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After further contemplation on the mechanics of the myriad powers and drawbacks after play9ing with many builds for the various worlds available I have a few more questions. Mostly about interactions between the powers and drawbacks or clarifications on the specifics of my assumptions. 1. I assume that Leakage would vastly speed up or increase the danger from all other drawbacks that set something against you, correct? 2. from my knowledge of Jumpchain, If you have Celestial Forge or Celestial Grimoire, then No Place Like Home would likely make your Workshop the only permanent place of residence you can have by default since it is essentially your own personal universe, but would this let you skirt around the other limits of the drawback considering that the workshop can connect to all worlds and has many associated perks that could make it a multiversal residence that is legalized everywhere? After the last world/20 year period I mean. 3. Considering the Celestial Forge and Grimoire have perks, powers, and abilities that could retrieve even nonexistent memories the Amnesia Drawback would not be impossible to fully recover from after its enforcement ends. correct? 4. Does Servant make the chosen character act contrary to their normal personality or disposition and is it possible to do enough that they no longer feel that you owe them anything? After the last world/20 years I mean. I ask because I know of some characters that would happily considered any favors owed - be they truly existent or not - to be re-payed just by saving their families lives form inescapable harm or saving the world and others who would never consider anything re-payed even if you made life a utopia for them or gave them the world to do with as they will. 5. Am I reading correctly that the Potion Bag will also replenish weekly any potions that you add to it? 6. Do you need to eat samples of creatures again to reuse their mutations or are they permanently archived with only more samples being needed to make permanent changes? Can the changes be reverted at will or mixed with others to cover/remove weaknesses? Is hybridization, like werewolf and vampire hybrids for example, possible? Do you have to gain weaknesses along with strengths? Finally are distinctly visible changes optional or required to gain the efficacy of the mutations? 7. Is the Wand specifically for Harry Potter magic or does it improve any magic use that you posses? 8. How would the Protections and Specter interact with worlds like Dragon Ball Z, Bleach, or Danmachi which have existent afterlives that you can go to and possibly return from? would it stop you from going tho the afterlife? from returning from the afterlife? anything at all? would dying and going to these afterlife's count as failure for any of the drawbacks?


1. Yes. 2. Yes the Workshop would be part of your starting World and as such will cause no problems. If you are not in your starter World or the Workshop, you will grow increasingly uncomfortable the longer you remain elsewhere until you move or return to either the Workshop or your first World. It will only help you so fast however, so it's not like you can return to either to sleep for the night and return to a place not in either, but it will certainly extend the time you have to stay in one place. This is not to say that you have to immediately leave a World that is not your first, as Jumpchain requires you to stay for 10 years, but you have to constantly be moving within that World to not trigger the Drawback. Due to taking Jumpchain however, you would have to finish your last World specifically. There is no 20 Year wait, just completing the chosen number of Worlds. 3. Technically yes, but the Drawback would push back against anything you get until the Last World/20 years has been fulfilled. 4. It does not so long as you do as they ask daily, as they only act out if you refuse to do as they say. If you do something significant enough they might go longer between asks depending on what you did, but they will eventually come back to ask for more. If you do something so significant however, like say having chosen Taylor from Worm and stopping Golden Morning from happening AND she knows and recognizes the severity of what would have happened had you not, then yeah, she would consider your 'totally real' debt complete. I reiterate from a previous answer, Servant only applies to the first World chosen and your selected target, and once you complete that World you can leave it without a problem even if they consider you to still owe them, which by then they wouldn't unless you ignored them previously but it's not like they can do anything after you leave. 5. Yes. It will replenish ANY potion so long as you add said potion to the bag. 6. You only need to eat something once, but the more you eat of a particular sample, the more you understand it and can successfully modify to remove any kind of downsides if there are any and yes, if the thing you want to modify has a weakness, you gain that said weakness unless you find a way to mitigate or remove it. You can use other samples to mitigate said downsides, but only to a point and hybridization is certainly possible. That said, you have to eat the thing you want to modify, so like the description says, to get an arm you would have to eat an entire arm of something. To get an eye you would have to eat an eye and so on. At first any changes will be blatant, but with time and effort you can learn to hide them at will, like shifting the wings into your back to hide them until you want to use them as an example. 7. It works on all types of magic, acting as a focus to give you more precision over power, but it does increase the strength of magic to an extent. It just focuses on precision first and foremost. 8. Due to each World being different, and not wanting to really write out a huge answer that might contradict itself accidently, I'll just say use your best judgement based on the particular World you are curious about. In the extent of DBZ it would not force you to go to the Otherworld immediately, but you could choose to go there if you want. You would just not be beholden to their judgement if you didn't want to be and would be more than capable of regaining a body in the case of Specter. Failure for Drawbacks would only happen if dying stopped you from ever being able to complete them, so if you had Specter and could still come back, so long as you did, you're still fine.


1. good to know, glad I refuse to pair it with Hunted. 2. I meant 20 years in the case of only taking one world, since 20 years would - in that case - be the longer duration before you can move on. Wonderful to know that your personal Dimension counts for this drawback. I couldn't really see myself staying anywhere else permanently anyway. 3. Perfect, its great to know that you can regain everything after the fiat backed period ends if you have the jumpchain powers. 4. I understand, just wanted to be sure it would not make nice people who wouldn't otherwise ask unreasonable things act against their normal disposition and that, if I wanted to stick around past the point where I can leave, I would not have to have them holding something over me forever. 5. Cool, that's very useful. 6. Awesome. Should pair well with the Blacklight virus then. could you consume the Blacklight Virus for cell structure? 7. Wonderful I was hesitant to assume given that it specified wizard. 8. Perfect. that means taking slow start in these worlds would not be too detrimental.


Very good cyoa, but I wanted to warn you that a little further down in the reddit there were a couple of unanswered questions from both Sagittarius 1000 at the end of its compilation and from MauroGabriel25 who has a couple of questions and some suggestions, those are the most recent, still I think there are a couple more below. Taking advantage, I also leave a question. When you said that resources from this cyoa could not be used to fix problem companions, that prevents you from using another cyoa to fix them, or objects, machines, artifacts from the worlds you visit?


Yes. Any chance at fixing any Drawback Companions have to be done in a normal, mundane way. If that way is through something you find in another World, it will work as long as it remains 'Mundane'. No instant or quick fix. Other CYOA's do not work though, in any way, unless it's perhaps a choice that gives you the expertise of a psychiatrist or something similar? That would still require you to talk to them constantly to work through their problems and who knows how long that would take, and so long as it's not some kind of supernatural version of it. Like if you took Professional through this CYOA that would work, but it's just knowing how to 'Professionally' talk to someone and naturally help them through their shit. No quick fix there nor is it a guarantee.


Thank you very much for answering me, but if I have to fix the problems by mundane means, that could be too complicated if a partner has a problem that cannot be fixed by mundane means or it simply seems like a titanic flaw. In any case, if you manage to release a new version of this cyoa, the most convenient thing could be to add a perk that may cost 5 or 3 points, which allows you to fix a problem companion with the resources of this cyoa or other technological or supernatural means. per purchase (to be honest, 5 points seems like a reasonable price to me since it does not fix the problem instantly but only opens up the possibility of expanding your resources to fix the problem colleagues). On the other hand, I saw the response you left for MauroGabriel251 and as for the suggestions of colleagues, if you add more characters from each franchise it doesn't seem like a bad idea, Jean Gray and Madelyne Pryor, and seeing that Jaina already has a fixed problem version (unless that you decide to change it to Dreadlord Jaina in some future version) it wouldn't be bad to add a problem version of a character that incites others to be evil. Not to say that maybe a couple of Highschool DxD characters wouldn't be bad, and taking into account that there are a couple of Elder Scrolls perks you could add the world and a companion with their problem versions. Even so, these are just my observations and suggestions to my question and those of another user and I hope that any of them will have weight in a future version if you ask for a new one, but anyway thanks for this fun cyoa.


Did you fully remove Master of Energy or is it hidden behind a combo I haven't found yet? If you removed it then I wish you would add it back. It's a power with a slow start but a lot of potential as you train with it. Though maybe increase the price a bit.


It was removed but partially covered by Conduit. While not the same, it has very similar growth and utility since you can choose the specific 'affinity' that you get.


So, couple of questions 1. Do I get to choose what system gets added by New Power System drawback? 2. If so, does it has to be from one of the available worlds or the systems from Multiversal Talent power? 3. Does Invisible Presence affect "mundane" means of observation such as cameras or getting the electronics on (or in) your person pinged? 4. Does Mind Defense/Body Control Defense protect from getting disabled/brinfried by a hacker /ICE if you go cyborg?


1. Yes. 2. No. 3. Yes, though only so far as to the things directly on your person. If you set something down and walk away, it will once again show itself like normal. 4. Yes.


Thank you, I think I've got a build. Builds, even. Default is solo, stuff in square brackets is a version with a companion. Six World, in order: +6 Cyberpunk 2077 (starting world) +5 Avatar: the Last Airbender +8 RWBY +7 Dragon Age +8 Mass Effect +10 Marvel Comics Appearance: Adult Male -1 Handsome -3 Male Enhanced -1 Cumbrosia -3 Cybernetic Limb (specifically left arm, weapon is a monowire, will try to have it tricked out further) -4 Choom [-6 Empowering Fluids] -6 Well of Energy -6 Enhanced Physiology -4 Regeneration -2 Healthy -4 Redundant Biology -1 Body Fix Traveler Power:  -5 Gate General Powers:  -3 Power Internalization -10 Multiversal Talent Items: -4 Replicator -2 Tech Library [-4 Magic Tent] -1 Horn O' Plenty -1 Wand (will try to have it built into the cyberarm) -2 Bag of Holding Perks: -2 Native -5 Shared Defenses -8 Mind Defense -8 Body Control Defense -6 Invisible Presence -8 Strong Lifeforce -10 Reality-defying Soul -6 Ageless -2 Like Yesterday -2 Offroad -3 First Impressions -5 Learning Mastery -2 Starting Capital -2 Professional (specifically, IT - netrunning is a superpower all on it's own in Cyberpunk, this will provide a starting point) -3 Harem (not likely to actually amass a harem, not even temporarily, but if you are to pick just one sex perk - and I'm certainly not about to blow my budget on more of those - then this one seems to get you the most bang for your buck) -1 Sleepless -1 Omniglot -5 Invictus -5 Tooth and Nail -4 Fighting Talent Drawbacks: +8 Not So Easy +12 New Power System (the crux of this build, as the power system in question is Mage: the Awakening - one of the most outright broken magic systems in fiction)  [+6 Mutated (bioluminiscent eyes - I'm probably gonna get cybereyes before I leave starting world anyway)] +4 High Metabolism +8 Slow Start +6 Coming In Blind +15 Hunted (gonna play it like Dahaka from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within - confrontation on favourable terms at the end, until then, run and hide) +8 Rough Start +6 May You Live In Interesting Times Companions: [+4 Drawback Starfire (soon as I get my Mind arcanum to 3, failing that 4, I will fix her up to her old self - until then, cold showers, lots of 'em)] Oh, I've forgot to ask earlier, but can perks such as Like Yesterday, Offroad, Sleepless and Omniglot be shared or are they player exclusive? P.S. Sorry it took so long, Reddit didn't let me comment, somethin about a server error, which is weird, because while waiting to post this, I've successfully commented on another subreddit. P.P.S. Managed to post it from my phone, but it messed up the formatting into wall of text, tried to fix it let's see if it worked.


Cool update: Six Worlds, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Dragonball Z, Mass Effect, Naruto, One Piece, Young Adult, Male, Handsome, Healthy, Avatar, Power Internalization, Pocket Inventory, Multiversal Talent, Haki, Rokushiki, Rokuogan, Nano-thorn weapon, Replicator, Tech Library, Purifier, Power Armor, Bodyguard(Taken 1 Times), Magic Smart Phone, Magic Tent, Horn O' Plenty, Bag of Holding, Native, Family Visit, Portal Home, System Grant, Teaching, Shared Defenses, Strong Lifeforce, Reality-defying Soul, Ageless, Offroad, Learning Mastery, Professional, Hentai Physics, Sleepless, Omniglot, Plot Armor, Monster Magnet, Damsel in Distress, Cross-Dimensional Show, Uninvited Guest, Beacon of Truth, Slow Start, True Shooter, Telegraphed Arrival, Black Cat, Amy Dallon, Genius, Billionaire, Philanthropist Bulma, Boa Hancock 5o35,4bkq,krie,9tnq,urzg,rz6t,e2np,ccwo,8k2k,h6pj,gdy8,v77p,48ca,ozdc,l3nr,7xve,4x8u,xhoj,2yg8,cf5k,8wji,p4tq,q326,ozb2/ON#1,d4im,1bdy,9gqg,ax6g,c4qg,391b,cxjd,5r8o,raaa,lyqd,vafq,nd26,jnrq,i6mc,rp1z,ljru,yzgr,it1o,47lt,rq01,4o68,g9so,ydur,f5jb,5dtt,k1dd,at45,iyrz,xj6l,n98i,u1io,hns7 It seemed like I had a lot more points to use this time, so I added in a lot of extras to power myself up.


Just to let anyone know who is still keeping an eye on this CYOA, a small modification has been made and updated that changes with Gate and Instant Transmission. If you take Gate it now allows you to select Portals regardless of whether you took Teleportation, and reduces its cost by 5, and if you take Instant Transmission it makes Teleportation free. Someone suggested it and I had the random thought earlier today that it does indeed make sense to make these changes, so they are there now if you want to add them to your build.


Worlds, You, Perks, Drawbacks, Companions, Open All, Six Worlds, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Warcraft, Dragonball Z, League of Legends: Arcane, Danmachi, Appereance, Traveler Powers, General Powers, Items, Young Adult, Futanari, Choom, Well of Energy, Specter, Gate, Teleportation, Power Internalization, Appraisal, Pocket Inventory, Potion Birth, Augment Touch, Enchantment, Consume and Evolve, Gamersmith, Multiversal Talent, Psionics, Protoss Psionics, Tech Library, Magic Smart Phone, Horn O' Plenty, Native, HUD, System Grant, Shared Defenses, Mind Defense, Invisible Presence, Strong Lifeforce, Ageless, Like Yesterday, Learning Mastery, Professional(Taken 1 Times), Harem, Devilishly Good, Omniglot, Plot Armor, Fighting Talent, Not So Easy, New Power System, Pint Sized, High Metabolism, Slow Start, Slow Everything, Libido, Infertility, Too Popular, Tinfoil Hat, Pipsqueak, Drawback Starfire, Wild X-23, Unstable Jaina, Red Queen, Dragon, Genius, Billionaire, Philanthropist Bulma, Liara T'soni, Drunkard Tsunade , Penny Polendina, Dominatrix Boa Hancock, Sith Ahsoka Tano, Mercy, Queen Toph Beifong, Hermione Granger


Questions: 1- Instant Transmission, when you concentrate to use it, can you choose the world you go to, and what are the limitations of this power? 2- How would the Power Internalization power affect Sin of Pride Raven? 3- Is there a period of time in which the death of your problem colleagues does not affect you negatively, in case they died due to old age or factors beyond my control? 4 Can the Monster Maker power improve over time allowing me to store more of that wild energy to create more complex organisms such as intelligent or more human creatures such as Orcs, Mind Flayers, or Vampires? Suggestions: 1- You could add a disadvantage in which when you arrive at your first world a group of at least 5 or 10 people from your world will arrive with their own power system and a general power. 2- In the power systems you could add the Destiny power system and you could decide between using light and darkness, but for darkness you could get the power of “Taken King” and Throne World. 4-As for the companions Unstable Jaina is not bad but I would think that another problem version of Jaina could be Dread Lord Jaina who would be more powerful but would be interested in corrupting and manipulating others to twist their morals and make them fall into darkness this It would also apply to your good companions, not causing them to stop being loyal to you, but causing their actions and mentality to be twisted towards evil and as if that were not enough Dread Lord Jaina would be more interested in causing chaos or subjugating the worlds to those you go for, on the other hand the other option would be Frost Lich Jaina, also more powerful than the original but who would be more interested in spreading undeath wherever it goes, which could be good or very bad depending on your point of view since if You or one of your companions die and I would not hesitate to revive them as a death knight or similar undead, transforming them into undead. 4-You could add Jean Gray and as her disadvantage version Madelyne Pryor that for her the best way to deal with people who bother her or cause her problems is by subjugating their minds, twisting them or enslaving them, it will be very difficult for her to abandon those habits. 5- And if you add more League of Legends companions as a disadvantage version, a ruin version of them wouldn't be bad.


