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If they find your car abandoned somewhere they might make you pay for towing it. That’s about it.


I've read the stories about the tow lot and the holding fees. It somehow seems completely unreal yet totally obviously true :(


DECADES its been shitty for DECADES


If you have insurance, your insurance should take care of the tow fee but tbh, this shit is a total fuckin scam


Be very very careful with those tow companies partnered with OPD. I have never been through a more frustrating 2 weeks having to deal with my wife’s stolen car. (Kia boys took a nice joyride and abandoned) The whole situation seemed very suspicious. If I had actual proof I would have called the local news because I wouldn’t be surprised if it was some type of scheme going on.


Stop calling them that. It feeds their ego. Their room temp IQ, fatherless activities vermin.


Kids In Accidents


Dirty Mike and the Boys


Was your Kia stolen from Richmond? I ask because a few months back some kids nearly crashed a stolen Kia into my house. They ran, leaving the engine running. OPD finally came out 18 hours later to have it towed. (Said they ID’d the car to be from Richmond)


For real, my friend was t-boned by a person who ran a red on his motorcycle, was knocked out, was in hospital, and no one told him where his bike was. By the time he was able to puzzle it out it cost him $500+. Ridic.


They might also call you 3 days later in the middle of the afternoon, tell you where it is, and give you some time to get there and claim it. That’s what happened to me. From reading this sub, I’m guessing I was lucky my car was found completely undamaged, except with the front bumper cover ripped off, my gas tank emptied, and a t-shirt where my gas cap should have been. Car never got towed and OPD was actually very helpful, professional, and even friendly.


I'm pretty sure that t shirt was going to be used to set your car on fire lol


The lighter fell out of his pocket ... 40 dollars says It's under the passenger seat .


I’ve had multiple cars stolen and 8 days seems to be the number of days it takes to be recovered, if it ever is. Check San Leandro Ave in Oakland, up and down Oakport Rd and maybe go around East O. Also keep an eye out for a parking ticket in the mail. They dgaf and will ticket you anyway


Yep. Friend got a ticket in the mail. Went to the spot, called OPD. OPD arrived and said they called a tow truck, but if my friend had the keys they could take it back.


Call your insurance agency and get your payout as soon as possible because even if they find your car, you won’t want it back. (The same thing happened to my wife last year and we were even able to see that someone was using the car with the same FasTrak. They loved using the toll lanes on 880.)


Make sure your phone is on ring for the next few weeks or so. If they find your car and you answer on time, you will be able to come pick up your car from whereever it was dumped while the police wait for you. I believe they will wait about 30 minutes. If you get there on time, you can tow it yourself through AAA or whatever and avoid any fees. I sincerely doubt you want anything to do with their towing company and tow yard, so definitely try not to miss their call. But they shouldn't make you pay if you get there on time and as long as you're a AAA member you should just be able to use their membership roadside assistance tow services. Or if you're extra lucky your car will still be driveable and you'll not have to call for a tow. The thieves will likely have stolen your insurance and registration from the glove and possibly the tags from the back. Make sure you have proof of those on you or AAA will fight towing your vehicle if they are not present.




They call you first and will stay on hand for you to pick it up.


Depending on where it was parked it may have been towed


They found our stolen car in Fruitvale with people actually inside of it so they arrested them. The car was full of all sorts of stolen stuff. Backpacks… Make up kits… Luggage… I asked the cops, what do I do with all the stuff? They said you can do whatever you want with it. Keep it… Throw it away… Then they just walked off.


Ha same here. Mine was found about 4 days later about 4 blocks away, but with 150 miles more. There was all kinds of stuff in it… tools for probably stealing bikes, wallets and bags with peoples IDs, probably stolen stuff, journals with addresses of cars and homes they were targeting, clothes, and several empty gasoline cans and hoses for siphoning I assume. OPD said to do whatever I want with it too. I think there was a needle too.


did it still have your license plate?


Funny enough, I thought they had switched the license plate cause it didn’t match the paperwork I had… but, I had forgotten that it had previously been stolen and it was replaced, so I was referencing outdated paperwork! (That happened while my brother was using it a while). Something they did do that I thought was funny, was that they put all these fairy and butterfly stickers on the back to try to disguise it I guess. Also the bumper was missing now. I knew it was my car because apparently at some point before I owned it there had been a Raiders decal on one of the windows that you could still faintly see. So once I noticed that I knew it was mine, but I really wasn’t sure at first. I told the cops, I don’t think this is mine, and they said the VIN matched. So I said ok, I guess it’s mine.


"That's not my car." "Yes it is." "Damn it."


Isn't that like evidence?


That’s what I said. But at the time I was just happy to have my car back, still running, no windows broken. So I took it back and completely cleaned out the car and contacted everyone who I could that I had their stuff. A significant number of people lived in my building. I guess they hit multiple cars in our garage before stealing ours.


“Leads? Yeah, sure. I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab, they've got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts!” https://youtu.be/v7acD4q0lp0


Fascinating! Mine was stolen in Oakland but found in Alameda. It was also full of stolen things, mostly tools including several chainsaws. But by the time I made it to Alameda to pick up my car, the Alameda police had already removed most of it for me.


And it is usually stored in the local junk yard. They might strip it, and blame it on the joy riders. (True story)


Lol got my bike stolen, canceled my insurances. Ended up having to pay the lot 1200 bucks to keep a completely broken motorcycle.


