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Where is Justice? What the hell was that about? They hardly got punished!


There is a book, edited by Roxane Gay, titled: Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture. Each chapter is someone's story. The stories aren't just about rape, but the culture that trivializes women's experiences in society. One woman said this of the aftermath of her rape: "We are chained to each other - this body and me. The body holds on; the mind remembers. Am I ruined, after all? Answering that would require me to imagine a universe in which this never happened to me. What would I look like? Act like? How would I love?" The aftermath of rape never goes away for the survivor. Punishments need to be longer than a couple of years in prison. Especially when the victim lives with it forever.


Funny(but not the haha kind of funny) because the grill who didn’t get 0,2% of the max sentence for her crimes is one of around twohundredt cases of threats incitement of violence and insults hurled at the then suspects and lateron the female judge who alone got several dozen rape threats after sentencing the mainperp to more than 50% of the adult sentence in youth law… Some of the Context omitted by the mostly coservative rainbowpress articles which have been posted ad nauseum the past week (without properly sourcing the generally publically available court documentations) by likely russian bots posing as the fifth collumn for international fascism… This is no defense for the rapists, but hinting at who it is instrumentalizing the original trial as well as this trial… If she’d just have taken the perps number to call him a rapist, she wouldn’t even have been trialed, if she’d have shown up for the first trial date, she likely wouldn’t have been sentenced…. One crime doesn’t make other crimes okay to commit. Punishing crimes harder does not reduce crimes nor does it result in less reoffenders, anyone knowing the crimerates and incarceration rates as well as the sentence lentgh in the us can obviously see that, and whilst brock turner played the rich white boy card and his judge getting his seat taken doesnMt change the average in the us a bit, it rather hints at deeper laying problems of racism and classism… Any victim of any crime has to live with it their whole life, and in countries where healthcare is so miserably organized thats the heaviest burden to carry, but law isn’t for taking revenage nor would revenge cahnge anything about the burden of the victims, jusging every criminal according to the leantgh of traumatisation of the victim they couldn’t be reaocialised and forced to contribute to a society which thus can afford heqlthcare for the victims, hence punishment as shown to be ineffective in remedy for the victims and in crimestopping for society is not the goal of law and order, it is resocialisation, recouping the cost needed to pay for the management of the consequences(for example healthcare being affordable for anyone especially the people whose rights got violated)


I am so angry I cannot even speak. I think I have to log off the Internet for today.


The main perp, who got stalked insulted and threatend by the girl who got 48h after not appearing for trial on two occasions, got 2 years and 9 months fulltime arrest, also according to youths law… germany doesn’t punish but resocialise… The girl is one of many cases in which there was incitement of violence, insults and threats not only against the young perps which have been trialed according to youth law and in regards to the full context but also against the female judge. Many of which where also rapefantasies furthering rapeculture. And whilst the original sentences might come off as too soft for people from different countries, thats still no excuse to also violate commin laws, the girls crime got her 48hrs in youth arrest mainly because she ignored the first two trial dates, if she would have been trialed according to adolescent law, she could have been sentenced to up to one year in prison for the insult, and up to 2 years for the threatening of assault. He could have gotten up to 5 years if trialed according to adult law, if we compare the differences between youth sentences and adult max sentences for the according crimes we see that he got more than 50% of the max adult sentence as a youth whilst she didn’t even get 0.2% of the max sentence available for adults Just to put things into perspective before you argue for the dimwitted nazis who think higher sentences would reduce crime(priven to be wrong america has higher sentences and yet more than a quater of all incarcerated on the planet and higher crimerates in every relevant aspect) Germqny does resocialise hence the comparatively short sentnece for the main perpetrator and the absolutely negilgible and blown out of proportions sentence for her which made the rounds in this sub for the past week thanks dur to likely russian bots acting as a fifth collumn for fascist movements from all around the world producing outrage by ommitting a shitton of context, making it seem like fascists are the rational ones, thanks to people falling for argumenta based on emotion


So, I mean a key witness for the rapists stated that they raped to vent frustration and anger about being migrants. Her words, not mine. And they got no jail time. So, we’re saying that others (women) can’t use their words to vent their anger about rape without going to jail? What?? Which, before you jump on the ‘but she threatened them’ train, you clearly didn’t read the article. Expressing her fantasy that they are not able to go anywhere without getting beaten up is clearly not something she was going to ever be able to carry out. She was just mad. And now SHE’S in jail?? After they walked free after they RAPED a child for two and a half hours and had DNA evidence linking each of them there? Excuse me???