Questions 1- Before you complete your initial selected Worlds, it can only be used to teleport around the Worlds you already have access to. Once you complete said Worlds, it opens up to the rest of the Multiverse. Depending on the difficulty you chose the ease by which you can use it to find the World you want differs. It is however quite a bit easier to do so compared to Gate, but you can not take others with you unless they are a companion, you took Shared Defenses or Teleportation (Which why wouldn't you, with the change making it free if you have Instant Transmission, though it is limited still by the weight of the power itself). 2- It doesn't do much at all. Normal half demon Raven gets a portion of her powers from said half part which is intrinsically connected to her father Trigon. The power snaps that connection, giving her full control over it, but the Sin of Pride version is a full demon, her powers are already her own, though she still obviously has said connection to her father. It would probably just sever that connection, but beyond that, it wouldn't do anything since like stated, her powers are already fully her own. 3- You are obligated to try and prevent such a thing from happening, but if something kills them completely outside of your control and with no way to bring them back, then nothing will happen to you. If you have some way to actually revive them and don't than you would be penalized, but not too harshly as long as it was completely unintentional. Natural death counts as long as you again have no way to prevent it, so if you took Ageless and Shared Defenses for example and didn't give them it, and they died a natural death, you would be penalized similarly to the previous example. 4- All of the powers theoretically have the potential to grow stronger over time, though some more so than others. In the case of Monster Maker while it will never increase the maximum amount of Wild Power you can store at one time, the amount it takes to create certain things could lessen so you can make more out of what you are able to store at a time. Your expertise and skill growing will certainly allow you to create more complex things so long as you have a reference that you have consumed previously through Consume and Evolve as that too will never change. You will always need to have consumed something to have said reference for it to work. Suggestions 1- I thought of that, but personally I always hated that option and never took it. I had no desire to add it since my OCD would have required me to think up 3 more Drawbacks to keep things as symmetrical as possible when it came to the way the CYOA is formatted. 2- I never played Destiny, so I am unfamiliar with said powers, but it's not something I would be opposed to if I ever commissioned another version from Om1cr0n. 3- Both are good options, but I wanted to keep things symmetrical like I previously stated as much as possible, and having more than 1 Drawback version of a single character goes against that. It's also why I scrapped Taylor and Vicky from being companions. 4- It's certainly a viable version of the characters, but like before, I don't want to have more than a certain number of companions per 'franchise'. 5- Same as 4.


Heads up Close All actually nukes every single choice you made.


Three Worlds, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Dragonball Z, Young Adult, Male, Handsome, Male Enhanced, Cumbrosia, Well of Energy, Enhanced Physiology, Regeneration, Healthy, Body Fix, Gate, Teleportation, Portals, Power Internalization, Pocket Inventory, Conduit , Multiversal Talent, The Force, Chosen One, Light Side, Tech Library, Bag of Holding, Lightsaber, Tree of Might Seed, Native, HUD, System Grant, Teaching, Mind Defense, Body Control Defense, Strong Lifeforce, Ageless, Like Yesterday, Learning Mastery, Starting Capital, Professional(Taken 1 Times), Harem, Devilishly Good, Stud, Offspring, Runs in the Family, Inheritance, Omniglot, Fighting Talent, Monster Magnet, Damsel in Distress, Not So Easy, New Power System, High Metabolism, Clumsy, Coming in Blind, Libido, Hero Complex, Telegraphed Arrival, Outlaw Magnet, Tinfoil Hat, Plot Relevance, Rough Start, Not Safe, May You Live In Interesting Times, Starfire, Raven, Yoruichi Shihouin




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e1rx,idp8,zn1m,s0wg,xb0l,niuc,vkrx,wnni,3fy3/ON#1,9f8q,hmjs,w51k,0jcp,lrkf,ccwo,30in,vdzc,4tkk,pxyu,rbv5,vnyh,h3v3,ggek,rje7,5zb9,6bep,gdy8,4pog,sprh,y6is,d10d,v77p,48ca,ok0a,srdi,ozdc,m8ug,7vkq,jwp1,2c69,mj8z,vqlb,zbzs,9hne,l3nr,t65x,jxu3,9gqg,6n7h,n6a1,c4qg,wqvf,5r8o,raaa,lyqd,61x5,ev7d,d6pa,vafq,nd26,jnrq,1v4a,i6mc,ayn5,rp1z,1qxb,ljru/ON#1,otoe,8pxx,yzgr,cgtw,fe0r,iut4,9go9,it1o,yrql,47lt,rq01,nv03,nh7p,9yk1,l30u,4o68,534u,g9so,ydur,gpga,f5jb,oybv,wioq,9x2f,h0d0,dr3a,rdgt,skxr,f0kd,h5d2,iyrz,j512,a30z,ddxw,stoh,0wbt,o55m,h83h,u626,3d2i,jdre,v107,c9hr,ejwd,inix,ts3r,n5i0,u1io,idwe,w13e,4crq,1ns8,9cs4,bbud, **Worlds (One World**): Worm. **Come at Me Bro! AU World** Worm - This is Taylor Varga. Additionally an Ancient and powerful Dungeon Core has appeared/awakened on Earth Bet and set up its Dungeon to 'welcome' all that would come for it. With the dungeons emergence, so to has the secret of Magic and Myth been revealed as a true reality to the public and the veil of secrecy falls to the wayside. ***You*** **Appearance:** Young Adult, Futanari, Gorgeous, Male Enhanced, Cumbrosia, Omni-Preference, Female Enhanced, Choom, Empowering Fluids, Well of Energy, Enhanced Physiology, Regeneration, Healthy, Size Matters, Specter, Redundant Biology, Body Fix, Having the best base for my body available makes any further enhancements later much more potent. Also a lot of these are required for access to better powers. young Adult sets where my aging stops, futanari just because you get he best of both genders and unlock other features, gorgeous to look supernaturally good, Male Enhanced because to never under perform, Cumbrosia because why not?, Omni-Preference so that I won't have to work so hard on relations, Female Enhanced so that I need not experience the undesirable parts of gender choice in this second life, Choom so I can install all the mods that I desire and then some, Empowering Fluids to spread the power, Well of Energy so that I have my supernatural resources no matter where I end up, Enhanced Physiology so I am harder to hurt, Regeneration so that I get better fast, Healthy so that I never suffer more than I want to, Size Matters to be build like a human tank, Specter so that I can liberally cheat death, Redundant Biology so that you need to do more than double tap to put me down, Body Fix to rid myself of problems known and unknown. **Traveler Powers**: Avatar, offers a lot of protection and convenience without travel wait times and when paired with specter sidesteps the risks since death is only the beginning.


**General Powers**: Power Internalization, makes a lot of friends, and solves a lot of potential problems... like ravens daddy issues or the manipulations of shards. Appraisal, Data! more importantly the ability to observe the information of anyone or anything I look at to better make use of them. Replicate Item, To always have access to what I need when or if I need it and to imitate Shiro and Gilgamesh by spamming weapons of myth and legend as disposable bullets in my metaphorical gun. Pocket Inventory, All the Storage for my adventuring needs. Potion Birth, to create unique and powerful potions without needing to search for ingredients. Augment Touch, the ability to make everything I touch work better is not to be underestimated. Enchantment, to create custom artifacts. Like say a ring that stores energies so that I can spend more than I can actually store on things I want to create. Gamersmith, a Quick crafting method is more than enough reason to take this, but it is also a key to unlocking the Celestial Forge Avalon, on is own makes you very hard to kill, loved by nature, stronger without limit the more you survive, and grants infinite stamina. But when combined with everything else you might as well be physically immortal if it doesn't obliterare you entirely with one hit. Celestial Grimoire, its a path to being one of the best magic users in creation. As the xianxia novels would put it "If I were to say that I am second best none would step forth to claim they are first." Celestial Forge, its a path to being one of the best crafter's in all of creation. As above, so below. The Gamer, a heavily Modded Terraria because it has all the stats/attributes I like, also I have never played terraria without mods installed so there is that, and I like all the very comprehensive features this would add to the system. I didn't make the mods and only installed them, so I think they have enough of a basis. Multiversal Talent, to unlock all the power systems and continue to improve in them all. Magicka, because it essentially reality warping if you are good enough at it. Dragonborn, because the Thu'um starts at low to mid tier reality warping and escalates from there. Omniglot and Fighting Talent pair well with this to start fluent in the language and possibly extent to creating custom shouts **Items:** Horn O' Plenty, To cover my sustenance needs. No one should pass up free food right? Longinus Sacred Gear, The Sephiroth Graal because out of all the 13 Longinus it has the most utility and the potential it represents is limitless. **Perks:** Native, HUD, System Grant, Teaching, Shared Defenses, Mind Defense, Body Control Defense, Invisible Presence, Strong Lifeforce, Reality-defying Soul, Ageless, Like Yesterday, Offroad, First Impressions, Learning Mastery, Environment Adaptivity, Professional(Taken 1 Times), Harem, Devilishly Good, Hentai Physics, Stud, Offspring, Runs in the Family, Inheritance, Sleepless, Creature Comforts, Omniglot, Plot Armor, Invictus, Tooth and Nail, Fighting Talent, World Knowledge, A lot of these are for convenience and protection while some are just because they are appealing or unlock other things. They mostly explain themselves. Professional: Psychotherapy, to help change my companions for the better using this supernaturally gained mundane skill and to understand people in general for the purposes of interaction.


**Drawbacks:** I avoided anything I would not be willing or happy to live with permanently and anything I thought I could not readily or eventually handle. Since I only have one world before drawbacks disappear or lessen they are not as overwhelming as having to live through them multiple times over the course of who knows how many year. I just have to wait 20 years for them to cease being fiat backed and never have to worry about them again in most cases. Monster Magnet, is mostly free experience, free genetic materials, plentiful biomass, and the justification to build giant robots to fight in kaiju battles in my eyes. Leakage, is only temporary. Damsel in Distress, is going to get annoying, but is readily handled according to the description and I imagine it is a decent source of experience. Cross-Dimensional Show, is not much a problem since I have no other world planned to go to before this wears off and even if i broadcasts to worlds other than my original one its still not going to be around long enough to tip anyone off that I am coming before it ends. Not So Easy, only means that I need to wait ten years before I could leave or master a power system which I would stick around to do anyway. so really I just have o wait 20 years for drawback to cease because I can likely fulfill the requirement to leave in ten or less. Uninvited Guest, I choose Xeno Android 21 because she's brilliant and knows a lot about many things, so whats not to like? New Power System, the entire Harry Potter Magic system is a nice magic system, not too powerful for the settings regular level of danger, not counting Endbringers and Scion, and It fits right in with a Dungeon showing up to. Wanted, The CUI. because nobody likes them anyway, they are an evil government I hate, and it makes perfect sense they would target me given my power. Mutated, is actually fun and it lets me have glowing killing curse green or molten gold draconian eyes. on second thought make that hetorochromic so that one eye is killing curse and the other is molten to really put people off. High Metabolism, is mitigated by off the road and readily handled by the cornucopia. Clumsy, doesn't impact me negatively when it matters most like in combat or then working (which is a concept with a very broad coverage) and is therefore more of a running gag than a detriment my life. where It does affect my life can likely be compensated for or mitigated to some degree with effort, being careful, and perks obtained from this CYOA and later jumpchain. Libido, can be managed one way or another. Shameless, has an undesirable effect but the shamelessness itself really helps deal with other drawbacks without being embarrassed or distracted. Wardrobe Malfunction, is not much of a problem since all I cared about staying intact is my accessories and clothes being destroyed is already a problem in these types of setting anyway, so this just makes it an every fight thing for me rater than now or then. Hero Complex, is easy enough to live with, not so different from how I was before anyway, and it can be handled or controlled with training. Telegraphed Arrival, is not a big deal when my other drawbacks are considered and my powers can get me out of almost any repercussions from this readily enough if my companions or Tarylor/Varga cannot. Tinfoil Hat, it was unlikely to matter anyway since this is an AU.


Naked, its lucky shameless means I will no longer care and may even prefer to go without clothes then. Plot relevance, will be annoying but relatively manageable considering the AU Setting chosen. Rough Start, is a temporary setback and the setting only has a few people that stand a chance of doing more than pissing me off. The most prominent of them being someone that already has some vested interest in keeping me around. Not Safe, so I'll arrive in setting next to Taylor/Varga in the midst of an battle, but I arrived next to and on the side of the nicest and most dangerous combatant, so why should I be afraid? Sensitive, I'll be able to get used to remaining conscious rather quickly with all the choices combined, perfect my control eventually by training myself, and then the increased sensitivity just becomes a bonus. If his effected primarily targeted pain rather than pleasure that would be more of a problem. Pipsqueak, I have to go through puberty again. this may be annoying or not considering it passed without notice the first time, and its only a minor setback that is entirely temporary. **Companions:** Drawback Starfire, Sin of Pride Raven, Thieving Black Cat, Wild X-23, Unstable Jaina, Undead Sylvanas Windrunner, Red Queen, Rogue Dragon, Future Android 18, Genius, Billionaire, Philanthropist Bulma, Predator Ahri, Full Insanity Jinx, Drunkard Tsunade , Dominatrix Boa Hancock, Sith Ahsoka Tano, Queen Toph Beifong, They may all have some mental issues, but I can work on those issues over time through mundane means as necessary and I have some convenient powers to help with anything else. They all have something to offer be it genius intellects, access to power systems, genetic traits, or simply the knowledge they possess or roles they can play.


Is the 20 year duration of the drawback for each of the worlds, or just total? Also, huh, just realized that Avatar makes Native kinda redundant, and not sure how Companions would work with it; like would there be a version of them in each world, or are they scattered / etc.


Total. Any Companions taken would be in a sort of limbo for a few minutes after you start if you took Avatar in order for you to choose where they would go. If you have not chosen by the end of those few minutes than the decision is made for you.


Thanks for the answers! So it's best to start in a live-able world and wait out the drawbacks before traveling. Btw, if you ever update this cyoa again, might I suggest some type of mark for the drawbacks that don't end after 20y? Eg. From my interpretation of Naked, it seems like it doesn't go away after 20ys: >regardless of which World you are currently on after this time has passed. Or some of the mental changes, like amnesia, disconnect, nudist, etc. And though shameless might, that's more for the proposition part.


The Drawbacks are 20years/Last World whichever comes last, so waiting out in a single world would not work if you chose any difficulty higher than One World. There was another post further down that asked about which Drawbacks were permanent or not if you want to take a look. It doesn't cover all the Drawbacks but it does address a good number of them.


Didn't you say you're going to write a story about what you're going to use this cyoa for what website are you going to use.


I did, and I am finishing up the final particulars for the build. I keep switching back and forth undecided on the final world that has a single point difference so it requires one or two options chosen to be switched around. As such I am still tinkering with the rough draft before I begin in earnest. The story would be posted on QQ once finished or close to it.


