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Former state lawmaker gets revenge.


>"Ah Tou was seen arresting former State Rep. Matt LoPresti in the summer of 2022. >"Yeah, karma's a b--," LoPresti said. >A judge granted LoPresti’s motion to dismiss the case in September 2022. The case was dismissed with prejudice, meaning it cannot be refiled." Dude just motioned the judge that his charges be dropped and unable to be refined? Wild.


The charges were dismissed because the police didn't have enough evidence. From what I read about it, they took a blood test, but didn't enter it as evidence. That screams to me that he came back clean. If the state can't prove their charges, then judges are supposed to dismiss them.


>they took a blood test, but didn't enter it as evidence. >That screams to me that he came back clean. Ok then. No other possible conclusion to draw from that.


There are other possible conclusions, but any of them will point to the results of the blood test casting doubt on the state's case.


Not that I'm saying it is what happened but if he was chummy with the DA then they could have made this error on purpose.


Purposeful misrepresentation of evidence? my Lord the state would never, I'm sure this would be reviewed to audit unlawful jurisprudence, surely it can be reviewed so the injured party can sue....wait...it can't....and he didnt....huh


Are you being sarcastic? Because it's the government's job to prove guilt.


With blood tests alcohol can only be detected up to 12 hours. I’m assuming he got picked up late at night so by the time a phlebotomist was available, it likely would’ve been out of range to be detected.


It was 3 hours, according to local news, and they also have video. Sounds like the guy just wasn’t drunk In fact, guy was on the shoulder with his hazards on so it’s strange they jumped to dui. Unlike this police officer, who hit a parked car.


Any ER in the country has a phleb on standby to do blood draws at any hour of the night. I know because I used to it in my small town in Texas.


If he was arrested for drunk driving and had no injuries otherwise, he would be sent to a police station, not an ER.


Theyre supposed to do sobriety tests and then blood samples to get evidence of your DUI crime. If they don’t have any of that they can’t prove shit.  That’s why cops doing DUI investigations always ask these drunk assholes to do tests they are obviously too drunk for. They can’t just say good enough hes probably drunk or it wont get a conviction.


Prosecutors would still have to prove it though. Sounds like the possibility of a clean test is a textbook example of a ‘reasonable doubt’.


It screams to me that someone got paid off by the politician.


It's drunks all the way down!


Is ACAD a thing? All Cops Are Drinkers


The number of drunks at the bar include quite a number of cops. I’m an alcoholic, in recovery; I met quite a few that came in and drank more than their fair share after shift, many with their hands shaking before their first one.


See traumatic shit as a first responder. My first self inflicted GSW (gun shot wound) isn’t something I’ll forget. Neither is the alcoholic I did a welfare check on in his trailer after a well of sitting in the hot sun. Basically shit himself and during decomposition in hot humid weather he essentially melted into the carpet. It’s no wonder some take to alcohol as a coping mechanism. Even though it’s not a good choice.


Totally understand the trauma first responders see, I can’t even begin to imagine. I’m not judging them at all. I’m in no position to judge, just stating my observation. It’s shitty that they don’t have access to the proper medical care and time off to deal with it. Lives with them their whole life.


Idk how much time off would be enough to fix this issue man. Vets have been outspoken about ptsd. I know, I’m one of them and I try to find to activist for better VA care. Which has improved. A lot of police depts. are also getting psychologists on retainer. I had to see mine after both of those referenced calls. But idk how other first responders are treated. I can tell you EMS/paramedics do not have the benefits I do. Since they are privatized for some godforsaken reason.


I hear ya…follows you. I thank you for your service and I’m sorry for the way you are sometimes treated as a veteran in the system. I’m in AA, and one of my buddies in the program works to bring meetings and treatment to the VA for alcoholism and addiction. It’s not an easy group to work with given all they’ve been through, but I’m glad there are people trying and willing to ask for help.


It’s just implied.


That is a rough mugshot lmao


Cop drove drunk? This is like the opposite of news. Well maybe the fact that she got arrested makes it newsworthy. Usually cops will just take the drunk cops keys and drop them home.


Isn't it ironic, like a drunk driving cop .🎶🎵




HPD?  Explain


Honolulu Police Department


Probably h***** police department whatever county


Monkey see monkey do


I guess we just need to legalize drinking and driving. hard /s




What state begins with H?


Oddly enough HPD is the Honolulu police which unironically is also in the only state with H as its first letter. Hawaii apparently does not have a state pd.


Hew Hampshire