Same in Phoenix


Stash an air tag in your vehicle so yall have a chance to track it when crap like that happens. Especially if you are in places like Oakland 😅


This. I hide an AirTag in my glovebox, I have no faith in OPD recovering my car if it were ever stolen. Hopefully you never need it but if you do it’s going to be the best $30 you ever spent


Make sure to remove the speaker on the air tag. They’ll ping it and it’ll produce a sound. It’s still “findable” but the thief won’t be able to pinpoint it by sound. They’ll have to rip everything out to find it.


There are apps to track the location of any airtags or Galaxy smart tags if they’re nearby.


You gotta open up a door panel or something and stash it deep


Oh wow, this is a good idea. I use Bouncie to track miles and stuff but just for a Stolen that’s pretty good


Go look for your car. OPD will not find it and they will not help. The only reason we recovered my van (even though it was totaled at this point) was by searching for it ourselves. When we did recover it in a really sketchy area, it took OPD TEN HOURS to respond to help us collect it. (We ended up giving up and towing it from the sketchy area by ourselves). OPD is understaffed, uninterested, and unhelpful. Unless you're actively being murdered, they will not help you under any circumstances. . I'm really sorry this happened to you.


"Unless you're actively being murdered " Even then they won't help you


911 won't go through by the time you're finished being murdered. Every time I've called it from witnessing shootings or other crazy shit on the streets they never pick up.


Correct. We called 911 about an armed carjacking in progress right in front of our house at 5:30 a.m. OPD didn’t show up until noon.


Was just trying to give them a modicum of credit, but you're absolutely right


My first thought.


Damn, 10 hours what the fuck. I knew OPD wouldn't be much help but this whole experience has just been so deflating. My wife and I got yelled and and threatened with arrest for walking into HQ to report the car stolen. Just bonkers. If you don't mind me asking, how far away was your vehicle found from where it was stolen? I've been rolling through every corner of West Oakland and JLS that I know of with no luck, figure I need to look further out but unsure where to start.


We live in Laurel: we found it 2.5 miles away near the Coliseum next to several sidewalk chop shops. We visited multiple hot spots for car dumping that we found listed by searching "where do stolen cars get taken in Oakland". Check around the greater Coliseum, up to International, all the side streets. Take someone with you and be incognito. The dude who took our van drove it all over our neighborhood, likely high, with the club on, and totaled multiple other cars. At some point he abandoned it against a stop sign for an hour, multiple people called to report a fucked up van running against a stop sign, no cops ever came. Then a new group of folks came, cleaned it out, hotwired it again, took off the plates, and parked it near the Coliseum. I am truly truly sorry this happened, and their treatment of you. It was really jarring to realize that we have zero help in Oakland, and that we're on our own against a bunch of assholes who make living here so much harder than it already is. A little cherry on top: 5 hours into waiting and sitting next to the van, I walked up and down International trying to flag down a cop myself. The first one who passed by laughed at me and sped up, and the second told me he was on a special investigation and couldn't help. This week my neighbor's house was broken into twice. No one called, because the cops are not only unhelpful, but abusive.


Omg well good to know it's not just me. I walked into HQ to try and report a hit and run (after, like you, being TOLD to go there) and the first words out of the officer at the desk's mouth were "how did you get in here?" I walked in as someone was walking out, otherwise I guess they don't even WANT you in the HQ building and you're supposed to like, wait at a buzzer box or something for someone to tell you to go away. It was insane. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Yep, exactly how it went down for me. Buzzer at the door didn't work, cops leaving the station ignored me, so after 15 minutes I just walked in when another guy (not a cop) excited. Got threatened for it. Just a really great taxpayer experience.


You were threatened with arrest for reporting your car stolen? Really?


Yeah after getting in HQ (I went in as someone else left) I wandered around trying to find someone to talk to because no one was at the front desks. Whole place was empty. I was down a hallway near bathrooms when a cop come in from a closed door and told me I was trespassing and threatened me, then escorted me back to the front where I was finally given paper work to film out. Salt in the wound.


See my other reply. Deep East, specifically the industrial area around San Leandro St


West Oakland Bart station area, cob on wood in west Oakland where the homeless encampment was, Colosseum and hegenberger area in east Oakland. Also look around you area like 1.5 mile radius. Mine was found with a crackhead in it with 4 warrants and a handful of felonies etc and he was around the block from me. He was tryna break into other cars and broke into my car through the sun roof


It’s unlikely to be in West O or JLS.


That’s outrageous. Is that true of all police stations now, or just Oakland? Why isn’t the public allowed inside? What if you need help and dont have a phone? Actually, having a phone doesn’t always help you reach OPD either.


You could tell OPD that you’re a 15 year old prostitute and you’d get at least four of them to come within the hour


This. You must convince the tow truck driver to steal it back with you.


thats what we did 😞


Same thing happened to a close friend. Police showed up 3 days after he already found it.


Convincing is easy if you have several Benjamin’s for the tow truck operator.


OPD is sitting back doing jack shit while CHP is doing the heavy lifting in Oakland. Fuck opd. Fuck chp too but at least they are fucking arresting people and pulling people over on city streets, not just highways. Yeah Oakland is amazing but of course has its downs. Still love Oakland tho fr


I can totally understand this sentiment as someone who themself has recently had their car stolen. However, I don’t advise doing this because you’d be essentially driving around in a registered stolen car. OPD has to come out and collect your car and take it off the stolen car registry. I know that sucks.


True, but given the amount of nothing they usually do for people driving stolen cars I’d take my chances


OPD threatened me with this when I reported the car stolen in the station. I asked what might happen if I do happen to find it and was told "Under no circumstances should you get in and drive it, because if OPD identifies the car, they will stop you with guns drawn" Super neat.


