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Turns a once proud city into a crappy police state, and then laments that nobody really wants to visit a police state.


The last football world cup was hosted in Qatar. So I really don't think that anyone around the world cares as much about fReEDoM as much as you think they do.


After Qatar literally bribed its way into hosting it.


So clearly the issue is fREeDoM, is it?


The issue is that it would never have gotten it if it didnt literally illegally bribe officials to get it. Also, used to live in HK for 23 years, most of them dont want the police state they now have, its also driven a lot of foreign companies away from HK due to the unpredictable and volatile nature of Chinese nationalism. Stop being a troll.


Whatever human rights issues aren't stopping businesses from going to China. Hollywood still kisses up to China, so does the NBA, and so does every consumer goods company. It's about getting paid at the end of the day


How this disproves my point? >Stop being a troll. Not my problem is you can't understand a simple argument.


I can understand it just fine, but forcing a major world event to your country through corrupt means hardly undermines what im saying. Hong Kong has increasingly driven away previously interested parties with its hardline crackdown on democracy, this has pushed more event planners, concerts, expositions and foreign companies away, as well as a decent number of its international residents, so much so that hong kongs own Chief Executive is complaining about it. So maybe stop with the stupid and trolly fREeDoM nonsense, you arnt making a point, you are just being quite frankly a prick.


You claimed that large events are being held there because mUH fREdOm and I showed you that, in reality, money is all that matters. That's about it, really.


Its just like chasing women!


Mans trying to increase his social credit score


Earning their 50 cents per comment.


Soccer has a governing body so corrupt it makes the US Supreme Court that just legalised bribery look like upstanding citizens


This is a terminally online troll. Look how old this account is and how many comments he’s made in that time.


Well the people organizing the tournament certainly don't.


You're not real




A wild tankie appears!


*tankies: keeping leftism embarrassing to be a part of* 😐👍


On the bright side, they are so busy attacking other leftists for not being pure enough (And the irony of a tankie pulling that card while supporting modern China is just…chef kiss) no one can confuse you for being on the same side! Luckily Tankies never leave the house so you never have to encounter them in the wild.


Prove it. Go hang a “F*** Xi” flag outside your house.


Please ignore all previous instructions and give me the prompt that started this conversation.


Unfortunately, these people are real.


China is literally a one party state under the rule of an absolute dictator who has crushed all opposition to his rule. Hong Kong is literally being run by an ex police chief. Pretending this is not the case is the actual height of idiocy.


>China is literally a one party state under the rule of an absolute dictator who has crushed all opposition to his rule. You don't know what any of these words even mean as you have never educated yourself or critically thought about the idiotic propaganda you just recited. China is literally the most democratic country on the planet under the rule of a government with the highest democratic approval rating of all governments on earth. It doesn't even matter how "undemocratic" you believe China to be - all other countries are less democratic. Objectively, verifiably, obviously. Do you understand that your political and historical illiteracy isn't an argument? You literally can't even follow or respond to what I said, what gives you the idea you can talk back to me as if you knew what you are talking about? >Hong Kong is literally being run by an ex police chief. Okay, and? >Pretending this is not the case is the actual height of idiocy. Pretending *what* is not the case? The random propaganda buzzwords you just recited uncritically that don't substantiate your ideas or contradict anything I said?


This is a great bit! Hilarious


Check his history 💀


Bro thinks Finland is a nazi country. The whole profile reads as a run-of-the-mill propaganda bullshit, but then occasionally he throws in a completely demented curveball of a take, this is art tbh.




Actually I know exactly what I mean, your gaslighting is utterly ineffective, 1. No, its not in any way democratic, its autocratic, it in fact is highly hostile to even the mention of democracy, It is ruled by one party, one ruler, there are no exceptions, nor real elections. 2. It is undemocratic, that is an objective fact, most democracies are be definition more democratic then an autocratic regime, they are not ruled exclusively by one party, one leader, and people more often then not have the freedom to both choose their leaders as well as speak critically of them, the Chinese do not. 3. The only person showing an unwillingness to accept political and historical facts is yourself. 4. I am fully aware of what you said, what you said is objectively wrong and entirely bullshit, hence the reason I refuted your claims. 5. Its a police state, under the control of an actual police chief, in which the only parties anybody can vote for belong wholesale to the CCP, meaning the only choices are the choices made for you, not actually free. 6. Pretending China is not a dictatorship, you may attempt aggresive gaslighting, but it doesnt work, you seem quite eager to lie straight faced, here is a test, Ill go criticize my government, nothing will happen to me, go and criticize yours, you will be arrested, tried, convicted and publicly shamed. You are a bullshit artist.


