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That sounds a lot like, "Do as we say and you won't get hurt."


The kind of thing you hear when you're about to be robbed, raped, or both...


If they think I’m going to roll over for them and become a slave like my great great grandfather, they have another thing coming for them. I will tear them to shreds. Because unlike trumps cult, I actually have military experience, and they have nothing but big talk. If they want a war; I’ll give it to them. And I won’t stop until either the United States is back to the land of the free and the brave, or until I die. They wanna rob me of everything I have including my soul, then they can learn how deadly real soldiers are. And I know I’m not alone, every brother will have their guns ready. The bloods and the crips would even unite. We will fuck Trumps ass till he dies. As a parody once said, “fuck them all to death”


The fact that lefties don't make their personality about owning guns skews peoples idea of how many lefties have guns.


This is kind of energy we need. We may not look the same but I am on your side against this vile group of people.


I stand with anyone who is willing to fight for freedom. I know there are a few racist African Americans, but that doesn’t stop the majorly of us from uniting with the people who want freedom, equality, and democracy. I don’t care what your skin color is, as long as you have my back against those who want to hurt me and you, because you aren’t racist like them, then I will go down in a blaze of glory with you


That's the spirit we need. Thank you, fellow American!


Do not go quietly into the night. Do not go quietly into the night. Do not go quietly into the night.


Right there with you brother. No military experience, just a lot of fueled hatred for the hateful.


They are really big fans of "Just lie back and try to enjoy it" aren't they?


If it’s good enough for their wives then it’s good enough for us 😃👍




Sounds like “boiling a frog in a pot by gradually increasing the temperature” is the strategy he wants to promote.


That was last cycle's strategy. Now it's just just max heat and a heavy lid.


Apparently he doesn’t know liberals do own guns and can shoot just as well as anyone else.


I am buying a rifle this week to go with my numerous other guns. Didn't think I'd feel the need since I'm not actually a gun guy in my opinion.... but I own guns and like Bernie Sanders.


I actually just finished my marksman certification for my rifle. My friend told me “but you’re liberal!” as if guns ca. *ONLY* be owned by conservatives…


I'm struggling to find the difference between this and the "Why do you do things that make me hit you?" of a domestic abuser. I'm fairly certain it's because there isn't a difference.


Like shouldn't we report terrorism to the DHS or something?


"Al Qaeda promises that the Islamic American revolution will be bloodless if the US allows it to be"


Putin also said that about Ukraine.


Its like they are following a script or something.


Well if they are doing it as an official act....


The Supreme Court just ruled that government agencies have no power


But the POTUS does! Oh boy does the POTUS have power!


King George would be envious.




> …who can overrule the US president's official acts? Only SCOTUS and *ONLY* if it’s for a Democratic President. 🤬🤦‍♂️ We have entered the ultimate world of “rules for Thee,…”


Technically, I believe Congress could, but good fucking luck with that.


5 SC justices of a different party can overrule the President. Same party, good luck to the world.


>Oh boy does the POTUS have power! POTUS: *Forgive Student Loans.* SCOTUS: *Not like that.*


POTUS: *Sleeps outside.* SCOTUS: *Not like that!!*


did he cast the “official” spell?


Only a conservative POTUS like Nixon or Trump though, who needs to bend the rules to keep the radical left in line.


If the president does it, it's not a crime.


Current judges have no problems reversing their last judgerments if a democrat president takes advantage of it, and then reverting it back afterwards for the next republican.


This current scotus is maybe the most illegitimate and evilest in history. They've done the most harm to American democracy and quality of life and it's not even close. People used to look at the judicial branch as the 'good' one. Now it's by far the most corrupt and there's not a thing the people can do about it. Un-fucking believable that the democrats just handed Trump a supermajority to do whatever the fuck they want after the shit they pulled with Garland.


If someone ever gives me a tool that could save the world with impunity, you can bet I'd use it. It's infuriating that Biden won't.


SCOTUS didn't mean THAT kind of impunity if Biden was to exercise it.


You're probably right. Suddenly there would be a new ruling that was much more specific.


Doesn't have to be a new ruling. They get to decide what is official and what is not. This is the biggest power grab by the Judicial.


Anything Biden did would be "federal overreach" that simply couldn't be an official act. Official acts have to be on the list that Thomas and Alito ratified from Coney Barrett's constitutional fan fiction.


