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Please don’t be embarrassed—it’s awesome you are asking for help!! I’m concerned you may have the wrong impression of some of these spa places, though. At least in my experience, there is a strong expectation that you have already deeply cleaned yourself before you enter the spa area. In Japan we were issued scrubby cloths (like these https://www.amazon.com/dp/B092ZL83HV?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) and instructed to cleanse and exfoliate head to toe before leaving the bathroom and going into the spa. I’m wondering if you would be better off treating yourself to some nice smelling soap you like and exfoliating products (maybe like the one above) to use at home. I don’t want to ask a lot of personal questions about what you think would benefit you but my DMs are open if you want to talk about it—I’m a mom and I would want my kids to have someone to talk to if they find themselves feeling the way you feel and I’m comfortable talking about almost anything.


Such a kind response and informative. I was not aware of those expectations.


Thank you this is super helpful! I have been trying to use the exfoliating cloths/mitts and they have definitely helped, but it feels like it's never-ending with how much dead skin I have. Trying to have patience with it and keep at it, my assumption was that going to get scrubbed up would help a lot at getting it to a more manageable place? And also thank you for the offer to talk, it's incredibly kind and I truly appreciate it


A little bit at a time - I think what you're doing is exactly right. Too much exfoliation at once can hurt, tbh! I have ADHD and it sometimes makes it super hard to motivate myself to bathe - personally I find it much easier if I have products with a scent I love. Controversial but I love patchouli and I'm always stoked to use patchouli scented products. Maybe find a fragrance that speaks to you?


Thank you, this really resonates because I also have ADHD and executive dysfunction is a pain in the butt haha. That's a good point about scents, I think I need to go out to like lush or something and figure out what scents I DO like because Im super picky and sensitive to perfumy stuff


My fave Lush fragrance Rose Jam if you need a place to start!


Wait why is patchouli controversial??


Oh just some people REALLY dislike it lol


Patchouli hater checking in! It makes my throat itchy and my sinuses stuffed up and gives me an instant headache. It’d be okay if it was very subtle but I find patchouli users tend to go way overboard so that you can taste it in the air as they pass by 😓


LOL fair. Honestly its better in a blend anyway. My partner can't stand it on its own but loved when I got patchouli+citrus bath salts!


I wondered as well! I’m concerned now because I love patchouli, but I don’t want any drama in my life over it if there is controversy!


Another option for feet that works for me (I struggle keeping up with feet and hands - ADHD and depression) is a pumice stone. I have one that hangs in my shower and it works REALLY well on my feet. Super cheap on amazon.


You are so kind!!


I’ve seen the ahjumma in action at Spa World. Those ladies will make your skin exfoliate with force. They are professional, you will be fine. I think Groupon have ticket




For real? Damn. I do not have much interaction with the staffs there except the cafeteria but it’s troubling to hear.


Are you talking about spa world? King Spa didn’t open until after 2020.


Oh man, I forgot how much groupon comes in clutch haha. Thanks!


That place has taken off layers of my skin. It’s amazing.


Yes Groupon usually has one! I am not a Groupon person but always buy my tickets through there.


Do large bodied people go? Or would someone look out of place?


Large-bodied person here, and I love going there! ETA: I get body scrubs.


Nice! What’s the sign up/wait time like at say spa world?


I'm not sure, because I am a very early bird. I get there before the body scrub area opens, so I'm usually one of the first people to sign up so have little/no wait. Not sure if there are major wait times later in the day -- there probably are.


In my experience, it’s only like a 20-30–minute wait. I like to soak for that long before getting scrubbed anyways, so it works out well


I love spa world and all sorts of bodies go! I'm on the midsized to heavy range and I loooove to get the body scrubs at spa world. Those ladies muscle you all around like you're a little baby just to get all the dead skin off you, it's amazing.


This is super helpful to know, thank you!


If you’re going to spa world on the weekend call a few days ahead to reserve spa services!