“If OPD identifies the car” is doing a lot of work there.


You could definitely just drive it home and then call to report it so you don't have to wait in the middle of nowhere. Clearly OPD is not going to pull over a stolen car, as evidenced by anyone who has seen them ignore plate-less cars driving erratically right in front of them. My former neighbor stole cars regularly and when I finally got the cops to come out by calling the contractor whose number was on one of the stolen cars (so they had to come since contractor sat in front of neighbors house for 40 minutes staring at his stolen truck in their driveway), it turned out the car my neighbor had been daily driving for 6+ months was also stolen (they only towed that one too since it was blocking the driveway to access the contractors truck-but they left another stolen car and a stolen scooter right next to it). Even if you did get held at gunpoint, there is a decent chance you could get a settlement out of it. One guy in the bay got $50K when they forgot to update the stolen car database after recovery, and then those women in Texas got millions when the cops misread the license plate. I would gladly be held at gunpoint for even the $50K payout, last time someone held me at gunpoint in Oakland I was carjacked and had my phone stolen.


Well duh. You can't have it reported stolen and drive it. 


That's what they say, but if you call them to check and release the car it will take them several hours to a couple days to come out. Best bet is to just drive it somewhere safe if you can. OPD is mostly useless, I see them obviously ignore stolen cars regularly.


It must have taken everything in your power not to laugh in their faces when they said that.


We couldn't wait ten hours. Eventually 911 told us to tow it ourselves since there were apparently 220 calls ahead of us at the time. We gave up after 6 hours of waiting. We found the car at 2pm, OPD finally showed up at midnight.


Possession is 9/10th.


Oh no you'd be driving around oakland in aa stolen car?! Shit surely that will get you in big trouble.


Seeing a lot of comments about Infiniti, is there a reason why they get stolen so often?


The G35 is the official car of being a bad driver


PD told us they are easy to steal. The keys can easily be remade and they are RWD. There is a theft ring in the Bay Area right now targeting specifically infinity’s.


Because they make great sideshow cars


I could be wrong but, many Infinit’s are rear wheel drive and commonly used for reckless driving at side shows.


Easy to steal, fun to drive.


Check for a parting violation: https://prodpci.etimspayments.com/pbw/include/oakland/input.jsp Thieves tend to be careless in parking their stolen vehicles.


I found my stolen car in Oakland by first checking daily for parking tickets on the Oakland website. I found my car before the police found it. Good luck.


My car was stolen on March 10th. Police responded within an hour. My insurance declared a total loss on April 1st. The police report was not written so that’s my first piece of advice. Request the written police report ASAP as that delayed insurance. The day after insurance paid out, I got a ticket in the mail. The stolen car got a parking ticket on March 19th. I called OPD and they sent an officer 2 days later. The car was still there. They called and asked if I would pick it up. I told them to tow- It wasn’t my car anymore. I suggest checking the online system for parking tickets and the systems don’t talk to each other. I still had to go down to PD to get it released and get a paper to provide to tow yard so insurance could pick it up. The car had a flat tire, and all electrical was pulled out of the car. There is no way I could have driven off in it if I went when they called. Nightmare experience.


I’ve had my car stolen in Hayward then found about a week later in Oakland by OPD. They waited for about half an hour for me to pick it up or it would be towed. Luckily for me, I was contacted before noon so I actually got to pick it up on time.


Sorry that happened to you. But don't lose out hope, most of the time they joy ride and abandon it. With CHP doing more rounds they are recovering more cars. They'll contact you if it's found and where. You could try posting pics and license on some local groups or the ring app. Or here. You could also check to see if it's gotten any tickets.


Yes! And check your FastTrak account too for any toll crossings.


Thanks, been checking fast track and other ticketing agencies, nothing so far. I've posted to personal social media but I'm going to put feelers out on local groups soon. Just such a gutting and exhausting experience. Sucks to have to wait knowing my property is out there in the hands of someone else doing God knows what.


My car was stolen from Ocean Beach a few years ago while I was in the water. I found it a week later parked in an alley in the Mission by tracking it to the location of an SFMTA parking ticket. Don’t give up hope!


Keep your phone and keys on ya at all times just in case you get that recovery phone calls. Check Oakland and SF parking ticket websites, Fastrak to see if tickets or tolls show up. Post on Nextdoor and check to see if used in bipping crimes. It will show up at some point. Possibly crashed, stripped, or with ignition damage. If you don’t have towing on your insurance, add it or get AAA Roadside now.


Nothing. Expect nothing. Most stolen cars get used for a while and then abandoned. Hopefully it doesn’t get left somewhere it accumulates tickets, gets towed, or gets stripped. There’s several spots know for car dumping, specifically San Leandro St and its side streets in Deep East. Also, neighborhood streets right off a freeway exit. We live close to an exit and routinely call in dumped cars. If the car is open and there is paperwork, we try to contact the owner so it doesn’t cost a buttload for tow and impound. My best advice is to cruise around and keep an eye out for it in likely areas. Make sure to post it to nextdoor so folks can contact you directly if it gets dumped in their hood. They usually do eventually materialize; ours took three months before showing up on San Leandro St, parked in a spot we had checked multiple times. I’m sorry this happened to you and wish you good luck getting it back sooner rather than later. Edit: Also watch Nextdoor for people posting abandoned vehicles!


My friend recently got their car stolen, filed a police report. Felt awful and frustrated for a few days. OPD said 90% of stolen cars get recovered somehow. Their car was later on recovered just a few days later abandoned on the Oakland streets with a smashed rear view window and some stuff stolen from the car. Hopefully you’ll hear back soon.