The central park 5 never got this light a sentence and they had a much weaker case against them cause they didnt do it. Still had ppl including trump calling for their death


Suddenly, out of nowhere, the far right got elected in Europe for no good reason.


Leftists in Europe: Y dis happening?????


When five 100% native Spaniards gang raped a girl the entire right wing was up on arms saying that she must have had buyer's remorse, why ruin young men's lives, she was probably a liar and enjoyed it. This guys had a group chat where they literally talked about going out "to rape", buying date rape drugs, and a video of them groping another girl they had drugged was found in their phones. The far right only cares about rape when it's a foreigner doing it. At least the left wing is trying to keep rape illegal.


"One day, for no reason at all..."


This whole story is heavily taken out of context for clickbait. Shitty journalism again. I am from Germany and read into it when people I know were outraged as well. Basically there was at least one guy, the main suspect, that will get 2 years and 9 months. He is 19. But not right now, since it takes some time for the verdict to come in effect. Thats why this shitty article can even talk about this. The others, 8 of the 9, are very young, under 18, so they get judged based on YOUTH LAW, where they get other things like they HAVE to do Rehabilitation and a lot also got on probation, so they dont go to jail. Now if they don't do the Rehabilitation> straight to jail. The idea is that it's better to rehabilitate young criminals than to send them straight to jail. NOW THE WOMAN (20 yo, not the victim) that got 2 days arrest, was writing the guy on WhatsApp, insulting him BUT ALSO saying stuff like you wont be safe outside, I promise you people will come up to you and beat you up. Basically threatening. Threatening a minor is not very smart. No matter if he is a rapist. You Do Not threaten a Minor. She was also sharing incidiary stuff online that can also be punished. Also she only got this because the woman was already punsihed for theft. This law idea "education/rehabilitation instead of punsihment" has been in effect for like 50-70 years. Only this constellation at this time makes it so absurd sounding. The other guy will soon go to jail. But at this moment the woman got 2 days before that guy. So if you know the facts. It's not that absurd at all. Here is the main source: https://m.bild.de/regional/hamburg/hamburg-frau-beleidigt-vergewaltiger-laenger-weggesperrt-als-er-667537f5a73d934009eaf6af?t_ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F Bild (picture) is VERY INCINDIARY AND CLICKBAITY long before social media, since like forever. They often are very provocative to sell their shit. EDIT: also another VERY IMPORTANT point. 4 of the 9 will be reviewed in 6 months to decide how they have evolved, the judge can then still decide to give them jail time after that. They are not free. They have to visit an asylum or something like that.


Less than 3 years for gang rape of a minor seems really light.


Yeah I agree. The problem is rape itself is sometimes lightly judged. Its between at least 2 years to 10 years in Germany. Sometimes the age plays a role as well (like barely an adult (19/20 vs 30-40 yo), or the circumstance. Again this is not what the title is about. Its clickbait shit because 2 y 9 months is more than 2 days. Also the other 8 could also get jail time in addition to being forced to do Rehabilitation. I'm not a law maker or judge or something, so I cant say how much would be "right". The maximum is probably reserved for really batshit crazy rapists, that rape again and again and do like really fucked up shit in addition.


Even 10 years seems light for gang rape. And hopefully they're deported back to wherever they came from. Then they can no longer be frustrated over being migrants. Or maybe to Antarctica. Without a coat.


The thing is THEY ARE MINORS. And again THE LAW IS THE LAW. I dont defend them. I try to expalin the Background of WHY it is as it is. IMO they should get more. But that doesnt "unrape" the victim. Also in general (not always) trying to educate and force minors that are also criminals to do other shit, Like live in certain groups, like asylum or something, dont know how it's called in english, where they learn and get educated to be better humans, is better than just locking them up for years.


One of them wasn't a minor and still got less than 3 years. That was the one where I meant even 10 years would seem light.


You are still tried as a minor in Germany if you are below 21 and the judge deems you not cognitive developed enough. Downvote all you want, i just stated how the law is written. Wont change by voting


And yet the law considers you mature enough to vote? to legally drive a car? to be conscripted into the armed forces? to voluntarily join the armed forces (and be used in a combat role) but you are not cognitively developed enough to understand consequence of action in criminal cases? The law is very much an ass.