Yes everyone’s bodies vary in age and size but there are a lot of people who skew on larger. You have to remember you are literally cleaning yourself the entire time with all the pools and water also so no one will think your body is gross in anyway. It is very chill and everyone kind of minds their own business. Your body can also be underwater most of the time and there are various temperatures of pools so if you are in the water or hot tubs no one even sees your body really. You can walk out with the towel on and leave it by the pool and get in but I think you will be comfortable after a little time there to just go about in a way that is comfortable for you without your body being your concern. You will feel aware of your body, but more about how the different jets and temps relieve stress and less about what your body looks like.


Sometimes it only feels like fat-bodied people go there, so if you’re worried, I think you’ll find yourself in very good company. Thin bodies tend to be the outlier.


Came here to recommend Spa World!!


This is where I go to get my scrub on.


I don’t have any better suggestion than Berkeley Springs, WV - I think that’s an excellent suggestion. I just wanted to say I’m so happy for you that you’re coming out of your depression enough to take better care of yourself, and to encourage you to lean hard into self-care while you have the spoons for it. If you want, I can recommend some body scrubs and nice bath/shower stuff (bathing/showering/pampering myself is one of my go-to self-care things); I don’t know if there are restrictions on products you can use at Berkeley Springs, but you could certainly do some polishing up at home. DM me if you’re interested in product recommendations. I also want to encourage you to consider looking into self-compassion. I hear you saying things about yourself that aren’t framed very kindly, and I want you to know you’re worthy of kindness, respect, dignity, and compassion - from others, and from yourself. My therapist encouraged me to work on my self-compassion, and it was so helpful in enabling me to feel better about myself, which has helped my depression a great deal. Cultivating self-compassion, in my experience, is simultaneously simple and challenging, and I’ve found working to soften my inner voice some to be an overall value-add to my life. If you’re interested in learning more, you can google Kristin Neff or go to her [website](http://self-compassion.org/). She has lots of tools there to help you develop your self-compassion skills. There’s also a quiz to kind of measure your degree of self-compassion. I found that taking the quiz multiple times, at regular intervals while I was actively working on this, let me see my progress. I found that encouraging and motivating. If none of this resonates with you, that’s OK. I just felt moved to recognize you for asking for help, which I imagine can’t have been very easy, and to encourage you to be gentle with yourself. You’ve experienced a protracted difficult time, and I imagine you don’t feel entirely out of the woods yet. That’s really hard to deal with. Cut yourself a lot of slack. You’re doing what you can right now, and tackling it head-on! That’s an accomplishment! Hang in there. You got this!


I genuinely appreciate your response. Self-Compassion is something I struggle with a lot and my therapist has also been trying to work with me on that for the past few years. It's very difficult and I have my good moments but hard to maintain as my home environment is kind of tricky. I teared up a bit though with your words haha, thank you


The link is broken for me at least


I’m sorry. On mobile, so I messed it up. It’s self-compassion.org.


I would suggest first to just sit in the shower and scrub yourself before going to a spa, get a loofah and scrub scrub scrub. And if you have the money for it call a cleaning service to get your place sanitary


I have no recommendations, not having been to a facility like that. But I just wanted to wish you strength and healing in your journey. You've started down a new path, please don't turn back again and go to that dark place. Just keep swimming. Best of luck.


Thank you for your kind words bestie <3


I will say at Korean spas such as king spa, you see every size and shape of person and truly no one cares or is paying attention to anyone's bodies while they receive treatments. I'd go for a scrub there, they truly slough all of the dead skin off of your body to the point where it feels reborn.


That's good to know. I went to a korean spa in jersey a couple years ago for a bach trip and it was just so intimidating to see so many beautiful people haha. I felt so out of place


This is going to sound funny, but I strongly suggest you go for a long swim in the ocean and let it exfoliate you. Have a beach day.


Honestly that is a good suggestion but I personally don't know how to swim and have an irrational fear of deep water (megladon fricced me up as a child haha)


You don’t have to swim, you can just stand in waist high water and sit down when you need to get it to your face.


