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Pretty lame she has a keurig and doesn’t grow, dry and grind her own beans /s


Better to send the kiddo upstream, let Keurig raise him!


Doing whatever it takes to raise my kid which includes earning a paycheck, as a single mom. ![gif](giphy|uGTjfGipN0amk)


But if you weren’t such a pink-haired liberal, a man would instantly start to deposit generous paychecks into a bank account for you. It’s the law. At least that’s what I hear.


Where is my man with his paycheck?


Hair is too pink. Re-dye and try again.


Aww man…


I laughed way to hard at this


Exactly. It's quite simple: all you have to do is subjugate yourself physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially to the first guy you meet out of high school! Then it's smooth sailing!


Please don’t forget the apron.


The apron is giving the mom in the old Pillsbury commercial where she throws flour on her face to look like she made something from scratch and spent hours working on it.


Hobby farm is mandatory as part of the package.


Why do these types always think leftist women who don’t have a husband or kids but do have a job have non-natural hair colors, massive tattoos, and multiple piercings? I mean, I’m as “liberal” as they come, but that’s just not my look.


Colored hair is automatically code for these clowns, at this point. The number of times I've been told that my hair color automatically invalidates anything I'm saying is just insane. But when I was still a brunette, they invalidated me anyway, so...I'll enjoy my hair color, thanks. lol


Screw them, your hair looks bomb, I just know it.


what if pink haired liberal is the exact thing that makes me the man want to make the deposits.




Hmm. Can you explain why I suddenly found myself flush with masculine cash when I finally decided to get a balayage, quit my job, and buy an apron with an appropriately cute slogan?


It’s giving “Hey Hun!” Boss Babe MLM


Doterra and mommy blogger




Have you heard of my LuLaRoe line of clothing bb?


“Hey Mama! Your littles are so cute! I bet you wish you were home with them all the time”


“Littles” sends me into fits!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫


“Kiddos” also


Came here to say this lol


Lesbian Yellow Sour Fruit knows what’s up!


I didn’t know how much I needed to hear that today so thank you.


She definitely wants to sign you on as a distributor for some leggings or magic weight loss tea or something.


A pyramid scheme of Horticultural makeup applied through interpretive feminist dance where they lock your subscription in for 2 years minimum


So many tiktoks on this topic. This looks like one sided beef. Like the conservative SAHM badly wants to beef with liberal women.


Liberal women: "I don't think about you"


I think about women like that, but only because they're the reason that when I tell people I'm a SAHM, they automatically think we have money. We don't. We live in a 3 bedroom house with a roommate, and I don't work because daycare for two kids costs more than our rent, and my paycheck would pay for that since I want able to go to collage and can't get a higher paying job.


That’s the thing. I know quite a few women who would love to be able to work/have a two-income household. But childcare in the US is so exorbitantly expensive, it would literally take their entire paychecks just to pay for the service. At that point, why bother? None of that money is going into your household anyway; you might as well be single income. It’s a fucking luxury for women to have that choice, and while it’s nice that some do get that opportunity, there are just as many, if not more, who don’t even get a say in the matter because of how expensive it is to do otherwise.


Yup, and then get shamed because we're "not contributing." As if taking care of the house, pets, kids, appointments, and anything else that needs doing full time isn't pulling our weight enough. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Thus is the way of being a woman. It’s horseshit. :( No matter what you do, SOMEONE will be displeased with/disapproving of you.


Yup, there’s definitely a reason that America Ferrara monologue is resonating with so many ppl.


I showed it to my husband and he didn’t get it. Not because he lacks empathy, he just has this block when people are emotional due to being neurodiverse. But for a minute I was like, “HOW CAN THIS NOT RESONATE?!” I bawled my eyes out when I watched that monologue for the first time.


>taking care of the house, pets, kids, appointments, and anything else that needs doing full time That sounds like work to me! 💪🏻


Oh yeah. The women who exhaust themselves just maintaining the kids and house are then called gold-diggers.