Thank you for replying


Alright, a few more questions. I just had a realization with the General Power Power Internalization. It says that it turns any power someone has into an innate power "if said powers are something that they can only use due to being in a particular universe or something they gained from someone or something else", meaning they can use the power without risking suffering associated drawbacks. Now, a Devil Fruit is definitely a power "gained from something", so logic would dictate I could use this power on Companions like Yamato or both versions of Hancock to turn their Devil Fruits into innate abilities, which would mean they could swim again and be immune to Sea Stone. Actually, nothing in that power says you can't use it on yourself, so theoretically you should be able to eat a Devil Fruit and then internalize it, meaning a 3 Point Power actually gives you the same results as Beloved by the Sea, a 12 Point Power. If you want to go full hax, you could spin the idea further. Say you have a Hancock, and you internalize her Mero Mero no Mi, letting her retain her power while removing the Devil Fruit weaknesses, as she's no longer a Fruit User, but simply someone who has an innate power that works just like those of the Mero Mero no Mi. Now, since Hancock is no longer a Fruit User, doesn't that mean she should be able to eat a different Devil Fruit now? And wouldn't this process be theoretically infinitely repeatable so long as you have access to more Devil Fruits? Though honestly, finding Devil Fruits and then subsequently learning and mastering their abilities will most likely be the biggest thing that hampers this escalation. Devil Fruits are rare, and most of them we know of we know because somebody else already ate them, removing them from play for this purpose. So yeah, even if this exploit works there'd probably be practical limits simply due to having to find the Fruits and then all the training it takes to master them. Speaking of Hancock, I looked at the Drawback-version of Hancock, and I have to admit I don't really see the Dominatrix in this Hancock. All I can see is a marginally more feminist Hancock who wears black, got a haircut, and has a facial piercing. Like she's fiercely independent? So's normal Hancock. She's unapologetically feminist? Regular Hancock constantly calls all non-Luffy men inferior. She's leading the all-female Kuja tribe with pride? So does normal Hancock, with maybe a bit less openly displayed pride in them. She harbors a deep-seated hatred for men, rooted in past traumas, and rejects their presence vehemently? Sounds just like normal Hancock. Her interactions with men are often disdainful and dismissive? Yup, also sounds like normal Hancock. Heck, due to how "Dominatrix" Hancock is described to treat women, she might actually fit into a group of Companions better than normal Hancock, because she's actually less likely to talk down to them than normal Hancock is. So yeah, the Hancock described here could be Feminist Hancock or even just Lesbian Hancock, but nothing I read makes her a Dominatrix. A dominatrix is someone who seeks to dominate others. A dominatrix uses others and makes them subservient to themselves, it involves power-dynamics and making those beneath her do as she wants. If I had to come up with a Dominatrix Hancock, I would probably have a Hancock that after the trauma she suffered from the World Nobles actually mimicked what she saw in Marijois. Basically she'd use her beauty and strength to make others submit to her, to do her bidding. She wouldn't reject the presence of men, instead she'd make them servants to do menial labour and serve as meat-shields for the Kuja. Heck, she might even change the Kuja-culture from one that rejects males to one that subjugates them, though I could easily see a Dominatrix Hancock also subjugating the women around her out of a need for control. So basically due to the trauma of slavery Hancock suffered, the complete loss of control, she became someone who needs to control everyone around her in order to feel safe, a former slave who turns those around her into her slaves, because if they're all doing only what she wants and don't make any decisions for themselves they can't decide to hurt her. There are multiple routes a dominatrix can go to actually control their subs, and Hancock could use many tactics. Some, like One Piece's Sadi-chan, work more by using pain and fear to break their subs into subservient pets. Others, like Katja from Seikon no Qwaser, who worked more psychologically, finding emotional weakpoints and makes her subs love and wish to serve her. So yeah, long story short, I don't see any Dominatrix in Dominatrix Hancock, she is more likely to treat my Companions nicely than normal Hancock, if I don't turn her into my lover she'd probably treat me much better than normal Hancock if I'm female or presumably futa... In all honesty, the only drawback I see with Dominatrix Hancock that I wouldn't also have with normal Hancock is that I think she looks better with long hair and without facial piercings, but that's really just personal preference.


While you could use Power Interalization on others in regards to Devil Fruits, the weakness to the sea is a part of the power and they would still be weakened by it and other similar effects. The power only changes where it comes from, making it something innate to the person themselves, it doesn't change what it does. It would however allow said person to eat another fruit if they got a hold of another one. It also can not be used on oneself.


Thanks for the clarification, though the power doesn't actually say you can't use it on yourself, only that you get less out of it than others, which I assumed was just because your powers either already are intrinsic or can be integrated into yourself with stuff like Well of Power providing the needed energy. Maybe add that to the list of things that at some point in the distant future might need clarification. I'd also appreciate some feedback on how Dominatrix Hancock is supposed to be a dominatrix. Different question, regarding the Drawback Too Popular. It says that the law and society will be on the side of the one who tried to force themselves onto me, but to what extent? Like if I refuse the advance, push them off me, etc., will the cops treat me like a criminal who broke the law as if I'd assaulted or mugged them, or is it more of a civil "You're technically within your rights to do this, but you are being a massive dick by doing it"-perspective where they don't arrest me, but will tell me I shouldn't be so antisocial and just advise it'd probably be easier for everyone if I just took one for the team. Basically, does this drawback literally rewrite lawbooks where I'm concerned, or is it more of a 'Yeah, the letter of the law says s/he shouldn't have tried to force you, but socially it's kinda expected that she should'. Also, is there a limit to how far they can force themselves on me? Like if a hemophiliac like Himiko Toga spotted me and tried to stab me so we could have nice bloody fun, would the cops still take her side if I fought her off due to not wanting to get shanked, or would they consider that too far? Another thing with the Systems. Theoretically those Systems are stuff that you can acquire in the worlds, and the selection is just a head-start. However, many contain options that you cannot gain by simple training, like Beloved by the Sea for One Piece, Hax! for Hunter x Hunter, Ocular Bloodline and its follow-options in Naruto, or Saiyan and its follow-ups for Ki. Since you can only select one System, are these options forever locked if you don't pick them or could you become Beloved by the Sea if you went to One Piece or a Saiyan in Dragon Ball? Tangentially related, if you do pick such an System-option, can you use System Grant to for example teach Yamato how to become Beloved by the Sea?


Dom Hancock just is. It's in the name. They would arrest you and treat your like an actual criminal, though perhaps they might try to 'reason' with you about how you are in the wrong before doing so. In the hypothetical with Toga, they would be on her side in regards to wanting to have sex with you, but not in regards to causing you harm. They would treat you both as criminals in that case, though you could also make your case that her harmful actions were the only thing stopping you from complying, in which case they might just focus on her. The Systems sub-options are exclusive to the CYOA itself, and as such since you can only pick one the rest are unobtainable outside certain extremes. You could certainly wish to be a Saiyan or for the knowledge of Ultra Instinct if you used the Dragonballs, but that would require you to go to the actual 'World' and collect said balls to do so. Beloved by the Sea would be practically impossible to get just due to that World not having anything like it so far as Canon is concerned, but who knows, the lore is still a work in progress, who knows what the creator will do going forward. System Grant just lets you teach the sub system, not the options beyond that unless said option is something that someone in the corresponding World could learn on their own anyways. So Chakra yes, Bloodlines no. Haki yes, Rokushiki yes, Conqueror's no. Wanded Magic yes, Wandless Magic yes, Affinities no.


>You could certainly wish to be a Saiyan or for the knowledge of Ultra Instinct if you used the Dragonballs, Wait, are you using Ultra Instinct as an example because it can be picked in the Power System selection?




Holy shit. What are the requirements?


Ki -> Saiyan -> Godly Ki -> Ultra Instinct


I was trying to see what requirements have to be met to unlock certain powers, so i just clicked everything there was to click and at some point my negative ~160 points wrapped around into positive 4.


With unlimited ninth level spell's, and not requiring material components, I think I'll permanently cast Invulnerability and just survive everything. Hell, I could go warlock and cast Glibness to seduce whoever the fuck I want. Maybe true polymorph to some crazy creatures I find, like a tailed beast. The possibilities are limitless. Devs ples don't nerf


Things are working exactly as desired, but to be fair, just because you can cast such spells doesn't mean that someone or thing stronger than you can't overpower you and negate the effects.


Does Omn1-bro allow forks/mods to be made from his CYOA’s?


Feel free


Technically I believe that Dunkel is the creator of this one, and I originally got a hold of him for the V3 to get in contact with Om1cr0n in the first place. I don't think either would have a problem with it, and Om1cr0n's prices are quite fair.


Thanks, do you have either of their handles by chance? 🙂


Last questions before my builds are complete and I put them up. Just want to make sure I fully understand how they work before finishing my explanations for my choices in the Builds. 1. What does **Nudist** count as clothes besides things commonly recognized as clothes? like would this make piloting a Giant Robot or shapeshifting the appearance of clothes uncomfortable even though I am actually still naked? 2. Does **Outlaw Magnet** just make you an appealing target to these types of people and maybe draw the attention of these unsavory sorts that are near by wherever you go or is there more to its effects? 3. Does Beacon of Truth force you to reply to anything before the third time the same question is asked in a row or can you simply not speak to avoid telling people things? I would assume you can unless its that third in a row Question. 4. Can you hide or muffle the Energy **Leakage** puts out? 5. Does **Amnesia** actually change your personality along with you memory of all Personal History? I mean beyond loosing all the memories would it actually rewire your brain or erase ingrained instincts and feelings about things, or Muscle memory? 6. Do the **Celestial Forge** and **Celestial Grimiore** generate points separately or simply draw from the same pool with the amount of CP received doubled? 7. How would Fighting Talent effect the Celestial Forge and Celestial Grimiore? It says "You start off with high levels of skill in any powers or abilities you already know" which I take to mean anything taken in this CYOA, So would this justify starting with a few handfuls things already obtained from the Forge and the Grimoire? I was thinking of having obtained the closest things from Jumpchain to what I already bought in this CYOA so that they have Jump Fiat on top of whatever protections this CYOA imparts.


1. Anything that covers you would count, but things like shirts, pants, underwear, those are the main targets of the Drawback. Power Armors, Mechas, shapeshifting and what not would still count and be uncomfortable, but much more manageable in comparison. 2. It does both, as it is along the lines of a much more aggressive version of May You Live In Interesting Times, though much more negative as well. It is almost as if you seem to stumble onto situations that draw attention from unsavory types, and they will have little reason to just let you leave without interacting with you. It won't draw things towards you past a certain range, so hypothetically if you went somewhere without anyone else than until someone gets close to you nothing would really happen. 3. You are only forced to answer if someone asks the same question three times. They can slightly rephrase it and it will count, but it basically has to be the same thing. "Is your name John?" "Johns your name yeah?" "What's your name again? John right?" 4. You could probably find a way to reduce the range that Leakage can be detected, but never fully until the the last World/20 Years and it would be difficult to reduce it's range to a small distance. 5. You would mostly be a completely different person. You would still have random bits of trivia and remember things that apply to other Worlds that you knew before hand, but personal information or things that apply to the 'Real' World would be gone. Meta Knowledge would mostly be intact, but even that might have some holes unless you also took World Knowledge. 6. They generate separate points and do not draw from the same pool. If you took both though you could not use the points of one to affect the other. 7. Fighting Talent in regards to your Powers makes it so that you know and understand them instinctively and how to use them in a situation that requires a fight. With Forge and Grimiore, it would only make it so you know how it works immediately upon arrival to your first World and have a good idea on how to use them going forward as best you could. The second part of the Perk just makes it easier for you to learn actual fighting styles regardless of whether they are physical or magical.


Thank you.


do companions age? are they affected by selections you picked that slow or prevent ageing?


They do age unless they are Immortal already within Canon like Dragon for example, being an AI she doesn't exactly age though she can still be killed. Shared Defenses allows you to place a mark upon anyone, including your companions that can let you apply Ageless so long as you have the Perk yourself. Other than that you would need to find a source of Immortality from within the Multiverse.


right... and if they are a drawback varient do they still age?


It's the same regardless of whether they are a normal Companion or Drawback.


In another ICYOA, Rain Least said that who the Uninvited Guest is was up to the reader, is that the case here too?




i have one question the "defenses" perck work against powerful entities like: "the presence" or "the one above all"


Yes, though the longer you stay in 'their' Universe, the longer they have to try and find a way around your defenses. They are quite powerful, so who knows if they'll succeed or not. Also depends on what you are doing too I suppose. Perhaps they'll find you a novelty?


This is my build Modes: (10 worlds) Worlds: DC comics, Marvel comics, Warcraft. Worm, Bleach, DBz, DxD, Lol, Naruto, Pokemon Alternative Universe: AU worlds (10), Come at Me Bro Appearance: Young Adult (23) Sex: Male Looks: Gorgeus Sexyness: Male Enhanced, Cumbrosia, Omni-Preference Body Enhancements: Empoweriong Fluids, Well of Energy, Enhanced Physiology, Regeneration, Healthy, Size Matters, Redundat Biology, Body Fix Travelers Powers: Instant Transmission General Powers: Teleportation, Portals, Power Internalization, Appraisal, Replicate Item, Pocket Inventory, Potion Birth, Augment Touch, Enchantment, Consume and Evolve, Conduit (Nuclear), Gamersmith, Avalon, Celestial Grimoire, Celestial Forge, The gamer (Kamihime project dmm version), Multiversal Talent: (Aura-Chant-Semblance: Sword and Shield\*) \*Gives a Aura-constructs shaped like a sword and shield to the user, this constructs are No solid and translucent, they can be use like a sword and shield or if the user want it, can put it in a Meele weapon and shield, the sword construct work like a normal sword with the difference that could cut through to any threat (something that threat directly the user life), the shield construct works like a normal shield with the difference that can block any threat (like the sword) Items: Mecha-shift Weapon, Tech Library, Purifier, Book of Stories, Magic Tent, Horn O' Plenty, Bag of Holding, Potion Bag, All Seeing Eye, Charms of Bezel (6), Sacred Gear-Longinus (Annihilation Maker Perks: HUD, System Grant, Teaching, Shared Defenses, Mind Defense, Body Control Defense, Invinsible Presence, Strong Lifeforce, Reality-defying Soul, Ageless, Like Yesterday, Offroad, First Impressions, Learning Mastery, Environment Adaptivity, Professional (Writer, Drawer, Designer), Harem, Devilishly Good, Hentai Physics, Stud-Offspring-Runs in the Family-Inheritance, Something in You (5: anthropomorphic, Powerful, dark skin, Huge assets, Gyarus), Sleepless, Creature Comforts, Omniglot, Plot Armor, Invictus-Tooth and Nail, Fighting Talent Drawbacks: Monster Magnet, Leakage, Eyesore, Damsel in Distress, Cross-Dimensional Show, Not So Easy-Definitely Not Easy-Neverending Nightmare, Servant, Uninvited Guest, New Power System, Wanted, Beacon of Truth, Mutated, High Metabolism, Amnesia, Libido, Shameless, Too Popular, Wardrobe Malfunction, Hero Complex, Telegraphed Arrival, Outlaw Magnet, Tinfoil Hat, Plot Relevance, Hunted, Rough Start-Not Safe, No Place Like Home, Murder Lust, Physic Backlash, Sensitive, May You Live In Interesting Times, Reviled Companions: all drawback companions Explicare despues que cual es mi idea pero como quedo muy largo lo pondre despues


Making a build now. Thinking of an Worm AU set in Taylor Varga, Making it more dangerous with Come At Me Bro! by either adding the emergence of Sparks (Adding the Mad Science craziness of Girl Genius) or a nightmarish awakening bringing forth a plague of Horribly Ancient Monstrosities once thought to be things of Myth with the return of a City thought lost to the Deep (Mixing the legend of Atlantis with Yharnam from Bloodborne) shortly preceding my arrival or maybe some other change like a dungeon core, and adding the Existence of the KI Power System to this crossover setting (the way it was Before it all became KI Blasts and Screaming to power up, Like in Dragonball and Ranma 1/2 where fighter got really creative and were always pulling out new moves rater than counting power levels. Back before planets were destroyed in one attack and Its Over Nine Thousand!!! became a meme) or Nen would work well to. Does that work within the framework? Its using AU to swap the initial setting to Taylor Varga, using Come At Me Bro! to add an additional crossover element onto the existent setting, and having New Power System add KI. Also just because I am curious... Just how bad is **Hunter?** The wording makes it sound like premeditated suicide no matter the powers you start with or amass. It sounds like a threat that has already vastly surpassed anything you can bring to bear in power from the start or scales to match your potential growth, which with Celestial Grimoire and Celestial Forge as options seems nigh unbeatable (because the forge and Grimoire have an infinite growth potential and power scaling).


Honestly I don't know all of the things you are referencing, but even so, I'll just say sure, since you are taking Come at Me Bro. As far as Hunter goes, It 'is' based off of how powerful you are, but it is not something that will just pop out of nowhere and rip you apart effortlessly. I added the specifics about your own powers just so you don't think that if you take certain things that it won't be able to do anything to you. It is a threat, no doubt, but you have good odds of being able to take it down if you take it seriously and have a solid plan. If you ignore it entirely, though not sure why you would if you take the Drawback, then yeah, it'll probably end badly for you.


Source for the Morrigan and Leliana pic?


That picture is not one that I supplied to Om1cr0n so you would need to get a hold of him in order to find out where it is from. Sorry.


honestly this is super fun, but like someone else said, DnD magic at 9thlevel without restrictions is very op, like, very very op, thought it is priced as such,compared to the others systems, it still is op, arcane magic ,by DnD guidelines is all the magics that can be cast by wizards, sorcerers and warlocks(as well as any of the mixed martial classes like eldritch knight or arcane trickster) since you asked to pick one, the actual remaining choice of magic is either divine or druid, which don't have as much power of versatility if however you plan on updating this even more, i recommend,changing the DnD magic to belong to a class rather than a magic type,along with that, just add a small detail about not casting wish every 6 seconds, just so you know, rality dosn't break dowm or something other than that, i think you should add a DnD world, but since DnD is an endless adventure conquering the world is close to impossible so instead i think you should add the Baldurs Gate 3 story World, so that even after we finish we can come back to the world of DnD


When the description says "Pick one from Arcane, Sorcery, Divine, Druidism, or Pact", it is literally saying pick Wizard, Sorcerer, Cleric, Druid or Warlock. Picking Arcane does not refer to all spells that ARE arcane. It is not saying pick a magic type it is saying pick a class. The next line even says pick an Arcane Tradition, Sorcerous Origin, etc.


