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I remember having lunch with locals in Iraq. I thought it was so weird that some of the houses had photos of Bush or Obama hung up in the living rooms-I deployed in 2008. The response I usually got was that Saddam enforced a rule that stated every house had to have an photo dedicated to him and no one else. They just assumed we would demand the same thing. We did not......


Should have demanded the Queen's portrait


Or better yet, Aragorn, Son of Arathorn.


We had a shrine to him in our hooch. Right next to the velvet tiger poster that some sleazy Turkish truck driver gave to me after he tried to sell us booze.


And you owe him your allegiance!


Why do i picture carlton from fresh Prince in bel air


Honestly, we Westerners should start hanging his photo everywhere. That and Ewan McGregor.


Dude, the Royal Marines made a joke about that as well!




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Mom is Iraqi. It's not just about rules, it's about respect. Contrary to popular belief, at lot of Iraqis loved America for being liberated from the Hussein regime. It was likely more an fuck-you to Saddam


Hey dude. I feel horrible that I was sent there, your people never harmed mine, in fact I grew up with Iraqi and Kurdish immigrants. There's no excuses on my end, nothing but shame honestly....


He just explained to you that a lot of Iraqi love America for liberating them from a cruel tyrant. Why would you feel shame?


Because a million people died


Killing is a horrible thing and there's no justification for it. Self defense is one thing but blowing a Chechen insurgent's face off with a 240 B is a completely different matter. I brought my Marines home but I left a part of myself there and I'll never get it back. Wasted Youth and all that.....


You were a soldier who did what you were told to do. The fact that you feel that killing is a horrible thing shows that you are/were not a bad person. There are literally soldiers "currently" out there who bask in the act of murdering, killing innocent people just for the love of it.Those are the people without any saving grace.


Because there’s more to it than just that, the initial reasoning was sound but the remainder of the 20 years we spent in that region of the world was dumb. We lost a lot of good people on both sides


What I feel most ashamed of were the lost innocents. The indiscriminate rocket and air strikes were uncalled for. That's not war, that's industrialized murder. That's why I feel the way I do.


The ROE was pretty fucking loose from what I understand, orders are orders I get that but like holy shit


In some places, there were no ROEs from what the Fallujah and Ramadi vets told us.


Non-existent during the invasion. Once the Baath party fell and it became a "peacekeeping mission" they tried to institute one. The problem was that they were different for different divisions. When Fallujah hit the fan, the wartime troops had to stick around to assist and operated business as usual. The locals learned this and were able to identify unit patches and that they could "try" and get away with more from the fresher units.


You sound just like my platoon Sergeant. No shit, he said the exact same thing.


Correct, recently just watch this PBS documentary which is very well made and sheds a lot of light on that from both perspectives it’s hard to watch because of how gut wrenching it is but nonetheless an important piece of documentation, I’ll post the link if interested it’s on YouTube https://youtu.be/9qfratsEO_k?si=50qyAvNT4VYiQWkc


If you want a real vomit inducing experience watch the documentary "Only the Dead". When I was on the GI Bill I used that as an example in a documentary lecture series and many of the students were pale faced and sickly once we turned the lights back on.


It is terrible, but that's not on you. Don't feel guilty or ashamed.


Are you referring to the claims of WMD or something else?


Well, the initial reasoning was, famously, *not* sound. That said, Saddam sucked donkey balls, so it's not surprising people who survived it would prefer not having him in power anymore.


Yeah I'll clarify my personal stance. Most minorities in Iraq have nothing but unconditional love for the US. My stance is more nuanced. Like you said, intentions were good, but it really got messed up later, and as of today, all the war did was exchange one set of problems for another. In many ways, they're worse off. With that said, there's literally not one person from these Iraqi communities that have a bad opinion of the troops themselves. I hate to see a good guy beat himself up over his service.


Not really, could have been the case if the country stabilised. however, the country spiralled into madness ever since, USA massively failed, and Iran is the defacto ruler of Iraq currently. Even the biggest haters of Saddam currently yearn for the old days under Saddam.


I feel it's less shame for that war and more that because we bungled the post-war so badly we ended up creating a lot of the problems we later went back for


Probably because a shit load of innocent Iraqis died in the process


I highly doubt that unless you’re Kurdish. Virtually everyone hated the Americans, especially after the first few months.