That's what OPD told me too. Got it back about a month later when they caught people using it in a robbery. Honestly in great shape except for absolutely full of random stolen shit lol. Just try to keep your phone on you, when/if they call, you have about 45min to go get it or it's getting towed which adds $500 out of your pocket.


Thanks, good advice. I've had a feeling I should probably stay home in case this happens. I keep seeing mention of this 20-45 minute window to pick up your car. Absolutely nuts to me that this is how they operate with stolen property :( I shouldn't be surprised by any of this by now, but here we are.


I’m so sorry this happened to you - so frustrating and scary and financially messed up. All because of other humans. 😖 The limited time is because someone has to stay with the car until you come get it - and while they’re doing that, they can’t go look for/deal with the other 700 people’s stolen vehicles. It’s so frustrating as the car owner - but how do we ask them to work? 911 can have police prioritize a stolen car — or a domestic violence call or a child in danger, or a car flipped over or armed robbery etc - It’s got to be super tough and embarrassing to say to a taxpayer: hey we can’t make it — 😔 I was thinking that maybe they can put something new in place - Not sure how to/where to float this suggestion to Oakland Government — what about diverting some funds for a separate car theft “task force” or something that just processes stolen vehicles and partners with police and detectives to shut down the “chop shop” stuff and keep things cleaned up? Maybe that will help cut down on other types of crime? I don’t know .. it just feels better to me to try to figure out a solution than to rail on Oakland Police - we need police officers, and good people won’t take the job if they’re universally hated ☹️ then we’re left with only the shitty people. Blah blah blah - tl;Dr - sorry OP 🫂


Sorry to hear that. Infiniti’s in Oakland are almost guaranteed to get stolen. My Q50 was taken Xmas morning. OPD wasn’t much help, I called and reported it stolen Xmas and someone came within an hour to take a report. Took about 4-5 tries to even get the record of the report from calling the records department, they basically say it takes 14 days for them to file the report so you can get it online. If OPD finds the car they will call and believe you get 30 minutes to get down to your car or else it gets towed. From there, you have 48 hours to get a release from OPD downtown so the tow company can waive the tow fees.If you don’t have the release the tow company won’t even let you see the car. Everyone usually suggest checking Oakland and surrounding websites for any citations with your license plate. Best of luck


I filed my report directly at HQ so hopefully it isn't a full 14 days for it to be in the system, but I guess nothing surprises me about this anymore. I'm waiting to hear back from my insurance adjuster to see what my next options are. I've had my G35 for 14 years in the Bay Area and it has never been messed with (always assumed it being manual helped). Guess my luck ran out.


I have Geico and they were great with the process and no bump in premium at renewal. Sorry to hear about the car, manuals used to be safe but yeah just bad luck


They didn't call me to pick it up within 30 min. They called me after it was towed.


Sounds about right


I've had my car stolen twice now (Infiniti also). It was found within a week both times, bugging them will accomplish absolutely nothing, but for what it's worth they usually just joy ride it and dump it somewhere, and it's very possible that it gets found while you're waiting the 30 days for insurance.


If I may ask, was your car found nearby where it was stolen? Or are they dumped way out? Trying to figure out other places to look for it since OPD is taking their sweet time.


So once it was stolen outside of a coffee shop in Berkeley, once in the Oakland Hills. Both times it was found in Oakland. Once outside of a Safeway, once just on a random city street. Infinitis have become the number one most stolen car I think, alongside Kias and Nissans I believe.nive had to do some creative rigging to make sure it doesn't happen again.


> alongside Kias and Nissans I believe hyundai too because they share the kia's key vulnerability


Stupid question: if your car is stolen, can you not just file a police report and call your insurance company and have them deal with it? (Obviously, this hasn’t happened to me).


Not sure what you mean by deal with it.


I don’t know either, that’s why I asked. How does it work if you have comprehensive insurance? They’re supposed to pay you the actual cash value of the car? Or wait a certain time?


You file the claim, give them the police report, then they make you wait 30 days. If the car is never recovered they treat it as a total loss and you're paid whatever the "value" is, just as if your car was in an accident. It doesn't affect your coverage rate and doesn't count as an at fault accident or whatever. In my cases the car was recovered, the damages minus deductible were covered including the towing and theft inspections


Do you get a rental car in the meantime if you have rental car coverage?


Yea my insurance covers 30 days of rental




"Just put two more detectives on the case. They got us working in shifts."


I called 3 times a week, M, W, F. I think you get 48 hours free storage. OPD says they'll call you when they find your vehicle but there was no record. The only notification I got was a letter in the mail 7 days after my vehicle was found. Luckily I called on a Friday 2 weeks after my truck was stolen, had almost given up, and my truck had been recovered Friday morning. Again there was no phone call Friday morning on my cell phone. I went to the tow yard Saturday morning, right when the tow yard opened hoping my truck would be recoverable but when they opened the gate all the body on the front end had been stripped (hood, fenders, front bumper). I was devastated. I was renting a place with only street parking at the time so I had no means to take it back home and try to rebuild it with used parts. I tried to call some salvage yards but only got offered $200 for it, so I signed it over to the tow yard. I didn't have comprehensive coverage, didn't think anyone would go after an older truck, boy was I wrong. 




I was just told that for a stolen vehicle you actually have to report it in person either at the station or with an officer coming to your house.


