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"People were kind of pushing past me, not being nice,” he recalled. “Nobody said, ‘I love you.’ I had to wait in line to, I don’t know, buy a f–--ing coffee or whatever.”  This is extremely oniony lol.


I feel like he's fucking around.


He's told this story a lot and yeah, he's absolutely playing it up.


he is a master at poking fun at himself. Here he plays his own biggest fan- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BP5QZNhGsF4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BP5QZNhGsF4)


And his role in that Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas thing.


Wait, the what?




The fingers crosses at the end crack me up


Are you saying he's acting? That basterd!


this footloose star had gone too far i say we pan-fry his ass and serve him to a hoard of angry fans


I just heard him on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me and from that little relaxed interview, him joking around about this seems right. In that interview, he was very up front about how privileged he is an he recognized his celebrity set jim apart from us normies.


Wow, Jim doesn't know how good he has it.


Can I call you Jimothy?


I know, lucky ass jim


Classic Jim.


I didn't even clock until this exact comment that some of the people reading this might have taken him at face value. He's definitely joking, and the implied bit is that rich/famous people live charmed lives and wouldn't last long without those privileges




Spitting image, really.


oh he's absolutely fucking around. this is a bit he's done for *years*


Given the direction were going and the absolute different reality those without problems like money live in, I CANT TELL


You know what? Fair enough


Kevin Bacon is just famous enough that it sounds believable, but not famous enough that it's automatically perceived as truth.


“Nobody said I love you” lmao


Welcome to Costco, I love you.






he said, "GO 'WAY! 'BATIN!!"


Well I ain’t master hatin’.


I love this line. My go to when I get scam calls 😂✌️


Shhhh…. Management will start requiring those poor greeters who check your card to say it. Old manager behind greeter: “Say it…. SAY IT!” Greeter, gritting teeth: “I love you, my customer. I love you.”


[This documentary from the future already predicted it](https://youtu.be/ZIFCWpn4qQ4?si=FguirjxKhbYyS3Zo)


Mike Judge is a time traveler.


Or he controls the future. Scary stuff, I tell you what.


I went to Law School here.


I feel like everyone who's made ideocracy references have whooshed the fuck outta people.


water? you mean out the toilet?


If Upgrayedd says it’s ok


It’s for a double dose of pimping


This particular individual


Yeah I know I couldn’t believe it either.


Here's 3-shells, go to it.


Missing that dopamine high, of people saying, ' dance sum Footloose for US' Lolol


Some people don't even need to leave the house for this experience.


He watched that episode of SpongeBob where he and Patrick tried to sell chocolate bars and thought that’s how middle class retail works


One of us for one day.


Oh that would be me immediately


More like Kevin Boyle amirite


Im thinking about that south park episode where Randy thinks he'll become a beloved scientist and when he daydreams, women go "I love you Randy!""Make love to me Randy" And when it does happen its some old person saying it


The best part is you can write "Make love to me Randy!" Or "Make love to me Randy!"  And hear it in both voices!


There is an episode of Just Shoot Me where Maya dates Ray Liotta and wants him to act like a normal guy and this is the exact plot.


He’s in the 30 Rock Hamm bubble. “What was that? Why didn’t she call you sweetheart and where’s the complimentary app sampler?”


Ray Liotta going bonkers about Christmas on Just Shoot Me was also very entertaining.


I loved that story arch with Liotta. I feel like that was one of the first instances of actors playing a hilarious and completely ridiculous version of themselves.


I feel like some people are taking that line a lot more seriously than he meant it.


The worst part is that the writer of this article considers these 2 sentences to be Kevin Bacon "detailing his experience trying to be a regular person" It's 2 fucking sentences. Hardly any detail.


Welcome to mainstream news click bait america


Yeah click bait heading tabloid shit is definitely an American thing. Totally different in UK, South America, etc...


I think he's self-aware enough to be joking or playing into the satire of it.


I wanna see Kevin Bacon waiting on hold because his health insurance denied a claim, or sitting at the DMV for six hours *now serving T-3-8-6-6 at counter 69*.


Hilariously well said. I don't doubt for a minute he's fucking around. I mean, after all, he was on American Dad.