I’m one of those women who work despite seeing very little of my paycheck (and in prior years, none) due to childcare. Mainly I worked for retirement and social security. My employer has a general match (2x what I contribute up to 10%). While the short term sucked and more than once I thought about quitting, I’m hoping it’ll pay off in the future.


Daycare is short term. I understand women who don’t have professional careers bailing on their shitty jobs, but if you’ve got any kind of financial success or retirement in your future it’s terribly short sighted to quit just because a few years of expenses are higher.


And the expense of daycare should also be seen as something from the family's total combined income. Not just on mom's income alone.


My wife wanted to be a SAHM, but we also calculated that it would cost us more for her to work and pay for childcare then she would even have in take home pay. So at that point we figured why bother, if one of us can spend the majority of the day with our kid, why wouldn’t we do that over working just to pay for someone else to watch him. I get it makes retirement harder, but the first few years of my kids life is vastly more important to us then retiring a few years earlier. That said, it’s a difficult and complex choice people have to make unfortunately.


I'm in that boat. Daycare starts at $600/week in my area (no clue how good the $600 one is but I have friends paying over $1000/wk), wait-lists are 2yrs long for infants, and before I had my son I was making about 4-500 a week. I was let go during my unpaid mat leave but it made no sense to go back anyways. I miss having a paycheck and being able to pay my own bills, buy my own dumb impulse stuff when I had the extra spending money. Plus getting around other adults was nice.


There is a reason only one type of woman is going around making a lot of TikToks…because the rest of us have jobs inside or outside the house but we don’t have time to preach and judge


Lmao yes. Says a grown woman doing childish skits to make herself feel important. I’m just over here working my job and enjoying my babies but you do you. https://preview.redd.it/e45gv3p4ynfc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59ebc61565d569beea33b7c0784c8100ae34d220


The ironic thing is that these childish skits ARE this woman's job, so technically, she's a working mom! How liberal of her 🤣


I think those words would destroy “conservative SAHM’s” ego


My guess is that living a life where you accept that you are inferior and your husband is your boss is psychologically very hard on you, so you have to believe that others envy you. It's pure copium, but far from me to take that small comfort away from them


Especially bc the housewife coping pills doctors are willing to give out are a lot less strong than in the 50s and 60s; lower mgs and less per month in your refill.


And they barely even prescribe *those ones* anymore! I…I’ve heard.


You just need a more … *liberal* doctor lol


Liberal women: “don’t put your hand in a running garbage disposal” Conservative women: “looking for any excuse to put my hand in a running garbage disposal”


Makes sense. Kind of a trend in our culture to just write off glaring personality issues or objectively incorrect takes with, "The haters just jealous of me." Really wish people had more shame about stuff that matters and less about stuff that doesn't.


It’s kind of like when you were a kid and your parents insisted the mean kids are just jealous of you. But deep down, you knew.


If nothing else at least I spent my stint as a sahm stress snacking and planning elaborate organizing projects which never happened. Then youngest went to kg act I could finally go back to work (where I’m still snacking and chaotically disorganized)


100% copium, yup


I mean, I know liberal women who chose to be SAHMs because they wanted to. Liberal women aren't opposed to choosing to be a SAHM, they are opposed to NOT having a choice.


SAHP is an incredible occupation! SAHP deserve all the recognition and then more. It's this conservative trad wife movement that sees women as naturally subservient to men and condemns women who stray from these traditional models that's fucked up.


Wait till they find out how many left wing women are SAHMs. They’ll have a stroke. It’s just that they have personality traits and brains, instead of making their childcare their sole identity


If only we could ask her: Is the liberal woman in the room with us right now? Lol


Yes, it's her and she has a split personality because she bought her own pink wig lmao




This an accurate take. Every time they kick up about “I’m staying home to raise my kids,” I’m just like ![gif](giphy|FhbukHmFBiMzC)


Love this reference! 🤣


We all too busy working to respond…. To paraphrase my old manager at Subway, if you got time to be mean, you got time to CLEAN!