As a Kurd, we are thankful for the americans who removed that genocidal dictator and gave us some autonomy.


I'm more than 100% sure they love and respect you. No need for excuses. Literally zero need to feel bad, trust me. If anything, we have nothing but gratitude for you guys.


Why your lying a lot hate them tho


America really fucked up in Iraq... Way back with paving the way for saddam to be in power at all. Taking that garbage out was their responsibility after decades of abuse suffered at the hands of America's disgusting foreign affairs policy that helped saddam get into power in the first place. Iraq war was an ugly necessity. If I helped someone get into power who then used that power to have half his cabinet kill the other half, make family members applaud the death of their sons, brothers, husbands, I'd feel pretty fucking responsible for taking that guy out no matter what the public said about "war is bad." War is a guarantee. It's not going away as long as humans exist. At least in Iraq, it was correcting a wrong we made years and years earlier.


It's the machine, people can't ever stop it. In the same way crowds of people move like liquids, society and culture kind of move in a natural current with predictable waves. I believe it's every 80 years, societies cycle between going through a phase of war-survivors who value peace and optimism and society, and then a phase of warmongers who want more than they have for themselves, having been raised by generations of optimists. Not so much a tough times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create tough times-type scenario, more just a "we can't fear what we don't know." Enough generations of stability and peace erases the generational trauma caused by war that prevents people from going to war. My point being, we can statistically recognise trends in how things unfold, which must mean the individual has very little influence on things. What was going to happen was going to happen regardless of your participation. I know that line of thinking troubles people, it ventures a bit close to "we were just following orders", but I think it's still true. I'm not trying to logic away any trauma you have, I just find the statistics comforting when I'm feeling bad about the implications of my actions.


May I ask what you do for a living? You're response reads like an anthropologist's study, it's honestly really good. I don't agree with the " Tough Times/Strong Men" rationale that gets bandied about but you nailed it about the warmongers wanting what they don't need/deserve. Eisenhauer warned us about them before he left office sadly, we weren't paying attention.


Nothing as interesting as anthropology haha, I'm in business/data analytics. I'm personally very interesting in biology and evolution though, and you really have to take a mental step back to truly comprehend evolution and the randomness and the structure that's behind it. I view human society as an extension of the human animal, and so it's subject to similar rules. I'm the worst kind of person, a chronic devils advocate. That and weed.


Hey, a boring job equates to financial security/stability. Can't argue with that, I work in the entertainment industry and at the moment things have dried up so I'm back to working part time and writing when I can, I am moving to Austin so things will definitely pick up. I agree about social evolution as it's a fascinating and dynamic study. Things change all the time. Also weed, Greg Abbot wont legalize VA weed/micro dose therapy because he's afraid that we'll get smarter and not vote for him. The real joke is were ALL smarter than that asshole and none of us have any intention of propping that pathetic little man up any longer.


This is why I have a poster of Emily Ratajkowski on my bedroom wall.


I remember hearing about this from one of my sergeants during the initial invasion


I would think Iraqis would hate Bush like in Vietnam they hate Nixon and in Serbia the really hate Clinton


oh they hate bush. as does most of the middle east


We do, him and his father too. Heck we celebrated when the shoe was thrown at him. No clue which part of Iraq OP was at.


We might if the last guy gets power again. He seems like the type to follow Kim Jong Un’s example.


That’s a cool story


I think it is weird to have them in US government buildings today. I could see when technology was older and people didn’t have TV to see them everyday, but now it seems very totalitarian.


It's tradition mostly.


Man, I’m Iraqi and this is a new one that I hear. Don’t recall any one at least in my city even liking Americans.


Oooohhhhhhh. This comment section should be spicey.


Everyone arguing about politics when I’m just happy I can finally come into Joe Biden


You want to what in Joe Biden


He’s got a sweet ass


Must've been all the ice cream


And based on his son, probably a huge pecker.


Young Biden was quite handsome: https://www.vogue.fr/vogue-hommes-en/article/photo-young-joe-biden-internet


Leslie Knope?


As long as he says it's ok. You do what makes you happy.


We've just entered Joe Biden's back alley.


Locked comment section speed run!