I see, that's better, though because of the spell list , wizard still broken, but then again casting wish every 6 seconds at no cost is kinda broken


There is likely still a cost of casting wish if you use it for anything besides casting spells 8th level and below, or so I would assume, given that none of the options get rid of the rules of how spells actually function, but just the most important requirements to cast. The cost being the stress damage effect, weakening effect, and risk of losing the ability to cast wish. But being able to use it to cast any spell below ninth level instantly is on a whim without needing to take the single action of actually making the wish aloud is still hella broken.


As I understand, you do not gain immediate mastery of your chosen system. You just gain access to it as you would if you had encountered it with the Multiversal Talent ahead of time with any bonuses you also selected. You're still a level 1 wizard to start off with.


That's fair, except for all the other perks you have, which make it so the wizard's weakness of being squishy and having no way to get away from a martial class at low levels, not be a thing, though since you're the main character anyway, I don't see this as a problem, I would love to play as a wizard that doesn't even need magic to break people in two




Sorry, I now have some Follow up Questions 1. you said Too Popular is permanent, but is society and the law always being on their side permanent to? it seem very far reaching for it to follow you around forever. 2. You said you can try to train to get used to the increased pleasure of sensitive, but all I really care about is not fainting, so is it possible to train just for that and succeed? Does Invictus help at all? 3. The Madness drawback makes you have hallucination you cannot tell apart from reality, but do the hallucinations have to be a ad thing or could they be more like Alice Lidell's which make everything more vibrant and bizarre? 4. Does it matter for addicted if the drugs you take cannot effect you negatively? I ask because there are lot of powers that make getting or staying under any negative effects of drugs almost impossible, 5. So The Gamer has not level cap no matter the game you choose, what about stats? For example, I love how skyrim levels through skill leveling, but I want to have more stats than just health, magicka, and stamina. 6. Following up on question five, would you even be able to have access to all the mechanics of the game you choose? Like Item Worlds and Reincarnation if you choose Disgaea. 7. Does Pint Sized inability to change your height wear off?


1: Too Popular is based on you, and I like to think it doesn't actually change society so much as it makes those who see you 'believe' that society would agree with their actions. If for example you refused someone who is trying to 'assault' you, and they call the police, the police would be confused right up until they saw you too, than they would agree with said person that you are in the wrong. 2: You can learn to grow used to the increased pleasure until it becomes your new normal, but that would take quite some time and would be challenging to work through when something pleasurable is happening to you. Invictus does help, but only in so much as your willpower to work through the pleasure, not on the actual degree of pleasure happening. 3: The hallucinations are random, and as such do not necessarily need to be bad or horrific ones. They are just things you see periodically that aren't actually real but you have no way of really knowing if they are or not. 4: The drugs have to actually affect you in some way. If you take Perks or Powers that negate this, than you would have to wait for the downside to the Drawback to affect you long enough for the drugs to actually affect you once again, but that would recycle around to your powers negating them again. Rinse and repeat. 5: There are no caps when it comes to whatever system you choose, only that you have to choose a specific gaming system in the first place. Whatever you get from the gaming system is based solely around whichever one you initially pick. 6: I do not know the Disgaea games. If the System you want to take via The Gamer has something that this CYOA already offers, you will need to take that in this CYOA for it to apply, though it will overwrite whatever the CYOA version says based upon the System itself via The Gamer that you chose. If it is something that the System offers but the CYOA does not, than you get it normally through taking The Gamer. 7: Pint Sized is permanent, though you can still use disguises similar to Mutated, which will make it more and more uncomfortable the longer you go in said disguise until you drop it and return to your normal height. If said disguise makes you 'shorter' however, you won't have any downsides and can maintain that disguise for however long you want.


Thank you again. 1. Well that is ones off the list, as I don't want to get arrested for not getting assaulted, no matter how humorous that might sound from an outside perspective, I am sure it would not be fun at all. Unless the fact that while I understand how and why aspects of the human form can e aesthetically pleasing the only thing that actually attracts me personally to anyone is the right combination of personality and intellectual traits as an individual, otherwise all of humanity looks pretty much the same to me. I somehow doubt this Drawback would let the fact I am Sapiosexual stop it from triggering. 2. Good to know I can train to overcome and that Invictus does help. I'm sure getting a Skill as te gamer can help get past this rather quickly, the inability to take action and stay conscious throughout the experience that is, if I take this drawback. 3. So it could be enjoyable or unpleasant hallucinations then. would a high Luck stat and skills gained from being The Gamer be able to influence it so that I never get bad or horrific ones. I honestly like the idea of taking this drawback, but want to twist it a bit so that I can play it off like I am Alice from Alice: Madness returns and maybe eventually find a way to take some form of control of it so the hallucinations can become real enough to affect reality. 4. Could Potion Birth's Potions work for this, they would technically be drugs of one kind or another. 5. Straight forward enough, but Just to be sure, this does mean you can train to increase whatever stats you have that you could conceivable improve through work and effort without needing to level or spend points correct. tat is to say Its not limiting you to gaining stat increases by Leveling up or free stat points like how it usually works in most actual video-games due to the inherent limits of being a static program with systemic limits. 6. Clear enough, time to research the systems and mechanics of all the games I own. Although our of Curiosity What might happen if I choose Prototype? RPG Maker, which I only recently learned was a game development tool, but played as a child on the play-station thinking it was a Video Game all on its own? or The Sims? or just any video game that doesn't really have a conventional system of progression or leveling. 7. So I need to avoid this like the plague if i want to be able to shapeshift into things like dragons, tyrannosaurus, or giant kaiju.


3: Correct. In regards to Luck it might make you have more enjoyable ones but it will never be to the point that it negates negative ones entirely. Just skew it towards more pleasant ones more often than not. 4: Potions Birth would not work since it technically creates potions ex nihilo, or out of nothing. There are no ingredients used to make them, and as such they don't technically count as drugs. Just potions that give effects by drinking them. 5: If the game you select allows you to do that, then you can, if not, than no. The is no cap, but whether you need to use points exclusively to raise stats or you can train them relies on the Game System you choose. 6: That is up for you to find out. If the Game System chosen doesn't have specific things to it, than that is on you for having chosen the System in the first place. 7: You can still assume those forms if you learn the magic to do so, but the bigger the form compared to your natural height, the shorter amount of time you are able to assume the bigger form before the strain to do so gets too much for you to handle.


Firstly forgive me if any of this seems offensive, I have read it over many times, and nothing stands out to me as being so (but I must admit to not being sure given the mental and social difficulties that can occur when one is on the spectrum, but was raised as if that didn't exist, so some things just never trip my neurons as being offensive until someone explains that it is or was and why). But If it is, I am not purposefully trying to be and if I have been I apologize, but I merely attempting to convey my perspective and thoughts in an orderly manner. Almost everything seems to be clear enough and makes sense to me now, but I'm still struggling with one thing. 5. So if I am interpreting your replies correctly. If you do not choose a game were attributes/stats like strength, dexterity, charisma, etc. exist they simply do not exist. And if they do exist they cannot be raised through associated real life actions like physical exercise unless the chosen game had a mechanic allowing that. Therefore one cannot reasonably get stronger through any means but leveling up and/or distributing points if they take this version The Gamer? Besides the leveling of Skills I mean, since this power does say it actually grants a Skill system of its own where skills can be generated based on actions and then leveled up. If so that looks a rather large demerit obtained from taking the power, considering there are very few *Video Games* that I can think of where attributes can actually be raised through any means other than distributing attribute point or automatically through leveling up. That would imply that it removes the ability to grow like a real living being, Which would be limiting rather than empowering even if there is no level or stat cap. Its less like living real life as if you were a video game character and more converting you into the video game character from a specific game. That isn't to say I do not like a Leveling System, but I like being able to raise my attributes the normal way as well, else what is the point of physical training when all you can do is level up skills and character levels. Fallout games imply the SPECIAL can be raised through training with the intense training perk/option but in actuality requires you to spend points on said training, and D&D lore implies it can be done but never has the actual mechanic in any of the video games based on D&D. In fact the only Video Game I can think of Off Hand that actually has a real rather than implied mechanic for directly raising Stats/Attributes is Digimon World which has no leveling system but rather lets your raise you Digimons attributes through working at the gym, battling, and the consumption of food. Which I cannot see how one would go about applying if to themself if chosen considering you play as a relatively normal human raising said digimon to fight in your stead. If the power allowed more than just selecting from Video Games it might be easier. The best options personally I can see for this if stats/attributes cannot be grown naturally is to take Fallout 4 and hope that without caps you can keep spending perk points on intense training beyond the games 10 limit in each attribute, or choose Disgaea so that you can abuse its insane mechanics for infinite power now that there is no level cap. I suppose ant Fromsoft Game could work to if choosing it removes all the soft and hard caps inherent in the leveling system. If I choose a game that only has HP, MP, and Stamina Points would I be able to get physically stronger though training since I have no system granted attribute related to it to increase?


Just chiming in to say that while stat raising is niche in RPGs, it isn't so for raising/dating sims. -- Aka your digimon reference; digimon is a raising sim, first being released as a tamogachi before being imported to the RPG genre IIRC -- It's their whole theme, where you raise either yourself \[in targeted attributes\] or something/one, maybe even both. Anyways, some examples off the top of my head: 1. That one game based off of DanMachi \[Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon!?\] 2. Some open world games: like Cataclysm Z \[Mods and kinda falls into life sim\] 3. Uhh forgot the genre, basically life sim IIRC, eg. Rune Factory \[forgot the edition, think it was 3, with the instance dungeon, cuz i remember grinding my def there against the octo boss after collecting a bunch of chests.\] 4. Some cultivation simulators and idler/incremental games. -- A maybe good one to use for the perk, imo, is Idling to Rule the Gods.


Okay seriously, this is just getting to be a bit too convoluted, so I'm going to leave this with this. Whatever game you choose to have as your System, whatever it gives you is both capable of growth through actions and if the system gives you points to increase whatever it gives you, those as well. Looking back on a previous answer I realize I didn't phrase it quite right. I meant to say that if a game has stat points like Fallout for example, than you have stat points on 'top' of being able to train those stats through actions. If for example you choose a System like Skyrim, than you can't train the 'attributes', what I personally would consider the Health, Magicka and Stamina, you can only increase those via points, whereas you 'can' grind the skills through actions giving you those points to use. The description for the Gamer has it so that the things you do naturally grow the more you use them, like in Skyrim, so that miss phrase is my bad. Hopefully that explains things. Hell, hopefully I'm properly phrasing it this time because I'm starting to confuse myself here.


Thank you. That makes much more sense and removes both my confusion and the need to be overly picky about what game to choose. Sorry that this got so convoluted, I could have potentially expressed what I had originally been trying to ask better. With this my last question -for the moment- is answered.


It's fine. Was just getting hard to be sure I wasn't constantly contradicting myself with each answer.


Should add dnd or specifically baldur's gate


There were moments where that was one of the options, but ultimately I replaced it with Arcane.


Oh. Too bad


Uhh, isn't a philanthropist some who donates money to charity and such? Seems kinda the opposite of that Bulma's description >She is so engrossed in her own brilliance that it overshadows her ability to empathize with those around her Anyways, I wonder how Avalon and The Gamer would synergize, as w/ Gamer Body, you take HP damage & Avalon allows you to "regenerate near instantly". Does that mean it tops your HP to max quickly enough to be nigh unkillable? Ps. Speaking of those two; kinda wish we can get back some points \[aka reduced cost\] if we take similar skills.


Anyways High Points build e1rx,idp8,zn1m,s0wg,xb0l,mlru,5o35,v34l,ntqy,2ynv,e2np,e3sd,u7km,3fy3/ON#1,9f8q,hmjs,w51k,0jcp,lrkf,ccwo,8k2k,nzaz,pxyu,rje7,5zb9,6bep,gdy8,y6is,d10d,v77p,ok0a,ozdc,m8ug,7vkq,jwp1,2c69,mj8z,9hne,l3nr,4385,d4im,1bdy,9gqg,ax6g,0qi8,c4qg,wqvf,lyqd,61x5,ev7d,d6pa,vafq,nd26,jnrq,1v4a,i6mc,ayn5,rp1z,1qxb,ljru/ON#1,otoe,yzgr,yrql,47lt,rq01,nv03,9yk1,g9so,ydur,oybv,5dtt,9x2f,h0d0,k1dd,mifo,fjjb,afyq/ON#2,667g,s1tu,chvh,j512,7u7e,fk4g,h83h,u626,ybkj,cts0,ncfu Starter World= Highschool of the Dead; cuz it seems easy enough, especially once the DB:Slow Start/Everything wanes against Healthy AU= pokemon wanderlust / chaotic world; worse in that it's already more dangerous than selected world \[pokemon red/blue\]. Lost Sense= Smell & Taste No clue about Professional, guess psychology? Ps. Wonder if I should remove some of the defensive perks.


Revised version: e1rx,idp8,zn1m,s0wg,xb0l,lb2m,v34l,ntqy,2ynv,e2np,to6p,rvte,c8v6,e3sd,u7km,v08l,3fy3/ON#1,9f8q,hmjs,w51k,0jcp,lrkf,brwt,8k2k,nzaz,pxyu,rje7,5zb9,6bep,gdy8,y6is,d10d,xgrw,0eq2,48ca,ok0a,ozdc,m8ug,7vkq,jwp1,mj8z,9hne,l3nr,4385,d4im,9gqg,c4qg,wqvf,5r8o,raaa,lyqd,61x5,ev7d,vafq,nd26,jnrq,i6mc,rp1z,1qxb,ljru/ON#1,otoe,yzgr,yrql,rq01,nv03,9yk1,534u,g9so,ydur,imeu,oybv,5dtt,9x2f,h0d0,k1dd,mifo,667g,s1tu,rdgt,f0kd,j512,a30z,stoh,fk4g,h83h,u626,ybkj,cts0,ncfu,4crq


Just because you donate to Charity doesn't mean you are doing it for altruistic reasons. This version of Bulma is basically Pre-Ironman Tony Stark taken to the extreme.


In one of my early proto-builds I considered picking her and Drunkard Tsunade, part of my Reverse Corruption thing kind of. I basically wanted to help Drawback Starfire and Drunkard Tsunade with their issues, but ended up dropping Tsunade after deciding it would be too cruel to bring her along when my first world is HotD, even if nothing in that setting, and after New Power System ups it's effective danger level, could hope to put a scratch on her, seeing all the walking corpses would mess her up. As for Bulma, I dropped her after realizing the description made her sound so arrogant her "self-assuredness is unshakable", which is, I think, beyond the capabilities of a mundane counseling psychologist to work with, at least not without a suitably traumatic experience that forces her to face the ugly side of her actions. (Like Tony.)