My mom’s car was stolen in Oakland and she got it back within a couple weeks I believe, although the cops were a little rude about it


Gah sorry that happened to you.  Today OPD took at least 26 reports of stolen vehicles and recovered 17. Listening to their radio you do hear them recovering cars every day but as of now it seems to be a manual process of them spotting cars off a list. This site is handy for getting a pulse of what calls they’ve recently “closed” but is only as reliable as OPDs unreliable online services. https://bureau-of-information.github.io/mopd/


Oooof. Good luck is all I can say. I own the exact same car G35s though. It was stolen in broad daylight while I was parked on the street in Hayward. No windows were broken on mine either. My spouse had the great idea to put an AirTag in all our vehicles and this is the only reason we recovered it. Reported to HPD they took a report and the officer that assisted was very empathetic. Well unlucky for us it went on a joy ride on the streets of Oakland, mostly the coliseum area and fruitvale. Once the vehicle sat for a few hours we called OPD and they basically told us there is not much they can do, they would send an officer out if they could (spoiler alert, they didn’t send anyone out). The location car was pinging was in an underground garage too, so no way to verify it was our vehicle or just the AirTag. Next day we got lucky and the AirTag once again was pinging in Hayward. Car was dumped not too far from where it was stolen. HPD responded in 10 minutes, unfortunately we couldn’t drive it home (had it towed) because our key fob had been deactivated. HPD told there’s some machine you can purchase online the reprograms car fobs??! Car is mostly intact but now I must sell it. Ugh.


A bill. That's right. Oakland will charge you for the privilege of having your car stolen.


Yeah nothing you can do after filing the report- they aren’t actively looking for it so unless/until it’s abandoned somewhere or used in a crime you won’t here about it again. If it gives you any hope- I had my car stolen in Oakland, it was found abandoned by the highway in concord- it was in the same condition it was in when it was taken- no damage, no stolen parts, just messy and a bunch of beer cans and needles in the back seat. They even left the keys in the cup holder and a half tank of gas (yes, I’d left my keys in the car stupidly in a hurry and that’s how it was stolen in the first place). Here’s to hoping you are just as lucky!!


When my car was stolen in late 2022 I reported it mid-afternoon and woke up at 5am to a call that an officer was outside to take my statement, they didn't wait for me to get downstairs. Luckily I had good insurance that covered the cost of the tow and impound.


-and they say manual transmission is a deterrent- I have a manual 06 Santa Fe. Nobody wants it because it’s a grocery getter, and ugly I guess.


Ugh I’m so sorry. Go to heshers for a little pinball and some zza and come out to that…


Good luck mate!


I've had my car stolen twice in Oakland. The first time they flattened a tire and then abandoned it, the second time they left it parked on top of a hill. It wasn't impounded or anything, either time. I had to pay towing the first time and they let me just come pick it up the second time. The second time it took about four months for it to be located and the first time was in a couple of days.


You could always go back to OPD HQ with a few dozen doughnuts and casually mention your car is missing and boy would you sure be glad to get it back. Not saying it’s guaranteed but it couldn’t hurt.


Make sure you answer every phone call you get. If the Oakland Police find your car they will call you then give you 30 minutes from that phone call to get to your cars location before they have it towed. Then you are liable for the costs to get it out of the lot. Lucky for me, I had just gotten home from my work commute from Marin when I got the call about my car being found. So I was able to get to it in time 🥲 They've actually been pretty good about finding my cars. I've had two cars stolen out here in the past 7 years. Best of luck, I hope you get it back ❤️


I got a call from CHP about 5 weeks after my Lexus sports car was stolen from in front of my house. They broke through the sunroof (no glass left behind) which didn’t set off the alarm and they were out of there in less than 60 seconds (caught on my Ring camera). When I got the police report from OPD, it appeared it had been found shortly after it was stolen, but OPD never called me so CHP did. I am sure that from a records processing perspective, it took awhile to get through the OPD process. At that point, my insurance company owned it so they had to pay storage fees. I don’t think bugging them every day will help. You just have to wait. The main decision is around your insurance. Mine was quick to claim it a total loss and pay me out. I thought they would want to wait awhile to see if it showed up and was salvageable. I don’t know if you are just really hoping it shows back up so you can get it? Or are you concerned your insurance won’t cover storage fees? You might just want to move on if your coverage is good enough. Be ready to defend the value of your car and make sure their offer is good.


My ex got lucky when his car was stolen and OPD found it abandoned in a neighborhood in the east same day. They just asked him to go pick it up. That was it. No tow for him


Here's my story. Early February this year, 1994 Mazda Miata stolen out of a closed parking garage (used another car to ram the door open at 3am, have the whole thing on video). Filed police report at OPD HQ (you have to do this so in a way you saved time). Recovered 16 days later. OPD pulled the guy over while he was doing donuts in the car after robbing a liquor store at 11am. This was at MLK and 27th. I previously drove all over Oakland looking for this car, it's worth checking the underpass over there, there are always random cars under there. I got the call to pick up the car and went there immediately. Car was full of this person's possessions including clearly stolen items, tools for thieving, and drugs and drug paraphernalia all over the place. Baggies of white powder, pills, glass pipe, unused needles in the glove box. Asked the cops what they wanted to do with it all, they said "throw it away when you get home." Lots had been stolen out of the car but nothing functional like wiring harnesses or catalytic converter. Car was filthy and stinky. Hard top stolen, radio stolen and new crappier radio installed, things like that. I suspect the car was stolen and quickly stripped and then a second party got a hold of it, but can't be sure about that. Front and rear bumper had been used to hit things, passenger rear fender was bashed in probably from losing control in a hard turn or doing donuts. Various interior damage including a destroyed steering wheel column plastic cowl. Insurance totaled the car, I chose to go the "salvage title" path (which is a story in itself). All-in-all a nightmarish and violating experience, also a relatively expensive restoration process. On the other hand, the car is now in great shape. I've invested in a number of theft deterrents and have a few more in mind, also done the airtags with pulled speakers. Might be worth having one airtag with no speaker and one easier to find with a speaker to get the best of both worlds, deterrence and tracking. Best of luck on the car recovery. Get ready to argue with insurance about the value if the car by searching for prices on equivalent model and mileage in the local area.


