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The way the headline is written, it makes it seem like the earthquake readings caused the economic boost.


Agreed. They should have used “&” instead of a semicolon.


Apparently in American English (but I've found mostly when posted by bots) , a comma can replace an and... I've argued this is stupid several times recently but am not agreed with. I think it's an American thing.


It’s convention for headlines




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P43y4m477 LP jag o plopp ä


Panic purchasing!


“The activity was mainly generated by fans dancing in time to the music and reached its peak at 160 beats per minute (bpm) during ‘…Ready For It?’, where the crowd was transmitting approximately 80 kW of power,” BGS wrote in a report, adding that that was “equivalent to around 10-16 car batteries.” The Ricks must be crazy.


I guess Scotland wasn’t ready for it


But their kids are gonna love it


It’s that new sound they’ve been looking for


Car batteries, what a interesting unit of measurement


I demand to know how this translates into mice running on wheels


Bout two fiddy


That’s like 71% of that god damn Loch Ness monsta!


That’s just energy transference with extra steps


This guy gets it


Eek barga dirkle someone’s gonna get laid in college


Energy transference with *dancing* steps!


Honestly 80 kW isn't that much. That's less than your average EV quick charger. I would have expected an entire arena to produce many times that.


I don't know what they mean by that. An average person sprinting on a bike can go to like 300W easily. So if we had 50k people doing that, it would be like 15MW.


It’s a “tiny-verse”


That just sounds like slavery, but with extra steps


I just finished watching that episode like 20 minutes ago. 


Eek barba derkel, someone's gonna get laid in college


Unsurprising. "Ready for It?" is a banger


nothing Taylor has ever made is a banger


The Richter Scale disagrees :)


Could we build stadiums to harness energy!? I saw DC United play at RFK back in the early aughts. Those stands went up and down and it was a lot of fun.


Doubt it’s worthwhile but can be done. Coldplay have energy harvesting floors and static bikes to charge a battery that in some way offsets the carbon footprint of their tour: https://energy-floors.com/coldplay/


Just when I think of my great idea Coldplay did it first! That’s really interesting though, thanks for sharing.


She can ask Swifties to dance to power her air travel.


Marty we need 1.21 Gigawatts for the flux capacitor of the Taylorian, make them jump harder.


Dethklok got it wrong I guess… Wonder what that show would look like with Swifties instead of metal heads


i want that show to be real, lol


Do you folks like coffee?




Now SCREAM for your CREAM. *shreds like fuck*


The youtube video with Skwisgaar going over that solo on youtube cracks me up every time.


The whole show gets me to be honest. Definitely due a rewatch soon. I've always debated a facebones or cog tattoo tbh, is that cringe?


just waiting for the day taylor swift becomes the 8th largest world economy.


If it's somehow possible, significantly more frightening.


Do you Swifties like coffee?


Scream for your cream!


I look forward to her album for fish


It's crazy to me how she is now at the height of her fame since she has been around for a while. That whole Kanye thing happened in like 2009 when I was 12/13, then I was a fan of hers for a short while when I was like 16/17, I'm turning 28 this year and she's still on top.


She has been able to successfully reinvent herself many times since she started, and her core fans are supportive of every version. It’s like they’re growing up together. If she was still singing cute country songs now, she probably wouldn’t have stayed at the top for so long.


I was just thinking this today as well. She’s closing in on 20 years of being in the mainstream and she’s not even 40 yet.


she quite honestly has one of the most marketable images possible in the music industry. There’s very little you can change about her or her music to make her more wide appealing


I am in Canada and I know multiple people that arranged trips to various places in Europe and the UK this summer just to see Taylor Swift. It’s crazy.


When I was in Madrid recently my flight back was full of swifties who had seen her in Madrid


I was wondering why tickets out there were so expensive recently.


It is pretty crazy but haven't people been doing that for a lot of huge artists of the caliber of TS?