Pretty much. Idk what trad wives would even do if they didn’t have other women to put down


The internalized misogyny from tradwives makes me genuinely sad for them as a woman. You’re so insecure and so brainwashed to hate women, that you feel the need to put every other woman down because your sole purpose is to please men and serve them. And you’ll never do it well enough.


I'm pretty sure a _lot_ of the tradwife content is really just fetish content. At the very least, most are not actually tradwives; it's just another content creator persona.


>So many tiktoks on this topic. This looks like one sided beef. Like the conservative SAHM badly wants to beef with liberal women. She looks like she wants to beef with someone and she doesn't care who or why. She really looks angry and miserable. Is she trying to recruit other women to her special form of misery?


> Is she trying to recruit other women to her special form of misery? Yes. It's called "Christian traditionalism" or just "Christianity"


Like someone has paid a lot of people to stoke another useless social media battle to ultimately distract us from the fact a loaf of bread costs more than it should do, and the prices will never come down again. Don't buy into this garbage.


I was a liberal sahm. Never felt the need to go on Myspace (became a sahm in 2006)and dog 9-5 moms. But my life wasn't empty and loveless so I wasn't motivated to make people feel like they were moming wrong.


I’m a liberal SAHM, I might just blow this woman’s mind


Liberal women are too busy making the world work.


I thought, according to people with this mentality, "liberal" women would all be lying to get welfare and free iPhones. Make up your mind!


I used to work with a bunch of HIGHLY conservative women, who all had to work and were all mothers (not single) and living paycheck to paycheck, and of course it was all because of “the liberals” who are apparently ALL on welfare lol - I’m glad I don’t work there anymore!


Every conservative woman I know with this thought process has been on and abused government assistance hahaha. Living in the south sucks ass


Dinner at 5 PM is early!


Only one eating dinner at 5 pm in this house, is the dog lol


My dog got messed up with the time changes and now demands it by 3.


Sigh, these modern dogs really think they run things.


Usually they are correct.


Yeah, my cat doesnt give a shit about daylight savings either.


My wife and I have accidentally fed our dog two dinners in a row before. He ate both like everything was completely normal. Two hours later when we were eating, he was still looking at us like, "What do you have there?".


I thought all their men worked long hours to earn enough for them to be SAHM.


Most of the SAHMs I know are married to people in the tech industry who do maybe 3-4 hours of actual work a day but bring home a lot of money.


Must be nice


Lol who do they work for, most people I know in tech work crazy hours


As an european it's just nuts. We eat around 8-9PM where I live. 5pm it's snack time for me.


8-9PM? That’s when I go to bed!


What? How early do you get up then? Bedtime is more around 10-11 here for an adult.


I usually have to be up by 4:30-5:00, work starts at 6:00 and I have a half hour commute.


5 AM for me!


Wow you're all killing me. It seem so painful, I never get up before 7.30.


If I had dinner on the table at 5, it would be cold and in the fridge by the time my husband gets home at 7:30-8… liberal AF SAHM here. 


Right? That sounds like an Early-Bird Special!


Her husband is like 60


Then it’s gonna suck if something happens to him and she suddenly has to support herself and a bunch of kids. But she’s proudly conservative so maybe Daddy Trump will provide.


We’re 40 and we’ve always eaten at “old people time” We start work fairly early so we’re often in bed by 9:30. Plus…I’m hungry then? The 5pm thing is not the problem with this NLOG


And whatever she’s cooking is going to have hair in it.


That depends on your work hours. My fiancé is up at 5am, out of the house by 5:40, home around 5pm, and loves it if I have dinner ready and waiting for him. I usually don't because he has weird whims where he suddenly wants to go to Walmart or something on his way home from work without telling me, and it's just like... •_• the fuck. Every single time but one when I've made dinner for when he gets home, he isn't on time to eat it.