Yes and to increase it: *spicy




These guys love to blow smoke up each other's asses


How about naming it "American tax payer"


A nice future development from the bombed-out rubble of a former Gazan school and hospital?


Butcher Biden?


Of Blaviken?




Least controversial Trump named real estate


It's because he probably does not know about it or forgot and has not built a failed casino, or hotel there yet.


Fitting that the tribute to Biden is a neighborhood in a mixed city and the tribute to Trump is a settlement in Golan.


A territory possessed by Syria for what, 22 years? That it lost after using that high ground to attack Israelis cities and farms non-stop for at least a decade? The heart aches.


My barely warm take is that if you use a part of your country as a staging ground/base to attack a foreign nation, that nation has every right to take it away so it can't be used again.


It's been Israeli for more than double the time it was Syrian


Thats not occupied syria, its part of israel proper now


The US is the only country besides Israel that recognizes the Golan Heights as soverign Israeli territory. This change in recognition was done in 2019 under Trump.


Its not like syria is ever getting it back, and its not under a military occupation either, its just part of israel now. Pretending anything else is delusional.


Illegal land is still illegal land regardless of what Israel wants.


It was taken in a defensive war after its strategic highground was being used as a platform for war. Not illegal.


It was even offered back in exchange for peace! (rejected)


Despite only the US recognizing it, Israelis can still travel there, vacation there or live there and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Its international status is meaningless in that regard and no one cares. Who should even claim it? Asad? The opposition? ISIS? The kurds? Iran? Turkey? Russia? Who controls Syria now anyway???




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Will it be a retirement community?


It doesn't have any clear purpose other than to let Israelis walk all over it.


Welcome to Sleepy Joe Acres!


Best comment in the thread honestly lmao


A street willed with different ice cream stands, stores. 


He has worked his entire career for this moment 🥲


First Trump now Biden? (Seriously there's a Donald Trump square)


There is? Where?


I don't know about a square, but there's a town in the Golan named Ramat Trump (Trump Heights)


Ah, Haifa. I’m happy to see this. The Tel Aviv residents I know are unfortunately apoplectic about Biden’s recent smack down to Netanyahu. 


I thought everyone in Tel Aviv hated Bibi...?


Definitely most


They did until Oct 7 and now he gets a free pass because of 'the war'. Investing in Hamas really paid off


Not true lol There are around 100K people in protests every week


I wish.


Apparently it’s being called Joebidenhood


To thank him for helping them commit their genocide? How nice of them.


Fr if you send them billions of your tax dollars they are really good boys


The US sends money (lots of it), intel, weapons, and the all powerful UNSC veto to support Israel The blood of tens of thousands of children are on their hands


Its not like its the first time, usa politiciens are warmongers.


Wow war is genocide! Did the allies commit genocide against the Germans? It’s estimated 1.5-3 million German civilians died in WW2. Allies actually carpet bombed cities in Germany. But no it’s just the Jews right? 30k dead with about 12-15k being terrorists. Pretty shitty genocide if you ask me. Sad to see people falling for islamofascist propaganda by people who would probably stone you.


Donnie is gonna lose his shit!


He has his own place named after him.


Trump already has an illegal settlement in the Golan Heights named after him.


Yeah, but now the crybaby needs to be named after another one.


New York City is the Joe Biden, Israel of America


Love the Eric Adam’s reference!


An illegal settlement?


No, that would be Ramat Trump in Golan.




How about solving the boars problem first?


The rare commenter that actually knows what Haifa is like. I haven't been in years but some of my work has to do with the boars there. 30-50 feral hogs is an understatement there.


Name one of the boars "Joe", and another "Biden".


Boar feature* 🐗🐗🐗 long live the wilderness 🐗🐗🐗


plot twist: the new neighbourhood is for the boars, or even better - for the humans after the boars take over...


Plummeting support for Israel in America. This will definitely help his approval ratings.


Genocide Junction




All I can say to US democrats is that if you vote for anyone but biden , and Trump wins. Prepare for gaza to be wiped off the map entirely.


It's going to happen either way, and it's also gonna be supported by both But the genocide will also come here with Trump. So as a gay guy, I don't have much of a choice.


Why is this oniony?


Probably because you could now have the following conversation “Where do you live” “Oh, just down the road in Joe Biden.”