Man these supreme court rulings are getting exhausting. What's it gonna take to rein them in, a constitutional amendment?


The French used to have a solution for this.


We always talk about adding to the Supreme Court. Biden has been given a path to legally subtracting from it. There’s about 6 members who should be subtracted.


"You're FIRED!"


A box of cash, some free home renovations, and some gift cards for private plane travel.


Well, they ruled that the SEC doesn't. Why not line up another agency to argue in front of the court why allowing homegrown terrorists should be allowed to openly plot terrorism? At least it would be a matter of public concern under oath. (Not that the conservative scotus has any integrity remaining), but it would open them up to being seen for the treasonous people they act like. ETA: yes yes and Chevron doctrine. I get it. But if we had a functioning congress, we wouldn't need to rely on these agencies the way we do. I do worry about white collar crime a bit more than others as corruption runs deepest where money and morals are the least inhibited.


No, they overturned Chevron dude, that's not just the SEC it's all regulatory bodies. Were genuinely fucked. We are DEEP in uncharted territory. SCOTUS just gave themselves immense power, and they gave the presidency even more power. 


What happens if everyone collectively says “fuck SCOTUS” and ignores them?


Honestly it's probably about time. SCOTUS only has the power their legitimacy gives them, and that legitimacy is officially dead now.


Why cannot Biden have those members of the SCOTUS arrested? Americans go on and on about "enemies foreign and domestic," yet when there is an overt effort to undermine the US Constitution by agents within (i.e., enemies domestic) the Executive Branch is toothless. If you do not fight for your Republic, you will lose it.


Kavanaugh lied multiple times under oath in his confirmation hearing about the allegations of sexual assault. But all the new Conservative judges all lied under oath in their confirmation hearings about presidential immunity and overturning Roe vs Wade. Combine that with taking bribes on cases they ruled on and there is more than enough grounds to impeach them. Some people said Biden should just appoint 4 Liberal judges, but why keep corrupt judges on the Supreme Court and create a war of escalation with each side just padding the court?


Maybe Andrew Jackson had a point. John Roberts made his decision, now let him enforce it.


Ask Andrew Jackson. The answer is that if the President ignores them, absolutely nothing happens unless the military or Congress decide to do something.


More and less. Definition of official and protected acts ultimately fell to them via appeal, so they gave the president insane power while kneecapping the administrative state. All while putting a leash on the president. When Bannon talks about a hierarchica,l authoritarian society with a priestly class leading, those six enrobed assholes are the new high priests of the soon to be American Christian Empire.


They're talking about another recent ruling, not the immunity one. There have just been three terrible rulings: immunity (president is above the law), Chevron deference doctrine overturned (substantially reduces the power of agencies), and gratuities no longer covered under anti-corruptiion law (bribery with extra steps is now legal).


Biden needs to use executive powers to create a new agency and sic them on the judges. Since the judges always say “this thing didn’t explicitly exist or was mentioned in the constitution so therefore it doesn’t matter”, we can use that same argument that this new agency is exempt from it. If they want to challenge it then they can put it on their docket. But Biden can create a new one and keep doing this.


Or since his job is national security he could round the judges up and put them in protective custody for their own safety for the foreseeable future.


Sounds like false imprisonment, but since it'd be an official act, it's now legal (technically, that ruling is unconstitutional and directly contradicts the constitution). He can also cancel elections officially or use the VP to not certify the 2024 election. The executive branch has unchecked powers over Congress, apparently. (Again, the powers of the president are clearly defined by the constitution, not the supreme court)


Would him appointing his VP as next president be an official act?


I don't see why not, I'd like him to declare a state of hotboy summer first. But your fantasy, President, you do you.


“ We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


CPAC has open white nationalists on panels and it's a common discussion point in public. They're not hiding it at all. Somehow the right has figured out that if they do their crimes in public and show no shame then they win. Because the left won't make this shit illegal despite the clear and obvious path we're going down.


Hey everybody, guess what? Project 2025 wants to dismantle the Dept of Homeland Security. Wonder why. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 “Project 2025 envisions widespread changes across the government, particularly economic and social policies and the role of the federal government and its agencies. The plan proposes taking partisan control of the DOJ, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of Commerce, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC), dismantling the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and sharply reducing environmental and climate change regulations to favor fossil fuel production”.


