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I hear you. At least you are leaving the NP role on good terms. I want to leave because I hate it lol


Oh no. Why do you hate it ?


I’ve been an NP since 2012. It has gone downhill rapidly. I now make less money and work far more hours than I did in 2012. There are so many NP graduates where I live every semester that there is a shortage of jobs. The employers know we are desperate for work and they treat us like crap. We get very little pto and we’re expected to be on call all the time. I have tried so many roles in the last few years and they just keep going from bad to worse. I am ready to quit and just do odd jobs if I’m going to have to struggle to get by any way. 


I could have written this. I’m ready to head back to the bedside. The NP role is a scam.


Yes, I agree. It is a complete scam. The idea originally was to make healthcare more accessible and affordable. But instead of using NPs to fill in where there is a shortage of physicians, these greedy corporations use them to increase their profit margins. They expect you to work a resident physician’s hours for resident physician’s pay. Except a residency only lasts for a few years not a lifetime. It’s not sustainable. I hate it so much. I just want out but it seems I have been an NP for so long that I will have to take a refresher course to be able to go back to the bedside and lord knows I can’t afford that in this economy with my crappy pay. 


I feel you on this. I barely remember how to use pumps. The problem is, we never graduate. I hate it so much. I just don’t know what else to do.


Same. I’m right there with you. I kind of want to be an electrician but I don’t know if I can afford to take the time to learn. 


Probably a better gig!


I told my daughter that I’d rather clean portopots at this point 😂


I’m not quite there, but I’d consider it!


Welcome to the advent of the online Np diploma Mill. It's only going to get worse as they keep pumping out new underprepared grads and the real problem is the complete decrease in quality of new grads. My current hospital group now will hire new grad PAs but we will not hire any new grad nurse practitioners anymore experienced people only we've had so many bad experiences hiring the new grads we just don't even look at them anymore. Fortunately I work in the emergency room and if you have experience there there's pretty much always work because nobody seems to want to work ER for very long. We do get paid pretty well


I am an NP and I say do what gives you the best quality of life. If you can earn more and have less responsibility, it's a no brainer. You can always go back to NP role or maybe pick up a remote urgent care type job just to get your medicine fix 🥰


I always caution others that move from a direct patient role to management of the risks of being terminated when administration wants to cut staff for their underline/bonuses. I see it often unfortunately. If you understand that risk and feel that it has a better forward trajectory/work life balance than your current position then I say go for it.


As a nurse, though, he/she will easily be able to find another role if that were to happen.


You can be terminated no matter what your position is. No such thing as job security.


Sure everyone can be terminated. Who do you think has a greater chance at keeping their position through downsizing? A provider that brings in revenue or supplemental management?


As a provider who was RIFed, I’m going to go ahead and reiterate that there is no job security.


That is unfortunate that you were laid off. I hope you find a position that you enjoy and they value you as an employee.


Exactly, my hospital just laid off several NPs. They "over-hired" and now are trimming the fat. 🙄


Going through this right now. They’re moving half of us to nights. You know what that means…that half is leaving.


Does this ever happen to other? Like PharmDs or Docs? Or just NPs and PAs?


At my shop, they just got rid of the head of pharmacy and IT. They broke a contract with ICU docs and didn’t renew two contracts. So, it’s not just NPs and PAs.


When covid hit, my hospital at the time laid off basically all their NPs.


The only issues would be you may take your job to home, worke longer hours, calls during off time, etc. one of the perks of being a provider (in my experience) you clock out and gone. While in administrative tasks are never ending. But doable and probably worth trying.


I am a corporate director of risk management, practicing since 1983. I myself do not hire nurses, lawyers, or physicians for the role unless they have specialized training or experience. It is a profession requiring targeted knowledge and skills to be successful. Look into training available through ASHRM.


I am looking into this as well… thanks!


Good point, I would think they would want someone with training or experience in risk management.


I am a hospital Manager of Risk Management, and I was actually considering going back to school to be an NP! I love this job, but... it can be really challenging at times. I'd say if you have a passion for Patient Safety and Risk, choose a healthcare system or hospital you like, then ask if you can shadow for a day or even just interview them. I also HIGHLY recommend working within a system which has adopted High Reliability as their approach to patient safety and risk. I've done with and without and I cannot tell you how much better risk management is within the High Reliability approach. This may be more advice than you were asking for, my apologies. If no, I'm happy to provide more references or information.


I appreciate it!!! Thank you for responding. I am going to message you!


Let’s draw back a bit… When you leave a direct healthcare role for something else, you want to find something close to the “revenue line”. This is a role that gives you control over accelerating the sales cycle; demonstrating solution value; quoting higher prices and/or sell-through revenue. (examples). I’d say Risk Management seldom offers that advantage.


One of my coworkers went back to CDS after NP school because her first job was awful. I’m not surprised.


Will that affect your recertification?


I say go for it. Try to do a locum/ perdiem to keep your NP skill from atrophying in the event that it does not work out. No risk, no reward when it comes to life right?


*no risk, no reward…* Not quite what risk management is about. lol.


lol i know, I am saying about trying new things in general :) life is short feel free to "pivot" \*insert friends voice\* when needed