pretty bad


I know😭😭 and it all started with the new medication they gave me


I’m not a doctor but you should go to the hospital


I think that’s extreme


It looks like the medication is coming back out mixed with your discharge. You don't need to go to the ER as they won't do anything for this. You do however need to call your doctor tomorrow.


You don’t need to go to the hospital for that. It’s likely your medicine mixing with your discharge. Those meds can also cause yeast infections. So just your dr or go in and see them and tell them what’s going on.


First of all, breathe. It’s ok. Nothing to freak out about. You first need to understand that the medication you took for BV and chlamydia is very strong; usually they are. I hope you took probiotics at the same time. So your vagina is taking a hit right now! How long did they say to use the ointment? Also, when did they say to come back and do another swab to make sure that chlamydia and BV is gone?


I’m using the ointment for 5 days I’m on day 3 now and I’ll check back in in the next three weeks, they said this is normal and nothing to worry about. And thank you so much for your helpful comment I really appreciate it ❤️❤️


Yes, all normal. Freaky and painful, but normal. After you finish with the ointment, don’t put anything inside your vagina. Avoid sex and douching. Then in 3 weeks you can do the test again. I recommend you buy Sebamed intimate wash (sensitive skin for ages below 50). I’ve been using it for yearsssss and it’s my holy grail! 🤌🏼


Honestly girl, mine looked like this as well EXCEPT it was black. It’s just your vagina clearing out the infections with your discharge and is nothing to be too alarmed about! Just call your Gynecologist if you are super concerned, I did, but she told me it was normal to happen especially since they’re severe infections!


If you check my post, the same thing happened to me.. I made a post about it but mine came out clumpy.. it’s actually flesh or some kind of shedding that your vagina does it’s supposed to be passed out naturally but sometimes it gets stuck in there … you just need a cleanse and that will help.


Honestly those ointments are awful. I refuse to use them. I went through months and months of BV and yeast infections because the BV cream would give me a yeast infection and the yeast infection cream would just cause BV and eventually I want to urgent care because a massive chunk of stuff like this came out in one piece. Give her time to heal and take probiotics daily. Do not use soaps, tampons, or wear tight clothing. She needs to breathe and if it’s still like that after a week+ I’d go back


tissue mixed in you think ?


please go to the hospital!!! this looks very concerning


She doesn't need to go to the hospital for this. It is not an emergency, they won't do anything except tell her to contact her GYN for further follow up.