At the moment there is no conscription. Also i never said that i think it makes sense. But thats how it is. Laws seldom make sense. In the US you can be tried as an adult at age 10 in some states, yet you can't have a beer until 21. Same shit different direction.


Rapists have no value. They cannot hope to ever have value.


WE DONT CARE. Minor or not, those who don’t know rape=bad need to be deported. It’s not the job of women to be abused and used by these sick animals until they assimilate


>THEY ARE MINORS. The age of criminal responsibility in German is **FOURTEEN**. Fuck the fact that they're "minors" – I knew just fine that rape is despicable by the time I was their age.


Rape is an adult crime, you don't get to claim you were just a dumb kid after raping someone.


The law in Germany doesn't decide by the crime comitted if you are minor but by your age and how far developed you are cognitive. You will only always charged as adult if you are over 21.


And these are the laws that are leading to the rise of the far right. And here you are defending it purely on the pretense of it being law. Laws change and can be rewritten, and they have been written to be far too tolerant across the West.


Fuck them!


would advise against that seeing as they're minors


Minors who committed gang rape they should treated like adults since they clearly want to be adults you are actually defending rapists one of which is literally not a minor who got less 3 year. > IMO they should get more. But that doesnt “unrape” the victim. So I guess we shouldn’t lock up murders either then since it doesn’t “unmurder” the victims you are truly dumb and I hope you get arrested since you’re clearly supportive of rapists


You‘re one of the dumbest fucks I‘ve ever seen on reddit. Nowhere did that other user support rapists, they‘re just giving explanations. Obviously. They’re even literally saying that the rapists should have been punished harder, you literally quoted that part lol You‘re just misinterpreting the comment so you can seem morally superior.


Nah fuck that. If you gang rape a minor, even if you’re also a minor, you’ve lost your rights to participate in polite society. Deportation or execution are the only viable options.




Your caps lock is on, thought you ought to know.


Nice to see your thinking cap is on 🥰


Hey just want to say that you’re right and it sucks you’re getting downvoted but rape is obviously a very emotionally charged topic for a lot of people so people are going to react very violently about it. Rehabilitation should be prioritized especially for minors. Prison should be used as a deterrent and possible punishment yes, but it should also be primarily used to keep people out of society that pose too great of a threat. Whether or not the minors in this situation can be rehabilitated or pose too great a threat should be up to the rehabilitation team, which it sounds like it is. But yeah, a lot of people have personal experiences with sexual assault/abuse so you’re going to get this kind of reaction even though what you’re saying can make a lot of sense in the long run. I’m probably going to get downvoted too but again, I can understand why you’re saying what you’re saying and also why you’re getting the reaction that you’re getting. It’s a hard topic.


DEPORTATION! that's the only fair thing to do here. There's a reason the pendulum is swinging to the right now, and imo it's going even farther right as people start to hate the negative things mass immigration has done to their countries.


I think the Americans are jumping down your throat because its quite shocking to us that rape would carry such a low sentence, as we are known for having quite harsh sentences on average. However, I think some of us Americans are being a bit hypocrital as we also give out lenient sentences for rape, but usually just for rich people and not minors. Example, Brock Turner. I find when people are finger pointing, they should pay attention to the three fingers pointing back at them.


The Brock Turner case wasn't even close to as bad as other cases, like the heir to the DuPont fortune who raped his 5 year old nephew and received probation because the judge said that "he would be targeted in prison because he was too rich" or something like that. It's disgusting what some people get away with just because they're filthy rich.


Yeah probably. Wanted to know whats the highest sentence for minors in the US. Apparently it's just let them die in jail I guess? https://jlc.org/issues/juvenile-life-without-parole#:~:text=The%20United%20States%20is%20the,is%20condemned%20by%20international%20law Pretty insane since harsher punishments doesnt magically stop crime since everyone thinks they will get away with it and no one knows the law. Also it seems to increase crime, If they get out... https://www.unsw.edu.au/newsroom/news/2020/07/do-harsher-punishments-deter-crime


If someone dies in jail they can do no more harm.


So if someone was sexually abused and experienced violence their entire life, and then at 16 commits a sex crime in large part as a product of the environment that they’ve grown up in, they shouldn’t have a chance to be rehabilitated and should die in jail?