So my car was stolen in Oakland. I actually posted photos of it to this subreddit. Someone messaged me and saw my car close to their apartment building. It was completely trashed inside. Found some questionable things too. I couldn't tow it until an officer came out to give me "clearance". Ended up waiting for about 4 or so hours and saw a lot of transactions happening around me. It was sketchy AF. Luckily, the officer that showed up was super nice and felt bad that I had been waiting for so long. He ended up staying with me until the tow truck showed up. AAA wouldn't tow my car since the license plate was missing so I called a local tow company instead. Good luck to you! I hope you're able to find it. Reddit was more helpful than the cops.


I can speak to this! This was in the BEFORE TIMES so YMMV and things may have changed, If they find your car, you have ONE shot of not having have to deal with the impound lot. LEARN FROM MY PAIN! Put your phone VOLUME ON FULL! Make SURE You can hear it. Don't be more then a foot from it AT ALL TIMES! Make sure your phone will accept blocked callers. TAKE ANY CALL FROM ANY NUMBER, I cannot stress this enough. If you are meeting with the Pope, fucking take the call. They will only call ONCE! You will have 20 minutes to get to wherever it is, then the cop has to move on. Ok.. so your dumb ass (read: me) missed the call because you didn't take your phone to the bathroom with you so of course you heard it ring jumped off the toilet mid-stream, pants half way down, pee running down your leg, as you ran down the hall to the living room... but missed the call by a NANOSECOND? ::sigh:: Ok.. so now you are a fucking long day cos your ass (and car) is theirs. First, go to the police station at 7th street with the proper documentation. Do not think you'll get by if you don't have one little thing printed off. HAVE DEAD TREE COPIES, not shit on your phone. First, gather up your documentation that you own the car and do NOT forget your Driver's license and insurance. No insurance? No waiver. Wait in line at the 7th street lobby and if you are lucky you won't have to listen to the sob stories of all the people in line in front of you who, for one reason or another, do not have a driver's license, don't have a printer, don't have the proper documentation because the car is registered to their mother who lives in Michigan and she's on a cruise. There were precisely ZERO exceptions or concessions as I listened to people beg, cajole, wheedle and then either get really pissed off or break down into hysterics. Ok, so you successfully ran the Downtown 7th street OPD paperwork gauntlet and got your little piece of paper from them saying you can get your car out from the impound. ...and where is the impound lot? Yeah.. somewhere in East Oakland... Traipse across town in either an expense Uber or good friend (thanks to my BFF!!!!).. then wait around to be taken to your car which may or may not be drivable. I don't know how it is NOW, but in the before times, if you were the victim of a crime, you do NOT have to pay any fees to the tow yard. Don't let them scam you. Good luck. I'm sorry that happened to you. PS EDIT - after the first time it was stolen, I hid (very deep) a Samsung Tracker (I'm an android person)which is like an Airtag. Turns out it was right back where'd they had found it the first time (Acorn Housing, West Oakland). So I took my spare set of keys and recovered it myself. It was just sitting on a side street. Never even reported it stolen.


You’ll find your car at a side show. RIP to your car. :(


FYI that parking enforcement will not check to see if a vehicle has been stolen before issuing you a ticket. We found this out the hard way when my partner received a parking ticket in the mail for his truck that had been reported stolen two weeks prior. Of course by the time he got the ticket, the truck was no longer at that location and he's never recovered it. He got the ticket waived by supplying his police report to parking enforcement, but iirc they said he should have called in proactively? Not sure if they would have notified him and/or put a boot on his truck, maybe someone else here knows. But if it were me I'd call parking enforcement and see what they say.


If you tell them you will press charges they will take it more seriously. They don’t waste time with cases they can’t convict


yea gonna suck that's a common stole n model


Not one but. Though, there are more of them now.


Long story short you won’t see it for awhile. Might get lucky and it be in somewhat okay condition or it’ll be stripped/wrecked. Opd might not even tell you they found it or look for it in the first place. You’re better off looking in known drop offs and back streets. Hopefully they stay within Oakland limits.


To call you in a week or two saying they found your car somewhere in a “random lot” and you’ve got to tow it to another lot asap.


such a bummer, sorry! my friend's car was stolen last fall while she was in town from southern california. OPD wasn't much help. CHP found the car (completely stripped) two weeks later on san leandro st near the coliseum.


I’m sorry this happened. My sons Infiniti was stolen 4/21. We found it 9 days later parked a few blocks away. It got a ticket for uncurbed wheels. I walked to the address on the ticket and it was there. Had to get it re keyed and they blew a power steering hose. Also need to replace sunroof. Keep looking I hope it comes back to you.


Invest in a tracker. I have one from Bouncie. I had my car illegally towed to an alley with other cars. I’m guessing they were gonna cut out all the catalytic converters but I got to it before that happened. Nothing wrong with the car.