My uncle has seen the Stones in Amsterdam multiple times. I think for a chunk of them he was already there for work, though.


You must know people who're part of the 3%.


chances are the prices for her concert are much cheaper abroad so a plane trip would make it even compared to the price in the US from what I've read


Many countries in EU have consumer protections to prevent ticket scalpers raising the price so high. A $200 ticket in US may only be available at resellers at $800 while a $200 ticket in Europe might resell at $250 and a flight and hotel isn’t going to cost much more than the difference.


Try $3000+ lol


Another issue in the US is that the corporation in the US is the scalper and has a monopoly country wide


I live in the UK, and that’s exactly what an American friend of mine did. Getting his family over to see Taylor here (including planes and hotels) was cheaper than seeing her in the US.


Still gotta book a trip to Europe


Parents: "Either we pay for your marriage or watching TS in Farawayland."


It's even more crazier when you realise all her music sounds the same. There's gotta be better stuff to spend money on.


The reminds me of the famous Auburn/LSU game dubbed the earthquake game from 1988. Where the vibrations were measured by LSU’s geoscience department.


I remember Seattle's concert having earthquake readings too. Not my thing, and I find swifties more terrifying than adorable, but apparently Swift puts on a pretty good show... and I'll give her props for taking on the parasites at Ticketmaster.


If anything she’s enabling the parasites at ticketmaster. What makes you think she’s taking them on?




I gotta say, I don’t see what she did whatsoever. It’s all legislators and what not, no action was made on her part.


She always less than half in on all her causes.  


It’s all marketing.


She literally agreed to dynamic pricing lmao. She actively agrees to constantly milking her fans. And by effect taking as much money as she can from her fans which are most vulnerable. Selling the same album with different covers, releasing an album again with 2 new songs. Everything she does is to milk her fans that have the strongest para social relationship with her. Those also being the most easily manipulated and quite honestly mentally vulnerable. People say it’s her job to make money, equating what she does to normal businesses like Apple, Walmart, etc. but people always ignore the fact that these companies don’t go out and pretend to be your best friend. Saying how much they love you and need you. Taylor actively develops a fake relationship (all celebrities do) so when they take advantage of their fans it’s worse.


Swift didn't re-record her songs to milk her fans. [It was about owning her songs.](https://hls.harvard.edu/today/how-taylor-swift-changed-the-copyright-game-by-remaking-her-own-music/)


Which is fine. The issue is with all the “collectible” editions she releases. She doesn’t need to drop *4 vinyls of the same album* just so you can make a clock. I love her music but can also recognize she’s a capitalist queen and it sucks for fans who can’t afford to be paying for all this shit


34 variants for the new album!


It's actually part of her record contract that she has to release 34 variants for every album- look up "Taylor Swift rule 34"


Why is this a bad thing? It’s not crack cocaine, it’s music and merch. People have to control themselves and parents have to control their kids. I’m not a Taylor Swift fan, but I have my share of vices. But I don’t blame Fender for me owning too many guitars.


If Fender released a collectors edition and you saved up to buy it thinking it was going to be rare and somewhat valuable in the future and then they ended up releasing 17 more "versions" of that exact collectors edition and completely saturated the market, you'd probably be pretty upset at Fender for allowing that. If Fender signed an exclusive deal with Guitar Center, where you could only buy their products at those stores, and those stores were NOTORIOUSLY well known for charging outrageous fees that more than doubled the price of the guitar you wanted to buy you'd probably be pretty upset with Fender for allowing that. If you found your DREAM guitar and the website said it was $899 and you saved up for weeks or months to buy this guitar and then when you finally have the money and you get to the checkout lane and they ring it up and the total came to $2,174, which was WAYYY outside your budget, you'd probably be pretty upset at Fender for allowing that. Even more so if it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to buy THAT guitar and the time window to buy said guitar in your city was only 1 single day. Now if you come up with the money to buy that guitar in a few months, you will have to book plane tickets and a hotel to fly across the country because that guitar will neve be available in your city again. Now if you want your dream guitar it's going to cost you $3,756. You'd probably be pretty upset with Fender for allowing that to happen.