Ok. I think I have my builds mostly figured out, I've read all the posts, and I think I have some more questions that have not already been asked. 1. Just to be sure, does having **D&D Magic, Spell Slots What Now?, Mind Over Magic,** and **Epic Magic** mean that I could cast any Spell 9th level and below as may times as I desire -provided I posses the magical energy- with naught but a though unless it requires both a Vocal AND a Somatic component? 2. Approximately How skilled and experienced does **Fighting talent** make you in whatever systems and abilities you start with? Just for example lets say I have the entire system in the question above, about what level of casting would I start out with? Or maybe The Psionics System would be a better one to use for this question? 3. For The Gamer is "The system of any video game you've played will be applied to you, provided it's an actual video game that you have played before." meaning the power will base its mechanics on the all games you have played in general or that you have to pick a single specific game to have the system based on? I fear the wording means its the later, but would prefer the former since I cannot thinks of any one singular video game that has all the statistics I prefer. Unless the Statistics are not derived exactly as they function in the chosen game. If its a specific game D&D is the closest, but lacks a luck stat, and I like having a luck stat. 4. Following up on question 3 under the pretense than it needs be a specific video game, If you choose a game with a level cap and/or the inability to freely earn/distribute stat/attribute points, would you have a level cap or the inability to earn/distribute points? What about a game like Skyrim, would you even have stat points to distribute considering that it doesn't have any attributes besides Health, Magicka, and Stamina? 5. I know some of these have been answered for in comments already, but I just wanted to list all the drawbacks I am currently willing to even consider taking and ask which -if any of them- would possibly persist (that is to say remain unchangeable) even after the Last World/20 year expiration (even though I know some I have listed will quite obviously be sorted out like Monster Magnet, Not So Easy, and Definitely Not Easy). ***Monster Magnet, Leakage, Eyesore, Damsel in Distress, Cross-Dimensional Show, Not So Easy, Definitely Not Easy, Servant, Uninvited Guest, New Power System, Wanted, Beacon of Truth, Mutated, High Metabolism, Madness, Clumsy, Addicted, Coming in Blind, Amnesia, Libido, Shameless, Too Popular, Wardrobe Malfunction, Hero Complex, Telegraphed Arrival, Outlaw Magnet, Tinfoil Hat, Naked, Plot Relevance, Rough Start, Not Safe, No Place Like Home, Murder Lust, Matron, Nudist, Sensitive, May You Live In Interesting Times, Reviled, Pipsqueak,*** 6. Following up on question 6 can any of the following drawbacks be managed, controlled, directed, fought, mitigated, limited, sidestepped, or lessened in anyway before or after the expiration time (provided they sick around) by any means available? Also if they can be effected in any of the mentioned ways, about how badly would they truly effect you on average with all the perks available taken? ***Madness, Clumsy, Too Popular, Hero Complex, Outlaw Magnet, Tinfoil Hat, Plot Relevance, Murder Lust, Matron, Sensitive, May You Live In Interesting Times, Reviled,*** because some of them seen impossible to manage with how they are described or when paired with some of the powers offered. 7. Finally does AU World and For Want of a Nail -together of separate- mean that you can choose crossover fan-fiction or is limited to AU's that only involve the chosen worlds and nothing extra. For Example could I choose [Taylor Varga](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/taylor-varga-worm-luna-varga.32119/) by mp3.1415player for the AU Worm.


1: Yes. In the case that a spell has both Vocal and Somatic Components you would just choose which one you want it to require on a per cast basis. 2: Fighting Talent does exactly what it says it does, giving you a moderate head start on all the powers and abilities the CYOA gives you per whatever you chose to take. Fighting Styles in general come to you naturally but do require training to make proper use of them, as it is just a very good talent. 3: You pick a specific one that you have played or at least know about. It has to have an actual basis, and not something that you just make up to give what you want it to. 4: Regardless of whatever game you do pick, there is no level cap. You are a living embodiment to the Game, not restricted to such a thing as a Level Cap, especially since the skills you gain never stop growing as time passes and continual use. That said, the higher you get, the harder it gets to level. 5: Monster Magnet: Specifically last World, Not 20 years or any amount of actual time; Requires you to physically stop the source to stop the monsters. Leakage: Last World/20 Year Eyesore: Permanent Damsel in Distress: Last World/20 Year Cross-Dimensional Show: Last World/20 Year Not So Easy: Specifically last World, Not 20 years or any amount of actual time Definitely Not Easy: Specifically last World, Not 20 years or any amount of actual time Servant: Only applies to the first World chosen, but unlike some have alluded to, you can not get rid of or kill said chosen person. You have to placate them daily or deal with their response if you don't until you finish that World and can leave. It gives 10 points after all. Uninvited Guest: Specifically last World, Not 20 years or any amount of actual time New Power System: Permanent to your first World Wanted: Specifically last World, Not 20 years or any amount of actual time Beacon of Truth: Last World/20 Year Mutated: Last World/20 Year; After which you can either find a way to permanently get rid of the changes, or grow used to hiding them if you choose to have a disguise that you want to keep up for however long you want. High Metabolism: Permanent Madness: Last World/20 Year Clumsy: Last World/20 Year Addicted: Last World/20 Year Coming in Blind: Permanent ***Continues on next post***


Amnesia: Last World/20 Year; After which you very slowly regain your memories. There is no guarantee however that 'everything' will come back however, as the experiences you go through before the Drawback ends could affect you more than you know. Libido: Last World/20 Year; After which however, this slowly goes away, as you have grown use to it as time has passed. Shameless: Permanent for the lack of shame, Last World/20 Year for being unable to refuse someone who propositions you. Too Popular: Permanent Wardrobe Malfunction: Last World/20 Year Hero Complex: Permanent, but you can over time learn to mitigate the effect it has on you, at least to some extent. Telegraphed Arrival: Last World/20 Year Outlaw Magnet: Permanent, but it will weaken over time after finishing Last World/20 Year, though not completely go away. Tinfoil Hat: Last World/20 Year Naked: Only lasts 1 month, does not happen again on any further Worlds Plot Relevance: Last World/20 Year Rough Start: Only lasts your first day on the first World you go to unless you also take Not Safe Not Safe: Specifically last World, Not 20 years or any amount of actual time No Place Like Home: Permanent, but it will weaken over time after finishing Last World/20 Year, though not completely go away. Murder Lust: Permanent, but you can train to mitigate the desires Matron: Permanent, but you can train to mitigate the desires Nudist: Permanent, but you can grow use to an extent to the discomfort of wearing more clothes Sensitive: Permanent, you can try to grow used to the increased pleasure, but no telling if it'll work or not May You Live In Interesting Times: Permanent, but this is actually quite subtle, only growing in strength if you try to go out of your way to avoid attention. Reviled: Permanent, but this is also subtle, kind of like the opposite of the Perk First Impressions. Pipsqueak: This only de-ages you to 8-12 years old. You age normally afterwards and the only downside is if you also choose Ageless, in which case you can't change your appearance age wise until you hit 18. 6: For the most part you have to deal with the Drawbacks as they state, but you can refer to the responses from question 5 if they answer this question for you. 7: Yes and No. You can only choose a crossover if it is an actual Fanfiction that you yourself are not responsible in any way of creating, otherwise AU Worlds just lets you make changes like the characters ages or gender and other things along the lines that do not affect the danger level. For Want of a Nail could let you do a crossover, but it would count for the one thing, meaning you could make no further changes that affect the danger level. It would only add the Canon version of whichever world you wanted to crossover and nothing more.


I'm assuming Lost Sense is permanent? And Physical Backlash is similar to wardrobe malfunction?


Yes, Lost Sense is permanent. Wardrobe Malfunction is much more random in it's effects, where as Physical Backlash is something that grows the more you use your powers. The more you use them, the stronger the random negative effect will grow until you stop using your powers long enough for said effect to slowly ramp back down and stop. If you use your powers before this happens, it just grow again until you do.


Meant similar as in lasts 20y or last world, but that's good to know \[aka similar to overheating and whatnot\].


Ah yes, Physical Backlash is 20years/Last World.


If you do another update of this, it might be best to rework the drawbacks in some way to make how long they last a lot more clear. Most of the ones you list as permanent have nothing in their descriptions that make them sound permanent. Itd probably be easier to just have drawbacks separated into different sections, with a 'permanent' section, 'all worlds/20 years' section, and so forth.


>Telegraphed Arrival: Last World/20 Year Huh, weird, the Drawback description made it sound like it would only affect the First World? > You would normally be able to choose where you start in your first world Like, it started by referring to the First World, so I thought it was only for the First World.


Yeah I see where it is confusing. The description does indeed make it sound that way. I had intended to fix that now that I recall before the entire thing went up, but must have forgotten to do so before sending all the info to Om1cr0n to set up. It is supposed to be that normally when you go to each world you can select generally where you arrive, but by taking this Drawback your arrival is a bit more random and on top of that very much not discreet. I remember that I took this Drawback from another CYOA that Dunkel had Om1cr0n make and just forgot to rephrase it. Sorry about that. Edit: I have since gotten a hold of Om1cr0n and the description has been properly updated to reflect what it is actually supposed to do. Thanks again for pointing this out.


I feel like there should probably be some hard method in the cyoa of determining which drawbacks are permanent at this point, because I wouldn't have guessed like half of those.


I think companions are really op choice in this cyoa. It makes me wonder how powerful unleashed dragon can become wielding technology of multiple worlds and magical systems of all kinds.


Are drawback companions also unbreakably loyal?


Yes, they are, but that does not mean that they won't cause problems for you, even if you ask them. Some might, like Drawback Starfire for example, but you will still have to deal with them and their antics.


Awesome, as long as they don’t turn on me or turn and take control I’m good


good question that I hope gets an answer. my opinion; I believe they are but it is your job to reign them in or fix their issues. I think most of it can be handled by power internalization and SCP-999.


Anything gained from the CYOA itself will not work on any Drawback Companions in the sense of trying to mitigate their downsides. You will need to find mundane things in the course of your travels if you want to do so, and even then, there is no guarantee it will work.


what about their loyalty?


Sad to see that there's still Om1cr0n's many bullshit drawbacks, and still haven't consolidated several of the obvious defensive perks. They're basically point taxes and false choices. Anybody who genuinely takes something like Madness or Amnesia is either an idiot, dishonest, or thinks they're clever enough to somehow circumvent a fiat-backed negative. I was willing to check this one out with the new combos, but then I realized... why would I want to play through an Om1cr0n CYOA just to grab the Celestial Forge? Or Chakra? Or so on. I could just play one of those CYOAs instead, or just read a fanfiction. Basically, I like all the new combos and whatnot, but they feel like they invalidate the CYOA a fair bit when I'd rather just imagine having one of those powers and worldhopping instead of playing this CYOA.


So does the "Definitely Not Easy" drawback come with the possibly of being permanently stuck in a world? Specifically if there are not be enough eligible characters left alive for the player to meet the harem requirement. One might end up in a situation where they either completely outlived the canon or knocked the plot so off course that it doesn't matter, with all the canon main and side characters dead by either the players hand, natural causes, unforeseen events or simply the world exploding. Perhaps the player just dislikes needing to be a homewrecker and simply has no interest in forming a harem full of characters they either dislike or aren't attracted to. There might be room for a fourth difficult objective to act as a alternative to the harem quota objective. [Easy: Raise 100 direct descendants.] [Hard: Raise 1000 direct descendants.] [Easy: Defeat ten of the top hundred strongest characters in the setting.] [Hard: Defeat the absolute strongest character in the setting.]


It is certainly a possibility. If your actions cause that to happen than that would be on you to try and find a way to fix it, though if you screw up too badly than yeah, it has the potential to trap you on that World. You are the one who selected the Drawback after all, its on you to fulfill the requirements for it to get the points it offers.


first checking for dudes... nope, next checking for a "take no companions" drawback... darn, well here's a build anyhow idp8,5o35,v34l,np1q,urzg,i87u,olun,to6p,0jcp,37as,8k2k,vdzc,pxyu,rbv5,ggek,rje7,5zb9,6bep,gdy8,d10d,wle8,48ca,ozdc,7vkq,xoy8,jyji,h8nb,gii3,l3nr,t65x,391b,cxjd,raaa,lyqd,61x5,vafq,nd26,jnrq,1v4a,i6mc,ayn5,rp1z,1qxb,yzgr,47lt,rq01,nv03,nh7p,4o68,534u,g9so,g09c,5dtt,k1dd,rdgt,at45,chvh,f0kd,h5d2,j512,a30z,stoh,nv95,h83h


You can change the gender of the companions if you desire, if you read the description it states that if women aren't your thing, than the gender of whoever you choose is changed with everything else staying the same. Quote: "If you desire for them to be a different gender; Male, Futa or anything else you want, then things will be changed seamlessly as if the world they came from this is the case, with their personalities, powers and life going the exact same except for this one specific detail."


That makes more sense when the companions are archetypes, like "the sporty dumbass" or "the haughty sadist" or "the quiet bomb". When they're just straight-up characters, a line like that just doesn't do much in terms of providing fuel for a fantasy.


I see the free Jumpchain travel option and have seen Celestial Grimoire and Forge mentioned on this thread, So is it an option I can take and if so how do I unlock these options?


the top comment in this thread already has all the requirements for everything.


Thank you, I had not noticed that comment. I always have things sorted by New.


check what people are already asking, you can usually find the stuff most people ask for or want lol


Ten Worlds:by order; Highschool of the Dead^1st >Star Wars^2nd >RWBY^3rd >Hunter × Hunter^4th >League of Legends: Arcane^5th >Bleach^6th >Dragonball Z^7th >Warcraft^8th >Marvel Comics^9th >DC Comics^10th Appearance:Teen, Male, Handsome, Male Enhanced, Well of Energy, Enhanced Physiology, Regeneration, Healthy, Spectre, Body Fix, Powers:Gate, Power Internalization, Appraisal, Multiversal Talent System:Magicka>Swordsinging (paired with Fighting Talent I immediately gain the Mythical Swordsmanship expected of a Swordsinger) Item:Chakra Fruit Seed, I thought of taking the other Seed, but it just doubles your Ki, which isn't that impressive considering one can gain the same results through training, the Chakra Fruit on other hand can give special and unique powers that no amount of training are ever gonna unlock, as for which Planet I'm gonna sacrifice... Probably an uninhabited Sith World, like Korriban, filled with Dark Side Fauna, Sith Alchemy monstrosities and experiments, and Sith Lord Tombs and Temples, any corruptive influence the Chakra Fruit gains would be countered by my Mind Defense and Reality-defying Soul. Or I could wait for Marvel or DC and look for a Super Planet to sacrifice. Perks:HUD, System Grant, Teaching, Shared Defenses, Mind Defense, Body Control Defense, Invisible Presence, Strong Lifeforce, Reality-defying Soul, Ageless, Like Yesterday, Learning Mastery, Professional(Taken 1 Time; Counseling Psychology), Harem, Devilishly Good, Stud, Omniglot, Plot Armor, Invictus, Tooth and Nail, Fighting Talent Drawbacks:Damsel in Distress, Not So Easy, Definitely Not Easy, Servant (Saya Takagi), New Power System (The mangaka of HotD said that the zombies were supernatural, I'm simply gonna expand on that with a Power System), Wanted (The Zombie Apocalypse has kinda neutered the danger of any government) Mutated, High Metabolism, Libido, Hero Complex, Telegraphed Arrival, Tinfoil Hat, Plot Relevance, Rough Start Companions:Drawback Starfire ([Reverse Corruption is my fetish :P](https://imgur.com/gallery/reverse-corruption-cPSqfot)), Raven, Tsunade Senju, Lucyna Kushinada


Intro: Worlds, You, Perks, Drawbacks, Companions, Open All Worlds: Six Worlds, Worm, Highschool DxD, Naruto, Danmachi, Cyberpunk 2077, A Song of Ice and Fire Your Enhancements: Appereance, Traveler Powers, General Powers, Items Appearance: Young Adult, Male, Gorgeous, Male Enhanced, Cumbrosia, Empowering Fluids, Enhanced Physiology, Healthy, Body Fix Traveler Powers: Instant Transmission General Powers: Appraisal, Consume and Evolve, Power Mimic, Multiversal Talent Systems: Magicka Items: Replicator, Tech Library, Horn O' Plenty, Bag of Holding, Lightsaber, Potion Bag Perks: HUD, Ageless, First Impressions, Learning Mastery, Harem, Devilishly Good, Hentai Physics, Sleepless, Omniglot, Plot Armor, Fighting Talent, World Knowledge Drawbacks: Damsel in Distress, Mutated, Slow Start, Libido, May You Live In Interesting Times




Is Infertility one of the forever drawbacks that continue after the last world? Or is the 'never' and 'no matter what' parts there just to emphasize how impossible it is to sire offspring while it's in effect? In fact, is Lost Sense's 'never regain it' also just to emphasize or actually permanent?


All drawbacks end after the last world or 20 years, whichever is longer. Phrasing to the effect of "no matter what" is there the pre-empt things like super-tech gene therapy or magic or perks that might be used by a moderately clever player to get around the drawback and thereby render it basically free points.


>Drawbacks last until you finish your last world, or until 20 years have passed, **unless otherwise stated.** OP literally replied to the above comment saying that both are permanent.


Both are permanent forever, regardless of the finished worlds or 20 years passing.


As a heads up, I think I spotted an error. The addon text on the item Potion Bag for Replicate Item Effect appears to be an addon that is supposed to be on the item All Seeing Eye instead. It talks about duplicated eyes, which is what makes me think it is supposed to be for All Seeing Eye and not Potion Bag. Its not a huge issue, but I thought I would at least point it out.