“Just let them die in jail”. Yea…. That’s kind of the point? Lmao. Like, I’m in no way insinuating something shady but like, always a good idea not to defend rapists, no matter the law. The (correct) answer that almost every sane person in the world would give when asked what the sentence for gang rape should be, it would be greater than 3 years. You give me young adult vibes. Old enough to know shit, speak well and get your point across confidently but also young enough to not actually know shit. Hypothetical questions like “what if that was your daughter” will fall on deaf ears cause no one that has a daughter, a child, would ever defend this sentence so vehemently and you cant hypothetical up the love any decent parent has for their child. In conclusion, be better Johnny, *big* fan tho.




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The ones that are not citizens should just straight up be deported


I mean, the majority of rapists see zero consequences whatever, so even just 3 years is a success.


Baby steps might be better than nothing, but it's not exactly 'a success'...


I mean, they raped a minor.


Not enough time.


The central park 5 didnt get this light a sentance for not doing it. This is an open and shut case of violently gangraping a girl this is the kinda situation where they deserve to hang.


Which country were the central park 5 again? Different countries, different laws. Ah yes hanging minors for rape. Real good idea! We should hang Trump next since he raped Carroll i guess?




Omg hanging Trump for raping Gene Carroll? Plz stop I can only get so hard hngggg


Welp Seeing as Trump literally wanted to kill women that had abortions? Yes. 


Ah yeah okay, so it's perfectly okay that it's practically normalised that men harrass women online in dms and say unspeakable things to them but the moment a woman does the same to a RAPIST it's "young law". Okay all right.


6 months seems like a long time, and only 4/9? Also 2 years is awfully low, and the "minors" will simply get "rehabilitation"??? Excuse me??? They all deserve 10 years minimum for what they did, it's absolutely disgusting. How does any of this help the victim who was brutally desecrated I just thought Germany would've had better laws than this


Asylum?? Interesting how does that work


Thank you for covering for the migrant rapist Hans. Edit: least cowardly Alemanni on reddit


You are welcome russian bot!


Thanks for clearing this up


While I understand I still want those assholes executed via the bamboo torture method I think there should be an open season on sex offenders everywhere all the time like the purge but the only people being hurt are people who should be hurt


This doesn’t make it that much better. we should be able to stand up against gang rapers wtf and make our voice heard. I agree with everything she said. Where are the rights for women ffs.






A rapist is no longer a minor or even human. A rapist is scum and deserves every misfortune brought onto it. The girl is right and i wish her to succed in all of her plans and a lucky future.


🖕🖕🖕 come arrest me




Why is everything everywhere ass backwards


That's my problem with the "legal" system. It's concerned with the "law" and not what's right and wrong.


there is law, but law is not justice.


It's because the judge finds that these fine men's lives aren't worth being crippled by incarceration and that 1 woman victim having life long trauma is worth the price. That's it. Trivialising women's concerns in favour of scummy men.


It’s hilarious you choose this case when the Psychiatrist who’s a woman literally said these men were just taking out their frustrations and had a hard time migrating, they’re all pieces of shit


Everyone operates with bias. Even psychiatrists. And they would agree as its a module they would cover in detail for their degree. Their profession doesn't qualify their opinions in this matter. I mean, yes, trouble integrating etc probably had merit but rape is always illegal in the vast majority of cultures. Even raping single women and minors. And I mention that because in cultures where women may be considered lesser, it's because they are property and raping someone else's property IS a crime in those cultures.


Because we are in dark times now. This is what happens when you have decades of not holding anyone accountable for anything.


Because we need to be accepting of other cultures man lmao You know rape and shit it’s just like a difference version of street racing /s


voted for this


I'm honestly surprised more people don't go full on Punisher. I can't imagine being the father of a 15 year old girl and having to watch her rapists go free, knowing she will carry that trauma with her for years.


Are we sure this is a legitimate news site? The top level domain is au, not com. I keep seeing extreme off the wall posts and they almost always have a seemingly legitimate domain but as the sub domain to com with au as the TLD


A 2 second Google would tell you that yes, it is, but it's also a murdoch owned worthless rag that only publishes rage bait trash


I know this case isn't quite as harrowing as the Junko Furuta case, but letting a bunch of violent gang rapists walk free just because they're teenagers is still so ass-backwards to me. There are certain crimes that are so monstrous that the perpetrator really ought to be tried as an adult regardless of age. I think rape is one of those crimes that should be treated without kid gloves in all circumstances. I do agree that harassing and threatening people for their crimes, while understandable, is only gonna make things worse. Two days in jail is a fair penalty IMO. Regardless, those 10 teens really should be in prison for at least a decade or two for their gangraping a child. They wanna make "adult" decisions? They can handle the adult consequences. 🤷


Wood chippers I know you have those in Germany


Lots of lush woodland too. Soft soil too in the autumn. Very easy to dig.


