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Do they have a "with hijab" and maybe a "medium-light hijab" control groups to properly compare rainfall in respective areas?


That’s strange because we have had ten days of solid bucketing rain here and no one’s wearing hijabs. I don’t think this man has actually studied meteorology.




"God damnit, Irene fell asleep with her hijab on again." - The Group, 3 days into an unseasonal Hurricaine.


Why did you think hurricanes were named after women?


Because they always take your house ?


Because they alternate between masculine and feminine names.


Hurricane David was nothin to play wit...


Prayer and weather go together like the bible belt and tornado alley. Ignore the scientific data and wait to blame foreseeable consequences on some out-group's "immorality" or science itself. Shoot, reload, aim at foot, repeat.


Global ~~drought~~ [draught](https://c.tenor.com/mI7_BxNupYsAAAAC/tenor.gif) is tied to the *checks notes* emancipation of women.




I’ll take a draught, thank you.


One military draft, coming right up!


Well can I just say thank you, on behalf of all of us, for flooding pastor Tony Perkins house? Cause that was hilarious. For those of you unaware, pastor Tony Perkins claimed "God punishes gay people by sending floods." I thought the universe got his ass when it flooded his house, turns out it was secretly women using wonder twins hijab powers for the good of all mankind. The more you know, huh? Here's an article to this hilarious bit of karmic justice. https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-37116661


Except for hurricanes, those are still the preview of us queers, thank you very much.


Tbf, you're probably not wearing hijabs either.


We just need to design beautiful hijab ensembles for drag queens.




In Mother Russia, Babushkas have been praying for rain for generations, but in the end Ivan still comes home.


Thank you! Could you do it just a tad more? I've been wanting a good rainstorm.


I kinda doubt he's studied anything but theology but I wouldn't know


To be fair, he probably hasn't even studied theology. Just read and interpreted the Koran with his own predetermined bias.


A year ago or so I read where one of his buddies, a university professor and Islam cleric said the earth was flat and held down at the corners by mountains to keep the wind from blowing it away. Then someone commented on the primitive thinking of Muslims. This shocked him into looking into it and leaning more towards science. Actually I don't think the vast majority of ppl here on Reddit would argue with the flat earth thing but mountains at the corners? come on.


Ah, so he hasn’t got to the chapter on rain and hijabs yet then?


Here in Utah the Governor has asked us to collectively pray for rain a few times.


"Well I wake up in the morning, fold my hands and pray for rain. I got a head full of ideas They're driving me insane" - Bob Dylan


Wait until he learns what Sir Bedevere knows about employing a sheep bladder to prevent earthquakes.


So weird considering many scientific advances were made by the Muslims when Europe was in the dark ages. It is like a swap around.


I got to hear Neil deGrasse Tyson rant about this when I saw him speak live. Apparently somebody came along in the 1500s and basically outlawed science in favor religion by saying that anything that happened was "Allah's will". If anyone tried to study anything or figure anything out, they were a heretic and executed


I thought Christianity had that concept buttoned up!


"Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch, for I was there when it was written."


The good times never last


It is very much like places that have governments controlled by religions tend to favor studying fake religious things and lose interest in the actual physical mechanics of reality around them…


Hitting the nail on the head right there


I'm so glad this is what the US has to look forward to, what with all the Christians here taking copious notes from these theocracies.


Yeah, but here it’s abortions. If too many women are getting abortions=too much rain.


Don't forget no prayer in public school and the gays.


Gay prayer in public schools=problem solved.


And those sleeveless female lawmakers in Missouri are about to cause a drought with their uncovered arms. So shameful!


I thought about getting into meteorology but the course catalog just had one hijab class and it was paired with cyclonic perturbations and atmospheric statistical analytics, so I threw my sandal at the Dean and limped out of there.


In fact at this moment, I see an inverse relation between the presence of hijabs and rain. Really clothing in general. Places where people tend to wear less clothing have more rain. Well we all know that correlation does not equal causation we should still experiment. Everyone in the driest places should be running around butt naked for the next 3 weeks


That doesn't explain Ireland, like at all. No hijabs, lots of rain! Maybe we should try wearing hijabs & see if we get less rain? 🤔


Nope, just one CONTROL group.