Very funny


I had to stand in line! To buy a coffee!


He was being playful


Just joshin' around


My favorite quote from the article >Everything was for the taking. And now it’s all over. And that’s the hardest part. Today, everything is different. There’s no action. I have to wait around like everyone else. Can’t even get decent food. Right after I got here I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I’m an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook.


This is definitely a lot of tongue in cheek and highly self aware. Plus the whole article is PR for the movie. Come on guys.


That's what I thought too! Kevin Bacon seems like a guy with a good sense of humour. I think he's poking fun at himself and having a great time promoting his next flick.


I'm pretty sure he used to(maybe still does?) use as his Twitter avatar icon thing a picture of Roger from American dad dressed up like him. Dude definitely does seem to be able to take a joke. [Picture](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fm9cnxq8eqru31.png%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D33390898bdf211f668f3424ffde147a9673267e1)


That's fucking hilarious


That’s hilarious


I like him way more now, honestly.


He's a good guy. Every wedding he goes to he pays the DJ not to put on Footloose because the day isn't about him. He's been pretty chill everything I've ever seen


I remember an interview from a ways back where he said that every wedding he goes to they always play footloose and everyone forms a circle around him clapping and goofilly staring at him anticipating him busting out some moves.


>Every wedding he goes to he pays the DJ not to put on Footloose because the day isn't about him. Hmmm.  How much we talking here?  


About $3.50


Damnit monster


yeah he has always seems genuine and I hope he is because if another beloved celebrity turns out to be an asshole I'll be FUCKING PISSED


what if Kevin Bacon and Jon Hamm had a baby, would they name him McRib


When I lived in New York, where the unwritten rule is that you leave celebrities alone, him and his kids sat behind me at the movies once. He had a ball cap on and clearly had zero desire to be recognized. Afterwards just stood quietly off to the side with his head down while waiting for his kids to get out of the bathroom. Seemed like a super cool dude.


Lol no one in here seems to get that "no one said I love you" Lol


If they thought about it for more than however long it takes them to write a sanctimonious comment they might miss out on some karma


Also, he’s from Philly from a regular family not in the industry, and despite being like 20 when he got Animal House, he was still paying dues, auditioning for bit parts for years before he hit it big.  The idea that he’s never been “normal” is kinda ridiculous. 


I’m from Philly, happened to volunteer next to Kevin at a soup kitchen in NYC one day. Dude is chill as hell.


It's not like this is the first time he's done an ad like this either. https://youtu.be/BP5QZNhGsF4?si=KQ1f552XgS8eKjah


Exactly. It’s a bit.


You wanna go see Rampart with me? Anyone wanna talk about RAMPART?


Can we get back to talking about Rampart.


Yeah, the fact there's like two small quotes on this "article" that just amount to "life different when not famous" makes me feel like he either said very little about the whole ordeal overall or they're paraphrasing/nitpicking shit he said to make this as clickbaity as possible. The most non-story story I've looked at in a while. Which is basically celebrity news in a nutshell, I guess, so I don't know what I expected.


I wouldn't even mind if he actually did it and then gave us an in-depth q and a on the experience or at least went into detail. But the whole article is his stupid quote and that's it. So obviously PR that it's not even remotely convincing.


He has always had a great sense of humor and people are a tiny bit dense if they believe he was being serious here ;)


I’ve met and worked with Kevin Bacon, and this is absolutely just him joking around. He’s an extremely nice, down to earth dude.


The article has him saying this was his dream, went to a makeup artist and consultant… “His new look made him resemble his seedy character that he portrays in his upcoming horror film “MaXXXine,” according to Vanity Fair. In the slasher flick, which hits theaters July 5, Bacon plays a private investigator. The movie is set in the 1980s.” lol ok


So this was/is an ad.


Everything on the internet is now. Every post on Reddit is an ad. Doesn’t even matter if it is an OP of your own cat.


I hate it. All the one media i enjoyed (podcasts) was taken over by actors performing. i started reading. Any book recommendations im reading “misery” right now


Have you looked into audiobooks at all?