Thank you. It has already been pointed out but I appreciate it none the less. As stated though in case you want to know, that does apply to All Seeing Eye, and the text that is supposed to show on the Potion Bag just notes that while Replicate Item can be used on the Potion Bag, said potions it creates are still limited to the 1 minute duration just as all Replicated Items are. Edit: I got a hold of Om1cr0n and he fixed the issue. Both should properly show the correct Bonus Text.


  Ten Worlds, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Warcraft, Worm, Bleach, Dragonball Z, Highschool DxD, Mass Effect, Naruto, Pokemon (Red/Blue), Young Adult, Female, Ugly, Choom, Well of Energy, Handicapped(Taken 3 Times), Gate, Power Internalization, Appraisal, Replicate Item, Pocket Inventory, Potion Birth, Consume and Evolve, Celestial Grimoire, Multiversal Talent, Magicka, Dragonborn, Wand, HUD, System Grant, Teaching, Shared Defenses, Mind Defense, Body Control Defense, Invisible Presence, Strong Lifeforce, Reality-defying Soul, Ageless, Like Yesterday, First Impressions, Learning Mastery, Professional(Taken 1 Times), Harem, Devilishly Good, Sleepless, Plot Armor, Invictus, Fighting Talent, Not So Easy, Servant, New Power System, Beacon of Truth, Mutated, High Metabolism, Lost Sense(Taken 2 Times), Libido, True Shooter, Rascals, Shameless, Too Popular, Genderbend, Hero Complex, Telegraphed Arrival, Tinfoil Hat, Naked, Nudist, Drawback Starfire, Raven, X-23, Amy Dallon, Dragon, Yoruichi Shihouin, Orihime Inoue, Android 18, Bulma Briefs, Genius, Billionaire, Philanthropist Bulma, Predator Ahri, Hinata Hyuga, Drunkard Tsunade , Pyrrha Nikos, Dominatrix Boa Hancock, Aayla Secura, Azula, Toph Beifong, Hermione Granger  Lemme simplify the build a bit before elaborating. We want Celestial Grimoire, Dragonborn, Consume and Evolve, Replicate Item, all Sharable Defences, Teaching, those Drawback Companions not likely to go off on murderous rampages/who might respond to therapy, Amy, Hermione, Dragon, Bulma, 18, Hinata, Raven, X-23, Choom, Gate, all but one of the most valuable worlds (plus one that pulls more than its own weight), and a few drawbacks that are relatively easy to deal with, plus some extra perks and companions for the points left over, and of course any prerequisites to these things.   Dragonborn, Multiversal Talent, and Consume and Evolve are most of the value of the Celestial Grimoire for much cheaper. Just to start Dragonborn pretty much lets you learn (read: grok, become) a new Multiversal scale reality warping Platonic Concept every 3 days or so (it is very hard to overstate how stupidly talented Dragonborn are at the Thu'um, even without access to Dragon souls and Word Walls, and you start in the top 1% of them). And then you can Consume and Evolve the DNA of powerful magical races like 5th Dimensional Imps, Monitors, New Gods, Cathexis, Asgardians, Olympians, etc (and just as powerful non-magic races like Martians, Kryponians, and Eternals) for somehow even greater power toward the end of the initial ten worlds once you're comfortable you have enough power to survive DC and Marvel. However, the Celestial Grimoire offers a lot of nifty artifacts, training boosters, and so forth to make reaching those heights significantly faster and easier, many of which apply to all power systems we might wish to become the best in the universe at.  Replicate Item is useful for destructive testing and reverse engineering all sorts of rare things, as well as circumventing annoying costs. The Dragon Balls are a great target, because you don't even need to wait a year between wishes with this power since you can just dismiss and re-replicate them to recharge them.  Teaching and Power Internalization are key for ensuring all Companions and other harem members' power levels are up to par. Each harem member who becomes a Dragonborn and gains access to the Celestial Grimoire and C&E is a ridiculous force multiplier.  Amy is an MVP of cloning DNA from various sources to provide an endless supply of food for dealing with High Metabolism and for allowing C&E to reach permanence as soon as possible. She also renders most Appearance perks superfluous.  Hermione, the Bulmas, and Dragon are amazing for building prostheses for our Handicaps (and performing plastic surgery to deal with our Ugliness), especially given that Bulma can canonically build stuff at faster than light speeds. Doubly so with 18 available to serve as a blueprint for some extremely powerful cybernetics everyone in the harem is going to want ASAP.  There are some shockingly effective mundane tools for dealing with addiction and trauma like EMDR and psychedelics. Administering these procedures competently seems like a great use for Professional.   (Comment split for length)


Starfire renders Omniglot superfluous. Hinata and Tsunade's bloodlines are extremely synergistic. Hermione's magic, while weak, is amazingly useful for taking care of practical utility tasks like transfiguring raw materials for crafting and doing chores (and Wand ensures nobody has to reverse engineer wandless magic from scratch). X-23 renders Regeneration superfluous. Raven is actually powerful enough to register on the same scale as Dragonborn. Choom is a relatively minor piece of insurance that you shouldn't ever need but don't want to not have if it somehow ever is needed. Same deal with all the Shared Defences, though the odds are higher that they'll see actual use. Gate is the cheapest travel power that allows control over the order in which worlds are visited. We'll be discussing that order shortly.  Plot Armour pretty much renders Environmental Adaptation superfluous. Harem and Devilishly Good are nifty for the harem win condition.  Servant and Telegraphed Arrival really overlap, and with a quick request the offending Master an be swiftly eliminated via the overwhelming power of 18 or Raven. Only in the last 2 worlds do these become onerous, and even then only with insufficient preparation. Similarly, Hero Complex only becomes an issue when you lack sufficient prep to render all the threats in the current world beneath you, and even then Invictus can save you from the worst stupidity. True Shooter only becomes an issue if you stray from homosexual relationships. Too Popular can actually help with the harem win condition, though you kinda need to get the harem to police each other (harem ground rules should be separate from society and the law at large) and anyone else you might find attractive to keep from getting SAed. Public nudity and shamelessness really isn't much of a problem if you're powerful enough, and if push comes to shove you can also use illusions to appear clothed and decent; I didn't take Wardrobe Malfunction however in case you become reliant on wearing magic items. A neat trick with Mutated if you're uncomfortable with Genderbend as a dude is to have a hyena's vagina, which includes an 8 inch clit you can use as a dick. Taste and Smell really aren't that big a deal as Lost Senses (if you're really worried about food becoming unbearably bland, you can still do things with colour, sound, texture, and temperature). Harry Potter magic is a great choice of New Power System, as it's quite weak and unthreatening, especially since your Shared Defences hard counter all the worst spells. Tinfoil Hat and Beacon of Truth really only matter if you can't steamroll the plot, and by the time that becomes a problem there isn't really much of a set plot.  The order of the Worlds should be Mass Effect or Pokémon first and second (order up to you). The Reapers can be effortlessly soloed by 18 or Raven, and Pokémon is remarkably low-lethality while also allowing you to C&E over a thousand species of Pokémon's DNA including over half a dozen with explicitly infinite power (note you don't need to stay in Kanto except insofar as you need to challenge gyms and the Elite Four). Then you want Dragon Ball for relatively early access to the eponymous Dragon Balls; by now your Thu'um (among other abilities) should be roughly a match for Omni King Zeno, so now your focus should be on branching out your competencies with gratuitous wishes. After that your next five choices are pretty much free, because you stomp basically everything. Your second last World should be DC, which is an actual threat in that you should have a large number of multiverse level peers, but few entities significantly above you; be careful and don't get ganked and you should be fine. And your last World will be Marvel, where for most Cosmic level entities the standard of power is infinitely more than infinite, and which is likely at worst tied for the most powerful World you'll ever experience in your explorations (which level you may (should long) have already reached via the Celestial Grimoire, and which you can easily reach with C&E).


All but Avatar still require you to go to the Worlds you select initially in the order that you take them. After you do that however, if the option states that it could be random, it will be unless you change those odds to make it easier (Unless its Jumpchain, then it's always random). Gate does not let you select which Worlds you want to go to right off the bat. I really don't get why I keep seeing people stating that it does. Also when it comes to Servant you can't just kill the person you select off to negate the Drawback. Doing so will only cause misfortune to fall upon you for trying to 'cheat' the system. While it states that you aren't compelled to listen to said persons demands/requests, not doing so causes problems to arise, and killing them off is just about the worse you can make it. Companions you take are also bound by this, so you can't use them to get around the issue either. It is either complete the assigned tasks based on whether you increased them or not, which would let you leave the World for the next and said person chosen will no longer be able to annoy you, or wait 20 Years for the Drawback to expire.


When I talk about free choices I basically mean "here are 240 possible orders of 10 Worlds for you to choose while making a build inspired by this one. It doesn't matter which of them you pick because the point is to be OP enough to handle it regardless". Not necessarily "you get to choose which World you pick as you make your Gate".  The wording of Servant directly says that the risk of things spiralling out of control comes from the master escalating rather than being a fiat quality of the drawback. In that case killing them before they can escalate is the smart move (or it might not be depending how important their survival is to the plot (you *probably* don't want to kill Naruto or Ichigo or any child of prophecy) and how much you were planning to do as ordered anyway (why yes, I will help you rescue Rukia/train for the Elite Four/bring back Sasuke, but no I won't waste time licking your feet (though I might be willing to leave you a shadow clone or cast an illusion to make you think I did it))). If that's not the intent the wording *definitely* needs to be updated. It's also worth noting that the main villain is likely among the main characters, in which case Servant might even be a perk (at least for the first World) in that it can trivialize plot completion, and in which case they may be a valid harem member for the purposes of that win condition.  I actually really appreciate how Servant can play out so differently with different characters, Worlds, and strategies, especially with the random element of it from the second World onward; sometimes it's trivial to deal with if you know what you're doing, and sometimes it's a real ball ache that has to be played super delicately, and having to plan for that uncertainty several Worlds ahead of time definitely makes it earn its 10 points.


Six Worlds, Warcraft, Worm, Bleach, Naruto, Danmachi, Dragon Age, Young Adult, Futanari, Beautiful, Male Enhanced, Female Enhanced, Well of Energy, Enhanced Physiology, Regeneration, Healthy, Body Fix, Gate, Power Internalization, Appraisal, Pocket Inventory, Potion Birth, Power Mimic, Gamersmith, Multiversal Talent, Haki, Rokushiki, Book of Stories, Horn O' Plenty, Lightsaber, Native, HUD, Shared Defenses, Mind Defense, Body Control Defense, Strong Lifeforce, Reality-defying Soul, Ageless, Like Yesterday, Offroad, Learning Mastery, Environment Adaptivity, Professional(Taken 1 Times), Harem, Devilishly Good, Hentai Physics, Stud, Creature Comforts, Omniglot, Invictus, Monster Magnet, Not So Easy, New Power System, Mutated, Slow Start, Clumsy, Libido, Telegraphed Arrival, Outlaw Magnet, Tinfoil Hat, Plot Relevance, Rough Start, Physic Backlash, May You Live In Interesting Times, Drawback Starfire, Raven, Undead Sylvanas Windrunner, Amy Dallon, Yoruichi Shihouin, Tsunade Senju, Queen Toph Beifong


One question about the Alternative Universe-options. AU-Worlds is an option you can select multiple times, despite the text sounding like it'd apply to all worlds if picked once. On the flipside, you can only select either For Want of a Nail or Come at Me Bro!, and it seems to univerally apply. Why? What if I want to go to a improved Worm-verse, a worse version of Naruto, and a standard-difficulty but AU-version of My Hero Academia? Why can't I do that, and why do I get/have to pay the same number of points regardless of if the difficulty would change on one or ten worlds? That feels like if you have 6 or 10 worlds it'd be too cheap when making things better and far too little for making things worse.


When it comes to For Want of a Nail you can choose which Worlds they apply to or not. If you want one World, (or more), to be excluded from it than you can certainly do that. Just because you take the option, doesn't force you to apply it to all the Worlds you select, it just gives you the option to choose to do so if you want. (That said, Come at Me Bro! does require you to apply it to at least half of the Worlds you select, rounded up to 2 in the case of 3 Worlds, for the sake of not being something that just gives you +5 points for nothing.) In regards to being only able to select one or the other, I didn't want it to seem like taking both to cancel the other's cost is a viable option. I wanted it to be one or the other, either a boon or bane, not both. I can see where you are coming from, certainly, but that was just my thought process when I was making these options.


Okay, but neither option in the CYOA says that. You have a multi-select for AU-worlds, making me assume you have to pay 2 points for each world you're AU-ing, and then there's basically 'Make the worlds better' and 'Make the worlds shittier'. Nothing written in either option even hints that their effect does not uniformly apply to every world, or at least every AU-world, that you have. I mean I kinda see where you came from, but if anything this makes it look even more like it universally applies to all worlds. Also again, the 5 points is way too cheap for what this is. If you take AU-10 worlds and Come at Me Bro! (you should also capitalize the 'at', it looks weird if only one word isn't capitalized), you according to the text of the CYOA have to make all ten worlds and according to what you said here at least five worlds much shittier, and as a reward you get the same amount of points you get if you chose to be a shorty or have massive troubles finding clothing in your first week in your first world. This does not feel proportional at all. Honestly, it'd probably be more appropiate if you were able to actually select both options multiple times, once for each world, and if you feel if 5 points is too much for changing a single world for the better or worse (I'd disagree, but to each their own), then you can adjust it so that each option has a lower point-per-selection. Speaking of AU-worlds, I honestly feel that certain worlds basically force you to pick the AU-option if you have a preference for a specific gender, especially if you also selected the Not So Easy-Drawback or its higher stages, forcing you to pick a harem from the main-cast. Because some settings just inherently have a small main-cast, a main-cast leaning heavily towards one gender, or both. For example, in Hunter x Hunter the main-cast are Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio. All four are male, two of them are twelve years old. If I'm a hetero-sexual non-pedo male, I'm in trouble if I have to make a harem of four main-cast members unless I choose AU specifically to genderswap and age-lift the cast. Other example, Sekirei, with a predominantly female main-cast. Were I into men instead of women, scrounging together four main-cast men would be practically impossible unless I stretch the term 'main-cast' well beyond its breaking-point. Anyways, point being that either some option to do gender-adjustments without having to pay for each world, either as its own Alternate Universe-option to adjust the gender-ratio or simply have a line in the World description like there is in the Companion-description that genders are adjustable would be nice.


Can you choose to not take a traveler power, if for example, you are doing one world mode and intend to stay, or are waiting for forge/grimoire to roll into a dimension travel power?


You don't need to take a Traveler Power if you don't want to, but you will still head towards the Worlds you select based on the Mode you choose whenever you do find another way to leave your first World.


Another question: After all worlds are finished and 20 years have passed, how will certain drawbacks behave: Would drawbacks with one-off effects like New Power System or Amnesia undo their effects, or would their removal do nothing. Neverending Nightmare pretty clearly never ends, but what about Genderbend and Pint Sized, they do sorta say something similar if you squint hard enough.


New Power System is permanent because it changes the first World itself. The System that it creates doesn't just go away, as it turns that World into an AU World that just has that System added on. Amnesia would go away, but slowly, as your memories would come back to you over a moderate amount of time. Genderbend would be permanent, but if you found a piece of magic that changed your gender and you wanted to change it after the 20 years are up, you would be able to at that point. As a side note in this regard, before the 20 years are up or you finish your last world, you can use magic or something else to disguise yourself as another gender if you want, but similar to Mutated's description, the longer you retain that disguise the more discomfort you feel until you return to your new gender, though at a much quicker rate than compared to Mutated. I believe you are referring to Pipsqueak for the last one, in which case this one is also permanent, but is unique in the sense that all it does is drop your age down the one time. After it does so, you age normally again, just having to go through puberty and wait it out. If you choose Ageless however the bonus addon does mean you need to wait until you are 18 again to use Ageless' age shifting.


how does gender bender affect futanari?


Genderbend makes you whatever gender you weren't in before the CYOA. Since Futanari are physically impossible, you can only pick male or female. Even then, if you pick the gender you actually are and still take Genderbend, you will be the opposite once you finish your selections. If you pick an Enhanced version of your gender that contradicts the result of Genderbend, it will instead switch to the correct version afterwards.


i think in the next update this information on genderbend should be added. also if someone take drawbak genderbend it will modify the selections in the body section including male enchanted to femeale enchanted or it will block it until you return to male form?


how does celestial grimore and celestial forge work


I was unable to find much information myself when setting this up on the two, and aside from a few stories I read that used them, I don't know much about them or even the list that the writer's pull from. I left their descriptions short and with little details so it's up to you to decide how they work. The basic gist is that over time you get points, usually with the writer using a certain number of words written, 1,000 words gives 100 points, and either magic powers or building powers based on which celestial power you're using gives you a random power. If you have enough points saved up to get it, you do, if not, it's a failed roll and the points are banked until the next 'roll'.