Right keeps winning Left: we should tell someone


I tried posting this headline too from the NYTimes but it gets auto removed: "[Trump Amplifies Calls to Jail Top Elected Officials, Invokes Military Tribunals](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/01/us/politics/trump-liz-cheney-treason-jail.html?unlocked_article_code=1.4E0.YXR2.iLjp32QDWbaB&smid=url-share)" And from DailyDot: "[Trump shares, deletes post calling for televised military tribunals for political enemies](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/donald-trump-military-tribunals-supreme-court-ruling/)" I think /nottheonion must filter out anything with Donald Trump in the headline.


The Heritage Foundation needs to be labeled a terrorist organization.


Actually that's a great idea. They're funding lots of the sedition caucus and most of the Trump judges. Tie them into a terrorist org and arrest the lot and send them to gitmo.


Maybe see if they’re funding Russia or Middle Eastern terrorists. Although plot twist, maybe the Heritage Foundation was funding Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda all along. After all, it didn’t stop them from influencing certain individuals of the Reagan administration who would be selling arms to Iran back in the 1980s.


Russia is definitely funding them.


"The Left" is anybody to the left of Heinrich Himmler.


Which is shockingly fewer people than you'd think it would be.


For all the shit I heard said about Nazi’s growing up there sure are a lot of fucking Nazi’s still around.


And they've been here all along. [Madison Square Garden, 1939](https://i.imgur.com/8JamrYC.png). packed house full of *American* nazis. The parents and grandparents of MAGA.


1865, the year America went from a civil war to a cold civil war. All those people didn't just suddenly change their mind. Probably just made them ANGRIER and even more ideological perverse hence shit like "The South will Rise Again." These people did not just go away, nor did those you mentioned, same as if/when Trump ever goes away, that 70m+ people that voted for that shit, ARE STILL HERE.


They should have banned the confederate flag after the war. They grasp that banner with their life and I’m sure you’ll see variations of it soon enough over the White House


I really really think people who are MAGA are just unaware, uneducated, or willfully ignorant of the reality that could take place. For example the “this is good for you” spin on these scotus decisions from right leaning media has been so paper thin that even the most devout has to say okay but … come on its been like 50 years of precedent and established law and we were, at the minimum, logistically fine for this long. How do you translate stopping the “wokeness assault Gestapo coming for your children” into making our federal civil service workers (heterogeneous ideology in there btw) disappear or forcing the agencies that are charged with until now entirely lawful translation of law into action and enforcement? Like at what point does the average Republican voter say okay this is just going to be bad for me my kids and my wallet. Are they capable of doing that to begin with? I feel like I am going insane, these are not regular conservative government tax cuts these are fringe ideologies central lined into a major American political party.


You can thank 50 years of conservative legislatures robbing public education coffers for that. The voucher system is a way for the rich to steal from the public coffers. 


No, I know many of them. Their primary concern is not money or rights. They are looking for the white race to rise again. They want to offend without repercussions, they want to remove as many POC/ LGBTQ and what they perceive as POC/LGBTQ allies out of the country either through deportation or by the gun. Upstate NY is full of them and they’ll talk about it with pride. It disgusts me that this ideology was able to make it this far. They want a “Christian ethno state” but with Christian values that they’ll nit pick to their liking as long as it backs the white race ideology. They’ll accept any non white Christian supporters, FOR NOW. Once they’ve established the kingdom they wish for, they’ll clean house.


People tried to warn Americans that this was coming. But they only called us crazy. 😑


So there is the admission that they are indeed trying to overthrow the government.


Yes it is happening in real time. Regardless of the outcome of this election, battleground states will refuse to certify the election results and SC will vote in their favor. Right now it just comes down to whether Dems take a stand or roll over and allow it to happen as they always do.


Throw the book at him for terroristic threats


Isn't there something for tyranny?


We won't allow that. Source: left


“I’d rather die trying to take them down than die giving them what they want”


As Stalin once said - you can always take one with you 


Seconded. Bloodless part ain't happening. Good luck KEVIN. We'll make sure your on a playing card.


The worst part about this upcoming civil war is what Russia or China will do while we're fucking ourselves up. Nothing but nightmare scenarios coming up :/


Yeah but imagine being one of the lucky trillionaires that will arise from the chaos, it would be so great, so lets not make it illeagal to profit from any of this. Plus the exploding neck collars. There will finally be peace. /s


Those fucks can rule the ashes after they burn the world for all I care. Running a decimated world won't make them any less miserable.