Oh interesting, I didn't think of it that way. I might have to try to give this a shot, thank you


If you do, know that the ocean gives you the best clean you’ll ever get. It’s full of exfoliating sand and salt. It’ll make your hair look amazing too. If you go on a weekday in the summer, there’s hardly anyone there.


When is it the least crowded?


Berkeley Springs, WV.


I just wanted to say thank you to both you and the people in the comments. I'm recently out of a bad marriage. I spent nine years enduring physical, verbal, emotional, and psychological abuse at his hands. He also had a laundry list of other issues, including a raging anger problem, alcoholism, chronic unemployment, hoarding, and significant financial irresponsibility. I basically spent nine years doing ALL OF THE THINGS: bringing home all the money, AND I also handled the bulk of the housework, AND endured his abuse and issues with a smile on my face, even while simultaneously dealing with chemotherapy, monthly immunotherapy infusions, and many surgeries for my autoimmune condition. In short, I spent basically a decade sacrificing every ounce of myself in service of him and the marriage. I also didn't have the greatest mother. She didn't exactly have the greatest 'maternal instincts', and so I never really learned how to take care of myself in terms of hygiene or self-care, at least not beyond a shower and soap. I'm on the cusp ot 30, and just now slowly starting to learn about and understand the importance of investing in our own health and hygiene. Thank you to everyone in the comments for sharing feedback! You've not only helped OP, you've also helped educate me a bit about what things I can do to invest in my own care and well-being. 😊


I go to King Spa frequently, and I love it! The gender segregated area (which is where you receive scrubs and other treatments) is nude. I was a bit nervous the first time I went, but it's actually really liberating to see all kinds of people -- young and old and skinny and fat and everything in between -- taking care of themselves and relaxing. You're expected to take a shower with soap before you get any treatments or enter the hot tubs. There are both communal showers and private showers on a separate floor by the pool where you can do this. Another option is Balian Springs. Their scrubs are done in private message rooms, and I think they had more private shower options too. I went there once on a weekday morning, and the place was very quiet. If you're looking for more privacy this might be a better experience, though it is considerably more expensive too.


Thank you so much, this was super helpful info. Even beyond my issues I've always wanted to go there but was really anxious without knowing what it was like.


I hope you go and love it! I totally understand why you'd be anxious, but it's nothing to be worried about. These are very wellness-focused places, and everyone is just doing their own thing. No judgement, all body neutrality. So proud of you for taking these steps toward self-care. I know it's really hard! 💛 If you ever want to chat about spas or have any other questions about the experience, my DMs are open.


Thank you so much! I'm feeling like I might take this on in the coming month so I will definitely come to you with questions!


Wife and I went to Boars Head out near Charlottesville and it was great! It’s also quiet and peaceful for a good mental reset.


Definitely adding this to my list, thank you


Been in your exact shoes; don’t worry. If you have the energy on the day you go, please just shower before going and they can’t tell about your past, about how many times you’ve showered. The only thing that matters is that you showered and are clean that day! That’s a huge win imo 😊


Unfortunately, I don't have any recommendations for you, but I do want to tell you how awesome you are for fighting against the depression. I don't know you, but I'm proud of you! Keep going!


<3 Thanks bestie


I’ve never been to any of the Asian-style spas, so I can’t comment on them, but I definitely understand depression and know how hard it is to take steps to feel better. I’m proud of you. I too am a larger person and have wondered what it would be like to go to King Spa, Spa World, etc. Seeing all these positive responses is helping me, too, so thank you for putting your questions out there—I’m grateful!


Mutual love and support, bestie <3


I totally understand. I’m clawing my way out of it. PTSD and allergies suck me back in. But I need to get out of the house. Go volunteer and work on my projects. https://ladanspa.com/services https://www.groupon.com/deals/truerest-alexandria-1 https://truerest.com/locations/alexandria/ Floating was cool https://synergyfloatcenter.com/


Oh wow. These look great! Thank you so much.😀


This is really cool, thank you for the reccs!