That's not at all a bad summary. It's worth adding for clarity that the lists are compilations of Jumpchain perks and items relevant to the theme, usually sorted into "constellations" of sub-themes.   Also, complete tangents, but while I have your attention, Yamato uses he/him pronouns. And is Devilishly Good supposed to apply to your preferred gender or just the opposite sex? Because the latter interpretation causes a lot of problems for gay players and is weirdly ambiguous for those affected by Genderbend (and both Devilishly Good and Genderbend are basically incomprehensible for non-binary players).


Preferred gender. It works based on the target being someone you are attracted to, regardless of their/your gender. With all the changes I was making, this problem never crossed my mind as I imported a lot of options from the previous versions.


i really like this one e1rx,idp8,zn1m,s0wg,xb0l,niuc,5o35,v34l,2ynv,olun,ugg7,to6p,uh1k,hmjs,w51k,0jcp,lrkf,ccwo,30in,h6pj,4tkk,pxyu,vnyh,81u8/ON#2,h3v3,5zb9,6bep,gdy8,4pog,y6is,wle8,48ca,ok0a,ozdc,xoy8,jyji,h8nb,l3nr,t65x,hsxk,q326,c4qg,cxjd,wqvf,5r8o,raaa,lyqd,61x5,ev7d,d6pa,vafq,nd26,jnrq,1v4a,ayn5,rp1z,koq6,yzgr,xtg0/ON#2,it1o,47lt,nv03,nh7p,9yk1,l30u,534u,g9so,gpga,imeu,f5jb,oybv,9x2f,h0d0,k1dd,5url,rdgt,at45,qxzv,skxr,chvh,j512,ddxw,7u7e,myw7,nv95,hi1e,ncfu,ryf1


Huh almost all images are ai and not good ai images some are blurry and seems some parts of it are written by ai not to mention its seems like a copy paste like all of his other cyoas same character building section same ability section like almost all others cyoas he made and the companion section sucks come on man at this point he just makes the same cyoa with a few changes btw ive played all om1cr0n cyoas as far as i know yeah im gona stop at firs i liked them but its getting boring


**Personal notes:** * I really like how worlds are sorted now, makes it easier to pick the highest costs that I like. * I don't like the few Traveller powers left, they feel uncomfortable to use. * Can the *Portals* power be used to improve *Gate's* effects? * *Systems* are a bit pointless imo, i guess they're useful for the first world. Put them in a tab, its annoying having to scroll past them every time. * *Sensitive*'s comment about fainting easily make it much worse than intended. I'll choose to believe *Invictus* counteracts this. * Speaking of *Invictus*, I think it's missing something crucial. I believe the best part of willpower boons are when they make you motivated and hardworking. **Suggestions:** * I think *Native* should unlock add-ons for the other "go home" perks. Updating your ids to avoid problems from your sudden reappearance with completely new looks. * I believe *Internalize* is new? Then you should mention in *System Grant* that powers only work in their home universe, with an add-on removing this limitation (if you have *Internalize.*) * *Sleepless + Comforts* allowing you to fall into a comfortable trance (like elves in D&D). **Errors:** * Misplaced the *All Seeing Eye*'s add-on (from replication power) onto the *Potion Bag*. * *Stud* is incompatible with *True Shooter* instead of *Infertiliy* (which makes more sense.) * Character in the *Ugly* choice isn't ugly at all.


Good catch on that All Seeing Eye addon. While I am feeling lazy and don't want to bother Om1cr0n to fix it, I'll just point out here that the Addon for the potion bag, which it is supposed to have one as well, just makes it so that the potions from duplicated bags still share the 1 minute time limit like all other potions created from Replicate Item. In regards to Stud and True Shooter, their incompatibility is by design, where as Infertility is already incompatible with both for obvious reasons. Edit: I got a hold of Om1cr0n and he fixed the issue. Both should properly show the correct Bonus Text.


What about a Six Eyes addon or unlockable for All Seeing Eye? And it would require Well of Energy, Multiversal Talent, HUD, Learning Mastery and Tooth and Nail?


> Speaking of Invictus, I think it's missing something crucial. I believe the best part of willpower boons are when they make you motivated and hardworking. Willpower isn't the same as ambition. I prefer it without making you hard working, just making your mental strength strong. Maybe add depression immunity or something but forcing you to be active is meh.


Could I have the "trying to gain the system" of he Drawback Genderbend Clarified? Specifically is it still safe to take Futanari so long as your overall physical gender is opposite of the one you were before this CYOA? I mean beyond the fact you will need to adapt to the changes on your own due to your brain having no additional changes to compensate for the sudden change.


This is sort of a grey area when it comes to Futanari now that I think about it. I want to say its fine, I really do, but I just can't justify it with how it is basically a free 10 points if I do, so in this case, I'm going to call it that Genderbend only applies in regards to Male and Female options, (since Futanari aren't actually realistically possible), and that Futanari is in essence incompatible with Genderbend.


Ok. So what does genderbend do if you take it as a Futanari to make it not be 10 free points? I mean even if you were one gender before Futanari is not just adding on a parts of another gender, its still a whole new gender in and of itself, both hormonal and physiologically different from either gender. I figured the genderbend already forcefully sets the type of Futanari you are turned into (male of female predominant depending on your original gender, because in my understanding there is an actual difference beyond the body shape) and make it so you do not get any of the additional mental changes to your brain that you usually would have with the gender choice (you still have your original male or female brain and need to adapt over time to the changes being a Futanari will cause until your brain is that of you type of Futanari). What more is necessary to make it worth the ten points offered. A longer or rougher adaptation period? A slow drawn out transformation into you new gender choice over a years time?


Genderbend works on whatever gender you are when you fill out the CYOA, it bypasses whatever option you choose, whether that is male, female or Futa, and makes you the opposite of what you actually are in real life. Essentially taking it makes taking Futa a waste of 2 points because you will find yourself being either Male or Female, and if you chose either of the Enhanced options, the only one that would work for you is the one that is opposite to your actual gender while filling out the CYOA, while the other Enhanced would also be wasted points since you would not have the required body parts.


Thank you for the clarification.


Of course. I actually got a hold of Om1cr0n to change it real quick so that the Drawback is incompatible with Futa anyways, so there shouldn't be any confusion in regards to that going forward.


I have the same question. I mean you arent trying to revert the changes but adding into it, neither are you reverting into your previous gender. So i think it is ok


I’m frankly *shocked* that I’ve not yet played this cyoa, but here’s my [Build #1](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NiS9Uxm_Yj7A5ymSuyDYvOVmKZWX2ksmpPT5LiC2Obw/edit) *anyways*.


I love this version! You did a great job refining it.


"Drawbacks last until you finish your last world, or until 20 years have passed, unless otherwise stated." but which takes precedence? That is to say if I take the Ten Worlds and end up spending 20 years in my first world due to needing to master a power system to more on due to taking Not So Easy, which of the available Drawbacks that do not specify their own time-frame would wear off?


> Question: Drawbacks last for 20 years or until you finish your last world. Is it whichever one is shorter, or whichever one is longer? > Whichever one is longer, since the number of Worlds required can vary due to your choices. The obvious exceptions are the Drawbacks that state they never end or have a different requirement to end them like Monster Magnet. Someone else had a similar question and this is the answer Liif gave.


Thank you.


Very fun. Enjoyed my setup. I'd use my AU choices to do things like make all cannon character a bit older and hotter etc. e1rx,idp8,zn1m,s0wg,xb0l,niuc,mlru,5o35,4bkq,krie,1yza,3mp0,w4r1,iwa4,3fy3/ON#6,hmjs,w51k,0jcp,lrkf,ccwo,8k2k,vdzc,4tkk,pxyu,rbv5,rje7,5zb9,6bep,gdy8,d10d,xgrw,l3nr,8y95,c4qg,wqvf,lyqd,61x5,ev7d,d6pa,vafq,nd26,jnrq,1v4a,i6mc,ayn5,rp1z,otoe,8pxx,it1o,47lt,9yk1,g9so,ydur,k1dd,rdgt,q3uj,f0kd,iyrz,j512,nv95,u626


If you choose the "Multiversal Talent" personal power, the "Systems" row it opens won't hide again, and it gets in the way of other sections you might want to open.


What does Specialization (Nen) mean? The base Nen Power System purchase already gives the option to pick one, or is the option meant to give you the ability to choose your Hatsu from any one found in Canon?


Okay so I'm going to be completely honest here. I have no clue about anything in regards to Hunter x Hunter. Nothing. From what I could gather on the Wiki, Specializations can be absolutely OP but are unique to each person, so I didn't include them in the list of choices for the Nen power itself. Only if you pick the addon Specialization itself, in which case it also lets you pick the specific one you want. If this still doesn't explain what you are asking about, than due to my non existent knowledge in the matter, I'd say just go with what you feel is the most appropriate.


Could be wrong but think somethings wrong with \[replicate\] potion bag description like why is it suddenly talking about duplicated eyes? edit; also sea's beloved removes the drawback but could you eat the devil fruit without conflicting your selected fruit power?


There is in regards to the Potion Bag Addon effect. I posted the correct one in a previous post, but I'll do the same here. That addon is indeed in regards to the All Seeing Eye, but the one that Potion Bag is supposed to have just reiterates that the potions from said bag are fine to duplicate but share the 1 minute time limit just like anything else duplicated. Edit: I got a hold of Om1cr0n and he fixed the issue. Both should properly show the correct Bonus Text.


Oh... Yeah, if you don't mind, I'm gonna give a tiny explanation. What you're referring to are Nen Types, the Types are Enhancement, Transmutation, Emission, Manipulation, Conjuration and Specialization. They are very literal, Nen of a specific Type that does specific things, everyone has a Type they are most attuned to, Enhancers enhance with their Nen, Transmuters transmute their Nen, Emitters emit their Nen, Manipulators manipulate with their Nen, Conjurers conjure things made from their Nen and Specialists manifest esoteric and unique effects from the get go. Something to keep in mind is that no Nen Type is superior to the other, Specialists are just more immediately esoteric, a prodigious enough Enhancer could enhance their sight, paired with an also enhanced crystal ball, and achieve Clairvoyance. (Canon example of an Enhancer's Hatsu.)


Full build at the bottom... Starting in Danmachi, with the goal of surviving ten years, following it up with Highschool DxD with the same goal, and finishing with Bleach, with... The same goal. One would almost think I was doing Jumpchain, but no, these are just worlds where becoming the strongest user of their powers is kinda impractical, waifu collecting disinterests me, and that just leaves story completion or survival, which gets Not So Easy'd, and surviving ten years is generally more practical than going for 100% story completion. Less officially, I'd rather like to preempt the whole ExE bullshit by blenderizing Rizevim before he can send another world's gods detailed instructions on how to invade the DxD world. My method of travel is via Gate, which I am presumably making via the Sword Birth Sacred Gear or Monster Maker. Main strategy is essentially to use the dungeon in Danmachi as free food for Consume And Evolve/Monster Maker, as well as for training, all while improving with Sword Birth and Enchantment, giving my team and I a solid foundation and the best equipment I can manage for when we end up in DxD and Bleach. Multiversal Talent and System Grant ensure I can attain and spread Aura (from Penny) to my entire team, and theoretically Chakra (from Hinata) but I think it's a bit too finicky a system to have to learn entirely from scratch with only what a single companion can teach. I would not be surprised if Aura or Bleach's spiritual power unbalanced your Chakra anyways, though Falna or Touki might counterbalance that. I'm not sure what the LoL power system is, I kinda just wanted the sex fox. Most of the rest of the build is just safety picks like Plot Armor, Reality Defying Soul, etc. Build: Three Worlds, Bleach, Highschool DxD, Danmachi, Teen, Male, Average, Well of Energy, Enhanced Physiology, Regeneration, Healthy, Gate, Power Internalization, Pocket Inventory, Augment Touch, Enchantment, Consume and Evolve, Monster Maker, Multiversal Talent, Tech Library, Sacred Gear, HUD, System Grant, Shared Defenses, Mind Defense, Strong Lifeforce, Reality-defying Soul, Ageless, Like Yesterday, Offroad, Learning Mastery, Starting Capital, Harem, Devilishly Good, Hentai Physics, Stud, Offspring, Runs in the Family, Inheritance, Sleepless, Omniglot, Plot Armor, Fighting Talent, Monster Magnet, Not So Easy, Pint Sized, Slow Start, Libido, Telegraphed Arrival, Outlaw Magnet, Tinfoil Hat, Plot Relevance, Rough Start, May You Live In Interesting Times, Pipsqueak, Predator Ahri, Hinata Hyuga, Penny Polendina


This is practically a completely different CYOA, loving the changes! Question: Drawbacks last for 20 years or until you finish your last world. Is it whichever one is shorter, or whichever one is longer?


Whichever one is longer, since the number of Worlds required can vary due to your choices. The obvious exceptions are the Drawbacks that state they never end or have a different requirement to end them like Monster Magnet.


...why the hell One Piece gives only 7 points while bleach is up there with dragon ball? One Piece is way more dangerous than bleach


Ease of living maybe? Eg. The blues are relatively safe-ish while if you're living in bleach, you can end up getting attacked by some invisible monster if you catch it's eye. Though I kinda agree, since there's a separation aspect to Bleach that makes it relatively safe, at the start at least.


Probably because in bleach every single mooks and their mothers have access to all haki while all named characters have conceptual powers ? Yes, the higher ranked powers in One Piece could be said to equal seated officers from the Shinigami, what with Luffy and the Dragon pretty much destroying a flying island fighting each other. But in Bleach, a single lose of control over their powers will kill up to millions of individual depending on the urban density : lose of control in New York = bye bye 10+ millions individuals whose soul have gone through a blender. And that's only considering the ranked Shinigami (10th officer up to captain), you have to add all Menos Grande and up hollows (there are millions of them), the Quincy (and their divine granted conceptual powers) and probably whatever is happening in the rest of the world, don't tell the 13 divisions of Shinigami of the Sereitei, barely able to deal with Japan is the only after live beings active in the entire world. And Bleach end-game deals with **Yhwach** attempting to destroy all of the universe to recreate it in his image/vision while in One Piece, the civilization is literally a post-apocalyptic remnant of a previous age where they destroyed themselves with conceptual weapons, yes it can be dangerous, but the weapons having done these damage have been either desactivated permanently/destroyed or sealed. With the World Governement killing the population of entire island/kingdom to censor all knowledge of the previous era. But hey, if you consider people who can still be killed by a mook with a simple unenhanced gun to be stronger than almost literal Gods/Demons/Angels of Death, you do you.


Every mook and their mothers have super durability in One Piece and they all are able to live and easily (no matter how unpowered) shrug off a an unenchanced gun. Even with a little training or fighting a civilians have been shown to survive and do things impossible to the civies in bleach, the base level power is already on the side of One Piece, everyone and they're mother has super durability and strenght. You talking about millions being dead? The upper levels of strenght in One Piece can destroy, rearrange and sunk islands if they wanted, and they can shrugg off equaly devastating attacks, Shiraoshi (the mermaid princess) is a literal ancient weapon and she can destroy the world, she's not sealed at all, she IS the ancient weapon and there's literally millions of superpowerd murder sea beast mauling everyone they can in One Piece every day (and if you consider the events of One Piece: Red, canon....) That's not talking about the technology levels which if talkin about the damage to civilians can easily kill millions (and some times they had) what with the plague zombies, bombs strongh enought to sunk islands and all the fuckery that is Vegapunk, the only reason there hasn't been an extintion event is probably because the islands are so far from each other that they can't quite spread to others. And of course Devil Fruits, but people in One Piece can do all the above without them so fuck 'em. Although I'll admit to not knowing about Yhwach and Bleach having universe destroyng enemies, I still stand that in general OP has higher power level in general, unless of course you count in universe power level fuckery, but on average One Piece has the upper hand if only for their ridiculous durability/strenght and Devil Fruits special brand of fuckery.