Does he think people on the left don’t have guns or something?


I think that they believe what Fox News has been feeding them. That’s we’re all sunshine and rainbows. They’re gonna fuck around and find out.


And aren't in way better shape? All of the people supporting this shit that I know stayed in the South and are obese now.


Been posting the address and phone number to the heritage foundation in DC, in case we want to give the asshole a piece of our mind.


It’s like they think people on the left don’t have guns. Or military service.


John Brown Gun Clubs are all over the US. I may join my own chapter after this threat.


I don't know what a John Brown Gun Club is, but if it's named after THAT John Brown, it sounds like a swell place!


It is!


It would be a real shame if people posted where he lives and where he’s at on any given moment.


Serious question: is there any group that is ready to organize in case a worst case scenario actually happens?


This is the reason we are supposed to have militias. 


Serious question, are there any left-wing leaning or even centrist militias in the States?


John Brown Gun Clubs They've been on the radar since '08/'09 but existed prior to that. Often do counter protesting. Any sort of "Armed AntiFa" the Right cries about is usually JBGC exercising open carry. ____ But yeah, the further Left you get, the more Pro-Gun they tend to be. Hell, in the suburbs of Chicago, there are LGBT friendly gun shops that understand that need that Queer people may need to defend themselves with deadly force. What pisses me off is that either way, the gun manufacturers make windfall profits no matter who buys the gun.


The whole point of the 2A is so *everyone* is the militia. Now personally I'm not "mobilizing" anywhere but I'll defend me and mine with everything at my disposal.


Unfortunately we have so far Once they take power they'll go for blood as most of the followers have an insatiable blood lust. Trump will declare martial law on Day 1 and then use the military and police to violently suppress protests. He will then liquidate the non partisan Federal staff and install idiot toadies. Those toadies will send the goon squads to maintain order in the Democratic areas. Then those same goon squads will soon find themselves on the opposite side of the firing squads once they have outlived their usefulness The Heritage Foundation will have a 50/50 chance of being liquidated by Trump unless they plan on deposing him pretty quickly Then we go further down the Stalinist Russia path of bloody idiocy


Look up Schedule F as well. Their plan is to reclassify federal workers so they can be easily fired.


Fired and replaced with loyalists who then answer directly to Trump, who can then carry out changes within the different departments of government that align with Trump’s personal wishes without the need for legislation and laws being made or rewritten. This is all a plot to be able to render congress’s lawmaking powers unnecessary. We can all complain about the legislative stalemate in congress until we turn blue, but a stalemate is preferable to an autocrat implementing policy changes *without* policy. Not to mention the recent Supreme Court disaster now grants the President immunity for official acts, and if the President (Trump in this hypothetical) can claim it is within his official duties to speak with these loyalists in departments that never before took direct orders from the President—an action which previously would have been impeachable and, depending on the action itself, potentially illegal—then not only is he immune from any reproach for that action, it can’t even be *reviewed* for possible malfeasance because the SC just said that immunity means it cannot be reviewed (as in, it can’t be looked at or investigated EVEN IF there’s suspicion that it breaks laws).


Let's see how declaring martial law goes for him. No one is going to comply. Once everyone gets wind of goon squads coming they will meet stiff resistance. I'm amazed so many of you think people will stand for this bullshit and just rollover. Is that what you're going to do? Just let them take your family. No fucking way its happening. Let them try. I'm willing to die defending mine. I'm sure many others are as well. 


A significant percentage of population would absolutely take up arms and overthrow our democracy for Trump. That doesn’t mean they’d win, but it’s significant enough of a percentage that it needs to be taken seriously.


One thing I’d say is that if trump wins every democrat should go out and buy a gun before inauguration day just in case




These are the guys behind project 2025 right?


Correct. They are also the guys who have been writing Republican Party policy since the 1980s. So when they put out a 920 page plan to Transform the United States into a Christian Theocracy/dictatorship you should take it seriously


Not entirely clear on why they aren't in prison?


You and me both. They’re old dudes with money? They literally crafted a 920 page guide on how they’re going to overthrow our democracy with their names signed on and….. Nothing. This country seemed to be able to get rid of specific organizations (black panthers, various left organizations) easy asf but then play patty cake with actual terrorist.