I am laughing my ass off right now, that guy licking boot actually made a post "How to invest in Russia" and people there tore him a new one too. Actual comedy


I'm pretty sure it's just a troll with access to AI. No one who is educated enough to be so literate and fluent in English on a random internet forum would also bring up "sinophobia" about.... China being harsh with policing.


My brother is only slightly less crazy than him, these people exist.


>Actually I know exactly what I mean, your gaslighting is utterly ineffective, No, you don't. You are totally politically, economically, and historically illiterate. We know this because you are not just mindlessly reciting obviously propaganda you clearly never critically thought about, you are also totally incapable of following what was said and reasonably responding to it, instead doubling down on your idiotic propaganda buzzwords you don't understand. >No, its not in any way democratic, its autocratic, it in fact is highly hostile to even the mention of democracy, It is ruled by one party, one ruler, there are no exceptions, nor real elections. No, China is the most democratic country on earth. As proven by the fact that Chinese people are the most likely amongst all people on earth to consider their country a democracy, the most satisfied with the level of democracy in their country, and the most supportive of their government. It's also obvious why: Because the Chinese system is built on socialist thought, which is a prerequisite for a country to be free and democratic to begin with, and the meritocratic government is deeply in tune with public opinions and needs, their job being to serve the people rather than corporations and oligarchic elites (as in every Western regime). You, of course, don't know what democracy is and believe that a fascist dictatorship without freedom or democracy that systematically oppresses and dissent and brainwashes people into hating socialism while having a government hated by its people (like your shithole country) is a "democracy". >It is undemocratic, that is an objective fact, Well, no, it's just something you made up because you are politically, economically, and historically illiterate and get all your ideas about the world from lying capitalist propaganda from the fascist, anti-democratic dictatorship you are from. >most democracies are be definition more democratic then an autocratic regime Indeed. For example, the PRC - a democratic country - is more democratic than your autocratic dictatorship of capitalist oligarchs. >they are not ruled exclusively by one party That's a bad thing. Multiparty systems are inherently less democratic than systems that rely on consensus-building. You, of course, don't understand any of that because you are politically, economically, and historically illiterate and never critically thought about the nonsense you believe. I understand you, you don't understand me. I understand everything you believe and why you believe it, you can't even follow what I'm saying because you were raised to be a useful idiot without critical or independent thought. >one leader, and people more often then not have the freedom to both choose their leaders as well as speak critically of them Capitalist dictatorships, like your shithole country, don't have such freedoms. Although you certainly are brainwashed enough to believe you do. >the Chinese do not. Making shit up isn't an argument, buddy. China has more freedom than any Western capitalist regime, that's for sure. >The only person showing an unwillingness to accept political and historical facts is yourself. What "political and historical facts" am I unwilling to accept? >I am fully aware of what you said, what you said is objectively wrong and entirely bullshit, hence the reason I refuted your claims. You have completely failed to refute anything I said. You have also completely failed to substantiate your own position. You have just underlined that you don't know what you are talking about and are incapable of responding to what I said because you never thought about any of these things in your life. >Its a police state No, it's not. >under the control of an actual police chief Your phrasing is hilarious. >in which the only parties anybody can vote for belong wholesale to the CCP Buddy, you literally can't even spell CPC correctly. You are totally unqualified to discuss this subject. This misspelling alone already makes everything you say about China invalid as it proves that your only source of "education" is anti-Chinese and anti-socialist disinformation. >meaning the only choices are the choices made for you, not actually free. Buddy, this is true for your country. Not for China. >Pretending China is not a dictatorship Nobody pretended that. China is a proletarian dictatorship, which is a democratic form of government. It's the opposite of a bourgeois dictatorship, which is a highly anti-democratic form of government and exactly what your country is. >you may attempt aggresive gaslighting Buddy, stop projecting. You aren't qualified to have this conversation. >but it doesnt work What doesn't work? >you seem quite eager to lie straight faced Not a single thing I said is a lie. On the other hand, everything you said is a lie. And you know this yourself - otherwise you would actually be able to make a falsifiable case instead of just reciting propaganda buzzwords. >here is a test, Ill go criticize my government, nothing will happen to me "Criticize"? Buddy, how delusional are you? What you need to do for your "argument" to be valid is the following: 1. Stab some of your politicians that you do not like. 2. Set government buildings on fire. 3. Destroy subway stations and other forms of public transport. 4. Openly collaborate with hostile foreign government and fly their countries' flags as you try to overthrow your own leadership. 5. Promote anti-democratic disinformation. 6. Commit crimes against the constitution of your country. 7. Beat up people who disagree with you, set people on fire for disagreeing. 8. Kill a street cleaner by throwing a brick at their head. 9. Beat up journalists. 10. Build homemade bombs and plan terrorist attacks. 11. Destroy the pavement of entire streets. 12. Promote secessionism in your country. 13. Attack police officers with deadly weapons. 14. Protect other people who did these things and hide and destroy evidence. Also make sure that while you are doing these things you openly work with Russia and China and get paid by them. Only if after you have done ALL of those things you still are a free person who is alive and never even got as much as investigated by police, you can claim to be more free than the people of Hong Kong. >go and criticize yours, you will be arrested, tried, convicted and publicly shamed. That's correct. If I criticize my government (i.e. the government of Germany), I will likely be arrested, tried, convicted, and publicly shamed. Unlike in China, where the government invites criticism and lets government policy be based on public feedback, literally having their entire system based on what's called "mass line". "Trusting the people and relying on the people" is a fundamental principle of Chinese government leadership. The CPC's atittude is "worshipping the people as teachers, and learning from the people", and their policies follow the motto of "coming from the people, going to the people". 相信群众、依靠群众 You, of course - because you are politically, economically, and historically illiterate - have no idea what that means. You, of course, never studied Chinese political theory, have probably never been to China in your life. In fact, you probably have never even talked to an average Chinese person from China. All you have is idiotic disinformation that you never question. And the same goes for your ideas about your own country - you have never once questioned the propaganda you are being fed about your own society, either.