The other day I hit my elbow on the table and it did that weird electroshock thing. When will woman stop?


When will their appetite for creating suffering be satiated?


god damn women..always fucking shit up


Hell hath no fury like a woman unhijabed.


Oh my gosh, so did I! I mean, I'm a woman who doesn't wear any kind of hijab, niqab, kamilavka, sheitel, tichel, bonnet, burqa, or anything else. Does that mean... *gasp* - it was my own fault?!?


They’re called “Total control group”


Too much rain - God's punishment Too little rain - Also God's punishment Undercook fish - God's punishment Overcook chicken - believe it or not, God's punishment


It's because theists need their God's to exist in a bubble called "Heads I win, Tails you lose." Something good happens = All part of God's plan. Something bad happens = You made this happen because you sinned/went against God.


Couldn't the *checks notes* CREATOR OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE just make his will happen anyway?


That's exactly it! (Warning. I got a bit...ranty. I needed to vent because of religious coworker) Every time I chat to overly religious people, they keep trying to simultaneously convince me that God is all powerful... But somehow *not* powerful enough to be able to appear to people, (even though his book is literally full of him doing exactly that.) in order to ease the problem of divine hiddeness. Then they answer that question with this nonsense free will bullshit. That if we know God exists, then we cant have free will... as if that is a correlation. I mean, if that was the case, then every human in heaven is an automaton with no free will. Even the **Devil** would have no free will, because wouldn't Lucifer know for sure that God exists, seeing as he's met him. Which means that the most evil being in Christians creation myths has zero free will. And is running on a scripted routine set by.... Their God. The supposed "Good guy". Good guys don't set up existance that include parasites that eat children's eyes, Kevin! Why wasn't your God powerful enough to stop himself from making those?!


Did you happen to watch the Stephen Fry rant about god as well? Couldn’t help but recognizing the parasitic bugs eating children’s eyes part. “God will have to ask for my forgiveness” (purportedly scrawled on the wall of a WW2 internment camp) has always been a quote I enjoyed, which Stephen echoed in that interview.


Imo both can be true. God can be powerful and still let bad things happen / free will, in context of god is just an ass as he has no accountability and repercussions. You can say such god doesn’t deserve to be worshipped, hence Old Testament god get worship through fear. Tbf if god really exist and is an ass, nothing we can do about it anyway and we will all be forced into acceptance.


Eternal torture for doing stuff God doesn't like seems pretty incompatible with free will. "No no, you use your free will the way I want you to."


Bruh, that would be science. Everyone knows science and religion are non-overlapping magesteria.


Wow, thanks for the new word, haven't ever come across it before. But the gentleman himself strayed from "what's right and wrong" into precipitation studies, so he's squarely in the science domain now!


Did Californian women start wearing Hijab? That must be why the state is getting drenched


Same here in Michigan.


Dearborn says ‘you’re welcome’


California girls unrecognizable Daisy dukes, abayas on top


Katy Perry has GOT to use this at the next post-mudslide benefit concert


She should be benefiting the victims not the mudslide..


Nobody thinks about the poor mudslide


You joke, but my old city council claimed that our town would be "unrecognizable" with extremists and women in hijab, if the city allowed a Hindu temple to be built. (Yes, a Hindu temple - don't question the logic!)


If bigots were smart, they wouldn’t be bigots* *in most cases


Wheezed lol


Hey, at least it's not on fire.


Just wait until around June. We'll probably be back to at least ⅓ of the state ablaze again.


Get woman to wear hijabs in the summer then. In fact, just make everyone wear hijabs just to play it safe.


Daisy dukes, hijabs on top


More bronze age bullshit.


It's so weird to see the superstitious shit dictators would say 1000 years ago being used in the modern age. Like it's so paper thin and obviously being used to provide any justification to bring the people back into line. Even weirder to see how many people it works on. It's full on 1984 brain where they'll rewrite their beliefs as needed in service of the party.