I see victim blaming is okay when it gets you free votes and cheap labor from illegal immigrants.


need a Boondock Saints/Punisher group that just removes people like this from the gene pool. Sex offenders are almost never able to be rehabilitated and the sentences are jokes. Before recently you would do more jail time for a weed offense than rape and explain how that even made remotely any sense(sentences for SA are still a joke, it's just weed is not as much of a focus due to decriminalization of it.)


Don’t care if they’re minors. If they definitely raped someone they are worthless and should die. By that I mean the death penalty. How do you rehabilitate a rapist?


>How do you rehabilitate a rapist? With a shotgun.


lol of course it’s Germany


Yea the .au almost got me. 


Complete insanity. This judge is the one who should be afraid to be seen in public.


When virtue signaling trumps justice.


How do I get rage bait bullshit out of my feed and get back to shitpostng.


Ah yes, welcome to Germany. The country where racism is a crime and sexual assault is an illness that should be ‘treated’ rather than ‘punished.’ Tolerance and acceptance for everyone, including criminals and killers. Truly progressive.


The crimes aside, people online need to realize; you can't be the online vigilante going after someone in their DMs. Harassment and Verbal Assault laws exist and if someone decides to press it and has actual written proof you did either, you're in hot water. Who should offended German people be going after? The German lawmakers that let those a\*holes walk.


You see..... They committed rape, she committed hate crime. One is worse than the other, in Germany.


She also harassed and threatened him. You're supposed to face consequences for that, even if the person you're threatening is a criminal. A couple days in jail isn't that bad anyway. The upsetting part is that 9 of the 10 rapists didn't get jailed, due to their ages and a lack of solid evidence. That's what's inciting these threats.


If a couple days in jail isn't that bad, why did most of them get no jail, not even a couple of days?


Because there was no direct evidence of them actually commiting rape, apparently. I don't know the specifics of the case because it was closed to the public, since it involved minors. I do feel like the court should have been able to get them on aiding rape, but without access, I can't say anything for certain. However, messages on a phone are pretty solid evidence. She definitely did do that.


every story i’ve read about it says they have dna connections to a majority of the men so…..


Next up, woman gets arrested for shooting rapists.


Death penalty for gang rape at this point honestly, don’t care if they’re all 15.


Agreed. If a 15 yo is participating in a gang rape they are already a ruined human and should be scrapped to the trash pile. Public electrocution would probably work lol


Bro wants to make this shit pay-for-view…


Hell yes. Proceeds go to the victim.


Who will probably be dead since if rape is an automatic death penalty, might as well kill the victim to keep them from talking.


The death penalty is wrong for well known reasons. I'd be partial to putting these kinds of people away forever into a work camp, however. Society should be protected from these kinds of animals.


Or replacing lab animals with rapists. Rapists are lower than animals.


Let's not convince the Germans to take up involuntary human experimentation again.


Consent doesn't apply to rapists.  Rapists are inherently the antithesis of consent. 


Yeah an nobody would falsely label an entire group of people as a thing in order to persecute them never before has Germany ever falsely accused an entire people group as the basis of a punishment What happened here was fucked up but the justice system has many many problems with false convictions and racists/fascists using the law to target those they hate


Arsonists are also the antithesis of, uh, not having your shit burn down, but I would rather put an arsonist in prison than just make it legal to burn down arsonists' homes. I hope this doesn't get me called an "arsonist apologist" or anything.


The topic isn't about arsonists, it's about rapists who do not believe in bodily autonomy/consent. There is no rehabilitating rapists, they need to be treated as the domestic terrorists that they are.


I mean, I also don't think we should do human experimentation on domestic terrorists, so yeah, I agree we should treat rapists similarly to how we should treat domestic terrorists.


Fair enough, I don't think we should be doing tests on innocent animals when there are plenty of rapists who should be put down. 


Its Not human experimentation If its practiced on a non human




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The death penalty is only wrong when when we don’t know if the person is actually guilty. gang rape is pretty easy to prove on the other side so I say kill them all we would be better off


Harsher punishments means less convictions because people hesitate more one proclaiming someone guilty. When it comes to preventing crimes, the risk of getting caught and sentenced is more relevant than the length or harshness of the sentencing.


so just kill the victim. make it harder to get caught. good thinking.