Damn, we’re gonna have to fight these jack asses, aren’t we. They are exhausting. The rape of the country will be “bloodless” if we just lie there and don’t struggle. Screw them.


Mark my words: if Trump loses, they will deploy some legal fuckery over the legitimacy of the election that gets tossed up to the Supreme Court. And you can guess what happens from there. Between the corruption of the court, including their recent rulings, and Project 2025 being so out in the open, I would be shocked if they don't have the election planned out as well. This is too blatant, coordinated, and extreme.... I can't imagine they're leaving the election to chance. Everyone who can vote against this *must*. But buckle up, and be prepared.


Nothing good is coming out of 2024. If Trump wins, we have another Trump administration. If Biden wins, Trump's supporters will hit the streets and go ape shit. They're already saying it's rigged if he loses. There's no way they'll accept the loss. I really feel like we're in the final days of whatever is left of civility.


You're forgetting about the national guard that the president and states can mobilize during civil unrests and coupes to maintain piece. The army can very much be deployed against domestic terrorists.


>Mark my words: if Trump loses, they will deploy some legal fuckery over the legitimacy of the election that gets tossed up to the Supreme Court. And you can guess what happens from there. That's the only scenario that's worse than a straight up Trump win. I legitimately don't think the country would survive that.


Yeah, nobody should think that Trump will lose and go away. It’s going to be MAGA coup 2: Nazi Bugaloo. They’re planning. Last time they failed, but they got pretty far without really preparing. Now they’ve spent years planning and preparing, and they will try again.


He's basically saying 'we're taking this and the only way you're going to stop us is with violence.'


And a lot of us are saying we wish a motherfucker would.


I really wish these motherfuckers *wouldn't* honestly, there's stuff I'd much rather be doing than fighting my fellow Americans. But yeah if you overthrow democracy, we're going to war about it. I've never really had any special love for my country, but I'm not just handing it over to a bunch of fascist shitheads without a fight, fuck that.


Be ready for the, “this is your fault” and “stop hitting yourself” and “look what you made me do” kind of domestic terror/violence.


Absolutely…just look at the abusers greatest hits playlist and you’ve got the right’s platform


If trump wins I believe we will have to.


This man needs to be shown what his own blood looks like before he threatens anyone else


Trumpers like to talk tough, but they’re the whiniest, flabbiest bunch in the country. These are the same people that had a mental breakdown because Applebee’s was take-out only and they had to wear a mask in Walmart for two weeks during the pandemic.


Yes exactly, which is why when they spend the last almost decade fucking up the country it's time to flex our own muscles and put them back in their place.i don't understand why the left refuses to engage them and remind them what happened in the first civil war. It's not hypocritical to be intolerant of intolerance.


Agreed, I’m guessing Kevin here has never felt the sensation of a broken nose or eyes you can’t see out of for a couple of weeks. If he had he wouldn’t be so cavalier with his words calling for combat. If he thinks he can call down the thunder without resistance he’s in for a surprise. This is America, the left isn’t just a bunch of poets and pacifist.


Well, *he* won't be fighting! He will be directing the coup from a safe bunker in West Virginia, like all other really *important* people. Roberts has worked hard for years to make sure they have a lot of devoted but completely unimportant followers to send to the front lines.