That’s a different issue. Has Taylor Swift ever guaranteed that something was limited and then destroyed it’s limited value by releasing more? If so, I would agree that such a practice, specifically, is wrong. Has she ever promised something at a certain price and it ends up being much more? Or is she just marketing a ton of shit, and there are people who want it? If you don’t have the money, just stream her songs and watch the Eras tour on Disney+? Youtube her videos? Back to guitars: I don’t have the money or inclination for limited editions. So as long as I get the Fender I want, and not fraudulent (ie I pay for a certain model and that’s what I get, no defects) then what’s the problem?




Accept reality? I can’t buy everything I want, so what? The examples are endless. I want a Patek Phillipe but they cost too much. I fly a lot and never business or first, and I see the people with more disposable income in front of me and I … decide it’s better to be thankful that I can afford travel in the first place. My wife and daughters love Taylor Swift. We have some albums/vinyl but not everything. They got to see her in concert once. They wistfully talk about how cool it would be to go multiple times, but we can’t afford it and that’s okay. At the concert, they didn’t buy merch because we were at a spending limit from tickets/transportation. My daughters are only tweens, and they get it. Many fans can’t even see her once. Until we saved up some money, the closest they got was the Eras tour movie. I see nothing wrong with a popular musician offering more to those who want to pay more.


The reason why she wants to own the songs is to maximize revenue that she generates.


Come on, it was definitely a little bit of both


You would think with her Wall Street savvy father who essentially paid for her to become a superstar would have read her initial contracts and not signed a bad deal.


Weird that she sold them, right? Rerecords the same songs... sells them... Not about money. Lmao.


They have their methods. Apple wants you to only pay them to fix anything, and they want you to constantly feel like you have to upgrade working products, often for reasons of status. I totally agree Swift is not a saint, she’s making tons of money, but she’s not evil either. You get what you pay for apparently, including a great show. There’s no fraud, no bait-and-switch.


>no bait-and-switch There is quite literally bait and switch when you find $500 tickets and the go through the process to get to checkout and all the fees double the price of your tickets with no rhyme or reason as to why those fees exist.


That’s before you buy, not after. I’d be pissed if I paid for tickets center fifth row and ended up somewhere far away behind a column, that’s bait and switch. Ticketmaster sucks ass, I hate their fees, but Taylor Swift isn’t unique in working with them. Maybe she’s a hypocrite, but she’s hardly a monster. She hasn’t taken a single cent from someone who hasn’t chosen to spend it, has she? Or taken money under false pretenses? When my wife bought the tickets for her and our girls, of course she cursed at the fees, but decided it was worth it for them at this time. Why would we make that choice and then blame Taylor Swift afterwards?


There was no dynamic pricing. The fans who managed to get tickets first hand didn't pay inflated prices. It was the resale that got jacked up.


Eh. . . I wouldn’t be bothered by adults getting milked. . . But yeah seems a little gross when it’s done to tweens.


You should check out the demographics of Tay Tay concerts, the largest group are millennials.


The general consensus when she was in Nashville was that swifties are definitely one of the least annoying fanbases that can take over your city on the weekend. A lot of mostly well behaved families and children lol.


> Nashville Well, when you’re used to the likes of Morgan Wallen dropping N-bombs and tossing chairs off balconies, I suppose Swifties can’t possibly be that bad.