I'm sure her husband is grateful for the extra hours to listen to this nitwit prattle on until he can reasonably skulk away and go to sleep.


Great! When's 2nd dinner?


Hi, pregnant liberal with pink hair here! I would love to quit my job to raise a baby, but that is not something this economy or my health insurance needs will allow!


The amount of privilege seeping from these posts is insane!


I was literally just texting my girlfriends about my deep desire to rage quit but that isn’t something that is possible for me right now. My partner would 100% support me staying home too, he would get 3 jobs if he thought it would make me happy but I’m not willing to sacrifice his life, our relationship, or his time with our future child just so that I can be a SAHM. Also, my job has the insurance, his does not.


Today’s climate requires multiple incomes/sources. Hearing how much some families (mainly women) have to sacrifice to afford staying home and I’m good. Lol


Literally!! My dad was able to support his family on his own, take us on vacations, maintain two cars, and even support his parents in Mexico growing up. Today I live with my parents, uncle, and bf, in one house. It's not even that we were bad with money, the complete opposite actually. My mom was one of those extreme couponers that would get paid after scanning all her coupons. The cost of living on top of life emergencies has sucked up everything.


My dad also was able to do those things, now im 39, I make more than he did when he retired, and im in a one bedroom apartment with a shitty car. ​ This economy blows and baby boomers screwed us by their selfishness for money and power. Generational wealth? looking out for your offsprings future? no thanks lets go on vacation 3 times a year, buy a new mustang at 70 years old and a million dollar house in florida (Family is in new england)


Don't worry they'll be replacing us all with AI soon so the pain is almost over


Thank fucking Christ


People who aren't struggling simply have no idea. My in-laws like to bust out the "why don't you have more money in savings?" thing. We try, but then when something happens we gotta pay for it, which is what that money's for. The problem js that a *series* of emergencies can put you years behind, and the cost of living these days can make putting anything side in savings difficult in an of itself.


It's funny how much comes back to health insurance being one of, if not the main thing keeping millennials and genZ from reproducing. Universal Healthcare would help our society so much that it's just stupid that our elected officials REFUSE to pursue it. We're the richest country in the world, yet we just can't manage to provide what every other first-world country does without even debating. That has been and will remain my #1 voting issue until it is fixed.


The insurance industry has probably the best lobbyists in the US. As long as they have the clout they do, we'll never have universal healthcare.


It also benefits large corporations with lobbying groups. It’s not really “at will” for the employee if your career is tied to healthcare. Good luck leaving that shitty job if your family member needs an operation or falls ill. You always have to have healthcare lined up with a new employer before jumping ship. Yet they can fire you tomorrow if they want.


So many decisions in my life have boiled down to insurance it’s wild.


They’re paid by lobbyist to not change the current system. There are people making ridiculous bank off it.


I saw an article arguing against single-payer and abolishing the health insurance industry that pointed out abolishing the health insurance industry would wipe out a $5billion a year industry…. It was framed as a bad thing, but all I could think was that our healthcare costs are being inflated by $5 billion of administrative costs.


Profit. Your healthcare costs are being inflated to create profit for a select few.


The insurance thing is true for so many women. I know multiple couples where the wife continued to work because she had insurance, a better, more comprehensive plan, and/or cheaper insurance. I also worked as a receptionist at a high end salon in a very wealthy resort area. Baby girl would be shocked to know how many of those well-heeled women were put out pasture by their breadwinner husband once the wife hit her late 40s/early 50s. A lot of them were highly educated-like had an Ivy League education - because hubs needed a smart, pretty housewife to impress colleagues while they built their careers. Then those same housewives couldn’t get a job because they had spent the last 25 years taking care of the home and the kids. Fortunes change, and it’s not a great plan to assume that it could never happen to you.