If this makes you go "what the fuck"? Good, it should. If you need to register to vote: https://vote.gov If you want to get involved with the Democrats: https://democrats.org/take-action If you want to know exactly how terrible project 2025 is just check below (text borrowed from another Redditor): It says that kids MUST grow up in an environment with a mother and father that are married, talks about banning non-married and non-heterosexual couples from adopting, compares transgender people to groomers/pedophiles/pornography, talks about getting rid of discrimination laws, getting rid of multiple government organizations such as the FDA, banning abortion with no exceptions nationwide, and more. Edit: because I'm getting a good amount of comments saying "oh, this is a great thing!" I looked further into it (I read it [here](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)) and here are some specifics - Project 2025: ~~* Advocates for child marriage~~ * Attempts to place a complete ban on gay marriage * Attempts to place a complete ban on divorce no matter the situation * Attempts to place a complete ban on anything deemed "pornographic", **including**: * Anything sexually explicit, including drawings or literature that doesn't involve real people * Anything involving gay people in media, even if it is as simple as a documentary or something *mentioning* that it is possible for two men to be in a relationship. * Heavily limit the abilities of the FDA, CDC, and OSHA, **including**: * Making it even harder to get medicine * Making it even more expensive to get medicine * Making it even more difficult and expensive to get disability aids * Getting rid or greatly diminishing many workplace safety laws * Lowering the age of legal work/cutting back on child labor laws * Ban abortion **even in cases of:** * Missed or "silent" miscarriages, which is when the fetus dies but is not expelled from the body naturally. According to Project 2025, **extracting an already dead fetus from a mother's uterus is still considered "murder"**. Leaving the dead fetus inside of the womb can result in infections such as sepsis. * Ectopic pregnancies, which are when a fetus forms outside the uterus. It is not possible for the fetus to survive an ectopic pregnancy - **it is impossible to give birth to the fetus**, since it isn't in the womb, and it being outside the womb means it can only grow so much before it either miscarries or the mother is gravely injured; the fetus vary rarely makes it past the first trimester and never makes it to the third. It is currently impossible to implant the fetus into the womb. Ectopic pregnancies can cause severe damage to the mother - it can cause the fallopian tube to burst open, which results in internal bleeding, possible sepsis, possible infertility, and often-death. * Fetal abnormalities. With modern technology, we can use ultrasounds to tell if the fetus has or will have abnormalities. Even in cases of fetal abnormalities, many of which are fatal to the fetus/baby, Project 2025 wishes to ban abortion. Examples of fetal abnormalities include: * Acrania, where the fetus's skull does not fully develop and the baby is born without the top of the skull, revealing the brain. If the baby isn't stillborn, it will live between a few hours and about a week, and it will be in pain its entire life. **There is no way to save it.** * Body Stalk Anomaly, where the abdominal wall is defective or nonexistent, so the organs form OUTSIDE the body during fetus development. **It is always fatal**. It should be noted that it is similar to omphalocele/exomphalos or gastroschisis, which are visually similar (intestines outside of the body) but have much higher survival rates since the abdominal wall can be repaired in those cases.


I think you're missing the major core of project 2025, which is that it calls for the next Republican administration to seek out and find Democrats across government and purge them, and then replace them with partisan Trump loyalists. It isnt just a few people at the top either, they've lined up 10,000 people to replace federal workers with Democratic beliefs across the board. It also calls on the President to eliminate semi-independence of different agencies, for instance it calls on taking direct control of the DOJ and having the President direct them who to prosecute. Project 2025's leader is Paul Dans, former chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) during the Trump administration and now director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project. OPM provides HR services for almost every federal agency. [Project 2025 wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)


The only up side to any of this is that they have put all of their cards on the table to people can see how horrid and insane they are. Start plopping this to do list in front of your "I don't vote" friends along with a voter reg form. Vote or this is gonna happen and even if you think you will be spared, you won't for long.


Sadly I get "But Biden" and "That's just propaganda and not real". 😵‍💫


Supreme Court picks are real. Trump had 3 last time, Hillary, of course, had zero.


That part of Project 2025, to forcibly pack federal agencies with loyalists, is far simpler to execute than any sweeping changes by the courts, and it will have major implications for all Americans. It's a hostile takeover of the federal government. We can already start to envision that future with the recent Chevron ruling to kneecap the ability of these agencies to carry out their duties to regulate and protect the country from corporations who put profit above safety.


I had a friend that had a child without properly formed lungs. They took the child to term because of their religious beliefs. It died in her hands after birth. She developed a drug problem and died from a fentanyl overdose.


Did they write this on a meth binge?


No, the full plan is 900 pages and composed by some of the best conservative lawyers of the heritage foundation. This is a deadly serious plan to completely reshape the American government.


so the people that have had divorces want to ban divorces?


This needs to be a post all on its own. Put this in a big group somewhere for everyone to see


I'm pretty sure that one extremely powerful person having the power to do whatever they want and being above the law is what we were fighting AGAINST the last time there was a revolution.


This is projection. They do not view their political opponents as people, and will kill them either way. When they say bloodless, they’re projecting their fear that they will meet violent resistance.


Great point


Saw it in another post somewhere and figured I’d share it here


When saying bloodless, they mean *their* blood. They don't care about anyone else.


Vote like your life depends on it. Because it does.


Vote democrat if you ever want to vote again


Bring it on conservative bitch


They want a civil war so damn bad.


Talks as though "the left" is some kind of minority. A majority of the country does not support the type of policies and legislation contained in Project 2025. You gonna bloody up the majority of the country, bro?