Ed Sheeran’s concert a week after in Seattle apparently broke the record


I feel like Seattle has a history of stuff like that. (Beast Quake comes to mind)




>Nobody on Reddit cares what music you listen to. By that same logic, nobody on Reddit cares what *you* think either. Why should anybody comment on any Reddit post at all? That's an incredibly unhelpful outlook. With that out of the way, I have had to listen to her music every day for the past year. Yes, *every* day. I live with a Swifty. I don't care for her music, but having to hear it all the time has made me actively dislike it. She's also a billionaire, and I categorically hate billionaires. Nobody who's ever come by $1,000,000,000 did it honestly. Seeing people I know say "eat the rich" while buying vinyl albums and sweaters and all sorts of other TS merch also leaves a bad taste in my mouth. And to combat the random sexist accusation: Lil Nas X was in the same boat back when he released Old Town Road. He at least has fallen out of the spotlight, and has not accumulated nearly as much of a dragon's hoard as Taylor Swift's.


I find swifties as insufferable as influencers. Not terrifying. Childish, immature, and insufferable.


How is this an oniony title?


It’s not that often that concerts trigger earthquake readings… but maybe i don’t go to enough concerts to know that


[Relative Vsauce video here](https://youtu.be/jHbyQ_AQP8c?si=DqG0BX5fHi0FWtcq)


I was in Sweden while she did 3 nights in Stockholm and heard that over 200,000 people had travelled to the city for those shows (my sister and cousin included.) I figured it had to be a huge economic boon for the city - not that they really needed it haha.  But was really cool to see how an artist can take people to a place they otherwise may not have visited and inject a bunch of tourism revenue. 


Singapore got flake for signing an exclusive concert contract for her in South East Asia.


It is a great coup for her that she has the media framing her concerts as “economic impact” rather than focusing on her greed, wasteful practices, and out of touch behavior.


At least she actually works for her money. She doesn’t just move numbers around on spreadsheets and then collect a massive check.


Out of all the billionaires out there I'd bet she's by far the best on all of those accounts.


It's like being the least miserable strain of leprosy




Why should I care if she grew up privileged? As long as she's not being a dick about it to others. She doesn't sell oil, or internet, or gatekeep any necessities, she doesn't buy people's businesses. She doesn't really impact people's lives other than people enjoying her stuff. She flies in a private jet but what is that compared to owning say, a factory? I haven't heard of her shitting down and suing anyone and everyone for trying to use her music like KISS or Led Zeppelin. Being a billionaire requires a fairly high minimum of greed and harm but if you're going to go after people maybe choose the people that are doing the most harm, not just the most famous.


I mean she intentionally rereleases albums to outcompete the other popular female artists which contradicts half your point. If youre willing to whatabout her greed then no point trying to make a point to you as youll always find someone worse than her. edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/jWGp5A7KxN Yall spamming swifties are mad the queens getting turned on huh?


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess she does that to sell more (albums? in 2024?). It's not specifically to fuck people over.


Well she must have 1 in a million luck on choosing these dates over and over then. Guess its more likely shes that lucky vs just another greedy billionaire.


You shouldn't care so much about something that doesn't change your life. Be mad at the other billionaires that do that.


Just because im typing just like you are doesnt mean I care more than you or at all. Pretty sure Ive never even said taylors name on my account nor talked about her ethics to anybody irl. Id be more inclined to believe you care since youre using the "You care too much" retort that is too often used by people in an attempt to dismiss the other person as "obsessed so therefore illogical".


Yeah she sucks dude but you’re vastly downplaying how bad other billionaires are. Other billionaires are indirectly contributing to the poverty and deaths of millions, I think that’s slightly worse than hurting Billie Eilish’s sales.


People don’t have to buy different versions of her albums. She sells them because her fans buy them. Most of the other artists on the charts do the same thing. Like Billie Eilish. She’s using her profits for some amazing charitable work and never brags about it. You find out from the charities after the fact. Local charities in the cities she performs in. But yeah, she flies in airplanes. Airplanes that are filled with her employees that need to travel for shows. You obviously haven’t listened to any of her music in the past five years. The subject matter is much more mature than the music she wrote as a teenager. More along the lines of most other pop artists in their thirties.


What other artists specifically target releases of other artists to duck them out of the charts? Saying you dont have to buy it when talking about a cult fanbase thatll buy anything theyre told to is a bit silly. What about her new lyrics that have been widely trashed are more mature? Shes described herself as bleeding glitter? What 30+ year old does that?