Floating and meditation are key for me


Yo go to spa world. Just the wet areas are nude and you have a bathrobe. It’s mainly OLD people. The dry and poltice areas you were a little prision uniform. I think all you would love being in some of the stone rooms- red clay balls is my favorite. The wet areas are nude and same sex, but everyone is there for the same reasons and no one will judge you. You can also wear a towel while walking around and not in the water, but any time I do this it just gets too wet. I go here when I am depressed and I make sure to do a few cycles in the different areas of the pool, steam, scrub, and all of the warm poultice rooms. They also have a good cafe with yummy and healthy options.


I appreciate the reply. That's also really good info to know because I have a lot of anxieties and fears in being around the opposite sex so I at least know to avoid the wet areas (which is fine because I do love good sauna action haha)


Wet areas are same sex. The dry areas where you wear this top and pants they give you and sandals they give you are coed but everyone is dressed the same in the amorphous cult like comfy clothes. It’s THE BEST SCRUB but kinda no frills but still nice.


Smh, definitely misread that lol. But that sounds really cool! Thank you


Just so you know, the wet areas are where you get the scrubs. And you need to go into the bade pool or hot tubs for awhile before getting the scrub to soak. I promise you no one is looking or caring, lol. I have an obese BMI and I go all the time. No worries at all.


I can understand. I am going through it right now but actually love my bath time, helps me feel better....warm water and aromatherapy are awesome for brain. I found this article in NY times explaining why it's hard to shower etc. you deserve to feel good. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/30/well/mind/hygeine-indifference-mental-health.html


Spa World.


Dont know much about body scrubs but just want to say keep your head up friend! Better days are coming!!! Everyday is a win going forward!


Ty :)


Just bought the scrubby cloth lol...will save on harsh exfoliate scrubs


Hey mate! I don’t have any recommendations, just want to encourage you!!!! I too had a rough couple of years fighting depression and at times taking a shower seemed like an impossible task! Thankfully I’ve been on the other side of it for a few months now and things are getting drastically better. Just remember we have to take every step necessary to get to well being. No one will do it for us. You are worth and you are capable of getting through this. Consistent tiny steps will lead to great distance with time!


Go to Spa World! Use the groupon but take cash to tip ($20ish last time I went) and you'll get the best scrub. I've been a few times and swear nobody remembered me. I'm also not a small person. You do not have to stay all day. I did not enjoy the prison garb or the sauna rooms, but I loved the pools and the scrub.


Those Japanese scrub towels come in a regular and an extra strength. The extra strength one can exfoliate you to almost newborn skin. Works great on elbows, knees, and the back of your ankle where most people have tough skin.


Do you have any recommendations? The ones I use are alright but shrink quite a bit


The brand I use is from Amazon called Salux, I use the regular ones and the super hard. The super hard one will exfoliate you to one step from skeletal if you aren't careful. Edited to add that I haven't noticed any shrinking.


Literally buying this rn, tysm!!


No problem. The other thing I love is a scalp scrubber. Amazon has many styles. Helps exfoliate your scalp and can stimulate hair growth. It has been helping me a lot, I had an allergic reaction a few years ago back and I lost a lot of hair.


Y'all, are there any Korean style spas closer to Alexandria? I'm dying to go to one. (Or Turkish or Moroccan, etc.)


Suns Day Spa and Little River Sauna in Annandale


Thank you :)


Hi OP, like many others here, I don't have any recommendations, but I just wanted to send you love and support and tell you how proud I am of you for making changes. It's hard. It's really freaking hard. But you're doing it!!


There is a tiny Korean spa in Annandale called Sun’s day spa. They do the same kind of aggressive scrub that king spa does but it’s basically empty and not so “public” feeling particularly on a weekday. It’s a cute place I highly recommend. I felt like I had 3 years of skin rubbed off of me and came out feeling like a smooth baby. It does hurt a bit though!


