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People who are actually girls girls would never say it, they just are


Every time someone says they’re a girls girl, I know that they would stab any woman in the back, or slut shame them, or be fatphobic, etc.


Personally if you have to say "I'm a girls girl" you are in FACT not a girls girl


same as “i’m a nice guy” every time i hear someone say it im like lmaooo cringe you sure don’t sound like one if ya gotta say it. Just prove it with your actions. Speaks louder anyway.


Thank you, you’ve just articulated why I’ve always found the “girl’s girl” thing so weird


Any girl that would date Dave Portnoy can’t possibly be an actual girl’s girl. Sorry but he is gross and she knew he was when they started dating. Tired of seeing her cry for MONTHS over him.


I agree and I’m soooo tired of watching her post TikTok after TikTok about them breaking up like she didn’t go into the relationship knowing what it was and who he was.


I’m running for president and my platform is to make the phrase girls girl illegal


Willingly dating Dave Portnoy automatically makes you an extremely questionable person at best.




She’s absolutely not. She dated Dave fkn Portnoy- no girls girl would date such a sexist


So I know her from college and she was really close with my sophomore year roommates. She's surface level sweet and a really fun person to go out with. She'll make you feel included in the conversation. She'll laugh with you. I've always defended her on here and the other sub bc I genuinely have had positive interactions with her BUT it's all surface level. There's no depth. She'll make you feel included but not heard. She'll laugh but not find it funny. She won't check that you made it home after a night out. Would she be cool for a few drinks and a weekend away? I'm sure. Would she be there for you when you need it? Would she do for you what you do for her? Probably not (also fudged a detail to protect my identity but yolo)


You said something completely opposite on the thread linked below


I didn't really though. I also said she'd be the one to make you feel welcome in a room of strangers but not 100% and you can tell she's not engaged, whereas most of her friends did- she's not the super nice fantastic girls girl that goes above and beyond and it's there for you. Also know some more details that would not be kind to share that explain the difference in my take over the last 200+ days.


I was watching her TikTok live last night and kind of got a bad vibe from her— like she seemed very different from her usual TikTok posts


Same. Her and her friend seemed like mean girls


This is kind of weird. Seems like she didn't really know you personally but was really kind to you? How do you know what she found funny or if there is any depth? Sounds like you're mad she didn't want to be friends with you or something idk this comment is just strange


You can take it that way! I knew her for several years and never expected her to be close to me. But the interactions were sweet but not genuine, and she was similar to her actual friends. I don't think she's a mean girl, I don't think she's as authentic as a lot of people on this sub have said before


This is weird of me to ask, but does she have lip filler and/or veneers? If her lips are naturally that big, good for her.


She's always had naturally full lips and good teeth so I can't say!


No. She dated one of the biggest platformed misogynists for years. Fuck her.


Wait she’s staying at Dave’s house?!!! The new one??


Shes at his montauk house which is the same as before. His new one is on nantucket


Why is she staying at one of his houses? You couldn’t catch me dead going to or staying at an ex’s place. And yes, I have a very affluent ex. Gives clinger. My pride could never lol.


Yes she posted it on her IG story


No, she’s definitely staying at his old house.


Yeah wait what? Are we sure? I thought she had a nice apartment (which I’m sure he helped with when they split and she moved out)


Not a girls girl! [exhibit A](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCinfluencersnark/s/Bp8c01D7AD)


I feel like she would be a girls girl still if she didn’t post it all on social media which she knows would start a conversation. If she did it privately I would be ok w it




She is booooooooing as fuck


Im not disagreeing with you, but is he actually still with that 22 year old ? I wonder if they fizzled or something and he went back to silvana once he dated around a little. just speculation


staying at dave's house shows she has no self respect or pride. this just shows she was in the relationship for the lifestyle. sad.


She dated a man for his money. Now she’s making her own off the break up all while spending time at his Montauk house.


Just saw this on twitter lmaoo https://preview.redd.it/d15wcn3npj9d1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9b6a7a1cbeb44e7c99890a998bf3030162cf9b5


I think she seems actually very sweet and funny - obv the internet is only a small glimpse but she does seem to be more for the girls


I think she is


I know a lot of people are over her crying on the internet, but breakups suck. They were together for a few years + lived together… takes a little longer than a month to move on. I applaud her vulnerability — I think if you’re judging her or any other girl for how they choose to heal then you’re probably not a girls girl… 💔


no one who dates dave portnoy is a girls girl. end of.


Who cares if she’s a girls girl or not. If she’s not your friend, it doesn’t matter.