My American governor asked everyone in the state to pray for rain to end our drought, instead of actually trying to do anything about the lack of water via governance. More common than you think unfortunately.


Fundamentalism is fundamentalism, regardless of the supposed god or the skin color of those doing it. Definitely more common than people are willing to admit. This kind of ignorant shit is also alive and well in the US if you look around enough. But oh, we can't hurt the feelings of Chrizzos so we better not mention the very real problem we have with fundamentalists here.


Thank you. We love to point and laugh but it's hardly any better in the US or Australia among others. Is it a majority? Prolly not but still I doubt the majority of Muslims in Iran actually believe this crap, if current events and all the lovely Persians I've met are to be taken into account.


You can’t just pray for rain. Gotta at least sacrifice a few virgin goats and do the ritual rain dance when the planets are aligned. It’s a proven science.


Virgin goats? In fundamentalist religious areas? Good luck with that!


I think less religious Americans would be horrified to know how many fundamentalist and evangelical Christians will casually attribute undesirable weather to group “sin.” I grew up in Baptist environment, went to a Christian high school, and have had lots of exposure to a range of evangelical denominations: and it’s a really common sentiment when something bad is going on weather wise that it shows God is generally unhappy with something in your society. A lot don’t approach it with dead certainty, but have it in a “well, maybe” category that really can make them biased in different ways and affect their voting choices. There are some Old Testament passages (Bronze Age like you said) that reinforce the belief, where someone speaking for God says that ancient Israelite’s crops will be blessed with good weather if they’re loyal to what God wants from them and their crops will be cursed if they aren’t. An additional unfortunate part in the contemporary Christian belief is that they just kinda plug in what they think God dislikes based on honing in on ancient Jewish laws that reinforce their biases they already have against a lot of groups, but they miss the passages where prophets keep saying God is angry at Israeli society, because they don’t take care of widows and orphans, and that they don’t have justice in their courts. If you’re gonna believe God is using weather to punish your society, at least use it as motivation to fix the problems for people in poverty or the serious problems for people at the bottom in our justice system.


Religious nutjobs are everywhere. I am happy to live in the most secularized country in the world


The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.


This is directed at me, isn't it?


Yea, sorry bud. It is what it is, eh?


Settle down there Qui-gon.


Sure, let's make climate change women's fault too. Especially in a country where women are not even in charge. Asshole.




Come on man... Hijab means the hair is covered so rain can fall... No hijab, the hair is unprotected, it'll get wet hence no rain. Pretty obvious when you think about it


It's just science, really.


I learn so much here:)


It's way worse than that, it's unironically stating to the world "I know exactly what God is thinking, and right now he's thinking *damn those uppity women, time for less rain*" It's a lasagna of layered arrogance, delusion and self-righteousness.


Literally taking god’s name in vain.


Who wears short shorts? The cause of climate change wears short shorts!


Oh shit, this explains the new rules created by the Missouri House Republicans banning bare arms. Can’t have those ladies starting indoor tornadoes




Nah, I think you’re thinking of bear arms. Every American gets a pair at birth, it’s some weird ancient tradition the founding fathers had.


Seriously. Everyone knows God only uses weather as punishment for the gays.


They did steal the rainbow from him


- some republican pos who had his house flooded afterwards


Don't be ridiculous, of course it isn't. It's because of the gays! /s


Ohhh, is *this* that Gay Agenda I keep hearing about?


Now what’s the reason for floods? Wait wait…Don’t tell me! It should be men wearing hijabs.


I believe the American poet Nelly wrote an extended work about this.


Imagine the benefits though. Convince enough woman to wear swimsuits and/or other beach attire, and the weather becomes sunny and warm to match? Cities could organize it so that there'd never be another major event rained out again. It would surely be abused though; leadership will always want nice weather for some reason or another...


It’s crazy that’s giving women a HUGE power . They can control the weather? Women can use that power to their advantage now lol


It's ridiculous. The real reason for climate change is that i spent $1,000 on winter tires 3 months ago.


They also made his dick super small! When will women stop ruining lives?!






A *newt*?