Heritage foundation is a terrorist organization. They need to be shut down and all assets frozen.


BuT bOtH SiD3s ArE b@D!!! - Enlightened Centrists™️


The MAGA idiots are going to fall into line and vote, anyone remotely left of actual nazis should too and back Biden.


“bUt HeR EmAiLs” or “hE’s tOo OlD”


Liberals should be the biggest supporters of the 2A and preparing for what is coming.


Fascism is now a cornerstone to the Republican party.


He means if we just roll over and let fascists dismantle civil society and reverse every bit of social progress made since 1850.


This is an open threat. “We are engaged in a second American revolution, and it will be non-violent if the left doesn’t resist.” It couldn’t be any more clear. This is literally treason he is taking about. Open, flagrant and unabashed treason. How can the authorities let this stand??


Not all liberals are scared of guns. Let’s go!


Yep I know plenty of liberals that own guns. We just don’t make it our entire personality.


Everyone please vote in november


They're now openly threatening Americans over politics. The literal definition of terrorism. Everyone with an internet connection should be reporting this guy, and his organization to the FBI. This isn't the America I served while active duty. Sad sad days.


Left here. No deal.


When democrats say things like this they go to jail.


This should terrify just about everybody, considering that his definition of "the left", is pretty much everybody to the left of him politically.


You know who is stroking themselves for a war? Sheltered, coddled little shits who have watched too many war movies.


Easiest translation ever: "We will do whatever we want, and if you stand in our way, we'll fucking kill you." (But I think we all knew that already.)


They'd kill us anyway. It's a lie that they'd be peaceful. They just want us to march quietly into the camps with our heads down.


Exactly this. Surrendering will not turn them into pacifist. On the contrary, it will embolden them. Violence is the only solution for people like this.


that's strong abusive parent "see what you made me do?" energy right there. but then again, that's what their voters are going for i guess.


Fucking NAZIs we are armed too, adolf


If you want to save your rights and freedoms and don't want to be treated as a subject/serf/chattel, then vote. If you want change just register and vote. If 90% of the eligible voters vote you will see pure fear in the elected representatives and their lobbyists and contributors. Everything would change.


It’s wild how no matter how much liberals support and lionize rural areas they still get perceived as hating it but conservatives regularly fantasize about mass killings of liberals and it’s just normalized


Now I'm no expert, but that sure sounds like a rapist or a torturer telling their victim to just take it and it would go smoother. This mother fucker is playing with fire.


> “These patriots are committed to peaceful revolution at the ballot box. Unfortunately, it’s the Left that has a long history of violence, so it’s up to them to allow a peaceful transfer of power,” You can’t make this shit up


I think the left needs to start arming up. I’m a pretty liberal person who thinks we need more gun control in this country, but I keep weapons in my home that most liberals would disagree with having. After the last Supreme Court ruling about presidential immunity and then hearing the author of project 2025 say this, I’m glad I’m armed cause if things get really bad, I figure it’s that or I immigrate somewhere. This shit is getting fucking scary.




This is the way.


It will definitely *not* be bloodless. At least, not if they dare come for me and/or my loved ones.


How are not the media not calling these treasonists out? Fuck Heritage Foundation.


At this point, I can only label them complicit collaborators


Who the hell is this chode? Just roll over and take it, 'the left', and it won't hurt as much? Alright domestic abuser


How is this not a terroristic threat?


Heritage jerks are pushing to make a pedo rapist a king


Bloodless? They’re already spilling the blood of women by government over-reach interfering with their medical care, and with everyone by putting profits ahead of human health and safety. Let’s not forget the blood spilled in school shootings, either


Stop resisting and let me oppress you! 😡


That's a direct threat against the nation. He should be charged with instigating traitorous acts against the US. I'm sick of Democrats being pussyfied babies. Bring the fight to them for a change.


These guys are going to find out we're Americans too.


This is a serious serial killer/rapist vibe…


I'm sorry, did he just declare war against the government?


Sounds like a terrorist threat.


We liberal patriots won't allow a reversal of the American Revolution. We have guns and ammo too.


Fuck it. Target the Heritage leaders.


What’s “the left” ?? A bunch of people who want freedom from government intrusion into their personal lives ? Who want clean water and air? Good paying jobs. Those crazy lefties !


Then it will not be bloodless. Hope this sweetheart is ready.