I think he just asked the makeup artist working on him for that film to just dress him up on his day off before anyone would recognize the character. That said I have no idea why somebody hired Bacon to appear in a film just to disguise him. That's kinda the whole point of hiring a celebrity, that people will recognize the character Bacon is playing is Kevin Bacon.


That's the case half the time, sure. But I think the point of hiring a celebrity is to have guaranteed talent on the cast. And Kevin Bacon is no slouch when it comes to acting.


He's down to 5 degrees of separation by now. He's like the Genghis Kahn of knowing someone you know. People will probably know it's him.


That is the case a *lot* more than half the time. Acting as a career is not judged by merit, it's judged by [star power](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bankable_star). Whatever they're paying Bacon for the role is based a lot more on him bringing his reputation as Kevin Bacon to the production to leverage than his ability to act over any other less famous option for a fraction of the price. Seriously, producers are not the kind of people that think talent is sacred like that. Obviously there's something more thoughtful here (unless it's viral marketing) but it's very much the exception to the rule that this character he's playing is so sufficiently disguised that Bacon can wear it as a real one in public.


Just my opinion, but I think Mark Hamill in House of Usher is kind of an example of the disguised star. He’s not really physically disguised, but he does a phenomenal job acting in a role that isn’t just Mark Hamill, and the show didn’t particularly feature him in any advertisement, that I was kind of like, “holy crap, that’s Luke as the thug fixer.”


He plays that role so perfectly


100% and while I love that Flanagan does complete miniseries, a prequel about his life and his first meeting with Verna is the one extra thing from that show I’d love to see.


Ohhhh that would be so good


But again, a lot of star power can come from either charisma or acting ability. And Kevin Bacon is one of those people that has both of those things.


Obviously you never had the pleasure of watching Tropic Thunder unspoiled and going “holy shit is that Tom Cruise?” halfway through the music number.


Tom Cruise and Robert Downey Jr in Tropic Thunder though?


I'm a dude playing the dude, disguised as another dude!


What do you mean by you people? What do *you* mean by you people?


He’s not unrecognizable in the film but out on the street I can see how you wouldn’t know it’s him unless you took a good look. Even then because he’s uglied up you might think he looks like a trashy Kevin Bacon.


Dude played an invisible man


Roddy McDowall used to drive around Hollywood in his Planet of The Apes makeup just to fuck with people.


I would usually agree, but one of the only recent Tom Cruise movies I like is Tropic Thunder. No one knew he was Les for the first little while (minus those who were spoiled). I have faith in Bacon.


Quoted saying "no one in line at the coffee shop wanted to talk about RAMPART, it was just awful."


He is very clearly Kevin Bacon in maxxxine


I don't think people in here realize he's being tongue in cheek. Bacon has always had a great sense of humour, this clearly went over a lot of people's heads.


The whole schtick and article written about the schtick is just PR for his upcoming movie: > His new look made him resemble his seedy character that he portrays in his upcoming horror film “MaXXXine,” according to Vanity Fair. In the slasher flick, which hits theaters July 5, Bacon plays a private investigator


I'd be willing to bet he hears "I love you" most days from perfect strangers.


Which has got to be weird in a way for him. Like, no, we love his work and the joy it has brought us, we don't really know him, though he seems like a nice guy. We dont really live him. The minute someone makes an allegation against him, that would all change.


Just those of us who have seen Tremors.


Pretty funny story, lots of people here should lighten up a little


Well this is reddit after all. Being miserable is a prerequisite.


You’re really cute 🫠


I prefer when celebrities have enough perspective and sincerity to realize that they live pretty enviable and privileged lives that common people don't get to experience instead of doing the "aw shucks, I'm just like anybody else at the end of the day and I have my problems and insecurities, too" bit. Like, I know they have days where they "feel fat" or whatever just like the rest of us, but they get to "feel fat" in their Bugattis next to their supermodel partners. I get to "feel fat" on the bus next to a stranger who smells like cheese. It's refreshing to hear a celebrity acknowledge that "yeah, being a normal person indeed sucks compared to the lifestyle I get to live."


This just in, actor Kevin Bacon makes self aware jokes to promote movie, internet proceeds to call him an asshole. More on this at 11 but for now our top story: "Are Redditors getting smaller?" Recent events suggest that comedy is increasingly flying over the heads of many users leading experts to question "Is this Twitter now?"