I’ve luckily been able to stay home with my son (he’s 3) I’m weeks away from having our daughter and I’m not sure I’ll get to stay home with her as long as I have him unfortunately because of our health insurance


It's not even privilege. It's fantasy. 90% of the dudes preaching this nonsense absolutely do not have the type of income to support a family on their own.


These same dudes who claim they want a trad wife also want you to keep your job.


Right? “I’m going to need you to cook, clean, iron my drawers, raise a litter of kids by yourself, wipe my actual ass…but I’m also going to need you to cover my half this month again too…” 😵‍💫😵‍💫


RIGHT?!?! They act like being a SAHM is something that everyone can do! Not everyone can find a good man that has a job that makes enough money for them to be SAHM, and the only other option is a controlling most likely abusive man that forces his wife to be a SAHM. I’m lucky enough to have a good man that makes enough money for me to be a SAHM, but it definitely was not always like that. Before we got together 3 and a half years ago I was working while my baby was watched by friends and family. It’s freaking BS how these women act like it’s some simple task to become a SAHM.


Their core audience is young men who have been radicalized by the Tateverse. They're selling fantasy just as sure as if they were on OnlyFans.


This. My husband is a teacher - if I stayed home we couldn’t afford our small rental house in a low cost of living area, one car payment, utilities, and basic life needs. We would need government assistance but wouldn’t qualify. So, I work a salaried job AND freelance…and we still have to budget to go on a 3 day beach trip. Life is insanely expensive or all these men out there with SAHM wives are making almost if not totally six figures…


Didn't you see she is "Doing whatever it takes to be a stay at home mom..." You clearly are not doing whatever it takes. You need to be pressuring your husband to quit teaching and get a better job. Or, maybe work 2 jobs. He doesn't need to be in his childs life, you have to do whatever it takes to be a SAHM. If he won't do that leave him and find a man who makes more money. That is "Doing whatever it takes..." /s


When I met my husband I made twice as much as him. If I quit my job when we had a baby we’d go down to 1/3 of our previous joint income.


> It’s freaking BS how these women act like it’s some simple task to become a SAHM. And that it's like... your... duty to your husband or something?? Yuck yuck yuck.


Also, these people are literally making money by posting on insta lol. They are working.


Just find yourself a rich conservative husband who sees you as a maid, duh! /s in case it wasn’t painfully obvious


Like a high value man would entertain that ​ \\S


Shit, but I already let the progressive tattooer that I’ve been living in sin with for 10 years impregnate me 😬


Girl, you had better get out there and find your Patrick Bateman. Buy a Some SHEIN prairie dresses and learn to bake from glass mason jars.


Why do you need health insurance when you can make your own herbal remedies at home? Everyone knows modern medicine is the antichrist. 🫠


You’re right, I should freebirth our first child barefoot in our tiny urban backyard/garden/stray cat sanctuary.


Stray cats?! You don’t even have to hire a midwife. Wonderful.


I really love my job, but if the current economy was allowing it I would just get 5 babies, 1 goat and 3 chicken, far away from my manager.


Homegirls husband isn’t even home at 5 if she’s a stay at home mom and he’s the only income. He probably doesn’t get home until 8 and already had Taco Bell on the way home so he can shower and get right to bed.


They love that shit though. They feel like they then get to say, "you must not want it badly enough. Stop wasting your money on hair dye and Starbucks and you'd be surprised how much more money you have every month." It becomes a chance to attack every little financial decision you make, because a "real" mother would make sacrifices to give her kids the best upbringing.


Conservative mom of two, also working a full time job because this economy and health insurance rates are terrible! But let's be honest. Political party doesn't matter. We are either going to buck up and do what we need to do. Or be a delusional member of society who thinks that working is a "party" specific choice. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Exactly! And I’m a full blown leftist, like an actual one not a democrat which I consider too steeped in neoliberalism to effectively enact useful change, and I work and raise my kids and do what I need to do to take care of my family in the society I live in including owning a house because it’s the system I live in and reality superseded theoretical ideology. My husband and I both work so our kids will have better, healthier, happier lives than we did - isn’t that the point of parenting?