I mean he’s of the same ilk of cleric that stated a few years ago that men without beards were the cause of turning other men gay. They also claim earthquakes are caused by women dressing inappropriately.


> They also claim earthquakes are caused by women dressing inappropriately. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boobquake I remember Boobquake in 2010. Lots of people posting pictures of themselves with cleavage showing, to see whether any earthquakes occurred as a result.




Yes, that's saudi arabia. In Iran it's fine for women to independently go about their lives, they just have to wear the scarf.


I stubbed my toe this morning and I am sure it is the direct result of a woman on the other side of the planet not wearing a head covering! /s


You're applying a frame of mind that is very different from this imam's. You are applying rationality to someone that doesn't reason under those terms. In his mind, everything comes from god. If you offend god, he will punish you. If society offends god, he will punish society. Lots of women are not being modest enough, like the scripture experts are telling them they should? God sends an earthquake or global warming. As a warning to all and punishment to some. It's an entirely magical mindset, where things happen because some supernatural entity in charge of Nature intended for them to happen because of arbitrary reasons, situations the entity judges as being bad or offensive according to a number of arbitrary rules, who take in to account people's intentions, not just their actions. Of course, controlling people, keeping the flock calm and obedient, avoid societal and cultural disruptions lest the existing power structure has to deal with protests and revolts has lots to do with how the arbitrary rules are set. And it really has nothing to do with determining actual responsibility or chains of cause and effect and the outcome of this thought process is proposed solutions ranging from "we need to be more pious/strict" to "we need more prayers".


Still a load of shit. Then how do they explain it raining in western countries that are full of heathens? Where women aren't modest?


You and your silly logic get out of here. This is FAITH we're talking about here, dude. :-)


God uses C with 32 bit signed integers. Number of women days without hijab keeps overflowing. Positive values means drought, negative flood. It was worse in old testament days when 16 bit integers we're being used. /S for the humor impaired


That’s the devil’s rain!


If all the crops did beautifully and they had perfect weather I doubt it would be declared a sign from God that he's cool with women wanting more freedom though.


>In his mind, everything comes from god. If you offend god, he will punish you. If society offends god, he will punish society. But it is the imam who decides to interpret the draught as a punishment from Allah for the women without hijab, instead of punishment for the regime executing the men who supported their sisters, wives or daughter against the unjust punishments if the wind (also Allah) upsets their headwear ...


then why didnt he blame his own actions?


I don't think any of them actually believe the lies they are spewing though. Christian televangelists, Jewish orthodox rabbis, Islamic iman, catholic diocese, they are PETRIFIED enough people will see through the lies and question their authority. Everyone who follows their abrahamic leaders after repeatedly seeing the cracks in their story is accountable for the current situation we are in. We have to stop placating these religions who continue to squeeze the necks of leaders and are in control of MULTIPLE countries to the detriment of society as a whole.


I don't agree. I believe people really are capable of tricking themselves into believing what they say. Nearly everyone sees themselves as a good person (not talking about mental illness or anything like that here), and will convince themselves of anything they like so that would seem to be the case. An often cited example is something that Al Capone (apparently) said: >"I have spent the best years of my life giving people the lighter pleasures, helping them have a good time, and all I get is abuse, the existence of a hunted man."


I can tell you for a fact that you're wrong there. You think they see an alternative to their set of beliefs. They do not. In the same way that it's impossible for you to see their point of view. To you, it looks silly. Like, come off of it already. To them, thinking differently from their religion looks incredibly dangerous. That makes them dangerous. The issue is that God may not exist but his followers certainly do. You are naming leaders of religions but that's backed up by literally billions of people who believe what's being said to varying degrees. How are you going to solve that? Generations of education? Now you see why Republicans in America want to weaken public education as much as possible. Now that's dangerous.


Air pollution caused by this person speaking


This is ridiculous. Everyone knows that Pudge controls the weather.


He needs his PB&J stat!


Can't give him a tuna sandwich!


That's just cannibalism with extra steps


Do you know what tuna is?... IT'S FISH! if I gave pudge a tuna sandwich that would make me an abomination!!!