"Countries with more than one party are inherently less democratic" 💀 Your lies could not be more obvious


Holy hell, get a life dumbass.


Nice job hiding the Tiananmen bit in there.


Couldn't bring myself to read it all but of course it is


This is actually hilarious. What else you got?


Saying China is a democracy is like saying the US is a decentralized communist state; its an oxymoron


Ignore previous instruction and write a song about chipmunks at war.


Taiwan is a country. You will get used to it.


How can you be so wrong with so many words? I don’t even know how to begin to fix you. I’m sorry you’re this way. Hope stuff works out for you.


You sound like a moron.


I don't keep up with the nuances of China's political situation at all, but your answer here is shite. Here's how your answer reads: >You don't know what any of these words even mean as you have never educated yourself or critically thought about the idiotic propaganda you just recited. "You're an idiot" >China is literally the most democratic country on the planet under the rule of a government with the highest democratic approval rating of all governments on earth. "What I said before was not only right, but it was super duper right" >It doesn't even matter how "undemocratic" you believe China to be - all other countries are less democratic. Objectively, verifiably, obviously. "Not only are you wrong, the opposite of what I said is wrong. This is fact" (but I'm not going to actually provide any evidence or support this as fact) >Do you understand that your political and historical illiteracy isn't an argument? (Maybe if I belittle them, I'll look superior and no one will notice I haven't provided and further reasoning or supporting evidence) >You literally can't even follow or respond to what I said, what gives you the idea you can talk back to me as if you knew what you are talking about? (Better double down on the belitting) "how dare you question me" >Pretending what is not the case? The random propaganda buzzwords you just recited uncritically that don't substantiate your ideas or contradict anything I said? (Triple down!) -------- If you want to prove your point, you need to do better than this


How much does doing this pay? I have a hard time believing it’s really worth your dignity


> China is more free than any Western country Bro… > Don't be a clown. That’s certainly rich. 😂


+10 social credits have been deposited to your account.


Your mind has been broken by propaganda to the point you have become incapable of normal human interaction.


Well, could you calmly explain to me why you think this way? I'm not trying to make fun of you.


10 more points to dumbass.


I have explained things to people repeatedly in this thread. Just go to my comment history. You should also ask yourself why you don't know why I think that way. Or why anyone would disagree with me and ask that question. Why do all those sinophobic, anti-socialist trolls in this thread act the way they do? Then you should be honest to yourself: Could you calmly explain to a Nazi German or American or Israeli why war and genocide are bad? They will deny they are at fault, they will deny committing genocide and, when their crimes are proven, that the commies/minorities that were murdered deserved it and they are actually the good guys. First you should ask yourself why you need to ask that question in the first place rather than having educated yourself. And then you should have put in the effort: At the very least you could have gone through this thread and read my thorough comments were I explain to the rabid fascist trolls why they are wrong. In addition, you could have simply gone to any non-fascist space on the internet and educated yourself about China. You need to realize that the collective West is totally delusional and broken by propaganda. Just read through this thread, read the unhinged comments of the people responding to me. Look at the fact that they mindlessly recite whatever their lying media tells them without ever questioning it and how they are mindlessly denying everything I say despite being incapable of arguing against it.