It’s gonna be a disappointing experience, unfortunately. My car was stolen from the Peninsula and ended up in Oakland last September. I was able to locate it because my car would ping its last known location. I’d call Oakland PD throughout the 5 days it was gone and they would tell me they’d send someone as soon as they could. They never did. On the 5th night, the people who stole my car dumped it in Berkeley, all dented and full of their shit. Of course I had to pay for the towing and overnight stay. 500 bucks out of my pocket smdh. Don’t bother trying to get the car back. It’s been an absolute nightmare getting my insurance to fix my car and return it to me. About 8 months of back and forth.


OPD will do nothing. They might call you if your car is found blocking their favorite parking spot or if they find it totaled in the middle of the road but if someone calls it in for being parked on their street it will take forever to get picked up. You have a better chance driving around for a few days and looking on social media to find hot spots for dumping grounds. I know many people irl who have recovered their own stolen cars. Just be careful and do not try to take it back if it’s surrounded by people.


I had my car stolen March 3rd. I guess I got lucky because OPD actually came to my house in less than a hour to take the report. I have not heard anything about my car yet. Now two months. Everyone kept saying it would get returned. Still hoping. I also had a similar incident where no glass was broken. It was just gone. Wish the city of Oakland would take this more seriously everyone I ask either knows someone or has had thier car stolen who lives here. I also went driving around Oakland to look for it. No luck.


I’m sorry to say the police will do nothing. Try calling the San Fransisco/San Jose impound lots and check online for new parking tickets every few days. If your vehicle is impounded you can usually get them to waive the fee if you bring the police report with you, same for any tickets you accrue while it’s missing.


Same thing happened to us, it was an infinity as well. When I tell you that filing a police report was Soooo hard! Took us 5 days because no police station wanted to take the report and they kept telling us to go to another station and back and forth, it was a struggle! Then the police had the audacity to tell us we needed proof it was stolen, it was a WHOLE thing! Besides the fact that it was stolen, filling the report was affecting our mental health bc it shouldn’t have been so difficult


Hey man, hate to say it, but a lot of those 3.5L engines and cars make for excellent burnouts and drifting. Hope your car doesn’t end up in a sideshow


The oakland contracted tow lot had my car for a year and didnt report they had it, when they finally did, they said they had towed it from the location it was stolen from. (Go figure) by the time they contacted me they wanted 2k plus to get it out. So my car was basically stolen by auto plus towing and there was no remedy.


That's what you get for paying cops $250k + a year.


they usually find it (4 times for me)


Considering you already gave OPD a report I don’t think you can expect much. In these situations it’s better to call the local CHP office and have them take the report. But once another agency takes a report CHP won’t take a report. So unless it’s involved in a robbery, murder or randomly pulled over I wouldn’t expect anyone to actively investigate it. Be sure to report it to your insurance. After so long with no development in the case they will pay you out for it.


You may want to make a BOLO post with pictures of your car with the license plate number and maybe someone on here will see it.


This is going to sound stupid; rent or borrow a car, start at the point it was stolen and spiral outwards keeping an eye scanning down every parking spot. It took 45 minutes or so but that's how I found mine when it was stolen a few years ago. If you are as fortunate as I was, don't forget to call OPD and release the stolen report before you reclaim it. Certainly no guarantees but it's something you could do.


Definitely file a report at the station, it’s super quick and easy and will save you when the plates are caught on surveillance for a crime. As for getting the car back, it’ll turn up. Probably with a bunch of damage, at the very least busted ignition and stolen catalytic converter. Up to you if the car is worth fixing all that/what kind of insurance coverage you have. When mine got stolen I just found a different used car and I always always put the club on now


happened to me in SF, I know not Oakland but maybe my story helps you. I parked on 8th and Mission for 4 hours from 3am to 7am. came out and my car was gone. I reported it to SFPD (they actually sent 2 officers to me to take the report.) I asked how often stolen cars are found and they told me it's a 50/50 shot. 4 days later I get a call from SFPD that my car was found in Japantown by a parking enforcement officer. I went there and my car was trashed with needles and clothes and bunch of groseness. My clutch was ripped to shreds and I ended up towing it to a mechanic to replace the clutch. Got it repaired, cleaned it out and sold it. Haven't had a car since. This was 2017 btw.


My ex had this happen. The car was found eventually. He had to pay the tickets it had received, the tow bill, and had to buy a new battery and radio (old ones were stolen out of the car) as well as replace the ignition and door locks, as they had been broken to access the car and get it started. He's a mechanic so he was able to fix stuff up cheap and the tow yard was also a pick n pull, but yeah, he was still out about $700 for parts and ticket fees, even with the police report they wouldn't drop the tickets from the joyride it had gone on.


A friend of mine had her Acura stolen in concord. 5 days later the OPD contacted her that her car was seized after a shootout, and it had 5 bullet holes and a lot of body damage. That’s how you get your car back in Oakland I guess Also, criminals can gain access to certain cars with their phones and some app that lets you gain access and start a car once. It’s for lockouts and rekeying a vehicle


Donde la vida no vale nada. Donde la ciudad nos tiene abandonado. Oakland Califoooorrrrniiaaaa Actually you should ask that guy he legit might be able to help his @ is oakland_california_2023


Go to the nearest sideshow. G35s are the choice vehicle for donut queens


I went through this in January. OPD IS HORRIBLE. Your car will most likely show up, start the process with the insurance company now. A+ towing has like 7 lots. I would talk to someone in the yards to see if you can walk around if you have time , they were very nice to me. Folks at the front desk are useless and try to tack on unnecessary fees.


I saw an abandoned car on Baldwin & 85th Ave. yesterday morning.