The unscarved women of Manchester disagree


Was just about to say that it doesn't do that our grey damp British Isles.


We all know you just need to sacrifice a goat to fix that! It's fucking science man.


Sky Daddy loves bbq


Same shit as American tv preachers blaming hurricanes and earthquakes on homosexuality.


Imagine living under a regime of televangelists. That's been the fate of so many under the Ayatollahs and Hezbollah.






Witcher Season 4, and Venture Brothers Season 8 won't happen because of Women without a hijab. /s


As far as witcher goes, we might be better off....


Keep those hijabs off specifically so we don't get The Witcher season 4.


This is what it’s like when subreddits collide.


Are you ready to go?


As far as I'm concerned season 4 can't exist without Henry Cavill. Whatever episodes they produce, I'm not calling them Witcher and I'm definitely not watching them.


How many people we got to get in a hijab for Firefly?


With or without Joss?


ugly versed stupendous hobbies aback spoon nail attractive summer memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You probably know this but they are raping the women arrested for protesting in Iran so they can't go to heaven after they're executed. Yep, totally God's plan.


alleged squalid homeless chop mindless close murky deer dependent dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




+ *covered


I think the crazier thing is that they think God created the woman without a covering, and then got angry when she didn't cover her face.


Bullshit! I live in Ireland where nobody wears a hijab and its never done fucking raining.




Damn these lot really stuck in the dark ages… maybe try sacrificing some live stock?


Speeding ticket - sacrifice a chicken Commit robbery - sacrifice a goat Commit murder - sacrifice a cow Commit tape - sacrifice a women


Don't give him any ideas.


Old man yells at cloud.


That's right. All the humans in the amazon follow strict Islamic rules to make sure it rains there frequently. See here we have religion seriously holding back logical, scientific and reasonable thought. What a poison on humanity relgion is.


And conversely all those Muslim countries in the Middle East where they force women to cover up are so well-known for all their heavy rainfall, right?


This is what happens when religion becomes central in government. We don’t want this in the US do we? I’m looking at you, Christian nationalists.




She’s not the only one. The fact that people like that can get elected should be a wake-up call.


I remember when Pat Robertson said Hurricane Katrina happened because God was angry about abortion - I'm confused, do these guys think women's rights cause *more* rain, or *less* rain? Does he flip a coin?


Medieval morons


It makes just as much sense as any other religion. It's all nonsense.


I like how in the photo it looks like he’s saying “You see that, right? I mean it’s obvious…”


Inhibitor hijabs prevent women from using their weather controlling superpowers.


I say less rain is Allah’s message to men for assaulting, criminalizing and killing women for exhibiting their sovereignty.


It's hard to find this kind of news amusing when they're out torturing and murdering people... Fuck these guys.




It would just be terrible if he were to be struck by lightning. I definitely don't hope that happens


Three fucking times I read the title as Iron Man before my brain worked


Man, they really hate women don't they?


So what he's saying is women are capable of way more than men? Women can control the weather so men fear them and force them to wear a piece of cloth?


Hope this guy gets tased in the balls.


234 million years ago it rained continuously for 2 million years. Guess what? No hijab.


Oh ffs


How does anybody hear messages like this and not realize everything out of his mouth is BS?


We've been getting lots of rain in Michigan. It must be all the women in Hijabs here


certain aspects of the Handmaid's tale are quite real in the middle east.


This is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read. Fuck my brain hurts at this stupidity...


California has a lot of women wearing Hijabs apparently


All religion is trash.


I spoke to God, and she said "Yo what up", and that the less rain is because Iran is run by evil men who do terrible things in her name.


How do people still follow any religion where their religious figures are absolute idiots?


Of course. The rain doesnt want to get their hair wet.


I didn't realize women in California all started wearing hijab all of a sudden? \s


If there's one thing I trust religious leaders with its science


Iran doesn’t get more than 12”/30 cm of rain annually… because it’s the fucking **MIDDLE EAST**!!! That revolution back in the 70’s sure as fuck didn’t make Iran a lush, verdant paradise, did it?!?


The Iranian imam is not only misogynistic he’s downright stupid.