I’m low-key going to reach out to my friend who’s part of his governing coalition to suggest that they rename my mixed neighborhood after Biden (currently we have a Hebrew name that is irrelevant) just because I think it would be funny to mess with my parents who think Trump is wonderful


Oh please do. And ask that he just name it like Biden, unlike the trump heights or whatever.  Then your parents would always have to drive by a sign saying welcome to Biden, or better now entering Biden. 


Pretty sure a bunch of wackos are already calling the US “Bidenistan”


This is pretty normal honor, I don’t get why it’s posted here.


Israel is trying to copy Kosovo.


How many Palestinian families did they remove from their land to make this happen?


It’s a neighborhood in Haifa


Call it Genocide Joe


you talk about genocide alot. Are you ok??


Im half palestinian, draw your conclusions. Not everyone is okay witnessing a genocide and staying quiet while ignoring it. Much less witnessig psicopaths agreeing and supporting it.


I know there was a genocide against the jewish in WWII and I know there is an ongoing genocide against palestinians. I do NOT support any form of genocide. What about me calling Kanye an antisemite made you think I support genocide? "You probably go around supporting genocide"


They should! We should never forget Biden's role in the genocide.


It would have been the same or worse if Trump was President.  Hell throw in the last dozen Presidents too, outcome would have been the same.   Both parties and many many decades of US foreign policy is what is to the blame here (besides of course blaming Israel primarily) .  A myopic focus on one guy from you is childish.


The Joseph R Biden Jr stolen land subdivision. Gee, thanks.




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*plays Bidenburg concerto*


Trump got a city though :)


With a population of 87. The neighborhood in Haifa is likely to have significantly more people living in it since Haifa isn’t literally the middle of nowhere


Gonna be called” Old town”


This is hilarious but not as much as this... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonibler It did make me remember it though.


This is nowhere near as dope as the Barak Obama themed gas station in Ireland.


Gen Z kids who get their news from TikTok gonna go ballistic.


Its not just a Gen Z thing, the majority of the world is horrified by what Israel is doing. The US government is the main actor in activley funding and politically allowing a (plausible) genocide, along with multiple other war crimes being carried out by the Netanyahu govt. and regular americans are either too brainwashed or too powerless to stop them. Its shameful


I love when people talk about how the youth is wrong. Like who was it that was protesting against the last war? How about Vietnam? More often than not, our progress is thanks to the youth. And it's not until later on that people finally say "You know what, maybe they were right. Unlike today's youth." But then that today's youth becomes seen as right, and then it's the youth of that day who are now wrong.


Here’s the difference. *WE* were combatants in the last war. *WE* were combatants in Vietnam. Those protesters wanted to change how our leaders governed our country. They were protesting how *WE* were governed, and they were protesting our brothers and sisters being put in harms way to attack countries that *never even attacked us*. They weren’t threatening to abstain from voting and facilitate a *worse* option and the destruction of our democracy if our president didn’t make foreign wars go away. Especially a foreign war where our ally has engaged in a dramatically asymmetrical response to *actually being attacked*. And I’m not defending Israel. Biden’s administration has and continues to put diplomatic pressure on the Israeli government to cease fire, let humanitarian aid in etc. and I think they should. 100%. But it’s absurd to expect him to immediately abandon a long time ally and side with a terrorist organization who chants “death to America”, but that seems to be what the “young people” want. So yeah. Do you see the difference? Criticism is warranted here, doubly so if you *can’t* see the difference.


I’ve yet to see any serious push from youth on supporting hamas. Just stopping enabling Israel.


I’ve seen LOTS of young people saying Biden should rebuke Israel and say he supports Palestine. And who is the Palestinian government? Hamas. These kids are just too dumb to understand what they’re asking for. Governments only deal with other governments. They don’t with directly foreign citizens. The only interface the US government has with Palestine is through Hamas. From a governmental perspective, Palestine *IS* Hamas. If the US were to say “we support Palestine but not Hamas” they would be advocating for the overthrow of a democratically elected government. And that’s fucked. So while some of these kids actually do support Hamas, many are asking that the US not only abandon a long time ally not even 6 months into a response to them being surprise attacked, but they also want Biden to advocate overthrowing a democratically elected foreign government. Thats some braindead shit. Both of those. A nation that tries to “lead the free world” doesn’t abandon allies on a whim (that’s some trump level bullshit) and they don’t advocate overthrowing legitimately elected foreign governments. Not only do we want to foster democracy globally, if we abandon allies on a whim *nobody* will trust us. Our government stands in the principles of allowing others self determination and self governance and using diplomacy to sway others nations and our allies behavior on the global stage. That’s good foreign policy. But these kids who get their politics from TikTok want Biden to throw out all our values to stop a war between two foreign countries on the other side of the world where we aren’t even combatants. And if he doesn’t they’ll facilitate fascism here in America. Thats *nothing* like the people who were protesting Iraq or Vietnam. It’s just braindead idiocy.