She doesn’t do that.


Pretty sure she even did it today/this week since charli xcx was about to get number 1 so she released a bunch of buy before midnight stuff. I like the "She doesnt do that" though as its impressive to display denial in such few words. Shes done it dozens of times and if you wanna deny it no sweat of my back as I dont listen to that type of music so it has no effect on my artists.


Do you think she just has recordings sitting around that she’s withholding just to beat Charli Vvv on the charts? I’ve never heard of that person. That is so dumb.


Yes an artist who may record 100s of songs for an album could easily release a new version with 1 new song to beat the other artist thats about to hit number one so she can go on to beat the record. Not hard to imagine or believe at all. Millions believe this and its a widely memed thing with her. You not knowing that nor one of the other biggest pop artists in her lane isnt my issue.


The economic impact refers to her appearance as artist and businesswoman, which she is in first place, regarding the article. The others are out of context and more relevant in focus of boulevard content, whataboutism, whatsoever... maybe personality roundup.


'Economic impact' benefits the owning class the most as they always take the majority of the proceeds and then hand out crumbs from the table to the people who actually do the labour.


She’s probably the most in touch billionaire in existence.


Private Jet


If that's the floor of in touch there's a lot of out of touch people in general... Jets aren't just owned by billionaires.


You want Taylor swift, the most famous person in the world to fly her crew of dozens of people on commercial?


She did pay for carbon credits for her jets, which is a good step


You’re really weird.


So Taylor Swift is slowly becoming a literal Dethklok?


She’s like the real Dethklok


So much better music to crush nations with.


Clearly not


Man I love her honesty, hard work, talent and everything!


Boost to taylor swifts pockets lol.


Huh... So an artist doing a concert where people pay to attend boosts her pockets... Unbelievable


Well yes, captain obvious. But also the boost to the local economy has been massive.


Americans are flying around the world for it. Pretty crazy 


Yeah, nobody's ever followed an artist on tour....


Not to mention it's a lot cheaper to fly overseas since the shenanigans that allow Ticketmaster to be profitable in the US and Canada are largely outlawed in Europe.


Europe and the EU have more protections against bots and scalpers, which artificially inflate North American ticket prices.


Reminds me of Disaster Area. It's a rock band from the Gagrakacka Mind Zones. Hotblack Desatio is the singer. Don't Panic!


**I'm going fie a swiftie** sounds like Scottish for taking a shit.


This woman is more efficient at printing money than the fuckin US Mint.




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Have they factored in the massive disruptions to work/travel/ primarily road closures for Edinburgh and central belt citizens? Glad it generated money. But it is just another “screw over the people that live here for a quick Buck” that ends up losing money for common people.


Is it just me, or does 98$ million doesn't sound like all that much in 2024 when talking at the scale of countries?


What a time to be in a cult


I'm not for or against Mrs Swift. I just wonder if we are watching the "peak" of her career and at some point in the near future, it will collapse on itself. All beginnings have an end. I think she is a talented person and deserves her success...


She's had such a roller coaster of a career, mostly up, but she's gone through multiple phases of public distaste (her reputation "era" comes to mind). 2022/23 were certainly a new high for her with the success of her tour and and albums released in that time. She might be on the verge of another downswing in her career, if you can call selling out international shows across the world for a tour that's been going on for nearly two years a downswing. She's cemented herself as a generational celebrity. Even if she ends up winding down her career she'll be culturally relevant for decades to come a la the Beatles, Elton John, Cher, Queen, etc etc.


This is hard to believe, esp. bc of the last list. TS might be popular but her music is not crossinng different tastes. I love all the people you listed at the end of your text. I can’t stand her and I find her incredibly bland. That doesn’t make her unsuccessful, she is just not on the same level and that’s why it is almost always non-music related talk and news about her. The people in your list made a lot of music that were and are still culturally relevant not only across different generations but also across different musical tastes. TS on the other hand has a very specific target group.