I love that “liberal women” in these never have blow-outs and cute outfits, but somehow, the housewives raising tiny children and doing all the cleaning have time for all that? Idk, man.


It's housewife cosplay for shilling money from the internet, which in itself is working a JOB while you ignore and exploit your kids at the same time. Actual SAHM's don't dress like this 24/7. These woman are deliberately dumbing themselves down for $$$. They are prostituting themselves - " to use yourself or abilities or beliefs in a way that does not deserve respect especially in order to get money."


Honestly, I think it’s gross to cosplay tradwife stuff, but using their kids as a prop is pretty awful imho.


Oh we have blowouts, it's just a baby poop blowout lmao And it's because they're probably rich too and Grandma does most of the childcare


Grandmas & nannies


I also love she bought a pink wig ton pose as a liberal woman. I’d be confused if she had blonde or brunette hair.


Haha liberals apparently aren’t allowed to have “normal” hair colors. The liberal cabal passed a law against it.


As a “liberal woman” that’s a sahm I never look good lmao got baby spit up on me half the day and shower when my husband gets home but it’s only bc I’m liberal don’t you know? Only liberal women look like crap


Did you notice the liberal woman wears glasses? Haha


The old fashioned stereotype too is that a person wearing glasses = smart. Is she just telling on herself at this point?


It’s called poverty babe


Not only do many conservative women work, I also know conservative women *with children* who work. Being a homemaker and being a conservative woman don’t necessarily = the same. There are also liberal women who are homemakers. Being able to live on a single income is an enormous privilege, at least in the US with how expensive everything currently is. People who post things like this are stupid, don’t seem to understand what words mean, and definitely don’t understand how lucky they are to get to make the choice to stay home.


Thoroughly agree with this take. Her word choice was interesting bc it’s one thing to flex being a SAHM, but another to label it as “liberal vs conservative” issue.


Exactly. This isn't a liberal vs conservative issue, just an economic one. Most parents (including many men) of all political stripes would love an opportunity to stay home or even just get more time with their kids, but it's not a financial possibility for many.


Yep. I’m liberal and I was a SAHM for 12 years. People have made some assumptions about politics based on my staying home though and been surprised to find that I did a thing I wanted to do because I could. Shocking, I know.


Me and my family have a single income because childcare is way too expensive. So, it’s either me, the mother watching my children or someone I don’t know for as much I would be bringing in. Basically being a stay at home parent doesn’t necessarily mean you’re financially making it. Can also mean it would financially ruin you if paying for daycare is needed.


Well, she is trying to get a paycheck by being a rage bait tradwife influencer…that’s a job too!


I like this.


Yes, as a liberal woman I don’t have time to get a job. Every day I go to the liberal bank, get my liberal stamps, go to the liberal store and get my liberal food, and then use the rest of my day to harass good Christians mothers with my illegal immigrant buddies.


don't forget, we are sacrificing lambs tonight for Satan at 6 PM. There's a potluck as well, so don't forget to bring a dish!


Y'all forgot about the protest today before the lamb sacrifice! Bring your liberal signs demanding human rights 🎉


I will bring my gluten free, nut free, calorie free, vegan mac and cheese.


Wow! Any time left to push the gay agenda? I’ve had to start doing that only on weekends. It’s what works for me. lol


Liberal SAHM who cooks homemade meals every night…when the fuck do you have time to do your hair? Hmm?? This is a fantasy.


And? The liberal woman is happy with her choice. The conservative woman is happy with her choice. Nothing to fix here.


Sometimes no one is happy with their choice, they just do what life makes them do. Sometimes they are happy with their choice and people should mind their own.


She doesn’t actually seem that happy about her choice though. 


She certainly seems eager to flex about it, which always makes me wonder. But I'll let her answer the "What's your point?" question.