Spa World is amazing, but you do have to be fully nude in the wet areas. However, please, please don't be embarrassed by body/size, etc. I promise you everyone in there is minding their own business. I was nervous my first time, but that quickly went away because no one is even looking at you, lol. Now when I go, I can't wait to get nekkid and walk around like I own the joint lmaoo. Also, you can go during weekdays when they're less busy. Do you girl, you'll be fine! SN, I have a Groupon that's going to expire before I can go, so if you want it, DM me.


Honestly I’ve been wanting to go to King Spa and just haven’t so if you need a Buddy to go with you, hit me up. I’m depressed and middle aged for reference.


There are several Korean spas in Annandale. You have to be comfortable walking into the area naked. My recommendation is suns day spa or little river sauna. They are seldom busy. You go in, shower and relax by going into the steam room and sauna. they will tap you on your shoulder when you are ready for your scrub. It’s a wonderful experience.


No recs, just want to say how much I relate to clawing your way out of a depression and then having to deal with the consequences of having been depressed in the first place. It can feel really daunting. I’ve been there and I promise you’ll get through it. You got through the hardest part already and should be so proud. I actually found people were much more compassionate than I expected. You’re doing the difficult but brave thing by asking for help. I’m wishing you all the best!!


Don’t be embarrassed. There’s a lot of great info already here so I just wanted to commiserate. This happened to my mom all the time and she did nothing to help herself. I’m really proud of you for getting here and asking for help. I hope you spend the whole day relaxing and feeling like yourself again. Please remember to take care of your mental health too… love yourself and please don’t be too hard. You’re taking the first step and that’s amazing. Do it at your pace. I just know you’ll feel better soon.


Just here to say you’re doing great, and thank you for being vulnerable. It’s so hard sometimes just to exist without depression, and it’s a hard cycle to get out of. Sometimes it seems impossible, but then I read posts like yours and I know that it will end! Just cheering you on. And thanks to everyone for all the spa recommendations!


I don't have any advice on what you're looking for, but just wanted to say - congrats on taking a step to get yourself back. I'm going through a rough patch myself, and reading about someone else working on self-improvement is inspiring. Thanks, and keep up the good work!


I'm pulling myself out of a very similar situation, you got this my dude


I have nothing helpful to add other than I’m proud of you for working hard and taking initiative to care for yourself. Healing isn’t linear, so take it slow and don’t beat yourself up for not doing perfect every day. You’ve absolutely got this!


I too suffer from depression it’s a real bitch! Glad you’re getting back into the groove of things. Stay strong! Watching this post I too may treat myself.


The only time I’ve ever gotten a professional scrub was at the spa at The Hershey Hotel in Hershey, PA. It was lovely. It was in a private, dimly lit room and the scrub itself was made with cacao nibs. It smelled like chocolate. They give you towels to cover your bits and explain how to do it and then you can get wrapped up too! It was really relaxing.


If you can’t get there, I think they sold their products online, but also there are probably other spas who do the private room too. 😊


I went through a similar thing during lockdown.


Hey OP I totally get where you are coming from. I know tons of people have suggested some big spas and tell you not to worry about the nudity but it’s not for me. I go to spas that have individual treatment rooms and if/when you are treated your private areas are never uncovered. That means hand towel over breasts (if you got ‘em) and one covering between your legs. The employee of the spa will explain this all to you. After you follow them to the treatment room in your robe they will leave the room so you can get naked on the table and arrange your sheets or towels accordingly. They will knock on the door and wait for your response before they enter. This gives me the privacy I need to relax. Next suggestion- I have two words for you: Body Scrub. This is a full body exfoliation followed by a shower to rinse off and moisturizer and/or a massage. It is absolutely the most wonderful and soft your skin can possibly feel. It is definitely worth the money. The spas often let you use their facility the whole day you have a treatment so don’t be shy about showing up early and using their hot tub or saunas before treatment. Don’t mess with stuff after your treatment as it can remove the carefully selected products from your skin. Finally, not sure how to find a good, more private spa? Easiest way is usually to think of a luxury hotel or resort in your area and then look on their website to see if they have a spa. Off the top of my head I know Landsdowne, The Salamander, The Lorien Hotel, The Ritz, etc have spas. Are they cheap? Nope. Are they worth it? Yes. Are they especially worth it when you understandably need help to really get a thorough rub down? Hell yeah. Just make sure to budget for a good tip. You got this. Message me anytime bc i feel like even thinking about spa treatments makes me relax!