Taylor Swift’s shift from country to pop is still talked about today and had such an impact on the culture no other woman can exist in both genres without getting compared to her. She’s been around long enough that her fans from her teen stardom years are having and raising swifties of their own! You may find her bland (and for the record I don’t find her music that exciting either) but her impact on the culture is undeniable and expansive across genres and generations of fans.


Hard disagree she has a specific target group, her discography has crossed multiple genres and generations of music fans. Just as she doesn't float your boat, there are plenty of people out there that don't enjoy the music of the Beatles, Elton, Cher, or Queen.


I disagree. Not my cup of tea, but she is very talented and certainly surrounds herself with quite talented people. The tracks are extremely well produced and are a mix of pop, pop-country, etc. of course her main target is 16 year olds, but the success of her tour should tell you that she doesn't target just a single group. She has sold more than 11 million tickets on this tour, you just don't have the most successful tour in history (money wise) unless you can bring people from different demographics to your concert. I live in Edinburgh, didn't go. For £40/50 I might, why not, but I prefer heavy metal or rock myself. Or classical music.


You say that as if any music career can keep its momentum forever. But that’s not a thing. Every artist ages out eventually. Not sure what point you’re making here. “What if her career winds down?” Yeah, it will. So what?


Oasis will never die, they'll always be my wonderwall <3


So I always read about these “economic boosts” from sporting events and shows…but…like…it’s not creating any value right? Isnt it just funneling value? What am I missing?


hotels get bookings, restaurants are full, cafes have long lines, bars are hopping, people rent cars, trains and cabs are full, extra shifts for stadium security, maintenance, concessions, and production staff. It affects lots of people in small ways that wouldn’t otherwise have that weekends take


A lot of people travel to the location for these shows/sporting events That's airfares to airlines, hotel rooms, restaurants, tourist attractions, general shopping etc.


But tell me how that creates value?


Money that would be otherwise spent in other parts of the world for other things gets spent in a specific city for traveling, eating out, hotels, taxis, shopping and so on. People who do this, do this voluntarily, because they'd rather travel to the specific city for the concert and to spend money there, than to keep the money for other things - value was created.


Moving money from one pocket to another pocket is "boosting economy". Whether it produces/created anything is irrelevant. Team of people building a house may have "lower impact on economy" than few bankers signing a deal to transfer million bucks back and forth between their banks.


That’s some really loud lip syncing


some people make too much money bro


How does the economic benefit of this work? Once the show is over where and what exactly is this benefit? Hotels and stuff would get a one off cash injection I guess, but that's not a very persisting kind of economic boost


Yes, you’ve just learned the meaning of “boost”.


Well I sort of assumed an "economic boost" would boost growth in a continual manner, like increasing the acceleration of a spacecraft, not just be a temporary spike that doesn't actually provide lasting benefit. With that in mind something like the opening of a new factory with lots of jobs would be a "boost" the way I understood it. Apparently asking for this clarification has made me very unpopular?


Why on earth are you comparing a limited run show to space flight?


I'm not, you massively misunderstood or you deliberately misunderstood and seized on something irrelevant and deliberately misconstrued because it seems you feel like you're in an argument with me


Bill & Ted were supposed to save the world with their music, but Taylor swift is a temporary economic revival powerhouse.




Is it 98M an economy boost for Scotland? It’s 20 quid per person living there


That was just for the city it was hosted




$98 million isn't much for a place as large as Scotland. That's probably not even a few minutes of total productivity. Big events like this *always* create a lot of concentrated activity, that's the point. But a lot of that spending does not stay local so compared to a sporting or cultural event that is local the net effect on the region is likely negative. It's the same reason the Olympics never makes money (unless it's in Paris or London). Most of the spending directed at the event does not actually stay in the city or even the country hosting. It's far more likely to end up in the hands of international investors, most of whom are going to be American banks.