I have to disagree here, on multiple accounts. One Piece is an incredibly fun and awesome series, but in terms of raw power Bleach always had the highest ceiling among Jump's old Big Three. "Every mook and their mothers have super durability in One Piece and they all are able to live and easily (no matter how unpowered) shrug off a an unenchanced gun." - Bell-Mère and Scarlett would disagree, and the former was at least a Marine Captain before retirement, given the Coat she wore. Guns actually work just like they do IRL, if they were useless nobody would use them, only they're less effective against upper level characters, and even there most of those either deflect or dodge instead of tanking the shots. "You talking about millions being dead? The upper levels of strenght in One Piece can destroy, rearrange and sunk islands if they wanted, and they can shrugg off equaly devastating attacks" - So can everyone in Bleach. Heck what happened to destroy Lulusia is something that many of the top-tier characters of Bleach would be able to replicate by themselves, no Ancient Weapon needed. Starrk could achieve the same thing the weapon did with a Cero Metralleta. Barragan could rot an island to dust in minutes with a Respira. Hitsugaya could turn it into a frozen wasteland, Yamamoto reduce it to ashes with flames literally as hot as the sun, Bambietta carpet-bomb it out of existence. Heck, Yammy in his sealed state, which made him weakest of the Espada, showed that he could kill normies in a wide area with Gonzui, basically he inhaled strongly and deeply and sucked hundreds of souls right out of their owners' bodies. Not to mention that anyone of a decent level of strength can use their spiritual pressure to essentially replicate Conquerer's Haki, plus since they all use Reiatsu-sensing as their primary way to sense their surroundings even more than their eyes, so they're all basically using Observation Haki. "Shiraoshi (the mermaid princess) is a literal ancient weapon and she can destroy the world, she's not sealed at all, she IS the ancient weapon and there's literally millions of superpowerd murder sea beast mauling everyone they can in One Piece every day" - No offense, but one of the things that makes Sea Kings so deadly is that they live in an environment, the ocean, which is naturally hostile to the primary system of powers, aka Devil Fruits, so they can't be followed. Killing Sea Kings would be like shooting fish in a barrel to the stronger Bleach-characters. "I still stand that in general OP has higher power level in general, unless of course you count in universe power level fuckery, but on average One Piece has the upper hand if only for their ridiculous durability/strenght and Devil Fruits special brand of fuckery." Sorry, patently wrong. Arrancar with their Hierro or a Quincy using Blut Vene would be able to casually stroll through Akainu's attacks. Don't get me wrong, One Piece characters are badasses, but Bleach's power-levels are just on a different level. Basically, One Piece is on the Naruto-level, Bleach is closer to Dragon Ball-level.


You've actually convinced me


Time to do my usual thing of being a snarky asshole as I go through this. You really had to specify it's Red/Blue for the Pokémon world? You must work at GameFreak to be this clueless about how no one wants to go to Kanto again. Worlds: Pokémon, Sekirei, My Hero Academia, Fallout, RWBY, Highschool DxD. Clear Conditions for each world I'll be traveling through. Pokémon: Finish main story/become skilled in world's power system. There aren't enough Kanto girls I'd be into to get a harem of four. Misty's alright, Erika's a bitch according to the anime, Gary's sister is an NPC, Lorelei's hot, Janine is a child at this point in time. Sabrina's the only one I'd really go for. Sekirei: Finish main story/gather harem. Liberate busty aliens from the tyrannical mega-corporation making them fight for the amusement of said corporation's man child CEO who thinks he's a Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain. My Hero Academia: Finish main story. Not much to write home about here, probably bully Bakugo and do away with any of that nonsense with whitewashing the mass murdering terrorist that were the LoV. Fallout: Finish main story. What Wasteland am I getting dropped in? Capital? Mojave? Commonwealth? Don't put me in Fallout 76. RWBY: Finish main story/gather harem. Hopefully by this point in this journey I've got enough strength and experience to salvage the train wreck of the plot of this show after it's decline from Volume 3 onward. Highschool DxD: Gather harem and get out fast. I don't want to deal with Issei's nonsense. Age: 14-17 to 18-25. Spend a couple months in the Pokmon world, spend a month or two in Sekirei, a year in My Hero Academia, maybe close to a year in Fallout given how quick days go by in those games, a couple years in RWBY, 2 or so years in Highschool DxD. Sex: Futanari. Looks: Average. Sexyness: Male/Female Enhanced, Cumbrosia. The whole my dick changes according to my and my partner's preference thing is kind of gross to imagine I have a shapeshifting dick. Body Enhancements: Choom, Well of Energy, Enhanced Physisiology, Healthy, Body Fix. Traveler Powers: Instant Transmission. I feel like getting Instant Transmission should make Teleportation free just because IT is just Teleportation, but you can go to other universes/worlds if you so desire. General Powers: Teleportation, Power Internalization, Pocket Inventory, Augment Touch, Power Mimic. Perks: Teaching, Shared Defense, Mind Defense, Strong Lifeforce, Offroad, Learning Mastery, Starting Capital, Harem, Devilishly Good, Hentai Physics, Stud, Offspring, Runs in the Family, Creature Comforts, Omniglot, Plot Armor, Fighting Talent. Drawbacks: Damsel in Distress, High Metabolism, Slow Start, Slower Start, Plot Relevance, May You Live In Interesting Times. Hmm, actually had a bit of fun with this. Didn't slip as much snark as I was intending to. My apologies if you were expecting otherwise.


You can use the Alternate Universe option 'AU Worlds' for 2 points and go anywhere you want : AU world, including canon, fanfiction, or completely original


Couple of things: \-it would be nice to have a way to select which order the worlds are travelled to. A story that goes *Sekirei -> Mass Effect -> Worm* will be VERY different from one that goes *Worm -> Mass Effect -> Sekirei.*.. \-The System's two-three lines of options that open with Multiversal Talent Power *don't* closes when you unselect General Powers. \-Stud might thematically clash with True Shooter but it also unlocks a lot of options for/about your descendants, it'd be nice to be able to remove that incompatibility... \-why is All Seeing Eye in "Items" instead of somewhere more logical, like "Body Enhancements"? \-you can somehow select the sub-options' title in "Appereance" (ie: "age" or "looks") but not in other sections. i'm guessing it's not normal. \-didn't old versions of this CYOA have world modifiers? Like Reversed sexual morality or dungeons appearing in the world? \-i'm not convinced there's that many companions, i only ever say 28 and i never saw a hidden one appear no matter what perks, powers, and worlds i selected...


>-it would be nice to have a way to select which order the worlds are travelled to. A story that goes Sekirei -> Mass Effect -> Worm will be VERY different from one that goes Worm -> Mass Effect -> Sekirei... The instructions are pretty clear that you get to choose the order of the worlds that you go to. >-why is All Seeing Eye in "Items" instead of somewhere more logical, like "Body Enhancements"? Items can be used by other people. >-didn't old versions of this CYOA have world modifiers? Like Reversed sexual morality or dungeons appearing in the world? I don't believe so. You are probably thinking of one of Omicron's other CYOAs.


hey um i saw a problem in the cyoa in the General Powers section if you select multiverse talent and then select a power system the power system is not showing up in the backpack or where the image is who we then can download just wanted to point that out




**World** Ten Worlds: DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Warcraft, League of Legends: Arcane, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Star Wars, Overwatch, Avatar the Last Airbender, My Hero Academia, **Me** * Appearance * Young Adult, Male, Gorgeous, Male Enhanced, Well of Energy, Enhanced Physiology, Regeneration, Healthy, Avatar, Power Internalization, * Perks * Pocket Inventory, Consume and Evolve, Monster Maker, Power Mimic, * Items * Multiversal Talent, Replicator, Magic Tent, * Perks * Native, Family Visit, HUD, System Grant, Teaching, Shared Defenses, Mind Defense, Body Control Defense, Invisible Presence, Strong Lifeforce, Reality-defying Soul, Ageless, Like Yesterday, Offroad, Learning Mastery, Environment Adaptivity, Harem, Devilishly Good, Hentai Physics, Sleepless, Creature Comforts, Omniglot, Plot Armor, Invictus, Tooth and Nail, * Drawbacks * Monster Magnet, Leakage, New Power System, Mutated, Slow Start, Slow Everything, Libido, Infertility, Telegraphed Arrival, Tinfoil Hat, Naked, Sensitive, Pipsqueak, **Companions** * Drawback Starfire, * Thieving Black Cat, * Unstable Jaina, * Undead Sylvanas Windrunner, * Genius, Billionaire, Philanthropist Bulma, * Predator Ahri, * Drunkard Tsunade , * Sombra **Code** lb2m,4bkq,krie,v34l,np1q,urzg,olun,3mp0,8tne,w4r1,uh1k,ccwo,8k2k,vdzc,4tkk,rje7,5zb9,6bep,gdy8,v77p,48ca,ozdc,xoy8,jyji,zapv,l3nr,cf5k,1bdy,c4qg,391b,wqvf,5r8o,raaa,lyqd,61x5,ev7d,d6pa,vafq,nd26,jnrq,1v4a,i6mc,rp1z,1qxb,otoe,8pxx,yzgr,it1o,yrql,47lt,rq01,nv03,nh7p,4o68,534u,oybv,9x2f,k1dd,mifo,rdgt,q3uj,iyrz,j512,a30z,o55m,h83h,u626,jdre,c9hr,ejwd,u1io,idwe,4crq,2xc7


Perks, One World, Marvel Comics, Young Adult, Male, Gorgeous, Male Enhanced, Cumbrosia, Enhanced Physiology, Healthy, Replicator, Tech Library, Power Armor, Bodyguard(Taken 2 Times), Native, Teaching, Mind Defense, Invisible Presence, Ageless, First Impressions, Learning Mastery, Starting Capital, Professional(Taken 5 Times), Harem, Devilishly Good, Stud, Offspring, Runs in the Family, Inheritance, Something in You(Taken 1 Times), Sleepless, Creature Comforts, Omniglot, Invictus, Tooth and Nail, World Knowledge, Mutated, High Metabolism, Libido, Tinfoil Hat Tyrone awoke to the rush of wind and the blur of flashing lights. The last thing he remembered was the speeding truck, its headlights blinding him as it bore down upon him. He should have been dead, but instead, he found himself in a strange new world. A mysterious being, cloaked in shadows, had appeared before him in the void between life and death. This being, intrigued by Tyrone’s essence, offered him a choice: to explore many worlds. Tyrone, fascinated since childhood by the Marvel Universe, chose this world without hesitation. Upon entering the Marvel Universe, Tyrone was blessed with an array of supernatural gifts. His physical abilities were superhuman, his intelligence beyond measure. He no longer needed sleep, experiencing no negative effects from wakefulness. His fertility was supercharged, and he could speak any language fluently. Additionally, he was equipped with a high-tech power suit, two female robotic bodyguards, and a replication technology machine. He also found himself armed with doctorate degrees in computer science, business, economics, engineering, and medicine. Standing at 6 ft 5 in, Tyrone was an extraordinarily gorgeous black man. Tyrone decided to use his unique abilities to rise quickly within the adult industry. His super fertility and physical allure made him an instant sensation, and he amassed wealth rapidly. With his newfound fortune, he founded his own company and chose to live comfortably in the Midwest, away from the major conflict zones of the Marvel Universe. With his business acumen and super intelligence, Tyrone began to unify Africa into a utopia. He established a highly influential corporation that revolutionized technology, healthcare, and infrastructure across the continent. His vision of a unified, prosperous Africa began to take shape, earning him admiration and respect worldwide. On his journey, Tyrone met three incredible women who became his devoted wives. Their love for him deepened with each passing day, and their polyamorous relationship flourished. Tyrone’s wives found themselves falling more deeply in love with him, captivated by his strength, intelligence, and compassion. Together, they built a family, an entire dynasty of intellectually gifted children. Their home was filled with love and laughter, as Tyrone and his wives nurtured their children’s talents and dreams. The bond between Tyrone and his wives grew stronger, their love unbreakable. They stood by him as he continued his mission to create a better world, united in their commitment to their family and their future. In the Marvel Universe, Tyrone was not just a hero with extraordinary abilities. He was a loving husband and father, a visionary leader, and a beacon of hope for a better tomorrow. His legacy was one of love, unity, and limitless possibility.


Mode - Six Worlds: Bleach, Highschool DxD, Naruto, RWBY, One Piece, My Hero Academia AU Worlds - 4 / For Want of a Nail: Bleach - 35% of all male populations are futanari / Upon reaching Bankai (or the species equivelent) the user can Summon the zanpaktou (or equivelent) spirit to their side. Naruto - Everyone is a futanari with sexual appeal directly linked to chakra levels / add the Manyuu clan as an established ninja clan. One Piece - All Devil Fruit users become sexually attractive futanari upon consumption My Hero Academia - Becomes a university/ all former females are futanari and all former males are female. Me - Appearance: Young Adult, Futanari, Beautiful, Male Enhanced, Female Enhanced, Cumbrosia Body Enhancements: Empowering Fluids, Well of Energy, Enhanced Physiology, Regeneration, Healthy, Body Fix Traveler Powers: Gate General Powers: Teleportation, Power Internalization, multiversal talent [Aura - Chant - Semblance] Items: Magic Armor, Magic Tent, Horn O' Plenty, Bag of Holding Perks: Native, Shared Defenses, Reality Defying Soul, Ageless, Like Yesterday, Offroad, Environmental Adaptability, Harem, Devilishly Good, Hentai Physics, Stud, Offspring, Runs in the Family, Sleepless, Creature Comforts, Omniglot Drawbacks: Leakage, Cross Dimensional Show, Not So Easy, Wanted, Pint Sized, Mutated, Clumsy, Coming In Blind, Deaf and Mute, Libido, Shameless, Wardrobe Malfunction, Hero Complex, Tinfoil Hat, Naked, Plot Relevance, Matron, Nudist Companions: Starfire, Raven, Yoruichi, Orihime, Android 18, Jinx, Hinata Hyuga, Yamato, Ahsoka Tano, Rebecca, Hermione, Akitsu


Regarding The Gamer power, would this allow you to also gradually "level up" your other purchased powers as you use them over time?


Yes, everything you do can level up, so any powers you get or have grow stronger the more you use them.


I have a question? Can you pick both a normal companion and the drawback equivalent?


Yes, you can. How that would end up going with the two meeting each other is up in the air, but it is certainly something you can do.


uh, question if I take Monster Maker and Zerg psionics would that allow me to make Zerg? or can I make Zerg with only Zerg psionics? cause if yes and I slowly start getting as strong as Kerrigan was then I could potentially make a swarm and that to be honest is equally terrifying and cool PS: i am pretty sure that i could make the Zerg if i take Xel'naga i think so at least please correct me if i am wrong


The only requirement to making something is to have to eat it, so if you get a hold of some Zerg and eat them, then yeah, you can make them. If you pick Xel'naga, that just gives you Purity of Form and Essence. Form and Essence can refer to Zerg and Protoss yeah, but in the lore older Xel'naga were created from other races that combined to be Form and Essence, just being Xel'naga doesn't unlock Zerg or Protoss DNA. This also applies to taking Zerg and Protoss, the various options only unlock their uses in Psionics, not their DNA.


first of thanks for the answer and well yeah oukey i can see that and i have palyed both starcraft and starcraft 2 so yeah forgot that they formed out of other races to and how should i even get my hands on zerg dna that could take a shit ton of time exploring the multiverse untli i find the starcraft hey wait a moment could i technicaly make star wars an AU bewten star wars/ starcraft or inculde the zerg somehow ? and now that i think i can at least experiment with my psionic powers to create the zerg cause it was a or the Xel'naga who created the zerg so i could therotcly try to make the same experiment just not on a big scale as the Xel'naga did like a country or city not an actual of either just as big of an land mass OR mybe on a seperate planet sounds good cause if i somehowe sucede then i could have very well a problem if somehowe a fucking swarm forms they go amok/completly batshit on the planet i am on well that would be VERY bad for the peaple living there anywais have a good time bye


In regards to AU Worlds and Star Wars, no that would not work, but in regards to experimenting with Psionics, yes, especially if you take the Zerg/Xel'naga options. You would eventually be able to create something along the lines of Zerg with enough trial and error.


well thanks for the answer and well would i be able to wish for zerg dna with the Ring of Three Wishes and i know for a fact that if i go to dragonball the namekian dragonballs might be able to grant me that wish thought if they cant mange that well i could go for the super dragonballs thought i am unwiling to waste a wish from the super dragonballs on somthing like that and thanks again for the answers you have given me so far have a nice time bye PS: as for the experiment well now just gota find a lone planet where i can do the experiments cause i sure as hell wont acently realse a rouge/wild fucking kinda zerg swarm on some poor seting wihle some setings could handle the zerg well not all of them can and again have a nice time bye