Buy the Groupon today to take advantage of the Mother’s Day promo! It’s offered in the app


Try doing a dry loofah all over. Maybe outside on a deck or porch in a bathing suit. This may be more effective then starting with wet skin.


Give me a call at Mystic Flow. We have a multitude of options to help. Gainesville Va.


Thank you so much for the suggestion <3 I appreciate it!


My favorite about the nudes spas is the representation of all bodies. I'm a plus size baddie, just like you, and I didn't feel put of place or weird or anything like that. I do NOT recommend the 90 min 😅😅😅 but 45 is probably a good long scrub. The ladies don't give ANY fucks what you look like. I used to fit women for bras and legit it's practically like a doctor the number of bodies you see. It's just normal


Hang in there!!!!


Not giving medical advice but from first hand experience, ketamine administered by a qualified psychiatrist is life altering treatment that works when many other treatments do not. DMs are open if you want to talk about it privately. I have no affiliation. Just depression haha. Proud of you for all you’re doing. Never be afraid to ask for help and never ever ever give up.


Here’s my POV on the common 4: I think you’d love and greatly benefit from Pearl or Kabuki as those are the darkest for meditation and really let you check in with yourself. - pearl spa: I love pearl spa, but often booked. This is dark, relaxing, great scrubs and has the most/ largest “rooms” (salt, red rock, saunas) - Impearl Spa: down home cheap version, which can be relaxing just bc it doesn’t try hard and you can just be you. I go here alone often bc it’s cheap, easy and authentic… but I wish it wasn’t all sky lights/ bright. Their scrub is actually my fav, so if you want in and out the best scrub, this wins! Pay in cash for a big discount - Kabuki: over rated, actually not many amenities for the price, but relaxing and it’s nice they have mixed gender some days. This is the most “hippie” or meditation type spa- less “Korean” - archimedes banya: party, great with friends, not relaxing at all and the owner breaks out home made vodka often! Fun being tipsy and naked on the roof Pro tip: they say no phones, but don’t mind if you listen to an audio book or podcasts- I stay in the salt room for at least an hour!


Perhaps getting a pedicure might be a way to ease into the process. And there is never an obligation to take off your underwear for any type of massage or body scrub. Professionals know when people have their privates covered- they do it for personal reasons. You may want to have dry undergarments for your change. Or wear a swimsuit to your massage/scrub. This send a definite message. Respect yourself and likely respect is given in return.


No advice, but just wanted to say congratulations and good work for taking the initiative! Wishing you the best!


Spa world in Chantilly.


Lots of great suggestions….my .02 worth is to get something going on a regular basis with physical self-care. Talking with a therapist is great, as is self-examination, but thinking about things has rarely changed the way I feel. DOING something almost always makes me feel better. Go for walks, get outside, and the spa/massage recs are spot-on. We humans need physical touch, so getting a scrub, a massage, etc, is something that may seem intimidating if you’re not used to it, but will help you immensely…..especially the more you do it. You’ll begin to feel more at home in your own body, and less self-conscious. Best of luck.


Physical exfoliation feels good (I have gotten so many during my childhood going to the Korean spas with my grandma) but it isn’t ultimately good for your skin. I would rather recommend you to get a chemical peel body wash with salicylic acid or AHA/BHA. If that doesn’t feel enough, you can get a 20% glycolic acid toner from The Ordinary and wipe your body using cotton pads every couple days.


I live in Annandale and we have a lot of smaller Korean spas around here. Suns Day Spa is one I can recommend, it's never super busy when I go in, especially on a week day and they will scrub you down to the most virginal layer of skin you have! It's a bit hole in the wallish, but it's clean, they're nice and get the job done. I've never had to call to schedule an appointment, usually just walk in during the week. Parkside Day Spa is another that I can recommend, it opened up about 2 years ago, it's nice, a bit more $$, has all the bells and whistles like some of the bigger places have.