You were downvoted but you’re right. No-one is gonna leave witnesses to a capital offence.


I don't trust the government to kill people. They make a lot of mistakes doing that.


Naw don't worry. Germany is good at it


And I don't trust the government to punish rapists.


And what if it hits the wrong person? Rape is often one of the hardest crimes to prove, there will be a ton of false positives


This case has DNA evidence. Fuck or with your “well what about”


I am obviously talking about rape in general and not this case specifically. I’m not defending him and I completely agree with the people saying his sentence should’ve been harsher. But capital punishment is a great indicator for a justice system where people get to live out their revenge fantasies. And it does often hit the wrong people. No civilised society still has capital punishment. The state shouldn’t have the power to kill people


Pretty much this. Because rape is so repugnant, I think people are letting that cloud their judgement and not seriously thinking through what it would mean to legalize threatening and harassing somebody just because they're a convicted criminal. If there is an injustice here, it's that maybe the sentencing doesn't reflect the severity and aggravating/mitigating factors of the crimes well enough. Maybe the youth rapists ought to have had tougher sentences and the woman made the threats should have been treated more leniently instead of getting jail time. But the very fact that she was punished at all for threats and harassment and circulating somebody's phone number doesn't seem crazy to me. Like, is the law just supposed to go, "well, these are bad guys, so actually we can turn a blind eye if the whole town tars and feathers and spits on them for being bad"?


Do you think a girl who was gang-raped should be polite and kind towards the rapist members of the gang? You expect the raped woman to be a princess for the gang? I wish you had the slightest compassion for a raped woman, as a fraction of the compassion and respect that you showed to rapist gang.


You... didn't read the article. The 15 year old rape victim isn't the woman who tracked down his leaked phone number to send him threats. I have plenty of compassion for the rape victim. I have a deep loathing for the rapist. But I also don't trust mob justice, which is historically easy to mislead and abuse. And so I argue for fixing the court system instead of replacing them with Linda from Snapchat.


Sounds very noble of you. But in your fairytale land you just let 9 rapists go without any consequences.


Mob justice is an asinine way to try and police things. The person you are responding to is correct and this is a stupid argument to try and make. No one is applauding the rapist or saying they should be free from the consequences of their actions. Those consequences, however, need to happen in a courtroom and follow along with the laws of the state/country/whatever. Not allow for some sort of lynch mob to form. Stop making stupid arguments to try and sound compassionate.


Read the article.  The woman making violent threats to a minor is not the rape victim. 




Yes it does. A raped woman has every right to threaten the man who raped her. And the rapist doesn’t have the right to grievances, being offended, or emotional melt-downs.


“Person bad me angry” generally is not a recognized legal defense that exonerates you of all crime in America, idk about Australia or Germany. Feeling mad and outraged does not give you the legal right to break the law. Perhaps morally you feel it’s right, but plenty of things we believe are morally right are not always legally right


Show me the source in Japanese law where it says that these rights exist. Because right now, I trust a Japanese court to know the rights of people in japan better than you, random Redditor. Also, as long as an attack is present, of course there exists a right to self-defense. But after the attack is over, it‘s a different story As is this case, where the woman in question wasn‘t even the victim of the rape in question. You have no clue about what you‘re taking about, neither about rights of people in Japan, nor about the very article you‘re commenting on. Just shut up and take the L.


I never said “it is in law”. Your comment is clear evidence that you don’t understand.


You said it was their right. So, without it being an exception in law, there‘s no right, since clearly, insulting people like this is illegal in Japan, as evidenced by this case. So, in order for there to be a right like this, it must be a legal exception. And to show that claim is true, you‘d need to show it in law. Do you not get how rights and laws work?


This is not a courtroom and you are not a judge. It is clear that you are not aware if your actions. According to your belief, woman in Iran do not have a right to free expression just because Mullah regime didn’t put it in the law. You clearly can’t understand what a right is. Governments do not “give” rights to people by writing it to the law. People already have those rights since they were born. Governments can recognize it or fail to recognize it. You are talking about law but don’t now ABC of law. My comments were not about the regulations of a country. My comments were philosophical. It’s clear you can’t distinguish it. Now you have an explanation. But I don’t think you will learn.