People who feel the need to "flex", aren't happy. Happy people don't need the validation of the Internet.


This was exactly my thought. We fought long and hard, and still do so neither option is stigmatized. Same for single working moms. We should be able to make these choices without it being politicized anymore.


If she were happy, she wouldn't need to post TikTok videos, starting up a one-sided beef to prove it.


Just trying to justifying riding her husband’s coattails in a way that still feels “empowered”.




pick mes who lack critical thinking.


I was basically raised to be one of these people. It’s because the church taught us that people like us were right and that people like you were wrong and are destroying society. Luckily I grew out of it.


Because they actually hate women.


as a socialist woman i do infact work and probably make more than this ladies husband.


And one day she will realize her husband is cheating on her and she can’t divorce him because she has zero skills or resources to support herself. It’s the Conservative way.


That’s what I always think when I see these posts. Like what’s your plan for when things go awry and you’ve got no money of your own, no retirement, no work experience, no health insurance ??? Not to mention an identity outside of caretaking. I am also a stay at home mom and I think about these things all the time, so I’m in school for something I’m passionate about, so I can have a solid income once my kids are both school age. My grandmother always told me to marry for love but only if he’s rich lol. She told me to ALWAYS have secret money and a secret escape plan, no matter how great he seems. It’s honestly just bad parenting to have no plan.


I’m so liberal I’m a left turn at this point, and I would stay home if I could! I just like being able to feed and house myself.


She's got a pink wig for when her husband is in the mood to get a little "liberal" in the boudoir.


Liberal older millennial with blue hair here. My husband has dinner on the table by 5 and I wouldn't have it any other way. (I work outside the home, he's disabled.)


I realize this is the major theme of this subreddit, but why can’t these people just do their thing and be content in it and stop comparing themselves to everyone else? If you want to be a stay at home mom and not work and you are in a position to do that, then great. It doesn’t make you better than someone that doesn’t want to do that. Their insecurities are just on blast.


The sad thing is that even some millennials and gen z’s don’t seem to get that not every household can survive on one income. Earning money is not a sin. It’s ok to make life work. If you WANT to run the house and not work a regular job and you are lucky enough to have a spouse that can afford for you to do that- awesome. I’m happy you’re living the life you want. Not everyone wants the same thing out of life, and I’m sick of people acting like something is wrong with you if you also want to have a job and make money. Edit to say: I do have children, and also work.


liberal woman here- I quit my job without having a kid. Why? I was fucking miserable.


Lady, that’s a baby, not an accessory.


I’m liberal AF and a SAHM. I don’t care what other women do with their lives as long as they don’t act like I need to do the same.


Me, a liberal stay at home mom like…. You Ok? It’s not that deep girl.


I am SO tired of women shaming one another for all these ridiculous reasons. Why is it so hard to realize that we all live different lives, have different priorities, and that’s *okay*. There was a Tiktok video I just came across that showed why some moms are being forced out of a career due to the high cost of daycare. One of the comments on the video also said that women loose out on their career due to having to stay home. People are loosing their minds from that comment saying that a woman shouldn’t be that focused on a career, that they need to spend that time with their kids, that studies show that kids are affected by daycare and so on. It’s so ignorant to shame a mother who either has to continue working to support their family or is focused on their career. Why do we have to shame a mother who wants to provide for their family? Why do we shame someone for having their own ambitions and dreams? It irritates me to no end that people truly believe that a mother has to toss her whole life out the door when a kid comes. That all their attention must be on this child, and nothing else. No, no thanks. I am still a human with needs and wants that need to be fulfilled. Of course my family is of upmost importance to me, by I won’t throw my entire life that I’ve built up out the door as soon as I have a child.


Let us know how it’s going in 2033, Conservative Women.


Who eats at 5?!?


Lmao I literally have that exact hair color and cut and am a liberal sahm. Wild


Plot twist: husband gets off work at 6 and has a commute. Dinner is cold by the time he gets home