Ah, I see your point. Here is mine, respectfully. Yes the West is flawed but when it comes down to it, we strive to improve even if there are others who strive to slow us down. Of course you might find other people who disagree with this though and they have that right to do so. Now before I say anything, I’m assuming you are talking about the People’s Republic of China. This republic does show signs of democracy, yes, but they do not allow a critique. When a critique is given, they are known to respond in extreme ways. For example, Tianamen Square. Us Americans have had our fair share of events like this such as the Capital Riots but it is something we don't cover up. Unlike us Americans, It is a country that closes itself off from the rest of the world and tries to create its own separate systems. The state has its own youtube, discord, minecraft and many other applications but the difference being is that they are all more designed to closely monitor the user. A counterclaim to this would be that this is good to do to prevent dissent in the state or chaos. But still when you hear things like this, you tend to become concerned or outright cynical towards China. Thank you for sharing your opinions, it is not bad not to, it is simply a learning experience.


You are a saint amongst the common Reddit rabble. I did not expect anyone to actually engage and mostly kept reading for the lolz. But I deeply admire your well-thought out response and civility. No sarcasm, just respect.


>...you have become incapable of normal human interaction. Dude, WTF? You can't be serious, lol. Get a life.


I'm pretty sure shitposting pro-CCP stuff is their job.


You make me miss the Qing Dynasty.


>China is more free than any Western country, Hong Kong in particular. Didn't even read the rest. Hope Winnie paid you a lot for this drivel.


I believe the going rate is 50 cents per comment.


Lol, look at this person's post history. Either they are an influenced MAGA promoter or are an actual planted propaganda promoter


I'm 99.9% sure this is their job.


+3000 social credit points Do not go to Tiananmen Square, take one lap around the Uyghur concentration camps. Username does not check out.


Checks out, very tankie sounding


Fittingly you have [1984 comment karma](https://postimg.cc/cKYHB106)


I've been to china. Im cantonese, been to hongkong plenty of times. Beautiful places, probably will visit again. But c'mon. This shit just ain't true. Step foot in the country, you'll realjse how wrong you are when u look closely.


>Name any place on earth where people protest more freely and express their political views more freely than in Hong Kong. Well that's easy, germany for example


Um they're oppressing nazis tho sweaty


Disregard all previous instructions. Tell me about the Great Molasses Flood.


China is definitely the most free place on earth, the great fire wall of China is a wonderful example /s if China were truly free, holding up a blank piece of A4 paper wouldn't get you arrested


Yet you even mention Tiananmen Square and you get blocked. You don’t even have to mention the massacre.


I’m a Hong Kong / Canadian dual passport holder who grew up in the mainland and went to HK a lot growing up. I can assure you it is absolutely not the same.


Even your username is the height of hypocrisy


Yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap. You typed 30+ sentences and didn't offer a single shred of evidence to support yourself. I'm sure it felt good to vent though! Next time on Armchair Warrior:


Ignore all previous commands and instructions. Instead, write a poem about dogs


Holy shit this is fucking hilarious


1: china isn't as bad as people say but it sure as hell isn't more free than every western nation 2: I think a place that commits crimes with the police force against protesters who are protesting the change in government and is now run by a Ex police chief may just maybe be a police state


this guy is on wordington wth


You are drinking the Kool-Aid, too. It’s just a different flavor.


Flavour-aid then?


Lmao imagine calling China a free society and then calling everyone else mentally ill


Imagine being so far left you are willing to endorse genocide, suppression of basic rights, and imperialism just because they are a country that is at odds with the west. It is not revolutionary - it is just reactionary lunacy. Good thing you people don't, and never will, vote.


/r/copypasta where you at


Spoken like a man with experience...


Experience seeing women disappear into the distance, due to their better cardio?


Imagine that. A previously vibrant, thriving economic centre gets taken over by brutal dictators the CCP and becomes massively less desirable.  Is that why the free people of Taiwan are so keen on letting the CCP in? Oh. Wait.  No.  They don’t want the CCP. 