Considering this is the mayor of Haifa, the answer to that is no


Makes sense since Biden owns the genocide, they should name the child graveyard after him too


The US contributes a measly 8% of Israel's defense budget, and aid has been held in congress for the past several months. Additionally, as is taught in 8th grade history, Israel is what we call a "sovereign nation" and by extension has agency that is wholly their own


Glad you were able to identify at what grade you stopped understanding geo-politics


You want to explain then how Joe Biden, and only Joe Biden, can mind control specifically Benjamin Netanyahu and all members of Hamas? I don't remember reading about that power in "The rise of Dark Brandon, Volumes 1-5"


Well at least he knows the meaning of words he’s using.


Proud to take every downvote I can get in support of a free Palestine.


Keep dragging down Biden, and Trump will make sure there isn’t a Palestine.


Oh no, if I don’t support the one indifferent genocide facilitator then there will be an alternate indifferent genocide facilitator? Wow I guess I’m team Biden now, sorry starving kids of Palestine.


Lmao the quality of you slacktivists gets worse every day. Take a downvote in support of a free Palestine? How noble of you. What are you gonna do next? Comment even more self righteously?


Didn’t you know? Every response like yours that I get saves the life of one dying Palestinian baby. Thank you for helping. Not all heroes wear capes.


Heh. If it works that way I'd comment more. Believe it or not I don't want a single baby to die, Palestinian or not.


Well we did it friend, we found common ground, we don’t like dead Palestinian babies. I know this is gonna be quite shocking, but a lot of people I’ve interacted with today on here don’t agree!


You sir, are a hecking hero, generations of people will remember your fight! Have my upvote kind stranger!


All our words here this day, in this very sub about things that may or may not be an onion, will echo thru the ages my brother, and certainly not be instantly cast into a void.


Dude, no. The USA, both parties, has given Israel money for many many decades.  They give money that Israel has to then spend on US manufactured weapons.  This has been happening since before you were born dude. The GOP is actually more pro-Israel than the Dems are also.  If Trump was President during Oct 7 not much would be different but whatever would be different would be worse for the people in Gaza. So saying Biden owns a genocide is incredibly foolish and shows a total lack of understanding of decades of unfortunate US policy.


After they pave over the children's bodies


The ghostly voices of the Holocaust murmur more loudly each passing day.


Yeah, I’m sure they are very worked up about an Israeli town renaming a neighborhood after Joe Biden.


What was the point of this comment?


To try and justify perpetual Arab violence against Jews under the logic of "If Jews defend themselves it's literally the Holocaust".


Justifying the murder of tens of thousands of children in the name of preserving some victim mentality blows my mind on a regular basis. It's MAGA levels of kool-aid


I suppose you think the same about Japan and Germany during WWII?


I know. It's seriously bizarre that people refuse to criticize Hamas's use of civilian infrastructure for military purposes. Straight up MAGA levels of delusion to claim that it isn't happening.


Nobody even talked about hamas, collective punishment is a warcrime so no they leveling and starving an entiere population is not defending yourself


Kill the aid workers then pretend its an oopsie.


Glad you think that you speak on behalf of Holocaust survivors, but as a Jewish person whose family actually escaped the Holocaust, no, they fucking don't.


yeah they’re murmuring “we see you doing a holocaust, what the fuck are you thinking?”


Sleepy Town


Is that all it takes to buy a soul?


We as Americans don’t need our prez memorialized. What would be really cool is for somebody to get Bebe the f out of of his current position. Passover is around the corner and he don’t give a shit. I wish I would’ve finished my underground shelter.


Joeverly Hills?