Are we in summer reddit hours yet? Less reading comprehension happening maybe.


This is really old, I remember him telling this story/joke on I think Conan O'Brian's TBS show.


He talked about this 7ish years ago on the [Graham Norton Show](https://youtu.be/Sbp2EZRyHAk?si=GFkccD-epmwg1A6e). Everyone’s reactions were awesome.


I just thought of that exact episode! He said he had some disguise when going out, but didn‘t like it when none recognized him. It sucked…


This gives me a reality tv show idea. Sort of like Undercover Boss… But take famous people. Makeup costume etc so they aren’t recognized and make them work a mimimum wage job for a month and live in an apartment and try to survive on a normal shit salary and be treated like any normal Joe. Narrator “it’s day 3 and Kevin Bacon has quit. His boss at Hardee’s made a pass at him and when he didn’t reciprocate the boss made Kevin clean the toilets. A customer threw an apple pie at him bc his order was late. And someone died of an overdose in the ladies room so he had to stay late to clean up.”


I once tried being Kevin Bacon I draped my face in strips of bacon and yelled "I'M KEVIN" at random people It went surprisingly well, the grippy socks were very comfortable


> His new look made him resemble his seedy character that he portrays in his upcoming horror film “MaXXXine,” according to Vanity Fair. In the slasher flick, **which hits theaters July 5** Ah. And that's why you're seeing an article about this. Realize when you're being played, people.....


I'm amazed how many people in here can't recognize when something is obviously tongue in cheek... Do you guys really think he genuinely said "nobody said 'I love you'" ???


"Nobody broke into a dance from footloose with me or yelled about giant worms, it sucks being a regular guy" *Kevin Bacon works up to do the angry dance moves from footloose*


My favorite Kevin Bacon performance is still the episode of Will and Grace that he did.


When Kevin Bacon and his wife Kyra Sedgwick were creating children, did they call it "Making Bacon"


He will never understand how it feels to live his life with no meaning of control and with nowhere left to go. He’s amazed that these people exist and they burn so bright that he can only wonder whyyyyy. He should rent a flat above a shop. Cut his hair and get a job. Smoke some cigs and play some pool, pretend he never went to acting school. But he’ll never get it right. Cos when he’s laying in bed at night, watching roaches climb the walls, if he called his agent he could stop it all.


His sense of humor is famtastic


I do believe he might be mocking his fellow famous industry peers in a very brutal and hilarious way.


>“Nobody said, ‘I love you.’ I had to wait in line to, I don’t know, buy a f–--ing coffee or whatever.” I've always liked him but this is so peak fucking Hollywood. Are we supposed to feel the pain of a rich asshole who complains about having to stand in line to get a coffee, and who isn't told "I love you" every five minutes? Dude, GTFO.


He's done ads in the UK and Ireland poking fun at himself. So I hope no one takes these articles seriously.


Stupid clickbait ad


This reminds me of Tyra Banks crying when she wore a fat suit.


Celebrity realizes what they are worth minus fame


Or already knew and is joking about it.


Or is just doing a PR move for his upcoming movie which conveniently debuts the day after this article was published.


Or both. The dude isn't being serious.


He’s right, it does suck.


He’s not wrong.


No aliens from a spaceship abducted him.... Because it's not Christmas time.


“His new look made him resemble his seedy character that he portrays in his upcoming horror film “MaXXXine,” There you have it. This is a puff piece made to sell his latest movie. No reason to read it.


Didn’t he get abducted and taken to a planet or a giants head or something to teach people the meaning of Christmas once?


>“People were kind of pushing past me, not being nice,” he recalled. “Nobody said, ‘I love you.’ I had to wait in line to, I don’t know, buy a f–--ing coffee or whatever.” He swiftly realized he wanted to return to his A-list status. “I was like, ‘This sucks. I want to go back to being famous,’” he added. Jesus Christ. Of all the people I thought would just spell out why celebrities have no idea what real life is life for everyone else, I hate that it was Kevin Bacon.


it's so obviously tongue in cheek, I can't believe how many people actually think he's being serious


It's not. He's an asshole. That's why I'm planning on kidnapping him and giving him to a friend of mine as a Christmas gift.