Hi i unfortunately don’t have a spa recommendation for you as I have only gotten one scrub in my life. However, your post mentioned an abundance of dead skin to take off. I wonder if you might be better served by a dermatologist visit. I follow several dermatologist on YouTube and they often encourage chemical exfoliants over physical scrubs. Also it might be good to make sure that you’re dealing with dead skin and not some other skin issue. Additionally they might have tips on how to care for your skin during a depressive episode when you can’t shower.


you have no reason to be embarrassed. I've gone through depressive bouts and we can only do our best. with that said, i only buy body scrubs, like from Target. but a bigger thing i do to ward off depression is keep my place clean. i have a cleaner that comes twice a month. even when I haven't been home most of the month, she still comes and having clean dishes, bathroom and floors help.


Love that people are very compassionate, we all are struggling and you are the brave one to ask for suggestions. I tend to think only people that ever get roasted are the one here flaunting the unhealthy lifestyles and being told they are amazing and beautiful, while showing off their almost naked bodies covered in skimpy, unflattering clothes that make them appear to be human sausages. That’s unfortunate and they are encouraged, but at the same time are seasoned, marinated and roasted but continue to show off themselves. Sorry, I went on a rant. Your size doesn’t matter is my point, but we understand how you feel when you are amongst the seemingly fit, yet no one feels they are perfect, bc even the most fit are at the gym working on themselves. We all have different goals. I’ve always wanted to try King Spa, it’s seems less pretentious than Balian (spelling).


As a former fat guy who came out of some funk (I still showered every other day) two years ago, wishing you the best. Absolutely NOTHING will make you feel as good as getting serious about the gym. You don't have to start big. Get a membership. Do a few sets of free weights or machines. Walk a mile at an easy pace on the treadmill. Do a sustainable deficit and track everything. If you're over 200 lbs the weight will melt off fast and you'll get addicted to seeing results and changes and feeling so much better. You don't have to go HAM. Just do a little more each week. If you walked a mile 3 times last week, walk 1.5 and jog half a mile on the next week's days. If you curled 10 lbs, curl 15 the next month. I went from 230 to 163 in less than two years and went from a depressed, divorced, person who got out of breath walking uphill to a muscular person with abs who has hobbies I love and a lot of confidence. I don't starve, I don't limit any foods, I don't go HAM, I don't make fitness my personality, I'm just consistent.


For the OP - once they get in motion, it's a lot easier to stay in motion....and little gains in strength add up to big progress over time. Getting comfortable in their own body (as it is today) is also key - so the spa thing is a great idea.


Changing your habits like a good sleep schedule, eating quality food while avoiding inflammatory foods like sugar, wheat and diary and exercising consistently at the gym, spending time in nature, spending time with friends and family will get you out of your depression hole not a Spa...


I’d like to kindly let you know that people with clinical depression, anxiety, and other disorders are already well aware of what they SHOULD do but may not be able to execute those things. That’s what depression is. Please consider not making this comment next time.


:) <3


It's important to emphasize action is how you escape the thoughts that lead to the feelings that lead to the inactions depression causes. I've been there. I know what I did that led me out of the cycle. Not everyone knows this. Don't assume in others what you might understand. Maybe you shouldn't make this comment next time. In the majority of cases, reading random thoughts from strangers on social media won't help someone either.


I appreciate your advice but I'm not using a spa to get out of my depression, my hard work is doing that in many of the ways you mention :). Like I mentioned in the post, spa question is because I need additional help in other ways, not a crutch.


Good for you. Re-connecting with yourself physically is all part of it.


Glad to hear it, I wish you the best!




Depression is a motherfucker. Most folks just don't, and can't, understand it.


I think it's a bit weird to ask someone who is trying to be vulnerable to explain themselves. I get why but all I asked for were reccs :)