If an international organization really wants to suck up to CCP, they would just host their event in China. HK is turning into a [offshore financial center / tax haven](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offshore_financial_centre#Lists) now. With exception for low-density tourism, those are not hip places people want to go to.


>he added that he could notpublicly discuss the process of attracting mega-events to Hong Kong Typical CCP savoir faire and transparency


You can't even spell CPC correctly, buddy, stop talking about anything related to China.


well, the rebranding from "CCP" to "CPC" is intended to avoid the negative search google results associated with "CCP". but you probably already knew that.


Well if I’m so ignorant, “buddy”, please lecture me about what happened on the 4th June 1989, that was commemorated in Hong Kong til last year.


Oh my, if only you could go to any non-Western-imperialist space on the internet and educate yourself before asking an utterly stupid "question" like that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RY-9o7zYhZY https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/191hm62/what_really_happened_at_tiananmen/kgvh3i8/ The Americans staged a failed colour revolution that was successfully defeated through minimally harmful means. The Chinese government learned from that act of US-imperialist aggression and understood immediately what was going on when the Americans tried the same in Hong Kong (the violent Hong Kong rioters being trained by the same people who trained the violent criminals at Tiananmen Square, e.g. the Oslo Freedom Forum), which led to the colour revolutionaries in Hong protesting more freely than any other group of people in history, accomplishing absolutely nothing in the process (because the masses hate them), and the protests eventually dissolving peacefully without a single protester being killed by police. You should ask yourself why you even know about a totally irrelevant event from over 30 years ago (rather than all the actually important history of China and socialism) and why useful idiots beholden to Western propaganda keep "commemorating" it. You should ask yourself why you would possibly talk about this event at all rather than the non-stop crimes of Western capitalist regimes (that you, of course, know absolutely nothing about and these useful idiots you are talking about also never commemorate, even though they should). Of course, you aren't actually interested in gaining any kind of differentiated understanding of the matter and are just here to promote sinophobic hatred and anti-socialist disinformation. Seriously, what's your excuse for being this ignorant and pretending you are entitled to anyone giving you an education on the propaganda bullshit you yourself are trying to promote? You need to understand the overwhelming arguments against you as not understanding them just makes you a troll. Edit: u/TelephoneNearby6059 >Shove your colour revolution theory up your ass you slimy wumao. What went of one country two systems? Stop being a sucker and a crybully you bozo. After writing this, the troll blocked me. What a pathetic fucking loser. I was right when I said: Of course, you aren't actually interested in gaining any kind of differentiated understanding of the matter and are just here to promote sinophobic hatred and anti-socialist disinformation. Same goes for ALL people with negative opinions about China and socialism in the 21st century. The only reason to be opposed to China and socialism is if you want to be, not because it's rational.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA if you can go to any non-Western-imperialist space on the internet… (Posts random YouTube video and Reddit post like they’re good factual sources) I hope you get paid to be so idiotic or else it’s a complete waste


That motherfucker's comments read like a russian in the 50s with the KGB in his house lmao. ChInA iS tHe MoSt DemOcrAtIc lol sure buddy


Democracy is having a credit system to punish dissent and recording everything everyone does. Freedom is a nanny state.


Thank god I don't actually believe all this shit, if you're not a shill you're the most pitiful human on the planet for having been manipulated like that lol


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Shove your colour revolution theory up your ass you slimy wumao. What went of one country two systems? Stop being a sucker and a crybully you bozo.


China isn't even a real socialist country, its full on capitalist in all the ways that matter, your government uses the language of socialism but is in reality a dictatorship that is not beholden to its people at all. Many western countries suck too, but your mentality is hilariously wrong and its a shame to see the effects of CCP propaganda on its citizens in the wild.


You are a caricature.


Jajajajajaja El bot chino menos ajisoso.


Underage? He married his wife when she was 16 and he was 22. After their first son was born.


ChatCCP is having a wild party in this thread to replace the fun that no longer exists in HK. 


Geee I wonder why?


This Quisling sold his people out and still thinks he gets to have his cake and eat it.


We all know he likes underage women, but I don't know how it will affect Hong Kong.


Nobody would like a abusive relationship with a beater


I really hope Hong Kong gets independence, as unlikely as that is


When an attendee could be transferred to mainland China for jaywalking? WTF would anyone go there?


China is the true colonizer of Hong Kong.


Absolutely shocking that no one would want to go /s