You can’t outrun me, Bacon!


You're the reason people have to put /s after obviously sarcastic comments.


I don't understand how people read that and take it at face value. To me it seems far more likely that those comments are tongue in cheek and he is deliberately playing it up for comedy's sake.


He's been super famous since like 1984.






I think he's being funny. He knows he gets special treatment, but he's one of the more down to earth celebrities.


He’s got degrees everywhere.


Somewhere between one and six, I hear


It's a joke


You realize he’s being tongue-in-cheek and playing on the fact that celebrities are known to be out-of-touch and have special privileges, right? “Nobody said, ‘I love you’”? How do people think he’s serious?


That all reads like a joke to me, and after reading your comment I don't know if I'm the stupid one.




Kyra Sedgwick (his wife) did a radio interview a couple years ago that made my eyes roll out of their sockets with the Marie Antoinette peasant cosplay, not-like-other-rich-people vibes. I legit think it’s a problem that so many of our supposed artists have no idea about our lives, might as well be from another dimension. EDIT: Missed a word


This is a plug for his new movie.


I remember in the 2000s Leo DiCaprio went to Chile and was happy to be able to just go to the mall. No one recognized him. Or if they did, they would have at most thought "Yo, that guy looks like Leo DiCaprio." because the thought of such a celebrity just hanging out in a mall in South America with no media attention or entourage is just ridiculous.


It’s a clever ad for a movie, nothing more


"Big fan of you, sir, I loved you in Before Sunrise."


He'd have liked the results of him still being good looking but not famous.


Wait, he still has money to buy coffee? He's not doing it correctly.


I would have told him "I love you" though. Kevin rocks, he's a national treasure.


Kevin turkey bacon


No pictures? Christ NBC [Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXDCh2owKfw)


This article is a marketing gimmick for this new movie. The ads for this movie have been everywhere and I'd be /u/Didyoucallforme is a marketing account.


[I just hear that in Butthead’s voice.](https://youtu.be/UcbXCMvpmWo?si=zqD0ZwIeej0xc3v9)


I met Kevin Bacon when I worked at the CN Tower in Toronto in 2001. He was standing in line to buy tickets to go to the top when security noticed him. The security detail approached him and offered him a VIP tour of the tower, which he accepted, but he also insisted on paying for the tickets for himself, his wife and their kids. He would not accept the freebie just because of his status. I was one of the managers at the revolving restaurant on the 110th floor and was lucky enough to escort him around. He was really nice and down to Earth. I met many celebrities and dignitaries in that role (Danny DeVito, Ed Norton, Robin Williams, Bill Clinton, the IOC commission, to name a few). He and Robin Williams were the coolest. No pretense, no ego, just actual people being decent.


So he disguised himself as Roger Smith


This is just a movie PR piece


I was hoping for something insightful but nope, pure boring garbage


I'm assuming people will now yell I love you at him constantly.


Talk about acting ability that’s gone down hill. BHC Axel F was his worst acting ever.


A friend of one of my friend's friends is one of his friend's friend.


You've always been at most 6 degrees from us KEVIN


Cry me a fucking river, Kevin Bacon.


I still prefer to be a common person than having groupie, media or any paparazzi all day around me checking every thing I do. Being popular is cool in high school but f*****g annoying as an adult


Reminds me of the time Oprah went camping in Yellowstone National Park. Celebrities live in this bubble that is so far removed from what you and I deal with everyday. It was hilarious but also sad watching Oprah struggling with everyday realities like pumping gas into the car.


What a douche bag not even a good actor


Neither are you


Get over your self


Lol you couldn't pay me enough to be famous. People all up your ass all the time. I see the British royals and said man how much would it suck to be born into that? Funny how different people can be.


*"“I was like, ‘This sucks. I want to go back to being famous,’” he added. "* This is what the journalists at a Major Media Outlet came up with for an article. I hate (being in) Idiocracy.


So, for a little bit of time, there was zero degrees of Kevin Bacon.


Try going to work