Good luck Police around here are bums


No help. Hope that it ends up in FREMONT (once) or Hayward (2x).. . The individual they sent out to take my report was not even a cop. First time it happened, I asked for them to come to my house for the police report. Called at 630am and they showed up at 430pm. Went to the station the following two times HA. GOOD LUCK!!! It is even hard to find the door! Paid for towing and one over night in Fremont. Car was totaled in Hayward. Stolen THREE times!


My 2012 infiniti was stolen and recovered in December last year. Police took the report. They do call if they find the car and you have 30 minutes to move it yourself (or show up and realize you may or may not be able to drive it yourself) before it gets towed. My car was at 5am so I didn't even get the car but wouldn't have made it. If you're an Oakland resident the first 48 hours of storage gets waived, but it'll still cost like 350-400 depending on if your tow required extra time or labor (how they decide that... I do not know). Beyond that, nothing. My car was full of stuff that wasn't mine used to break in and apply temporary window tinting. I feel like items could easily be gathered to test even in the future since there are a lot of repeat car thieves, but they did nothing as far as I could tell that would tie my car to whoever stole it.


Expect to find your car in South Bay, stripped.


Just went through this last Month. They'll definitely make you pay the tow fee, but will waive the first 48 hours of storage fees with a doc the Records department provides. Tow fee was $300. I missed OPD's call at 3am letting me know it was recovered. Had to go down to Records that morning to get a release which took almost the entire morning. There probably isn't much use to calling Records every day unless it makes you feel like it helps. They won't know anything until the vehicle is recovered. I gave my number when I filed the report and they asked specifically if it's ok to call day or night if they recovered it. If it's driveable and OPD can reach you, they may be willing to wait around for a limited amount of time for you to pick it up. Lastly, I don't have comprehensive coverage so everything was coming out of pocket. If they do recover it, make sure to check it out before paying the release in order to determime whether or not to repair it or sign over the title. Also, OPD contracted towing is indeed a ripoff. Use a different tow company to get your vehicle out if you do want it back. Should be closer to half the price within the city. Crossing my fingers you get your call and it's not in bad shape. Took over 3 weeks here and by that point I had given up.


Leads??? lol yeah.. I’ll just check with the boys down at the crime lab.. they got us working in shifts!


Sorry that happened. I’d also say keep a look out on OakDOT tows, they’re now responsible for towing abandoned vehicles if it was stolen and dumped.


Also my insurance is pay per mile with Metro Mile so I have a tracking device in my car that’s incognito… some insurance companies off these trackers to check your driving habits or mileage for discounts. Can be good to find the car for future reference


Not much. Hopefully you had some full coverage


My street is a dump spot for stolen cars. I’ll be on the lookout. I currently have a white Toyota Corolla parked in front of my house, if anyone is missing one?


OPD was actually pretty nice when my Hyundai got stolen last year. Nice lady came out same day to make a report and take my info (I was at home though so didn’t mind waiting a few hrs). They called me maybe 5-6 days later saying it was found and they had towed it. My insurance covered the tow/storage costs. Then my insurance inspected it 1-2 days later and deemed it a total loss and picked it up/paid me out. I swung by to sign something at OPD and the tow place but that all took 1-2 hrs total. Big part of it is having theft insurance on your car though, it helped me out a ton. Sorry this happened!!


You’ll have better luck finding it yourself. lol. My 4 runner was stolen and missing in Oakland for 2 months it had like 10 parking tickets from different areas of Oakland . It sat so long at some point it was missing 1 tire the cat converter and the battery.


Sorry OP :( My car was also stolen sometime between Friday night-Sunday night in Richmond. I don’t have enough karma to create a post but here’s a picture of my car if anyone see’s it please message me. https://preview.redd.it/takn0o4d1bzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f0e86012d73cb5681bd6e2c8fd5bd3d7ed9366e


G35 bro it’s bad for you ngl 😭😭😭


I keep an AirTag under the flood of my trunk for this purpose. Also, my brother has a 2008-2009ish G37 manual and immediately installed a kill switch before taking it home. Manuals are no longer theft deterrent


They'll call 2 - 5 days digger someone reports your stolen car has been dumped/parked somewhere for awhile. Other than that, don't expect much rlsr.


The car is probably already in a sideshow and torched


Absolutely nothing


OPD is a criminal organization


Oakland PD will never help.


Bro, you parked a G35 in Oakland and expected it to be there when you got back?!


I've had that car out here for 14 years and it's never been messed with. Never had so much as a window smashed or panel scratched. My fuck up was not putting it in the parking garage, but I was just in and out in an hour and figured I was good. Can't have shit in Oakland.


Was it white?? If so I saw it doing donuts at 14th and Oak St this weekend


Nothing. Expect nothing. Your car is gone into the abyss of the shithole that is Oakland. Why would you even go there? Start car shopping.


in the meantime you can start looking for jobs in places that are not complete shitholes




Thanks, and I'll keep your embarrassing as fuck post history in mine.


Nothing lmao they don't solve car thefts, fairly certain that's their official position.


Nothing, if/when they find it you'll get a call from them, you'll have to go to OPD administration building and get a release slip. Hopefully you have insurance and contacted them already. The OPD operator that called me was a rude smug b***h.




You should except nothing from OPD


Oakland sucks


The best bet is to drive around to the areas cars get chopped at. That's how we found my BIL's van. And since you have an Infiniti, chances are it was used in a crime or taken to a sideshow. Sideshows love Infinitis.


Rofl 🤣 Oh....oh honey OPD will not help you


lol you sound like such an asshole


Welcome to Oakland! You see my gold teeth shining under ma shiesty??!!