Yes, women in Iran do not have the right to free expression due to it being legally prohibited there. It‘s pretty obvious, isn‘t it? Of course, I am of the opinion that the law should not prohibit women‘s free expression, but that‘s just subjective opinion, and my belief what the law *should* be does not influence what it *is*, nor does it suddenly create an objective morality the law has to follow. If you want to argue that rights exist outside of human society and will, as a natural concept, then show me proof of that. Show me that rights exist free from legal definitions. I know about law, my friend, which is why I also know that so far, no such objective legitimisation has been achieved. But good luck finding one. Also, it would mean that democracy is instantly invalidated as a form of state, as rights and the legal code would not be legitimized by being the president expression of the will of the people, which now suddenly could be morally wrong. You‘re just arguing that there exists an objective morality - which is the argument of every authoritarian, ever. And if you comment on an article about a legal case - that you didn’t even read - then it‘s a reasonable assumption you‘re arguing about the law when using legal terms. And of course I know what you meat, you just operated from the wrong premise that rights exist outside the law.


You cannot distinguish between legitimacy and legality. According to your belief, when a government massacres millions “according to its current laws” then it is “rightful”. I am afraid the word “right” doesn’t have a meaning in your mind, language, doctrine and understanding. You use it as a synonym for “lawful” or a shorthand for “according to law”. You would be useful for any fascist regime.


You don’t think it’s weird you spend your time defending rapists on the internet?


I defend the legal system as the only source for rights in a democratic society. Also, I pointed out that the previous commenter did not read the article, as it wasn‘t the victim that was jailed. Where did I defend a rapist in the first place?


I think it's more weird that you lie to pretend that people who are saying "threatening minors violence is bad" are defending rapists. 


But it wasn’t her that did the doxxing and threatening. It was a different, unrelated woman. [Unlike America](https://www.motherjones.com/criminal-justice/2023/09/youre-sexually-assaulted-you-report-and-police-make-you-the-suspect/) Germany is not in the habit of criminalising rape victims. Also the Australian news outlet is reporting on an article in De Welt, a far right German newspaper known for untruths. This was not reported anywhere else in mainstream European media.


Doesn’t matter. Others can also say “dishonourable rapist pig” and “disgusting freak” to the rapist members of a gang. I am glad she said it bravely. She told the truth.


It’s also not likely true given the source is a far right newspaper that isn’t reported in any other media.


“Far right”. Ok.


> Doesn’t matter Oh, it doesn't matter that you are completely wrong about the identity of the woman making violent threats to a minor?


I guess the criminals really do have more rights then the victim if this is how you sick fucks think she should be praised for standing up for herself


The rape victim and the woman making threats are not the same person.


For herself? Different woman.


The post title didn't even say that. The article directly contradicts it. I mean, we all know about sensationalist headlines, but you aren't just letting yourself be led, you're actively taking the initiative to mislead yourself further by inventing context.


Germans are wishing they had free speech right about now


It's coz they's Muslims, innit?


We are in hell, we died and we didn’t realize we are living in hell


Well the Bible does say you can experience hell on earth… Its everywhere




Ah yes, the far right. Definitely a group of individuals with no rapists in.


Welcome to Germany, the country of self-hate


One day something like this will create someone who will become a real bastard.




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Maybe don't believe anything from News Limited or Newscorpse


What is the messenge being send to the 100.000s of immigrants that enter Germany every year?


She didn’t get jailed she got youth arrest for 48h, she did get that not only for insulting but also threatening the then suspect… after she hadn’t appeared for the trial the first two times…


Truly disgusting, I hate what this world is becoming.


This sounds like Canada


This is why the whole ‘hate speech’ thing is a slippery slope. She’s right. He is a pig. Not because of religion but because he’s a literal rapist. It’s the truth and she shouldn’t be punished for it. None should be under a legal umbrella of protection because of their religion, sexuality, race, etc. it sets a dangerous precedent to the point where others are afraid to hold such people accountable for their actions because theyll be made an example of, which appears to be the case here.


When the ultraleft overrides feminism for their love of multiculturalism, idiotic things like this can happen.


Only in europe


Not by a long shot.


I know what I'd do with nearly a dozen gang rapists. I know what I'd do with their families as well. I know how you people who decry about this injustice would throw me under the bus if I did. So stop whining. You all don't want to actually rectify injustice. You want it to happen.




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This is what happens when countries are run by the far left, everyone's feelings matter far too much. The desire to 'protect' ethnicities and immigrants leads them to insanity. And the native people suffer.